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The Compleat Course in Chymistry


Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz

Transcribed and Edited by

Joseph D Zabinski
From an unpublished series of manuscripts held by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

Copyright 2007, Joseph D Zabinski

Table of Contents
Preliminary Note This table of contents attempts to categorize and list all of the processes that survive of those that Hanckwitz gave in The Compleat Course in Chymistry. In developing this table, it had become apparent that certain processes were out of alphabetical order. When disordered processes were discovered, they were moved to more appropriate parts of the text. Thus, although this present text does not present the processes in precisely the same order as Hanckwitz, it yet preserves all of his words. The format and location of some processes have changed; the wording of the processes has not. Often, more than one process appears on one page. In these cases, I have listed the page number to the right of the first process that appears on each page. This neatens the appearance of the table substantially. If a page number is not found for a process, simply look at the first number that appears above the process in question.

Acknowledgements Transcribers Preface

2. Crocus Martis Aperiens. Chalybs cum sors Sulphur Prperatus. The Opening Crocus of Mars. Chalybs with the Fate of Prepared Sulphur. 3. Crocus Martis Aperiens. seu Chalybs cum Aqua Prperatus. The Opening Crocus of Mars. or Chalybs with the Prepared Water. Crocus Martis Astringens. Astringent Saffron of Iron. Flores Martis. Flowers of Iron. Mars cum Aceto Prperatus. Iron prepared with Vinegar. Mars cum Tartaro Prparatus. Iron prepared with Tartar. Tinctura Martis Aux. Vinum Chalybeatum. Helpful Tincture of Mars. Steel Wine. Tinctura Martis Glaubori. Glaubors Tincture of Steel. Tinctura Martis Mynsichti. Minsychts Tincture of Iron. Tinctura Martis Mynsichti optima. Mynsichts Useful Tincture of Mars. Vinum Chalybeatum. Tinctura Martis aurea. Steel Wine. Golden Tincture of Iron. Vitriolum Martis, seu Sal Chalybis. Vitriol of Iron, or Salt of Steel.

i ii 1

Section 6. Preparations of Copper.

rugo ris. Verdigris.

sustum. Burnt Copper. Flores Viridis Aeris. Flowers of Verdigris. Spiritus Veridis Aeris. Spirit of Verdigris. Sulphur Caruleum Veneris. Blue Sulphur of Copper. Vitriolum Romanum. Roman Vitriol. Vitriolum Romanum Calcinatum Seu Calcithis. Roman Vitriol Calcined or Calcithis.

7 8

Section 7. Preparations of Mercury.

thiops Mineralis. Aethiops Mineral. Aqua Mercurialis. Mercurial Water. Arcanum Corallinum. Red Precipitate Sweetened. Bezoardicum Lunare. Lunar Bezoar. Calx Mercurii. Calx of Quicksilver. Cinnabar Factitium. Common Cinnabar. Mercurius Alcalisatus. Mercury Alcalified. Mercurius Prcipitatus Albus. White Precipitate of Mercury. Mercurius Prcipitatus Flaxus seu TurpothumMinerale. Yellow Precipitate of Mercury, in Turbith Mineral. Mercurius Prcipitatus rubor. Red Precipitate of Mercury. Mercurius Prcipitatus rubor per se. Red Precipitate of Mercury per se. Mercurius Prcipitatus viridis. Green Precipitate of Mercury. Mercurius Resurritatus. Mercury Revived. Mercurius Sublimatus corrosivus. Corrosive Sublimate of Mercury. Mercurius Sublimatus Dulcis. Sweet Mercury Sublimate. Mercurius Vit. Mercury of Life. Panacea Mercurialis. Mercurial Panacea. Pulvis Principis seu Arcanum Corallinum. The Princes Powder or Arcanum of Coral.





15 16 17

18 20 21

Section 8. Preparations of Bismuth.

Flores Bismuth; Zink. Flowers of Bismuth; Zink or Spolter. Magisterium Bismuthi. Magistery of Bismuth.


Section 9. Preparations of Antimony.

thiops Antimonii. thiops of Antimony. Antimonium Catharticum. Purging Antimony.


