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List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2



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List of idioms start with C

Idioms by alphabet Click on the alphabet to view idioms starts with selected alphabet.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Change up
Meaning : Put in ahigh gear

Changed colour
Meaning : Turned pale

Changed hands
Meaning : Became someone else's property



List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2

Chapter and verse

Meaning : Full and precise reference to authority

Charley Horse
Meaning : Stiffness in the leg / A leg cramp

Chase rainbows
Meaning : Someone who is chasing rainbows is trying to get something they will never obtain

Check in (at)
Meaning : Register one's arrival

Chew someone out

Meaning : Verbally Scold Someone

Chew the fat

Meaning : If you chew the fat with somebody, you chat in an informal way about unimportant things

Meaning : Cowardly

Chicken out of something

Meaning : If you chicken out of something, you decide not to do something because you are afraid.

Chime in
Meaning : If you chime in, you interrupt or join a conversation, especially to repeat or agree with something 2/8


List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2

Chip on his Shoulder

Meaning : Angry today about something that occurred in the past

Chop and change

Meaning : If you chop and change, you constantly change your opinion, plans or methods and often cause confusion.

Chow Down
Meaning : To eat

Clean slate
Meaning : A clean slate is a record of your work or actions that does not show past mistakes and allows you to make a fresh start

Clear out
Meaning : Leave and not return

Clear something up
Meaning : Solve by removing doubt

Clear the air

Meaning : If you decide to clear the air, you try to remove the causes of fear, worry or suspicion by talking about them openly.

Clinch a deal
Meaning : In a business relationship, if you clinch a deal, you reach agreement on a proposal or offer.

Clip someone's wings

Meaning : If you clip someone's wings, you do something to restrict their freedom. 3/8


List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2

Close but no cigar

Meaning : This expression refers to an effort to do something which was a good attempt but not quite good enough to succeed.

Close the books

Meaning : Stop taking orders, end a bookkeeping period

Close to home
Meaning : If a remark or comment is close to home, it is so true, or it affects you so directly, that you feel uncomfortable.

Cock and bull story

Meaning : Idle invention, Made up story

Coining money
Meaning : Making money very rapidly, earning large sums easily

Cold calls
Meaning : If you make cold calls, you telephone potential customers from a list of people you do not know.

Collect one's thoughts

Meaning : If you collect your thoughts, you try to think calmly and clearly in order to prepare yourself mentally for something.

Come a grief
Meaning : To suffer

Come across
Meaning : Be understood clearly 4/8


List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2

Come along
Meaning : Hurry

Come apart at the seams

Meaning : To say that someone is coming apart at the seams means that they are extremely upset or under severe mental stress

Come back
Meaning : Return a rebuke in rude manner

Come down on someone

Meaning : Criticize

Come Hell Or High Water

Meaning : Any difficult situation or obstacle

Come in handy
Meaning : To say that something may come in handy means that it may be useful some time or other.

Come into one's own

Meaning : When you come into your own, you receive the credit or recognition you deserve.

Come of it !
Meaning : Stop talking nonsense

Come on strong
Meaning : Overwhelm with excessively strong language or personality

Come to a head 5/8


List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2

Meaning : If a problem or difficult situation comes to a head, it reaches a point where action has to be taken.

Come to blows
Meaning : If two or more people come to blows, they start to fight.

Come to grief
Meaning : If someone or something comes to grief, they have an accident, are destroyed or end in failure.

Coming to the front

Meaning : Attaining prominence, becoming conspicuous

Cook something up
Meaning : Invent

Cook the books

Meaning : illegally change information in accounting books in a company

Cooking the accounts

Meaning : Preparing false accounts

Meaning : Neat, special, wonderful

Cool it!
Meaning : Calm down

Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning : If something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive! 6/8


List of idioms start with alphabet 'C' Page no . 2

Crack down on something

Meaning : If the authorities decide to crack down on something, they enforce the law by taking severe measures to restrict undesirable or criminal actions.

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