History of World Trade Organization

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History of world trade organization WTO World Trade Organization

WTO launched its operations in the period of jan,1 st ,1995 under the Marrakech Agreement .it deals with the international participating parties with the prescri ed rules of trade among the nations .the rules pro!ided " the #eneral agreement on Tariffs and Trade $#ATT% for operations " application of thri!ing &rugua" 'ound on decem er 15 th 199(. #ATT s"stem changed into WTO ut there was difference in etween the #ATT and WTO the #ATT was just doing trade in goods , and WTO which deals in trade of ser!ices in!entions, designs ) creations. The WTO is functioning in order that to super!ise and li erali*e the trade internationall" and also to de!elop the peoples well eing of its affiliate countries freel" and lower the trade arriers. The World Trade Organi*ation pro!ides a forum for dispute settlement and trade negotiations +outh Africa participated in the &rugua" 'ound of negotiations and was mem er of #ATT. After the passing of , Marrakesh agreement- in .ecem er 199/ the countr" grows to e a initial part of WTO after WTO esta lishment.

0egotiations are helpful in trade where countries face trade hurdles and re1uired them lesser in some cases . WTO is to protect the consumers .the WTO agreements, negotiated and appro!ed " man" world2s trading nations which present legal ground polic" for international usiness. These con!entions a ide go!ernment to remain their in trade guiding principle within certain limits though it is appro!ed " the go!ernment ut plan is to help makers of goods and ser!ices, e3porters and importers conduct their usiness.

Purpose of WTO
43pansion of trade through transparenc" and progressi!e li erali*ation and promoting the economic growth of all trading partners and the de!elopment of de!eloping countries The purpose of the WTO is to facilitate the trade freel" To deal with rules of trade etween countries at international le!el through agreements among nations. The o jecti!e of the WTO is to sort out the trade pro lems faced during international trade and arrier to international trade among the nations To promote the trade and imports " a olishing the tariffs and other arriers WTO is onl" the od" who settles trade disputes etween the go!ernment and organi*es trade negotiations WTO is working to promote the trade worldwide through an eas" and modern wa"s among the registered countries

There should not e an" discrimination etween the trading partners it must e non5discriminating 0on5discrimination etween domestic and imported products once goods go through customs 6inding of import tariffs and on import tariffs or the securit" of concessions.

Members of the WTO

Al ania angola antigua and a uda argentina armenia australia austria ahrain angladesh ar ados elgium eli*e enin oli!arian repu lic of !ene*uela

oli!ia state of otswana ra*il runei darussiam 6ulgaria 6urkina faso 6urundi 7am odia 7ameroon 7anada cape !erde central African chad chile china 7olom ia congo costa rica crodtia cote d l!oire 7roatia cu a 7"prus 7*ech repu lic democratic repu lic of the congo .enmark .ji outi .ominica .ominican repu lic ecudor 4g"pt ei +al!ador 4stonia 4uropean union 8iji finland former 9ugosla! repu lic of Macedonia france a on the gam la #eorgia german" #hana #reece grenada gustemals guinea guinea 6issau gutana hati :onduras hong kong china hungar" ;celand india ;ndonesia ;reland ;srael ;tal" jamica japan <ordan =en"a korea =uwait k"gt* repu lic laos lat! ia >esotho >iechtenstein >ithuania lu3m ourg macao china Madagascar Malawi Mala"sia Maldi!es mali malta Mauritania Mauritius me3ico moldo!a Mongolia Montenegro morocco Mo*am i1ue M"anmar 0ami ia 0epal 0etherlands euope new ?ealand 0icaragua niger 0igeria 0orwa" oman @akistan panama papua new @aragua" peru philppines @oland @ortugal Aatar 'omania russsian 'wanda saint kites saint lucia saint Bincent an the grenadines +amoa saudia Ara ia sierra leone +ingapore +lo!ak repu lic sol!enia +olomon islands south Africa spain sri lanka suriname swa*liand +weden +wit*erland cinese taipel Tajikistan Tan*ania Thailand togo tonga Tunisia turke" &ganda uniter ara emirates united kingdom united states of ameridca &rugua" ?am ia *im a we 8ollowing are the Mem ers of World Trade Organi*ation WTO with joining .ate
Albania 8 September 2000 Angola 23 November 1996 Antigua and Barbuda 1 January 1995 Argentina 1 January 1995 Armenia 5 February 2003 Australia 1 January 1995 Austria 1 January 1995 Bahrain, Kingdom of 1 January 1995 Bangladesh 1 January 1995 Barbados 1 January 1995 Belgium 1 January 1995 Belize 1 January 1995 Benin 22 February 1996 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 12 September 1995 Botswana 31 May 1995 Brazil 1 January 1995 Brunei Darussalam 1 January 1995 Bulgaria 1 December 1996