Antimonium Diaphoreticum. Diaphoretick Antimony. Antimonium Medicamentesum. Antimony Medicinal. Antimonium Resuscitatum. Antimony Revived. Balsamum Antimonii. Balsam of Antimony. Bezoardicum Minerale. Mineral Bezoar. Butyrum Antimonii. Butter of Antimony. Cinnabar Antimonii. Cinnabar of Antimony. Crocus Metallorum. Saffron of Metals. Flores Antimonii albi. Flowers of Antimony white. Flores Antimonii rubric. Flowers of Antimony red. Gutt Emotic. Vomiting Drops. Lac Ariden. Panacea Antimonii. Panacea of Antimony. Pulvis Russolli. Russollis Powder. Regulus Antimonii. Regulus of Antimony. Regulus Antimonii Martialis. Regulus of Antimony with Steel. Sulphur Antimonii Auratum. Golden Sulphur of Antimony. Tinctura Antimonii. Tincture of Antimony. Vinum Emoticum Seu Benedictum. Vomiting Wine. Vitrum Antimonii. Glass of Antimony.

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31 31 32 33 34


Section 10. Preparations of Vitriol.

Aqua Stiptica. A Styptic Water. Arramentum. Black Ink. Atramentum Solidum Seu Arridum. Ink of China, or dry Ink. Lapis Medicamentasus. Medicinal Stone. Liquor Stipticus Dris. Colebatch. Dr. Colebatchs Styptic. Liquor Stipticus Regalis. Royal Styptic Liquor. Oleum & Spiritus Vitrioli. Oil and Spirit of Vitriol. Oleum Vitrioli Dulce per Digestionem. Sweet Oil of Vitriol by Digestion. Pulvis Sympatheticus. Sympathetic Powder. Sal Vitriol Seu Gilla. Salt of Vitriol. Sulphur Vitrioli Narcoticum. Narcotic Sulphur of Vitriol. Tinctura Scriptoria Rubra. Red Ink.



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Tinctura Scriptoria Viridis. Green Ink. Vitriolum Romanum Calcinatum seu Calcithis. Roman Vitriol Calcined or Calcithis.


Section 11. Preparations of Sulphur.

Balsamum Sulphuris Annisatum. Balsam of Sulphur with Oil of Aniseed. Balsamum Sulphuris compositum. Balsam of Sulphur compound. Balsamum Sulphuris crassum. Thick Balsam of Sulphur. Balsamum Sulphuris Succinatum. Balsam of Sulphur with Amber. Balsamum Sulphuris Terebinthinatum. Balsam of Sulphur with Oil of Turpentine. Flores Sulphuris. Flowers of Sulphur. Gas Sulphuris Volatile. Spirit of Sulphur. Hopar Sulphuris. Liver of Sulphur. Lac Sulphuris. Milk of Sulphur. Oleum Seu Spiritus Sulphuris, per Campanam. Oil or Spirit of Sulphur, by the Bole. Sal Sulphuris. Salt of Sulphur. Syrupus de Sulphure. Syrup of Sulphur. 1. Tinctura Sulphuris. Tincture of Sulphur. 2. Tinctura Sulphuris. Tincture of Sulphur. 3. Tinctura Sulphuris. Tincture of Sulphur.



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Section 12. Preparations of Niter or Saltpeter.

Aqua Fortis Aluminosa. Aqua Fortis with Alum. Aqua Fortis Duplex. Double Aqua Fortis. Aqua Fortis Simplex. Single Aqua Fortis. Aqua Regia, or a Menstruum to dissolve Gold. Nitrum Fixum. Fixed Niter. Nitrum Saturnisatum. Niter impregnated with Lead. Nitrum Vitriolatum. Vitriolated niter. Sal Prunell. Salt Prunella. Spiritus Niter Dulcis. Sweet Spirit of Niter. Spiritus Nitri. Spirit of Niter. Spiritus Nitri Fumans. Spirit of Niter with Oil of Vitriol.

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Section 13. Preparations of Tartar.

Cremer Tartari. Cream of Tartar. Crystalli Tartari. Crystals of Tartar.


Liquamon Tartari Seu Oleum Tartari, per deliquium. Liquor of Tartar, or Oil of Tartar per deliquium. Sal Tartari. Salt of Tartar. Sal Tartari cum Nitro. Salt of Tartar with Niter. Sal Volatile Tartari. Volatile Salt of Tartar. Sapo Tartari. Soap of Tartar. Tartarum Emeticum. Emotic Tartar. Tartarum Nitratum. Tartar Nitrated. Tartarum Solubile. Soluble Tartar. Tartarum Vitriolatum. Tartar of Vitriol. Terra Foliata Tartari. or Regenerated Tartar.


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Section 14. Preparations of Common Salt.

