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is a Process Everybody Must Encounter

Prepared By: Teacher Joy

Lesson 7
The word define came from a Latin word definire, from de- + finire to limit, end, from finis boundary, end. It is a transitive verb that means to determine, identify, discover, and to set forth the meaning of a word. There are several ways on knowing the meaning of a word; from a dictionary, an encyclopedia, internet, thesaurus, and Encarta. These resources will give you the information on what the meaning of the word is.

How to write a definition essay?

definition essay is an essay concentrated on the e!planation of the meaning of a definite term. The term may be analy"ed from the position of one and only meaning and also from the position of sub#ectivity of the person defining the term. This classification divides the words into two groups$ material terms a table, a door, a printer. spiritual terms friendship, love, honor, pride.

Writing a definition essay

A good definition essay is required to have a strong statement in which the point of view of the author on a certain term is revealed. Ordinarily, the term is given the general basic definition stating the dictionary definitions must be only a start for the authors unique definition of the term. In order to make a definition essay better it is necessary to find a definition of the term that corresponds to the opinion of the author. The definition is always given in own words and specifies what meaning of the term is to be analy ed.

Three gold rules for writing a good definition essay


and where should not be used in a good definition. A noun is defined through a noun, a verb through a verb, ect. The definition should never copy the dictionary definition but is supposed to be unique reflection of the authors opinion. The best way to explain the definition is to use simple language.

Structure: definition essay format

The basic structure of a definitions essay consists of the thesis statement, e!amples to reveal the term from the necessary side and the author%s final restatement.

Sample Essay on Courage Definition

Example of Definition essay, Sample Paper

Courage Definition Essay

Courage. What feeling arise in our hearts when we hear this word? Admiration, respect, fear or may be...nothing. This word has a very long history and its origin is from the Latin word coraticum. The root cor means !heart!. Lately, after the world entered "nglish through #rench it was completed with an "nglish suffi$ %age, which e$presses action or the result of action. &o literally it means an action that comes from a heart , other words it is a noble action. 't what sense is this word used by contemporary people? The main interpretation of the usage of this term is % to describe people who have a (uality of mind that allows them to face danger without fear, which is also often referred to as bravery or boldness . This word it mostly used when tal)ing about man for from its original it is considered to be more of a manly virtue. The definitions of this word are numerous, but since the world around us changes the definitions change, too. #or instance, if we tal) about the liberty of word we can define courage as the the person*s ability to say what he thin)s on this matter . Courage is a magnificent word. #or many people ris)ing or giving one+s life for others is probably the highest e$ample of courage. This is an action that will always be deeply respected by other people and touches every single one of us to the core. What about everyday courage? Can certain devoted actions made by ordinary people in ordinary situations be considered to be courageous? 's courage measured by physically giving someone*s life away for somebody? 's it courage when a person reconciles from the death of the loved one? ,r is courage living with a handicapped child? -ean.Louis &ervan.&chreiber does a great /ob in depicting these two different )inds of courage and gives an easy way to define them as0 !courage to die! and the !courage to get up in the morning.! This will be different for every person but sometimes a person who is ready for a real courage, courage to die cannot be strong enough to face the everyday one. 'f we try to base our discussion on this we come to the conclusion that courage cannot me measured from a sense of significance . We can say that courage is being strong even though you are afraid, but on the other hand it is ta)ing ris)s without )nowing the future result. 1ravery, heroism, valor, spirit, boldness, firmness, persistence, fearlessness, determination % these words can all be view from a point of being synonyms to the word courage. This word is a combination of these words and has a deeper meaning...

Essay Writing

TOPIC : Say My Na e!
Tell the story on how you got your name. &ho gave it to you and how they thought of that name. 'rab a dictionary or any form of material that could give you the idea of your name%s meaning. Tell the background of your name, it%s origin, and it%s symbol. (ollow the ways on how to make a definition essay. sample essay is given above as a guideline in making your own.

TOPIC : Hange"#!
'ive the origin of the word )Hangeul. &rite a short history of this word, as well as the meaning of the word. *ake use of different resource book to gather information. +on%t copy what is written from the book. Try to e!plain things using your own words. ,ou may give e!ample in order to e!plain it better.

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