ORG Dev Change

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. I. AIM OF T HE COURSE Change is inevitable, it is constant, it is everywhere. Change is a necessary condition of survival. Change is one of the hot organizational topics. One of the reasons why most change programs f ail is the human f actor. T hey f ail because leaders cant handle change properly and because people resist. People resist, because they dont understand, they dont know, and they are not involved. T he knowledge and skills in change management are critical not just f or top managers and change agents, but f or all employees. T he higher awareness of change principles within an organization, the higher probability f or change ef f ort to be successf ul. T hrough a better understanding of why, who, when and how to change, employees might be more supportive to change programs. And we need each and every employee to make change happen. T he main goal of the course is to have students understand the way organizations and change work. T he intention is to have students supporting rather than resisting inevitable changes f acing Slovak businesses. T he new approach will make their lif e easier as there is no escape f rom change. We live the time and the region when and where the is really everywhere. Its intensive and signif icant. A lot needs to be done (and changed) to catch up with the western world. Another goal f or the course is to have students understand regional specif ics of corporate restructuring in post-communist Central European countries. Concluding on the goals, graduates of the course will be able to: take initiative in making things happen, lead organizational changes, cope with change, understand how change is made in Central Europe.

T he syllabus is the learning contract between the f acilitator and the students. We all will agree on the course content. We might even split responsibility f or managing the course, f or example, assign a webmast er, assign responsibility f or communication with guest speakers, etc. T he contract shall be signed (last page of syllabus). It will oblige us to f ulf ill what we have promised to each other. II. ROLE OF T HE COURSE IN T HE OVERALL DEGREE CURRICULUM T he School of Management at Comenius University is the premier business school in the country. T he country needs more people understanding and being able to manage change. To manage change successf ully, one needs training. T his course is the training. T he course is in line with other courses delivered by the department of general and human resources management. T he related courses are: Innovations management, Quality management, Strategic management, Human resources management, Ef f ective leadership, Project management, Business ethics and some others. III. MET HODS USED T here will be two sides to the course: theory and application. T he theory will always be conf ronted with real lif e situations presented either through literature or personal presentations of guest speakers. Methods used: Lectures combined with class discussions Individual assignments: one critical analysis and two essays Team assignments: action research and learning

Executive dialog: hosting executives

Individual assignments T here will be 3 assignments: essay on a selected topic (see topics below), critical analysis of a selected paper (see papers below),

es s ay on the topic: What shall I do to become a (more ef f ective) change agent? Design the principles of a self -development plan. All papers should be 5 normal pages long. T he f irst essay should list at least 10 literature resources. Essay topics: What can I do to help my company change? (For those already employed.) Why is it that dif f icult f or local companies to change? What is the role of consultants in the change process? When does knowledge-management become a management f ad in Slovakia? Does it pay to write a management book in Slovakia? How to motivate top managers to carry out the change program? How to design management systems supporting change? What are the principles f or outsourcing in local businesses? Why 2/3 of corporate transf ormations f ail? How to cope with resistance in specif ic local business environments? How to develop Slovak managers more ef f ectively? Managers vs. owners how the relationship should mature? Can local managers withstand global competition? What are the pitf alls of adult learning? Making managers of communist bureaucrats. Why do local managers f ail? Organizational culture the competitive disadvantage of local companies? T he role of power and politics in managing change. Why do local companies not benchmark? Why do management f ads f ail?

Papers f or critical analysis: All papers are f rom the Harvard Business Review. T he human side of management, T homas Teal, Nov-Dec 1996 Strategy as revolution, Gary Hamel, Jul-Aug 1996 Building your company vision, James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras, Sep-Oct 1996

Reaching and changing f rontline employees, T. J. Larkin and Sandar Larkin, May-June 1996 Why do employees resist change?, Paul Strebel, May-June 1996 What holds modern company together?, Rob Gof f ee ad Gareth Jones, Nov-Dec 1996 T he ways Chief Executive Of f icers lead, Charles M. Farkas and Suzy Wetlauf er, May-June 1996 T he work of leadership, Ronald A. Heif etz and Donald L. Laurie, Jan-Feb 1997 Strategy as a portf olio of real options, Timothy A. Luehrman, Sep-Oct 1998 Leadership when there is no one to ask: an interview with ENIs Franco Bernabe, Jul-Aug 1998 Af ter the layof f s, what next?, Suzy Wetlauf er, Sep-Oct 1998 How to kill creativity?, Teresa M. Amabile, Sep-Oct 1998 What makes a company global?, Bruce Kogut, Jan-Feb 1999 Driving change - an interview with Ford Motor companys Jacques Nasser, Mar-Apr 1999 Managing oneself , Peter F. Drucker, Mar-Apr 1999

Competing with giants survival strategies f or local companies in emerging markets, Niraj Dawar and Tony Frost, Mar-Apr 1999 From spare change to real change, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, May-June 1999