Sal Mirabile Glauberi. Glaubers wonderful Salt. Spiritus Salis Coagulatus. Coagulated Spirit of Salt. Spiritus Salis cum Oleo Vitrioli. Spirit of Salt with Oil of Vitriol. Spiritus Salis per se. Spirit of Salt.



Section 15. Preparations of Sal Armoniac.

Aqua Opthalmica Sapphirina. Blue Eye Water. Ens Veneris. Flowers of Copper. Flores Salis Armoniack. Flowers of Sal Armoniac. Sal Armoniacum Fixum. Fixed Sal Armoniac. Sal Armoniacum Volatile. Volatile Sal Armoniac. Sal Volatile anisatum. Volatile Salt anisated. Sal Volatile Armoniac Succinatum. Volatile Sal Armoniac with Amber. Sal Volatile lavendulatum. Volatile Salt lavendulated. Spiritus Salis Armoniaci. Spirit of Sal Armoniac. Spiritus Salis Armoniaci cum Gum Armoniaci. Spirit of Sal Armoniac with Gum Armoniac. Spiritus Salis Armoniaci Succinatus. Spirit of Sal Armoniac with Amber. Spiritus Salis Armoniaci Vinosus. Vinous Spirit of Sal Armoniac.






Section 16. Preparations of Alum.

Alumen Ustum. Burnt Alum. Aqua Aluminosa Seu Aqua Fallopiana. Alum Water or Fallopiuss Water.


Section 17. Preparations of Amber.

Balsamum Succini. Balsam of Amber. Oleum Succini & Sal Succini. Oil of Amber and Salt of Amber. Potestates Succini. Powers of Amber.


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Section 18. Preparations of Coral.

Magisterium Coralli. Magistery of Coral. Sal Coralli. Salt of Coral. Tinctura Coralli. Tincture of Coral.

Section 19. Preparations of Pearl and Crabs Eyes.

Magisterium & Sal, Margaritarum. Oculorum Cancrorum. The Magistery and Salt of Pearls. Crabs Eyes.

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Part III. Medicinal Preparations Compounded of Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Substances.
Section 1. Of Simple Waters. Section 2. Of Compound Waters.
Aqua Absynthii Composita. Wormwood Water Compound. Aqua Anhaltina. Water of Anhaltina. Aqua Anisi. Water of Anise. Aqua Anisi Composita. Compound Aniseed Water. Aqua Antiscorbutica. Water Against the Scurvy. Aqua Apolectica. Apoplectic Water. Aqua Asthmatica. Water against an Asthma. Aqua Aurantium. Orange Water. Aqua Bryoni Composita. Compound Bryony Water. Aqua Camphorata. Camphorated Water. Aqua Cardamoni. Cardamom Water. Aqua Cardiaca Aurea. Golden Cardiac Water. Aqua Cinnamoni Fortis. Strong Cinnamon Water. Aqua Cinnamoni Hordcata. Barley Cinnamon Water. Aqua Citri. Citron Water. Aqua Croasorum Nigrorum. Black Cherry Water.


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Aqua Croci. Saffron Water. Aqua Damascena Odorifera. A Sweet Scented Damask Water. Aqua Epidemica. Playne Water. Aqua Epileptica Langii. Languiss Epileptic Water. Aqua Gentiana Composita. Composed Gentian Water. Aqua Hirundimum Composita. Compound Water of Swallows. Aqua Homini Composita. Compound Clary Water. Aqua Hungarica. Queen of Hungarys Water. Aqua Ischiatica. Water against the Hip-Gout. Aqua Juniperi. Water of Juniper. Aqua Lactis Alexiteria. Water of the Milk of Alexiteria. Aqua Linacum Magistralis. Magisterial Snail Water. Aqua Mellis Dulcis. Sweet Honey Water. Aqua Mirabilis. The Wonderful Water. Aqua Naph. Orange flower Water. Aqua Nephritica Comp. Compound Water against the Gravel & Stone. Aqua Ponia Composita. Compound Piony Water. Aqua Stephani. Dr Stephens Water. Aqua Stiptica. Styptic Water. Aqua Thoriacalis. Theriac Water. Aqua Tiaphani Composita. Compound HorseRadish Water. Aqua Vitae Seu Spiritus Vini. French Brandy or Spirit of Wine. Miscellaneous Compound Waters. Eau DArquebuscide. A Vulnerary or Gun-Shot Water.


