M. Rades and D.J. Ewins - Analysis of FRF Test Data Using The Pivoted QLP Decomposition

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Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia


Test, Analysis, Correlation and Validation

Governo Regional da Madeira

Proceedings of the Conference




Loja Atlntico


x/ F
80 120


225 990 625 460

Frequncia Hz

Edited by: Nuno M. M. Maia Jlio M. Montalvo e Silva Antnio M. Relgio Ribeiro

3 5 June 2002 Funchal, Madeira PORTUGAL


Index of Papers


Mircea Rades 1 David Ewins 2

Catedra Rezistenta materialelor, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Splaiul Independentei 313, 79590 Bucuresti, Romania. 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BX, U.K.

SUMMARY: The paper presents the use of the Pivoted QLP Decomposition to analyse measured compound FRF matrices. The diagonal elements of the matrix L are used as a reliable rank estimator. The columns of Q form an alternative set of orthogonal response functions called Q-Response Functions (QRFs). The frequency dependence of QRFs is used as a new mode indicator function, the QCoMIF, which in many applications outperforms the indicator functions in current use. Modal parameters are extracted by SDOF analysis of selected peaks of QRFs. The method is illustrated on two FRF data sets measured on the GARTEUR SM-AG19 structure.

KEYWORDS: pivoted QLP decomposition, orthogonal triangularization, QR Mode Indicator Function, QResponse Functions, frequency response functions, identification of modal parameters.

INTRODUCTION Pivoted orthogonal triangularization is emerging as a useful analysis tool in modal testing. Applied to measured Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) it provides an alternative parsimonious description of frequency response data, being less expensive and more straightforward than the singular value decomposition. The main objective is to replace the measured set of FRFs by a reduced set of uncorrelated Q-Response Functions (QRFs) containing (almost) as much information as there is in the original FRFs. The pivoted QLP decomposition [1] is an extension of the pivoted QR decomposition with better rank-revealing properties. For a matrix A, it is an orthogonal triangularization of the form A=QLP=(orthogonal) (lower triangular) (orthogonal). The diagonal elements of L tend to track the singular values of A, so they can be used to reveal gaps in the latter. The columns of Q and P represent orthonormal approximations to both the left and right fundamental subspaces of A.

PIVOTED QLP DECOMPOSITION OF THE CFRF MATRIX Consider the test data measured in the form of N complex valued FRFs, sampled at N f frequencies, and stored columnwise into a single Compound FRF (CFRF) matrix, A C Nf xN . Each column, a j , of A contains the frequency-dependent entries of an individual FRF, measured at a given output/input coordinate combination.


The pivoted QLP decomposition of the CFRF matrix can be written

where = Q , Q L = P, P R



L and R are permutations, Q has orthonormal columns, P is unitary, L is lower triangular and the superscript H denotes the conjugate transpose. The diagonal elements of L are called L-values of A. The pivots R are related to Q, and the pivots L are related to P. The algorithm of the pivoted QLP decomposition consists of two applications of the pivoted QR decomposition, first to the matrix A A R = QR , then to the conjugate transpose of the upper triangular matrix R (3)

R H L = PLH .


The pivots R and L are permutations to order the diagonal elements of R and LH, respectively, in the descending order of their absolute value. Substituting R = L LP H into A = QR H R one obtains equation (1). = A = QR full rank, if S = R 1 , the columns of Q are For A R qk = . where a j are the columns of A ). Note that the Generally, the QRFs (columns of Q) are linear combinations of the FRFs (columns of A multiplying factors s jk are complex valued. The transformation from FRFs to QRFs amounts to a rotation of the coordinate axes, represented by the original FRFs, to a new coordinate system with mutually orthogonal axes, represented by the uncorrelated QRFs. Thus, q 1 is along a 1 , q 1 and q 2 are coplanar with a 1 and a 2 , q 3 is orthogonal to q 1 and q 2 and so on. The QRFs form an orthonormal basis for the column space of the CFRF matrix.

s jk a j


are partitioned accordingly and Q If rank ( A) = N r and matrices P

= (P P 1 Nr ) P 2 N Nr = (Q Q 1 N ) Q 2 N Nr (6)

then the pivoted QLP decomposition can be written in the partition form H L11 0 P Q 1 A= Q 1 2 L H 21 L 22 P 2 where L11 is of order N r . The full-rank approximation of A , of rank N r , is ~ H. A=Q 1 L11 P 1 (8)



The L-values tend to track the singular values of A, so they can be used to reveal gaps in the latter. If the singular values of A have a gap at N r , the diagonal entries of L will generally exhibit a well-marked gap at N N .
r r

Practically, N r is determined by tracking the variation in magnitude of the L-values. Plotting the ratio of the magnitude of successive L-values, the rank of L, hence of A, is set to the index of the diagonal entry for which the ratio is a minimum. The pivoted QLP algorithm performs also better than the pivoted QR decomposition, where the associated Rvalues (diagonal entries of R) tend to underestimate the large singular values and overestimate the small ones.

