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is a Process Everybody Must Encounter

Prepared By: Teacher Joy

Lesson 10
Process Essay
A process is a systematic series of actions, steps or stags directed to some end. The procedure is ordinarily described inside out. A process essay needs to be informative and it should be able t tell the reader what kind of process will be analyzed in it. It is vital to accent on the most important fixed steps of the process. It must be detailed enough to the point that the readers have no time or chance for asking questions. In order to do so, the author should provide basic process background information of the sub ect matter.

Writing a process essay

!riting a process essay requires a lot of work to be done. A good way to make a process essay logical is to choose a correct number of steps within the process and the difficulties of each step.

Introduction "ody #onclusion

leaving Another factor to mention is the true meaning of this process and its everyday life application. Therefore the reader learns in which spheres he can later apply the knowledge of this process. The thesis statement is always the final sentence of the introduction). (In the introduction the author reveals the basic aim of the process out specific details. Basic background information is also provided.

The amount of body paragraphs depends on the amount of process stages. Therefore the body is a guide to how to carry out the procedure. Each step or stage should have its specific purpose the reader needs to understand. All the stages need to be presented in a logical order making one paragraph for each stage. The stages also should include all the necessary details for the procedure including e uipment and the stage!s main difficulties).

The conclusion paragraph reveals the result of the process. It is also offers a thesis restatement to reinforce the significance of the procedure.

Process essay format Here is a sample outline:

I. II. Introduction Body A. Stage I 1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 B. Stage II 1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 Stage III 1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3




Language Points"

Suggested transition words to lead readers through your essay

Process essays are generally organized according to ti e. They !egin "ith the #irst step in the process and proceed in ti e until the last step in the process. It$s natural% then% that transition "ords indicate that one step has !een co pleted and a ne" one "ill !egin. So e co on transitional "ords used in process essays are listed !elo": One time Transition TIME After a few hours, Afterwards, At last At the same time, Before Before this, Currently, During Eventually, Finally, First, !e"ond, #hird, et"$ First of all, Formerly Immediately before, Immediately following, Initially, In the end, In the future, In the meantime, In the meanwhile, Last, Last but not least, Lastly, Later, Meanwhile, Ne t, !oon after, %reviously, !imultaneously, !ubse&uently, #hen, Another time

$. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate how to do something. %. The audience&&assume they no nothing of the process you are describing. '. (rder the stages chronologically, and be sure to thoroughly explain the steps involved in each stage. ). *xplain the purpose of a stage or a step when necessary. +. ,ake sure the process is complete. -. "e sure to define new or unfamiliar terms. .. !arn your reader of difficulties in the process.

Essay Writing
TOPIC : Monarchs Life
!rite about the life cycle of a butterfly. Take note of all the guideline mentioned above. /se the transition words to state hat something is already changing to another step or process. 0ook at the picture below to know what comes first and last.

TOPIC : Cycle of salmon

This is a common excise in making an essay the life cycle of he salmon is almost always given as an example to perfectly imply the process of something. 1ow it2s your turn to do it.

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