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Title: A Moon for the Misbegotten (1952) Author: Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) A !

ro"e#t $utenberg of Austr%li% e&oo' e&oo' No(: )*)))*1(t+t E,ition: 1 -%ngu%ge: English .h%r%#ter set en#o,ing: -%tin-1(/0O-8859-1)--8 bit 1%te first 2oste,: 3%nu%r4 2))* 1%te 5ost re#entl4 u2,%te,: 3%nu%r4 2))* This e&oo' 6%s 2ro,u#e, b4: 1on -%inson ,l%inson7s452%ti#o(#% !ro"e#t $utenberg of Austr%li% e&oo's %re #re%te, fro5 2rinte, e,itions 6hi#h %re in the 2ubli# ,o5%in in Austr%li%8 unless % #o24right noti#e is in#lu,e,( 9e ,o NOT 'ee2 %n4 e&oo's in #o52li%n#e 6ith % 2%rti#ul%r 2%2er e,ition( .o24right l%6s %re #h%nging %ll o:er the 6orl,( &e sure to #he#' the #o24right l%6s for 4our #ountr4 before ,o6nlo%,ing or re,istributing this file( This e&oo' is 5%,e %:%il%ble %t no #ost %n, 6ith %l5ost no restri#tions 6h%tsoe:er( ;ou 5%4 #o24 it8 gi:e it %6%4 or re-use it un,er the ter5s of the !ro"e#t $utenberg of Austr%li% -i#ense 6hi#h 5%4 be :ie6e, online %t htt2:<<gutenberg(net(%u<li#en#e(ht5l --------------------------------------------------------------------------A !ro"e#t $utenberg of Austr%li% e&oo' Title: Author: A Moon for the Misbegotten (1952) Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953)

A Moon for the Misbegotten is 2ublishe, here6ith 6ith no re:isions or ,eletions( /t is %n e+%#t re2ro,u#tion of the origin%l 5%nus#ri2t 6hi#h / ,eli:ere, to =%n,o5 >ouse8 /n#(8 on #o52leting the 2l%4 in 19*3( /t h%s ne:er been 2resente, on the Ne6 ;or' st%ge nor %re there outst%n,ing rights or 2l%ns for its 2ro,u#tion( 0in#e / #%nnot 2resentl4 gi:e it the %ttention re?uire, for %22ro2ri%te 2resent%tion8 / h%:e ,e#i,e, to 5%'e it %:%il%ble in boo' for5( A2ril8 1952 E( O'N(


3O0/E >O$AN !>/- >O$AN8 her f%ther M/@E >O$AN8 her brother 3AME0 T;=ONE8 3=( T( 0TE1MAN >A=1E=

0.ENE0 A.T ONE The f%r5house( A.T T9O The s%5e8 but 6ith the interior of sitting roo5 re:e%le,--11 o'#lo#' th%t night( A.T T>=EE The s%5e %s A#t One( A.T AOB= The s%5e--1%6n of the follo6ing 5orning( No ti5e el%2ses bet6een A#ts T6o %n, Three( Aroun, noon( E%rl4 0e2te5ber8 1923(

0.ENE OA T>E !-A; The 2l%4 t%'es 2l%#e in .onne#ti#ut %t the ho5e of ten%nt f%r5er8 !hil >og%n8 bet6een the hours of noon on % ,%4 in e%rl4 0e2te5ber8 19238 %n, sunrise of the follo6ing ,%4( The house is not8 to s2e%' 5il,l48 % fine e+%52le of Ne6 Engl%n, %r#hite#ture8 2l%#e, so 2erfe#tl4 in its setting th%t it %22e%rs % h%r5onious 2%rt of the l%n,s#%2e8 roote, in the e%rth( /t h%s been 5o:e, to its 2resent site8 %n, loo's it( An ol, bo+li'e8 #l%2bo%r,e, %ff%ir8 6ith % shingle, roof %n, bri#' #hi5ne48 it is 2ro22e, u2 %bout t6o feet %bo:e groun, b4 l%4ers of ti5ber blo#'s( There %re t6o 6in,o6s on the lo6er floor of this si,e of the house 6hi#h f%#es front8 %n, one 6in,o6 on the floor %bo:e( These 6in,o6s h%:e no shutters8 #urt%ins or sh%,es( E%#h h%s %t le%st one 2%ne 5issing8 % s?u%re of #%r,bo%r, t%'ing its 2l%#e( The house h%, on#e been 2%inte, % re2ulsi:e 4ello6 6ith bro6n tri58 but the 6%lls no6 %re % bl%#'ene, %n, 6e%there, gr%48 fl%'e, 6ith stre%'s %n, s2lot#hes of ,i5 le5on( 3ust %roun, the left #orner of the house8 % flight of ste2s le%,s to the front ,oor( To 5%'e 5%tters 6orse8 % one-stor48 one-roo5 %,,ition h%s been t%#'e, on %t right( About t6el:e feet long b4 si+ high8 this roo58 6hi#h is 3osie >og%n's be,roo58 is e:i,entl4 ho5e5%,e( /ts 6%lls

%n, slo2ing roof %re #o:ere, 6ith t%r 2%2er8 f%,e, to ,%r' gr%4( .lose to 6here it "oins the house8 there is % ,oor 6ith % flight of three un2%inte, ste2s le%,ing to the groun,( At right of ,oor is % s5%ll 6in,o6( Aro5 these ste2s there is % foot2%th going %roun, %n ol, 2e%r tree8 %t right-re%r8 through % fiel, of h%4 stubble to % 2%t#h of 6oo,s( The s%5e 2%th %lso e+ten,s left to "oin % ,irt ro%, 6hi#h le%,s u2 fro5 the #ount4 high6%4 (%bout % hun,re, 4%r,s off left) to the front ,oor of the house8 %n, then#e b%#' through % s#r%ggl4 or#h%r, of %22le trees to the b%rn( .lose to the house8 un,er the 6in,o6 ne+t to 3osie's be,roo58 there is % big boul,er 6ith % fl%t-to2(

A Moon for the Misbegotten

A.T ONE 0.ENE--As ,es#ribe,( hot( /t is "ust before noon( The ,%4 is #le%r %n,

The ,oor of 3osie's be,roo5 o2ens %n, she #o5es out on the ste2s8 ben,ing to %:oi, bu52ing her he%,( 3osie is t6ent4-eight( 0he is so o:ersiCe for % 6o5%n th%t she is %l5ost % fre%'--fi:e feet ele:en in her sto#'ings %n, 6eighs %roun, one hun,re, %n, eight4( >er slo2ing shoul,ers %re bro%,8 her #hest ,ee2 6ith l%rge8 fir5 bre%sts8 her 6%ist 6i,e but slen,er b4 #ontr%st 6ith her hi2s %n, thighs( 0he h%s long s5ooth %r5s8 i55ensel4 strong8 %lthough no 5us#les sho6( The s%5e is true of her legs( 0he is 5ore 2o6erful th%n %n4 but %n e+#e2tion%ll4 strong 5%n8 %ble to ,o the 5%nu%l l%bor of t6o or,in%r4 5en( &ut there is no 5%nnish ?u%lit4 %bout her( 0he is %ll 6o5%n( The 5%2 of /rel%n, is st%52e, on her f%#e8 6ith its long u22er li2 %n, s5%ll nose8 thi#' bl%#' e4ebro6s8 bl%#' h%ir %s #o%rse %s % horse's 5%ne8 fre#'le,8 sunburne, f%ir s'in8 high #hee'bones %n, he%:4 "%6( /t is not % 2rett4 f%#e8 but her l%rge ,%r'-blue e4es gi:e it % note of be%ut48 %n, her s5ile8 re:e%ling e:en 6hite teeth8 gi:es it #h%r5( 0he 6e%rs % #he%28 slee:eless8 blue #otton ,ress( >er feet %re b%re8 the soles e%rth-st%ine, %n, tough %s le%ther( 0he #o5es ,o6n the ste2s %n, goes left to the #orner of the house %n, 2eers %roun, it to6%r, the b%rn( Then she 5o:es s6iftl4 to the right of the house %n, loo's b%#'( 3O0/E--Ah8 th%n' $o,( (0he goes b%#' to6%r, the ste2s %s her brother8 Mi'e8 %22e%rs hurr4ing u2 fro5 right-re%r()

(Mi'e >og%n is t6ent48 %bout four in#hes shorter th%n his sister( >e is stur,il4 built8 but see5s %l5ost 2un4 #o52%re, to her( >e h%s % #o55on /rish f%#e8 its e+2ression sullen8 or sl4l4 #unning8 or 2ri5l4 self-righteous( >e ne:er forgets th%t he is % goo, .%tholi#8 f%ithful to %ll the obser:%n#es8 %n, so is one of the lite of Al5ight4 $o, in % 6orl, of ,%5ne, sinners #o52ose, of !rotest%nts %n, b%, .%tholi#s( /n brief8 Mi'e is % Ne6 Engl%n, /rish .%tholi# !urit%n8 $r%,e &8 %n, %n e+tre5el4 irrit%ting 4outh to h%:e %roun,( (Mi'e 6e%rs ,irt4 o:er%lls8 % s6e%t-st%ine, bro6n shirt( #%rries % 2it#hfor'() 3O0/E--&%, lu#' to 4ou for % slo62o'e( ele:enD >e

1i,n't / tell 4ou h%lf-2%st

M/@E-->o6 #oul, / sne%' here sooner 6ith hi5 2ee'ing roun, the #orner of the b%rn to #%t#h 5e if / too' % 5inute's rest8 the 6%4 he %l6%4s ,oesD / h%, to 6%it till he 6ent to the 2ig 2en( (>e %,,s :i#iousl4) 9here he belongs8 the ol, hogE (3osie's right %r5 stri'es 6ith sur2rising s6iftness %n, her big h%n, l%n,s on the si,e of his "%6( 0he 5e%ns it to be onl4 % sl%28 but his he%, "er's b%#' %n, he stu5bles8 ,ro22ing the 2it#hfor'8 %n, 2le%,s #ringingl4) 1on't hit 5e8 3osieE 1on't8 no6E 3O0/E--(?uietl4) Then 'ee2 4our tongue off hi5( too8 %n, / li'e hi58 if 4ou ,on't( M/@E--(out of her re%#h--sullenl4) 'in,( >e's 54 f%ther8

;ou're t6o of % 'in,8 %n, % b%,

3O0/E--(goo,-n%ture,l4) /'5 2rou, of it( An, / ,i,n't hit 4ou8 or 4ou', be fl%t on the groun,( /t 6%s onl4 % lo:e t%2 to 6%'en 4our 6its8 so 4ou'll use the5( /f he #%t#hes 4ou running %6%48 he'll be%t 4ou h%lf to ,e%th( $et 4our b%g no6( /':e 2%#'e, it( /t's insi,e the ,oor of 54 roo5 6ith 4our #o%t l%i, o:er it( >urr4 no68 6hile / see 6h%t he's ,oing( (0he 5o:es ?ui#'l4 to 2eer %roun, the #orner of the house %t left( >e goes u2 the ste2s into her roo5 %n, returns #%rr4ing %n ol, #o%t %n, % #he%2 bulging s%t#hel( 0he #o5es b%#'() There's no sight of hi5( (Mi'e ,ro2s the s%t#hel on the groun, 6hile he 2uts on the #o%t() / 2ut e:er4thing in the b%g( ;ou #%n #h%nge to 4our 0un,%4 suit in the #%n %t the st%tion or in the tr%in8 %n, ,on't forget to 6%sh 4our f%#e( / 'no6 4ou 6%nt to loo' 4our best 6hen our brother8 Tho5%s8 sees 4ou on his ,oorste2( (>er tone be#o5es ,erisi:el4 %5use,() An, hi5 6%4 u2 in the 6orl,8 % noble serge%nt of the &ri,ge2ort 2oli#e( M%4be he'll get 4ou on the for#e( /t', suit 4ou( / #%n see 4ou le%,ing ,run's to the lo#'u2 6hile 4ou gi:e the5 % le#ture on te52er%n#e( Or if Tho5%s #%n't get 4ou % "ob8 he'll 2%ss 4ou %long to our brother8 3ohn8 the noble b%r'ee2 in Meri,en( >e'll te%#h 4ou the tr%,e( ;ou'll 5%'e % ni#e one8 6ho'll ne:er ste%l fro5 the till8 or ,rin'8 %n, 6ho'll tell #usto5ers the4':e h%, enough %n, better go ho5e "ust 6hen the4're beginning to feel h%224( (0he sighs regretfull4() Ah8 6ell8 Mi'e8 4ou 6%s born % 2riest's 2et8 %n, there's no hel2 for it( M/@E--Th%t's rightE M%'e fun of 5e %g%in8 be#%use / 6%nt to be

,e#ent( 3O0/E--;ou're 6orse th%n ,e#ent( ;ou're :irtuous(

M/@E--9ell8 th%t's % thing nobo,4 #%n s%4 %bout--(>e sto2s8 % bit %sh%5e,8 but 5ostl4 %fr%i, to finish() 3O0/E--(%5use,) About 5eD No8 %n, 6h%t's 5ore8 the4 ,on't( (0he s5iles 5o#'ingl4() / 'no6 6h%t % tri%l it's been to 4ou8 Mi'e8 h%:ing % sister 6ho's the s#%n,%l of the neighborhoo,( M/@E--/t's 4ou th%t's s%4ing it8 not 5e( / ,on't 6%nt to 2%rt 6ith h%r, feelings( An, /'ll 'ee2 on 2r%4ing for 4ou( 3O0/E--(roughl4) M/@E--(stiffl4) O#hE To hell 6ith 4our 2r%4ersE (>e 2i#'s u2 his b%g()

/'5 going(

3O0/E--(her 5%nner softening) 9%it( (0he #o5es to hi5() 1on't 5in, 54 rough tongue8 Mi'e( /'5 sorr4 to see 4ou go8 but it's the best thing for 4ou( Th%t's 6h4 /'5 hel2ing 4ou8 the s%5e %s / hel2e, Tho5%s %n, 3ohn( ;ou #%n't st%n, u2 to the Ol, M%n %n4 5ore th%n Tho5%s or 3ohn #oul,8 %n, the ol, ,i:il 6oul, %l6%4s 'ee2 4ou % sl%:e( / 6ish 4ou %ll the lu#' in the 6orl,8 Mi'e( / 'no6 4ou'll get on--%n, $o, bless 4ou( (>er :oi#e h%s softene,8 %n, she blin's b%#' te%rs( 0he 'isses hi5--then fu5bling in the 2o#'et of her ,ress8 2ulls out % little roll of one-,oll%r bills %n, 2resses it in his h%n,() >ere's % little 2resent o:er 4our f%re( / too' it fro5 his little green b%g8 %n, 6on't he be 6il, 6hen he fin,s outE &ut / #%n h%n,le hi5( M/@E--(en:iousl4) ;ou #%n( ;ou're the onl4 one( (gr%tefull4 5o:e, for % se#on,) Th%n' 4ou8 3osie( ;ou':e % 'in, he%rt( (then :irtuousl4) &ut / ,on't li'e t%'ing stolen 5one4( 3O0/E--1on't be % bigger "%#'%ss th%n 4ou %re %lre%,4( Tell 4our #ons#ien#e it's % bit of the 6%ges he's ne:er gi:en 4ou( M/@E--Th%t's true8 3osie( 5one4 into his 2o#'et() /t's rightfull4 5ine( (>e sho:es the

3O0/E--$et %long no68 so 4ou 6on't 5iss the trolle4( An, ,on't forget to get off the tr%in %t &ri,ge2ort( $i:e 54 lo:e to Tho5%s %n, 3ohn( No8 ne:er 5in,( The4':e not 6ritten 5e in 4e%rs( $i:e the5 % boot in the t%il for 5e( M/@E--Th%t's ni#e t%l' for % 6o5%n( the Ol, M%n's( 3O0/E--(i52%tientl4) 4ou'll ne:er go( ;ou':e % tongue %s ,irt4 %s

1on't st%rt 2re%#hing8 li'e 4ou lo:e to8 or

M/@E--;ou're %s b%, %s he is8 %l5ost( /t's his influen#e 5%,e 4ou 6h%t 4ou %re8 %n, hi5 %l6%4s s#he5ing ho6 he'll #he%t 2eo2le8 selling the5 % bro'en-,o6n n%g or % si#' #o6 or 2ig th%t he's ,o#tore, u2 to loo' goo, for % ,%4 or t6o( /t's no better th%n ste%ling8 %n, 4ou hel2 hi5(

3O0/E--/ ,o(

0ure8 it's gr%n, fun(

M/@E--;ou ought to 5%rr4 %n, h%:e % ho5e of 4our o6n %6%4 fro5 this sh%nt4 %n, sto2 4our sh%5eless 6%4s 6ith 5en( (>e %,,s8 not 6ithout 5or%l s%tisf%#tion) Though it', be h%r, to fin, % ,e#ent 5%n 6ho', h%:e 4ou no6( 3O0/E--/ ,on't 6%nt % ,e#ent 5%n8 th%n' 4ou( The4're no fun( The4're %ll sti#'s li'e 4ou( An, / 6oul,n't 5%rr4 the best 5%n on e%rth %n, be tie, ,o6n to hi5 %lone( M/@E--(6ith % #unning leer) Not e:en 3i5 T4rone8 / su22oseD (0he st%res %t hi5() ;ou', li'e being tie, to 5one48 / 'no6 th%t8 %n, he'll be ri#h 6hen his 5other's est%te is settle,( (s%r#%sti#%ll4) / su22ose 4ou':e ne:er thought of th%tD 1on't tell 5eE /':e 6%t#he, 4ou 5%'ing shee2's e4es %t hi5( 3O0/E--(#onte52tuousl4) 0o /'5 le%,ing 3i5 on to 2ro2ose8 %5 /D

M/@E--/ 'no6 it's #r%C48 but 5%4be 4ou're ho2ing if 4ou got hol, of hi5 %lone 6hen he's 5%, ,run'--An46%48 t%l' %ll 4ou 2le%se to 2ut 5e off8 /'ll bet 54 l%st 2enn4 4ou':e #oo'e, u2 so5e s#he5e to hoo' hi58 %n, the Ol, M%n 2ut 4ou u2 to it( M%4be he thin's if he #%ught 4ou 6ith 3i5 %n, h%, 6itnesses to 2ro:e it8 %n, his shotgun to s#%re hi5-3O0/E--(#ontrolling her %nger) ;ou're full of bright thoughts( 6oul,n't str%in 54 br%ins %n4 5ore8 if / 6%s 4ou( /

M/@E--9ell8 / 6oul,n't 2ut it 2%st the Ol, M%n to tr4 %n4 tri#'( An, / 6oul,n't 2ut it 2%st 4ou8 $o, forgi:e 4ou( ;ou':e ne:er #%re, %bout 4our :irtue8 or 6h%t 5%n 4ou 6ent out 6ith( ;ou':e %l6%4s been br%Cen %s br%ss %n, 2rou, of 4our ,isgr%#e( ;ou #%n't ,en4 th%t8 3osie( 3O0/E--/ ,on't( (then o5inousl4) ;ou', better shut u2 no6( /':e been hol,ing 54 te52er8 be#%use 6e're s%4ing goo,-b4e( (0he st%n,s u2() &ut /'5 losing 2%tien#e( M/@E--(h%stil4) 9%it till / finish %n, 4ou 6on't be 5%, %t 5e( / 6%s going to s%4 / 6ish 4ou lu#' 6ith 4our s#he5ing8 for on#e( / h%te 3i5 T4rone's guts8 6ith his ?uotin' -%tin %n, his high-tone, 3esuit .ollege e,u#%tion8 2utting on %irs %s if he 6%s too goo, to 6i2e his shoes on 5e8 6hen he's nothing but % ,run'en bu5 6ho ne:er ,one % t%2 of 6or' in his life8 e+#e2t %#ting on the st%ge 6hile his f%ther 6%s %li:e to get hi5 the "obs( (:in,i#ti:el4) /'ll 2r%4 4ou'll fin, % 6%4 to n%b hi58 3osie8 %n, s'in hi5 out of his l%st ni#'elE 3O0/E--(5%'es % thre%tening 5o:e to6%r, hi5) One 5ore 6or, out of 4ou--(then #onte52tuousl4) ;ou're % ,irt4 ti#' %n, it', ser:e 4ou right if / let 4ou st%4 g%bbing until A%ther #%5e %n, be%t 4ou to % "ell48 but / 6on't( /'5 too %n+ious to be ri, of 4ou( (roughl4) $et out of here8 no6E 1o 4ou thin' he'll st%4 %ll ,%4 6ith the 2igs8 4ou g%bbing foolD (0he goes left to 2eer %roun, the #orner of the house--6ith re%l %l%r5) There he is8 #o5ing u2 to the b%rn( (Mi'e gr%bs the s%t#hel8 terrifie,( >e slin's s6iftl4 %roun, the #orner %n, ,is%22e%rs %long the 2%th to the 6oo,s8 right-re%r( 0he

'ee2s 6%t#hing her f%ther %n, ,oes not noti#e Mi'e's ,e2%rture() >e's loo'ing to6%r, the 5e%,o6( >e sees 4ou're not 6or'ing( >e's running ,o6n there( >e'll #o5e here ne+t( ;ou', better run for 4our lifeE (0he turns %n, sees he's gone--#onte52tuousl4) / 5ight h%:e 'no6n( /'ll bet 4ou're % 5ile %6%4 b4 no68 4ou r%bbitE (0he 2ee's %roun, the #orner %g%in--6ith %5use, %,5ir%tion) -oo' %t 54 2oor ol, f%ther 2elt( >e's %s s2r4 on his stu524 legs %s % 4e%rling--%n, %s full of r%ge %s % nest of 6%s2sE (0he l%ughs %n, #o5es b%#' to loo' %long the 2%th to the 6oo,s() 9ell8 th%t's the l%st of 4ou8 Mi'e8 %n, goo, ri,,%n#e( /t 6%s the little bo4 4ou use, to be th%t / h%, to 5other8 %n, not 4ou8 / stole the 5one4 for( (This ,is5isses hi5( 0he sighs() 9ell8 hi5self 6ill be here in % 5inute( /', better be re%,4( (0he re%#hes in her be,roo5 #orner b4 the ,oor %n, t%'es out % s%6e,-off broo5 h%n,le() Not th%t / nee, it8 but it s%:es his 2ri,e( (0he sits on the ste2s 6ith the broo5 h%n,le 2ro22e, %g%inst the ste2s ne%r her right h%n,( A 5o5ent l%ter8 her f%ther8 !hil >og%n8 #o5es running u2 fro5 left-re%r %n, #h%rges %roun, the #orner of the house8 his %r5s 2u52ing u2 %n, ,o6n8 his fists #len#he,8 his f%#e full of fighting fur4() (>og%n is fift4-fi:e8 %bout fi:e feet si+( >e h%s % thi#' ne#'8 lu5248 slo2ing shoul,ers8 % b%rrel-li'e trun'8 stu524 legs8 %n, big feet( >is %r5s %re short %n, 5us#ul%r8 6ith l%rge h%ir4 h%n,s( >is he%, is roun, 6ith thinning s%n,4 h%ir( >is f%#e is f%t 6ith % snub nose8 long u22er li28 big 5outh8 %n, little blue e4es 6ith ble%#he, l%shes %n, e4ebro6s th%t re5in, one of % 6hite 2ig's( >e 6e%rs he%:4 brog%ns8 filth4 o:er%lls8 %n, % ,irt4 short-slee:e, un,ershirt( Ar5s %n, f%#e %re sunburne, %n, fre#'le,( On his he%, is %n ol, 6i,e-bri55e, h%t of #o%rse str%6 th%t 6oul, loo' 5ore be#o5ing on % horse( >is :oi#e is high-2it#he, 6ith % 2ronoun#e, brogue() >O$AN--(sto2s %s he turns the #orner %n, sees her--furiousl4) 9here is heD /s he hi,ing in the houseD /'ll 6i2e the floors 6ith hi58 the l%C4 b%st%r,E (turning his %nger %g%inst her) >%:en't 4ou % tongue in 4our he%,8 4ou gre%t slut 4ouD 3O0/E--(6ith 2ro:o'ing #%l5) 1on't be #%lling 5e n%5es8 4ou b%,te52ere, ol, hornet8 or 5%4be /'ll lose 54 te52er8 too( >O$AN--To hell 6ith 4our te52er8 4ou o:ergro6n #o6E 3O0/E--/', r%ther be % #o6 th%n %n ugl4 little bu#' go%t( ;ou', better sit ,o6n %n, #ool off( Ol, 5en shoul,n't run %roun, r%ging in the noon sun( ;ou'll get sunstro'e( >O$AN--To hell 6ith sunstro'eE 3O0/E-->%:e / seen 6hoD >O$AN--Mi'eE 9ho else 6oul, / be %fter8 the !o2eD >e 6%s in the 5e%,o68 but the 5inute / turne, 54 b%#' he sne%'e, off( (>e sees the 2it#hfor'() There's his 2it#hfor'E 9ill 4ou sto2 4our l4ingE 3O0/E--/ h%:en't s%i, / ,i,n't see hi5( >O$AN--Then ,on't tr4 to hel2 hi5 hi,e fro5 5e8 or--9here is heD >%:e 4ou seen hi5D

3O0/E--9here 4ou'll ne:er fin, hi5( >O$AN--9e'll soon seeE /'ll bet he's in 4our roo5 un,er the be,8 the #o6%r,l4 lu52E (>e 5o:es to6%r, the ste2s() 3O0/E-->e's not( >e's gone li'e Tho5%s %n, 3ohn before hi5 to es#%2e 4our sl%:e-,ri:ing( >O$AN--(st%res %t her in#re,ulousl4) his o6n 6%4 in the 6orl,D 3O0/E-->e h%s( ;ou 5e%n he's run off to 5%'e

0o 5%'e u2 4our 5in, to it8 %n, sit ,o6n(

>O$AN--(b%ffle,8 sits on the boul,er %n, t%'es off his h%t to s#r%t#h his he%,--6ith % f%int tr%#e of gru,ging res2e#t) /', ne:er ,re%5 he h%, th%t 5u#h s2un'( (his te52er rising %g%in) An, / 'no6 ,%5ne, 6ell he h%,n't8 not 6ithout 4ou to gi:e hi5 the guts %n, hel2 hi58 li'e the gre%t soft fool 4ou %reE 3O0/E--No6 ,on't st%rt r%ging %g%in8 A%ther( >O$AN--(seething) ;ou':e stolen 54 s%t#hel to gi:e hi58 / su22ose8 li'e 4ou ,i, before for Tho5%s %n, 3ohnD 3O0/E--/t 6%s 54 s%t#hel8 too( 1i,n't / hel2 the horse8 6hen 4ou got the .ro6le4s to thro6 goo, 5e%sureD / 6%s u2 %ll night fi+ing th%t 'nees 6oul,n't bu#'le together till %fter the ,%4 or t6o( 4ou in the tr%,e for in the s%t#hel for n%g's forelegs so his .ro6le4s h%, hi5 %

>O$AN--(forgets his %nger to grin re5inis#entl4) ;ou':e % 6on,erful 6%4 6ith %ni5%ls8 $o, bless 4ou( An, ,o 4ou re5e5ber the t6o .ro6le4s #%5e b%#' to gi:e 5e % be%ting8 %n, / li#'e, the5 bothD 3O0/E--(6ith #%l#ul%ting fl%tter4) ;ou ,i,( ;ou're % 6on,erful fighter( 0ure8 4ou #oul, gi:e 3%#' 1e52se4 hi5self % run for his 5one4( >O$AN--(6ith sh%r2 sus2i#ion) / #oul,8 but ,on't tr4 to #h%nge the sub"e#t %n, fill 5e 6ith bl%rne4( 3O0/E--All right( /'ll tell the truth then( The4 6ere getting the best of 4ou till / r%n out %n, 'no#'e, one of the5 t%il o:er tin #u2 %g%inst the 2ig2en( >O$AN--(outr%ge,) ;ou're % li%rE The4 6%s begging for 5er#4 before 4ou #%5e( (furiousl4) ;ou thief8 4ouE ;ou stole 54 fine s%t#hel for th%t lu52E An, /'ll bet th%t's not %ll( /'ll bet8 li'e 6hen Tho5%s %n, 3ohn sne%'e, off8 4ou--(>e rises fro5 the boul,er thre%teningl4() -isten8 3osie8 if 4ou foun, 6here / hi, 54 little green b%g8 %n, stole 54 5one4 to gi:e to th%t lous4 %lt%r bo48 /'ll-3O0/E--(rises fro5 the ste2s 6ith the broo5 h%n,le in her right h%n,) 9ell8 / ,i,( 0o no6 6h%t'll 4ou ,oD 1on't be thre%tening 5e( ;ou 'no6 /'ll be%t better sense in 4our s'ull if 4ou l%4 %

finger on 5e( >O$AN--/ ne:er 4et l%i, h%n,s on % 6o5%n--not 6hen / 6%s sober--but if it 6%sn't for th%t #lub--(bitterl4) A fine #urse $o, 2ut on 5e 6hen he g%:e 5e % ,%ughter %s big %n, strong %s % bull8 %n, %s :i#ious %n, ,isres2e#tful( (0u,,enl4 his e4es t6in'le %n, he grins %,5iringl4() &e $o,8 loo' %t 4ou st%n,ing there 6ith the #lubE /f 4ou %in't the ,%5ne,est ,%ughter in .onne#ti#ut8 6ho isD (>e #hu#'les %n, sits on the boul,er %g%in() 3O0/E--(l%ughs %n, sits on the ste2s8 2utting the #lub %6%4) if 4ou %in't the ,%5ne,est f%ther in .onne#ti#ut8 6ho isD An,

>O$AN--(t%'es % #l%4 2i2e %n, 2lug of tob%##o %n, 'nife fro5 his 2o#'et( >e #uts the 2lug %n, stuffs his 2i2e--6ithout r%n#or) >o6 5u#h ,i, 4ou ste%l8 3osieD 3O0/E--0i+ ,oll%rs onl4( >O$AN--ON-;E 9ell8 $o, gr%nt so5eone 6ith 6its 6ill see th%t ,o2e4 g%n,er %t the ,e2ot %n, sell hi5 the r%ilro%, for the si+( (gru5bling) /t isn't the 5one4 / 5in,8 3osie-3O0/E--/ 'no6( 0ure8 6h%t ,o 4ou #%re for 5one4D ;ou', gi:e 4our l%st 2enn4 to the first begg%r 4ou 5et--if he h%, % shotgun 2ointe, %t 4our he%rtE >O$AN--1on't be te%sing( ;ou 'no6 6h%t / 5e%n( /t's the thought of th%t 2ious lu52 h%:ing 54 5one4 th%t 5%,,ens 5e( / 6oul,n't 2ut it 2%st hi5 to ,ro2 it in the #olle#tion 2l%te ne+t 0un,%48 he's th%t big % "%#'%ss( 3O0/E--/ 'ne6 6hen 4ou', #%l5e, ,o6n 4ou', thin' it 6orth si+ ,oll%rs to see the l%st of hi5( >O$AN--(finishes filling his 2i2e) 9ell8 5%4be / ,o( To tell the truth8 / ne:er li'e, hi5( (>e stri'es % 5%t#h on the se%t of his o:er%lls %n, lights his 2i2e() An, / ne:er li'e, Tho5%s %n, 3ohn8 either( 3O0/E--(%5use,) brothers( ;ou':e the s%5e b%, lu#' in sons / h%:e in

>O$AN--(2uffs ru5in%ti:el4) The4 %ll t%'e %fter 4our 5other's f%5il4( 0he 6%s the onl4 one in it h%, s2irit8 $o, rest her soul( The rest of the5 6%s % 2ious lous4 lot( The4 6oul,n't ,%re 2ut foo, in their 5ouths before the4 s%i, gr%#e for it( The4 6%s too bus4 2re%#hing te52er%n#e to h%:e ti5e for % ,rin'( The4 s2ent so 5u#h ti5e #onfessing their sins8 the4 h%, no #h%n#e to ,o %n4 sinning( (>e s2its ,isguste,l4() The s#u5 of the e%rthE Th%n' $o,8 4ou're li'e 5e %n, 4our 5other( 3O0/E--/ ,on't 'no6 if / shoul, th%n' $o, for being li'e 4ou( 0ure8 e:er4one s%4s 4ou're % 6i#'e, ol, ti#'8 %s #roo'e, %s % #or's#re6( >O$AN--/ 'no6( The4're %n en:ious lot8 $o, forgi:e the5( (The4 both #hu#'le( >e 2ulls on his 2i2e refle#ti:el4() ;ou ,i,n't get

5u#h th%n's fro5 Mi'e8 /'ll 6%ger8 for 4our hel2( 3O0/E--Oh8 he th%n'e, 5e 'in,l4( %bout 54 sins--%n, 4ours( An, then he st%rte, to 2re%#h

>O$AN--Oho8 ,i, heD (e+2lo,ing) Aor the lo:e of $o,8 6h4 ,i,n't 4ou hol, hi5 till / #oul, gi:e hi5 one goo, 'i#' for % f%ther's 2%rting blessingE 3O0/E--/ ne%r g%:e hi5 one 54self( >O$AN--9hen / thin' 4our 2oor 5other 6%s 'ille, bringing th%t #ru554 #%lf into lifeE (:in,i#ti:el4) /':e ne:er set foot in % #hur#h sin#e8 %n, ne:er 6ill( (A 2%use( >e s2e%'s 6ith % sur2rising s%, gentleness() A s6eet 6o5%n( 1o 4ou re5e5ber her8 3osieD ;ou 6ere onl4 % little thing 6hen she ,ie,( 3O0/E--/ re5e5ber her 6ell( (6ith %8 te%sing s5ile 6hi#h is h%lf s%,) 0he 6%s the one #oul, 2ut 4ou in 4our 2l%#e 6hen 4ou', #o5e ho5e ,run' %n, 6%nt to te%r ,o6n the house for the fun of it( >O$AN--(6ith %,5iring %22re#i%tion) ;es8 she #oul, ,o it8 $o, bless her( / onl4 r%ise, 54 h%n, to her on#e--"ust % sl%2 be#%use she tol, 5e to sto2 singing8 it 6%s %fter ,%4light( The ne+t 5o5ent / 6%s on the floor thin'ing % 5ule h%, 'i#'e, 5e( (>e #hu#'les() 0in#e 4ou':e gro6n u28 /':e h%, the s%5e trouble( There's no libert4 in 54 o6n ho5e( 3O0/E--Th%t's lu#'4--or there 6oul,n't be %n4 ho5e( >O$AN--(%fter % 2%use of 2uffing on his 2i2e) ,on'e48 Mi'e8 2re%#h to 4ou %boutD 9h%t ,i, th%t

3O0/E--Oh8 the s%5e %s e:er--th%t /'5 the s#%n,%l of the #ountr4si,e8 #%rr4ing on 6ith 5en 6ithout % 5%rri%ge li#ense( >O$AN--(gi:es her % str%nge8 e5b%rr%sse, gl%n#e %n, then loo's %6%4( >e ,oes not loo' %t her ,uring the follo6ing ,i%logue( >is 5%nner is #%su%l() >ell ro%st his soul for s%4ing it( &ut it's true enough( 3O0/E--(,efi%ntl4) the s#%n,%l( >O$AN--No( /t is8 %n, 6h%t of itD / ,on't #%re % ,%5n for

