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Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths See Dr.

Larry Palevsky is a board-certified pediatrician trained at the New York School of Medicine, and one of the leading physicians in the co ntry who, fro! !y view, is act ally able to co!pellingly and convincingly provide so nd, rational, scientific " stification as to why yo need to serio sly reconsider the wisdo! of choosing vaccines as an option to prevent against !ost diseases. The Difference Between What You Learn in School and What Works Dr. Palevs!y says: #$hen % went thro gh !edical school, % was ta ght that vaccines were co!pletely safe and co!pletely effective, and % had no reason to believe otherwise. &ll the infor!ation that % was ta ght was pretty standard in all the !edical schools and the teachings and scientific literat re thro gho t the co ntry. % had no reason to disbelieve it. 'ver the years, % kept practicing !edicine and sing vaccines and thinking that !y approach to vaccines was co!pletely onboard with everything else % was ta ght. ( t !ore and !ore, % kept seeing that !y e)perience of the world, !y e)perience in sing and reading abo t vaccines, and hearing what parents were saying abo t vaccines were very different fro! what % was ta ght in !edical school and !y residency training. * and it beca!e clearer to !e as % read the research, listened to !ore and !ore parents, and fo nd other practitioners who also shared the sa!e concern that vaccines had not been co!pletely proven safe or even co!pletely effective, based on the literat re that we have today. * %t didn+t appear that the scientific st dies that we were given were act ally appropriately designed to prove and test the safety and efficacy. %t also ca!e to !y attention that there were ingredients in there that were not properly tested, that the co!parison gro ps were not appropriately set p, and that concl sions !ade abo t vaccine safety and efficacy " st did not fit the scientific standards that % was trained to phold in !y !edical school training., Were Vaccines eally the !Sa"ior# $%ainst Past Diseases& "onventional medicine teaches that the polio and the smallpox epidemics #ent a#ay $eca%se o& the vaccines' and that most o& the diseases that #e &aced in the 20th cent%ry in the (nited )tates #ere $ro%*ht do#n $eca%se o& the po#er' stren*th and the implementation o& the vaccine policy.

Mean#hile' there are a si*ni&icant n%m$er o& st%dies in the medical literat%re that act%ally sho# there #ere many other reasons that these in&ectio%s diseases #ent a#ay. +or example' one article p%$lished in 2000 in the Pediatrics -o rnal descri$es ho#' $e&ore the ,orld ,ar --' the ma.ority o& the in&ectio%s diseases the () #as &aced #ith / s%ch as diphtheria' tetan%s' polio' pert%ssis' measles' in&l%en0a' parapert%ssis' t%$erc%losis and scarlet &ever / #ere all red%ced $e&ore ,orld ,ar -- and 1E+23E there #ere anti$iotics and vaccinations availa$le to treat or to vaccinate a*ainst these diseases. 4he reasons &or the red%ctions in incidence rates and mortality o& these diseases #ere predominantly d%e to the implementation o& p%$lic health strate*ies' incl%din*:

"lean #ater 1etter livin* conditions -mproved sanitation -mproved n%trition

4here are many s%ch examples. 'a"e the Proper Safety Studies $ctually Been Done& )o' #hy is there s%ch a vast di&&erence amon* intelli*ent' scienti&ically oriented' committed and o$.ective scientists and physicians a$o%t the sa&ety and e&&icacy o& vaccines5 Dr. Palevs!y says: #% think that if yo ask !ost of !y colleag es where they get their infor!ation, they will say that they read it fro! the &!erican &cade!y of Pediatrics, fro! the &M&, fro! the .D., and in their "o rnals. ( t % wo ld like to challenge !ost of !y colleag es to look thro gh the st dies the!selves to act ally see if the proper scientific st dies were done sing a proper st dy gro p and a proper control gro p. $ere the ingredients in vaccines properly st died/ %s there a difference between being e)posed to a vir s, bacteria, heavy !etal or to)in thro gh the air, food, yo r intestines and yo r skin, vers s when it+s in"ected into yo r body/ 0ave we really looked at what happens to vaccine !aterials once in"ected into a child/ %s an antibody s fficient to provide protection for a child against disease/ More and !ore st dies are co!ing o t to show that1