MODE INDICATOR FUNCTIONS The QRF Componentwise Mode Indicator (QCoMIF) The QCoMIF is defined [2] by vectors of the form QCoMIFi = diag I N f q iq iH . between a column vector of ones and the Hadamard product of the QRFs


where I N f is the identity matrix of order N f and q i is the i-th QRF. It can be computed as the difference

QCoMIFi = [1] q i q * i.


In (10) the star superscript denotes the complex conjugate and denotes element-by-element vector product. In the QCoMIF plot, the number of individual curves is equal to the estimated effective rank of the CFRF matrix. Each curve has local minima at the natural frequencies, with the deepest trough at the natural frequency of the corresponding dominant mode. For each mode of vibration, visual inspection of the QCoMIF diagram allows locating the curve where the respective mode exhibits the deepest minimum. The natural frequency and the damping ratio are then determined by SDOF circle fit of the Nyquist plot corresponding to the dominant peak in the diagram of the respective QRF magnitude against frequency.

The QRF Aggregate Mode Indicator (QRMIF) The QRMIF is defined as [2] Nr QRMIF = diag q i q iH . i =1


where qiqiH is the projection matrix onto the direction of q i and the sum extends over a number of QRFs equal to the estimated rank of A. QRMIF is an aggregate of vectors of the form

QRMIFi = diag q i q iH = q i q * i .


It is a single-curve mode indicator function, very useful for noisy data and for structures with high modal density. Different QRMIF curves can be plotted for different values of N r . In the following, the QCoMIF and the QRMIF are compared with two currently used mode indicator functions, the MIF [3] and the ImMIF [4]. The latter have peaks, respectively troughs, at frequencies where the forced response is closest to the monophase condition.


GARTEUR SM-AG19 TESTBED RESULTS The pivoted QLP decomposition and the new mode indicators were tested on two FRF data sets. In the following they will be referred to as UNMOD for the unmodified GARTEUR structure, as reassembled at Imperial College, London, and MOD2 for the structure modified by a mass added to the right wing tip. Excitation DOFs 101z 111z 12x 201y 301x 303z 105x 112x 12z 201z 301z 5x 105z 112z 1z 205y 302y 5z 108z 11z 201x 206z 303x 8z

Response DOF: 12z Fig.1: The measurement locations The experimental data-base consists of 24 complex valued accelerance FRFs, measured using single point hammer excitation at 24 arbitrarily selected locations (Fig.1) and acceleration measured at the right wing tip. Measurements on the Unmodified Structure The UNMOD data set spans a frequency range from 0 to 100 Hz, with 0.125 Hz frequency resolution. Selecting the frequency range 5 to 90 Hz, the CFRF matrix is of size 601x24. From the pivoted QLP decomposition of the CFRF matrix, the diagonal entries of the L matrix are indexed in descending order. In Fig.2 the upper diagram is a plot of magnitudes of the L-values versus their index, normalised to the first one. The lower plot shows the ratio of successive L-values. The minimum at N r =11 indicates the effective rank of the CFRF matrix. The QCoMIF plot, computed using the first 11 QRFs, is shown in Fig.3, revealing at least ten modes of vibration. Subplots correspond to individual QCoMIFs with the index shown on the left. There is a cluster of three modes around 35 Hz. The third mode of vibration (first in the cluster) is marked by a deep minimum in the fourth subplot. The fourth mode (second in cluster) is located by the trough in the first subplot. The fifth mode (third in cluster) is marked by the deep in the sixth subplot. This illustrates the ability of QCoMIF to locate relatively close modes.

Fig.2: L-values for UNMOD

Fig.3: QCoMIF for UNMOD

The single curve QRMIF and its complement 1-QRMIF are displayed in Fig.4, computed for N r =11. They locate nine from the total of ten modes of vibration with frequencies within the considered frequency range, failing to locate mode 3 in the cluster at about 35 Hz.