;ou ,o %s 4ou 2le%se %n, to hell 6ith e:er4one( 0o

3O0/E--;es8 %n, th%t goes for 4ou8 too8 if 4ou %re 54 f%ther( ,on't 4ou st%rt 2re%#hing too(

>O$AN--Me8 2re%#hD 0ure8 the ,i:il 6oul, ,ie l%ughing( 1on't bring 5e into it( / le%rne, long sin#e to let 4ou go 4our o6n 6%4 be#%use there's no #ontrolling 4ou( 3O0/E--/ ,o 54 6or' %n, / e%rn 54 'ee2 %n, /':e % right to be free( >O$AN--;ou h%:e( 3O0/E--No( /':e ne:er ,enie, it( /':e often 6on,ere, 6h4 % 5%n th%t li'es

;ou':e ne:er(

fights %s 5u#h %s 4ou ,i,n't gr%b %t the e+#use of 54 ,isgr%#e to be%t the lights out of the 5en( >O$AN--9oul,n't / loo' % gre%t fool8 6hen e:er4one 'no6s %n4 5%n 6ho trie, to 5%'e free 6ith 4ou8 %n, 4ou not 6illing8 6oul, be #%rrie, off to the hos2it%lD An46%48 / 6oul,n't 6%nt to fight %n %r54( ;ou':e h%, too 5%n4 s6eethe%rts( 3O0/E--(6ith % 2rou, toss of her he%,--bo%stfull4) Th%t's be#%use / soon get tire, of %n4 5%n %n, gi:e hi5 his 6%l'ing 2%2ers( >O$AN--/'5 %fr%i, 4ou 6ere born to be % terrible 6%nton 6o5%n( &ut to tell the truth8 /'5 6ell s%tisfie, 4ou're 6h%t 4ou %re8 though / shoul,n't s%4 it8 be#%use if 4ou 6%s the ,e#ent 'in,8 4ou', h%:e 5%rrie, so5e fool long %go8 %n, /', h%:e lost 4our #o52%n4 %n, 4our hel2 on the f%r5( 3O0/E--(6ith % tr%#e of bitterness) 4our o6n interest( >O$AN--(2uffs on his 2i2e) s%4 to 4ouD -e%:e it to 4ou to thin' of

9h%t else ,i, 54 be%utiful son8 Mi'e8 >e g%:e 5e goo,

3O0/E--Oh8 he 6%s full of stu2i, g%b8 %s usu%l( %,:i#e->O$AN--(gri5l4) Th%t 6%s 'in, of hi5(

/t 5ust h%:e been goo,--

3O0/E--/ ought to 5%rr4 %n, settle ,o6n--if / #oul, fin, % ,e#ent 5%n 6ho', h%:e 5e8 6hi#h he 6%s sure / #oul,n't( >O$AN--(beginning to boil) / tell 4ou8 3osie8 it's going to be the s%,,est 5e5or4 of 54 life / ,i,n't get one l%st s6i2e %t hi5E 3O0/E--0o the onl4 ho2e8 he thought8 6%s for 5e to #%t#h so5e in,e#ent 5%n8 6ho', h%:e 5one4 #o5ing to hi5 / #oul, ste%l( >O$AN--(gi:es her % ?ui#'8 2robing si,e gl%n#e--#%su%ll4) 3i5 T4roneD >e 5e%nt

3O0/E-->e ,i,( An, the ,irt4 ti#' %##use, 4ou %n, 5e of 5%'ing u2 % fo+4 s#he5e to tr%2 3i5( /'5 to get hi5 %lone 6hen he's #r%C4 ,run' %n, le%, hi5 on to 5%rr4 5e( (0he %,,s in % h%r,8 s#ornful tone) As if th%t 6oul, e:er 6or'( 0ure8 %ll the 2rett4 little t%rts on &ro%,6%48 Ne6 ;or'8 5ust h%:e h%, % tr4 %t th%t8 %n, 5u#h goo, it ,i, the5( >O$AN--(%g%in 6ith % ?ui#' si,e gl%n#e--#%su%ll4) The4 5ust h%:e8 surel4( &ut th%t's in the #it4 6here he's sus2i#ious( ;ou ne:er #%n tell 6h%t he 5ightn't ,o here in the #ountr48 6here he's inno#ent8 6ith % 5oon in the s'4 to fill hi5 6ith 2oetr4 %n, % ?u%rt of b%, hoot#h insi,e of hi5( 3O0/E--(turns on hi5 %ngril4) seriousl48 4ou ol, go%tD Are 4ou t%'ing Mi'e's s#he5e

>O$AN--/'5 not( / onl4 thought 4ou 6%nte, 54 o2inion( (0he reg%r,s hi5 sus2i#iousl48 but his f%#e is bl%n'8 %s if he h%,n't %

thought be4on, en"o4ing his 2i2e() 3O0/E--(turning %6%4) An, if th%t ,i,n't 6or'8 Mi'e s%i, 5%4be 6e h%, % s#he5e th%t /', get 3i5 in be, 6ith 5e %n, 4ou', #o5e 6ith 6itnesses %n, % shotgun8 %n, #%t#h hi5 there( >O$AN--A%ith8 5e ,%rlin' son ne:er le%rnt th%t fro5 his 2r%4er boo'E >e 5ust h%:e i52ro:e, his 5in, on the sl4( 3O0/E--The ,irt4 ti#'E >O$AN--1on't #%ll hi5 % ti#'( / ,on't li'e ti#'s but /'ll s%4 this for the58 / ne:er 2i#'e, one off 5e 4et 6%s % h42o#rite( 3O0/E-->i5 ,%ring to %##use us of 2l%nning % rotten tri#' li'e th%t on 3i5E >O$AN--(%s if he 5isun,erstoo, her 5e%ning) ;es8 it's %s ol, %s the hills( E:er4one's he%r, of it( &ut it still 6or's no6 %n, %g%in8 /'5 tol,8 %n, so5eti5es %n ol, tri#' is best be#%use it's so %n#ient no one 6oul, sus2e#t 4ou', tr4 it( 3O0/E--(st%ring %t hi5 resentfull4) Th%t's enough out of 4ou8 A%ther( / ne:er #%n tell to this ,%48 6hen 4ou 2ut th%t ,e%, 5ug on 4ou8 6hether 4ou're "o'ing or not8 but / ,on't 6%nt to he%r %n4 5ore->O$AN--(5il,l4) / thought 4ou 6%nte, 54 honest o2inion on the 5erits of Mi'e's suggestion( 3O0/E--O#h8 shut u28 6ill 4ouD / 'no6 4ou're onl4 tr4ing to 5%'e g%5e of 5e( ;ou li'e 3i5 %n, 4ou', ne:er 2l%4 % ,irt4 tri#' on hi58 not e:en if / 6%s 6illing( >O$AN--No--not unless / foun, he 6%s 2l%4ing one on 5e( 3O0/E--9hi#h he', ne:er( >O$AN--No8 / 6oul,n't thin' it8 but 54 5otto in life is ne:er trust %n4one too f%r8 not e:en 54self( 3O0/E--;ou':e re%son for the l%st( /':e often sus2e#te, 4ou sne%' out of be, in the night to 2i#' 4our o6n 2o#'ets( >O$AN--/ 6oul,n't #%ll it % ,irt4 tri#' on hi5 to get 4ou for % 6ife( 3O0/E--(e+%s2er%te,l4) $o, s%:e us8 %re 4ou off on th%t %g%inD

>O$AN--9ell8 4ou':e 2ut 5%rri%ge in 54 he%, %n, / #%n't hel2 #onsi,ering the 5erits of the #%se8 %s the4 s%4( 0ure8 4ou're t6o of % 'in,8 both gre%t ,isgr%#es( Th%t 6oul, hel2 5%'e % h%224 5%rri%ge be#%use neither of 4ou #oul, loo' ,o6n on the other( 3O0/E--3i5 5ightn't thin' so( >O$AN--;ou 5e%n he', thin' he 6%s 5%rr4ing bene%th his st%tionD >e', be % ,%5ne, fool if he h%, th%t notion8 for his Ol, M%n 6ho',

6or'e, u2 fro5 nothing to be ri#h %n, f%5ous ,i,n't gi:e % ,%5n %bout st%tion( 1i,n't / often see hi5 6or'ing on his groun,s in #lothes / 6oul,n't 2ut on % s#%re#ro68 not #%ring 6ho s%6 hi5D (6ith %,5iring %ffe#tion) $o, rest hi58 he 6%s % true /rish gentle5%n( 3O0/E-->e 6%s8 %n, ,i,n't 4ou s6in,le hi58 %n, 5%'e 5e hel2 4ou %t itD / re5e5ber 6hen / 6%s % sli2 of % girl8 %n, 4ou', get % letter s%4ing his %gent tol, hi5 4ou 6ere % 4e%r behin, in the rent8 %n, he', be ,%5ne, if he', st%n, for it8 %n, he 6%s #o5ing here to settle the 5%tter( ;ou', 5%'e 5e ,ress u28 6ith 54 h%ir brushe, %n, % ribbon in it8 %n, le%:e 5e to soften his he%rt before he s%6 4ou( 0o /', s'i2 ,o6n the 2%th to 5eet hi58 %n, 5%'e hi5 % #ourtes48 %n, hol, on to his h%n,8 %n, b%t 54 e4es %t hi5 %n, le%, hi5 in the house8 %n, offer hi5 % ,rin' of the goo, 6his'e4 4ou ,i,n't 'ee2 for #o52%n48 %n, g%2e %t hi5 %n, tell hi5 he 6%s the h%n,so5est 5%n in the 6orl,8 %n, the fier#e e+2ression he', 2ut on for 4ou 6oul, go %6%4( >O$AN--(#hu#'les) the st%ge( ;ou ,i, it 6on,erful( ;ou shoul, h%:e gone on

3O0/E--(,r4l4) ;es8 th%t's 6h%t he', tell 5e8 %n, he', re%#h in his 2o#'et %n, t%'e out % h%lf ,oll%r8 %n, %s' 5e if 4ou h%,n't 2ut 5e u2 to it( 0o /', s%4 4es8 4ou h%,( >O$AN--(s%,l4) onl4 % #hil,( / ne:er 'ne6 4ou 6ere su#h % bl%#' tr%itor8 %n, 4ou

3O0/E--An, then 4ou', #o5e %n, before he #oul, get % 6or, out of hi58 4ou', tell hi5 4ou', :%#%te the 2re5ises unless he lo6ere, the rent %n, 2%inte, the house( >O$AN--&e $o,8 th%t use, to sto2 hi5 in his tr%#'s( 3O0/E--/t ,i,n't sto2 hi5 fro5 s%4ing 4ou 6ere the ,%5ne,est #roo' e:er #%5e out of /rel%n,( >O$AN-->e s%i, it 6ith %,5ir%tion( An, 6e', st%rt ,rin'ing %n, telling stories8 %n, singing songs8 %n, b4 the ti5e he left 6e 6ere both too bus4 #ursing Engl%n, to 6orr4 o:er the rent( (>e grins %ffe#tion%tel4() Oh8 he 6%s % gre%t 5%n entirel4( 3O0/E-->e 6%s( >e %l6%4s s%6 through 4our tri#'s(

>O$AN--1i,n't / 'no6 he 6oul,D 0ure8 %ll / 6%nte, 6%s to gi:e hi5 the fun of seeing through the5 so he #oul,n't be h%r,-he%rte,( Th%t 6%s the re%l tri#'( 3O0/E--(st%res %t hi5) ;ou ol, ,i:il8 4ou':e %l6%4s % tri#' hi,,en behin, 4our tri#'s8 so no one #%n tell %t ti5es 6h%t 4ou're %fter( >O$AN--1on't be so sus2i#ious( 0ure8 /', ne:er tr4 to fool 4ou( ;ou 'no6 5e too 6ell( &ut 6e':e gone off the tr%#'( /t's 3i5 6e're ,is#ussing8 not his f%ther( / 6%s telling 4ou / #oul, see the 5erit in 4our 5%rr4ing hi5( 3O0/E--(e+%s2er%te,l4) O#h8 % #o6 5ust h%:e 'i#'e, 4ou in the he%,

this 5orning( >O$AN--/', ne:er gi:e it % thought if / ,i,n't 'no6 4ou h%, % soft s2ot in 4our he%rt for hi5( 3O0/E--(resentfull4) 9ell8 / h%:en'tE / li'e hi58 if th%t's 6h%t 4ou 5e%n8 but it's onl4 to t%l' to8 be#%use he's e,u#%te, %n, ?uiet-s2o'en %n, h%s 2oliteness e:en 6hen he's ,run'est8 %n, ,oesn't ro%r %roun, #ursing %n, singing8 li'e so5e / #oul, n%5e( >O$AN--/f 4ou #oul, see the light in 4our e4es 6hen he bl%rne4s 4ou-3O0/E--(roughl4) The light in 5e footE 6ith hi58 4ou'll be s%4ing ne+tE >O$AN--(ignores this) 4ou( (s#ornfull4) /'5 in lo:e

An, %nother 5erit of the #%se is8 he li'es

3O0/E--&e#%use he 'ee2s ,ro22ing in here l%tel4D 0ure8 it's onl4 6hen he gets si#' of the ,run's %t the /nn8 %n, it's 5ore to "o'e 6ith 4ou th%n see 5e( >O$AN--/t's 4our h%22iness /'5 #onsi,ering 6hen / re#o55en, 4our using 4our 6its to #%t#h hi58 if 4ou #%n( 3O0/E--("eeringl4) /fE

>O$AN--9ho 'no6sD 9ith %ll the s6eethe%rts 4ou':e h%,8 4ou 5ust h%:e % #%t#hing 6%4 6ith 5en( 3O0/E--(bo%stfull4) M%4be / h%:e( &ut th%t ,oesn't 5e%n--

>O$AN--/f 4ou got hi5 %lone tonight--there'll be % be%utiful 5oon to fill hi5 6ith 2oetr4 %n, loneliness8 %n,-3O0/E--Th%t's one of Mi'e's ,irt4 s#he5es( >O$AN--Mi'e be ,%5ne,E 0ure8 th%t's e:er4 6o5%n's s#he5e sin#e the 6orl, 6%s #re%te,( 9ithout it there', be no 2o2ul%tion( (2ersu%si:el4) There', be no h%r5 tr4ing it8 %n46%4( 3O0/E--An, no use8 either( (bitterl4) O#h8 A%ther8 ,on't 2l%4 the "%#'%ss 6ith 5e( ;ou 'no68 %n, / 'no68 /'5 %n ugl4 o:ergro6n lu52 of % 6o5%n8 %n, the 5en th%t 6%nt 5e %re no better th%n stu2i, bulls( 3i5 #%n h%:e %ll the 2rett48 2%inte, little &ro%,6%4 girls he 6%nts--%n, ,%n#ers on the st%ge8 too--6hen he #o5es into his est%te( Th%t's the 'in, he li'es( >O$AN--/ noti#e he's ne:er 5%rrie, one( M%4be he', li'e % fine strong h%n,so5e figure of % 6o5%n for % #h%nge8 6ith be%utiful e4es %n, h%ir %n, teeth %n, % s5ile( 3O0/E--(2le%se,8 but "eering) Th%n' 4ou 'in,l4 for 4our #o52li5ents( No6 / 'no6 % #o6 'i#'e, 4ou in the he%,( >O$AN--/f 4ou thin' 3i5 h%sn't been t%'ing in 4our fine 2oints8 4ou're % fool(

3O0/E--;ou 5e%n 4ou':e noti#e, hi5D l4ingE

(su,,enl4 furious)

0to2 4our

>O$AN--1on't fl4 in % te52er( All /'5 s%4ing is8 there 5%4 be % #h%n#e in it to better 4ourself( 3O0/E--(s#ornfull4) &etter 54self b4 being tie, ,o6n to % 5%n 6ho's ,run' e:er4 night of his lifeD No8 th%n' 4ouE >O$AN--0ure8 4ou're strong enough to refor5 hi5( A t%ste of th%t #lub 4ou':e got8 6hen he #%5e ho5e to 4ou 2%r%l4Ce,8 %n, in % fe6 6ee's 4ou', h%:e hi5 % ,irt4 2rohibitionist( 3O0/E--(seriousl4) /t's true8 if / 6%s his 6ife8 /', #ure hi5 of ,rin'ing hi5self to ,e%th8 if / h%, to 'ill hi5( (then %ngril4) O#h8 /'5 si#' of 4our #r%C4 g%b8 A%therE -e%:e 5e %loneE >O$AN--9ell8 let's 2ut it %nother 6%4( 1on't tell 5e 4ou #oul,n't le%rn to lo:e the est%te he'll #o5e into( 3O0/E--(resentfull4) Ah8 /':e been 6%iting for th%t( Th%t's 6h%t Mi'e s%i,8 %g%in( No6 6e':e #o5e to the truth behin, %ll 4our bl%ther of 54 li'ing hi5 or hi5 li'ing 5e( (her 5%nner #h%nging-,efi%ntl4) All right8 then( Of #ourse /', lo:e the 5one4( 9ho 6oul,n'tD An, 6h4 shoul,n't / get 54 h%n,s on it8 if / #oul,D >e's boun, to be s6in,le, out of it8 %n46%4( >e'll go b%#' to the &ro%,6%4 he thin's is he%:en8 %n, b4 the ti5e the 2rett4 little t%rts8 %n, the b%rroo5 s2onges %n, r%#etr%#' touts %n, g%5blers %re through 6ith hi5 he'll be 2i#'e, #le%n( /'5 no s%int8 $o, 'no6s8 but /'5 ,e#ent %n, ,eser:ing #o52%re, to those s#u5( >O$AN--(e%gerl4) &e $o,8 no6 4ou're using 4our 6its( An, 6here there's % 6ill there's % 6%4( ;ou %n, 5e h%:e ne:er been be%t 6hen 6e 2ut our br%ins together( /'ll 'ee2 thin'ing it o:er8 %n, 4ou ,o the s%5e( 3O0/E--(6ith illogi#%l %nger) 9ell8 / 6on'tE An, 4ou 'ee2 4our 5%, s#he5ing to 4ourself( / 6on't listen to it( >O$AN--(%s if he 6ere %ngr48 too) All right( The ,i:il t%'e 4ou( /t's %ll 4ou'll he%r fro5 5e( (>e 2%uses--then 6ith gre%t seriousness8 turning to6%r, her) E+#e2t one thing--(%s she st%rts to shut hi5 u2--sh%r2l4) /'5 serious8 %n, 4ou', better listen8 be#%use it's %bout this f%r58 6hi#h is ho5e to us( 3O0/E--(sur2rise,8 st%res %t hi5) 9h%t %bout the f%r5D

>O$AN--1on't forget8 if 6e h%:e li:e, on it t6ent4 4e%rs8 6e're onl4 ten%nts %n, 6e #oul, be thro6n out on our ne#'s %n4 ti5e( (?ui#'l4) Min, 4ou8 / ,on't s%4 3i5 6oul, e:er ,o it8 rent or no rent8 or let the e+e#utors ,o it8 e:en if the4 6%nte,8 6hi#h the4 ,on't8 'no6ing the4', ne:er fin, %nother ten%nt( 3O0/E--9h%t's 6orr4ing 4ou8 thenD >O$AN--This( /':e been %fr%i, l%tel4 the 5inute the est%te is out of 2rob%te8 3i5 6ill sell the f%r5(

3O0/E--(e+%s2er%te,l4) Of #ourse he 6illE >%sn't he tol, us %n, 2ro5ise, 4ou #%n bu4 it on e%s4 ti5e 2%45ents %t the s5%ll 2ri#e 4ou offere,D >O$AN--3i5 2ro5ises 6h%te:er 4ou li'e 6hen he's full of 6his'e4( >e 5ight forget % 2ro5ise %s e%s4 6hen he's ,run' enough( 3O0/E--(in,ign%ntl4) >e', ne:erE one e:er h%s in %ll the 4e%rs->O$AN--0o5eone h%s l%tel4( tol, 5e8 bigger th%n 5ine( An, 6ho', 6%nt it e+#e2t usD No

The %gent got %n offer l%st 5onth8 3i5 >e 6%s 'i,,ing

3O0/E--O#h8 3i5 lo:es to tr4 %n, get 4our go%t( 4ou(

>O$AN-->e 6%sn't( / #%n tell( >e s%i, he tol, the %gent to tell 6hoe:er it 6%s the 2l%#e 6%sn't for s%le( 3O0/E--Of #ourse he ,i,( 1i, he s%4 6ho', 5%,e the offerD

>O$AN-->e ,i,n't 'no6( /t #%5e through % re%l-est%te 5%n 6ho 6oul,n't tell 6ho his #lient 6%s( /':e been tr4ing to guess8 but / #%n't thin' of %n4one #r%C4 enough unless it', be so5e ,%5n fool of % 5illion%ire bu4ing u2 l%n, to 5%'e % gre%t est%te for hi5self8 li'e our be%utiful neighbor8 >%r,er8 the 0t%n,%r, Oil thief8 ,i, 4e%rs %go( (>e %,,s 6ith bitter fer:en#4) M%4 he ro%st in hell %n, his -i5e4 su2erinten,ent 6ith hi5E 3O0/E--A5en to th%t( (then s#ornfull4) This l%n, for %n est%teD An, if there 6%s %n offer8 3i5's refuse, it8 %n, th%t en,s it( >e 6oul,n't listen to %n4 offer8 %fter he's gi:en his 6or, to us( >O$AN--1i, / s%4 he 6oul,--6hen he's in his right 5in,D 9h%t /'5 %fr%i, of is8 he 5ight be le, into it so5eti5e 6hen he h%s one of his sneering bitter ,run's on %n, t%l's li'e % &ro%,6%4 #roo' hi5self8 s%4ing 5one4 is the onl4 thing in the 6orl,8 %n, e:er4thing %n, %n4one #%n be bought if the 2ri#e is big enough( ;ou':e he%r, hi5( 3O0/E--/ h%:e( &ut he ,oesn't fool 5e %t %ll( >e onl4 %#ts li'e he's h%r, %n, sh%5eless to get b%#' %t life 6hen it's tor5enting hi5--%n, 6ho ,oesn'tD (>e gi:es her % ?ui#'8 #urious si,e gl%n#e 6hi#h she ,oesn't noti#e() >O$AN--Or t%'e the other 'in, of ?ueer ,run' he gets on so5eti5es 6hen8 6ithout %n4 re%son 4ou #%n see8 he'll su,,enl4 turn str%nge8 %n, loo' s%,8 %n, st%re %t nothing %s if he 6%s 5ourning o:er so5e ghost insi,e hi58 %n,-3O0/E--/ thin' / 'no6 6h%t #o5es o:er hi5 6hen he's li'e th%t( /t's the 5e5or4 of his 5other #o5es b%#' %n, his grief for her ,e%th( (2it4ingl4) !oor 3i5( >O$AN--(ignoring this) An, 6his'e4 see5s to h%:e no effe#t on hi58 li'e 6%ter off % ,u#''s b%#'( >e'll 'ee2 %#ting n%tur%l enough8 %n, 4ou', s6e%r he 6%sn't b%, %t %ll8 but the ne+t ,%4 4ou fin, his

br%in 6%s so 2%r%l4Ce, he ,on't re5e5ber % thing until 4ou re5in, hi5( >e's ,one % lot of 5%, things8 6hen he 6%s th%t 6%48 he 6%s sorr4 for %fter( 3O0/E--(s#ornfull4) 9h%t ,run' h%sn'tD &ut he', ne:er-(resentfull4) / 6on't h%:e 4ou sus2e#ting 3i5 6ithout %n4 #%use8 ,'4ou he%r 5eE >O$AN--/ ,on't sus2e#t hi5( All /':e s%i, is8 6hen % 5%n gets %s ?ueer ,run' %s 3i58 he ,oesn't 'no6 hi5self 6h%t he 5ightn't ,o8 %n, 6e', be ,%5ne, fools if 6e ,i,n't fe%r the 2ossibilit48 ho6e:er s5%ll it is8 %n, ,o %ll 6e #%n to gu%r, %g%inst it( 3O0/E--There's no 2ossibilit4E if there 6%sD An, ho6 #oul, 6e gu%r, %g%inst it8

>O$AN--9ell8 4ou #%n 2ut 4ourself out to be e+tr% ni#e to hi58 for one thing( 3O0/E-->o6 ni#e is e+tr% ni#eD >O$AN--;ou ought to 'no6( &ut here's one ti2( /':e noti#e, 6hen 4ou t%l' rough %n, br%Cen li'e 4ou ,o to other 5en8 he 5%4 grin li'e the4 ,o8 %s if he en"o4e, it8 but he ,on't( 0o 6%t#h 4our tongue( 3O0/E--(6ith % ,efi%nt toss of her he%,) /'ll t%l' %s / 2le%se8 %n, if he ,on't li'e it he #%n lu52 itE (s#ornfull4) /'5 to 2reten, /'5 % 2ure :irgin8 / su22oseD Th%t 6oul, fool hi58 6oul,n't it8 %n, hi5 he%ring %ll %bout 5e fro5 the 5en %t the /nnD (0he gets to her feet8 %bru2tl4 #h%nging the sub"e#t() 9e're 6%sting the ,%48 bl%thering( (then her f%#e h%r,ening) /f he e:er 6ent b%#' on his 6or,8 no 5%tter ho6 ,run' he 6%s8 /', be 6ith 4ou in %n4 s#he5e 4ou 5%,e %g%inst hi58 no 5%tter ho6 ,irt4( (h%stil4) &ut it's %ll 4our nonsense( /', ne:er belie:e it( (0he #o5es %n, 2i#'s u2 the 2it#hfor'() /'ll go to the 5e%,o6 %n, finish Mi'e's 6or'( ;ou nee,n't fe%r 4ou'll 5iss his hel2 on the f%r5( >O$AN--A hell of % hel2E A 6e%' l%C4 b%#' %n, the %22etite of % ,ro:e of st%r:ing 2igsE (%s she turns to go--su,,enl4 belli#ose) -e%:ing 5e8 %re 4ouD 9hen it's ,inner ti5eD 9here's 54 ,inner8 4ou l%C4 #o6D 3O0/E--There's ste6 on the sto:e8 4ou b%,-te52ere, runt( $o in %n, hel2 4ourself( /'5 not hungr4( ;our g%b h%s bothere, 54 5in,( / nee, h%r, 6or' in the sun to #le%r it( (0he st%rts to go off to6%r, re%r-right() >O$AN--(gl%n#ing ,o6n the ro%,8 off left-front) ;ou', better 6%it( There's % #%ller #o5ing to the g%te--%n, if /'5 not 5ist%'en8 it's the light of 4our e4es hi5self( 3O0/E--(%ngril4) 0hut u2E (0he st%res off--her f%#e softens %n, gro6s 2it4ing() -oo' %t hi5 6hen he thin's no one is 6%t#hing8 6ith his e4es on the groun,( -i'e % ,e%, 5%n 6%l'ing slo6 behin, his o6n #offin( (then roughl4) A%ith8 he 5ust h%:e % h%ngo:er( >e sees us no6( -oo' %t the bluff he 2uts u28 str%ightening hi5self %n, grinning( (resentfull4) / ,on't 6%nt to 5eet hi5(

-et hi5 5%'e "o'es 6ith 4ou %n, 2l%4 the ol, g%5e %bout % ,rin' 4ou both thin' is su#h fun( Th%t's %ll he #o5es for8 %n46%4( (0he st%rts off %g%in() >O$AN--Are 4ou running %6%4 fro5 hi5D 0ure8 4ou 5ust be %fr%i, 4ou're in lo:e( (3osie h%lts inst%ntl4 %n, turns b%#' ,efi%ntl4( >e goes on() $o in the house no68 %n, 6%sh 4our f%#e8 %n, ti,4 4our ,ress8 %n, gi:e % tou#h to 4our h%ir( ;ou 6%nt to loo' ,e#ent for hi5( 3O0/E--(%ngril4) /'ll go in the house8 but onl4 to see the ste6 %in't burne,8 for / su22ose 4ou'll h%:e the fo+iness to %s' hi5 to h%:e % bite to e%t to 'ee2 in his goo, gr%#es( >O$AN--9h4 shoul,n't / %s' hi5D / 'no6 ,%5ne, 6ell he h%s no %22etite this e%rl4 in the ,%48 but onl4 % thirst( 3O0/E--O#h8 4ou 5%'e 5e si#'8 4ou sl4 5iserE (0he goes in through her be,roo58 sl%55ing the ,oor behin, her( >og%n refills his 2i2e8 2reten,ing he ,oesn't noti#e T4rone %22ro%#hing8 his e4es bright 6ith ,roll e+2e#t%tion( 3i5 T4rone enters %long the ro%, fro5 the high6%48 left() (T4rone is in his e%rl4 forties8 %roun, fi:e feet nine8 bro%,shoul,ere, %n, ,ee2-#heste,( >is n%tur%ll4 fine 2h4si?ue h%s be#o5e soft %n, sogg4 fro5 ,issi2%tion8 but his f%#e is still goo,loo'ing ,es2ite its unhe%lth4 2uffiness %n, the b%gs un,er the e4es( >e h%s thinning ,%r' h%ir8 2%rte, %n, brushe, b%#' to #o:er % b%l, s2ot( >is e4es %re bro6n8 the 6hites #ongeste, %n, 4ello6ish( >is nose8 big %n, %?uiline8 gi:es his f%#e % #ert%in Me2histo2heli%n ?u%lit4 6hi#h is %##entu%te, b4 his h%bitu%ll4 #4ni#%l e+2ression( &ut 6hen he s5iles 6ithout sneering8 he still h%s the ghost of % for5er 4outhful8 irres2onsible /rish #h%r5--th%t of the beguiling ne'er-,o-6ell8 senti5ent%l %n, ro5%nti#( /t is his hu5or %n, #h%r5 6hi#h h%:e 'e2t hi5 %ttr%#ti:e to 6o5en8 %n, 2o2ul%r 6ith 5en %s % ,rin'ing #o52%nion( >e is ,resse, in %n e+2ensi:e ,%r'-bro6n suit8 tight-fitting %n, ,r%6n in %t the 6%ist8 ,%r'-bro6n 5%,e-to-or,er shoes %n, sil' so#'s8 % 6hite sil' shirt8 sil' h%n,'er#hief in bre%st 2o#'et8 % ,%r' tie( This get-u2 suggests th%t he follo6s % st4le set b4 6ell-groo5e, &ro%,6%4 g%5blers 6ho 6oul, li'e to be 5ist%'en for 9%ll 0treet bro'ers( (>e h%s h%, enough 2i#'-5e-u2s to re#o:er fro5 5orning-%fter n%use% %n, ste%,4 his ner:es( 1uring the follo6ing ,i%logue8 he %n, >og%n %re li'e 2l%4ers %t %n ol, f%5ili%r g%5e 6here e%#h 'no6s the other's 5o:es8 but 6hi#h still %5uses the5() T;=ONE--(%22ro%#hes %n, st%n,s reg%r,ing >og%n 6ith s%r,oni# relish( >og%n s#r%t#hes % 5%t#h on the se%t of his o:er%lls %n, lights his 2i2e8 2reten,ing not to see hi5( T4rone re#ites 6ith feeling) FAortun%te sene+8 ergo tu% rur% 5%nebunt8 et tibi 5%gn% s%tis8 ?u%5:is l%2is o5ni% nu,us(F >O$AN--(5utters) /t's the l%n,lor, %g%in8 %n, 54 shotgun not

h%n,4( (>e loo's u2 %t T4rone() /s it M%ss 4ou're s%4ing8 3i5D Th%t 6%s -%tin( / 'no6 it b4 e%r( 9h%t the hell--insult ,oes it 5e%nD T;=ONE--Tr%nsl%te, :er4 freel4 into /rish English8 so5ething li'e this( (>e i5it%tes >og%n's brogue() FAin't 4ou the lu#'4 ol, b%st%r, to h%:e this be%utiful f%r58 if it is full of nu,e ro#'s(F >O$AN--/ li'e th%t 2%rt %bout the ro#'s( /f #o6s #oul, e%t the5 this 2l%#e 6oul, 5%'e % gr%n, ,%ir4 f%r5( (>e s2its() /t's e%s4 to see 4ou':e % fine #ollege e,u#%tion( /t 5ust be % big hel2 to 4ou8 #on:ersing 6ith 6hores %n, b%r'ee2s( T;=ONE--;es8 % :er4 :%lu%ble 6orl,l4 %sset( / 6%s on#e offere, % "ob %s offi#e bo4--until the4 ,is#o:ere, / 6%sn't ?u%lifie, be#%use / h%, no &%#helor of Arts ,i2lo5%( There h%, been % slight 5isun,erst%n,ing "ust before / 6%s to gr%,u%te( >O$AN--&et6een 4ou %n, the A%thersD /'ll 6%gerE

T;=ONE--/ 5%,e % bet 6ith %nother 0enior / #oul, get % t%rt fro5 the >%45%r'et to :isit 5e8 intro,u#e her to the 3ebs %s 54 sister-%n, get %6%4 6ith it( >O$AN--&ut 4ou ,i,n'tD T;=ONE--Al5ost( /t 6%s % 5e5or%ble ,%4 in the h%lls of le%rning( All the stu,ents 6ere 6ise %n, / h%, the5 rolling in the %isles %s / sho6e, 0ister %roun, the groun,s8 %##o52%nie, b4 one of the 3ebs( >e 6%s % bit sus2i#ious %t first8 but 1ut#h M%isie--her 2rofession%l n%5e--h%, no 5%'e-u2 on8 %n, 6%s ,resse, in bl%#'8 %n, h%, e%ten % 2oun, of 0en-0en to 'ill the gin on her bre%th8 %n, see5e, su#h % ,e:out girl th%t he forgot his sus2i#ions( (>e 2%uses() ;es8 %ll 6oul, h%:e been 6ell8 but she 6%s % 5is#hie:ous 5in+8 %n, h%, her o6n i,e%s of i52ro:ing on 54 "o'e( 9hen she 6%s s%4ing goo,b4e to A%ther Auller8 she %,,e, inno#entl4: F.hrist8 A%ther8 it's ni#e %n, ?uiet out here %6%4 fro5 the ,%5ne, 0i+th A:enue El( / 6ish to hell / #oul, st%4 hereEF (,r4l4) &ut she ,i,n't8 %n, neither ,i, /( >O$AN--(#hu#'les ,elighte,l4) /'ll bet 4ou ,i,n'tE 1ut#h M%isieE /', li'e to h%:e 'no6n her( $o, bless 9ell8

T;=ONE--(sits ,o6n on the ste2s--6ith % #h%nge of 5%nner) ho6's the 1u'e of 1oneg%l this fine ,%4D >O$AN--Ne:er better( T;=ONE--0l%:ing %n, toiling %s usu%l8 / see(

>O$AN-->%sn't % 2oor 5%n % right to his noon rest 6ithout being sneere, %t b4 his ri#h l%n,lor,D T;=ONE--F=i#hF is goo,( rent( / 6oul, be8 if 4ou', 2%4 u2 4our b%#'

>O$AN--;ou ought to 2%4 5e8 inste%,8 for o##u24ing this ro#'2ile8 5is#%lle, % f%r5( (his e4es t6in'ling) &ut / h%:e fine re2orts to

gi:e 4ou of % 2ro5ising h%r:est( The 5il'6ee, %n, the thistles is in thri:ing #on,ition8 %n, / ne:er s%6 the 2oison i:4 so bounteous %n, be%utiful( (T4rone l%ughs( 9ithout their noti#ing8 3osie %22e%rs in the ,oor6%4 behin, T4rone( 0he h%s ti,ie, u2 %n, %rr%nge, her h%ir( 0he s5iles ,o6n %t 3i58 her f%#e softening8 2le%se, to he%r hi5 l%ugh() T;=ONE--;ou 6in( 9here ,i, 3osie go8 !hilD / s%6 her here--