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Section 3. Of Balsams.
Balsamum Antimonii. Balsam of Antimony. Balsamum Apoplecticum. Apoplectic Balsam. Balsamum Catharticum. Purging Balsams. Balsamum Lucatelli. Lucatelluss Balsam. Balsamum Pestilentiale Alexipharmacii. Pestilential Balsam. Balsamum Polychristum. Balsam of Many Virtues.




Balsamum Sulphuris Crassus. Thick Balsam of Sulphur. Balsamum Virid. Green Balsam. Balsamum Vulnerarium. Vulnerary Balsam.


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Section 4. Of Confections and Electuaries.

Confectio Alkermes. Confection of Alkermes. Confectio de Hyacintho. Confection of Hyacinth. Confectio Raleighana. Sir Walter Raleighs Cordial. Electuarium Antidysentericum. Electuary Against a Looseness.

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Section 5. Of Elixirs, Essences and Tinctures.

Elixir Becheum. Elixir Against Cough. Elixir Proprietatis cum Sale Vololat Oleoso. Elixir Proprietatis prepared with Sal Volatile. Elixir Proprietatis Dulce. Elixir of Property Sweet. Elixir Proprietatis Helmontii. Helmonts Elixir of Property. Elixir Proprietatis Paracelsi. Paracelsuss Elixir of Property. Elixir Proprietatis Tartarisatum. Elixir Proprietatis Tartarized. Elixir Salutatis. Elixir of Health. Elixir Vitrioli. Elixir of Vitriol. Essentia Absinthii. Essence of Wormwood. Essentia Absinthii Composita. Essence of Wormwood Compound. Essentia Absinthii Romani. Essence of Roman Wormwood. Essentia Anticolica. Essence Against the Colic. Essentia Anticolica cum Opio. Essence Against Colic with Opium. Essentia Aurantiorum. Essence of Oranges. Essentia Citrum. Essence of Lemons. Essentia Fumaria Composita. Essence of Fumitory Compound. Essentia Lignorum. Essence of the Woods. Essentia Macis. Essence of Mace. Essentia Salvice. Essence of Sage. Essentia Satyrionis. Essence of Satyrion Root. Essentia Stomachica. Stomach Essence. Essentia Succini. Essence of Amber.




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Gutt Piabelli. Piabellis Drops. Laudanum Liquidum cum Salis Volatili Oleoso cum Spiritus Nitri Dulcis. Liquid Laudanum with Sal Volatile with dulcified Spirit of Niter. Laudanum Liquidum Seu Cydoniatum Seu Helmontii. Liquid Laudanum with the Juice of Quinces or Helmontian Laudanum. Laudanum Liquidum Sydenhami. Dr. Sydenhams Liquid Laudanum. Laudanum Liquidum Tartarisatum. Liquid Laudanum with Tincture of Tartar. Potestates Succini. Powers of Amber. Potestates Viperarum. Powers of Vipers. Tinctura Antimonii. Tincture of Antimony. Tinctura Anti-Phthisica. Tincture Against the Phthisie. Tinctura Asa-ftid. Tincture of Fetid-Asa. Tinctura As Ftid cum Fulgine. Tincture of Asa Ftida with Soot. Tinctura Benzoini. Tincture of Benjamin. Tinctura Catharidum. Tincture of Catharides. Tinctura Catharidum Secundum Pharmacopa Londin. Second Tincture of Catharides of the London Pharmacopeia. Tinctura Catharidum In Pharmacopa Edinburg descripta. Tincture of Catharides described in the Edinburg Pharmacopeia. Tinctura Castorei. Tincture of Castor. Tinctura Corticis Peruvian. Tincture of Peruvian Bark. Tinctura Croci optata. Chosen Tincture of Saffron. Tinctura Gentiance Composta. Compound Tincture of Gentian. Tinctura Hellebori Nigri. Tincture of Black Hellebore. Tinctura Martis Aurea. Golden Tincture of Mars. Tinctura Metallorum. Tincture of Metals. Tinctura Myrrh. Tincture of Myrrh. Tinctura Opii Seu Laudanum Liquidum. Tincture of Opium or Liquid Laudanum. Tinct Tiadic:Ipecacuanh. Tincture of Ipecacuanha. Tinctura Purgans. Purging Tincture. Tinctura Regalis. The Royal Tincture. 1. Tinctura Rhubarbi. Tincture of Rhubarb.