2he proper st dies haven+t been done &ntibodies are not the final way in which yo r body is protected

2here is a difference between how children process !aterial thro gh air and food vers s thro gh in"ection 2here are particles in vaccines that do acc ! late in yo r body and ca se i!pair!ents in yo r i!! ne syste! 2here are particles in the vaccines that get into yo r brain, and 2here are foreign DN& particles that get into yo r body

3or !any health professionals it is a shock to discover that there is s ch a lack of infor!ation on the safety and efficacy, and a !o nting degree of infor!ation that act ally raises s spicions abo t the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and whether or not they have been properly st died., ,hat #e c%rrently have is a one-sided policy6 a one #ay o& thin!in* that is impossi$le to really allo# &or the appropriate de$ate. )cience is tr%ly a &ield #here yo% as! a 7%estion' yo% &ind an ans#er' and yo% don8t have the $iases or the in&l%ences that chan*e the #ay an ans#er or a concl%sion is made. ,e are not seein* that #ith vaccines. 2n a personal note' - recently received the Visionary 9#ard at the :V-" con&erence in ,ashin*ton D". -n my acceptance speech' - $asically $ro!e do#n in tears #hen told the a%dience ho# - &elt #hen - came to reali0e that $y ro%tinely vaccinatin* tho%sands o& innocent children at my clinic' -8d pro$a$ly ca%sed dama*e to many o& them. -t #as a very di&&ic%lt thin* &or me to accept intellect%ally and emotionally. 'ow a (on"entionally Trained Physician $ccepts that Vaccines (an (ause 'ar) Dr. Palevs!y $e*an his investi*ation in earnest a$o%t 10 years a*o $eca%se parents came to him #ith complaints' #orries' and concerns that somethin* had happened to their children a&ter they #ere vaccinated. -nterestin*ly' this is the same #ay that - $ecame enli*htened a$o%t vaccines -- thro%*h the concern o& a very patient mother #hose &amily - #as ta!in* care o&. )he *ently persisted in sho#in* me the evidence and than! ;od - listened< 4ra*ically' most doctors are &ar too arro*ant to even consider that there is any possi$ility that there mi*ht $e somethin* #ron* #ith vaccines. Most pediatricians are indoctrinated to simply tell parents that anythin* related to a $ad o%tcome &rom a vaccine is a mere coincidence. 1%t ho# come there are so many o& these =coincidences>5 )ays Palevs!y' #%t is heartbreaking, beca se % see !any of these kids who were develop!entally nor!al, who were doing well, who were speaking, then whose voices and eye contacts were lost, who went into sei4 res, who developed asth!a and allergies, and they had nowhere to go beca se they+re doctors told the! that they don+t know what they+re talking abo t. 2hese kids are real.