>O$AN--0he r%n in the house to 5%'e herself be%utiful for 4ou( 3O0/E--(bre%'s in roughl4) ;ou're % li%r( (to T4rone8 her 5%nner one of bol,8 free-%n,-e%s4 f%5ili%rit4) >ello8 3i5( T;=ONE--(st%rts to st%n, u2) >ello8 3osie(

3O0/E--(2uts % h%n, on his shoul,er %n, 2ushes hi5 ,o6n) 1on't get u2( 0ure8 4ou 'no6 /'5 no l%,4( (0he sits on the to2 ste2-b%nteringl4) >o6's 54 fine 3i5 this be%utiful ,%4D ;ou ,on't loo' so b%,( ;ou 5ust h%:e sto22e, %t the /nn for %n e4e-o2ener--or ten of the5( T;=ONE--/':e felt 6orse( (>e loo's u2 %t her s%r,oni#%ll4() ho6's 54 Girgin Hueen of /rel%n,D An,

3O0/E--;ours8 is itD 0in#e 6henD An, ,on't be 5is#%lling 5e % :irgin( ;ou'll ruin 54 re2ut%tion8 if 4ou s2re%, th%t lie %bout 5e( (0he l%ughs( T4rone is st%ring %t her( 0he goes on ?ui#'l4() >o6 is it 4ou're %roun, so e%rl4D / thought 4ou ne:er got u2 till %fternoon( T;=ONE--.oul,n't slee2( One of those heebie-"eebie nights 6hen the booCe 'ee2s 4ou %6%'e inste%, of--(>e #%t#hes her gi:ing hi5 % 2it4ing loo'--irrit%bl4) &ut 6h%t of itE 3O0/E--M%4be 4ou h%, no 6o5%n in be, 6ith 4ou8 for % #h%nge( % terrible thing to bre%' the h%bit of 4e%rs( T;=ONE--(shrugs his shoul,ers) M%4be( /t's

3O0/E--9h%t's the 5%tter 6ith the t%rts in to6n8 the4 let 4ou ,o itD /'ll bet the ones 4ou 'no6 on &ro%,6%48 Ne6 ;or'8 6oul,n't negle#t their business( T;=ONE--(2reten,s to 4%6n bore,l4) M%4be not( .ut out the 'i,,ing8 3osie( /t's too e%rl4( (then irrit%bl4) /

>O$AN--(6ho h%s been t%'ing e:er4thing in 6ithout see5ing to) tol, 4ou not to %nno4 the gentle5%n 6ith 4our rough tongue( 3O0/E--0ure / thought / 6%s ,oing 54 ,ut4 %s hostess 5%'ing hi5 feel %t ho5e(

T;=ONE--(st%res %t her %g%in) 9h4 %ll the interest l%tel4 in the l%,ies of the 2rofession8 3osieD 3O0/E--Oh8 /':e been #onsi,ering "oining their union( /t's e%sier li:ing th%n f%r5ing8 /'5 sure( (then resentfull4) ;ou thin' /',

st%r:e %t it8 ,on't 4ou8 be#%use 4our f%n#4 is for ,%int4 ,olls of 6o5enD &ut other 5en li'e-T;=ONE--(6ith su,,en re:ulsion) Aor $o,'s s%'e8 #ut out th%t 'in, of t%l'8 3osieE /t soun,s li'e hell( 3O0/E--(st%res %t hi5 st%rtle,l4--then resentfull4) Oh8 it ,oes8 ,oes itD (for#ing % s#ornful s5ile) /'5 sho#'ing 4ou8 / su22oseD (>og%n is 6%t#hing the5 both8 not 5issing %n4thing in their f%#es8 6hile he see5s intent on his 2i2e() T;=ONE--(loo'ing % bit shee2ish %n, %nno4e, %t hi5self for his interest--shrugs his shoul,ers) No( >%r,l4( Aorget it( (>e s5iles 'i,,ingl4() An46%48 6ho tol, 4ou / f%ll for the ,%int4 ,ollsD Th%t's %ll % thing of the 2%st( / li'e the5 t%ll %n, strong %n, :olu2tuous8 no68 6ith be%utiful big bre%sts( (0he blushes %n, loo's #onfuse, %n, is furious 6ith herself for ,oing so() >O$AN--There 4ou %re8 3osie8 ,%rlin'( f%irer th%n th%t( 0ure he #oul,n't s2e%'

3O0/E--(re#o:ers herself) >e #oul,n't8 in,ee,( (0he 2%ts T4rone's he%,--2l%4full4) ;ou're % terrible bl%rne4ing li%r8 3i58 but th%n' 4ou "ust the s%5e( (T4rone turns his %ttention to >og%n( >e 6in's %t 3osie %n, begins in %n e+%gger%te,l4 #%su%l 5%nner() T;=ONE--/ ,on't bl%5e 4ou8 Mr( >og%n8 for t%'ing it e%s4 on su#h % bl%Cing hot ,%4( >O$AN--(,oesn't loo' %t hi5( >is e4es t6in'le() >ot8 ,i, 4ou s%4D / fin, it #ool8 5eself( T%'e off 4our #o%t if 4ou're hot8 Mister T4rone( T;=ONE--One of the 5ost stifling ,%4s /':e e:er 'no6n( 3osieD 3O0/E--(s5iling) Terrible( /sn't it8

/ 'no6 4ou 5ust be 2erishing(

>O$AN--/ 6oul,n't #%ll it % ,%5ne, bit stifling( T;=ONE--/t 2%r#hes the 5e5br%nes in 4our thro%t( >O$AN--The 6h%tD Ne:er 5in,( / #%n't h%:e the58 for 54 thro%t isn't 2%r#he, %t %ll( /f 4ours is8 Mister T4rone8 there's % 6ell full of 6%ter %t the b%#'( T;=ONE--9%terD Th%t's so5ething 2eo2le 6%sh 6ith8 isn't itD 5e%n8 so5e 2eo2le( /

>O$AN--0o /':e he%r,( &ut8 li'e 4ou8 / fin, it h%r, to belie:e( /t's % ,irt4 h%bit( The4 5ust be foreigners( T;=ONE--As / 6%s s%4ing8 54 thro%t is 2%r#he, %fter the long ,ust4 6%l' / too' "ust for the 2le%sure of being 4our guest( >O$AN--/ ,on't re5e5ber in:iting 4ou8 %n, the ro%, is h%r, 5%#%,%5 6ith ,i:il % s2e# of ,ust8 %n, it's less th%n % ?u%rter 5ile fro5

the /nn here( T;=ONE--/ ,i,n't h%:e % ,rin' %t the /nn( %rri:e, here8 'no6ing th%t 4ou->O$AN--@no6ing /', 6h%tD T;=ONE--;our re2ut%tion %s % generous host->O$AN--The 6orl, 5ust be full of li%rs( 0o 4ou ,i,n't h%:e % ,rin' %t the /nnD Then it 5ust be the %ir itself s5ells of 6his'e4 to,%48 %lthough / ,i,n't noti#e it before 4ou #%5e( ;ou':e gone on the 6%ter-6%gon8 / su22oseD 9ell8 th%t's fine8 %n, / %s' 2%r,on for 5is"u,ging 4ou( T;=ONE--/':e 6%nte, to go on the 6%gon for the 2%st t6ent4-fi:e 4e%rs8 but the ,o#tors h%:e stri#tl4 forbi,,en it( /t 6oul, be f%t%l--6ith 54 6e%' he%rt( >O$AN--0o 4ou':e % 6e%' he%rtD 9ell8 6ell8 %n, 5e thin'ing %ll %long it 6%s 4our he%,( /'5 gl%, 4ou tol, 5e( / 6%s "ust going to offer 4ou % ,rin'8 but 6his'e4 is the 6orst thing-T;=ONE--The 1o#s s%4 it's % 5%tter of life %n, ,e%th( / 5ust h%:e % sti5ul%nt--one big ,rin'8 %t le%st8 6hene:er / str%in 54 he%rt 6%l'ing in the hot sun( >O$AN--9%l' b%#' to the /nn8 then8 %n, gi:e it % goo, str%in8 so 4ou #%n bu4 4ourself t6o big ,rin's( 3O0/E--(l%ughing) Ain't 4ou the fools8 2l%4ing th%t ol, g%5e bet6een 4ou8 %n, both of 4ou 2le%se, %s 2un#hE T;=ONE--(gi:es u2 6ith % l%ugh) loosen u28 3osieD >%sn't he e:er been 'no6n to / 6%s 6%iting until /

3O0/E--;ou ought to 'no6( /f 4ou nee, % ,rin' 4ou'll h%:e to bu4 it fro5 hi5 or ,ie of thirst( T;=ONE--9ell8 /'ll bet this is one ti5e he's going to tre%t( >O$AN--&e $o,8 /'ll t%'e th%t betE T;=ONE--After 4ou':e he%r, the ne6s /':e got for 4ou8 4ou'll be so ,elighte, 4ou 6on't be %ble to ,r%g out the ol, bottle ?ui#' enough( >O$AN--/'ll h%:e to be ins%nel4 ,elighte,( 3O0/E--(full of #uriosit4) 0hut u28 A%ther( 9h%t ne6s8 3i5D

T;=ONE--/ h%:e it off the gr%2e:ine th%t % #ert%in e+%lte, 2erson%ge 6ill ,ro2 in on 4ou before long( >O$AN--/t's the sheriff %g%in( 5ug( T;=ONE--Not this ti5e( / 'no6 b4 the 2le%se, loo' on 4our

(>e 2%uses t%nt%liCingl4()

3O0/E--&%, lu#' to 4ou8 #%n't 4ou tell us 6hoD T;=ONE--A 5ore e5inent gr%fter th%n the sheriff--(sneeringl4) A le%,ing %risto#r%t in our -%n, of the Aree %n, $et-=i#h-Hui#'8 6hose boots %re li#'e, b4 one %n, %ll--one of the @ings of our =e2ubli# b4 1i:ine =ight of /nherite, 06%g( /n short8 / refer to 4our goo, neighbor8 T( 0te,5%n >%r,er8 0t%n,%r, Oil's s%22iest #hil,8 6ho5 / 'no6 4ou both lo:e so ,e%rl4( (There is % 2%use %fter this %nnoun#e5ent( >og%n %n, 3osie stiffen8 %n, their e4es begin to glitter( &ut the4 #%n't belie:e their lu#' %t first() >O$AN--(in %n o5inous 6his2er) #%ll on us8 3i5D 1i, 4ou s%4 >%r,er is #o5ing to

3O0/E--/t's too goo, to be true( T;=ONE--(6%t#hing the5 6ith %5use5ent) No 'i,,ing( The gre%t Mr( >%r,er inten,s to sto2 here on his 6%4 b%#' to lun#h fro5 % horseb%#' ri,e( 3O0/E-->o6 ,o 4ou 'no6D T;=ONE--0i52son tol, 5e( / r%n into hi5 %t the /nn(

>O$AN--Th%t English s#u5 of % su2erinten,entE T;=ONE-->e 6%s l%ughing hi5self si#'( >e s%i, he suggeste, the i,e% to >%r,er--tol, hi5 4ou', be o:er6hel5e, 6ith %6e if he ,eigne, to inter:ie6 4ou in 2erson( >O$AN--O:er6hel5e, isn't the 6or,( 3O0/E--/t isn't in,ee,8 A%ther( T;=ONE--Aor on#e in his life8 0i52son is #heering for 4ou( >e ,oesn't li'e his boss( /n f%#t8 he %s'e, 5e to tell 4ou he ho2es 4ou 'ill hi5( >O$AN--(,is,%infull4) To hell 6ith the -i5e4's goo, 6ishes( li'e both of the5 to #%ll together( /', /s it8 3osieD

3O0/E--Ah8 6ell8 6e #%n't h%:e e:er4thing( (to T4rone) 9h%t's the re%son Mr( >%r,er ,e#i,e, to noti#e 2oor8 hu5ble s#u5 the li'e of usD T;=ONE--(grinning) Th%t's right8 3osie( 4ou to 'no6 4our 2l%#e( &e hu5ble( >e'll e+2e#t This

>O$AN--9ill he no6D 9ell8 6ell( (6ith % gre%t h%224 sigh) is going to be % be%utiful ,%4 entirel4( 3O0/E--&ut 6h%t's >%r,er's re%son8 3i5D T;=ONE--9ell8 it see5s he h%s %n i#e 2on, on his est%te( >O$AN--OhoE 0o th%t's itE

T;=ONE--;es( Th%t's it( >%r,er li'es to 'ee2 u2 the goo, ol, 5%nori%l #usto5s( >e #lings to his i#e 2on,( An, 4our 2ig2en isn't f%r fro5 his i#e 2on,( >O$AN--A ni#e little stroll for the 2igs8 th%t's %ll( T;=ONE--An, so5eho6 >%r,er's fen#e in th%t :i#init4 h%s % h%bit of bre%'ing ,o6n( >O$AN--Aen#es %re ?ueer things( ;ou #%n't ,e2en, on the5(

T;=ONE--0i52son s%4s he's h%, it re2%ire, % ,oCen ti5es8 but e%#h ti5e on the follo6ing night it gets bro'en ,o6n %g%in( 3O0/E--9h%t % str%nge thingE /t 5ust be the b%, f%iries( i5%gine 6ho else #oul, h%:e ,one it( .%n 4ou8 A%therD >O$AN--/ #%n't8 surel4( T;=ONE--9ell8 0i52son #%n( 5%ster so( >e 'no6s 4ou ,i, it %n, he tol, his / #%n't

>O$AN--(,is,%infull4) M%ster is the 6or,( 0ure8 the English #%n't li:e unless the4 h%:e % lor,'s b%#'si,e to 'iss8 the ,irt4 sl%:es( T;=ONE--The result of those bre%'s in the fen#e is th%t 4our 2igs stroll--%s 4ou so gr%#efull4 2ut it--stroll through to 6%llo6 h%22il4 %long the shores of the i#e 2on,( >O$AN--9ell8 6h4 notD 0ure8 the4're fine %5bitious A5eri#%n-born 2igs %n, the4 ,on't 5iss %n4 o22ortunities( The4're li'e >%r,er's f%ther 6ho 5%,e the 5one4 for hi5( T;=ONE--/ %gree8 but for so5e str%nge re%son >%r,er ,oesn't loo' for6%r, to the t%ste of 2ig in ne+t su55er's i#e 6%ter( >O$AN-->e 5ust be ,eli#%te( =e5e5ber he's ,eli#%te8 3osie8 %n, le%:e 4our #lub in the house( (>e bursts into "o4ful 5en%#ing l%ughter() Oh8 be $o, %n, be .hrist in the 5ount%insE /':e 2ine, to h%:e % ?uiet 6or, 6ith Mr( >%r,er for 4e%rs8 6%t#hing hi5 ri,e 2%st in his big shin4 %uto5obile 6ith his snoot in the %ir8 %n, being tor5ente, %l6%4s b4 the #o52l%ints of his -i5e4 su2erinten,ent( Oh8 6on't / 6el#o5e hi5E 3O0/E--9on't 9E8 4ou 5e%n( 0ure8 / lo:e hi5 %s 5u#h %s 4ou(

>O$AN--/', 'iss 4ou8 3i58 for this be%utiful ne6s8 if 4ou 6%sn't so ,%5ne, ugl4( M%4be 3osie'll ,o it for 5e( 0he h%s % stronger sto5%#h( 3O0/E--/ 6illE >e's e%rne, it( (0he 2ulls T4rone's he%, b%#' %n, l%ughingl4 'isses hi5 on the li2( >er e+2ression #h%nges( 0he loo's st%rtle, %n, #onfuse,8 stirre, %n, %t the s%5e ti5e frightene,( 0he for#es % s#ornful l%ugh() O#h8 there's no s2irit in 4ouE /t's li'e 'issing % #or2se( T;=ONE--(gi:es her % str%nge sur2rise, loo'--5o#'ingl4) ;esD (turning to >og%n) 9ell8 ho6 %bout th%t ,rin'8 !hilD /'ll le%:e

it to 3osie if ,rin's %ren't on the house( >O$AN--I/I 6on't le%:e it to 3osie( lo:e( 0he's 2re"u,i#e,8 being in

3O0/E--(%ngril4) 0hut u28 4ou ol, li%rE (then guiltil48 for#ing % l%ugh) 1on't t%l' nonsense to sne%' out of tre%ting 3i5( >O$AN--(sighing) All right8 3osie( $o get the bottle %n, one s5%ll gl%ss8 or he'll ne:er sto2 n%gging 5e( / #%n turn 54 b%#'8 so the sight of hi5 ,rin'ing free 6on't bre%' 54 he%rt( (3osie gets u28 l%ughing8 %n, goes in the house( >og%n 2eers %t the ro%, off left() On his 6%4 b%#' to lun#h8 4ou s%i,D Then it's ti5e-(fer:entl4) O >ol4 3ose2h8 ,on't let the b%st%r, #h%nge his 5in,E T;=ONE--(beginning to h%:e ?u%l5s) -isten8 !hil( 1on't get too enthusi%sti#( >e h%s % big ,r%g %roun, here8 %n, he'll h%:e 4ou 2in#he,8 sure %s hell8 if 4ou be%t hi5 u2( >O$AN--O#h8 /'5 no fool( (3osie #o5es out 6ith % bottle %n, % tu5bler() 9ill 4ou listen to this8 3osie( >e's 6%rning 5e not to gi:e >%r,er % be%ting--%s if /', ,irt4 54 h%n,s on the s#u5( 3O0/E--As if 6e', nee, to( hi5( >O$AN--Th%t's %ll( 0ure8 %ll 6e 6%nt is % ?uiet #h%t 6ith

As neighbor to neighbor( >ere 4ou %re8 3i5(

3O0/E--(h%n,s T4rone the bottle %n, tu5bler) 1on't stint 4ourself(

>O$AN--(5ournfull4) A fine ,%ughterE / tell 4ou % s5%ll gl%ss %n, 4ou gi:e hi5 % bu#'etE (As T4rone 2ours % big ,rin'8 grinning %t hi58 he turns %6%4 6ith % #o5i# shu,,er() Th%t's % fift4-,oll%r ,rin'8 %t le%st( T;=ONE-->ere's lu#'8 !hil( >O$AN--/ ho2e 4ou ,ro6n( (T4rone ,rin's %n, 5%'es % 6r4 f%#e()

T;=ONE--The best #hi#'en 5e,i#ine /':e e:er t%ste,( >O$AN--Th%t's gr%titu,e for 4ouE >ere8 2%ss 5e the bottle( A ,rin' 6ill 6%r5 u2 54 6el#o5e for >is M%"est4( (>e t%'es %n enor5ous s6ig fro5 the bottle() 3O0/E--(loo'ing off left) #ount4 ro%, no6( There's t6o horseb%#' ri,ers on the (>e sets the

>O$AN--!r%ise be to $o,E /t's hi5 %n, % groo5( bottle on to2 of the boul,er()

3O0/E--Th%t's M#.%be( An ol, s6eethe%rt of 5ine( (0he gl%n#es %t T4rone 2ro:o'ingl4--then su,,enl4 6orrie, %n, 2rote#ti:e) ;ou get in the house8 3i5( /f >%r,er sees 4ou here8 he'll l%4 the 6hole bl%5e on 4ou( T;=ONE--Ni+8 3osie( ;ou ,on't thin' /'5 going to 5iss this8 ,o

4ouD 3O0/E--;ou #%n sit insi,e b4 54 6in,o6 %n, t%'e in e:er4thing( .o5e on8 no68 ,on't be stubborn 6ith 5e( (0he 2uts her h%n,s un,er his %r5s %n, lifts hi5 to his feet %s e%sil4 %s if he 6%s % #hil,-b%nteringl4) $o into 54 be%utiful be,roo5( /t's % ni#e 2l%#e for 4ou( T;=ONE--('i,,ingl4) 3osie( 3ust 6h%t /':e been thin'ing for so5e ti5e8

3O0/E--(bol,l4) 0ure8 4ou':e ne:er gi:en 5e % sign of it( .o5e u2 tonight %n, 6e'll s2oon in the 5oonlight %n, 4ou #%n tell 5e 4our thoughts( T;=ONE--Th%t's % ,%te( =e5e5ber8 no6(

3O0/E--/t's 4ou 6ho'll forget( $et insi,e no68 before it's too l%te( (0he gi:es hi5 % sho:e insi,e %n, #loses the ,oor() >O$AN--(h%s been 6%t#hing the :isitor %22ro%#h) >e's ,is5ounting-%s gr%#eful %s % s#%re#ro68 %n, his 2oor horse longing to gi:e hi5 % 'i#'( -oo' %t M%# grinning %t us( 0it ,o6n8 3osie( (0he sits on the ste2s8 he on the boul,er() !reten, 4ou ,on't noti#e hi5( (T( 0te,5%n >%r,er %22e%rs %t left( The4 %#t %s if the4 ,i,n't see hi5( >og%n 'no#'s out his 2i2e on the 2%l5 of his h%n,() (>%r,er is in his l%te thirties but loo's 4ounger be#%use his f%#e is un5%r'e, b4 6orr48 %5bition8 or %n4 of the #o55on h%C%r,s of life( No 5%tter ho6 long he li:es8 his four un,ergr%,u%te 4e%rs 6ill %l6%4s be for hi5 the 5ost signifi#%nt in his life8 %n, the 5o5ent of his highest %#hie:e5ent the ti5e he 6%s t%22e, for %n e+#lusi:e 0enior 0o#iet4 %t the /:4 uni:ersit4 to 6hi#h his f%ther h%, gi:en 5illions( 0in#e th%t ,%4 he h%s felt no nee, for further %s2iring8 no urge to ,o %n4thing e+#e2t settle ,o6n on his est%te %n, li:e the life of % #ountr4 gentle5%n8 5il,l4 intereste, in s%,,le horses %n, s2ort 5o,els of foreign %uto5obiles( >e is not the bl%t%ntl4 sill48 2l%4bo4 heir to 5illions 6hose %nti#s 5%'e ne6s2%2er he%,lines( >e ,oesn't ,rin' 5u#h e+#e2t 6hen he %tten,s his #l%ss reunion e:er4 s2ring--the 5ost e+#iting e2iso,e of e%#h 4e%r for hi5( >e ,oesn't gi:e 6il, 2%rties8 ,oesn't #h%se %fter 5usi#%l-#o5e,4 #uties8 is % 5il,l4 #ontente, husb%n, %n, f%ther of three #hil,ren( A not un2le%s%nt 5%n8 %ff%ble8 goo,-loo'ing in %n or,in%r4 6%48 sunburnt %n, he%lth48 beginning to t%'e on f%t8 he is si52l4 i55%ture8 n%tur%ll4 leth%rgi#8 % bit stu2i,( .o,,le, fro5 birth8 e:er4thing %rr%nge, %n, 5%,e e%s4 for hi58 ,eferre, to be#%use of his 6e%lth8 he usu%ll4 h%s the self-#onfi,ent %ttitu,e of %#'no6le,ge, su2eriorit48 but %ssu5es % su2er#ilious8 inse#ure %ir 6hen ,e%ling 6ith 2eo2le be4on, his 'en( >e is ,resse, in % be%utifull4 t%ilore, English t6ee, #o%t %n, 6hi2#or, ri,ing bree#hes8 i55%#ul%tel4 2olishe, English ri,ing boots 6ith s2urs8 %n, #%rries % ri,ing #ro2 in his h%n,( (/t 6oul, be h%r, to fin, %n4one 5ore ill-e?ui22e, for #o5b%t 6ith the >og%ns( >e h%s ne:er #o5e in #ont%#t 6ith %n4one li'e the5( To 5%'e 5%tters e%sier for the5 he is ,eliber%te in his s2ee#h8 slo6 on the u2t%'e8 %n, h%s no sense of hu5or( The e+2erien#e, str%teg4 of the >og%ns in :erb%l b%ttle is to t%'e the offensi:e %t

on#e %n, ne:er let %n o22onent get set to hit b%#'( Also8 the4 use % be%utifull4 #o-or,in%te,8 be6il,ering #h%nge of 2%#e8 s6it#hing su,,enl4 fro5 "%rring shouts to lo68 #onfi,enti%l :itu2er%tion( An, the4 e+%gger%te their /rish brogues to #onfuse %n ene54 still further() >A=1E=--(6%l's to6%r, >og%n--stiffl4) the 5%n 6ho runs this f%r5( $oo, 5orning( / 6%nt to see

>O$AN--(sur:e4s hi5 ,eliber%tel48 his little 2ig e4es gle%5ing 6ith 5%li#e) ;ou ,o8 ,o 4ouD 9ell8 4ou':e seen hi5( 0o run %long no6 %n, 2l%4 6ith 4our horse8 %n, ,on't bother 5e( (>e turns to 3osie8 6ho is st%ring %t >%r,er8 5u#h to his ,is#o5fiture8 %s if she h%, ,is#o:ere, % #o#'ro%#h in her sou2() 1'4ou see 6h%t / see8 3osieD &e $o,8 4ou'll h%:e to gi:e th%t ,%5ne, #%t of 4ours % s2%n'ing for bringing it to our ,oorste2( >A=1E=--(,eter5ine, to be %uthorit%ti:e %n, #o55%n, res2e#t-#urtl4) Are 4ou >og%nD >O$AN--(insultingl4) / %5 M/0TE= !hili2 >og%n--to % gentle5%n(

3O0/E--(gl%res %t >%r,er) 9here's 4our 5%nners8 4ou s2in,lesh%n'e, "o#'e4D 9ere 4ou brought u2 in % st%bleD >A=1E=--(,oes not fight 6ith l%,ies8 %n, es2e#i%ll4 not 6ith this l%,4--ignoring her) M4 n%5e is >%r,er( (>e ob:iousl4 e+2e#ts the5 to be i55e,i%tel4 i52resse, %n, %2ologeti#() >O$AN--(#onte52tuousl4) 9ho %s'e, 4ou 4our n%5e8 5e little 5%nD

3O0/E--0ure8 6ho in the 6orl, #%res 6ho the hell 4ou %reD >O$AN--&ut if 4ou 6%nt to 2l%4 2oliteness8 6e'll 2l%4 6ith 4ou( -et 5e intro,u#e 4ou to 54 ,%ughter8 >%r,er--Miss 3ose2hine >og%n( 3O0/E--(2etul%ntl4) / ,on't 6%nt to 5eet hi58 A%ther( / ,on't li'e his sill4 shee2's f%#e8 %n, /':e no use for "o#'e4s8 %n46%4( /'ll 6%ger he's no ,%5ne, goo, to % 6o5%n( (Aro5 insi,e her be,roo5 #o5es % burst of l%ughter( This re:el%tion of %n unseen %u,ien#e st%rtles >%r,er( >e begins to loo' e+tre5el4 unsure of hi5self() >O$AN--/ ,on't thin' he's % "o#'e4( /t's onl4 the funn4 2%nts he's 6e%ring( /'ll bet if 4ou %s'e, his horse8 4ou', fin, he's no #o6bo4 either( (to >%r,er8 "eeringl4) .o5e8 tell us the truth8 5e hone4( 1on't 4ou 'iss 4our horse e%#h ti5e 4ou 5ount %n, beg hi58 2le%se ,on't thro6 5e to,%48 ,%rlin'8 %n, /'ll gi:e 4ou %n e+tr% bu#'et of o%ts( (>e bursts into %n e+tr%:%g%nt ro%r of l%ughter8 sl%22ing his thigh8 %n, 3osie guff%6s 6ith hi58 6hile the4 6%t#h the ,is#on#erting effe#t of this the%tri#%l 5irth on >%r,er() >A=1E=--(beginning to lose his te52er) -isten to 5e8 >og%nE / ,i,n't #o5e here--(>e is going to %,, Fto listen to 4our ,%5ne, "o'esF or so5ething li'e th%t8 but >og%n silen#es hi5() >O$AN--(shouts) 9h%tD 9h%t's th%t 4ou s%i,D (>e st%res %t the ,u5bfoun,e, >%r,er 6ith ,roll %5%Ce5ent8 %s if he #oul,n't belie:e

his e%rs() ;ou ,i,n't #o5e hereD (>e turns to 3osie--in % 6his2er) 1i, 4ou he%r th%t8 3osieD (>e t%'es off his h%t %n, s#r%t#hes his he%, in #o5i# be6il,er5ent() 9ell8 th%t's % 2uCCle8 surel4( >o6 ,'4ou su22ose he got hereD 3O0/E--M%4be the stor' brought hi58 b%, lu#' to it for % ,irt4 bir,( (Ag%in T4rone's l%ughter is he%r, fro5 the be,roo5() >A=1E=--(so off b%l%n#e no6 he #%n onl4 re2e%t %ngril4) ,i,n't #o5e here-/ s%i, /

>O$AN--(shouts) 9%itE 9%it8 no6E (thre%teningl4) 9e':e h%, enough of th%t( 0%4 it % thir, ti5e %n, /'ll sen, 54 ,%ughter to tele2hone the %s4lu5( >A=1E=--(forgetting he's % gentle5%n) h%, enough--E 1%5n 4ou8 /'5 the one 6ho's /'ll h%:e no foul

3O0/E--(shouts) >ol, 4our ,irt4 tongueE l%ngu%ge in 54 2resen#e(

>O$AN--O#h8 ,on't 5in, hi58 3osie( >e's s%i, he isn't here8 %n46%48 so 6e 6on't t%l' to hi5 behin, his b%#'( (>e reg%r,s >%r,er 6ith 2it4ing #onte52t() 0ure8 %in't 4ou the 2oor #r%C4 #re%tureD 1o 4ou 6%nt us to belie:e 4ou're 4our o6n ghostD >A=1E=--(noti#es the bottle on the boul,er for the first ti5e-tries to be #onte52tuousl4 toler%nt %n, e:en to s5ile 6ith #on,es#en,ing ,is,%in) AhE / un,erst%n, no6( ;ou're ,run'( /'ll #o5e b%#' so5eti5e 6hen 4ou're sober--or sen, 0i52son--(>e turns %6%48 gl%, of %n e+#use to es#%2e() 3O0/E--("u52s u2 %n, %,:%n#es on hi5 5en%#ingl4) No8 4ou ,on'tE ;ou'll %2ologiCe first for insulting % l%,4--insinu%ting /'5 ,run' this e%rl4 in the ,%4--or /'ll 'no#' so5e goo, bree,ing in 4ouE >A=1E=--(%#tu%ll4 frightene, no6) /--/ s%i, nothing %bout 4ou--

>O$AN--(gets u2 to #o5e bet6een the5) Ais4 no68 3osie( >e ,i,n't 5e%n it( >e ,on't 'no6 6h%t he 5e%ns8 the 2oor loon( (to >%r,er-2it4ingl4) =un ho5e8 th%t's % goo, l%,8 before 4our 'ee2er 5isses 4ou( >A=1E=--(h%stil4) $oo, ,%4( (>e turns e%gerl4 to6%r, left but su,,enl4 >og%n gr%bs his shoul,er %n, s2ins hi5 %roun,--then shifts his gri2 to the l%2el of >%r,er's #o%t() >O$AN--(gri5l4) 9%it no68 5e >one4 &o4( /'ll h%:e % 6or, 6ith 4ou8 if 4ou 2l%Ce( /'5 beginning to re%, so5e sense into this( ;ou 5entione, th%t English b%st%r,8 0i52son( / 'no6 6ho 4ou %re no6( >A=1E=--(outr%ge,) T%'e 4our h%n,s off 5e8 4ou ,run'en fool( r%ises his ri,ing #ro2() (>e

3O0/E--(gr%bs it %n, te%rs it fro5 his h%n, 6ith one 2o6erful t6ist--fier#el4) 9oul, 4ou stri'e 54 2oor infir5 ol, f%ther8 4ou #o6%r,8 4ouE

>A=1E=--(#%lling for hel2)


