Top 8 Alternative Sights in Paris by CityTripPlanner

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Alternative Paris Top 8 Forget about the Eiffel Tower

If you are planning to be one of the 27 million people that visit Paris each year and its your first time in the city, its important to know which of the French capitals many attractions are truly worth experiencing. These 8 are our top picks:

8. Put On Some Rouge and bring your wallet

The worlds most famous cabaret, the Moulin Rouge, is still going strong after more than 120 years in the business, and its owners have worked hard to combine modern entertainment values with classic fin de sicle ambience. That said, prices for many shows are very 21st Century, i.e. not cheap. Marked out by the unmistakable and iconic windmill on its roof, the famous cabaret of the Moulin Rouge has had pride of place on Pariss Boulevard de Clichy in Pigalle since it was founded in 1887. Lauded by visitors to the city for decades and even having a movie themed around it, it remains a popular attraction for many looking for a late night in 16me.

Tradition & Innovation

While today, people flock to the Moulin Rouge because of its legendary status and the traditions of performing arts it represents, this Parisian institution was founded at a time of huge cultural and social change. The exuberance of the Belle Epoque in France at the end of the 19th Century and the atmosphere and draw of neighbouring Montmartre contributed to the development of a unique venue: a loud, over-the-top venue in which Parisians from all walks of life would rub shoulders. The dance revues that it pioneered spread across the world, as did the legendary can-can which was born from its shows.

Seeing A Show
If youre looking to take in one of the Moulin Rouge cabaret shows, do yourself a huge favour and book your tickets well in advance. While there are shows taking place almost every day of the year, demand is such that they often sell out. You can book your seats for a show with or without dinner either via the official website or through a reliable booking agent, such as Viator. The current Ferie show is a fresh take on the venues traditional performances, though the can-can still makes a welcome (if a little cheesy) appearance! Be warned, however: the enduring popularity of the shows at the Moulin Rouge and the general cost of entertainment in Paris has made getting tickets particularly pricey. If you can find tickets for less than 100! each, youve uncovered a true bargain.

7. Investigate Caf Culture

Few things are more inherently Parisian than a coffee and pastry in one of the citys thousands of cafs, even if it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the gems from the tourist traps. Caf Charbon on Rue Oberkampf and the Amliefeatured Caf des 2 Moulins near Blanche metro are two of our favourites.

The caf lifestyle is at the very heart of everyday life in the French capital, and taking time to grab a coffee or glass of wine in a Parisian caf should be as essential a part of your trip as would be a visit to a pub on a day in London. No matter where you head in the city, youre guaranteed to stumble across more than one establishment in which to relax and take in the ambience, but what if you want to sample the cream of this amazing citys proverbial crop? Fear not, as CityTrip Planner knows some of the very best cafs Paris has to offer.

Picture Perfect
Caf des 2 Moulins near Blanche metro is perhaps one of the most pictureperfect Parisian cafs, part of the reason that it was used in the movie Amlie, though this place of pop culture pilgrimage does attract quite a few tourists. Another establishment which provides glamour and ambiance to those seeking shelter from the city is Caf Charbon on rue Oberkampf; the charming rouge, wood and mirrored glass also sets the mood for more lively affairs in the evenings, when coffee is exchanged for more intoxicating beverages.

Haute (Caf) Couture

Alongside the escapes of your average Parisian or casual visitor are some institutions which set a slightly higher standard (and whose refreshments come with a higher pricetag). A visit to the Caf de Flore on Boulevard St-Germain, for example, will likely set you back more than a trip to your average caf, not least due to its age (it was first opened in 1885) and its history of famous patrons, including Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. The Caf Beauborg near the Pompidou Centre on rue Saint-Martin also manages to maintain a good quality menu, drinks list and ambience despite its proximity to a major tourist attraction. If you really feel like splashing out, the Caf du Trocadro (Place Trocadro et 11 Novembre) has plenty on offer to put some pressure on your credit card, as well as a great view of the Eiffel Tower.

