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Aristotle The Founder of the Modern Science

Module: History of Psychology

Date: 7th November 2013 Submitted to: Mr. Muhammad Aamir By: Muhammad Asghar MSc Psychology 2nd Semester

Aristotle The founder of the Modern Science

I have bee studyi g the im!act of the ideas a d thought of the a cie t thi "ers a d !hiloso!her o moder scie ce si ce a fe# days. I #as asto ished to see the co tributio that Aristotle has made i terms of setti g the basis of logical thi "i g a d reaso i g. At those times the #hole #orld used to believe that there are divi e forces that co trol our life as a #hole a d #e have o co trol over it. $ve Aristotle teacher Plato a d his teacher %ocrates #ho #ere the !io eers of " o#ledge a d thi "i g& believed that the soul is res!o sible for our day to day life a d the " o#ledge that #e !osses is a !roduct of our i #ard self. 'his !he ome o #as called i tros!ectio a d #e eve fi d its traces i the moder #orld. 'he issue #ith that !he ome o is that #e might sto! loo"i g at the outer #orld for e#

i formatio a d ideas a d focus o our mi d a d soul to ge erate these ideas. Aristotle believed that there are o t#o thi gs such as (soul) a d (body) but this is a si gle source. Huma s might be differe t i a lot of #ays but they might share ideas due to the similarities bet#ee #hat they see& co tiguity or t#o eve ts ha!!e i g o e after the other a d co trast #he huma s have differe t ideas a d they discuss them to loo" for the truth a d fi d more i formatio a d " o#ledge. %ocrates a d Plato did ot believe i huma s full co trol over their bodies a d this resulted i huma s bei g limited to a set of thi g they did a d ot try e# thi gs as they #ere ot sure if they ca try e# thi gs a d fi d e# #ays of to e ha ce their " o#ledge. It #as Aristotle #ho that huma is a material thi g #ith the ormal urges li"e eati g& !erceivi g& havi g childre & thi "i g a d doi g thi gs. He told them to try e# thi gs a d ot everythi g has bee decided i adva ce. Huma s could o# ma"e their o# fate.

*hile #e study the history of the $uro!ea !rogress #e come to a !oi t #he #e reali+e that they have follo#ed Ib ,ushd ideas of logical thi "i g. 'he basis of Ib ,ushd ideology are fou d i the thoughts of Aristotle a d ,ushd #as the o e #ho sim!ly modified Aristotle-s ideas to ma"e them sy chro i+ed #ith the times that he lived i . I my vie# the moder scie ce of huma behavior& !sychology is based o Aristotle co ce!t of memory. He the thi gs #e !erceive are stored i our memory a d #he #e see similar of co trast thi gs #e recall those thi gs #hich results i formi g of fresh ideas based o that ob.ective a d critical thi "i g !atter s. If #e loo" at the moder research& #e fi d that this is #hat e/actly ha!!e s #e store thi gs i our mi d a d recall them #he #e eed to asses a e cou tered situatio . 'his hel!s us o ma"i g ratio al decisio s i stead of leavi g everythi g o fate a d feeli g hel!lessly. Aristotle might ot have the e/act terms or scie tific e/!la atio at the time he lived i but his theories ca easily be tested a d u! to a large e/ta t !roved #ith the moder tech ology. I feel asto ished to see his #isdom of goi g agai st the orms a d sayi g somethi g o o e #as ready to acce!t. He #ill be remembered for his co tributio s to#ards the moder develo!me t as lo g as the #orld lives.

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