>O$AN--1on't thin' M#.%be 6ill he%r 4ou8 if 4ou ble6 $%briel's horn( >e 'no6s / or 3osie #%n li#' hi5 6ith one h%n,( (sh%r2l4) 3osieE 0t%n, bet6een us %n, the g%te( (3osie t%'es her st%n, 6here the 2%th 5eets the ro%,( 0he turns her b%#' for % 5o5ent8 sh%'ing 6ith su22resse, l%ughter8 %n, 6%:es her h%n, %t M#.%be %n, turns b%#'( >og%n rele%ses his hol, on >%r,er's #o%t() There no6( 1on't tr4 running %6%4 or 54 ,%ughter 6ill 'no#' 4ou senseless( (>e goes on gri5l4 before >%r,er #%n s2e%'() ;ou're the bl%#'gu%r, of % 5illion%ire th%t o6ns the est%te ne+t to ours8 %in't 4ouD /':e been 5e%ning to #%ll on 4ou8 for /':e % bone to 2i#' 6ith 4ou8 4ou bloo,4 t4r%ntE &ut / #oul,n't bring 54self to set foot on l%n, bought 6ith 0t%n,%r, Oil 5one4 th%t 6%s stolen fro5 the 2oor it groun, in the ,ust bene%th its ,irt4 heel--l%n, th%t's 6%tere, 6ith the te%rs of st%r:ing 6i,o6s %n, or2h%ns--(>e %bru2tl4 s6it#hes fro5 this elo?uen#e to % 5%tter-of-f%#t tone() &ut ne:er 5in, th%t8 no6( / 6on't 6%ste 6or,s tr4ing to refor5 % born #roo'( (fier#el48 sho:ing his ,irt4 unsh%:en f%#e %l5ost into >%r,er's) 9h%t / 6%nt to 'no6 is8 6h%t the hell ,'4ou 5e%n b4 4our #onte52tible tri#' of bre%'ing ,o6n 4our fen#e to enti#e 54 2oor 2igs to t%'e their ,e%th in 4our i#e 2on,D (There is % shout of l%ughter fro5 3osie's be,roo58 %n, 3osie ,oubles u2 %n, hol,s her si,es( >%r,er is so fl%bberg%ste, b4 this 5%, %##us%tion he #%nnot e:en s2utter( &ut >og%n %#ts %s if he', ,enie, it--s%:%gel4) 1on't lie8 no6E None of 4our ,%5ne, 0t%n,%r, Oil e+#uses8 or be 3%4sus8 /'ll bre%' 4ou in h%lfE >%:en't / 5en,e, th%t fen#e 5orning %fter 5orning8 %n, seen the foot2rints 6here 4ou h%, sne%'e, u2 in the night to 2ull it ,o6n %g%in( >o6 5%n4 ti5es h%:e / 5en,e, th%t fen#e8 3osieD 3O0/E--/f it's on#e8 it's % hun,re,8 A%ther( >O$AN---isten8 5e little 5illion%ireE /'5 % 2e%#eful8 5il, 5%n th%t belie:es in li:e %n, let li:e8 %n, %s long %s the neighboring s#u5 le%:e 5e %lone8 /'ll let the5 %lone8 but 6hen it #o5es to st%n,ing b4 %n, seeing 54 2oor 2igs 5urthere, one b4 one--E 3osieE >o6 5%n4 2igs is it #%ught their ,e%th of #ol, in his ,%5ne, i#e 2on, %n, ,ie, of 2neu5oni%D 3O0/E--Ten of the58 A%ther( An, ten 5ore ,ie, of #holer% %fter ,rin'ing the ,irt4 6%ter in it( >O$AN--All 2riCe 2igs8 tooE / 6%s offere, t6o hun,re, ,oll%rs %2ie#e for the5( T6ent4 2igs %t t6o hun,re,8 th%t's four thous%n,( An, % thous%n, to #ure the si#' %n, #o:er funer%l e+2enses for the ,e%,( .%ll it four thous%n, 4ou o6e 5e( (furiousl4) An, 4ou'll 2%4 it8 or /'ll sue 4ou8 so hel2 5e .hristE /'ll ,r%g 4ou in e:er4 #ourt in the l%n,E /'ll 2%ste 4our ugl4 5ug on the front 2%ge of e:er4 ne6s2%2er %s % 2ig-5ur,ering t4r%ntE &efore /'5 through 6ith 4ou8 4ou'll thin' 4ou're the @ing of Engl%n, %t %n /rish 6%'eE (6ith % ?ui#' #h%nge of 2%#e to % 6hee,ling #onfi,enti%l tone) Tell 5e no68 if it isn't % se#ret8 6h%te:er 5%,e 4ou t%'e su#h % s%:%ge gru,ge %g%inst 2igsD 0ure8 it isn't re%son%ble for % 0t%n,%r, Oil 5%n to h%te hogs( >A=1E=--(5%n%ges to get in three s2uttering 6or,s) /':e h%,

enough--E >O$AN--(6ith % grin) &e $o,8 / belie:e 4ouE (s6it#hing to fier#eness %n, gr%bbing his l%2el %g%in) -oo' out8 no6E @ee2 4our 2l%#e %n, be soft-s2o'en to 4our bettersE ;ou're not in 4our shin4 %uto5obile no6 6ith 4our funn4 nose #o#'e, so 4ou 6on't s5ell the 2oor 2eo2le( (>e gi:es hi5 % sh%'e() An, let 5e 6%rn 4ouE / h%:e to 2ut u2 6ith % lot of 2ests on this he%2 of boul,ers so5e "o'er on#e #%lle, % f%r5( There's % #ruel s'inflint of % l%n,lor, 6ho s6in,les 5e out of 54 l%st ,ro2 of 6his'e48 %n, there's 2oison i:48 %n, ti#'s %n, 2ot%to bugs8 %n, there's sn%'es %n, s'un'sE &ut8 be $o,8 / ,r%6 the line so5e6here8 %n, /'ll be ,%5ne, if /'ll st%n, for % 0t%n,%r, Oil 5%n tres2%ssingE 0o 6ill 4ou 'in,l4 get the hell out of here before / 2l%nt % 'i#' on 4our b%#'si,e th%t'll l%n, 4ou in the Atl%nti# O#e%nE (>e gi:es >%r,er % sho:e() &e%t it no6E (>%r,er tries to 5%'e so5e sort of ,is,%infull4 ,ignifie, e+it( &ut he h%s to get b4 3osie() 3O0/E--(leers %t 6or, of goo,-b4e be#%use 4ou h%:e Meet 5e tonight8 be#o5es % rout( :oi#e8 tre5bling hi5 i,ioti#%ll4) 0ure8 4ou 6oul,n't go 6ithout % to 5e8 6oul, 4ou8 ,%rlin'D 1on't s#orn 5e "ust on 4our "o#'e4's 2%nts( (in % ho%rse 6his2er) %s usu%l8 ,o6n b4 the 2ig2en( (>%r,er's retre%t >e ,is%22e%rs on left8 but % se#on, l%ter his 6ith %nger8 is he%r, #%lling b%#' thre%teningl4()

>A=1E=--/f 4ou ,%re tou#h th%t fen#e %g%in8 /'ll 2ut this 5%tter in the h%n,s of the 2oli#eE >O$AN--(shouts ,erisi:el4) An, /'ll 2ut it in 54 l%64er's h%n,s %n, in the ne6s2%2ersE (>e ,oubles u2 6ith glee() -oo' %t hi5 fling hi5self on his n%g %n, s2ur the 2oor be%stE An, loo' %t M#.%be behin, hi5E >e #%n h%r,l4 st%4 in the s%,,le for l%ughingE (>e sl%2s his thigh() O 3%4sus8 this is % gre%t ,%4 for the 2oor %n, o22resse,E /'ll ,o no 5ore 6or'E /'ll go ,o6n to the /nn %n, s2en, 5one4 %n, get ,run' %s MosesE 3O0/E--05%ll bl%5e to 4ou( ;ou ,eser:e it( &ut 4ou'll h%:e 4our ,inner first8 to gi:e 4ou % foun,%tion( .o5e on8 no6( (The4 turn b%#' to6%r, the house( Aro5 insi,e %nother burst of l%ughter fro5 T4rone is he%r,( 3osie s5iles() -isten to 3i5 still in stit#hes( /t's goo, to he%r hi5 l%ugh %s if he 5e%nt it( (T4rone %22e%rs in the ,oor6%4 of her be,roo5() T;=ONE--O $o,8 54 si,es %re sore( (The4 %ll l%ugh together( "oins the5 %t the left #orner of the house() 3O0/E--/t's ,inner ti5e( /'ll boil 4ou so5e eggs( >e

9ill 4ou h%:e % bit to e%t 6ith us8 3i5D

>O$AN--O#h8 6h4 ,o 4ou h%:e to 5ention eggsD 1on't 4ou 'no6 it's the one thing he 5ight e%tD 9ell8 no 5%tter( An4thing goes to,%4( (>e gets the bottle of 6his'e4() .o5e in8 3i5( 9e'll h%:e % ,rin' 6hile 3osie's fi+ing the grub( (The4 st%rt to go in the front ,oor8 >og%n in the le%,() T;=ONE--(su,,enl4--6ith s%r,oni# %5use5ent) 9%it % 5inute( -et us 2%use to t%'e % loo' %t this :er4 :%lu%ble 2ro2ert4( 1on't 4ou noti#e the #h%nge8 !hilD E:er4 boul,er on the 2l%#e h%s turne, to

soli, gol,( >O$AN--9h%t the hell--D / 'no6 th%t( ;ou ,i,n't get the 1(T('s fro5 54 6his'e48

T;=ONE--No 1(T('s %bout it( This f%r5 h%s su,,enl4 be#o5e % gol, 5ine( ;ou 'no6 th%t offer / tol, 4ou %boutD 9ell8 the %gent ,i, % little ,ete#ti:e 6or' %n, he ,is#o:ere, it #%5e fro5 >%r,er( >e ,oesn't 6%nt the ,%5ne, 2l%#e but he ,isli'es 4ou %s % neighbor %n, he thin's the best 6%4 to get ri, of 4ou 6oul, be to be#o5e 4our l%n,lor,( >O$AN--The sne%'ing s'un'E /'5 sorr4 / ,i,n't gi:e hi5 th%t 'i#'(

T;=ONE--;es( 0o %5 /( Th%t 6oul, h%:e 5%,e the 2l%#e e:en 5ore :%lu%ble( &ut %s it is8 4ou ,i, nobl4( / e+2e#t hi5 to ,ouble or tri2le his first offer( /n f%#t8 /'ll bet the s'4 is the li5it no6( >O$AN--(gi:es 3osie % 5e%ningful loo') / see 4our 2ointE &ut 6e're not 6orr4ing 4ou', e:er forget 4our 2ro5ise to us for %n4 2ri#e( T;=ONE--!ro5iseD 9h%t 2ro5iseD ;ou 'no6 6h%t @i2ling 6rote: (2%r%2hr%sing the F=h45e of the Three 0e%lersF) There's ne:er % 2ro5ise of $o, or 5%n goes north of ten thous%n, bu#'s( >O$AN--1'4ou he%r hi58 3osieD 9e #%n't trust hi5(

3O0/E--O#h8 4ou 'no6 he's 'i,,ing( >O$AN--/ ,on'tE /'5 be#o5ing sus2i#ious(

T;=ONE--(% tr%#e of bitterness bene%th his %5use, tone) Th%t's 6ise ,o2e8 !hil( Trust %n, be % su#'er( /f / 6ere 4ou8 /', be seriousl4 6orrie,( /':e %l6%4s 6%nte, to o6n % gol, 5ine--so / #oul, sell it( 3O0/E--(bursts out) 9ill 4ou shut u2 4our rotten &ro%,6%4 bl%therE

T;=ONE--(st%res %t her in sur2rise) 9h4 so serious %n, in,ign%nt8 3osieD ;ou "ust tol, 4our un6orth4 Ol, M%n / 6%s 'i,,ing( (to >og%n) At l%st8 /':e got 4ou b4 the e%rs8 !hil( 9e 5ust h%:e % serious #h%t %bout 6hen 4ou're going to 2%4 th%t b%#' rent( >O$AN--(gro%ns) A l%n,lor, 6ho's % bl%#'5%ilerE ne+tE (3osie is s5iling 6ith relief no6() >ol4 $o,8 6h%t

T;=ONE--An, 4ou8 3osie8 2le%se re5e5ber 6hen / 'ee2 th%t 5oonlight ,%te tonight / e+2e#t 4ou to be :er4 s6eet to 5e( 3O0/E--(6ith % bol, %ir) 0ure8 4ou ,on't h%:e to bl%#'5%il 5e( /', be th%t to 4ou8 %n46%4( >O$AN--Are 4ou l%4ing 2lots in 54 2resen#e to ,%ughterD (then 2hiloso2hi#%ll4) 9ell8 6h%t ,run' %t the /nn8 so ho6 #oul, / 2re:ent itD ste2s() -et's e%t8 for the lo:e of $o,( /'5 se,u#e 54 onl4 #%n / ,oD /'ll be (>e goes u2 the st%r:ing( (>e

,is%22e%rs insi,e the house() 3O0/E--(6ith %n %6'6%r, 2l%4ful gesture8 t%'es T4rone b4 the h%n,) .o5e %long8 3i5( T;=ONE--(s5iles 'i,,ingl4) Afr%i, 4ou'll lose 5eD 06ell #h%n#eE (>is e4es fi+ on her bre%sts--6ith genuine feeling) ;ou h%:e the 5ost be%utiful bre%sts in the 6orl,8 ,o 4ou 'no6 it8 3osieD 3O0/E--(2le%se,--sh4l4) / ,on't--but /'5 h%224 if 4ou thin'--(then ?ui#'l4) &ut /':e no ti5e no6 to listen to 4our 'i,,ing8 6ith 54 5%, ol, f%ther 6%iting for his ,inner( 0o #o5e on( (0he tugs %t his h%n, %n, he follo6s her u2 the ste2s( >er 5%nner #h%nges to 6orrie, soli#itu,e() !ro5ise 5e 4ou'll e%t so5ething8 3i5( ;ou':e got to e%t( ;ou #%n't go on the 6%4 4ou %re8 ,rin'ing %n, ne:er e%ting8 h%r,l4( ;ou're 'illing 4ourself( T;=ONE--(s%r,oni#%ll4) Th%t's right( Mother 5e8 3osie8 / lo:e it(

3O0/E--(bull4ingl4) / 6ill8 then( ;ou nee, one to t%'e #%re of 4ou( (The4 ,is%22e%r insi,e the house() (.urt%in)

A.T T9O 0.ENE--The s%5e8 6ith the 6%ll of the li:ing roo5 re5o:e,( /t is % #le%r 6%r5 5oonlight night8 %roun, ele:en o'#lo#'( 3osie is sitting on the ste2s before the front ,oor( 0he h%s #h%nge, to her 0un,%4 best8 % #he%2 ,%r'-blue ,ress8 bl%#' sto#'ings %n, shoes( >er h%ir is #%refull4 %rr%nge,8 %n, b4 6%4 of %,orn5ent % 6hite flo6er is 2inne, on her boso5( 0he is hun#he, u28 elbo6s on 'nees8 her #hin in her h%n,s( There is %n e+2ression on her f%#e 6e h%:e not seen before8 % loo' of s%,ness %n, loneliness %n, hu5ili%tion( 0he sighs %n, gets slo6l4 to her feet8 her bo,4 stiff fro5 sitting long in the s%5e 2osition( 0he goes into the li:ing roo58 fu5bles %roun, for the bo+ of 5%t#hes8 %n, lights % 'erosene l%52 on the t%ble( The li:ing roo5 is s5%ll8 lo6-#eilinge,8 6ith f%,e,8 fl4-s2e#'e, 6%ll2%2er8 % floor of b%re bo%r,s( /t is #luttere, u2 6ith furniture th%t loo's %s if it h%, been 2i#'e, u2 %t % fire s%le( There is % t%ble %t #enter8 % ,isre2ut%ble ol, Morris #h%ir besi,e itJ t6o ugl4 si,ebo%r,s8 one %t left8 the other %t right-re%rJ % 2or#h ro#'ing-#h%ir8 2%inte, green8 6ith % hole in its #%ne botto5J % bure%u %g%inst the re%r 6%ll8 6ith t6o #h%irs on either si,e of % ,oor to the 'it#hen( On the bure%u is %n %l%r5 #lo#' 6hi#h sho6s the ti5e to be fi:e 2%st ele:en( At right-front is the ,oor to 3osie's be,roo5(

3O0/E--(loo's %t the #lo#'--,ull4) Ai:e 2%st ele:en8 %n, he s%i, he', be here %roun, nine( (0u,,enl4 in % burst of hu5ili%te, %nger8 she te%rs off the flo6er 2inne, to her boso5 %n, thro6s it in the #orner() To hell 6ith 4ou8 3i5 T4roneE (Aro5 ,o6n the ro%,8 the ?uiet of the night is sh%ttere, b4 % burst of 5el%n#hol4 song( /t is un5ist%'%bl4 >og%n's :oi#e 6%iling %n ol, /rish l%5ent %t the to2 of his lungs( 3osie st%rts--then fro6ns irrit%bl4() 9h%t's bringing hi5 ho5e %n hour before the /nn #losesD >e 5ust be 5ore 2%r%l4Ce, th%n e:er /':e 'no6n hi5( (0he listens to the singing--gri5l4) Ah8 here 4ou #o5e8 ,o 4ou8 %s full %s % ti#'E /'ll gi:e 4ou % 6el#o5e8 if 4ou st%rt #utting u2E /'5 in no 5oo, to 2ut u2 6ith 4ou( (0he goes into her be,roo5 %n, returns 6ith her broo5sti#' #lub( Outsi,e the singing gro6s lou,er %s >og%n %22ro%#hes the house( >e onl4 re5e5bers one :erse of the song %n, he h%s been re2e%ting it() >O$AN--Oh the 2r%ties the4 gro6 s5%ll O:er here8 o:er here8 Oh8 the 2r%ties the4 gro6 s5%ll O:er here( Oh the 2r%ties the4 gro6 s5%ll An, 6e ,ig the5 in the f%ll An, 6e e%t the5 s'ins %n, %ll O:er here8 o:er here( (>e enters left-front8 6e%:ing %n, lur#hing % bit( &ut he is not %s ,run' %s he %22e%rs( Or r%ther8 he is one of those 2eo2le 6ho #%n ,rin' %n enor5ous %5ount %n, be %bsolutel4 2l%stere, 6hen the4 6%nt to be for their o6n 2le%sure8 but %t the s%5e ti5e %re %ble to 2ull the5sel:es together 6hen the4 6ish %n, be #unningl4 #le%rhe%,e,( 3ust no68 he is letting hi5self go %n, getting gre%t s%tisf%#tion fro5 it( >e 2%uses %n, bello6s belligerentl4 %t the house) >urrooE 1o6n 6ith %ll t4r%nts8 5%le %n, fe5%leE To hell 6ith Engl%n,8 %n, $o, ,%5n 0t%n,%r, OilE 3O0/E--(shouts b%#') 0hut u2 4our noise8 4ou #r%C4 ol, bill4 go%tE

>O$AN--(hurt %n, 5ournful) A s6eet ,%ughter %n, % s6eet 6el#o5e ho5e in the ,e%, of night( (beginning to boil) Ol, go%tE There's res2e#t for 4ouE (%ngril4--st%rting for the front ,oor) .r%C4 bill4 go%t8 is itD &e $o,8 /'ll le%rn 4ou 5%nnersE (>e 2oun,s on the ,oor 6ith his fist() O2en the ,oorE O2en this ,oor8 /'5 s%4ing8 before / ,ri:e % fist through it8 or 'i#' it into flin,ersE (>e gi:es it % 'i#'() 3O0/E--/t's not lo#'e,8 4ou ,run'en ol, loonE >O$AN--(turns the 'nob %n, st%52s in) th%t the 6%4 to %,,ress 4our f%therD 3O0/E--No( O2en it 4ourselfE /s

1run'en ol, loon8 %5 /D

/t's too ,%5ne, goo, for hi5(

>O$AN--/t's ti5e / t%ught 4ou % lesson( &e 3%4sus8 /'ll t%'e 4ou o:er 54 'nee %n, s2%n' 4our t%il8 if 4ou %re %s big %s % #o6E (>e 5%'es % lunge to gr%b her() 3O0/E--9oul, 4ou8 thoughE T%'e th%t8 thenE (0he r%2s hi5 s5%rtl48

but lightl48 on his b%l, s2ot 6ith the en, of her broo5 h%n,le() >O$AN--(6ith %n e+%gger%te, ho6l of 2%in) O6E (>is %nger e:%2or%tes %n, he rubs the to2 of his he%, ruefull4--6ith bitter #o52l%int) $o, forgi:e 4ou8 it's % gre%t sh%5e to 5e /':e r%ise, % ,%ughter so #o6%r,l4 she h%s to use % #lub( 3O0/E--(2uts her #lub on the t%ble--gri5l4) No6 /':e no #lub(

>O$AN--(e:%,es the #h%llenge) / ne:er thought /', see the ,%4 6hen % ,%ughter of 5ine 6oul, be su#h % #o6%r, %s to thre%ten her ol, f%ther 6hen he's hel2less ,run' %n, #%n't hit b%#'( (>e slu52s ,o6n on the Morris #h%ir() 3O0/E--Ah8 th%t's better( No6 th%t little g%5e is o:er( (then %ngril4) -isten to 5e8 A%ther( / h%:e no 2%tien#e left8 so get u2 fro5 th%t #h%ir8 %n, go in 4our roo58 %n, go to be,8 or /'ll t%'e 4ou b4 the s#ruff of 4our ne#' %n, the se%t of 4our 2%nts %n, thro6 4ou in %n, lo#' the ,oor on 4ouE / 5e%n it8 no6E (on the :erge of %ngr4 te%rs) /':e h%, %ll / #%n be%r this night8 %n, / 6%nt so5e 2e%#e %n, slee28 %n, not to listen to %n ol, lushE >O$AN--(%22e%rs ,run'er8 his he%, 6%gging8 his :oi#e thi#'8 his t%l' r%5bling) Th%t's right( Aight 6ith 5e( M4 o6n ,%ughter h%s no feelings or s452%th4( As if / h%,n't enough %fter 6h%t's h%22ene, tonight( 3O0/E--(6ith %ngr4 ,isgust) O#h8 ,on't tr4--(then #uriousl4) 9h%t's h%22ene,D / thought so5ething 5ust be ?ueer8 4ou #o5ing ho5e before the /nn #lose,8 but then / thought 5%4be for on#e 4ou', ,run' %ll 4ou #oul, hol,( (s#%thingl4) An,8 $o, 2it4 4ou8 if 4ou %in't th%t full8 4ou're ,%5ne, #lose to it( >O$AN--$o on( M%'e fun of 5e( Ol, lushE ;ou 6oul,n't feel so #o5i#%l8 if--(>e sto2s8 5u5bling to hi5self() 3O0/E--/f 6h%tD >O$AN--Ne:er 5in,( Ne:er 5in,( / ,i,n't #o5e ho5e to fight8 but see' #o5fort in 4our #o52%n4( An, if / 6%s singing #o5ing %long the ro%,8 it 6%s onl4 be#%use there's ti5es 4ou h%:e to sing to 'ee2 fro5 #r4ing( 3O0/E--/ #%n see 4ou #r4ingE >O$AN--;ou 6ill( An, 4ou'll see 4ourself #r4ing8 too8 6hen--(>e sto2s %g%in %n, 5u5bles to hi5self() 3O0/E--9hen 6h%tD (e+%s2er%te,l4) ,rooling %n, t%l' 2l%inD >O$AN--(thi#'l4) No 5%tter( 9ill 4ou sto2 4our 6his'e4 -e%:e 5e %lone(

No 5%tter(

3O0/E--(%ngril4) Th%t's goo, %,:i#e( To hell 6ith 4ouE / 'no6 4our g%5e( Nothing %t %ll h%s h%22ene,( All 4ou 6%nt is to 'ee2 5e u2 listening to 4our guff( $o to 4our roo58 /'5 s%4ing8 before->O$AN--/ 6on't( / #oul,n't slee2 6ith 54 thoughts tor5ente, the

6%4 the4 %re( /'ll st%4 here in this #h%ir8 %n, 4ou go to 4our roo5 %n, let 5e be( 3O0/E--(snorts) An, h%:e 4ou singing %g%in in % 5inute %n, s5%shing the furniture->O$AN--0ing8 is itD Are 4ou 5%'ing fun %g%inD /', gi:e % 'een of sorro6 or ho6l %t the 5oon li'e %n ol, 5%ng4 houn, in his s%,ness if / 'ne6 ho68 but / ,on't( 0o rest %is4( ;ou 6on't he%r % soun, fro5 5e( $o on %n, snore li'e % 2ig to 4our he%rt's #ontent( (>e 5ourns ,run'enl4) A fine ,%ughterE /', get 5ore #o5fort fro5 str%ngers( 3O0/E--O#h8 for $o,'s s%'e8 ,r4 u2E ;ou'll sit in the ,%r' then( / 6on't le%:e the l%52 lit for 4ou to ti2 o:er %n, burn ,o6n the house( (0he re%#hes out to turn ,o6n the l%52() >O$AN--(thi#'l4) -et it burn to the groun,( #%re if it burns( A hell of % lot /

3O0/E--(in the %#t of turning ,o6n the l%528 sto2s %n, st%res %t hi58 2uCCle, %n, une%s4) / ne:er he%r, 4ou t%l' th%t 6%4 before8 no 5%tter ho6 ,run' 4ou 6ere( (>e 5u5bles( >er tone be#o5es 2ersu%si:e() 9h%t's h%22ene, to 4ou8 A%therD >O$AN--(bitterl4) Ah it's FA%therF no68 is it8 not ol, bill4 go%tD 9ell8 th%n' $o, for s5%ll f%:ors( (6ith he%:4 s%r#%s5) Oh8 nothing's h%22ene, to 5e %t %ll8 %t %ll( A trifle8 onl4( / 6oul,n't 6%ste 4our ti5e 5entioning it8 or 'ee2 4ou u2 6hen 4ou 6%nt slee2 so b%,( 3O0/E--(%ngril4) O#h8 4ou ol, loon8 /'5 si#' of 4ou( 0lee2 it off till 4ou get so5e sense( (0he re%#hes for the l%52 %g%in() >O$AN--0lee2 it offD 9e'll see if 4ou'll slee2 it off 6hen 4ou 'no6--(>e l%2ses into ,run'en 5u5bling() 3O0/E--(%g%in st%res %t hi5) >O$AN--(5u5bles) @no6 6h%t8 A%therD

The son of % bit#hE

3O0/E--(tr4ing % light tone) 0ure8 there's % lot of those in the neighborhoo,( 9hi#h one ,o 4ou 5e%nD /s >%r,er on 4our 5in, %g%inD >O$AN--(thi#'l4) >e's one %n, % 2riCe one8 but / ,on't 5e%n hi5( /'ll s%4 this for >%r,er8 4ou 'no6 6h%t to e+2e#t fro5 hi5( >e's no 6olf in shee2's #lothing8 nor % tre%#herous sn%'e in the gr%ss 6ho st%bs 4ou in the b%#' 6ith % 'nife-3O0/E--(%22rehensi:e no6--for#es % "o'e) 0ure8 if 4ou':e foun, % sn%'e 6ho #%n st%b 4ou 6ith % 'nife8 4ou', better "oin the #ir#us 6ith hi5 %n, 5%'e % 2ile of 5one4( >O$AN--(bitterl4) M%'e "o'es8 $o, forgi:e 4ouE fro5 the 6rong en, of 4our 5outhE (>e 5u5bles) our frien,E The l4ing b%st%r,E ;ou'll soon l%ugh !reten,ing he's

3O0/E--(bristles resentfull4) n%5esD

/s it 3i5 T4rone 4ou're #%lling h%r,

>O$AN--Th%t's right( 1efen, hi58 4ou big soft foolE A%ith8 4ou're % 2riCe ,un#eE ;ou':e h%, % goo, t%ste of belie:ing his 6or,8 6%iting hours for hi5 ,resse, u2 in 4our best li'e % 2oor shee2 6ithout 2ri,e or s2irit-3O0/E--(stung) 0hut u2E / 6%s #%lling hi5 % l4ing b%st%r, 54self before 4ou #%5e8 %n, s%4ing /', ne:er s2e%' to hi5 %g%in( An, / 'ne6 %ll %long he', ne:er re5e5ber to 'ee2 his ,%te %fter he got ,run'( >O$AN-->e's not so ,run' he forgot to %tten, to business( 3O0/E--(%s if she h%,n't he%r,--,efi%ntl4) /', h%:e st%4e, u2 %n46%4 % be%utiful night li'e this to en"o4 the 5oonlight8 if there 6%sn't % 3i5 T4rone in the 6orl,( >O$AN--(6ith he%:4 s%r#%s5) /n 4our best shoes %n, sto#'ingsD 9ell8 6ell( 0ure8 the 5oon 5ust feel fl%ttere, b4 4our %ttentions( 3O0/E--(furiousl4) ;ou 6on't feel fl%ttere, if / 'no#' 4ou t%il o:er tin#u2 out of th%t #h%irE An, sto2 4our 6his'e4 g%bble %bout 3i5( / see 6h%t 4ou're ,ri:ing %t 6ith 4our ,%r' hints %n, #urses8 %n, if 4ou thin' /'ll belie:e--(6ith for#e, %ssur%n#e) 0ure8 / 'no6 6h%t's h%22ene, %s 6ell %s if /', been there( 3i5 s%6 4ou', got ,run'er th%n usu%l %n, 4ou 6ere %n e%s4 5%r' for % "o'e8 %n, he's 5%,e % go%t of 4ouE >O$AN--(bitterl4) $o%t8 %g%inE (>e struggles fro5 his #h%ir %n, st%n,s s6%4ing unste%,il4--6ith offen,e, ,ignit4) All right8 / 6on't s%4 %nother 6or,( There's no use telling the truth to % b%,te52ere, 6o5%n in lo:e( 3O0/E---o:e be ,%5ne,E / h%te hi5 no6E

>O$AN--&e .hrist8 4ou h%:e 5e stu52e,( A gre%t 2rou, slut 6ho's 2l%4e, g%5es 6ith h%lf the 5en %roun, here8 %n, no6 4ou %#t li'e % nu5bs'ull :irgin th%t #%n't belie:e % 5%n 6oul, tell her % lieE 3O0/E--(thre%teningl4) go ?ui#'E /f 4ou're going to 4our roo58 4ou', better

>O$AN--(fi+es his e4es on the ,oor %t re%r--6ith ,ignit4) Th%t's 6here /'5 going8 4es--to t%l' to 5eself so /'ll 'no6 so5eone 6ith br%ins is listening( $oo, night to 4ou8 Miss >og%n( (>e st%rts-s6er:es left--tries to #orre#t this %n, lur#hes right %n, bu52s %g%inst her8 #lut#hing the su22orting %r5 she stret#hes out() 3O0/E--$o, hel2 4ou8 if 4ou tr4 to go u2st%irs no68 4ou'll en, u2 in the #ell%r( >O$AN--(h%nging on to her %r5 %n, shoul,er--5%u,linl4 %ffe#tion%te no6) ;ou're right( 1on't listen to 5e( /'5 6rong to bother 4ou( ;ou':e h%, sorro6 enough this night( >%:e % goo, slee28 6hile 4ou #%n8 3osie8 ,%rlin'--%n, goo, night %n, $o, bless 4ou( (>e tries to 'iss her8 but she 6%r,s hi5 off %n, steers hi5 b%#' to the

#h%ir() 3O0/E--0it ,o6n before 4ou s2lit in 2ie#es on the floor %n, / h%:e to get the 6heelb%rro6 to #olle#t 4ou( (0he ,u52s hi5 in the #h%ir 6here he s2r%6ls li52l48 his #hin on his #hest() >O$AN--(5u5bles ,ull4) hel2less8 entirel4( /t's too l%te( /t's %ll settle,( 9e're

3O0/E--(re%ll4 6orrie, no6) >o6 is it %ll settle,D /f 4ou're hel2less8 /'5 not( (then %s he ,oesn't re2l4--s#ornfull4) /t's the first ti5e / e:er he%r, 4ou %,5it 4ou 6ere li#'e,( An, it's the first ti5e / e:er s%6 4ou so 2%r%l4Ce, 4ou #oul,n't sh%'e the 6his'e4 fro5 4our br%ins %n, get 4our he%, #le%r 6hen 4ou 6%nte,( 0ure8 th%t's %l6%4s been 4our 2ri,e--%n, no6 loo' %t 4ou8 the stu2i, ob"e#t 4ou %re8 5u5bling %n, ,roolingE >O$AN--(struggles u2 in his #h%ir--%ngril4) 0hut u2 4our insultsE &e $o,8 / #%n get 54 he%, #le%r if / li'eE (>e sh%'es his he%, :iolentl4() ThereE /t's #le%r( / #%n tell 4ou e%#h thing th%t h%22ene, tonight %s #le%r %s if /', not t%'en % ,ro28 if 4ou'll listen %n, not 'ee2 #%lling 5e % li%r( 3O0/E--/'ll listen8 no6 / see 4ou h%:e hol, of 4our 6its( >O$AN--All right8 then( /'ll begin %t the beginning 6hen hi5 %n, 5e left here8 %n, 4ou g%:e hi5 % s6eet s5ile8 %n, rolle, 4our big be%utiful #o6's e4es %t hi58 %n, 6iggle, 4our b%#'si,e8 %n, stu#' out 4our be%utiful bre%sts 4ou 'no6 he %,5ires8 %n, s%i, in % si#' shee2's :oi#e: F1on't forget our 5oonlight ,%te8 3i5(F 3O0/E--(6ith su22resse, fur4) >O$AN--An, he s%i,: ;ou're %--E / ne:er--E ;ou ol,--E

F;ou bet / 6on't forget8 3osie(F

3O0/E--The l4ing #roo'E >O$AN--(>is :oi#e begins to sin' into % ,e"e#te, 5onotone() 9e 6ent to the /nn %n, st%rte, ,rin'ing 6his'e4( An, / got ,run'( 3O0/E--(e+%s2er%te,l4) An, then 6h%tD / guesse, th%tE An, 3i5 got ,run'8 too(

>O$AN--(,ull4) 9ho 'no6s ho6 ,run' he gotD >e h%, one of his ?ueer fits 6hen 4ou #%n't tell( >e's the 6%4 / tol, 4ou %bout this 5orning8 6hen he t%l's li'e % &ro%,6%4 #roo'8 6ho', sell his soul for % 2ri#e8 %n, there's % sneering ,i:il in hi58 %n, he lo:es to 2i#' out the 6e%'ness in 2eo2le %n, s%4 #ruel8 funn4 things th%t fl%4 the hi,e off the58 or 2l%4 #ruel "o'es on the5( (6ith su,,en r%ge) $o,'s #urse on hi58 /'ll 6%ger he's l%ughing to hi5self this 5inute8 thin'ing it's the #utest "o'e in the 6orl,8 the fools he's 5%,e of us( ;ou in 2%rti#ul%r( &e $o,8 / h%, 54 sus2i#ions8 %t le%st8 but 4our he%, 6%s stuffe, 6ith 5ush %n, lo:e8 %n, 4ou 6oul,n't-3O0/E--(furiousl4) ;ou'll tell th%t lie %bout 54 lo:e on#e too oftenE An, /'ll 2l%4 % "o'e on hi5 4et th%t'll 5%'e hi5 sorr4 he--

>O$AN--(sun' in ,run'en ,efe%tis5 %g%in) /t's too l%te( ;ou shoul,n't h%:e let hi5 get %6%4 fro5 4ou to the /nn( ;ou shoul, h%:e 'e2t hi5 here( Then 5%4be8 if 4ou', got hi5 ,run' enough 4ou #oul, h%:e--(his he%, no,,ing8 his e4es blin'ing--thi#'l4) &ut it's no goo, t%l'ing no6--no goo, %t %ll--no goo,-3O0/E--(gi:es hi5 % sh%'e) @ee2 hol, of 4our 6its or /'ll gi:e 4ou % #uff on both e%rsE 9ill 4ou sto2 bl%thering li'e %n ol, 6o5%n %n, tell 5e 2l%inl4 6h%t he's ,oneE >O$AN-->e's %gree, to sell the f%r58 th%t's 6h%tE 0i52son #%5e to the /nn to see hi5 6ith % ne6 offer fro5 >%r,er( Ten thous%n,8 #%sh( 3O0/E--(o:er6hel5e,) Ten thous%n,E 0ure8 three is %ll it's 6orth %t 5ost( An, t6o 6%s 6h%t 4ou offere, th%t 3i5 2ro5ise,->O$AN--9h%t's 5one4 to >%r,erD After 6h%t 6e ,i, to hi58 %ll he 6%nts is re:enge( An, here's 6here he's fo+4( 0i52son 5ust h%:e 2ut hi5 u2 to it 'no6ing ho6 3i5 h%tes it here li:ing on % s5%ll %llo6%n#e8 %n, he longs to go b%#' to &ro%,6%4 %n, his 6hores( 3i5 6on't h%:e to 6%it for his h%lf of the #%sh till the est%te's settle,( >%r,er offers to gi:e hi5 fi:e thous%n, #%sh %s % lo%n %g%inst the est%te the se#on, the s%le is 5%,e( 3i5 #%n t%'e the ne+t tr%in to Ne6 ;or'( 3O0/E--(tensel48 on the :erge of te%rs) belie:e itE An, 3i5 %##e2te,D / ,on't

>O$AN--1on't then( &e $o,8 4ou'll belie:e it to5orro6E >%r,er 2ro2ose, th%t he 5eet 6ith 3i5 %n, the e+e#utors in the 5orning %n, settle it8 %n, 3i5 2ro5ise, 0i52son he 6oul,( 3O0/E--(,es2er%tel4) re5e5ber-M%4be he'll get so ,run' he'll ne:er

>O$AN-->e 6on't( >%r,er's #o5ing in his %uto5obile to 2i#' hi5 u2 %n, 5%'e sure of hi5( An46%4 ,on't thin' be#%use he forgot 4ou 6ere 6%iting--in the 5oonlight8 e%ting 4our he%rt out8 th%t he', e:er 5iss % ,%te 6ith fi:e thous%n, ,oll%rs8 %n, %ll the 2rett4 6hores of &ro%,6%4 he #%n bu4 6ith it( 3O0/E--(,istr%#te,l4) 9ill 4ou shut u2E (%ngril4) An, 6here 6ere 4ou 6hen %ll this h%22ene,D .oul,n't 4ou ,o %n4thing to sto2 it8 4ou ol, loonD >O$AN--/ #oul,n't( 0i52son #%5e %n, s%t %t the t%ble 6ith us--