6. Stroll Down The Seine

The lifeblood of the Paris, the River Seine is an attraction all in itself, with caricaturists and other artists ready and waiting to sketch passing tourists in exchange for a few euros. Its also a more picturesque way to travel through the city, especially in the summer look out for the Batobus between the Eiffel Tower and Champs-lyses. Just like the Thames, the Tiber or the Danube, the Seine is the lifeblood of the city through which it flows. Unlike some other capital city rivers, however, it does not merely indicate the bounds of recommended exploration; rather, it is a line which one should cross several times on a visit to be ensured of taking in the best of Paris.

Le Batobus
Especially in the summer, one way to sightsee and travel through the city is to navigate the Seine by Batobus. A portmanteau of bateau (boat) and bus, this wide, open shuttle runs between the Eiffel Tower and Champs-lyses. A more picturesque alternative to navigating the city by Metro underground, tickets are

15! for a single days travel, with two- and five-day passes available at heavily discounted rates.

Riverside Entertainments
One of the classic riverside sights, the banks of the Seine have long been home to artists willing to sketch a portrait or caricature of passing tourists for a few euros (or, once upon a time, francs!). If the weather is good enough, taking in the ambience of the city by strolling along the river is always a worthwhile idea; if the skies are clear, the sight of dawn breaking across the city is particularly beautiful from the river.

The Isles of the City

In addition to what goes on along its banks, the Seine is also unusual in that some of Pariss most-visited attractions are completely surrounded by its waters. The two small islands in the middle of the river, lle de la Cit and le SaintLouis, are essential stops on most visits to Paris. The former is the traditional centre of Paris and site of its old city, the Pont Neuf (the oldest new bridge in the city!) as well as the famous cathedral of Notre Dame. The smaller le Saint-Louis is primarily residential, though its lack of major tourist attractions makes it an ideal section of the city to visit if youre simply looking for a quiet, atmospheric stroll. It also harbours a number of excellent cafs and ice cream parlours, not least the famous Berthillon (29-31 rue St Louis en lile).

5. Check Out LArc De Triomphe

Commemorating those who lost their lives in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, this literal triumphal arch is the true Parisian icon for the French. As well as seeing the monument itself, watching the sideshow of drivers trying to navigate the roundabout is always entertaining! One of the French capitals most iconic monuments, this grand triumphal arch at the centre of a roundabout on Place Charles de Gaulle remains one of the citys most popular sights for visitors from France and further afield. It is the central and most famous of three arches which form the axe magnifique, the others being the Grande Arche at La Dfense and Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel at the eastern end of the Jardin des Tuileries.

Honoured Memorial
Commissioned in 1806 by the emperor Napoleon I just two decades after the Revolution, though not completed for thirty years due to ongoing political turmoil in France, the archs primary purpose is to commemorate the lives lost during the Napoleonic and Revolutionary Wars. It also houses the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier who fought and died during the First World War.

Military History
The reliefs and sculptures upon the arch itself can sometimes be overlooked by visitors due to the imposing nature of the monument, yet these impressive works of art deserve as much attention as their canvas. The four main sculptures represent peace, triumph, resistance and volunteer soldiery, while six reliefs depict a range of important battles and military events from the Napoleonic Wars.

The names of various French military leaders and victories are also inscribed on various parts of the arch.

