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Happy new year!


VOLUME 94 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2014 Greetings from Fr. Chuck
We all tell the story of God by how people experience us day to day. When people see us, they see in us the part that we play in Gods story. Gods story is one of good news. Its mysterious. Its about love. Its seen in the Gospels, its seen in us. So, what story are you sharing? I am calling this to your attention as we come to the new year 2014. It has been said that we might be the only gospel some folks will ever read. You may be the only sermon that some will ever hear. My prayer for all of us is that they will look at us and see the good news in action. What will people see in you this coming year? Will it be a message that exhibits the cold of 10 degrees that we are experiencing this morning or will it be one of the unseasonable warmth that they are calling for on Friday ? Will you respect the dignity of all or will you write off and be disrespectful of those who are different? Will people choose to be in your presence or will they run at your sight? Again, what will people see in you this coming year? Its that time for New Years resolutions and just perhaps we can adopt a new way for those to clearly hear and see how much Gods story has transformed us. This just might be the year to shower others with kindness and warmth. It could be an opportunity to build stronger relationships with other church members. Or this could be a year for us to reengage in our desire to learn more about our faith by attending Christian education opportunities. Perhaps you have always wanted to take on a caring ministry and now you can decide to make a passionate effort so others will see your commitment to God and His church. Or maybe it is time to just take on your own personal relationship with God and deepen your own faith journey. Can you teach and old dog new tricks? Yes, and we can be transformed and made new. We can develop Christian qualities in our own personal journey and as a faith community to build each other up. People are hungry to be a part of Gods story. And you and I play a part in witnessing to this story as we care for one another and our communities. What story are you sharing about God in your life?

Moving from Christmas to Epiphany Together When you read this, we Through the majesty, will still be celebrating the twelve mystery, and awe of Advent, days of Christmas. A time of Christmas, and Epiphany, we intimacy between God and us, long for encounters with God. Gods people. During this time we And then on January 6th, are nurtured both in we begin the season of Epiphany. community and in solitude. We begin the season with As Gods presence is made known among us, we are affirmations of Jesus identity called to respond, sometimes with a baptism and The Spirit with fear, sometimes with marking the beginning of Jesus confidence, and always in awe public ministry.

and expectation. Within our faith community, we are shaped and equipped to make meaning of Gods presence among us. Our faith community relationships help us to affirm and reflect upon the experience of Gods presence. We go into the community to serve and proclaim the good news, together.


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January Bir thdays

3 Cheryl Loomis 4 Robert Michael Murray; Alek Squires 5 Justin McGrain; Terry Woodard 7 Mallery Stone 9 Anna Snow 12 Kimberly Harris 15 Gloria Scottie Decker 17 Karen Sullivan; Sabrina Carnachan 19 Logan Adsit; Stephen Turner 20 Laurel Wiltbank; Ruth Stiess 23 Ashley Murphy; Rachel Loomis 25 Lindsey Jenkins 26 Helen Murray 27 Jean McDowell; Matthew Gladstone 28 Michael Murray, Jr.; Ruth Mason 29 Matthew Murray 30 Aidan Sullivan 31 Tracey Adsit Davis

Altar Flowers for January January 5 In loving memory of Mary Jean & Martin Jacobi from their family. January 12 Mr. & Mrs. Kent Turner in memory of Mary & James Kent; Louisa Kent; Katharine & John Turner; Stephen Turner. January 19 Jacqueline Kreiner in memory of Daisy & John Kreiner; Theresa & Lawrence Kreiner January 26 In thanksgiving for Emmanuel Churchs Annual Meeting Please consider donating flowers for the Altar. (Please call the Church office [334-8801] and check for future open dates to schedule a date to give flowers.) PLEASE SEE LISTING IN THIS PUBLICATION FOR CHRISTMAS 2013 PLANTS/FLOWERS.

January Lessons
For The Epiphany ~ January 6 1st Lesson Isaiah 60:2-6, 9 Psalm 72 2nd Lesson Ephesians 3:1-12 Gospel Matthew 2:1-12


1st Lesson Amos 3: 1-8 Psalm 139: 1-17 2nd Lesson 1 Corinthians 1: 10-17 Gospel Matthew 4: 12-23 1st Lesson Micah 6:1-8 Psalm 17:1-18 2nd Lesson 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Gospel Matthew 5:13-29


1st Lesson Isaiah 42:1-9 Psalm 89:1-29 2nd Lesson Acts 10:34-38 Gospel Matthew 3:13-17 1st Lesson Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-10 2nd Lesson 1Corinthians 1:1-9 Gospel Matthew 3:13-17


Interested in being a lay reader? If so, please call the church office at 334-8801 or let Fr. Chuck know. Come and serve your church!