3O0/E--An, 4ou let hi5E >O$AN--3i5 in:ite, hi5( An46%48 / 6%nte, to fin, out 6h%t tri#' he h%, u2 his slee:e8 %n, 6h%t 3i5 6oul, ,o( 9hen it 6%s %ll o:er8 / got u2 %n, too' % s6i2e %t 0i52son8 but / 5isse, hi5( (6ith ,run'en s%,ness) / 6%s too ,run'--too ,run'--too ,run'--/ 5isse, hi58 $o, forgi:e 5eE (>is #hin sin's on his #hest %n, his e4es shut() 3O0/E--(sh%'es hi5) /f 4ou ,on't 'ee2 %6%'e8 be $o,8 / 6on't 5iss

4ouE >O$AN--/ 6%s going to t%'e % s6i2e %t 3i58 too8 but / #oul,n't ,o it( M4 he%rt 6%s too bro'en 6ith sorro6( /', #o5e to lo:e hi5 li'e % son--% re%l son of 54 he%rtE--to t%'e the 2l%#e of th%t "%#'%ss8 Mi'e8 %n, 5e t6o other "%#'%sses( 3O0/E--(her f%#e h%r, %n, bitter) one in this house 6ith sense( / thin' no6 Mi'e 6%s the onl4

>O$AN--/ 6%s too ,ro6ne, in sorro6 b4 his betr%4ing 5e--%n, 4ou he', 2reten,e, to li'e so 5u#h( 0o / onl4 #%lle, hi5 % ,irt4 l4ing s'un' of % tre%#herous b%st%r,8 %n, / turne, 54 b%#' on hi5 %n, left the /nn8 %n, / 5%,e 54self sing on the ro%, so he', he%r8 %n, the4', %ll he%r in the /nn8 to sho6 the5 / ,i,n't #%re % ,%5n( 3O0/E--(s#%thingl4) goo,-0ure8 6%sn't 4ou the heroE A hell of % lot of

>O$AN--Ah8 6ell8 / su22ose the te52t%tion 6%s too gre%t( >e's 6e%'8 6ith one foot in the gr%:e fro5 6his'e4( M%4be 6e shoul,n't bl%5e hi5( 3O0/E--(her e4es fl%shing) Not bl%5e hi5D 9ell8 / bl%5e hi58 $o, ,%5n hi5E Are 4ou 5%'ing e+#uses for hi58 4ou ol, foolE >O$AN--/'5 not( >e's % ,irt4 sn%'eE &ut / 6%s thin'ing ho6 ,o / 'no6 6h%t / 6oul,n't ,o for fi:e thous%n, #%sh8 %n, ho6 ,o 4ou 'no6 6h%t 4ou 6oul,n't ,oD 3O0/E--Nothing #oul, 5%'e 5e betr%4 hi5E (>er f%#e gro6s h%r, %n, bitter() Or it #oul,n't before( There's nothing / 6oul,n't ,o no6( (>og%n su,,enl4 begins to #hu#'le() 1o 4ou thin' /'5 l4ingD 3ust gi:e 5e % #h%n#e->O$AN--/ re5e5bere, so5ething( (>e l%ughs ,run'enl4() &e .hrist8 3osie8 for %ll his &ro%,6%4 6is,o5 %bout 6o5en8 4ou':e 5%,e % 2riCe ,%5ne, fool of hi5 %n, th%t's so5e s%tisf%#tionE 3O0/E--(be6il,ere,) >o6', 4ou 5e%nD

>O$AN--;ou'll ne:er belie:e it( Neither ,i, /8 but he 'e2t on until8 be $o,8 / s%6 he re%ll4 5e%nt it( 3O0/E--Me%nt 6h%tD >O$AN--/t 6%s %fter he', turne, ?ueer--e%rl4 in the night before 0i52son #%5e( >e st%rte, t%l'ing %bout 4ou8 %s if 4ou 6%s on his 5in,8 6orr4ing hi5--%n, before he finishe, / t%'e 54 o%th / beg%n to ho2e 4ou #oul, re%ll4 6or' Mi'e's first s#he5e on hi58 if 4ou got hi5 %lone in the 5oonlight8 be#%use %ll his g%b 6%s %bout his gre%t %,5ir%tion for 4ou( 3O0/E--O#hE The li%rE

>O$AN-->e s%i, 4ou h%, gre%t be%ut4 in 4ou th%t no one %22re#i%te, but hi5(


;ou're l4ing(

>O$AN--$re%t strength 4ou h%,8 %n, gre%t 2ri,e8 he s%i,--%n, gre%t goo,ness8 no lessE &ut here's 6here 4ou':e 5%,e % 2riCe "%#'%ss of hi58 li'e / s%i,( (6ith % ,run'en leer) -isten no68 ,%rlin'8 %n, ,on't ,ro2 ,e%, 6ith %5%Ce5ent( (>e le%ns to6%r, her %n, 6his2ers) >e belie:es 4ou're % :irginE (3osie stiffens %s if she', been insulte,( >og%n goes on() >e ,oes8 so hel2 5eE >e 5e%ns it8 the 2oor ,un#eE >e thin's 4ou're % 2oor inno#ent :irginE >e thin's it's %ll bo%sting %n, 2reten,ing 4ou':e ,one %bout being % slut( (>e #hu#'les() A :irgin8 no lessE ;ouE 3O0/E--(furiousl4) The ,irt4 li%rE 0to2 s%4ing itE &o%sting %n, 2reten,ing8 %5 /D

>O$AN--A%ith8 4ou ,on't h%:e to tell 5e( (Then he loo's %t her in ,run'en sur2rise--thi#'l4) Are 4ou t%'ing it %s %n insultD 9h4 the hell ,on't 4ou l%ughD &e $o,8 4ou ought to see 6h%t % stu2i, shee2 th%t 5%'es hi5( 3O0/E--(for#es % l%ugh) / ,o see it(

>O$AN--(#hu#'ling ,run'enl4) Oh8 be $o,8 /':e "ust re5e5bere, %nother thing8 3osie( / 'no6 6h4 he ,i,n't 'ee2 his ,%te 6ith 4ou( /t 6%sn't th%t he', forgot( >e re5e5bere, 6ell enough8 for he t%l'e, %bout it-3O0/E--;ou 5e%n he ,eliber%tel48 'no6ing /', be 6%iting--(fier#el4) $o, ,%5n hi5E >O$AN-->e %s 5u#h %s tol, 5e his re%son8 though he 6oul,n't #o5e out 6ith it 2l%in8 5e being 4our f%ther( >is #ons#ien#e 6%s tor5enting hi5( >e's going to le%:e 4ou %lone %n, not see 4ou %g%in--for 4our s%'e8 be#%use he lo:es 4ouE (>e #hu#'les() 3O0/E--(loo's stri#'en %n, be6il,ere,--her :oi#e tre5bling) 5eD ;ou're 5%'ing it u2( >O$AN--/'5 not( / 'no6 it soun,s #r%C4 but--o:es

3O0/E--9h%t ,i, he 5e%n8 for 54 s%'eD >O$AN--.%n't 4ou seeD ;ou're % 2ure :irgin to hi58 but %ll the s%5e there's things besi,es 4our be%utiful soul he feels ,r%6n to8 li'e 4our be%utiful h%ir %n, e4es8 %n,-3O0/E--(stri#'enl4) O#h8 ,on't8 A%therE ;ou 'no6 /'5 onl4 % big--

>O$AN--(%s if she h%,n't s2o'en) 0o he'll 'ee2 %6%4 fro5 te52t%tion be#%use he #%n't trust hi5self8 %n, it', be % sin on his #ons#ien#e if he 6%s to se,u#e 4ou( (>e l%ughs ,run'enl4() Oh8 be $o,E /f th%t %in't ri#hE 3O0/E--(>er :oi#e tre5bles() 0o th%t 6%s his re%son--(then %ngril4) 0o he thin's %ll he h%s to ,o is #roo' % finger %n, /'ll f%ll for hi58 ,oes he8 the :%in &ro%,6%4 #roo'E >O$AN--(#hu#'ling) &e 3%4sus8 it 6%s the 5%,,est thing in the

6orl,8 hi5 g%bbing li'e % soft loon %bout 4ou--%n, there %t the b%r in 2l%in sight 6%s t6o of the 5en 4ou':e been out 6ith8 the g%r,ener %t 05ith's %n, =eg%n8 the #h%uffeur for 1riggs8 h%:ing % ,rin' togetherE 3O0/E--(6ith % t6it#hing s5ile) /t 5ust h%:e been 5%,8 surel4( / 6ish /', been there to l%ugh u2 54 slee:e( (%ngr4) &ut 6h%t's %ll his #r%C4 l4ing bl%ther got to ,o 6ith hi5 betr%4ing us %n, selling the 2l%#eD >O$AN--(%t on#e ho2elessl4 ,e"e#te, %g%in) Nothing %t %ll( thought 4ou', li'e to 'no6 4ou', h%, th%t 5u#h re:enge( / onl4

3O0/E--A hell of % re:engeE /'ll h%:e % better one th%n th%t on hi5--or /'ll tr4 toE /'5 not li'e 4ou8 o6ning u2 /'5 be%ten %n, #r4ing 6urr%-6urr% li'e % #o6%r, %n, getting ho2eless ,run'E (0he gi:es hi5 % sh%'e() $et 4our 6its %bout 4ou %n, %ns6er 5e this: 1i, 0i52son get hi5 to sign % 2%2erD >O$AN--No8 but 6h%t goo, is th%tD the4 sho:e in front of hi5( 3O0/E--/t's this goo,( h%:e( >O$AN--9h%t #h%n#eD /n the 5orning he'll sign %ll Or /

/t 5e%ns 6e still h%:e % #h%n#e(

Are 4ou going to beg hi5 to t%'e 2it4 on usD

3O0/E--/'ll see hi5 in hell firstE There's %nother #h%n#e8 %n, % goo, one( &ut /'ll nee, 4our hel2--(%ngril4) An, loo' %t 4ou8 4our br%ins ,ro6ne, in 6his'e48 so / #%n't ,e2en, on 4ouE >O$AN--(rousing hi5self) ;ou #%n8 if there's %n4 #h%n#e( &e $o,8 /'ll 5%'e 54self %s sober %s % "u,ge for 4ou in the 6in' of %n e4eE (then ,e"e#te,l4) &ut 6h%t #%n 4ou ,o no68 ,%rlin'D ;ou h%:en't e:en got hi5 here( >e's ,o6n %t the /nn sitting %lone8 ,rin'ing %n, ,re%5ing of the little 6hores he'll be 6ith to5orro6 night on &ro%,6%4( 3O0/E--/'ll get hi5 hereE /'ll hu5ble 54 2ri,e %n, go ,o6n to the /nn for hi5E An, if he ,oesn't 6%nt to #o5e /':e % 6%4 to 5%'e hi5( /'ll r%ise % s#ene %n, 2reten, /'5 in % r%ge be#%use he forgot his ,%te( /'ll ,isgr%#e hi5 till he'll be gl%, to #o5e 6ith 5e to shut 5e u2( / 'no6 his 6e%'ness8 %n, it's his :%nit4 %bout his 6o5en( /f / 6%s % ,%int48 2rett4 t%rt he', be 2rou, /', r%ise % ru52us %bout hi5( &ut 6hen it's % big8 ugl4 hul' li'e 5e--(0he f%lters %n, for#es herself to go on() /f he e:er 6%s te52te, to 6%nt 5e8 he', be %sh%5e, of it( Th%t's the truth behin, the lies he tol, 4ou of his #ons#ien#e %n, his fe%r he 5ight ruin 5e8 $o, ,%5n hi5E >O$AN--No8 he 5e%nt it8 3osie( &ut ne:er 5in, th%t no6( 4ou':e got hi5 here( Then 6h%t 6ill 4ou ,oD -et's s%4

3O0/E--/ tol, 4ou this 5orning if he e:er bro'e his 2ro5ise to us /', ,o %n4thing %n, not 5in, ho6 #roo'e, it 6%s( An, / 6illE ;our 2%rt in it is to #o5e %t sunrise 6ith 6itnesses %n, #%t#h us in-(0he f%lters()

>O$AN--/n be,8 is itD thin'ing %boutD

Then it's Mi'e's se#on, s#he5e 4ou're

3O0/E--/ tol, 4ou / ,i,n't #%re ho6 ,irt4 % tri#'--(6ith % h%r, bitter l%ugh) The ,irtier the better no6E >O$AN--&ut ho6'll 4ou get hi5 in be,8 6ith %ll his honor%ble s#ru2les8 thin'ing 4ou're % :irginD &ut /'5 forgetting he st%4e, %6%4 be#%use he 6%s %fr%i, he', be te52te,( 0o 5%4be-3O0/E--(tensel4) Aor the lo:e of $o,8 ,on't h%r2 on his lies( 6on't be te52te, %t %ll( &ut /'ll get hi5 so ,run' he'll f%ll %slee2 %n, /'ll #%rr4 hi5 in %n, 2ut hi5 in be,->e

>O$AN--&e $o,8 th%t's the 6%4E &ut 4ou'll h%:e to get % 2ile of 6his'e4 ,o6n hi5( ;ou'll ne:er ,o it unless 4ou're 5ore so#i%ble %n, sto2 loo'ing %t hi58 the 6%4 4ou ,o8 6hene:er he t%'es % ,rin'8 %s if 4ou 6%s 2r%4ing Al5ight4 $o, to forgi:e % 2oor ,run'%r,( ;ou':e got to en#our%ge hi5( The best 6%4 6oul, be for 4ou to ,rin' 6ith hi5( /t 6oul, 2ut hi5 %t his e%se %n, unsus2e#ting8 %n, it', gi:e 4ou #our%ge8 too8 so 4ou', %#t bol, for % #h%nge inste%, of gi:ing hi5 br%Cen t%l' he's tire, of he%ring8 6hile 4ou %#t sh4 %s % 5ouse( 3O0/E--(gi:es her f%ther % bitter8 resentful loo') ;ou're full of sl4 %,:i#e %ll of % su,,en8 %in't 4ouD ;ou ,irt4 little ti#'E >O$AN--(%ngril4) 1i,n't 4ou tell 5e to get hol, of 54 6itsD &e $o,8 if 4ou 6%nt 5e ,run'8 /':e onl4 to let go( Th%t', suit 5e( / 6%nt to forget 54 sorro68 %n, /':e no f%ith in 4our s#he5e be#%use 4ou'll be too full of s#ru2les( -i'e the ,rin'ing( ;ou're su#h % :irtuous teetot%ller-3O0/E--/':e tol, 4ou /', ,o %n4thing no6E (then #onfuse,l4) All / 5e%nt 6%s8 it's not right8 % f%ther to tell his ,%ughter ho6 to-(then %ngril4) / ,on't nee, 4our %,:i#e( >%:en't / h%, e:er4 5%n / 6%nt %roun, hereD >O$AN--Ah8 th%n' $o,8 th%t soun,s n%tur%lE &e $o,8 / thought 4ou', st%rte, 2l%4ing :irgin 6ith 5e "ust be#%use th%t &ro%,6%4 su#'er thin's 4ou're one( 3O0/E--(furiousl4) 0hut u2E /'5 not 2l%4ing %n4thing( 6orr4 / #%n't ,o 54 2%rt of the tri#'( An, ,on't

>O$AN--Th%t's the t%l'E &ut let 5e get it %ll #le%r( / #o5e %t sunrise 6ith 54 6itnesses8 %n, 4ou':e forgot to lo#' 4our ,oor8 %n, 6e 6%l' in8 %n, there's the t6o of 4ou in be,8 %n, / r%ise the roof %n, thre%ten hi5 if he ,on't 5%rr4 4ou-3O0/E--M%rr4 hi5D After 6h%t he's ,one to usD / 6oul,n't 5%rr4 hi5 no6 if he 6%s the l%st 5%n on e%rthE All 6e 6%nt is % 2%2er signe, b4 hi5 6ith 6itnesses th%t he'll sell the f%r5 to 4ou for the 2ri#e 4ou offere,8 %n, not to >%r,er( >O$AN--9ell8 th%t's "usti#e8 but th%t's %ll it is( / thought 4ou 6%nte, to 5%'e hi5 2%4 for his bl%#' tre%#her4 %g%inst us8 the ,irt4 b%st%r,E

3O0/E--/ ,o 6%ntE (0he %g%in gi:es hi5 % bitter resentful gl%n#e() /t's the est%te 5one4 4ou're thin'ing of8 isn't itD -e%:e it to 4ouE (h%stil4) 9ell8 so %5 /E /', li'e to get 54 hoo's on itE (6ith % h%r,8 br%Cen %ir) &e $o,8 if /'5 to 2l%4 6hore8 / ,eser:e 54 2%4E 9e'll 5%'e hi5 sign % 2%2er he o6es 5e ten thous%n, ,oll%rs the 5inute the est%te is settle,( (0he l%ughs() >o6's th%tD /'ll bet none of his t%rts on &ro%,6%4 e:er got % thous%n,th 2%rt of th%t out of hi58 no 5%tter ho6 ,%int4 %n, 2rett4E (l%ughing %g%in) An, here's 6h%t'll be the gre%test "o'e to te%#h hi5 % lesson( >e'll 2%4 it for nothingE /'ll get hi5 in be, but /'ll ne:er let hi5->O$AN--(6ith ,elighte, %,5ir%tion) O#h8 b4 3%4sus8 3osie8 th%t's the best 4etE (>e sl%2s his thigh enthusi%sti#%ll4() Oh8 th%t'll te%#h hi5 to ,ouble-#ross his frien,sE Th%t'll sho6 hi5 t6o #%n 2l%4 %t tri#'sE An, hi5 belie:ing 4ou so inno#entE &e $o,8 4ou'll 5%'e hi5 the 2riCe su#'er of the 6orl,E 9on't / ro%r insi,e 5e 6hen / see his f%#e in the 5orningE (>e bursts into #o%rse l%ughter() 3O0/E--(%g%in 6ith illogi#%l resent5ent) 0to2 l%ughingE ;ou're letting 4ourself be ,run' %g%in( (then 6ith % h%r,8 business-li'e %ir) 9e':e ,one enough t%l'ing( -et's st%rt->O$AN--9%it8 no6( There's %nother thing( 3ust 6h%t ,o 4ou 6%nt 5e to thre%ten hi5 6ith 6hen / #%t#h 4ouD Th%t 6e'll sue hi5 for outr%ging 4our :irtueD 0ure8 his l%64er 6oul, h%:e %ll 4our ol, fl%5es in the 6itness bo+8 till the "ur4 6oul, thin' 4ou', been f%ithful to the 5%le inh%bit%nts of A5eri#%( 0o 6h%t thre%t--/ #%n't thin' of %n4 he 6oul,n't l%ugh %t( 3O0/E--(tensel4) 9ell8 / #%nE 1o / h%:e to tell 4ou his 6e%'ness %g%inD /t's his :%nit4 %bout 6o5en8 %n, his &ro%,6%4 2ri,e he's so 6ise no 6o5%n #oul, fool hi5( /t's the ,isgr%#e to his :%nit4-being #%ught 6ith the li'es of 5e--(f%lteringl48 but for#ing herself to go on) M4 5ug besi,e his in %ll the ne6s2%2ers--the Ne6 ;or' 2%2ers8 too--he'll see the 6hole of &ro%,6%4 s2litting their si,es l%ughing %t hi5--%n, he'll gi:e %n4thing to 'ee2 us ?uiet8 / tell 4ou( >e 6illE / 'no6 hi5E 0o ,on't 6orr4--(0he en,s u2 on the :erge of bitter hu5ili%te, te%rs() >O$AN--(6ithout loo'ing %t her--enthusi%sti# %g%in) rightE &e $o,8 4ou're

3O0/E--(gi:es hi5 % bitter gl%n#e--fier#el4) Then get the hell out of th%t #h%ir %n, let's st%rt itE (>e gets u2( 0he sur:e4s hi5 resentfull4() ;ou're ste%,4 on 4our 2ins8 %in't 4ou8 4ou s#he5ing ol, thief8 no6 there's the s5ell of 5one4 %roun,E (?ui#'l4) 9ell8 /'5 gl%,( / 'no6 / #%n ,e2en, on 4ou no6( ;ou'll 6%l' ,o6n to the /nn 6ith 5e %n, hi,e outsi,e until 4ou see 5e #o5e out 6ith hi5( Then 4ou #%n sne%' in the /nn 4ourself %n, 2i#' the 6itnesses to st%4 u2 6ith 4ou( &ut 5in, 4ou ,on't get ,run' %g%in8 %n, let the5 get too ,run'( >O$AN--/ 6on't8 / t%'e 54 o%thE (>e 2%ts her on the shoul,er %22ro:ingl4() &e $o,8 4ou':e got the 2rou,8 fighting s2irit in 4ou th%t ne:er s%4s ,ie8 %n, 4ou 5%'e 5e %sh%5e, of 54 6e%'ness(

;ou're th%t e%ger no68 be ,%5ne, if / ,on't %l5ost thin' 4ou're gl%, of the e+#useE 3O0/E--(stiffens) E+#use for 6h%t8 4ou ol,--

>O$AN--To sho6 hi5 no 5%n #%n get the best of 4ou--6h%t elseD--li'e 4ou sho6e, %ll the others( 3O0/E--/'ll sho6 hi5 to his sorro6E (then %bru2tl48 st%rting for the s#reen ,oor %t left) .o5e on( 9e':e no ti5e to 6%ste( (&ut 6hen she gets to the ,oor8 she %22e%rs su,,enl4 hesit%nt %n, ti5i,-hurrie,l4) 9%it( /', better gi:e % loo' %t 54self in the 5irror( (in % br%Cen tone) 0ure8 those in 54 tr%,e h%:e to loo' their bestE (0he hurries b%#' %#ross the roo5 into her be,roo5 %n, #loses the ,oor( >og%n st%res %fter her( Abru2tl4 he #e%ses to loo' li'e % ,run' 6ho8 b4 %n effort8 is 'ee2ing hi5self h%lf-sober( >e is % 5%n 6ho h%s been ,rin'ing % lot but is still #le%r-he%,e, %n, h%s #o52lete #ontrol of hi5self() >O$AN--(6%t#hes the #r%#' un,er 3osie's ,oor %n, s2e%'s h%lf-%lou, to hi5self8 sh%'ing his he%, 2it4ingl4) A loo' in the 5irror %n, she's forgot to light her l%52E (re5orsefull4) $o, forgi:e 5e8 it's bitter 5e,i#ine( &ut it's the onl4 6%4 / #%n see th%t h%s % #h%n#e no6( (3osie's ,oor o2ens( At on#e8 he is %s he 6%s( 0he #o5es out8 % fi+e, s5ile on her li2s8 her he%, high8 her f%#e set ,efi%ntl4( &ut she h%s e:i,entl4 been #r4ing() 3O0/E--(br%Cenl4) There8 no6( 6orth to %n4 ,run'D 1on't / loo' ten thous%n, ,oll%rs'

>O$AN--;ou loo' % 5illion8 ,%rlin'E 3O0/E--(goes to the s#reen ,oor %n, 2ushes it o2en 6ith the 5%nner of one 6ho h%s burne, %ll bri,ges) .o5e %long8 then( (0he goes out( >e follo6s #lose on her heels( 0he sto2s %bru2tl4 on the first ste2--st%rtle,l4) -oo'E There's so5eone on the ro%,->O$AN--(2ushes 2%st her ,o6n the ste2s--2eering off left-front--%s if %lou, to hi5self8 in ,is5%4) &e $o,8 it's hi5E / ne:er thought-3O0/E--(%s if %lou, to herself) 0o he ,i,n't forget--

>O$AN--(?ui#'l4) 9ell8 it 2ro:es he #%n't 'ee2 %6%4 fro5 4ou8 %n, th%t'll 5%'e it e%sier for 4ou--(then furiousl4) Oh8 the ,irt48 ,ouble-#rossing b%st%r,E The ner:e of hi5E .o5ing to #%ll on 4ou8 %fter 5%'ing 4ou 6%it for hours8 thin'ing 4ou ,on't 'no6 6h%t he's ,one to us this night8 %n, it'll be % fine #ruel "o'e to bl%rne4 4ou in the 5oonlight8 %n, 4ou trusting hi5 li'e % 2oor shee28 %n, ne:er sus2e#ting-3O0/E--(stung) 0hut u2E /'ll te%#h hi5 6ho's the "o'erE hi5 go on %s if 4ou h%,n't tol, 5e 6h%t he's ,one-/'ll let

>O$AN--;es8 ,on't let hi5 sus2e#t it8 or 4ou 6oul,n't fool hi5( >e', 'no6 4ou 6ere %fter re:enge( &ut he #%n see 5e here no6( / #%n't sne%' %6%4 or he', be sus2i#ious( 9e':e got to thin' of % ne6 s#he5e ?ui#' to get 5e %6%4--

3O0/E--(?ui#'l4) / 'no6 ho6( !reten, 4ou're %s ,run' %s 6hen 4ou #%5e( M%'e hi5 belie:e 4ou're so ,run' 4ou ,on't re5e5ber 6h%t he's ,one8 so he #%n't sus2e#t 4ou tol, 5e( >O$AN--/ 6ill( &e $o,8 3osie8 ,%5ne, if / ,on't thin' he's so ?ueer ,run' hi5self he ,on't re5e5ber8 or he', ne:er #o5e here( 3O0/E--The ,run'er he is the betterE (lo6ering her :oi#e--?ui#'l4) >e's turne, in the g%te 6here he #%n he%r us( !reten, 6e're fighting %n, /'5 ,ri:ing 4ou off till 4ou're sober( 0%4 4ou 6on't be b%#' tonight( /t'll 5%'e hi5 sure he'll h%:e the night %lone 6ith 5e( ;ou st%rt the fight( >O$AN--(be#o5es %t on#e :er4 ,run'( >e shouts) o6n ho5e8 6ill 4ou8 4ou un,utiful slutE !ut 5e out of 54

3O0/E--.elebr%tion or not8 /'ll h%:e no ,run's #ursing %n, singing %ll night( $o b%#' to the /nn( >O$AN--/ 6illE /'ll get % roo5 %n, t6o bottles %n, st%4 ,run' %s long %s / 2le%seE 3O0/E--1on't #o5e b%#' till 4ou':e sle2t it off8 or /'ll 6i2e the floor 6ith 4ouE (T4rone enters8 left-front( >e ,oes not %22e%r to be ,run'--th%t is8 he sho6s none of the usu%l s452to5s( >e see5s 5u#h the s%5e %s in A#t One( The onl4 2er#e2tible #h%nge is th%t his e4es h%:e % 2e#uli%r fi+e,8 gl%Ce, loo'8 %n, there is % #ert%in :%gue ?u%lit4 in his 5%nner %n, s2ee#h8 %s if he 6ere % bit h%C4 %n, %bsent-5in,e,() T;=ONE--(,r4l4) fin%l roun,D 3ust in ti5e for the &ig &out( Or is this the

>O$AN--(6hirls on hi5 unste%,il4) Oh8 it's 4ou8 is itD

9ho the hell--(2eering %t hi5)

T;=ONE--9h%t 6%s the big i,e%8 !hil8 le%:ing 5e fl%tD >O$AN---e%:e 4ou fl%tD &e 3%4sus8 th%t re5in,s 5e / o6e 4ou % s6i2e on the "%6 for so5ething( 9h%t 6%s itD &e $o,8 /'5 too ,run' to re5e5ber( &ut here it is8 %n46%4( (>e turns loose % roun,-house s6ing th%t 5isses T4rone b4 % #ou2le of feet8 %n, reels %6%4( T4rone reg%r,s hi5 6ith :%gue sur2rise() 3O0/E--0to2 it8 4ou ,%5ne, ol, fool8 %n, get out of hereE >O$AN--T%'ing his si,e %g%inst 4our 2oor ol, f%ther8 %re 4ouD A hell of % ,%ughterE (>e ,r%6s hi5self u2 6ith ,run'en ,ignit4() 1on't e+2e#t 5e ho5e tonight8 Miss >og%n8 or to5orro6 either8 5%4be( ;ou #%n t%'e 4our b%, te52er out on 4our s6eethe%rt here( (>e st%rts off ,o6n the ro%,8 left-front8 6ith % l%st 6or, o:er his shoul,er() &%, lu#' to 4ou both( (>e ,is%22e%rs( A 5o5ent l%ter he begins to b%6l his 5ournful /rish song() FOh8 the 2r%ties the4 gro6 s5%ll8 O:er here8 o:er here8F et#( (1uring % 2%rt of the follo6ing s#ene the song #ontinues to be he%r, %t inter:%ls8 re#e,ing %s he gets f%rther off on his 6%4 to the /nn()

3O0/E--9ell8 th%n' $o,( Th%t's goo, ri,,%n#e( (0he #o5es to T4rone8 6ho st%n,s st%ring %fter >og%n 6ith % 2uCCle, loo'() T;=ONE--/':e ne:er seen hi5 th%t stin'o before( Must h%:e got hi5 %ll of % su,,en( >e ,i,n't see5 so lit u2 %t the /nn8 but / guess / 6%sn't 2%4ing 5u#h %ttention( 3O0/E--(for#ing % 2l%4ful %ir) / shoul, thin'8 if 4ou 6ere % re%l gentle5%n8 4ou', be %2ologiCing to 5e8 not thin'ing of hi5( 1on't 4ou 'no6 4ou're t6o hours %n, % h%lf l%teD / oughtn't to s2e%' to 4ou8 if / h%, %n4 2ri,e( T;=ONE--(st%res %t her #uriousl4) 3osie( Th%t's the trouble( ;ou':e got too ,%5n 5u#h 2ri,e8

3O0/E--An, "ust 6h%t ,o 4ou 5e%n b4 th%t8 3i5D T;=ONE--(shrugs his shoul,ers) Nothing( Aorget it( / ,o %2ologiCe8 3osie( /'5 ,%5ne, sorr4( >%:en't %n4 e+#use( .%n't thin' u2 % lie( (st%ring %t her #uriousl4 %g%in) Or8 no6 / thin' of it8 / h%, % ,%5ne, goo, honor%ble e+#use8 but--(>e shrugs() Nuts( Aorget it( 3O0/E-->ol4 3ose2h8 4ou're full of ri,,les tonight( 9ell8 / ,on't nee, e+#uses( / forgi:e 4ou8 %n46%48 no6 4ou're here( (0he t%'es his h%n,--2l%4full4) .o5e on no6 %n, 6e'll sit on 54 be,roo5 ste2s %n, be ro5%nti# in the 5oonlight8 li'e 6e 2l%nne, to( (0he le%,s hi5 there( >e goes %long in %n %uto5%ti# 6%48 %s if onl4 h%lf#ons#ious of 6h%t he is ,oing( 0he sits on the to2 ste2 %n, 2ulls hi5 ,o6n on the ste2 bene%th her( A 2%use( >e st%res :%guel4 %t nothing( 0he ben,s to gi:e hi5 %n une%s4 %22r%ising gl%n#e() T;=ONE--(su,,enl48 begins to t%l' 5e#h%ni#%ll4) >%, to get out of the ,%5ne, /nn( / 6%s going b%tt4 %lone there( The ol, heebie"eebies( 0o / #%5e to 4ou( (>e 2%uses--then %,,s 6ith str%nge8 6on,ering sin#erit4) /':e re%ll4 begun to lo:e 4ou % lot8 3osie( 3O0/E--(blurts out bitterl4) ;es8 4ou':e 2ro:e, th%t tonight8 h%:en't 4ouD (hurrie,l4 reg%ining her 2l%4ful tone) &ut ne:er 5in,( / s%i, /', forgi:e 4ou for being so l%te( 0o go on %bout lo:e( /'5 %ll e%rs( T;=ONE--(%s if he h%,n't listene,) / thought 4ou', h%:e gi:en 5e u2 %n, gone to be,( / re5e5ber / h%, so5e nutt4 i,e% /', get in be, 6ith 4ou--"ust to lie 6ith 54 he%, on 4our bre%st( 3O0/E--(5o:e, in s2ite of herself--but 'ee2s her bol,8 2l%4ful tone) 9ell8 5%4be /'ll let 4ou--(hurrie,l4) -%ter on8 / 5e%n( The night's 4oung 4et8 %n, 6e'll h%:e it %ll to oursel:es( (bol,l4 %g%in) &ut here's for % st%rter( (0he 2uts her %r5s %roun, hi5 %n, ,r%6s hi5 b%#' till his he%, is on her bre%st() There8 no6( T;=ONE--(rel%+es--si52l4 %n, gr%tefull4) Th%n's8 3osie( (>e #loses his e4es( Aor % 5o5ent8 she forgets e:er4thing %n, st%res ,o6n %t his f%#e 6ith % 2%ssion%te8 2ossessi:e ten,erness( A 2%use( Aro5 f%r-off on the ro%, to the /nn8 >og%n's 5ournful song ,rifts b%#' through the 5oonlight ?uiet: FOh8 the 2r%ties the4 gro6 s5%ll8 O:er here8 o:er here(F T4rone rouses hi5self %n,

str%ightens u2( >e %#ts e5b%rr%sse,8 %s if he felt he', been 5%'ing % fool of hi5self--5o#'ingl4) >%r'8 >%r'8 the 1oneg%l l%r'E FThou 6%st not born for ,e%th8 i55ort%l bir,(F .%n't !hil sing %n4thing but th%t ,%5ne, ,irge8 3osieD (0he ,oesn't re2l4( >e goes on h%Cil4() 0till8 it see5s to belong tonight--in the 5oonlight--or in 54 5in,--(>e ?uotes) FNo6 5ore th%n e:er see5s it ri#h to ,ie8 To #e%se u2on the 5i,night 6ith no 2%in8 /n su#h %n e#st%s4EF (>e h%s re#ite, this 6ith ,ee2 feeling( No6 he sneers) $oo, $o,E O,e to !hil the /rish Nighting%leE / 5ust h%:e the 1(T('s( 3O0/E--(her f%#e gro6n bitter) #ons#ien#e( M%4be it's onl4 4our b%,

T;=ONE--(st%rts guiltil4 %n, turns to st%re into her f%#e-sus2i#iousl4) 9h%t 2ut th%t in 4our he%,D .ons#ien#e %bout 6h%tD 3O0/E--(?ui#'l4) >o6 6oul, / 'no68 if 4ou ,on'tD (for#ing % 2l%4ful tone) Aor the sin of 6%nting to be in be, 6ith 5e( M%4be th%t's it( T;=ONE--(6ith str%nge relief) Oh( (% bit sh%5ef%#e,l4) th%t stuff8 3osie( / 6%s h%lf nutt4( Aorget

3O0/E--(bitterl4) O#h8 for the lo:e of $o,8 ,on't %2ologiCe %s if 4ou 6%s %sh%5e, of--(0he #%t#hes herself() T;=ONE--(6ith % ?ui#' gl%n#e %t her f%#e) All right( / #ert%inl4 6on't %2ologiCe--if 4ou're not 'i#'ing( / 6%s %fr%i, / 5ight h%:e sho#'e, 4our 5o,est4( 3O0/E--(roughl4) left( M; 5o,est4D &e $o,8 / ,i,n't 'no6 / h%, %n4