2he literat re is showing that there are changes in the i!! ne syste! of children who are vaccinated, especially if we vaccinate the! before one year of age or even at one day of age. 2he literat re is there. %t+s good scientific literat re, and it shows that !ore and !ore of these kids who are s ffering fro! chronic illness are s ffering fro! i!pair!ents of their i!! ne syste!. $hether vaccines are ca sative or contrib tory, the literat re is showing that there is a role that vaccines are playing in creating the gro ndwork for these children+s i!! ne syste!s to start to show signs of i!pair!ent and destr ction. * $hen % look at the st dies that the &!erican &cade!y of Pediatrics and the .D. p t o t, saying that there+s no correlation between vaccination and a tis! or vaccinations and asth!a, % have to say that the st dies " st don+t hold p to the scientific standards. Yo can+t have 56 children in a st dy and then report that this proves that no children who get a tis! have any correlation to being in" red by vaccines. 2his is what the !edia does1 they take these concl sions, p t it right o t in front of the newspapers and say, #7accines don+t ca se a tis!., $hen yo really look at the st dies 8 and there+s not a proper control gro p and there+s only 56 people 8 yo can+t !ake a grand, generali4ed state!ent abo t a general pop lation beca se yo +ve st died 56 children., The *V+( Set to (reate ,round-reakin% Vaccine Safety esearch 4he :ational Vaccine -n&ormation "enter @:V-"A .%st raised B100'000 and contin%es to loo! &or donations and sponsors to allo# proper sa&ety st%dies to $e done $y independent researchers' #ho aren8t *oin* to in&l%ence the o%tcomes. 2ne st%dy that loo!ed at the health o%tcomes o& vaccinated vers%s %nvaccinated children does exist. P%$lished in the -o rnal of &llergy and .linical %!! nology in 9pril 200C' that loo!ed at the health o%tcomes o& children #ho are &%lly vaccinated' #ho are partially vaccinated' and #ho are not vaccinated at all. 9ll the investi*ators as!ed the parents to do #as to report atopic illness. 9topic illness means aller*ies' asthma' ec0ema' hay &ever. 4he investi*ators #ere $linded' meanin* they didn8t !no# #hich cate*ory the participants $elon*ed to. ,hen they assessed the data' they &o%nd that the lar*est n%m$er o& reports $y parents o& children #ith atopic illness #ere in the !ids #ho #ere &%lly vaccinated. 4he second hi*hest reports #ere in the &amilies #ho are partially vaccinated. 9nd the lo#est n%m$er o& reports #as in the children #ho #ere %nvaccinatedD 4he investi*ators per&ormed a statistical analysis to see i& the data #as $ased on chance or on real statistical di&&erences' and &o%nd there #ere statistically si*ni&icant 4

di&&erences $et#een these *ro%ps. 4hey co%ldn8t %nderstand ho# this #as possi$le' $eca%se the *enerally accepted consens%s is that vaccines are completely sa&e' and completely e&&ective. 1ased on this initial &indin*' #e clearly need to do &ollo#-%p st%dies to as! the same 7%estion over and over a*ain6 repeat this !ind o& investi*ation #ith di&&erent pop%lations across di&&erent parts o& the co%ntry' to %nearth the tr%th< Dr. Palevs!y says: #.ertainly, the iss e has been raised abo t the special interests, the !oney that+s tied, the policies, how ! ch !oney the vaccine !an fact rers stand to !ake, the doctors who !ake decisions on vaccines, and how ! ch !oney they stand to !ake. ( t we need the science and not this conspiracy theory... %f we " st stay with the science, and really start to address the need for the science, and look at the fact that there is a lack of science, we will definitely see that !ore needs to be done. $e have not done d e diligence., $re So)e Vaccines Safer Than .thers& Many may $e s%rprised $y Dr. Palevs!y8s ans#er: in !y research of the vaccines, and of the basic !icrobiology and virology that we+re trained to know in o r !edical training, % cannot nderstand how a vaccine with a vir s can be safe., ,hat most people don8t !no# is that a vir%s is not =alive'> per se. -t is simply a piece or strand o& either 3:9 or D:9. 9nd even o& itsel&' a vir%s can8t =do> anythin*. -n addition it is so tiny that it can only $e seen %nder an electron microscope. -t is m%ch smaller than $acteria' #hich can only $e seen in the re*%lar microscope. )o vir%ses cannot $e isolated #hen yo% ma!e a viral vaccine. 9ll that can $e isolated is the tiss%e' #hether it8s h%man tiss%e or animal tiss%e that is $elieved to have $een in&ected $y that speci&ic vir%s that yo%8re tryin* to isolate. )o #hen a viral c%lt%re or a set o& c%lt%res are made incl%din* the speci&ic vir%s' yo%8re *oin* to have the D:9 o& people or animals #ho #ere already in&ected. 4hose cells are then ta!en and *ro#n on animal cells' #hether itEs mon!ey !idney cells or chic!en em$ryo cells. ,hen mixed to*ether' these cells #ill splice and recom$ine' #hich means that D:9 &rom animal cells are *oin* to mix #ith D:9 &rom the !no#n in&ected cells #ith the vir%s. )o $y de&inition' a viral vaccine contains &orei*n animal and' even possi$ly' &orei*n h%man D:9. 4hat8s #hy i& yo% have an e** aller*y' yo% sho%ldn8t *et certain vaccines $eca%se it is !no#n that there8s *oin* to $e e** protein in the vaccine. C