129 130








2. Tinctura Rhubarbi. Tincture of Rhubarb. 3. Tinctura Rhubarbi. Tincture of Rhubarb. 4. Tinctura Rhubarbi. Tincture of Rhubarb. Fragment of a Tincture of Red Roses. Tinctura Sacra Vinos. Tinctura Hiera Picra, or the Holy Tincture. 1. Tinctura Salis Tartari. Tincture of Salt of Tartar. 2. Tinctura Salis Tartari. Tincture of Salt of Tartar. Tinctura Scriptoria Rubra. Ink red. Tinctura Scriptoria Viridis. Ink green. Tinctura Serpentaria. Tincture of Snakeroot. Tinctura seu Gutt Vit. Drops of Life. Tinctura Solis. Tincture of Gold. Tinctura Styptica Helvetii. The Styptic Tincture of Helvetius. Tinctura Sulphuris. Tincture of Sulphur.

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Section 6. Of Extracts and Rosins.

Extractum Absynthii. Extract of Wormwood. Extractum Aloes cum Aqua. Extract of Aloes with Water. Extractum Cardui Benedicti. Extract of Carduus. Extractum Centaurii Minoris. Extract of Lesser Centaury. Extractum Corticis. Extract of the Bark. Extractum Ellebori Nigri. Extract of Black Hellebore. Extractum Opii. Extract of Opium. Extractum Rudii. Extract of Rudinus. Resina Jalappa. Resin of Jalap. General Remarks.



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Section 7. Of Oils obtained by Distillation and Expression.

Oleum Absinthii. Oil of Wormwood. Oleum Anethi. Oil of Dill. Oleum Animalium. Oil of Animals. Oleum Anisi. Oil of Aniseed. Oleum Anthos. Oil of Rosemary. Oleum Aurantiorum. Oil of Oranges. Oleum Camphor cum acido. Oil of Camphor with acid. Oleum Cariophillorum. Oil of Cloves. Oleum Carvi. Oil of Caraways.

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Oleum Chammeli. Oil of Chamomile. Oleum Cinnamomi. Oil of Cinnamon. Oleum Fniculi. Oil of Fennel. Oleum Hyssopi. Oil of Hyssop. Oleum Juniperi. Oil of Juniper. Oleum Lateritum Philosophorum. Bricked Oil of the Philosophers. Oleum Lavendul. Oil of Lavender. Oleum Lavendul Volatile. Volatile Oil of Lavender. Oleum Lemonum. Oil of Lemons. Oleum Macis. Oil of Mace. Oleum Marjoran. Oil of Marjoram. Oleum Menth. Oil of Mint. Oleum Mercurii Volatile. Oil of Mercury Volatile. Oleum Myrrh per deliquium. Oil of Myrrh per deliquium. Oleum Nucis Moschat. Oil of Nutmegs. Oleum Origani. Oil of Origany. Oleum Pulegii. Oil of Pennyroyal. Oleum Rhodii. Oil of Rhodium. Oleum Rut. Oil of Rue. Oleum Sabin. Oil of Savin. Oleum Salvi. Oil of Sage. Oleum Sassafras. Oil of Sassafras. Oleum Saturni. Oil of Lead. Oleum Succini. Oil of Amber. Oleum Talci. Oil of Talc. Oleum Terebinthin. Oil of Turpentine.








Oils Obtained by Expression

Oleum Amigdalarum dulcium. Oil of Sweet Almonds. Oleum Lini. Oil of Linseed. Oleum Ovorum. Oil of Eggs.


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Section 8. Of Pills.
Pilul Cocci. Pills called Coceice. Pilul de Duobus. Pills of two principal Ingredients. Pilul Francofortensis. Frankfort Pills. Laudanum Londinense. London Laudanum. Laudanum seu Pilul Mathi. Matthews Laudanum or Pill. Pil Rudii. Pil Scoti.



Section 9. Of Powders.
Pulvis thiopicus. Black Powder. Pulvis Aureus Lelliensis. Lell Cordial or Golden Powder. Pulvis Contrayervae Compositus. Compound Powder of Contrayerva or The Countess of Kents Powder. Pulvis Cornachini. Cornachines Powder. Pulvis de Gutteta. Powder against the Falling Sickness. Pulvis Dentrificus. Tooth Powder. Pulvis Diambr. Powder or Species Diambrae. Pulvis Diamoscu dulcis. Powder or Species Diamoscu. Pulvis e Chelis Cancroum compositus. Compound Powder of Crabs-Claws, or Gascoigns Powder. Pulvis Hier Pier. Powder or Species of Hiera Piera. Pulvis Principis. Powder of the Master. Pulvis Russelli. Russells Powder. Pulvis Sternutatorius. Sneezing Powder.