T;=ONE--(,r%6s %6%4 fro5 her--irrit%bl4) Ni+8 3osie( -%4 off th%t line8 for tonight %t le%st( (>e %,,s slo6l4) /', li'e tonight to be ,ifferent( 3O0/E--1ifferent fro5 6h%tD (>e ,oesn't %ns6er( 0he for#es % light tone() All right( /'ll be %s ,ifferent %s 4ou 2le%se( T;=ONE--(si52l4) Th%n's8 3osie( 3ust be 4ourself( (%g%in %s if he 6ere %sh%5e,8 or %fr%i, he h%, re:e%le, so5e 6e%'ness--offh%n,e,l4) This being out in the 5oonlight inste%, of the lous4 /nn isn't % b%, bet8 %t th%t( / ,on't 'no6 6h4 / h%ng out in th%t ,u528 e+#e2t /'5 e:en 5ore bore, in the so-#%lle, goo, hotels in this hi#' to6n( 3O0/E--(tr4ing to e+%5ine his f%#e 6ithout his 'no6ing) 4ou'll be b%#' on &ro%,6%4 soon no68 6on't 4ouD T;=ONE--/ ho2e so( 9ell8

3O0/E--Then 4ou'll h%:e %ll the 2rett4 little t%rts to #o5fort 4ou 6hen 4ou get 4our sorro6ful s2ell on( T;=ONE--Oh8 to hell 6ith the rough stuff8 3osieE 4ou', #%n it tonight( 3O0/E--(tensel4) ;ou 2ro5ise,

;ou're % fine one to t%l' of 2ro5isesE 9h%t's the 5%tterD 0till

T;=ONE--(:%guel4 sur2rise, b4 her tone) sore %t 5e for being l%teD

3O0/E--(?ui#'l4) /'5 not( / 6%s te%sing 4ou( To 2ro:e there's no h%r, feelings8 ho6 6oul, 4ou li'e % ,rin'D &ut / nee,n't %s'( (0he gets u2() /'ll get % bottle of his best( T;=ONE--(5e#h%ni#%ll4) Aine( M%4be th%t 6ill h%:e so5e 'i#'( booCe %t the /nn ,i,n't 6or' tonight( The

3O0/E--9ell8 this'll 6or'( (0he st%rts to go into her be,roo5( >e sits hun#he, u2 on the ste28 st%ring %t nothing( 0he 2%uses in the ,oor6%4 to gl%n#e b%#'( The h%r,8 #%l#ul%ting e+2ression on her f%#e softens( Aor % se#on, she st%res %t hi58 be6il,ere, b4 her #onfli#ting feelings( Then she goes insi,e8 le%:ing the ,oor o2en( 0he o2ens the ,oor fro5 her roo5 to the lighte, li:ing roo58 %n, is seen going to the 'it#hen on the 6%4 to the #ell%r( 0he h%s left the ,oor fro5 the li:ing roo5 to her be,roo5 o2en %n, the light re:e%ls % se#tion of the be,roo5 fr%5e, in the ,oor6%4 behin, T4rone( The foot of the be, 6hi#h o##u2ies 5ost of the roo5 #%n be seen8 %n, th%t is %ll e+#e2t th%t the 6%lls %re un2%inte, 2ine bo%r,s( T4rone #ontinues to st%re %t nothing8 but be#o5es restless( >is h%n,s %n, 5outh t6it#h() T;=ONE--(su,,enl48 6ith intense h%tre,) ;ou rotten b%st%r,E (>e s2rings to his feet--fu5bles in his 2o#'ets for #ig%rettes--stri'es % 5%t#h 6hi#h lights u2 his f%#e8 on 6hi#h there is no6 %n e+2ression of 5iser%ble guilt( >is h%n, is tre5bling so :iolentl4 he #%nnot light the #ig%rette() (.urt%in)

A.T T>=EE 0.ENE--The li:ing-roo5 6%ll h%s been re2l%#e, %n, %ll 6e see no6 of its lighte, interior is through the t6o 6in,o6s( Other6ise8 e:er4thing is the s%5e8 %n, this A#t follo6s the 2re#e,ing 6ithout %n4 l%2se of ti5e( T4rone is still tr4ing 6ith sh%'ing h%n,s to get his #ig%rette lighte,( Ain%ll4 he su##ee,s8 %n, t%'es % ,ee2 inh%le8 %n, st%rts 2%#ing b%#' %n, forth % fe6 ste2s8 %s if in % #ell of his o6n thought( >e s6e%rs ,efensi:el4( F$o, ,%5n it( ;ou'll be #r4ing in 4our beer in % 5inute(F (>e begins to sing sneeringl4 h%lf un,er his bre%th % sn%t#h fro5 %n ol, sob song8 2o2ul%r in the Nineties()

FAn, b%b4's #ries #%n't 6%'en her /n the b%gg%ge #o%#h %he%,(F (>is sneer #h%nges to % loo' of stri#'en guilt %n, grief() .hristE (>e see5s %bout to bre%' ,o6n %n, sob but he fights this b%#'() .ut it out8 4ou ,run'en foolE (3osie #%n be seen through the 6in,o6s8 returning fro5 the 'it#hen( >e turns 6ith % loo' of relief %n, es#%2e() Th%n' $o,E (>e sits on the boul,er %n, 6%its( 3osie sto2s b4 the t%ble in the li:ing roo5 to turn ,o6n the l%52 until onl4 % ,i5 light re5%ins( 0he h%s % ?u%rt of 6his'e4 un,er her %r58 t6o tu5blers8 %n, % 2it#her of 6%ter( 0he goes through her be,roo5 %n, %22e%rs in the outer ,oor6%4( T4rone gets u2() AhE At l%st the ol, booCeE (>e relie:es her of the 2it#her %n, tu5blers %s she #o5es ,o6n the ste2s() 3O0/E--(6ith % fi+e, s5ile) ;ou', thin' /', been gone 4e%rs( ,i,n't see5 so 2erishing for % ,rin'( T;=ONE--(in his usu%l8 e%s48 'i,,ing 6%4) for( /':e been ,4ing of loneliness-;ou

/t's 4ou / 6%s 2erishing

3O0/E--;ou'll ,ie of l4ing so5e ,%4( &ut /'5 gl%, 4ou're %li:e %g%in( / thought 6hen / left 4ou re%ll4 6ere ,4ing on 5e( T;=ONE--No su#h lu#'( 3O0/E--O#h8 ,on't t%l' li'e th%t( .o5e h%:e % ,rin'( 9e'll use the boul,er for % t%ble %n, /'ll be b%r'ee2( (>e 2uts the 2it#her %n, tu5blers on the boul,er %n, she un#or's the bottle( 0he t%'es % ?ui#' gl%n#e %t his f%#e--st%rtle,l4) 9h%t's #o5e o:er 4ou8 3i5D ;ou loo' %s if 4ou':e seen % ghost( T;=ONE--(loo's %6%4--,r4l4) / h%:e( M4 o6n( >e's 2un' #o52%n4(

3O0/E--;es8 it's the 6orst ghost of %ll8 4our o6n( 1on't / 'no6D &ut this 6ill 'ee2 it in its 2l%#e( (0he 2ours % tu5bler h%lf full of 6his'e4 %n, h%n,s it to hi5() >ere( &ut 6%it till / "oin 4ou( (0he 2ours the other tu5bler h%lf full() T;=ONE--(sur2rise,) >elloE / thought 4ou ne:er tou#he, it(

3O0/E--(glibl4) / h%:e on o##%sion( An, this is one( / ,on't 6%nt to be left out %ltogether fro5 #elebr%ting our :i#tor4 o:er >%r,er( (0he gi:es hi5 % sh%r2 bitter gl%n#e( Meeting his e4es8 6hi#h %re reg%r,ing her 6ith 2uCCle, 6on,er8 she for#es % l%ugh() 1on't loo' %t 5e %s if / 6%s u2 to so5e g%5e( A ,rin' or t6o 6ill 5%'e 5e better #o52%n48 %n, hel2 5e en"o4 the 5oon %n, the night 6ith 4ou( >ere's lu#'( (0he tou#hes his gl%ss 6ith hers() T;=ONE--(shrugs his shoul,ers) All right( >ere's lu#'( (The4 ,rin'( 0he g%gs %n, s2utters( >e 2ours 6%ter in her gl%ss( 0he ,rin's it( >e 2uts his gl%ss %n, the 2it#her b%#' on the boul,er( >e 'ee2s st%ring %t her 6ith % 2uCCle, fro6n() 3O0/E--0o5e of it 6ent ,o6n the 6rong 6%4( T;=ONE--0o / see( Th%t'll te%#h 4ou to 2our out b%ths inste%, of

,rin's( 3O0/E--/t's the first ti5e / e:er he%r, 4ou #o52l%in % ,rin' 6%s too big( T;=ONE--;ours 6%s too big( 3O0/E--/'5 54 f%ther's ,%ughter( /':e % strong he%,( 6orr4 /'ll 2%ss out %n, 4ou'll h%:e to 2ut 5e to be,( little bol, l%ugh() 0ure8 th%t's % be%utiful notion( 2reten, /'5-T;=ONE--(irrit%bl4) s%i,-Ni+ on the r%6 stuff8 3osie( 0o ,on't (0he gi:es % /'ll h%:e to

=e5e5ber 4ou

3O0/E--(resent5ent in her 'i,,ing) /', be ,ifferentD Th%t's right( /'5 forgetting it's 4our 2le%sure to h%:e 5e 2reten, /'5 %n inno#ent :irgin tonight( T;=ONE--(in % str%nge tone th%t is %l5ost thre%tening) /f 4ou ,on't loo' out8 /'ll #%ll 4ou on th%t bluff8 3osie( (>e st%res %t her 6ith % ,eliber%te sensu%list's loo' th%t un,resses her() /', li'e to( ;ou 'no6 th%t8 ,on't 4ouD 3O0/E--(bol,l4) / ,on't %t %ll( ;ou're the one 6ho's bluffing(

T;=ONE--(gr%bs her in his %r5s--6ith genuine 2%ssion) 3osieE (Then %s su,,enl4 he lets her go() Ni+( -et's #ut it out( (>e turns %6%4( >er f%#e betr%4s the #onfuse, #onfli#t 6ithin her of fright8 2%ssion8 h%22iness8 %n, bitter resent5ent( >e goes on 6ith %n %bru2t #h%nge of tone() >o6 %bout %nother ,rin'D Th%t's honest-to-$o, ol, bon,e, &ourbon( >o6 the ,e:il ,i, !hil get hol, of itD 3O0/E--To5 -o5b%r,o8 the bootlegger8 g%:e hi5 % #%se for letting hi5 hi,e % tru#'lo%, in our b%rn 6hen the %gents 6ere %fter hi5( >e stole it fro5 % 6%rehouse on f%'e, 2er5its( (0he 2ours out ,rin's %s she s2e%'s8 % h%lf tu5blerful for hi58 % s5%ll one for herself() >ere 4ou %re( (0he gi:es hi5 his ,rin'--s5iles %t hi5 #o?uettishl48 beginning to sho6 the effe#t of her big ,rin' b4 her in#re%singl4 bol, 5%nner() -et's sit ,o6n 6here the 5oon 6ill be in our e4es %n, 6e'll see ro5%n#e( (0he t%'es his %r5 %n, le%,s hi5 to her be,roo5 ste2s( 0he sits on the to2 ste28 2ulling hi5 ,o6n besi,e her but on the one belo6( 0he r%ises her gl%ss() >ere's ho2ing before the night's out 4ou'll h%:e 5ore #our%ge %n, 'iss 5e %t le%st( T;=ONE--(fro6ns--then 'i,,ingl4) Th%t's % 2ro5ise( >ere's ho6( (>e ,r%ins his tu5bler( 0he ,rin's h%lf of hers( >e 2uts his gl%ss on the groun, besi,e hi5( A 2%use( 0he tries to re%, his f%#e 6ithout his noti#ing( >e see5s to be l%2sing %g%in into :%gue 2reo##u2%tion() 3O0/E--No6 ,on't sin' b%#' h%lf-,e%,-%n,-%li:e in ,re%5s the 6%4 4ou 6ere before( T;=ONE--(?ui#'l4) /'5 not( / h%, % goo, fin%l ,ose of heebie"eebies 6hen 4ou 6ere in the house( Th%t's %ll for tonight( (>e

%,,s % bit 5%u,linl48 his t6o big ,rin's beginning to %ffe#t hi5) -et the ,e%, 2%st bur4 its ,e%,( 3O0/E--Th%t's the t%l'( There's onl4 tonight8 %n, the 5oon8 %n, us--%n, the bon,e, &ourbon( >%:e %nother ,rin'8 %n, ,on't 6%it for 5e( T;=ONE--Not no68 th%n's( The4're #o5ing too f%st( (>e gi:es her % #urious8 #4ni#%ll4 %5use, loo'() Tr4ing to get 5e souse,8 3osieD 3O0/E--(st%rts--?ui#'l4) /'5 not( so 4ou'll forget %ll s%,ness( T;=ONE--('i,,ingl4) too( 0o loo' out( Onl4 to get 4ou feeling h%2248

/ 5ight forget %ll 54 honor%ble intentions8

3O0/E--/'ll loo' for6%r, to it--%n, / ho2e th%t's %nother 2ro5ise8 li'e the 'iss 4ou o6e 5e( /f 4ou're sus2i#ious /'5 tr4ing to get 4ou souse,--6ell8 here goes( (0he ,rin's 6h%t is left in her gl%ss() There8 no6( / 5ust be s#he5ing to get 54self souse,8 too( T;=ONE--M%4be 4ou %re( 3O0/E--(resentfull4) /f / 6%s8 it', be to 5%'e 4ou feel %t ho5e( 1on't %ll the 2rett4 little &ro%,6%4 t%rts get souse, 6ith 4ouD T;=ONE--(irrit%bl4) There 4ou go %g%in 6ith th%t ol, lineE / 5ust be e%ten u2

3O0/E--All right8 / 6on'tE (for#ing % l%ugh) 6ith "e%lous4 for the58 th%t's it( T;=ONE--;ou nee,n't be( 3O0/E--An, / ,oD T;=ONE--;es( ;ou ,o( The4 ,on't belong(

3O0/E--Aor tonight onl48 4ou 5e%nD T;=ONE--9e':e %gree, there is onl4 tonight--%n, it's to be ,ifferent fro5 %n4 2%st night--for both of us( 3O0/E--(in % for#e,8 'i,,ing tone) / ho2e it 6ill be( /'ll tr4 to #ontrol 54 en:4 for 4our &ro%,6%4 fl%5es( / su22ose it's be#%use / h%:e % 2i#ture of the5 in 54 5in, %s s5%ll %n, ,%int4 %n, 2rett4-T;=ONE--The4're "ust gol,-,igging tr%52s( 3O0/E--(%s if he h%,n't s2o'en) #o6 of % 6o5%n( T;=ONE--0hut u2E 9hile /'5 onl4 % big8 rough8 ugl4

;ou're be%utiful( $o, 2it4 the blin,E

3O0/E--("eeringl48 but her :oi#e tre5bles) T;=ONE--;ou're be%utiful to 5e( 3O0/E--/t 5ust be the &ourbon--

T;=ONE--;ou're re%l %n, he%lth4 %n, #le%n %n, fine %n, 6%r5 %n, strong %n, 'in,-3O0/E--/ h%:e % be%utiful soul8 4ou 5e%nD T;=ONE--9ell8 / ,on't 'no6 5u#h %bout l%,ies' souls--(>e t%'es her h%n,() &ut / ,o 'no6 4ou're be%utiful( (>e 'isses her h%n,() An, / lo:e 4ou % lot--in 54 f%shion( 3O0/E--(st%55ers) 3i5--(h%stil4 for#ing her 2l%4ful tone) 0ure8 4ou're full of fine #o52li5ents %ll of % su,,en8 %n, / ought to sho6 4ou ho6 2le%se, / %5( (0he 2ulls his he%, b%#' %n, 'isses hi5 on the li2s--% ?ui#'8 sh4 'iss() Th%t's for 54 be%utiful soul( T;=ONE--(The 'iss %rouses his 2h4si#%l ,esire( >e 2ulls her he%, ,o6n %n, st%res into her e4es() ;ou h%:e % be%utiful strong bo,48 too8 3osie--%n, be%utiful e4es %n, h%ir8 %n, % be%utiful s5ile %n, be%utiful 6%r5 bre%sts( (>e 'isses her on the li2s( 0he 2ulls b%#' frightene,l4 for % se#on,--then returns his 'iss( 0u,,enl4 he bre%'s %6%4--in % tone of guilt4 irrit%tion) Ni+E Ni+E 1on't be % fool8 3osie( 1on't let 5e 2ull th%t stuff( 3O0/E--(triu52h%nt for % se#on,) ;ou 5e%nt itE / 'no6 4ou 5e%nt itE (then 6ith resentful bitterness--roughl4) &e $o,8 4ou're right /'5 % ,%5ne, fool to let 4ou 5%'e 5e forget 4ou're the gre%test li%r in the 6orl,E (?ui#'l4) / 5e%n8 the gre%test 'i,,er( An, no68 ho6 %bout %nother ,rin'D T;=ONE--(st%ring %t nothing--:%guel4) ;ou ,on't get 5e8 3osie( ;ou ,on't 'no6--%n, / ho2e 4ou ne:er 6ill 'no6-3O0/E--(blurts out bitterl4) M%4be / 'no6 5ore th%n 4ou thin'(

T;=ONE--(%s if she h%,n't s2o'en) There's %l6%4s the %fter5%th th%t 2oisons 4ou( / ,on't 6%nt 4ou to be 2oisone,-3O0/E--M%4be 4ou 'no6 6h%t 4ou're t%l'ing %bout-T;=ONE--An, / ,on't 6%nt to be 2oisone, 54self--not %g%in--not 6ith 4ou( (>e 2%uses--slo6l4) There h%:e been too 5%n4 nights--%n, ,%6ns( This 5ust be ,ifferent( / 6%nt--(>is :oi#e tr%ils off into silen#e() 3O0/E--(tr4ing to re%, his f%#e--une%sil4) 1on't get in one of 4our ?ueer s2ells8 no6( (0he gi:es his shoul,er % sh%'e--for#ing % light tone) 0ure8 / ,on't thin' 4ou 'no6 6h%t 4ou 6%nt( E+#e2t %nother ,rin'( /'5 sure 4ou 6%nt th%t( An, / 6%nt one8 too( T;=ONE--(re#o:ering hi5self) AineE $r%n, i,e%( (>e gets u2 %n, brings the bottle fro5 the boul,er( >e 2i#'s u2 his tu5bler %n, 2ours % big ,rin'( 0he is hol,ing out her tu5bler but he ignores it() 3O0/E--;ou're not 2olite8 2ouring 4our o6n first( T;=ONE--/ s%i, % ,rin' 6%s % gr%n, i,e%--for 5e( s'i2 this one( Not for 4ou( ;ou

3O0/E--(resentfull4) T;=ONE--;es(

Oh8 / ,o8 ,o /D

Are 4ou gi:ing 5e or,ersD

T%'e % big ,rin' of 5oonlight inste%,( ;ou'll 2our 5e % ,rin'8 if 4ou 2le%se8 3i5

3O0/E--(%ngril4) T4rone8 or--

T;=ONE--(st%res %t her--then shrugs his shoul,ers) All right8 if 4ou 6%nt to t%'e it th%t 6%48 3osie( /t's 4our funer%l( (>e 2ours % ,rin' into her tu5bler() 3O0/E--(%sh%5e, but ,efi%nt--stiffl4) Th%n' 4ou 'in,l4( (0he r%ises her gl%ss--5o#'ingl4) >ere's to tonight( (T4rone is st%ring %t her8 % str%nge bitter ,isgust in his e4es( 0u,,enl4 he sl%2s %t her h%n,8 'no#'ing the gl%ss to the groun,() T;=ONE--(his :oi#e h%r, 6ith re2ulsion) tr%52s on too 5%n4 nightsE /':e sle2t 6ith ,run'en

3O0/E--(st%res %t hi58 too st%rtle, %n, be6il,ere, to be %ngr4( >er :oi#e tre5bles 6ith sur2rising 5ee'ness() All right8 3i58 if 4ou ,on't 6%nt 5e to-T;=ONE--(no6 loo's %s be6il,ere, b4 his %#tion %s she ,oes) /'5 sorr48 3osie( 1on't 'no6 6h%t the ,rin' got into 5e( (>e 2i#'s u2 her gl%ss() >ere( /'ll 2our 4ou %nother( 3O0/E--(still 5ee') No8 th%n' 4ou( /'ll s'i2 this one( the gl%ss on the groun,() &ut 4ou ,rin' u2( (0he 2uts

T;=ONE--Th%n's( (>e gul2s ,o6n his ,rin'( Me#h%ni#%ll48 %s if he ,i,n't 'no6 6h%t he 6%s ,oing8 he 2ours %nother( 0u,,enl4 he blurts out 6ith guilt4 lo%thing) Th%t f%t blon,e 2ig on the tr%in-/ got her ,run'E Th%t's 6h4--(>e sto2s guiltil4() 3O0/E--(une%sil4) 9h%t %re 4ou t%l'ing %boutD 9h%t tr%inD

T;=ONE--No tr%in( 1on't 5in, 5e( (>e gul2s ,o6n the ,rin' %n, 2ours %nother 6ith the s%5e str%nge %ir of %#ting un#ons#iousl4() M%4be /'ll tell 4ou--l%ter8 6hen /'5--Th%t'll #ure 4ou--for %ll ti5eE (Abru2tl4 he re%liCes 6h%t he is s%4ing( >e gi:es the #h%r%#teristi# shrug of shoul,ers--#4ni#%ll4) NutsE The &roo'l4n bo4s %re t%l'ing %g%in( / guess /'5 5ore ste6e, th%n / thought--in the #enter of the ol, be%n8 %t le%st( (,ull4) / better be%t it b%#' to the /nn %n, go to be, %n, sto2 bothering 4ou8 3osie( 3O0/E--(bull4ingl4--%n, 2it4ingl4) 9ell8 4ou 6on't8 not if / h%:e to hol, 4ou( .o5e on no68 bring 4our ,rin' %n, sit ,o6n li'e 4ou 6ere before( (>e ,oes so( 0he 2%ts his #hee'--for#ing % 2l%4ful %ir) Th%t's % goo, bo4( An, / 6on't t%'e %n4 5ore 6his'e4( /':e %ll the effe#t fro5 it / 6%nt %lre%,4( E:er4thing is f%r %6%4 %n, ,oesn't 5%tter--e+#e2t the 5oon %n, its ,re%5s8 %n, /'5 2%rt of the ,re%5s--%n, 4ou %re8 too( (0he %,,s 6ith % rueful little l%ugh) / 'ee2 forgetting the thing /':e got to re5e5ber( / 'ee2 ho2ing it's % lie8 e:en though / 'no6 /'5 % ,%5ne, fool( T;=ONE--(h%Cil4) 1%5ne, fool %bout 6h%tD

3O0/E--Ne:er 5in,( (for#ing % l%ugh) /':e "ust h%, % thought( /f 54 2oor ol, f%ther h%, seen 4ou 'no#'ing his 2riCe 6his'e4 on the groun,-->ol4 3ose2h8 he', h%:e h%, three 2%r%l4ti# stro'esE T;=ONE--(grins) ;es8 / #%n 2i#ture hi5( (>e 2%uses--6ith %5use, %ffe#tion) &ut th%t's %ll % f%'e( >e lo:es to 2l%4 tight6%,8 but the 2eo2le he li'es 'no6 better( >e', gi:e the5 his shirt( >e's % gr%n, ol, s#out8 3osie( (% bit 5%u,lin) The onl4 re%l frien, /':e got left--e+#e2t 4ou( / lo:e his guts( 3O0/E--(tensel4--si#'ene, b4 his h42o#ris4) $o,--E O#h8 for the lo:e of

T;=ONE--(shrugs his shoul,ers) ;es8 / su22ose th%t ,oes soun, li'e 5o%ning-%t-the-b%r stuff( &ut / 5e%n it( 3O0/E--1o 4ouD telling 5e( 9ell8 / 'no6 54 f%ther's :irtues 6ithout 4ou

T;=ONE--;ou ought to %22re#i%te hi5 be#%use he 6orshi2s the groun, 4ou 6%l' on--%n, he 'no6s 4ou % lot better th%n 4ou thin'( (>e turns to s5ile %t her te%singl4() As 6ell %s / ,o--%l5ost( 3O0/E--(,efensi:el4) Th%t's not s%4ing 5u#h( M%4be / #%n guess 6h%t 4ou thin' 4ou 'no6--(for#ing % #onte52tuous l%ugh) /f it's th%t8 $o, 2it4 4ou8 4ou're % terrible fool( T;=ONE--(te%singl4) /f it's 6h%tD / h%:en't s%i, %n4thing(

3O0/E--;ou', better not8 or /'ll ,ie l%ughing %t 4ou( (0he #h%nges the sub"e#t %bru2tl4() 9h4 ,on't 4ou ,rin' u2D /t 5%'es 5e ner:ous 6%t#hing 4ou hol, it %s if 4ou ,i,n't 'no6 it 6%s there( T;=ONE--/ ,i,n't8 %t th%t( 3O0/E--An, h%:e %nother( T;=ONE--(% bit ,run'enl4) 9ill % 6hore go to % 2i#ni#D =e%l bon,e, &ourbon( Th%t's 54 ,ish( (>e goes to the boul,er for the bottle( >e is %s ste%,4 on his feet %s if he 6ere #o52letel4 sober() 3O0/E--(in % light tone) &ring the bottle b%#' so it'll be h%n,4 %n, 4ou 6on't h%:e to le%:e 5e( / 5iss 4ou( T;=ONE--(#o5es b%#' 6ith the bottle( >e s5iles %t her #4ni#%ll4() 0till tr4ing to get 5e souse,8 3osieD 3O0/E--/'5 not su#h % fool--6ith 4our #%2%#it4( T;=ONE--;ou better 6%t#h 4our ste2( /t 5ight 6or'--%n, then thin' of ho6 ,isguste, 4ou', feel8 6ith 5e l4ing besi,e 4ou8 2rob%bl4 snoring8 %s 4ou 6%t#he, the ,%6n #o5e( ;ou ,on't 'no6-3O0/E--(,efi%ntl4) The hell / ,on'tE 6ith e:er4 one of the58 %fterD /sn't th%t the 6%4 /':e felt (>e ,rin's()

T;=ONE--(%s if he h%,n't he%r,--bitterl4) &ut t%'e it fro5 5e8 / 'no6( /':e seen too $o,-,%5ne, 5%n4 ,%6ns #ree2ing gr%4l4 o:er too 5%n4 ,irt4 6in,o6s( 3O0/E--(ignores this--bol,l4) &ut it 5ight be ,ifferent 6ith 4ou( -o:e #oul, 5%'e it ,ifferent( An, /':e been he%, o:er heels in lo:e e:er sin#e 4ou s%i, 4ou lo:e, 54 be%utiful soul( (Ag%in he ,oesn't see5 to h%:e he%r,--resentfull4) 1on't st%n, there li'e % loon8 5ourning o:er the 2%st( 9h4 ,on't 4ou 2our 4ourself % ,rin' %n, sit ,o6nD T;=ONE--(loo's %t the bottle %n, tu5bler in his h%n,s8 %s if he', forgotten the5--5e#h%ni#%ll4) 0ure thing( =e%l bon,e, &ourbon( / ought to 'no6( /f / h%, % ,oll%r for e:er4 ,rin' of it / h%, before !rohibition8 /', hire our ,e%r bull48 >%r,er8 for % :%let( (3osie stiffens %n, her f%#e h%r,ens( T4rone 2ours % ,rin' %n, sets the bottle on the groun,( >e loo's u2 su,,enl4 into her e4es-6%rningl4) ;ou', better re5e5ber / s%i, 4ou h%, be%utiful e4es %n, h%ir--%n, bre%sts( 3O0/E--/ re5e5ber 4ou ,i,( (0he tries to be #%l#ul%tingl4 enti#ing() 0o sit ,o6n %n, /'ll let 4ou l%4 4our he%,-T;=ONE--No( /f 4ou 6on't 6%t#h 4our ste28 /':e got to( (>e sits ,o6n but ,oesn't le%n b%#'() An, ,on't let 5e get %6%4 6ith 2reten,ing /'5 so souse, / ,on't 'no6 6h%t /'5 ,oing( / %l6%4s 'no6( Or 2%rt of 5e ,oes( Th%t's the trouble( (>e 2%uses--then bursts out in % str%nge thre%tening tone) ;ou better loo' out8 3osie( 0he 6%s ti#'le, to ,e%th to get 5e 2ie-e4e,( >%, %n i,e% she #oul, roll 5e8 / guess( 0he 6%sn't so ti#'le, %bout it--l%ter on( 3O0/E--9h%t sheD (>e ,oesn't re2l4( 0he for#es % light tone() ho2e 4ou ,on't thin' /'5 s#he5ing to roll 4ou( /

T;=ONE--(:%guel4) 9h%tD (#o5ing to--in,ign%ntl4) Of #ourse not( 9h%t %re 4ou t%l'ing %boutD Aor $o,'s s%'e8 4ou're not % t%rt( 3O0/E--(roughl4) No8 /'5 % fool( /'5 %l6%4s gi:ing it %6%4( ;ou're % li%rE Aor

T;=ONE--(%ngril4) Th%t lous4 bluff %g%in8 ehD .hrist s%'e8 ?uit the s5ut stuff8 #%n't 4ouE 3O0/E--(stung) -isten to 5e8 3i5E th%t 6%4 to 5e or--

1run' or not8 ,on't 4ou t%l'

T;=ONE-->o6 %bout 4our not t%l'ing the ol, s5ut stuff to 5eD ;ou 2ro5ise, 4ou', be 4ourself( (2%uses--:%guel4) ;ou ,on't get it8 3osie( ;ou see8 she 6%s one of the s5uttiest t%l'ing 2igs /':e e:er listene, to( 3O0/E--9h%t sheD 1o 4ou 5e%n the blon,e on the tr%inD

T;=ONE--(st%rts--sh%r2l4) Tr%inD 9ho tol, 4ou--D (?ui#'l4) Oh-th%t's right--/ ,i, s%4--(:%guel4) 9h%t blon,eD 9h%t's the ,ifferen#eD .o5ing b%#' fro5 the .o%st( /t 6%s long %go( &ut it see5s li'e tonight( There is no 2resent or future--onl4 the 2%st h%22ening o:er %n, o:er %g%in--no6( ;ou #%n't get %6%4 fro5 it(



To hell 6ith th%t #r%2(

3O0/E--;ou #%5e b%#' fro5 the .o%st %bout % 4e%r %go %fter--(0he #he#'s herself() T;=ONE--(,ull4) ;es( After M%5%'s ,e%th( (?ui#'l4) &ut /':e been to the .o%st % lot of ti5es ,uring 54 #%reer %s % thir,-r%te h%5( / ,on't re5e5ber 6hi#h ti5e--or %n4thing 5u#h--e+#e2t / 6%s 2ie-e4e, in % ,r%6ing roo5 the 6hole four ,%4s( (%bru2tl4) 9h%t 6ere 6e t%l'ing %bout beforeD 9h%t % gr%n, gu4 !hil is( ;ou ought to be gl%, 4ou':e got hi5 for % f%ther( Mine 6%s %n ol, b%st%r,( 3O0/E-->e 6%sn'tE li:e,( >e 6%s one of the finest8 'in,est gentle5en e:er /nsi,e8 he 6%s %

T;=ONE--(sneeringl4) Outsi,e the f%5il48 sure( lous4 tight6%, b%st%r,( 3O0/E--(re2elle,) ;ou ought to be %sh%5e,E

T;=ONE--To s2e%' ill of the ,e%,D NutsE >e #%n't he%r8 %n, he 'no6s / h%te, hi58 %n46%4--%s 5u#h %s he h%te, 5e( /'5 gl%, he's ,e%,( 0o is he( Or he ought to be( E:er4one ought to be8 if the4 h%:e %n4 sense( Out of % bu5 r%#'et( At 2e%#e( (>e shrugs his shoul,ers() NutsE 9h%t of itD 3O0/E--(tensel4) 1on't 3i5( / h%te 4ou 6hen 4ou t%l' li'e th%t( (for#ing % light tone) 1o 4ou 6%nt to s2oil our be%utiful 5oonlight nightD An, ,on't be telling 5e of 4our ol, fl%5es8 on tr%ins or not( /'5 too "e%lous( T;=ONE--(6ith % shu,,er of ,isgust) Of th%t 2igD (>e ,rin's his 6his'e4 %s if to 6%sh % b%, t%ste fro5 his 5outh--then t%'es one of her h%n,s in both of his--si52l4) ;ou're % fool to be "e%lous of %n4one( ;ou're the onl4 6o5%n / #%re % ,%5n %bout( 3O0/E--(,ee2l4 stirre,8 in s2ite of herself--her :oi#e tre5bling) 3i58 ,on't--(for#ing % tense little l%ugh) All right8 /'ll tr4 %n, belie:e th%t--for tonight( T;=ONE--(si52l4) Th%n's8 3osie( (A 2%use( >e s2e%'s in % tone of r%n,o5 #uriosit4() 9h4 ,i, 4ou s%4 % 6hile %go /', be le%:ing for Ne6 ;or' soonD 3O0/E--(stiffens--her f%#e h%r,ening) 9ell8 / 6%s right8 6%sn't /D (Bn#ons#iousl4 she tries to 2ull her h%n, %6%4() T;=ONE--9h4 %re 4ou 2ulling 4our h%n, %6%4D 3O0/E--(sto2s) 9%s /D (for#ing % s5ile) / su22ose be#%use it see5s #r%C4 for 4ou to hol, 54 big ugl4 2%6 so ten,erl4( &ut 4ou're 6el#o5e to it8 if 4ou li'e( T;=ONE--/ ,o li'e( 'isses it() /t's strong %n, 'in, %n, 6%r5--li'e 4ou( (>e

3O0/E--(tensel4) O#h8 for the lo:e of $o,--E (0he "er's her h%n, %6%4--then h%stil4 for#es % "o'ing tone() 9%sting 'isses on 54


0ure8 e:en the 5oon is l%ughing %t us(

T;=ONE--Nuts for the 5oonE /', r%ther h%:e one light on &ro%,6%4 th%n %ll the 5oons sin#e =%5eses 6%s % 2u2( (>e t%'es #ig%rettes fro5 his 2o#'et %n, lights one() 3O0/E--(her e4es se%r#hing his f%#e8 lighte, u2 b4 the 5%t#h) ;ou'll be t%'ing % tr%in b%#' to 4our ,e%r ol, &ro%,6%4 to5orro6 night8 6on't 4ouD T;=ONE--(still hol,ing the burning 5%t#h8 st%res %t her in sur2rise) To5orro6 nightD 9here ,i, 4ou get th%tD 3O0/E--A little bir, tol, 5e( T;=ONE--(blo6s out the 5%t#h in % #lou, of s5o'e) ;ou', better gi:e th%t bir, the bir,( &4 the en, of the 6ee'8 is the right ,o2e( !hil got his ,%tes 5i+e,( 3O0/E--(?ui#'l4) %n4thing( >e ,i,n't tell 5e( >e 6%s too ,run' to re5e5ber