)o the 7%estion is' ho# sa&e is it to in.ect viral material that is em$edded into the D:9 o& &orei*n D:9 cells5 ,hat st%dies have $een done to act%ally test #hether &orei*n D:9 is *ettin* into yo%r $ody6 #hether it stays in yo%r D:96 #hether it *ets into yo%r $rain6 and #hether there are &orei*n animal vir%ses that are inherently present in animal D:9 to $e*in #ith5 The Dan%ers of $d/u"ants 9d.%vants are %sed in vaccines in order to create a s%&&iciently stron* imm%nolo*ical response. 9d.%vants a%*ment yo%r imm%nolo*ical response. 1%t there is clear evidence that ad.%vants' li!e al%min%m and s7%alene impair yo%r imm%ne system. )o #hile yo% may $e *ettin* the anti$odies desired' yo% are' at the same time' dama*in* yo%r imm%ne system. Partic%larly in children' this can set them %p to develop chronic illness. Pushin% for +nfor)ed (onsent )o' does that mean yo% sho%ld never vaccinate a*ainst anythin*5 Dr. Palevs!y says: #2hat+s so!ething that needs to be left p to the individ al parent. % a! tr ly a proponent of infor!ed consent, and %+! tr ly s pportive of fa!ilies who have done their ho!ework and who have been able to !ake the choice. $hat is the possible risk of the illness/ $hat is the possible health o tco!e if yo r child gets one of those illnesses/ &nd how ! ch do yo know abo t those risks vers s how ! ch do yo know abo t the risks of the vaccines and the health o tco!es of what !ay happen when children are vaccinated against single, or even ! ltiple, vaccines/ &nd when parents are given both sides, it is p to the! to !ake that infor!ed choice. %t is no longer !y role to tell the! that they ! st do this vaccine b t not that vaccine, beca se each parent has to !ake an infor!ed choice based on their nderstanding of how diseases occ r or don+t occ r, what science we have available, and whether they feel co!fortable with the devil that they know 9the science and the o tco!es of disease: vers s the devil that they don+t know 9science and the o tco!es of the vaccine:., What a-out the Swine 0lu Vaccine&

