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his damn gun, he would see that it got
May. 1983
published.Then Iwouldn'thave to work,
never again. NowInJanuary 83 P.S. YotJ
More On "Blue Goop" will note he proved thar his word Is his
bond. That sand lapper never gives up.
I guess that's one of the reasons he
shoots so well.
To: Mr, Harold Shipley The essenceofourgoodfortuneIsthat I hope this sheds more light than
Delr Harold; Cu +. and Cu+ + are soluble, So what? confusion on the subject. If anyonedoes
Dave Brennan has passed your letter I'lltell you so what.-That's what Hoppe's find It confusing,th'y canJust hum a little
along to me to compose an answer to and Blue Goop do-i.They convert Cu. to tuneandnot worry abOut undlrltlndlng
your question RE: Blue Goop. Specifi- Cu+ so It is soluble, When It Isdissolved. It. It works. NOargument abbUt that. Use
cally, "What in tarnashun does the it wipes out of the bOrezlpl The Important it. And have a clean barrel. .

copper metal do In the way of removing difference between the two cleaners Is Phil Sauer
more of the same from our barrels?" I've that one Is fast enough to be useful
been asked this about 76315 times arid between bench rest matches. Preparation of Blue Goop
I resent the doubting looks I usually get Mother nature arranged Itso that when
back. we bring Cu+ + In contact with Cu. we 3/4 of . qt of 28% Ammonia
Now good old Dave Intimated he might get two Cu+ 's, both. soluble. That's
2 to. Tablespoons of
print. my answer. If he does, maybe right. The metallic copper Is changed to ~ Hydrogen Peroxide
people willjust use the stuff and be happy a soluble form. The dear girl also ar-
ranged it so that the particular process '0 IndI8SNo, ,.
they have a copper remover that works copper wireor
as fast as It does. So maybe Its worth the proceeds very rapidly. Too bad for us that equivalentjackets
effort to try to explain a little chemistry. Hoppe's Is too slow for between match
If I'm unable to make myself understood use. . , qtbOttle
my apologies are extended In advance. I So finallyto get to the damn point. The
copper wire or jackets are put In the mix Cap lightly. Gas may need to escape.
willtry to describe the process so that a
chemistry degree Is not required of the to provide Cu++'s. The way it works is Agitate moderately with cap loose.
audience. this. The hydrogen peroxide Is there to Afteran hour or two it will be a deep blue
A small amount of background Is in raise the wire, Cu., to Cu++. The only and be ready to use.
order. Iguess all of us know that Hoppe's function the ammonia has is to keep the After one week, remove copper from
No.9 will remove copper fouling but It Cu + + In a complex that allows a large solution.
-Uh.. takes up to two weeks to complete the amount of it to stay in solution. When the
job: -For' purposes of this' discussion, .co1orottha-solution reaches Ii daep blue, JlJe solution is poisonous. Don't get it on
copper can be considered to exist inthree that means that a lot of copper is dis- . your sandwich.
forms. Metallic copper, monovalent
copper and divalent copper. Metallic
copper has all the required electrons in
solved. It's there as good old Cu+ +
which dissolves metallic copper very
quickly and will not attack steel or
Blue Goop -
(for.copper remOval)
Howto Use
their various shells, monovalent copper Is stainless steel. 1. Clean gun normally and dry out with
short one electron, and divalent copper is To reemphasize, It Is the Cu+ + that patches, .
short two electrons. They are repre- does the work. The ammonia is only a
sented as Cu. to indicate the electrical means of holding the Cu+ + in solution. 2. Soak patch with B.G. Make several
passes thru bore.
neutrality of metallic copper, as Cu+ to I've been asked, "Why not just use
indicate the shortage of one electron and ammonia and hydrogen petoxide~" It 3. Re-wet patch with B.G. and add a
as Cu + + to indicate the shortage of two does work. My Impresslol) Is that is is coupleof drops of hydrogenperoxide.
electrons. slower so I stick 10 Blue Goop. .. 4.rMake 3 or 4 passes thru bore.
Now the reason for all this gelelder- Another beneficial thing I found, to my 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 about 3 times.
frankerl is that it is necessary to un- good fort\.l'ne,at the ,BS Nationals, was
derstand how copper Is removed and why that B.G..dlssolves. that,tlght .collarIwas This will remove jacket fouling very
Blue Goop is satisfactorily fast while getting just in.front of the throat. I was rapidly. I doubt if it effects powder
Hoppe's Is slow and ammonia by itself \.IsingN201and it sure works better with fouling. Note: Some powder fouling is
takes. damn near forever. .. removed.
that collar removed. I suppose the collar
As the copper lays in the barrel is composed of water soluble material. . 6. Dry the barrel and coat the interior
screwing up our groups (excuse no. 317) About four strokes is all It takes. with Hoppes NO.9 (light coat).
It exists In the form Cu. and In that form I'm enclosing. copies of the B.G. In-
it Is, for our purposes, Insoluble. We can structions thft' I've been passing out to
knock some of It loose mechanical!Vwith. . people who ask. They're pretty boiled.
a bristle brush particularly' from bore down but they will not get anyone Into Discounts! I
surfaces that have just the right texture. trouble,
However any copper that has adhered You may be Interested to know that I ." ." list prir~ 01 Rffidinl/. C.H.
Bnnanza'. lop qualily di~ and equip.
strongly enough to resist the brush must laid that B,G. Information on Fletcher In Sfond $3.50 IlIr manufarlurer"s
be removed by dissolving It. Fortunately about 1978 at a Super Shoot. I wrote a calalo!l/prirr park. refundablp nn $25
for gun nuts, mother nature provided us order. VISA/MasierCard a('('ppled.
bunch of Jass out by hand. Alabor Iabhor. Vqa T_I Co8qt-,.. lJept. 488.
'with the means, That Is why I talked I felt "ke a big ole hero. The agreement 1840 C..ommerce 81.. Un" H. Rouhler
aboOt -v~lences and all those Impressive between Fietch and myself was that, if !
+ 's and"o's, would do all that wDrk RI'\ hila..,...11'1...1.-.-- l. Colorado 80301.(3031443-4750.

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