T;=ONE-->e 6%s sober 6hen / tol, hi5( / #%lle, u2 the e+e#utors 6hen 6e re%#he, the /nn %fter le%:ing here( The4 s%i, the est%te 6oul, be out of 2rob%te 6ithin % fe6 ,%4s( / tol, !hil the gl%, ti,ings %n, bought ,rin's for %ll %n, sun,r4( There 6%s ?uite % #elebr%tion( Aunn48 !hil 6oul,n't re5e5ber th%t( 3O0/E--(be6il,ere,--not 'no6ing 6h%t to belie:e) T;=ONE--(shrugs his shoul,ers) Th%t %l6%4s e+2l%ins %n4thing( ,oesn't( 3O0/E--No--so5eti5es it ,oesn't( T;=ONE--(goes on 6ithout re%l interest8 t%l'ing to 'ee2 fro5 thin'ing) !hil #ert%inl4 h%s % 2riCe bun on tonight( >e ne:er too' % 2un#h %t 5e before( An, th%t ,ri:el he t%l'e, %bout o6ing 5e one--9h%t got into his he%,8 / 6on,er( 3O0/E--(tensel4) >o6 6oul, / 'no68 if 4ou ,on'tD /t is--funn4(

9ell8 he's ste6e, to the e%rs( (then str%ngel4) Onl4 so5eti5es it

T;=ONE--9ell8 / ,on't( Not unless--/ re5e5ber / ,i, tr4 to get his go%t( 0i52son s%t ,o6n 6ith us( >%r,er sent hi5 to see 5e( ;ou re5e5ber %fter >%r,er left here / s%i, the "o'e 6%s on 4ou8 th%t 4ou', 5%,e this 2l%#e % gol, 5ine( / 6%s 'i,,ing8 but / h%, the right ,o2e( 9h%t ,o 4ou thin' he tol, 0i52son to offerD Ten gr%n,E On the le:el8 3osie( 3O0/E--(tense) 0o 4ou %##e2te,D

T;=ONE--/ tol, 0i52son to tell >%r,er / ,i,( / ,e#i,e, the best 6%4 to fi+ hi5 6%s to let hi5 thin' he', got %6%4 6ith it8 %n, then 6hen he #o5es to5orro6 5orning to ,ri:e 5e to the e+e#utor's offi#e8 /'ll tell hi5 6h%t he #%n ,o 6ith hi5self8 his b%n'roll8 %n, tin oil t%n's(

3O0/E--('no6s he is telling the truth--so relie:e, she #%n onl4 st%55er stu2i,l4) 0o th%t's--the truth of it( T;=ONE--(s5iles) Of #ourse8 / ,i, it to 'i, !hil8 too( right there8 listening( &ut / 'no6 / ,i,n't fool hi5( 3O0/E--(6e%'l4) 'no6( M%4be 4ou ,i, fool hi58 for on#e( >e 6%s

&ut / ,on't

T;=ONE--An, th%t's 6h4 he too' % s6ing %t 5eD (>e l%ughs8 but there is % for#e, note to it() 9ell8 if so8 it's one hell of % "o'e on hi5( (>is tone be#o5es hurt %n, bitter() All the s%5e8 /'ll be goo, %n, sore8 3osie( / 2ro5ise, this 2l%#e 6oul,n't be sol, e+#e2t to hi5( 9h%t the hell ,oes he thin' / %5D >e ought to 'no6 / 6oul,n't ,ouble-#ross 4ou %n, hi5 for ten 5illionE 3O0/E--(gi:ing %6%4 %t l%st to her relief %n, "o4) 1on't / 'no6E Oh8 3i58 ,%rlingE (0he hugs hi5 2%ssion%tel4 %n, 'isses hi5 on the li2s() / 'ne6 4ou', ne:er--/ tol, hi5--(0he 'isses hi5 %g%in() Oh8 3i58 / lo:e 4ou( T;=ONE--(%g%in 6ith % str%nge8 si52le gr%titu,e) Th%n's8 3osie( / 5e%n8 for not belie:ing /'5 % rotten louse( E:er4one else belie:es it--in#lu,ing 54self--for % ,%5ne, goo, re%son( (%bru2tl4 #h%nging the sub"e#t) /'5 % fool to let this stuff %bout !hil get un,er 54 s'in8 but--9h48 / re5e5ber telling hi5 tonight /', e:en 6ritten 54 brother %n, got his o'%4 on selling the f%r5 to hi5( An, !hil th%n'e, 5e( >e see5e, tou#he, %n, gr%teful( ;ou 6oul,n't thin' he', forget th%t( 3O0/E--(her f%#e h%r, %n, bitter) / 6oul,n't8 in,ee,( There's % lot of things he'll h%:e to e+2l%in 6hen he #o5es %t sun--(h%stil4) 9hen he #o5es b%#'( (0he 2%uses--then bursts out) The ,%5ne, ol, s#he5er8 /'ll te%#h hi5 to--(%g%in #he#'ing herself) to %#t li'e % fool( T;=ONE--(s5iles) ;ou'll get out the ol, #lub8 ehD 9h%t % bluff 4ou %re8 3osie( (te%singl4) ;ou %n, 4our lo:ers8 Mess%lin%--6hen 4ou':e ne:er-3O0/E--(6ith % f%int s2%r' of her ol, ,efi%n#e) ;ou're % li%r( Are 4ou going

T;=ONE--F!ri,e is the sin b4 6hi#h the %ngels fell(F to 'ee2 th%t u2--6ith 5eD

3O0/E--(feebl4) ;ou thin' /':e ne:er be#%use no one 6oul,--be#%use /'5 % gre%t ugl4 #o6-T;=ONE--(gentl4) NutsE ;ou #oul, h%:e h%, %n4 one of the5( ;ou 'i,,e, the5 till 4ou 6ere sure the4 6%nte, 4ou( Th%t 6%s %ll 4ou 6%nte,( An, then 4ou sl%22e, the5 grogg4 6hen the4 trie, for 5ore( &ut 4ou h%, to 'ee2 #on:in#ing 4ourself-3O0/E--(tor5ente,l4) 1on't8 3i5(

T;=ONE--;ou #%n t%'e the truth8 3osie--fro5 5e( &e#%use 4ou %n, / belong to the s%5e #lub( 9e #%n 'i, the 6orl, but 6e #%n't fool oursel:es8 li'e 5ost 2eo2le8 no 5%tter 6h%t 6e ,o--nor es#%2e

oursel:es no 5%tter 6here 6e run %6%4( 9hether it's the botto5 of % bottle8 or % 0outh 0e% /sl%n,8 6e', fin, our o6n ghosts there 6%iting to greet us--Fslee2less 6ith 2%le #o55e5or%ti:e e4es8F %s =ossetti 6rote( (>e sneers to hi5self) The ol, 2oeti# bull8 ehD .r%2E (re:erting to % te%sing tone) ;ou ,on't %s' ho6 / s%6 through 4our bluff8 3osie( ;ou 2reten, too 5u#h( An, so ,o the gu4s( /':e listene, to the5 %t the /nn( The4 %ll lie to e%#h other( No one 6%nts to %,5it %ll he got 6%s % sl%2 in the 2uss8 6hen he thin's % lot of other gu4s 5%,e it( ;ou #%n't bl%5e the5( An, the4 'no6 4ou ,on't gi:e % ,%5n ho6 the4 lie( 0o-3O0/E--Aor the lo:e of $o,8 3i5E 1on'tE

T;=ONE--!hil is 6ise to 4ou8 of #ourse8 but %lthough he 'ne6 / 'ne68 he 6oul, ne:er %,5it it until tonight( 3O0/E--(st%rtle,--:in,i#ti:el4) till / get hol, of hi5E 0o he %,5itte, it8 ,i, heD 9%it

T;=ONE-->e'll ne:er %,5it it to 4ou(

>e's %fr%i, of hurting 4ou( Aor the lo:e of

3O0/E-->e is8 is heD 9ell--(%l5ost h4steri#%ll4) $o,8 #%n't 4ou shut u2 %bout hi5E

T;=ONE--(gl%n#es u2 %t her8 sur2rise,--then shrugs his shoul,ers) Oh8 %ll right( / 6%nte, to #le%r things u28 th%t's %ll--for !hil's s%'e %s 6ell %s 4ours( ;ou h%:e % hell of % li#ense to be sore( >e's the one 6ho ought to be( 1on't 4ou re%liCe 6h%t % lous4 2osition 4ou':e 2ut hi5 in 6ith 4our br%Cen-trollo2 %#tD 3O0/E--(tensel4) s#he5ing( >e-No( >e ,oesn't #%re8 e+#e2t to use 5e in his

T;=ONE--1on't be % ,%5ne, fool( Of #ourse he #%res( An, so ,o /( (>e turns %n, 2ulls her he%, ,o6n %n, 'isses her on the li2s() / #%re8 3osie( / lo:e 4ou( 3O0/E--(6ith 2itiful longing) 1o 4ou8 3i5D 1o 4ouD (0he for#es % tre5bling s5ile--f%intl4) Then /'ll #onfess the truth to 4ou( /':e been % #r%C4 fool( / %5 % :irgin( (0he begins to sob 6ith % str%nge forlorn sh%5e %n, hu5ili%tion() An, no6 4ou'll ne:er--%n, / 6%nt 4ou to--no6 5ore th%n e:er--be#%use / lo:e 4ou 5ore th%n e:er8 %fter 6h%t's h%22ene,--(0u,,enl4 she 'isses hi5 6ith fier#e 2%ssion() &ut 4ou 6illE /'ll 5%'e 4ouE To hell 6ith 4our honor%ble s#ru2lesE / 'no6 4ou 6%nt 5eE / #oul,n't belie:e th%t until tonight--but no6 / 'no6( /t's in 4our 'issesE (0he 'isses hi5 %g%in--6ith 2%ssion%te ten,erness) Oh8 4ou gre%t foolE As if / g%:e % ,%5n 6h%t h%22ene, %fterE /'ll h%:e h%, tonight %n, 4our lo:e to re5e5ber for the rest of 54 ,%4sE (0he 'isses hi5 %g%in() Oh8 3i5 ,%rling8 h%:en't 4ou s%i, 4ourself there's onl4 tonightD (0he 6his2ers ten,erl4) .o5e( .o5e 6ith 5e( (0he gets to her feet8 2ulling %t his %r5--6ith % little self-5o#'ing l%ugh) &ut /'ll h%:e to 5%'e 4ou le%:e before sunrise( / 5ustn't forget th%t( T;=ONE--(A str%nge #h%nge h%s #o5e o:er his f%#e( >e loo's her o:er no6 6ith % sneering #4ni#%l lust( >e s2e%'s thi#'l4 %s if he 6%s su,,enl4 :er4 ,run'() 0ure thing8 @i,,o( 9h%t the hell else ,o 4ou su22ose / #%5e forD /':e been 'i,,ing 54self( (>e ste2s u2

besi,e her %n, 2uts his %r5 %roun, her %n, 2resses his bo,4 to hers() ;ou're the goo,s8 @i,( /':e 6%nte, 4ou %ll %long( -o:e8 nutsE /'ll sho6 4ou 6h%t lo:e is( / 'no6 6h%t 4ou 6%nt8 &right E4es( (0he is st%ring %t hi5 no6 6ith % loo' of frightene, horror( >e 'isses her roughl4() .o5e on8 &%b4 1oll8 let's hit the h%4( (>e 2ushes her b%#' in the ,oor6%4() 3O0/E--(stri#'enl4) 3i5E :iolentl4 th%t he st%ggers she ,i,n't gr%b his %r5 in 'nee( 0he is on the :erge /'5 not % 6hore( 1on'tE (0he 2ulls his %r5s %6%4 so b%#' %n, 6oul, f%ll ,o6n the ste2s if ti5e( As it is he goes ,o6n on one of #oll%2se herself--bro'enl4) 3i5E

T;=ONE--(re5%ins on one 'nee--#onfuse,l48 %s if he ,i,n't 'no6 6h%t h%, h%22ene,) 9h%t the hellD 9%s / tr4ing to r%2e 4ou8 3osieD Aorget it( /'5 ,run'--not res2onsible( (>e gets to his feet8 st%ggering % bit8 %n, ste2s ,o6n to the groun,() 3O0/E--(#o:ering her f%#e 6ith her h%n,s) Oh8 3i5E (0he sobs()

T;=ONE--(6ith :%gue 2it4) 1on't #r4( No h%r5 ,one( ;ou sto22e, 5e8 ,i,n't 4ouD (0he #ontinues to sob( >e 5utters :%guel48 %s if t%l'ing to hi5self) Must h%:e ,r%6n % bl%n' for % 6hile( NutsE .ut out the f%'ing( / 'ne6 6h%t / 6%s ,oing( (slo6l48 st%ring before hi5) &ut it's funn4( / 9A0 seeing things( Th%t's the truth8 3osie( Aor % 5o5ent / thought 4ou 6ere th%t blon,e 2ig-(h%stil4) The ol, heebie-"eebies( >%ir of the ,og( (>e gro2es %roun, for the bottle %n, his gl%ss() /'ll h%:e %nother shot-3O0/E--(t%'es her h%n,s fro5 her f%#e--fier#el4) !our the 6hole bottle ,o6n 4our thro%t8 if 4ou li'eE Onl4 sto2 t%l'ingE (0he #o:ers her f%#e 6ith her h%n,s %n, sobs %g%in() T;=ONE--(st%res %t her 6ith % hurt %n, s%, e+2ression--,ull4) .%n't forgi:e 5e8 ehD ;ou ought to( ;ou ought to th%n' 5e for letting 4ou see--(>e 2%uses8 %s if 6%iting for her to s%4 so5ething but she re5%ins silent( >e shrugs his shoul,ers8 2ours out % big ,rin' 5e#h%ni#%ll4() 9ell8 here's ho6( (>e ,rin's %n, 2uts the bottle %n, gl%ss on the groun,--,ull4) Th%t 6%s % night#%2( Our 5oonlight ro5%n#e see5s to be % flo28 3osie( / guess /', better go( 3O0/E--(,ull4) ;es( ;ou', better go( $oo,-b4e( $oo,-b4eD $oo, night(

T;=ONE--Not goo, night( 3O0/E--(lifts her he%,)

T;=ONE--;es( / 6on't see 4ou %g%in before / le%:e for Ne6 ;or'( / 6%s % ,%5ne, fool to #o5e tonight( / ho2e,--&ut 4ou ,on't get it( >o6 #oul, 4ouD 0o 6h%t's the goo,--(>e shrugs his shoul,ers ho2elessl4 %n, turns to6%r, the ro%,() 3O0/E--3i5E T;=ONE--(turning b%#'--bitter %##us%tion in his tone no6) 9horeD 9ho s%i, 4ou 6ere % 6horeD &ut / 6%rne, 4ou8 ,i,n't /8 if 4ou 'e2t on--9h4 ,i, 4ou h%:e to %#t li'e one8 %s'ing 5e to #o5e to be,D

Th%t 6%sn't 6h%t / #%5e here for( An, 4ou 2ro5ise, tonight 6oul, be ,ifferent( 9h4 the hell ,i, 4ou 2ro5ise th%t8 if %ll 4ou 6%nte, 6%s 6h%t %ll the others 6%nt8 if th%t's %ll lo:e 5e%ns to 4ouD (then guiltil4) Oh8 .hrist8 / ,on't 5e%n th%t8 3osie( / 'no6 ho6 4ou feel8 %n, if / #oul, gi:e 4ou h%22iness--&ut it 6oul,n't 6or'( ;ou ,on't 'no6 5e( /', 2oison it for 54self %n, for 4ou( /':e 2oisone, it %lre%,48 h%:en't /8 but it 6oul, be % 5illion ti5es 6orse %fter--No 5%tter ho6 / trie, not to8 /', 5%'e it li'e %ll the other nights--for 4ou8 too( ;ou', lie %6%'e %n, 6%t#h the ,%6n #o5e 6ith ,isgust8 6ith n%use% ret#hing 4our 5e5or48 %n, the 6ine of 2%ssion 2oets bl%b %bout8 % sour %ftert%ste in 4our 5outh of 1%go re, in'E (>e gi:es % sneering l%ugh() 3O0/E--(,istr%#te,l4) Oh8 3i58 ,on'tE !le%se ,on'tE

T;=ONE--;ou', h%te 5e %n, 4ourself--not for % ,%4 or t6o but for the rest of 4our life( (6ith % 2er:erse8 "eering note of :in,i#ti:e bo%stfulness in his tone) &elie:e 5e8 @i,8 6hen / 2oison the58 the4 st%4 2oisone,E 3O0/E--(6ith ,ull bitterness) $oo,-b4e8 3i5(

T;=ONE--(5iser%bl4 hurt %n, s%, for % se#on,--%22e%lingl4) 3osie-(gi:es the #h%r%#teristi# shrug of his shoul,ers--si52l4) $oo,b4e( (>e turns to6%r, the ro%,--bitterl4) /'ll fin, it h%r, to forgi:e8 too( / #%5e here %s'ing for lo:e--"ust for this one night8 be#%use / thought 4ou lo:e, 5e( (,ull4) Nuts( To hell 6ith it( (>e st%rts %6%4() 3O0/E--(6%t#hes hi5 for % se#on,8 fighting the lo:e th%t8 in s2ite of her8 res2on,s to his %22e%l--then she s2rings u2 %n, runs to hi5--6ith fier#e8 2ossessi:e8 5%tern%l ten,erness) .o5e here to 5e8 4ou gre%t fool8 %n, sto2 4our sill4 bl%ther( There's nothing to h%te 4ou for( There's nothing to forgi:e( 0ure8 / 6%s onl4 tr4ing to gi:e 4ou h%22iness8 be#%use / lo:e 4ou( /'5 sorr4 / 6%s so stu2i, %n, ,i,n't see--&ut / see no68 %n, 4ou'll fin, / h%:e %ll the lo:e 4ou nee,( (0he gi:es hi5 % hug %n, 'isses hi5( There is 2%ssion in her 'iss but it is % ten,er8 2rote#ti:e 5%tern%l 2%ssion8 6hi#h he res2on,s to 6ith %n inst%nt gr%teful 4iel,ing() T;=ONE--(si52l4) Th%n's8 3osie( 'ne6 4ou', un,erst%n,( 3O0/E--Of #ourse / ,o( %roun, his 6%ist() .o5e8 no6( ;ou're be%utiful( / lo:e 4ou( /

(0he le%,s hi5 b%#'8 her %r5 ;ou 'no6 th%t(

T;=ONE--/ ,i,n't 6%nt to le%:e 4ou(

3O0/E--/n,ee, / 'no6 it( .o5e no6( 9e'll sit ,o6n( (0he sits on the to2 ste2 %n, 2ulls hi5 ,o6n on the ste2 belo6 her() Th%t's it-6ith 54 %r5 %roun, 4ou( No6 l%4 4our he%, on 54 bre%st--the 6%4 4ou s%i, 4ou 6%nte, to ,o--(>e lets his he%, f%ll b%#' on her bre%st( 0he hugs hi5--gentl4) There8 no6( Aorget %ll %bout 54 being % fool %n, forgi:e--(>er :oi#e tre5bles--but she goes on ,eter5ine,l4() Aorgi:e 54 selfishness8 thin'ing onl4 of 54self( 0ure8 if there's one thing / o6e 4ou tonight8 %fter %ll 54 l4ing %n, s#he5ing8 it's to gi:e 4ou the lo:e 4ou nee,8 %n, it'll be 54 2ri,e %n, 54 "o4--(for#ing % tre5bling e#ho of her 2l%4ful tone)

/t's e%s4 enough8 too8 for / h%:e %ll 'in,s of lo:e for 4ou--%n, 5%4be this is the gre%test of %ll--be#%use it #osts so 5u#h( (0he 2%uses8 loo'ing ,o6n %t his f%#e( >e h%s #lose, his e4es %n, his h%gg%r,8 ,issi2%te, f%#e loo's li'e % 2%le 5%s' in the 5oonlight-%t 2e%#e %s % ,e%th 5%s' is %t 2e%#e( 0he be#o5es frightene,() 3i5E 1on't loo' li'e th%tE T;=ONE--(o2ens his e4es--:%guel4) -i'e 6h%tD /t 5%'es 4ou loo' so 2%le8

3O0/E--(?ui#'l4) /t's the 5oonlight( %n, 6ith 4our e4es #lose,-T;=ONE--(si52l4) 3O0/E--NoE

;ou 5e%n / loo'e, ,e%,D

As if 4ou', f%llen %slee2(

T;=ONE--(s2e%'s in % tire,8 e52t4 tone8 %s if he felt he ought to e+2l%in so5ething to her--so5ething 6hi#h no longer interests hi5) -isten8 %n, /'ll tell 4ou % little stor48 3osie( All 54 life / h%, "ust one ,re%5( Aro5 the ti5e / 6%s % 'i,8 / lo:e, r%#e-horses( / thought the4 6ere the 5ost be%utiful things in the 6orl,( / li'e, to g%5ble8 too( 0o the big ,re%5 6%s th%t so5e ,%4 /', h%:e enough ,ough to 2l%4 % #%ge4 s4ste5 of betting on f%:orites8 %n, follo6 the horses south in the 6inter8 %n, #o5e b%#' north 6ith the5 in the s2ring8 %n, be %t the tr%#' e:er4 ,%4( /t see5e, th%t 6oul, be the i,e%l life--for 5e( (>e 2%uses() 3O0/E--9ell8 4ou'll be %ble to ,o it( T;=ONE--No( / 6on't be %ble to ,o it8 3osie( Th%t's the "o'e( / g%:e it % tr4-out before / #%5e u2 here( / borro6e, so5e 5one4 on 54 sh%re of the est%te8 %n, st%rte, going to tr%#'s( &ut it ,i,n't 6or'( / 2l%4e, 54 s4ste58 but / foun, / ,i,n't #%re if / 6on or lost( The horses 6ere be%utiful8 but / foun, 54self s%4ing to 54self8 6h%t of itD Their be%ut4 ,i,n't 5e%n %n4thing( / foun, th%t e:er4 ,%4 / 6%s gl%, 6hen the l%st r%#e 6%s o:er8 %n, / #oul, go b%#' to the hotel--%n, the bottle in 54 roo5( (>e 2%uses8 st%ring into the 5oonlight 6ith :%#%nt e4es() 3O0/E--(une%sil4) 9h4 ,i, 4ou tell 5e thisD ;ou s%i, / loo'e, ,e%,( 1on't t%l' li'e

T;=ONE--(in the s%5e listless 5onotone) 9ell8 / %5( 3O0/E--;ou're notE th%tE

(0he hugs hi5 2rote#ti:el4()

T;=ONE--E:er sin#e M%5% ,ie,( 3O0/E--(,ee2l4 5o:e,--2it4ingl4) / 'no6( /':e felt %ll %long it 6%s th%t sorro6 6%s 5%'ing 4ou--(0he 2%uses--gentl4) M%4be if 4ou t%l'e, %bout 4our grief for her8 it 6oul, hel2 4ou( / thin' it 5ust be %ll #ho'e, u2 insi,e 4ou8 'illing 4ou( T;=ONE--(in % str%nge 6%rning tone) 3O0/E--9h4D ;ou', better loo' out8 3osie(

T;=ONE--(?ui#'l48 for#ing his #4ni#%l s5ile) / 5ight ,e:elo2 % #r4ing "%g8 %n, sob on 4our be%utiful bre%st( 3O0/E--(gentl4) ;ou #%n sob %ll 4ou li'e(

T;=ONE--1on't en#our%ge 5e( ;ou', be sorr4( (A ,ee2 #onfli#t sho6s in his e+2ression %n, tone( >e is ,ri:en to go on in s2ite of hi5self() &ut if 4ou're su#h % glutton for 2unish5ent--After %ll8 / s%i, /', tell 4ou l%ter8 ,i,n't /D 3O0/E--(2uCCle,) tr%in( ;ou s%i, 4ou', tell 5e %bout the blon,e on the

T;=ONE--0he's 2%rt of it( / lie, %bout th%t( (>e 2%uses--then blurts out sneeringl4) ;ou 6on't belie:e it #oul, h%:e h%22ene,( Or if 4ou ,i, belie:e8 4ou #oul,n't un,erst%n, or forgi:e-(?ui#'l4) &ut 4ou 5ight( ;ou're the one 2erson 6ho 5ight( &e#%use 4ou re%ll4 lo:e 5e( An, be#%use 4ou're the onl4 6o5%n /':e e:er 5et 6ho un,erst%n,s the lous4 rotten things % 5%n #%n ,o 6hen he's #r%C4 ,run'8 %n, ,r%6s % bl%n'--es2e#i%ll4 6hen he's nutt4 6ith grief to st%rt 6ith( 3O0/E--(hugging hi5 ten,erl4) ,%rling( T;=ONE--(st%res bl%n'( / trie, ,i,n't 6or'( / #%n't tell 4ou8 4ou( 3O0/E--NoE Of #ourse /'ll un,erst%n,8 3i58

into the 5oonlight--h%unte,l4) &ut / ,i,n't ,r%6 % to( / ,r%n' enough to 'no#' out ten 5en( &ut it 'ne6 6h%t / 6%s ,oing( (>e 2%uses--,ull4) No8 / 3osie( ;ou', lo%the 54 guts8 %n, / #oul,n't bl%5e

/'ll lo:e 4ou no 5%tter 6h%t--

T;=ONE--(6ith str%nge triu52h%nt h%rshness) All rightE =e5e5ber th%t's % 2ro5iseE (>e 2%uses--st%rts to s2e%'--2%uses %g%in() 3O0/E--(2it4ingl4) suffer( M%4be 4ou', better not--if it 6ill 5%'e 4ou

T;=ONE--Tr4ing to 6el#h no68 ehD /t's too l%te( ;ou':e got 5e st%rte,( 0ufferD .hrist8 / ought to sufferE (>e 2%uses( Then he #loses his e4es( /t is %s if he h%, to hi,e fro5 sight before he #%n begin( >e 5%'es his f%#e e+2ressionless( >is :oi#e be#o5es i52erson%l %n, ob"e#ti:e8 %s though 6h%t he tol, #on#erne, so5e 5%n he h%, 'no6n8 but h%, nothing to ,o 6ith hi5( This is the onl4 6%4 he #%n st%rt telling the stor4() 9hen M%5% ,ie,8 /', been on the 6%gon for ne%rl4 t6o 4e%rs( Not e:en % gl%ss of beer( >onestl4( An, / 'no6 / 6oul, h%:e st%4e, on( Aor her s%'e( 0he h%, no one but 5e( The Ol, M%n 6%s ,e%,( M4 brother h%, 5%rrie,--h%, % 'i,-h%, his o6n life to li:e( 0he', lost hi5( 0he h%, onl4 5e to %tten, to things for her %n, t%'e #%re of her( 0he', %l6%4s h%te, 54 ,rin'ing( 0o / ?uit( /t 5%,e 5e h%224 to ,o it( Aor her( &e#%use she 6%s %ll / h%,8 %ll / #%re, %bout( &e#%use / lo:e, her( (>e 2%uses() No one 6oul, belie:e th%t no68 6ho 'ne6--&ut / ,i,( 3O0/E--(gentl4) / 'no6 ho6 5u#h 4ou lo:e, her(

T;=ONE--9e 6ent out to the .o%st to see %bout selling % 2ie#e of

2ro2ert4 the Ol, M%n h%, bought there 4e%rs %go( An, one ,%4 she su,,enl4 be#%5e ill( $ot r%2i,l4 6orse( 9ent into % #o5%( &r%in tu5or( The ,o#s s%i,8 no ho2e( Might ne:er #o5e out of #o5%( / 6ent #r%C4( .oul,n't f%#e losing her( The ol, booCe 4en got 5e( / got ,run' %n, st%4e, ,run'( An, / beg%n ho2ing she', ne:er #o5e out of the #o5%8 %n, see / 6%s ,rin'ing %g%in( Th%t 6%s 54 e+#use8 too--th%t she', ne:er 'no6( An, she ne:er ,i,( (>e 2%uses--then sneeringl4) Ni+E @i,,ing 54self %g%in( / 'no6 ,%5ne, 6ell "ust before she ,ie, she re#ogniCe, 5e( 0he s%6 / 6%s ,run'( Then she #lose, her e4es so she #oul,n't see8 %n, 6%s gl%, to ,ieE (>e o2ens his e4es %n, st%res into the 5oonlight %s if he s%6 this ,e%thbe, s#ene before hi5() 3O0/E--(soothingl4) 0sshh( guilt4 %bout ,rin'ing( ;ou onl4 i5%gine th%t be#%use 4ou feel

T;=ONE--(%s if he h%,n't he%r,8 #loses his e4es %g%in) After th%t8 / 'e2t so ,run' / ,i, ,r%6 % bl%n' 5ost of the ti5e8 but / 6ent through the ne#ess%r4 5otions %n, no one guesse, ho6 ,run'--(>e 2%uses() &ut there %re things / #%n ne:er forget--the un,ert%'ers8 %n, her bo,4 in % #offin 6ith her f%#e 5%,e u2( / #oul,n't h%r,l4 re#ogniCe her( 0he loo'e, 4oung %n, 2rett4 li'e so5eone / re5e5bere, 5eeting long %go( !r%#ti#%ll4 % str%nger( To 6ho5 / 6%s % str%nger( .ol, %n, in,ifferent( Not 6orrie, %bout 5e %n4 5ore( Aree %t l%st( Aree fro5 6orr4( Aro5 2%in( Aro5 5e( / stoo, loo'ing ,o6n %t her8 %n, so5ething h%22ene, to 5e( / foun, / #oul,n't feel %n4thing( / 'ne6 / ought to be he%rtbro'en but / #oul,n't feel %n4thing( / see5e, ,e%,8 too( / 'ne6 / ought to #r4( E:en % #r4ing "%g 6oul, loo' better th%n "ust st%n,ing there( &ut / #oul,n't #r4( / #urse, to 54self8 F;ou ,irt4 b%st%r,8 it's M%5%( ;ou lo:e, her8 %n, no6 she's ,e%,( 0he's gone %6%4 fro5 4ou fore:er( Ne:er8 ne:er %g%in--F &ut it h%, no effe#t( All / ,i, 6%s tr4 to e+2l%in to 54self8 F0he's ,e%,( 9h%t ,oes she #%re no6 if / #r4 or not8 or 6h%t / ,oD /t ,oesn't 5%tter % ,%5n to her( 0he's h%224 to be 6here / #%n't hurt her e:er %g%in( 0he's ri, of 5e %t l%st( Aor $o,'s s%'e8 #%n't 4ou le%:e her %lone e:en no6D Aor $o,'s s%'e8 #%n't 4ou let her rest in 2e%#eDF (>e 2%uses--then sneeringl4) &ut there 6ere se:er%l 2eo2le %roun, %n, / 'ne6 the4 e+2e#te, 5e to sho6 so5ething( On#e % h%58 %l6%4s % h%5E 0o / 2ut on %n %#t( / flo22e, on 54 'nees %n, hi, 54 f%#e in 54 h%n,s %n, f%'e, so5e sobs %n, #rie,8 FM%5%E M%5%E M4 ,e%r 5otherEF &ut %ll the ti5e / 'e2t s%4ing to 54self8 F;ou lous4 h%5E ;ou $o,-,%5ne, lous4 h%5E .hrist8 in % 5inute 4ou'll st%rt singing 'Mother M%#ree'EF (>e o2ens his e4es %n, gi:es % torture,8 sneering l%ugh8 st%ring into the 5oonlight() 3O0/E--(horrifie,8 but still ,ee2l4 2it4ing) 3i5E 1on'tE /t's 2%st( ;ou':e 2unishe, 4ourself( An, 4ou 6ere ,run'( ;ou ,i,n't 5e%n-T;=ONE--(%g%in #loses his e4es) / h%, to bring her bo,4 E%st to be burie, besi,e the Ol, M%n( / too' % ,r%6ing roo5 %n, hi, in it 6ith % #%se of booCe( 0he 6%s in her #offin in the b%gg%ge #%r( No 5%tter ho6 ,run' / got8 / #oul,n't forget th%t for % 5inute( / foun, / #oul,n't st%4 %lone in the ,r%6ing roo5( /t be#%5e h%unte,( / 6%s going #r%C4( / h%, to go out %n, 6%n,er u2 %n, ,o6n the tr%in loo'ing for #o52%n4( / 5%,e su#h % 2ubli# nuis%n#e of 54self th%t the #on,u#tor thre%tene, if / ,i,n't ?uit8 he', 'ee2

5e lo#'e, in the ,r%6ing roo5( &ut /', s2otte, one 2%ssenger 6ho 6%s use, to ,run's %n, #oul, 2reten, to li'e the58 if there 6%s enough ,ough in it( 0he h%, 2%rlor house 6ritten %ll o:er her--% blon,e 2ig 6ho loo'e, 5ore li'e % 6hore th%n t6ent4-fi:e 6hores8 6ith % f%#e li'e %n o:ergro6n ,oll's %n, % #o5e-on s5ile %s #ol, %s % 2ol%r be%r's feet( / bribe, the 2orter to t%'e % 5ess%ge to her %n, th%t night she sne%'e, into 54 ,r%6ing roo5( 0he 6%s boun, for Ne6 ;or'8 too( 0o e:er4 night--for fift4 bu#'s % night--(>e o2ens his e4es %n, no6 he st%res torture,l4 through the 5oonlight into the ,r%6ing roo5() 3O0/E--(her f%#e full of re:ulsion--st%55ers) Oh8 ho6 #oul, 4ouE (/nstin#ti:el4 she ,r%6s %6%48 t%'ing her %r5s fro5 %roun, hi5() T;=ONE-->o6 #oul, /D / ,on't 'no6( &ut / ,i,( / su22ose / h%, so5e 5%, i,e% she #oul, 5%'e 5e forget--6h%t 6%s in the b%gg%ge #%r %he%,( 3O0/E--1on't( (0he ,r%6s b%#' %g%in so he h%s to r%ise his he%, fro5 her bre%st( >e ,oesn't see5 to noti#e this() T;=ONE--No8 it #oul,n't h%:e been th%t( &e#%use / ,i,n't see5 to 6%nt to forget( /t 6%s li'e so5e 2lot / h%, to #%rr4 out( The blon,e--she ,i,n't 5%tter( 0he 6%s onl4 so5ething th%t belonge, in the 2lot( /t 6%s %s if / 6%nte, re:enge--be#%use /', been left %lone--be#%use / 'ne6 / 6%s lost8 6ithout %n4 ho2e left--th%t %ll / #oul, ,o 6oul, be ,rin' 54self to ,e%th8 be#%use no one 6%s left 6ho #oul, hel2 5e( (>is f%#e h%r,ens %n, % loo' of #ruel :in,i#ti:eness #o5es into it--6ith % str%nge horrible s%tisf%#tion in his tone) No8 / ,i,n't forget e:en in th%t 2ig's %r5sE / re5e5bere, the l%st t6o lines of % lous4 te%r-"er'er song /', he%r, 6hen / 6%s % 'i, 'e2t singing o:er %n, o:er in 54 br%in( FAn, b%b4's #ries #%n't 6%'en her /n the b%gg%ge #o%#h %he%,(F 3O0/E--(,istr%#te,l4) 3i5E / ,i,n't 6%nt to sto2 itE / ,on't 6%nt to he%rE