Great caravans of camels will come, from Midian and Ephah. Isaiah 60: 6

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Please pray for these people as you say your daily prayers:
Immediate Needs: Alexandria Fink; Mark and Deb Hitchcock; Mercer Smith; Harold Palmer and Nancy Karaman; Ashley and family; Tom Cook; Kris Smith; Jamie Bley; Pearl Mundy; Megan Viera; Nita Robinson; Levi Fink; Pat; Rosalie Goodwin; Kathleen Canning; Baby Jax; Rose; Joseph Wehner; Jeanette; Kim Hughes; Lori; Vivian Marie Miskell; Barbara Prentice; Vicki; Philip Marshall; Kathy; Julio; Jim Berch; Esther Hughes. Continued prayers: Jesse Welch; Elaine Sharki; Cynthia Tefft; Kelly Jo Nial; Chuck; Helen Gibbon; Donald and Shelly Christensen; Mary Lou Christman, Patrick Ford and family; Mariba Chmielewski; Sue Neill; Dale Denning; Jonathan Crean; Jon Austin; Michael & Nancy Gibbon; Ray Hart; Janet Kloda; Kim Antrim; Frank Giglio; and for Jill Hawley who is serving our country in the armed forces. Those in Nursing Homes or Homebound: Don Austin; James Haynes; Virginia Keech; Betty Nolan; Katherine Porter; Betty Shorter.

Please remember these parish families in your prayers:

January 5 to January 11 Lance Henderson; Ilene and Ray Herrington; Barbara Higley; Deborah & Mark Hitchcock. January 12 to January 18 Karen & Rick Ingraham; Victoria Kappel; Nancy Karaman & Harold Palmer. January 19 to January 25 Devin, Savanna, Belinda & James Keator; Russell Ketch. January 26 to February 1 Carrie Sue LaCoe; Joyce & William Lawrence; William, Tyler, Karen Banks-Lindner & Richard Lindner.

Ecce Agnus Dei Latin for Behold, the Lamb of God, this is the phrase John the Baptist used twice to point out Jesus to others. (John 1:29, 36). It marked Jesus Epiphany as the Anointed One (Christ, Messiah)

Celebrating Epiphany
Epiphany, from the Greek word epiphaneia, means an appearance or manifestation. Christians celebrate this festival each year on January 6, the 12th day after Christmas. Epiphany ends on Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins. Epiphany marks the coming of the Magi, or wise men, to worship the baby Jesus. Because the Magi were Gentiles, Epiphany symbolizes the first recognition of Christ by non-Jews. Its a reminder that Christ came as the light and Savior of the whole world. The traditional color for Epiphany is green, indicating life, growth, hope and eternity. Symbols for the season include a light, candle or star; a crown or three crowns; three gifts; and a globe. In the modern church, Epiphany has become a time to focus on reaching out and showing Jesus as the Savior of all people. Its also a reminder to engage in Christian community and to heal divisions among Gods children.


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Thank you, Linda DeLong! We Wish You a Long & Enjoyable Retirement.
Linda Delong, our Administrative Assistant, has recently announced that she will retire at the end of January. Linda has been with Emmanuel for twenty-five years. She began as the bookkeeper and then she assumed the responsibilities as parish secretary with the title of Administrative Assistant. For twenty-five years she has been the familiar face you find upon entering the office and the voice that you hear on the phone. She has quietly and faithfully gone about the business at hand with professionalism and compassion. She has been a dedicated friend to the whole parish. We appreciate all that she has meant to Emmanuel and we wish her much happiness in her retirement!

All Men/All Girls

When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks. After we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, And all girls. This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, Kelli, why do you always add the part about all girls? Her response, Because everybody always finishes their prayers by saying All men! Submitted by Pat Lindau

Our Daily Bread Food Closet It is the beginning of a new year! And, time to fill the Food Pantry after the Holiday season. Each Sunday in January is designated for an item that is badly needed. Money donations are also greatly appreciated. If cleaning out your cupboards is on your agenda, the Food Pantry can use the items. January 5 peanut butter January 12 paper goods; hygiene products January 19 coffee; hot cocoa January 26 fruit juices (64 oz. size) [i.e. apple, grape, etc.] The pantry is also in need of hygiene and paper products (i.e. soap, toothpaste, deodorant, female hygiene products, laundry soap, paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex, etc.).
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING A VOLUNTEER or maybe even assisting a PANTRY COORDINATOR? If you would like to be a part of this ministry in any capacity, please speak with Fr. Chuck.