Echoin* many other health pro&essionals' incl%din* mysel&' Dr. Palevs!y8s concern is that there haven8t $een s%&&icient amo%nts o& scienti&ic investi*ation to act%ally $e a$le to say that the vaccines are sa&e' or even e&&ective. Ge says: #Now if yo read the packaging first of the swine fl vaccine, it specifically states that the swine fl or the 0;N; fl vaccine was !an fact red in the sa!e !an fact ring process as the fl vaccine. 2herefore since we believe that the fl vaccine has been s fficiently tested to be safe, we can then concl de that the 0;N; vaccine is safe. ( t the p blic sho ld know that even tho gh o r a thorities are standing there and saying that the 0;N; vaccine is safe, the proper st dies have not been done. * &nd it+s nfair to say to parents or to the p blic that if yo co!e down with a fl like illness, it ! st be 0;N;. %n st dies that have been done, people who did get the fl had their noses swabbed, and they were fo nd to have 0;N;. $hat+s !issing in these data is a pop lation of healthy people who have not had any fl sy!pto!s 8 to act ally see if their noses contained 0;N; 8 beca se if so!eone is sick and has the presence of an 0;N; vir s in the nose, it doesn+t !ean that the 0;N; is ca sing the illness. Yo really have to take an appropriate control gro p to see if people are coloni4ed with that vir s even when they+re not sick. So we don+t have that data< we really don+t know. % don+t think we can say with good scientific certainty that people who are getting sick fro! the fl and who are being diagnosed with 0;N; are act ally having 0;N; as the ca se., .ther Ways to Protect Yourself $%ainst the 0lu 9*ain' there8s clear evidence in the medical literat%re that sho#s proper hy*iene' proper sleep' proper diet' proper s%pplementation #ith thin*s li!e vitamin D @ma!in* s%re that yo% *et yo%r vitamin D level done &irstA' and perhaps vitamin "' can act%ally prevent yo% &rom *ettin* the &l%. Many insist that vaccinated individ%als =protect> the %nvaccinated a*ainst the &l% vir%s / in essence' reapin* the $ene&it o& the protection they re&%se &or themselves' #hile at the same time p%ttin* others in dan*er. 1%t ho# does that ma!e sense5 )ays Dr. Palevs!y: #0ow does vaccinating against the fl vir s stop yo fro! carrying the fl vir s in yo r nasal passages/, 9nd yet' this is #hat many $elieve. H

The (oncept of 'erd +))unity 1 B2STED3 2ne o& the primary ar*%ments that is $ein* %sed to .%sti&y this insane $ehavior is =herd imm%nity.> 4he &act is that vaccination does :24 stop yo% &rom carryin* $acteria or vir%ses in yo%r nose' in yo%r throat' in yo%r intestines' in yo%r air#ay' on yo%r s!in' or in yo%r $ody. 1%t many do not %nderstand the si*ni&icance o& this &act' and have $een made to $elieve that i& yo%8re vaccinated' yo% #on8t carry vir%ses' and there&ore' others #ill $e protected $eca%se yo%8re vaccinated. 9s it t%rns o%t' this $elie& is :24 $ased on scienti&ic &act. Dr. Palevs!y explains: #2his whole concept of herd i!! nity is very interesting, beca se we were ta ght that herd i!! nity occ rs beca se a certain percentage of a pop lation gets an active illness. 2herefore by a certain percentage of getting the active illness, they i!part a protection onto the re!aining part of the pop lation that has not gotten the illness yet. &nd so the herd that is getting the illness is shedding the illness and protecting those who have not gotten it. %n vaccine science, we are e)trapolating or concl ding that if we vaccinate a certain percentage of people, we are i!parting protection on those who have not been vaccinated. &nd that has N'2 been shown to be tr e, beca se the tr e herd i!! nity in theory is based on an &.2%7= D%S=&S=, and we know that despite what we+re ta ght, vaccination does not !i!ic the nat ral disease. So we cannot se the sa!e !odel of herd i!! nity in a nat ral disease in the vaccination policy. ( t nfort nately, we do se it even tho gh it cannot be sed beca se it doesn+t have scientific backing. $hat+s !ost interesting to !e is that the entire concept of herd i!! nity fails to acknowledge that there is a life cycle of the vir ses and the bacteria all on their own, and that what t rns the! on and off !ay have nothing to do with the percentage of people who have been infected. &ll yo have to do is look at the S&>S o tbreak. 2hat vir s that we were s pposed to fear didn+t infect ?@ or A@ percent of the pop lation, which wo ld then i!part herd i!! nity on the 5@ or B@ percent that didn+t get the disease. 2his is beca se the vir s itself had a life cycle of its own. &nd so it ca!e and went witho t any percentage of the pop lation being protected. 2here wasn+t herd i!! nity, and yet the vir s died o t on its own.