For comparison, the MIF [3] and ImMIF [4] plots are presented in Fig.5. Apart from not showing mode 3, like QRMIF, the peaks in MIF or troughs in ImMIF at the natural frequencies of modes 5 and 6 are blurred, while fake spurious modes are indicated beyond 70 Hz.

Fig.4: QRMIF anf 1-QRMIF for UNMOD

Fig.5: MIF and ImMIF for UNMOD

Table 1: Modal parameters for UNMOD Natural frequency, Hz 6.55 16.60 35.01 35.29 36.52 49.49 50.78 56.42 65.03 69.72 Damping ratio, % 4.04 2.63 0.9 1.97 1.24 2.16 0.57 0.45 2.21 0.57

Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

QRF 8 10 4 1 6 5 11 9 4 7

Description 2N wing bending Fuselage rotation Antisymmetric wing torsion Symmetric wing torsion 3N wing bending 4N wing bending Inplane wing vs. fuselage Symmetric in-plane wing bending 5N wing bending Tail torsion

Table 1 lists the natural frequencies and damping ratios for UNMOD. The index of the QRF used for modal parameter identification in each case is given in column 2. Examples of circle fit parameter identification are shown in Fig.6. For example, because mode 4 is clearly marked by a minimum in the first subplot from the QCoMIF (Fig.3), its modal parameters are determined from the diagrams of the first QRF. Indeed, the magnitude versus frequency plot (first row, first column) exhibits a prominent peak at about 35 Hz. The Nyquist plot for the frequencies in the neighbourhood of the resonance peak (first row, second column) is almost circular, indicating good mode isolation for single-degree-of-freedom circle fit analysis. The natural frequency is located at maximum rate of change of arc length with frequency [5]. The modal viscous damping value is calculated as the arithmetic mean of two values, one determined using the two measured points chosen next to resonance, indicated in figure, the other determined using the next close points below and above resonance. Mode 1 is clearly marked in the eighth subplot in Fig.3, so that its modal parameters are determined using the eighth QRF (second row in Fig.6). Analogously, mode 8 is analysed based on the 9th QRF, while modal parameters of mode 10 are determined from the 7th QRF. In all cases, the decision on what QRF to choose for analysis is based on the inspection of the QCoMIF plot.


Fig.6: QRF magnitude plots and SDOF circle fit of QRFs for UNMOD


Measurements on the Wing Modified Structure The MOD2 data set spans a frequency range from 0 to 200 Hz, with 0.25 Hz frequency resolution. Selecting for analysis the frequency range from 5 to 160 Hz, a CFRF matrix of size 621x24 has been used.

Fig.7: L-values for MOD2

Fig.8: Overlaid QCoMIF curves for MOD2

The L-value plot is shown in Fig.7. The distinct minimum in the lower diagram indicates a rank N r =17. The overlaid QCoMIF curves are presented in Fig.8

Fig.9: QCoMIF for MOD2


The individual QCoMIF curves are displayed in Fig.9 revealing 17 modes of vibration, with 10 modes having frequencies between 5 and 80 Hz. Note the cluster at 35 Hz, and the close modes at 50 Hz, but also the reduced frequency resolution in this case. The single-curve mode indicators QRMIF and 1-QRMIF are presented in Fig.10. For comparison, the MIF [3] and ImMIF [4] plots are shown in Fig.11. The latter fail to locate the close modes.

Fig.10: QRMIF and 1-QRMIF for MOD2

Fig.11: MIF and ImMIF for MOD2

CONCLUDING REMARKS Based on the new measurements on the GARTEUR SM-AG19 Testbed, the paper shows how the Pivoted QLP Decomposition can be used for modal parameter identification from a restricted and non-optimal data set. It is a pleading for the use of two new mode indicator functions, the QCoMIF and the QRMIF, to determine the number of modes present in a given frequency range. Based on the information density of the data set, they have a different physical background and in many applications outperform the commonly used MIFs, developed to locate frequencies where the response is close to the monophase condition. Basically, the orthogonal triangularization of the CFRF matrix separates the system response into incoherent components. Its aim is to replace the measured set of FRFs by a reduced set of uncorrelated QRFs. Analysis of isolated peaks in individual QRFs yields accurate modal parameters using simple SDOF identification procedures.

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