The CHRISTIAN FORMATION CLASS (Sunday SchooL) , under the direction of Lynne Walton, participated in our December 22nd Worship with their presentation of Josephs Dream ~ A story from the Gospel, Matthew 1:18-25, where Joseph had a dream in which the angel told him to take care of Mary. They also brought forth the gifts which they had made for Christmas to be donated to the Chenango Memorial Hospital, for any sick or injured child, to be blessed. (Pictures of gifts on Page 7).

Nicholas, Brandon, Matthew

Samantha and Liam with box of gifts made to be blessed.

Liam and Samantha with message God with Joseph

Matthew at Lecturn, Nicholas & Brandon with message God with Mary

Sunday School Classes in January will be : January 5, January 12, January 19 and January 26.

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This recipe is for a delicious pastry for breakfast, brunch or Coffee Hour: (Hint! Hint!) SWEDISH KLINGLER (originally this recipe was published in a cook book from The Place and was submitted by Linda Gregory) 1 cup flour 1/2 cup margarine (or butter) 1 tablespoon water 1 cup water 1/2 cup margarine (or butter) 1 cup flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup margarine (or butter) and 1 tablespoon water like pie crust. Pat on large cookie sheet in 2 long strips 3 inches wide. Heat one cup water and 1/2 cup margarine (or butter) to boiling. Remove from heat and add 1 cup flour and stir until smooth. Stir in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each egg. Add extract and spread on crust mixture. Bake 55 to 60 minutes in 350 oven. Frosting: 1 cup powdered sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 teaspoon almond extract cream maraschino cherries nuts (chopped)

The Outreach Commission of Emmanuel is offering (and sponsoring) their fourth FREE Community Dinner on Thursday, January 9th at 5:30 p.m. The plan is working well to hold a FREE dinner for the community on one Thursday evening per month. The dinners for the following few months in 2014 will be: February 13, March 13, April 10, and May 8. There will be one sitting only for each of the Thursday night meals. All participants are encouraged to come early to socialize and get a seat! Charlie McMullen, the chief chef, is doing a great job.

Mix powdered sugar , butter and almond extract . Add enough cream to make the right consistency. When pastry is cool, spread frosting on crust. Decorate with maraschino cherries and nuts. Cut in slices and Enjoy!

Have you signed up for coffee hour yet?

Coffee hours have been rather hit and miss during this busy Advent and Christmas season. Now that the new year is upon us, would you be willing to host a coffee hour on Sunday morning ? The job is not overwhelming and you can even join with another person to host a Sunday together. Check your calendar and sign up for the Sunday that suits you best. A sign-up sheet is on the doors in the Parish Hall near where the coffee is served . Although the RECIPE CORNER segment of the monthly newsletter, The Messenger has managed to survive the last few months with recipes submitted at the last minute for publication, the prospect looks dim for future publications. With only a couple of recipes remaining in the file (actually recipes best suited for the summer months), unless you have favorite recipes to submit, this segment of the monthly newsletter will probably have to remain silent for a while. So, please, consider sharing a recipe of yours for others to try out and enjoy! Should you have any favorites, please contact the Church office and let us help you share them. Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for this segment of The Messenger, please do not hesitate to contact the Church office.

Charlie McMullen and part of his crew

Kudos to all the volunteers as well!

Just a few of the volunteers from the December 12th dinner.

It is a goal of the outreach commission to get the word out to the public about this dinner program, so if you would like to help with the promotional aspect, please see Fr. Chuck or contact the Church office. If you would be interested in being a part of this outreach program for the community and would like to assist, please contact the Church office or Fr. Chuck.

The Messenger
Emmanuel Episcopal Church The Very Reverend Charles Taylor (Fr. Chuck) PO Box 203 Norwich, NY 13815 Phone 607-334-8801 or 847-6361 Email: Editor: Linda DeLong Phone: 607-334-8801 Email:



We welcome you to worship with us!

Mark your calendars: ANNUAL MEETING January 26, 2014

The 182nd Annual Parish Meeting ~ Sunday, January 26 Worship at 9:30 a.m. followed by Special Coffee Hour and the Annual Meeting
Come and hear some ideas for the future and cast your vote in electing the new Vestry Members and Warden. Come and hear about building/grounds items and news about what has been completed and what is still in the works. Come and see, come and hear, come and celebrate a new year with worship and fellowship at this years Annual Meeting beginning with Worship at 9:30am. All Parish groups, commissions, and ministries please have your written report into the Parish Office no later than Monday, January 20th, so we may reproduce them for the meeting!

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