$e fail to incl de that vir ses have a life cycle, and that they are in relationship to other organis!s and to s. So!ething activates the! and so!ething act ally stops the!, and it has nothing necessarily to do with the percentage of people who wo ld have the illness or who have been vaccinated. * %t is prepostero s to think that a child who is vaccinated no longer carries the bacteria or the vir ses that they have been vaccinated against. %f, in fact, children are vaccinated, then why are parents and p blic health a thorities afraid that nonvaccinated children are so!ehow carrying so!ething that their children are not, when they sho ld feel co!fortable that their children are vaccinated/ Yo can+t have it both ways. Yo can+t vaccinate believing that yo r children are protected and then feel that yo r children are not protected beca se so!ehow, so!e non-vaccinated child is carrying so!e secret organis! that no one else is carrying. %t " st doesn+t !ake any sense., The Difference -etween *atural +))unity and Vaccine4lnduced +))unity -t8s important to %nderstand that the nat ral illness has *reater in&l%ence on the health o& yo%r $ody. )ays Dr. Palevs!y: #%n !edical school, the !entors that % had saw children in their practices in the C@s, 6@s and all the way p to the A@s getting these fl -like illnesses who were properly treated with rest, fl ids and proper s pple!entation. 2hose kids had develop!ental growth sp rts after the illnesses were over. 2here is so!ething to say for these viral illnesses that i!part a certain boosting of the i!! ne syste! of yo r children. &nd if we+re not letting the! have these illnesses, what are we doing to their i!! ne syste!s/ &ren+t we act ally ha!pering their overall health/, Jo% need to %nderstand that there8s a si*ni&icant di&&erence $et#een nat%ral imm%nity and vaccination imm%nity. ,hen children are $orn' they develop nat%ral imm%nity to h%ndreds' tho%sands' millions' and even trillions o& microor*anisms that they $reathe in' eat' and to%ch thro%*h their s!in. 4heir imm%ne systems at the linin* o& their air#ays' at the linin* o& their intestines' and on their s!in are actively protectin* their $ody &rom the o%tside #orld. 4hose imm%ne systems that are intricately and speci&ically located in the linin*s are very important to create memory and protection to the or*anisms that they contin%e to $reathe' eat' and to%ch. 4hat imm%ne system response then has a domino e&&ect on creatin* other memory and imm%ne responses that *ive yo%r $ody anti$odies and protection. 9

4hat8s a very important step &or ho# the imm%ne system mat%res in o%r children. +rom the linin*s' the imm%ne system receives in&ormation' sends o%t si*nals to all other parts o& the imm%ne system' and creates an imm%ne response' memory' and anti$odies. 2n the other hand' #hen yo% in.ect materials into yo%r $ody' yo% are $ypassin* that cr%cial &irst step called the primary line o& de&ense. ,ith vaccination yo% are .%st creatin* an anti$ody. 4hat does :24 impart lon*-term imm%nity $eca%se it does not create the !ind o& memory that occ%rs #hen yo% $reathe it in' eat it' or are exposed thro%*h the s!in' and then *o thro%*h the co%rse o& the nat%ral disease. )ome people #ill ar*%e that this is #hy #e have nasal spray vaccines. Go#ever' a*ain' yo%8re ma!in* the ass%mption that yo% have not already $een exposed to the vir%s at some point' and yo%8re also ma!in* the ass%mption that expos%re a%tomatically leads to in&ection. Expos%re does not necessarily lead to in&ection. 9 lot o& it has to do #ith the overall stat%s o& yo%r imm%ne system. The Dan%ers of (o)-inin% Vaccines 2ne iss%e that is &re7%ently i*nored is the potential harm &rom the syner*y o& com$inations o& vaccines' #hich have never $een st%died. :o one !no#s #hether there8s interaction $et#een the $acteria and the vir%ses in the vaccines administered as part o& the childhood vaccination sched%le' or i& there is interaction in the trace thimerosal @#hich is still in some o& the m%lti-vials o& certain vaccinesA' or the lar*e amo%nt o& al%min%m that is in many o& them. Dr. Palevs!y says: #2here is a scientist na!ed (oyd 0aley, who has act ally looked into so!e of the vaccine ingredients and 9;: what happens to nerve cells when yo in"ect the! in the lab to specific vaccine ingredients, and 95: what happens to the nerve cells when yo keep adding another vaccine ingredient. 0e specifically showed that in the presence of thi!erosal, there+s a lot of da!age to nerve cells. $hen yo add al !in ! to the thi!erosal, yo need less thi!erosal to create the da!age to the i!! ne and nerve cells in the presence of al !in !. 2hen when yo add neo!ycin 8 an antibiotic in so!e of the vaccines 8 it potentiates the potency of nerve cell da!age with al !in ! and !erc ry together. &nd when yo c lt re the nerve cells and testosterone, vers s estrogen, and yo e)pose the! to so!e of the vaccine ingredients like thi!erosal, yo act ally see that the nerve cells that are e)posed to testosterone are !ore da!aged in greater a!o nts than the nerve cells that are bathed in estrogen. 10