A Parisian Panorama
While some visitors to the Arc de Triomphe are content to grab a photograph and check out the sideshow that is so often the traffic flow around the structure, many choose to ascend to the top of the arch itself. It might only be 50m tall, but the views from atop the monument are no less remarkable than those from more traditional observation points like Montmartre and the Eiffel Tower, the views down the Champs-Elyses and up the Avenue Charles de Gaulle being worth the climb alone. A lift is on offer for elderly or disabled people, but most will have to contend with the stairs, so be prepared for a small climb! - See more at:

4. Climb Up To Montmartre
Famous for its cemetery and church of Sacr-Coeur, the hill at Montmartre offers stunning views across the city. If you dont fancy climbing the steps of the Rue Foyatier, theres always the metro and funicular railway to the top! While some areas of Paris have lost their sheen slightly or sought to create a new, forward-looking feel for a 21st Century city, there remain some parts of the French capital which still embody the classic Parisian style and ambience. The hilltop district of Montmartre is one of these classic Parisian areas, and a climb to the top should be an essential part of the itinerary of any visitor. Of course, if you dont fancy climbing the steps of the Rue Foyatier, theres always the metro and funicular railway to speed you to the top!

Situated in the 18th arrondissement in the northern part of central Paris, Montmartre is easily identifiable from a distance by the distinctive shape of the church of Sacr-Coeur, which sits atop this 130-metre hill. 2014 will mark a full 100 years since the basilica was completed, so dont be fooled by its classical and Byzantine themes. Entrance is free from 6am to 11pm daily, so dont be fooled by anyone outside who might try to extort any kind of involuntary donation from you.

Cimitire de Montmartre
The districts cemetery is also one of its most-visited locations. While it is smaller and less well-trodden than the massive Pre Lachaise in 20me, it still welcomes those who wish to pay their respects at the final resting place of luminaries such as Degas, Dumas and Berlioz. There is more to the Cimitire de Montmartre to names on tombstones, however, and the monuments, sculptures and memorials within are just as much of a draw as those who are interred there.

La Fourmi

Montmartre was historically located outside the city limits and therefore not subject to municipal taxes, a factor which contributed to its rise as a popular drinking spot during the early 19th Century. The citys boundaries might have changed, but at night the districts bars and nightclubs still attract partygoers from across the city. La Fourmi (74 rue des Martyrs, just down the street from Pigalle metro station) is one establishment which, despite its popularity, remains welcoming and accessible to outsiders. Unlike some other watering holes nearby, a drink here wont cost the earth. - See more at:

3. Pay Your Respects At Notre Dame

This stunning Gothic cathedral was completed in 1345 and remains one of the worlds most beautiful. The large courtyard out front does host live music from time to time, but usually offers plenty of space to get some amazing photographs. Entry into the interior is, of course, free of charge. One of Pariss most famous structures and the centre of religious life in the city since the 14th Century, the stunning Gothic cathedral of Notre Dame was completed in 1345 and remains one of the worlds most beautiful. Situated on lle de la Cit in the middle of the River Seine, which flows through the French capital, this legendary building attracts many of Pariss 33 million annual visitors. As you step through the doors of Notre Dame, you are entering a building which was conceived over 850 years ago, with the cornerstone having been laid in 1153. The iconic Western facade and towers were not completed until the mid13th Century, but since then it has represented the highest seat of religious power in France.

Gothic Cathedral in the middle of Paris

As you might expect for a building that has been in place for such a long time, Notre Dame bears the scars of many of the most notable historic events to affect Paris over the past few centuries. Many of its treasures were stolen or destroyed during the French Revolution of the late 18th Century when many Catholic cathedrals across France were rededicated as Temples of Reason. The same era saw the beheading of the churchs statues of the kings of Judah, when they were mistaken for French monarchs (the recovered heads are on display at the Muse de Cluny). The stained glass windows of the cathedral have also changed, some of them having been replaced due to damage sustained from bullet fire during the Second World War. To plan a trip to Paris which includes a visit to Notre Dame, visit today!