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Section 10. Of Salts.

1. Sal Alcali Dulce. Alcali Salt dulcified. 2. Sal Alcali Dulce. Alcali Salt dulcified. Sal Armoniacum Fixum, etc. Fixed Sal Armoniac, etc. Sal Calcis Viv. Salt of Quicklime. Sal Cineris Clavellata. Salt of Potash. Sal Cornu Corvi. Salt of Harts-horn. Sal Essentiale Tartari, vide Tartarum Solubile. Essential Salt of Tartar, or Soluble Tartar. Salia Essentialia. Essential Salts. Salia Fixa. Fixed Salts. Sal Jovis. Salt of Tin. Sal Lun. Salt of Silver. Sal Metallorum Dulcis, Seu Purgans. Sweet or Purging Salt of Metals. Sal Mirabile Glauberi. Glaubers Miraculous Salt. Sal Polychrestum, vid Sal Prunella. Sal Polychrestum or Glowing Salt. Sal Saturni. Salt of Lead. Sal Succini vide Oleum Succini. Salt of Amber or Oil of Amber.

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Sal Tartari. Salt of Tartar. Sal Viperarum. Salt of Vipers. Sal Vitrioli. Salt of Vitriol. Sal Volatile acidum minerale. Acid Mineral Volatile Salt. Sal Volatile Urin. Volatile Salt of Urine.

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Section 11. Of Spirits.

Sal Volatile Oleosum seu Spiritus Salinus Aromaticus. Oil of Volatile Salt or the Spirit of Aromatic Salt. Spirit Aluminis. Spirit of Alum. Spiritus Angelic. Spirit of Angelica. Spiritus Bezoarticus. Bezoartic Spirit. Spiritus Castorei Compositus. Compound Spirit of Castor. Spiritus Cochleariae Aureus. Golden Spirit of Scurvy Grass. Spiritus Cornu Corvi. Spirit of Harts-horn. Spiritus Cornu Corvi cum Calce. Spirit of Hartshorn with Lime. Spirit Cran. Humani Seu Guttae Regis. Spirit of Human Skull or Kings Drops. Spiritus Diatrion seu Mixtura Simplex. Diatrion Spirit or Simple Mixture. Spiritus Fuliginis. Spirit of Soot. Spiritus Lavendulae Compositus. Compound Spirit of Lavender. Spiritus Mellis. Spirit of Honey. Spiritus Nitri. Spirit of Niter. Spiritus Salis. Spirit of Salt. Spiritus Terebinthine Seu Oleum Volatile Terebinthine. Spirit of Turpentine, or Volatile Oil of Turpentine. Spiritus The Bohe. Spirit of Bohee Tea. Spiritus Theriacalis Camphoratus. Spirit of Treacle camphorated. Spiritus Vini vide Aqua Vitae. Spiritus Vini Rectificatus. Spirit of Wine Rectified.

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Section 12. Of Syrups.

Acetum Scilliticum. Vinegar of Squills. Oxymel Scilliticum. Oxymel of Squills. Syrupus Balsamicus. Balsamic Syrup. Syrupus Chalybeatus. Syrup of Steel. Syrupus Croci. Syrup of Saffron.



Syrupus de Altha. Syrup of Marshmallows. Syrupus de Rhabarbaro. Syrup of Rhubarb. Syrupus de Spina Corvina, seu Rhamno Cathartico. Syrup of Ravens Thorn, or of Cathartic Buckthorn. Syrupus Limonum. Syrup of Lemons. Syrupo Papaveris albi, seu de Meconio, vulgo Diacodium. Syrup of white Poppies or of Meconio, vulgarly called Diacodium. Syrupus Papaveris Rheados. Syrup of red Poppy. Syrupus Pectoralis. Pectoral Syrup. Syrupus Rosarum Solutivarum. Syrup of DamaskRoses. Syrupus Violarum. Syrup of Violets. Syrupus Vomitorius seu Emeticus. Vomiting or Emetic Syrup.

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Section 13. Of Tablets and Troches.