2hat raises so!e concern beca se we do see that children with ne rodevelop!ental disorders are C1;, boys to girls. So yo have to D estion whether testosterone act ally !akes children !ore v lnerable to e)pos re to to)ins like !erc ry, al !in ! or their co!bination/ None of these st dies have been done in h !ans. People say, #$e can+t do those st dies., &nd % say, #$hy not/, 2hey say, #%t+s nethical., % say, #$ell, if it+s nethical to do those st dies on vaccine ingredients and co!bining the! together, then it+s nethical to give the vaccines in general., So we+re !issing a lot of i!portant data that we won+t believe, and we+re also !issing a lot of i!portant data that we won+t acc ! late beca se !ost of the st dies that are done are by the !an fact rers of the vaccines the!selves., $-out Dr5 Lawrence B5 Pale"sky6 M5D56 05$5$5P5 Dr. Palevs!y is a $oard certi&ied pediatrician #ho %tili0es a holistic approach to children8s #ellness and illness. Dr. Palevs!y received his medical de*ree &rom the :J( )chool o& Medicine in 19IH' completed a three-year pediatric residency at 4he Mo%nt )inai Gospital in :J" in 1990' and served as a pediatric &ello# in the am$%latory care o%t-patient department at 1ellev%e Gospital' :J"' &rom 1990-1991. )ince 1991' his clinical experience incl%des #or!in* in pediatric emer*ency and intensive care medicine' in-patient and o%t-patient pediatric medicine' neonatal intensive care medicine' ne#$orn and delivery room medicine' and conventional' holistic and inte*rative pediatric private practice at the "enter &or Gealth K Gealin*an inte*rative and complementary care medical &acility a&&iliated #ith the 1eth -srael Medical "enter in :J". Dr. Palevs!y is a +ello# o& the 9merican 9cademy o& Pediatrics' co-&o%nder and President o& the Golistic Pediatric 9ssociation @###.hpa!ids.or*A and Past/President o& the 9merican Golistic Medical 9ssociation @###.holisticmedicine.or*A. -n his c%rrent practice in :orthport' Lon* -sland and Manhattan' :J"' Dr. Palevs!y o&&ers cons%ltations and ed%cational pro*rams to &amilies and practitioners in the areas o& preventive and holistic health6 childhood development6 li&estyle chan*es6 n%trition &or ad%lts' in&ants and children6 sa&e' alternative treatments &or common and di&&ic%lt to treat ac%te and chronic pediatric and ad%lt conditions6 vaccination controversies6 mind&%l parentin*6 and rethin!in* the medical paradi*m. 9dditionally' he teaches holistic inte*rative pediatric K adolescent medicine to parents' and medical and allied health pro&essionals' $oth nationally K internationally' and is availa$le &or spea!in* en*a*ements #orld#ide. +or more in&ormation or to contact Dr. Palevs!y' please visit ###.drpalevs! or contact info7drpale"sky5co) elated Links8 VE Y +)portant Vaccine 9uestion 11

0lu Vaccine Exposed Dan%ers of Excessi"e (hildhood Vaccinations


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