Changing leaders the boards role in CEO succession, Jay W. Lorsch and Rakesh Khurana, MayJune 1999 T he right way to restructure conglomerates in emerging markets, Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palepu, Jul-Aug 1999 Turning goals into results: the power of catalytic mechanisms, Jim Collins, Jul-Aug 1999 Why good companies go bad, Donald N. Sull, Jul-Aug 1999

In critical analysis argue f or the paper you agree (min. 3 arguments) and against the paper you disagree (again min. 3 arguments). Action learning project Students will work in teams of 4-5 f or the clients - partnering organizations. T he working problem will be selected by the companies, should be of strategic importance, and course relevant. Action research approach will be applied, when students f irst conduct the research to diagnose organization and then suggest and implement action(s), which will be again consequently measured by the research. Teams will work f or real clients. Clients need to be willing to devote extra time to cooperate with the student teams, to talk about their real problems and to expect results f rom the students. Af ter presentation of the problem by the organization, students submit the project proposal, which once approved by the organization will be carried out. Progress reports will be submitted in the middle of the semester and f inal reports at the end with f ollow up proposals. Project results will be presented at the company to the project steering committee. Teams should work as close to internal employees as possible. T hey may become the members of internal project teams, take part at company meetings, etc. T he goal is to attain maximum involvement. To get closer to real-world issues, the course alliance with another business program may be f ormed (ex. with WEMBA - Weekend Executive MBA program). Graduate students will be combined with MBA students, who are business executives. Almost everyone works harder and improves f aster if he gets f eedback on his perf ormance. Every team will thus be responsible f or administering its own perf ormance evaluation system. T he perf ormance appraisal will examine each members contribution in 4 areas:

Teamwork: contributes to group perf ormance, draws out the best f rom others, f osters activities moving group toward task completion. Contribution to knowledge and learning: ef f ectively understood, utilized, and demonstrated knowledge of course materials. Individuals perf ormance will be evaluated at the end of the course. Each team member will evaluate all his colleagues on the team. T his peer f eedback and evaluation will count f or 15% of the total grade. Another 15% of the team assignment will be evaluated by the course f acilitator in accordance with the steering committee according to the f ollowing criteria: Quality of logs and reports (originality and brilliance of ideas). Integration with organization and management theory (links to course concepts). Completeness of the proposed steps f or implementation. Creativity (in content and/or f ormat). Quality of presentation (organization of argument, writing style, and so f orth). Initiative and dependability: f ulf ills responsibilities on time and according to expectations of group. Quality of output: oral and written reports.

Executive dialog T hree business executives will be invited to share their experience: Slovak CEO of major local company undertaking successf ul transf ormation. Foreign CEO (not Slovak resident) or top manager of f oreign company (f rom V4 country pref erably).

Management consultant f rom either local or international company (pref erably organizations like A. D. Little, McKinsey & Company, Andersen Consulting, etc.) IV. EVALUAT ION One team assignment, three individual assignments, and a f inal written exam will be evaluated according to the f ollowing scale: Grade A: 100% - 90% Grade B: 89% - 76% Grade C: 75% - 60% Fail: 59% and lower. T he f inal grade will be a weighted average percentage achieved f rom all three grade components, which bear the f ollowing weights: Team assignment: 30% (peer f eedback will be half of it), Individual assignments: 30% (3 assignments, 10% each), Final written exam: 40% To get a credit, one needs to take part at the lectures and seminars. For each missed seminar one needs to submit one more paper. V. COURSE CONT ENT Seminar #1: Why?!