Tabellae Cardiacae. Seu Tabellae ad Cardialgiam. Cardiac Tablets. Tabellae Diasulphuris. Tablets of Sulphur. Tablett Liquiviti Blocensis Alb. White Lozenges of Blois. Tabellae Liquiviti Blocensis Nigrae. Blois Lozenges. Trochisci albi Rhasis. The White Troches of Rhasis. Trochisci de Terra Japonica. Seu Catechu Preparatis. Lozenges of Japan Earth. or Catechu Prepared. Trochisci Pectorales. Pectoral Lozenges.




Section 14. Of Ointments.

Unguentum gyptiacum. Egyptian Ointment. Unguentum Antipsoricum. Ointment for the Itch. Unguentum Mercuriale seu Neapolitanum. The Mercurial or Neapolitan Ointment. Unguentum Opthalmicum. Ointment for the Eyes. Unguentum pro Fontanellis. Ointment for Issues.



Section 15. Of Wines.

Vinum Chalybeatum. Steel Wine. Vinum Emeticum seu Benedictum. Vomiting or Blessed Wine. Vinum Viperinum. Viper Wine.


Section 16. Compositions and Preparations not easily reducible to any of the Former Heads.
Acetum Distillatum. Distilled Vinegar. Cera Sigillaris Rubra. Red Sealing Wax. Cornu Corvi Philosophic Calcinatum. Hartshorn calcined Philosophically. Fcula Bryoni, Ireas Vulgari, Paeonia, etc. The faeces of Bryony, Common Orrice, Pyony, etc. Fcula Cucumeris Asinini. Elaterium dictum. The Settlings of the Juice of wild Cucumbers dried, otherwise called Elaterium. Flores Benzoini. Flowers of Benjamin. Lapis Infernalis Communis. Common Infernal Stone. Opodeldoch. Phosphorus. A Detonating Mass, or a Phosphorus of Diaphoretic Antimony. Sapo Liquidus. Liquid Soap.



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Part 4. Appendix.
The Art of Assaying or Working Metals from their Ores.
The structure and materials whereof tests and muffles are composed The method of roasting, stamping and washing of ores. The ore being qualified by these previous operations for the cupel, it is necessary in the next place to specify the fluxes Various kinds of compound fluxes. The method of assaying gold and silver ores. The method of separating gold from silver. Remarks. The method of assaying the baser metals: copper, tin, lead and iron. Remarks.


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Observations and Experiments tending to explain The Nature of the component Parts of Mercury or Quicksilver. A General Method of Analysing Mineral


How discovered by evaporation. How discovered by precipitation. How discovered by tinging ingredients. How discovered by other phenomena.
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Section 6. Preparations of Copper.

rugo ris. Verdigris.
This is no other than copper turned into a rust by the corrosion of an acid that is in the grape; the droppings of which are made to serve by laying them between copper plates: when the first rust is scraped off, fresh husks are laid upon the plates until all is so changed.

sustum. Burnt Copper.

Take 2 pounds of copper clipped into small divets (such as may be had at the copper smith), one pound of sulphur or brimstone in powder and stratify them, viz. let the divets of copper be moistened with water, then mix the powdered sulphur with the copper while humid that the sulphur may adhere to it; put the mixture into an earthen diphin or crucible and lute another crucible on the top of that, with its Mouth downwards, and a small hole bored there in the bottom of it. Being thus joined, place it in a chimney corner upon a Diov of ten such tiles, about three inches distant from the wall; and with loose bricks, make a quadrangle four bricks high, with sufficient space for charcoal fire around the crucible, piling the charcoal almost as high as both the crucibles. Then kindle the fire by degrees that the sulphur may leisurely come to melt and flame through the hole at top. The next day, when all is cold, take the crucibles asunder and pick out the sustum and powder it. But if there should happen to be any bits of brass among it, throw them aside. The sulphur does not destroy the metalline tincture of brass, its pores being more closely arranged than that of copper. This Aesustum is used to deforge in vomidies, etc.

Flores Viridis Aeris. Flowers of Verdigris.