Burkina Faso 3 June 1995 Burundi 23 July 1995 Cambodia 13 October 2004 Cameroon 13 December 1995 Canada 1 January 1995 Cape erde 23 July 2008 Central Afri!an "epubli! 31 May 1995 Chad 19 October 1996 Chile 1 January 1995 China 11 December 2001 Colombia 30 pr!l 1995 Congo 2" Marc# 199" Costa "i!a 1 January 1995 C#te d$%voire 1 January 1995 Croatia 30 November 2000 Cuba 20 pr!l 1995 C&prus 30 July 1995 Cze!h "epubli! 1 January 1995 Demo!rati! "epubli! of the Congo 1 January 199" Denmark 1 January 1995 D'ibouti 31 May 1995 Domini!a 1 January 1995 Domini!an "epubli! 9 Marc# 1995 (!uador 21 January 1996 (g&pt 30 June 1995 (l Salvador " May 1995 (stonia 13 November 1999 (uropean )nion *formerl& (uropean Communities+ 1 January 1995 Fi'i 14 January 1996 Finland 1 January 1995 Fran!e 1 January 1995 ,abon 1 January 1995 -he ,ambia 23 October 1996 ,eorgia 14 June 2000 ,erman& 1 January 1995 ,hana 1 January 1995 ,ree!e 1 January 1995 ,renada 22 February 1996 ,uatemala 21 July 1995 ,uinea 25 October 1995 ,uinea.Bissau 31 May 1995 ,u&ana 1 January 1995 /aiti 30 January 1996 /onduras 1 January 1995 /ong Kong, China 1 January 1995 /ungar& 1 January 1995 %!eland 1 January 1995 %ndia 1 January 1995 %ndonesia 1 January 1995 %reland 1 January 1995 %srael 21 pr!l 1995 %tal& 1 January 1995 0amai!a 9 Marc# 1995 0apan 1 January 1995 0ordan 11 pr!l 2000

Ken&a 1 January 1995 Korea, "epubli! of 1 January 1995 Kuwait, the State of 1 January 1995 K&rg&z "epubli! 20 December 1998 1ao People2s Demo!rati! "epubli! 2 February 2013 1atvia 10 February 1999 1esotho 31 May 1995 1ie!htenstein 1 September 1995 1ithuania 31 May 2001 1u3embourg 1 January 1995 4a!ao, China 1 January 1995 4adagas!ar 1" November 1995 4alawi 31 May 1995 4ala&sia 1 January 1995 4aldives 31 May 1995 4ali 31 May 1995 4alta 1 January 1995 4auritania 31 May 1995 4auritius 1 January 1995 4e3i!o 1 January 1995 4oldova, "epubli! of 26 July 2001 4ongolia 29 January 199" 4ontenegro 29 pr!l 2012 4oro!!o 1 January 1995 4ozambi5ue 26 u$u%t 1995 4&anmar 1 January 1995 6amibia 1 January 1995 6epal 23 pr!l 2004 6etherlands 1 January 1995 6ew 7ealand 1 January 1995 6i!aragua 3 September 1995 6iger 13 December 1996 6igeria 1 January 1995 6orwa& 1 January 1995 8man 9 November 2000 Pakistan 1 January 1995 Panama 6 September 199" Papua 6ew ,uinea 9 June 1996 Paragua& 1 January 1995 Peru 1 January 1995 Philippines 1 January 1995 Poland 1 July 1995 Portugal 1 January 1995 9atar 13 January 1996 "omania 1 January 1995 "ussian Federation 22 u$u%t 2012 "wanda 22 May 1996 Saint Kitts and 6evis 21 February 1996 Saint 1u!ia 1 January 1995 Saint in!ent : the ,renadines 1 January 1995 Samoa 10 May 2012 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 11 December 2005 Senegal 1 January 1995 Sierra 1eone 23 July 1995 Singapore 1 January 1995

Slovak "epubli! 1 January 1995 Slovenia 30 July 1995 Solomon %slands 26 July 1996 South Afri!a 1 January 1995 Spain 1 January 1995 Sri 1anka 1 January 1995 Suriname 1 January 1995 Swaziland 1 January 1995 Sweden 1 January 1995 Switzerland 1 July 1995 Chinese -aipei 1 January 2002 -a'ikistan 2 Marc# 2013 -anzania 1 January 1995 -hailand 1 January 1995 -he former ;ugoslav "epubli! of 4a!edonia *F;"84+ 4 pr!l 2003 -ogo 31 May 1995 -onga 2" July 200" -rinidad and -obago 1 Marc# 1995 -unisia 29 Marc# 1995 -urke& 26 Marc# 1995 )ganda 1 January 1995 )kraine 16 May 2008 )nited Arab (mirates 10 pr!l 1996 )nited Kingdom 1 January 1995 )nited States of Ameri!a 1 January 1995 )rugua& 1 January 1995 anuatu 24 u$u%t 2012 enezuela, Bolivarian "epubli! of 1 January 1995 iet 6am 11 January 200" 7ambia 1 January 1995 7imbabwe 5 Marc# 1995

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