Why change is inevitable? What are the reasons f or change? What are the change drivers both global and local? What is going on in the world and how changes are ref lected within the region? Seminar #2: Action research Students will be motivated to spend a considerable amount of time doing the research, while working f or their clients. FM UK doesnt provide a social research methodology course in its curriculum. As the teams need to master the social research methodology, this seminar will help students to design their business proposals (research part) f or the companies. Seminar #3: Understanding organizations T h e organizational models and principles will be discussed: organizational theory, goals and ef f ectiveness, lif e cycle and culture. Furthermore the management f ads and their change f rameworks will be discussed: T QM, BPR, turnaround management, learning organizations, knowledge management, etc. Seminar #4: Organizational diagnosis T h e initial step in managerial problem solving is problem and opportunity identif ication. To correctly diagnose the problem is to solve half of the problem. Jay Forrester said: While most people understand f irst - o rder ef f ects, f ew deal with second- and third-order ef f ects. Unf ortunately, virtually everything interesting in business lies in f ourth-order ef f ects and beyond. Organizations are quite complex systems and many times it is not easy to understand the ultimate source of the problem. But there are the tools: organizational models, f rameworks f or analysis and how to conduct organizational audit will be discussed at this seminar. Seminar #5: Change process Change has its dynamics. T he 5Ws of change will be answered at this seminar (Who, When, Where, Why and hoW). What are the organizational structures f or delivering change? What are the steps in the change process, what milestones to plan? How change really works? Seminar #6: Change toolkit T h e individual strategies f or change will be the subject of this seminar. T hey will be categorized, explained, analyzed and discussed. T he f ollowing strategies are examples: outsourcing, downsizing, delayering, benchmarking, BPR, training and development, perf ormance appraisal systems, compensation systems, teambuilding, work redesign, M&As, divesting, cutting costs, etc. Seminar #7: Other change infrastructure T he closing seminar on change management theory. T he f inal components will be discussed: power and politics, resistance, leadership and change agent. Seminar #8: Management development When it comes to the question who is responsible f or managing organizations and their ef f ectiveness, one answer is obvious: the management. Local managers have serious discrepancies compared to western managers. Unless they develop, one cant expect organizations they manage to develop. Management development is thus a major critical success f actor to organizational development. How to develop managers and what are the specif ics of Slovak managers will be discussed. Seminar #9: On the future of organizations New theories and f orms of organizing are emerging almost constantly. What are the emerging trends af f ecting organizations (learning organization, virtual organization, knowledge management, etc.)? What are the f actors determining how the organizations will look like (speed, complexity, uncertainty, autonomy, etc.)? T he rest of the seminars will be external speakers and presenting students projects. VI. READINGS T he official course textbooks

Cummings T homas G., Worley Christopher G. (1993): Organizational development and change, West Publishing Company (f if th edition) Handy Charles (1994): Understanding organizations, Penguin Books

Recommended readings Hammer Michael, Champy James (1993): Reengineering the corporation, Harper Business Kanter Rosabeth Moss (1989): When giants learn to dance, Routledge Boston Consulting Group (1998): Perspectives on strategy, John Wiley and Sons Nonaka Ikujiro, Takeuchi Hirotaka (1995): The knowledge-creating company, Oxf ord University Press Chawla Sarita, Renesch John editors (1995): Learning organizations, Productivity Press T he Drucker Foundation: (1997): Organization of the future, Jossey-Bass Publishers Drucker Peter (1993): Managing for the future. The 1990s and beyond, Plume Penguin Kets De Vries Manf red (1995): Organizational paradoxes, Routledge Co o p e r Robert, Sawaf Ayman (1996): Executive EQ Emotional intelligence in leadership and organizations, Perigee Business Peters, Waterman (1982): In search of excellence Senge Peter M.: The fifth discipline. The art and practice of the learning organizations, Doubleday Currency Kirby Philip J, Hudges David (1997): Thoughware Change the rethink and the organization will change itself, Productivity Press Tushman Michael L., OReilly Charles A. III (1997): Winning through innovation, Harvard Business School Press Hambrick Donald C., Nadler David A., Tushman Michael L. (1998): Navigating change,Harvard Business School Press Mintzberg Henry, Quinn James B., Ghoshal Sumantra (1999): The strategy process, Revised European edition, Prentice Hall Co llins James C., Porras Jerry I. (1997): Built to last successful habits of visionary companies, HarperBusiness Ko zminski Andrzej K.: "Catching up? Organizational and management change in the ex-socialist block"; State University of New York Press Grove Andy: Only the paranoid survive and other books written by the f ollowing authors: John Kotter, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Charles Handy, T homas Davenport, Peter Drucker, Peter Senge, Kets de Vries, Noel Tichy, Tom Peters, Chris Argyris, Henry Mintzberg, etc. T hey all are most renowned management thinkers. Recommended periodicals T h e f ollowing business periodicals publish works on organizational development and change management. Both resources are leading-edge institutions: Harvard Business Review McKinsey Quarterly Recommended newspapers

As political and economic news will be discussed throughout the course, it is necessary to f ollow both local and international news. T he f ollowing resources are recommended: Domino Frum (in Slovak lang., politics weekly,) T REND (in Slovak lang., economics and politics weekly) Business Central Europe (in English lang., business and politics monthly) T he Economist (in English lang., politics and economics weekly) VII. NOT ES ON COURSE ORGANIZ AT ION Funding To deliver a high quality course, extra f unding f rom sponsor(s) will be necessary to cover the costs of the program (materials, travel, copy, printing, Internet, etc.). Course web site Syllabus, assignments, lecture outlines, links to relevant web sites, students works, etc. will be available at the course web site. A Course project management manual will be developed prior to the course. It will describe in more detail how students should approach the teamwork and projects they were assigned. T he manual will describe how business proposals, progress reports, activity journals, budgeting and cost reporting, f inal report, f ollow-up proposal, etc. should look like. Student journals (experiment) Students should keep a journal to explore their values and to express their f eelings. It will provide the instructor with insights into the level of students comprehension of conceptual materials. (T his will be a course experiment and the use of this method will be decided prior to the course.) crc . syllabi collection . alumni syllabi . international management .

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