Take what quantity you please of Verdigris and with distilled Vinegar, by the aftstrance of hot sand, or Balneum Mari, extract a tincture. Then set the bolt head leaning sideways to repose, until the gross parts are subsided; decant the tincture, and pour upon the fces fresh distilled vinegar, and repeat this as long as it affords a tincture. These

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several tinctures are to be evaporated slowly away until you think that the salts are brought within the sphere of activity, or approach so near one another as to attract, unite and form themselves into crystals. These crystals are brought to great perfection in Holland, it being a peculiar or proper trade only to prepare them. But they make use of French Verdigris, which is much better than what we have here in England of our own making. When they set the evaporated tinctures to crystallize, it is in a copper vessel, with sticks set perpendicular so that the crystals may adhere and stick to them. The reason for their crystals being larger is that they make stronger tinctures, or that they set the same sticks in fresh tinctures, whreby they have other lays of crystals adhering to the former. The sticks that are first in the cavor (which is made of wood) reach within three or four inches of the bottom of the vessel. And when they are to be put into a fresh tincture, the tincture must be cold, lest it should dissolve the crystals already formed upon the sticks. This is a wonderful quick emetic, producing its effect instantaneously. Its dose is from one to six or seven grins. It is also much used by painters.

Spiritus Veridis Aeris. Spirit of Verdigris.

Put six pounds of powdered Verdigris into a bottle retort, place it in a sand furnace, with an adapter and receiver fitted to it, and the sand raised about it as high as you can. Give it a gentle fire until the receiver begins to fill with white fumes. When you perceive those fumes to decrease, augment the fire to the highest degree until the fumes cease. When the receiver grows cool, take it off and pour the spirit into a bottle and stop it close. This vegetable acid of vinegar is greatly commended in those distempers that proceed from a putrefactive cause, and is also a good menstruum to dissolve pearl and coral. The Verdigris made here in England will not do to make the spirit of; therefore you must be sure to have right French Verdigris that is prepared with the acid juice of the grape. Six pounds of Verdigris yields from two to three pounds spirit. As the Verdigris is reduced to powder, all the small grapey vine stalks are to be cast out as much as possible, because they yield a fetid oil which will color the spirit. But if it should so happen, rectification will deprive it of that tinge. If the Verdigris be too moist, it must be gently dried, else the spirit will be too weak; but if it can be reduced to a powder that will pass through a hair sieve, it will do.

Sulphur Caruleum Veneris. Blue Sulphur of Copper.

Take any quantity of Roman Vitriol, make a strong solution in distilled water and let it stand 24 hours in order to crystallize. Pour off the blue liquor from the crystals and

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saturate it with Spirit of Sal Armoniac. To this add three or four times the quantity of rectified Spirit of Wine to that of Sal Armoniac and crystallize according to Art. The use of the Spirit of Wine in this process is to imbibe the superfluous watery parts of the solution, that the salts may form themselves into crystals. For the same reason, we evaporate the solutions of salts designed for crystallizaton until a pollicle appears at top, which shows that the salts attract and approach sufficiently near to form concretions. These crystals are very beautiful, but rough in operation if they are a little overdosed. They are reckoned a specific in epileptic fits, and therefore if they should prove emetic, it would not be amiss, but ought to be encouraged by drinking warm liquor. This Sulphur is called Sulphur of Venus, also Arcanum Anti-epilepticum. Its dose is from half a scruple to two scruples.

Vitriolum Romanum. Roman Vitriol.

Put 4 pounds of finely powdered Aesustum into a large glass retort with 16 pounds of Oil of Vitriol. Shake the vessel to mix them together, then place the retort in a sand furnace, with an unluted receiver, and with a moderate fire draw off the phlegm, which is done when you see white fumes arise: then take out the fire, and let all grow cold, that you may take the vitriolic cake out of the retort. Let this vitriolic substance be reduced to powder in a marble mortar, and put it into an earthen pan with hot water, placed upon hot sand, or in a kettle with water over a small fire, stirring it with a wooden spatula that the water may be impregnated with the Vitriol. Then filter, evaporate and crystallize according to the Rules of Art. If the solution is evaporated over-much, the crystals will not be so beautiful. If sticks are set in the vapor, though, the most pure crystals will adhere to them, and the most at the sides and bottom. The diversity of color in vitriol arises from the difference wherein the salt or acid is received: in blue the salt is joined with copper, in green with iron; in white with calamine, in some ferruginous earth, united with lead or tin. This is eliaratic, and is only used in external applications.

Vitriolum Romanum Calcinatum Seu Calcithis. Roman Vitriol Calcined or Calcithis.

Put any quantity of Roman Vitriol into a crucible or an earthen pot, make a gradual fire under it, and as it heats, it will dissolve; continue the fire and increase until the liquor is again coagulated, and the mass become of a grayish color. The vitriol when calcined to a gray color is called Calcithis, but if calcined to a redness, then it is called Calcanthum Aubifactum. It is used as a styptic to stop blood, applied to the wound.

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