Long lines in the summer months and around christmas

Visiting this magnificent building is usually surprisingly straightforward, considering its popularity. Its doors are open to all free-of-charge from 7:45am to 6:45pm daily, though obviously entry might not be as straightforward during services. The summer months and specific festival seasons such as Christmas,

Easter and Assumption, may also see the necessity for a short period of queuing before one can visit the cathedrals interior. The area around the cathedral is especially charming in its own right, as is lle de la Cit in general, so be sure to take a stroll around the building if you have the opportunity. The large courtyard at the western end of Notre Dame is the focal point for visitors, as well as the location of the entrance to the catacombs beneath. - See more at:

2. Shop In St-Paul
As the Champs-lyses filled with high-end retailers, it lost a lot of the ambiance which once made shopping in Paris a tourist pastime in itself. Fortunately, the Village St-Paul in Marais has retained its character, with antique shops, florists and patisseries standing out amongst an eclectic mix of independent stores. Click here for more information. Indulging in a spot of retail therapy in the French capital has always been a popular motivation for city breaks to Paris. Sadly, the locations that have been traditional destinations for casual splurging, such as the area around the Champs-Elyses, have lost much of the charm that made shopping in Paris such a pleasure. Fortunately, there is still hope for those seeking to spend a few Euros in this wonderful city, and St-Paul is one of the bastions thereof.

Le Village St-Paul
Nestled among the tall terraced buildings of Marais in the 4me arrondissement, Le Village St-Paul is the area surrounding a short series of connected courtyards running parallel to Rue St-Paul, which itself runs from the Seine opposite lIle St. Louis up to Rue Saint-Antoine on the border between 3me and 4me. A quaint, rather low-key locale almost secreted away from the rest of the city, those strolling through the area would likely be surprised to know that a royal residence stood here for two hundred years in from the 14th to 16th Centuries: lHtel de Saint Pol. Mercifully for those who abhor anything overly extravagant, the village is free of any of the bright, gaudy scenes which are on display in the haute couture areas near the Champs-Elyses.

Hunting For Curios

Le Village St-Paul is best-regarded for its antiques and curiosity shops, and there are plenty of interesting objects up for grabs which are sure to become talking points with pride of place in your home. A short stroll through the area will see you stumble across plenty of these stores with little effort, though the silverware of Cassiope on rue Charlemagne bears special mention. There are also several small galleries in the Village where you can buy or browse at your leisure.

Cafs and Bistros

The area around St-Paul is particularly rich in effortlessly cool, welcoming places to sit, relax and recharge. Traditional French brasserie fare is on offer at places like Pomme Canelle, but theres a surprisingly diverse range of cuisines on offer in and around the area, from Japanese to Sardinian. Of course, you need not

feel guilty about spoiling yourself on your holiday, so dont be afraid to check out one of the neighbourhood patisseries! - See more at:

1. Visit the original statue of liberty

When youre trying frantically to make the most of your time in a new city, it pays to take a step back and give yourself a few moments of tranquility, and the Luxembourg Gardens are a great place to do just that. Plus theres the first original statue of Liberty, which is only a fraction of the size of the famous gift of Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom.

Former Royal Garden

At one point in its history, what is now the second-largest park in Paris was a restricted area, owned by and for the exclusive use of the royal family. Shortly after the Revolution, the park became public property and was expanded to include land confiscated from the Carthusian monastic order nearby. Today, it remains close to political power, acting essentially as the garden of the French Senate which is housed in the Palais du Luxembourg to the north.

A Refuge For Parisians

The gardens are remarkably well-maintained, as you would expect with such pride of place in central Paris, with a balanced mixture of curated areas and just regular trees and grass. While it is understandably most frequented during the summer months, it is a popular destination all year round, especially with hardy joggers who brave all weather conditions to work up a sweat in these beautiful surroundings.

Sculpture On Display
Aside from the obvious draw of the green space that the Jardin provides, it also acts almost as an outdoor gallery in this classicly cultured city. The park is notable for the significant number of statues scattered throughout, including works by Prault, Blanchard, and an early model of the Statue of Liberty by Frdric Bertholdi. The other most notable artistic feature on display is the Medici fountain, parts of which are almost four hundred years old, and which has stood in the Jardin for two centuries Brought to you by If you like this content please share or See more at:

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