T;=ONE--/ #oul,n't sto2 it singing( 3O0/E--3i5E Aor the lo:e of $o,(

T;=ONE--(%fter % 2%use--,ull4) ,run' to go to her funer%l(

9ell8 th%t's %ll--e+#e2t / 6%s too

3O0/E--OhE (0he h%s ,r%6n %6%4 fro5 hi5 %s f%r %s she #%n 6ithout getting u2( >e be#o5es %6%re of this for the first ti5e %n, turns slo6l4 to st%re %t her() T;=ONE--(,ull4) 1on't 6%nt to tou#h 5e no68 ehD (>e shrugs his shoul,ers 5e#h%ni#%ll4() 0orr4( /'5 % ,%5ne, fool( / shoul,n't h%:e tol, 4ou( 3O0/E--(her horror ebbing %s her lo:e %n, 2rote#ti:e #o52%ssion returns--5o:es ne%rer hi5--h%ltingl4) 1on't8 3i5( 1on't s%4--/ ,on't 6%nt to tou#h 4ou( /t's--% lie( (0he 2uts % h%n, on his

shoul,er() T;=ONE--(%s if she h%,n't s2o'en--6ith ho2eless longing) 9ish / #oul, belie:e in the s2iritu%lists' bun'( /f / #oul, tell her it 6%s be#%use / 5isse, her so 5u#h %n, #oul,n't forgi:e her for le%:ing 5e-3O0/E--3i5E Aor the lo:e of $o,--E

T;=ONE--(unhee,ing) 0he', un,erst%n, %n, forgi:e 5e8 ,on't 4ou thin'D 0he %l6%4s ,i,( 0he 6%s si52le %n, 'in, %n, 2ure of he%rt( 0he 6%s be%utiful( ;ou're li'e her ,ee2 in 4our he%rt( Th%t's 6h4 / tol, 4ou( / thought--(Abru2tl4 his e+2ression be#o5es sneering %n, #4ni#%l--h%rshl4) M4 5ist%'e( NutsE Aorget it( Ti5e / got % 5o:e on( / ,on't li'e 4our ,%5ne, 5oon8 3osie( /t's %n %, for the 2%st( (>e re#ites 5o#'ingl4) F/t is the :er4 error of the 5oon: 0he #o5es 5ore ne%rer e%rth th%n she 6%s 6ont8 An, 5%'es 5en 5%,(F (>e 5o:es() /'ll gr%b the l%st trolle4 for to6n( There'll be % s2e%' o2en8 %n, so5e ,run' l%ughing( / nee, % l%ugh( (>e st%rts to get u2() 3O0/E--(thro6s her %r5s %roun, hi5 %n, 2ulls hi5 b%#'--tensel4) NoE ;ou 6on't goE / 6on't let 4ouE (0he hugs hi5 #lose--gentl4) / un,erst%n, no68 3i58 ,%rling8 %n, /'5 2rou, 4ou #%5e to 5e %s the one in the 6orl, 4ou 'no6 lo:es 4ou enough to un,erst%n, %n, forgi:e--%n, / ,o forgi:eE T;=ONE--(lets his he%, f%ll b%#' on her bre%st--si52l4) 3osie( / 'ne6 4ou-3O0/E--As 0>E forgi:es8 ,o 4ou he%r 5eE un,erst%n,s %n, forgi:esE T;=ONE--(si52l4) As 0>E lo:es %n, Th%n's8

;es8 / 'no6 she--(>is :oi#e bre%'s()

3O0/E--(ben,s o:er hi5 6ith % broo,ing 5%tern%l ten,erness) Th%t's right( 1o 6h%t 4ou #%5e for8 54 ,%rling( /t isn't ,run'en l%ughter in % s2e%'e%s4 4ou 6%nt to he%r %t %ll8 but the soun, of 4ourself #r4ing 4our he%rt's re2ent%n#e %g%inst her bre%st( (>is f%#e is #on:ulse,( >e hi,es it on her bre%st %n, sobs r%#'ingl4( 0he hugs hi5 5ore tightl4 %n, s2e%'s softl48 st%ring into the 5oonlight() 0>E he%rs( / feel her in the 5oonlight8 her soul 6r%22e, in it li'e % sil:er 5%ntle8 %n, / 'no6 she un,erst%n,s %n, forgi:es 5e8 too8 %n, her blessing lies on 5e( (A 2%use( >is sobs begin to sto2 e+h%uste,l4( 0he loo's ,o6n %t hi5 %g%in %n, s2e%'s soothingl4 %s she 6oul, to % #hil,() There( There8 no6( (>e sto2s( 0he goes on in % gentle8 bull4ing tone() ;ou're % fine one8 6%nting to le%:e 5e 6hen the night / 2ro5ise, /', gi:e 4ou h%s "ust begun8 our night th%t'll be ,ifferent fro5 %ll the others8 6ith % ,%6n th%t 6on't #ree2 o:er ,irt4 6in,o62%nes but 6ill 6%'e in the s'4 li'e % 2ro5ise of $o,'s 2e%#e in the soul's ,%r' s%,ness( (0he s5iles % little %5use, s5ile() 9ill 4ou listen to

5e8 3i5E / 5ust be % 2oet( 9ho 6oul, h%:e guesse, itD 0ure8 lo:e is % 6on,erful 5%, ins2ir%tionE (A 2%use( 0he loo's ,o6n( >is e4es %re #lose,( >is f%#e %g%inst her bre%st loo's 2%le %n, h%gg%r, in the 5oonlight( .%l5 6ith the ,r%ine,8 e+h%uste, 2e%#e of ,e%th( Aor % se#on, she is frightene,( Then she re%liCes %n, 6his2ers softl4) Aslee2( (in % ten,er #rooning tone li'e % lull%b4) Th%t's right( 0lee2 in 2e%#e8 54 ,%rling( (then 6ith su,,en %nguishe, longing) Oh8 3i58 3i58 5%4be 54 lo:e #oul, still s%:e 4ou8 if 4ou #oul, 6%nt it enoughE (0he sh%'es her he%,() No( Th%t #%n ne:er be( (>er e4es le%:e his f%#e to st%re u2 %t the s'4( 0he loo's 6e%r4 %n, stri#'en %n, s%,( 0he for#es % ,efensi:e8 self-,erisi:e s5ile() $o, forgi:e 5e8 it's % fine en, to %ll 54 s#he5ing8 to sit here 6ith the ,e%, hugge, to 54 bre%st8 %n, the sill4 5ug of the 5oon grinning ,o6n8 en"o4ing the "o'eE (.urt%in)

A.T AOB= 0.ENE--0%5e %s A#t Three( /t is ,%6n( The first f%int stre%'s of #olor8 her%l,ing the sunrise8 %22e%r in the e%stern s'4 %t left( 3osie sits in the s%5e 2osition on the ste2s8 %s if she h%, not 5o:e,8 her %r5s %roun, T4rone( >e is still %slee28 his he%, on her bre%st( >is f%#e h%s the s%5e e+h%uste,8 ,e%th-li'e re2ose( 3osie's f%#e is set in %n e+2ression of nu5be,8 resigne, s%,ness( >er bo,4 s%gs tire,l4( /n s2ite of her strength8 hol,ing herself li'e this for hours8 for fe%r of 6%'ing hi58 is be#o5ing too 5u#h for her( The t6o 5%'e % str%ngel4 tr%gi# 2i#ture in the 6%n ,%6n light--this big sorro6ful 6o5%n hugging % h%gg%r,-f%#e,8 5i,,le-%ge, ,run'%r, %g%inst her bre%st8 %s if he 6ere % si#' #hil,( >og%n %22e%rs %t left-re%r8 #o5ing fro5 the b%rn( >e %22ro%#hes the #orner of the house ste%lthil4 on ti2toe( 9is2s of h%4 sti#' to his #lothes %n, his f%#e is s6ollen %n, slee248 but his little 2ig's e4es %re sh%r2l4 6i,e %6%'e %n, sober( >e 2ee' %roun, the #orner8 %n, t%'es in the t6o on the ste2s( >is e4es fi+ on 3osie's f%#e in % long8 2robing st%re( 3O0/E--(s2e%'s in % lo6 gri5 tone) 0to2 hi,ing8 A%ther( / he%r, 4ou sne%' u2( (>e #o5es guiltil4 %roun, the #orner( 0he 'ee2s her :oi#e lo68 but her tone is #o55%n,ing() .o5e here8 %n, be ?uiet %bout it( (>e obe4s 5ee'l48 #o5ing %s f%r %s the boul,er silentl48 his e4es se%r#hing her f%#e8 his e+2ression be#o5ing guilt4 %n, 5iser%ble %t 6h%t he sees( 0he goes on in the s%5e tone8 6ithout loo'ing %t hi5() T%l' lo68 no6( / ,on't 6%nt hi5 6%'ene,--(0he %,,s str%ngel4) Not until the ,%6n h%s be%ut4 in it( >O$AN--(6orrie,l4) 9h%tD (>e ,e#i,es it's better for the 2resent to %s' no ?uestions( >is e4es f%ll on T4rone's f%#e( /n s2ite of hi5self8 he is st%rtle,--in %n %6e,8 %l5ost frightene, 6his2er) &e

$o,8 he loo's ,e%,E 3O0/E--(str%ngel4) >O$AN--/sD 3O0/E--1on't be % fool( .%n't 4ou see hi5 bre%thingD 1e%, %slee28 / 5e%n( 1on't st%n, there g%6'ing( 0it ,o6n( (>e sits 5ee'l4 on the boul,er( >is f%#e betr%4s % guilt4 ,re%, of 6h%t is #o5ing( There is % 2%use in 6hi#h she ,oesn't loo' %t hi58 but he 'ee2s gl%n#ing %t her8 gro6ing :isibl4 5ore une%s4( 0he s2e%'s bitterl4() 9here's 4our 6itnessesD >O$AN--(guiltil4) 9itnessesD (then for#ing %n %5use, grin) Oh8 be $o,8 if th%t %in't % "o'e on 5eE 0ure8 / got so blin, ,run' %t the /nn / forgot %ll %bout our s#he5e %n, #%5e ho5e %n, 6ent to slee2 in the h%4loft( 3O0/E--(her e+2ression h%r,er %n, 5ore bitter) >O$AN--/'5 not( Th%t's 2roof( / "ust 6o'e u2( ;ou're % li%r( 9h4 6oul,n't heD >e is(

-oo' %t the h%4 sti#'ing to 5e(

3O0/E--/'5 not thin'ing of th%t8 %n, 6ell 4ou 'no6 it( (6ith bitter :oi#e) 0o 4ou "ust 6o'e u2--,i, 4ouD--%n, then #%5e sne%'ing here to see if the s#he5e behin, 4our s#he5e h%, 6or'e,E >O$AN--(guiltil4) / ,on't 'no6 6h%t 4ou 5e%n(

3O0/E--1on't lie %n4 5ore8 A%ther( This ti5e8 4ou':e tol, one too 5%n4( (>e st%rts to ,efen, hi5self but the loo' on her f%#e 5%'es hi5 thin' better of it %n, he re5%ins une%sil4 silent( A 2%use() >O$AN--(fin%ll4 h%s to blurt out) 0ure8 if /', brought the 6itnesses8 there's nothing for the5 to 6itness th%t-3O0/E--No( ;ou're right8 there( There's nothing( Nothing %t %ll( (0he s5iles str%ngel4() E+#e2t % gre%t 5ir%#le the4', ne:er belie:e8 or 4ou either( >O$AN--9h%t 5ir%#leD 3O0/E--A :irgin 6ho be%rs % ,e%, #hil, in the night8 %n, the ,%6n fin,s her still % :irgin( /f th%t isn't % 5ir%#le8 6h%t isD >O$AN--(une%sil4) 0to2 t%l'ing so ?ueer( ;ou gi:e 5e the shi:ers( (>e %tte52ts % "o'ing tone() /s it 4ou 6ho's the :irginD A%ith8 th%t 9OB-1 be % 5ir%#le8 no lessE (>e for#es % #hu#'le() 3O0/E--/ tol, 4ou to sto2 l4ing8 A%ther( >O$AN--9h%t lieD (>e sto2s %n, 6%t#hes her f%#e 6orrie,l4( 0he is silent8 %s if she 6ere not %6%re of hi5 no6( >er e4es %re fi+e, on the 6%nton s'4() 3O0/E--(%s if to herself) hi5( /t'll be be%utiful soon8 %n, / #%n 6%'e

>O$AN--(#%n't ret%in his %n+iet4 %n4 longer) 3osie8 ,%rlin'E the lo:e of $o,8 #%n't 4ou tell 5e 6h%t h%22ene, to 4ouD 3O0/E--(her f%#e h%r, %n, bitter %g%in) Nothing( >O$AN--NothingD /':e tol, 4ou on#e(


/f 4ou #oul, see the s%,ness in 4our f%#e--

3O0/E--9h%t 6o5%n ,oesn't sorro6 for the 5%n she lo:e, 6ho h%s ,ie,D &ut there's 2ri,e in 54 he%rt8 too( >O$AN--(tor5ente,l4) 9ill 4ou sto2 t%l'ing %s if 4ou', gone 5%, in the nightE (r%ising his :oi#e--6ith re:engeful %nger) -isten to 5eE /f 3i5 T4rone h%s ,one %n4thing to bring 4ou sorro6--(T4rone stirs in his slee2 %n, 5o%ns8 2ressing his f%#e %g%inst her bre%st %s if for 2rote#tion( 0he loo's ,o6n %t hi5 %n, hugs hi5 #lose() 3O0/E--(#roons softl4) There8 there8 54 ,%rling( =est in 2e%#e % 6hile longer( (turns on her f%ther %ngril4 %n, 6his2ers) 1i,n't / tell 4ou to s2e%' lo6 %n, not 6%'e hi5E (0he 2%uses--then ?uietl4) >e ,i, nothing to bring 5e sorro6( /t 6%s 54 5ist%'e( / thought there 6%s still ho2e( / ,i,n't 'no6 he', ,ie, %lre%,4--th%t it 6%s % ,%5ne, soul #o5ing to 5e in the 5oonlight8 to #onfess %n, be forgi:en %n, fin, 2e%#e for % night->O$AN--3osieE 9ill 4ou sto2E

3O0/E--(%fter % 2%use--,ull4) >e', ne:er ,o %n4thing to hurt 5e( ;ou 'no6 it( (self-5o#'ingl4) 0ure8 h%sn't he tol, 5e /'5 be%utiful to hi5 %n, he lo:es 5e--in his f%shion( (then 5%tter-off%#tl4) All th%t h%22ene, 6%s th%t he got ,run' %n, he h%, one of his #r%C4 notions he 6%nte, to slee2 the 6%4 he is8 %n, / let hi5 slee2( (6ith for#e, roughness) An,8 be $o,8 the night's o:er( /'5 h%lf ,e%, 6ith tire,ness %n, slee2iness( /t's th%t 4ou see in 54 f%#e8 not sorro6( >O$AN--1on't tr4 to fool 5e8 3osie( /--

3O0/E--(her f%#e h%r, %n, bitter--gri5l4) Aool 4ou8 is itD /t's 4ou 6ho 5%,e % fool of 5e 6ith 4our lies8 thin'ing 4ou', use 5e to get 4our ,irt4 gre%s4 2%6s on the 5one4 he'll h%:eE >O$AN--NoE / s6e%r b4 %ll the s%ints--

3O0/E--;ou', s6e%r on % &ible 6hile 4ou 6ere ste%ling itE (gri5l4) -isten to 5e8 A%ther( / ,i,n't #%ll 4ou here to %ns6er ?uestions %bout 6h%t's none of 4our business( / #%lle, 4ou here to tell 4ou /':e seen through %ll the lies 4ou tol, l%st night to get 5e to-(%s he st%rts to s2e%') 0hut u2E /'ll ,o the t%l'ing no6( ;ou 6eren't ,run'( ;ou 6ere onl4 2utting it on %s 2%rt of 4our s#he5e->O$AN--(?uietl4) / 6%sn't ,run'8 no( / %,5it th%t8 3osie( &ut /', h%, sle6s of ,rin's %n, the4 6ere in 54 he%, or /', ne:er h%:e the #r%C4 ,re%5s-3O0/E--(6ith biting s#orn) 1re%5s8 is itD The onl4 ,re%5 4ou':e e:er h%,8 or 6ill h%:e8 is of 4ourself #ounting % fistful of ,irt4 5one48 %n, ,i:il % #%re ho6 4ou got it8 or 6ho 4ou robbe, or 5%,e

sufferE >O$AN--(6in#es--2le%,ingl4) 3osieE

3O0/E--0hut u2( (s#%thingl4) /'5 sure 4ou':e 5%,e u2 % 6hole ne6 set of lies %n, e+#uses( ;ou're th%t #unning %n, #le:er8 but 4ou #%n s%:e 4our bre%th( The4 6oul,n't fool 5e no6( /':e been foole, on#e too often( (>e gi:es her % frightene, loo'8 %s if so5ething he h%, ,re%,e, h%s h%22ene,( 0he goes on8 gri5l4 %##using() ;ou lie, %bout 3i5 selling the f%r5( ;ou 'ne6 he 6%s 'i,,ing( ;ou 'ne6 the est%te 6oul, be out of 2rob%te in % fe6 ,%4s8 %n, he', go b%#' to &ro%,6%48 %n, 4ou h%, to ,o so5ething ?ui#' or 4ou', lose the l%st #h%n#e of getting 4our gree,4 hoo's on his 5one4( >O$AN--(5iser%bl4) No( /t 6%sn't th%t8 3osie(

3O0/E--;ou s%6 ho6 hurt %n, %ngr4 / 6%s be#%use he', 'e2t 5e 6%iting here8 %n, 4ou use, th%t( ;ou 'ne6 / lo:e, hi5 %n, 6%nte, hi5 %n, 4ou use, th%t( ;ou use, %ll 4ou 'ne6 %bout 5e--Oh8 4ou ,i, it #le:erE ;ou ought to be 2rou,E ;ou 6or'e, it so it 6%s 5e 6ho ,i, %ll the ,irt4 s#he5ing--;ou 'ne6 /', fin, out fro5 3i5 4ou', lie, %bout the f%r58 but not before 4our lie h%, ,one its 6or'-5%,e 5e go %fter hi58 get hi5 ,run'8 get ,run' 54self so / #oul, be sh%5eless--%n, 6hen the truth ,i, #o5e out8 6oul,n't it 5%'e 5e lo:e hi5 %ll the 5ore %n, be 5ore sh%5eless %n, 6illingD 1on't tell 5e 4ou ,i,n't #ount on th%t8 %n, 4ou su#h % #le:er s#he5erE An, if he on#e h%, 5e8 'no6ing / 6%s % :irgin8 ,i,n't 4ou #ount on his honor %n, re5orse8 %n, his lo:ing 5e in his f%shion8 to 5%'e hi5 offer to 5%rr4 5eD 0ure8 6h4 6oul,n't he8 4ou thought( /t 6oul,n't hol, hi5( >e', go b%#' to &ro%,6%4 "ust the s%5e %n, ne:er see 5e %g%in( &ut there', be 5one4 in it8 %n, 6hen he', finishe, 'illing hi5self8 /', be his leg%l 6i,o6 %n, get 6h%t's left( >O$AN--(5iser%bl4) NoE /t 6%sn't th%t(

3O0/E--&ut 6h%t's the goo, of t%l'ingD /t's %ll o:er( /':e onl4 one 5ore 6or, for 4ou8 A%ther8 %n, it's this: /'5 le%:ing 4ou to,%48 li'e 54 brothers left( ;ou #%n li:e %lone %n, 6or' %lone 4our #unning s#he5es on 4ourself( >O$AN--(%fter % 2%use--slo6l4) / 'ne6 4ou', be bitter %g%inst 5e8 3osie8 but / too' the #h%n#e 4ou', be so h%224 4ou 6oul,n't #%re ho6-3O0/E--(%s if she h%,n't he%r,8 loo'ing %t the e%stern s'4 6hi#h is no6 glo6ing 6ith #olor) Th%n' $o,8 it's be%utiful( /t's ti5e( (to >og%n) $o in the house %n, st%4 there till he's gone( / ,on't 6%nt 4ou %roun, to st%rt so5e ne6 s#he5e( (>e loo's 5iser%ble8 st%rts to s2e%'8 thin's better of it8 %n, 5ee'l4 ti2toes 2%st her u2 the ste2s %n, goes in8 #losing the ,oor ?uietl4 %fter hi5( 0he loo's ,o6n %t T4rone( >er f%#e softens 6ith % 5%tern%l ten,erness-s%,l4) / h%te to bring 4ou b%#' to life8 3i58 ,%rling( /f 4ou #oul, h%:e ,ie, in 4our slee28 th%t's 6h%t 4ou 6oul, h%:e li'e,8 isn't itD (0he gi:es hi5 % gentle sh%'e() 9%'e u28 3i5( (>e 5o%ns in his slee2 %n, 2resses 5ore #losel4 %g%inst her( 0he st%res %t his f%#e() 1e%r $o,8 let hi5 re5e5ber th%t one thing %n, forget the rest( Th%t 6ill be enough for 5e( (0he gi:es hi5 %

5ore :igorous sh%'e()


9%'e u28 ,o 4ou he%rD

/t's ti5e(

T;=ONE--(h%lf 6%'ens 6ithout o2ening his e4es--5utters) 9h%t the hellD (,i5l4 #ons#ious of % 6o5%n's bo,4--#4ni#%ll4) Ag%in8 ehD 0%5e ol, stuff( 9ho the hell %re 4ou8 s6eethe%rtD (irrit%bl4) 9h%t's the big i,e%8 6%'ing 5e u2D 9h%t ti5e is itD 3O0/E--/t's ,%6n( T;=ONE--(still 6ithout o2ening his e4es) ,ro6sil4) 1%6nD (>e ?uotes

F&ut / 6%s ,esol%te %n, si#' of %n ol, 2%ssion8 9hen / %6o'e %n, foun, the ,%6n 6%s gr%4(F (then 6ith % sneer) The4're %ll gr%4( 5e slee2( (>e f%lls %slee2 %g%in() $o to slee28 @i,--%n, let

3O0/E--(tensel4) This one isn't gr%48 3i5( /t's ,ifferent fro5 %ll the others--(0he sees he is %slee2--bitterl4) >e'll h%:e forgotten( >e'll ne:er noti#e( An, /'5 the 6hore on the tr%in to hi5 no68 not--(0u,,enl4 she 2ushes hi5 %6%4 fro5 her %n, sh%'es hi5 roughl4() 9ill 4ou 6%'e u28 for $o,'s s%'eE /':e h%, %ll / #%n be%r-T;=ONE--(still h%lf %slee2) >e4E .ut out the rough stuff8 @i,( 9h%tD (%6%'e no68 blin'ing his e4es--6ith ,%Ce, sur2rise) 3osie( 3O0/E--(still bitter) Th%t's 6ho8 %n, none of 4our ,%5ne, t%rtsE (0he 2ushes hi5() $et u2 no68 so 4ou 6on't f%ll %slee2 %g%in( (>e ,oes so 6ith ,iffi#ult48 still in % slee24 ,%Ce8 his bo,4 stiff %n, #r%52e,( 0he #on?uers her bitter resent5ent %n, 2uts on her ol, free-%n,-e%s4 'i,,ing tone 6ith hi58 but %ll the ti5e 6%iting to see ho6 5u#h he 6ill re5e5ber() ;ou're stiff %n, #r%52e,8 %n, no 6on,er( /'5 6orse fro5 hol,ing 4ou8 if th%t's %n4 #o5fort( (0he stret#hes %n, rubs her nu5be, %r5s8 gro%ning #o5i#%ll4() >ol4 3ose2h8 /'5 % 6re#' entirel4( /'ll ne:er be the s%5e( (gi:ing hi5 % ?ui#' gl%n#e) ;ou loo' %s if 4ou', ,r%6n % bl%n' %n, 6ere 6on,ering ho6 4ou got here( /'ll bet 4ou ,on't re5e5ber % thing( T;=ONE--(5o:ing his %r5s %n, legs gingerl4--slee2il4) 'no6( 9%it till /'5 sure /'5 still %li:e( / ,on't

3O0/E--;ou nee, %n e4e-o2ener( (0he 2i#'s u2 the bottle %n, gl%ss %n, 2ours hi5 % ,rin'() >ere 4ou %re( T;=ONE--(t%'es the gl%ss 5e#h%ni#%ll4) Th%n's8 3osie( (>e goes %n, sits on the boul,er8 hol,ing the ,rin' %s if he h%, no interest in it() 3O0/E--(6%t#hing hi5) 1rin' u2 or 4ou'll be %slee2 %g%in(

T;=ONE--No8 /'5 %6%'e no68 3osie( Aunn4( 1on't see5 to 6%nt % ,rin'( Oh8 /':e got % he%, %ll right( &ut no heebie-"eebies--4et( 3O0/E--Th%t's fine( /t 5ust be % 2le%s%nt #h%nge--

T;=ONE--/t is( /':e got % ni#e8 ,re%54 2e%#eful h%ngo:er for on#e-%s if /', h%, % soun, slee2 6ithout night5%res( 3O0/E--0o 4ou ,i,( 1i:il % night5%re( hol,ing 4ou %n, 'ee2ing the5 %6%4D / ought to 'no6( 9%sn't /

T;=ONE--;ou 5e%n 4ou--(su,,enl4) 9%it % 5inute( / re5e5ber no6 / 6%s sitting %lone %t % t%ble in the /nn8 %n, / su,,enl4 h%, % #r%C4 notion /', #o5e u2 here %n, slee2 6ith 54 he%, on 4our--0o th%t's 6h4 / 6o'e u2 in 4our %r5s( (sh%5ef%#e,l4) An, 4ou let 5e get %6%4 6ith it( ;ou're % nut8 3osie( 3O0/E--Oh8 / ,i,n't 5in,( T;=ONE--;ou 5ust h%:e seen ho6 blotto / 6%s8 ,i,n't 4ouD 3O0/E--/ ,i,( ;ou 6ere %s full %s % ti#'(

T;=ONE--Then 6h4 ,i,n't 4ou gi:e 5e the bu5's rushD 3O0/E--9h4 6oul, /D / 6%s gl%, to hu5or 4ou(

T;=ONE--Aor $o,'s s%'e8 ho6 long 6%s / #r%52e, on 4ou li'e th%tD 3O0/E--Oh8 % fe6 hours8 onl4( T;=ONE--$o,8 /'5 sorr4 3osie8 but it's 4our o6n f%ult for letting 5e-3O0/E--O#h8 ,on't be %2ologiCing( / 6%s gl%, of the e+#use to st%4 %6%'e %n, en"o4 the be%ut4 of the 5oon( T;=ONE--;es8 / #%n re5e5ber 6h%t % be%utiful night it 6%s( 3O0/E--.%n 4ouD /'5 gl%, of th%t8 3i5( ;ou see5e, to en"o4 it the 6hile 6e 6ere sitting here together before 4ou fell %slee2( T;=ONE-->o6 long % 6hile 6%s th%tD 3O0/E--Not long( -ess th%n %n hour8 %n46%4(

T;=ONE--/ su22ose / bore, the hell out of 4ou 6ith % lot of ,run'en ,ri:el( 3O0/E--Not % lot8 no( &ut so5e( ho6 be%utiful / 6%s to 4ou( ;ou 6ere full of bl%rne48 s%4ing ;ou 6ere( ;ou

T;=ONE--(e%rnestl4) Th%t 6%sn't ,ri:el8 3osie( %re( ;ou %l6%4s 6ill be(

3O0/E--;ou're % 6on,er8 3i5( Nothing #%n sto2 4ou8 #%n itD E:en 5e in the light of ,%6n8 loo'ing li'e so5ething 4ou', 2ut in the fiel, to s#%re the #ro6s fro5 the #orn( ;ou'll 'i, %t the 1%4 of 3u,g5ent( T;=ONE--(i52%tientl4) ;ou 'no6 ,%5ne, 6ell it isn't 'i,,ing( ;ou're not % fool( ;ou #%n tell(

3O0/E--('i,,ingl4) in 4our f%shion(

All right8 then8 /'5 be%utiful %n, 4ou lo:e 5e-9%s / re#iting 2oetr4 to 4ouD Th%t

T;=ONE--F/n 54 f%shion8F ehD 5ust h%:e been h%r, to t%'e(

3O0/E--/t 6%sn't( / li'e, it( %n, the ro5%n#e of the 5oon(

/t 6%s %ll %bout be%utiful nights /t sure 6%s

T;=ONE--9ell8 there 6%s so5e e+#use for th%t8 %n46%4( % be%utiful night( /'ll ne:er forget it( 3O0/E--/'5 gl%,8 3i5(

T;=ONE--9h%t other bun' ,i, / 2ull on 4ou--or / 5e%n8 ,i, ol, 3ohn &%rle4#orn 2ullD 3O0/E--Not 5u#h( ;ou 6ere 5ostl4 ?uiet %n, s%,--in % 'in, of ,%Ce8 %s if the 5oon 6%s in 4our 6its %s 6ell %s 6his'e4( T;=ONE--/ re5e5ber / 6%s h%:ing % gr%n, ti5e %t the /nn8 #elebr%ting 6ith !hil8 %n, then su,,enl48 for no re%son8 %ll the fun 6ent out of it8 %n, / 6%s 5ore 5el%n#hol4 th%n ten >%5lets( (>e 2%uses() >o2e / ,i,n't tell 4ou the s%, stor4 of 54 life %n, 6ee2 on 4our boso58 3osie( 3O0/E--;ou ,i,n't( The one thing 4ou t%l'e, % lot %bout 6%s th%t 4ou 6%nte, the night 6ith 5e to be ,ifferent fro5 %ll the other nights 4ou', s2ent 6ith 6o5en( T;=ONE--(6ith re:ulsion) $o,8 ,on't 5%'e 5e thin' of those tr%52s no6E (then 6ith ,ee28 gr%teful feeling) /t sure 6%s ,ifferent8 3osie( / 5%4 not re5e5ber 5u#h8 but / 'no6 ho6 ,ifferent it 6%s fro5 the 6%4 / feel no6( None of 54 usu%l 5orning-%fter stuff--the ,%5ne, si#' re5orse th%t 5%'es 4ou 6ish 4ou', ,ie, in 4our slee2 so 4ou 6oul,n't h%:e to f%#e the rotten things 4ou're %fr%i, 4ou s%i, %n, ,i, the night before8 6hen 4ou 6ere so ,run' 4ou ,i,n't 'no6 6h%t 4ou 6ere ,oing( 3O0/E--There's nothing 4ou s%i, or ,i, l%st night for 4ou to regret( ;ou #%n t%'e 54 6or, for it( T;=ONE--(%s if he h%,n't he%r,--slo6l4) /t's h%r, to ,es#ribe ho6 / feel( /t's % ne6 one on 5e( 0ort of %t 2e%#e 6ith 54self %n, this lous4 life--%s if %ll 54 sins h%, been forgi:en--(>e be#o5es self-#ons#ious--#4ni#%ll4) Nuts 6ith th%t sin bun'8 but 4ou 'no6 6h%t / 5e%n( 3O0/E--(tensel4) / ,o8 %n, /'5 h%224 4ou feel th%t 6%48 3i5( (A 2%use( 0he goes on() ;ou t%l'e, %bout ho6 4ou', 6%t#he, too 5%n4 ,%6ns #o5e #ree2ing gr%4l4 o:er ,irt4 6in,o62%nes8 6ith so5e t%rt snoring besi,e 4ou-T;=ONE--(6in#es) >%:e % he%rt( 1on't re5in, 5e of th%t no68 3osie( 1on't s2oil this ,%6nE (A 2%use( 0he 6%t#hes hi5 tensel4( >e turns slo6l4 to f%#e the e%st8 6here the s'4 is no6 glo6ing 6ith %ll the #olors of %n e+#e2tion%ll4 be%utiful sunrise( >e st%res8

,r%6ing % ,ee2 bre%th( >e is 2rofoun,l4 5o:e, but i55e,i%tel4 be#o5es self-#ons#ious %n, tries to sneer it off--#4ni#%ll4) $o, see5s to be 2utting on ?uite % ,is2l%4( / li'e &el%s#o better( =ise of #urt%in8 A#t-Aour stuff( (>er f%#e h%s f%llen into lines of bitter hurt8 but he %,,s ?ui#'l4 %n, %ngril4) $o, ,%5n itE 9h4 ,o / h%:e to 2ull th%t lous4 stuffD (6ith genuine ,ee2 feeling) $o,8 it's be%utiful8 3osieE /--/'ll ne:er forget it--here 6ith 4ou( 3O0/E--(her f%#e #le%ring--si52l4) /'5 gl%,8 3i5( 4ou', feel be%ut4 in it--b4 6%4 of % to'en( T;=ONE--(6%t#hing the sunrise--5e#h%ni#%ll4) / 6%s ho2ing

To'en of 6h%tD

3O0/E--Oh8 / ,on't 'no6( To'en to 5e th%t--ne:er 5in,( / forget 6h%t / 5e%nt( (%bru2tl4 #h%nging the sub"e#t) 1on't thin' / 6o'e 4ou "ust to %,5ire the sunrise( ;ou're on % f%r58 not &ro%,6%48 %n, it's ti5e for 5e to st%rt 6or'8 not go to be,( (0he gets to her feet %n, stret#hes( There is % gro6ing str%in behin, her free%n,-e%s4 5%nner() An, th%t's % hint8 3i5( / #%n't st%4 entert%ining 4ou( 0o go b%#' to the /nn8 th%t's % goo, bo4( / 'no6 4ou'll un,erst%n, the re%son8 %n, not thin' /'5 tire, of 4our #o52%n4( (0he for#es % s5ile() T;=ONE--(gets u2) Of #ourse8 / un,erst%n,( (>e 2%uses--then blurts out guiltil4) One 5ore ?uestion( ;ou're sure / ,i,n't get out of or,er l%st night--%n, tr4 to 5%'e 4ou8 or %n4thing li'e th%t( 3O0/E--;ou ,i,n't( ;ou 'i,,e, b%#' 6hen / 'i,,e, 4ou8 the 6%4 6e %l6%4s ,o( Th%t's %ll( T;=ONE--Th%n' $o, for th%t( /', ne:er forgi:e 54self if--/ 6oul,n't h%:e %s'e, 4ou e+#e2t /':e 2ulle, so5e 2rett4 rotten stuff 6hen / 6%s ,r%6ing % bl%n'( (>e be#o5es #ons#ious of the forgotten ,rin' he h%s in his h%n,() 9ell8 / 5ight %s 6ell ,rin' this( The b%r %t the /nn 6on't be o2en for hours( (>e ,rin's--then loo's 2le%s%ntl4 sur2rise,() /'ll be ,%5ne,E Th%t isn't !hil's rotgut( Th%t's re%l8 honest-to-$o, bon,e, &ourbon( 9here--(This #li#'s in his 5in, %n, su,,enl4 he re5e5bers e:er4thing %n, 3osie sees th%t he ,oes( The loo' of guilt %n, sh%5e %n, %nguish settles o:er his f%#e( /nstin#ti:el4 he thro6s the gl%ss %6%48 his first re%#tion one of lo%thing for the ,rin' 6hi#h brought b%#' 5e5or4( >e feels 3osie st%ring %t hi5 %n, fights ,es2er%tel4 to #ontrol his :oi#e %n, e+2ression() =e%l &ourbon( / re5e5ber no6 4ou s%i, % bootlegger g%:e it to !hil( 9ell8 /'ll run %long %n, let 4ou ,o 4our 6or'( 0ee 4ou l%ter8 3osie( (>e turns to6%r, the ro%,() 3O0/E--(stri#'enl4) NoE 1on't8 3i5E 1on't go li'e th%tE ;ou 6on't see 5e l%ter( ;ou'll ne:er see 5e %g%in no68 %n, / 'no6 th%t's best for us both8 but / #%n't be%r to h%:e 4ou %sh%5e, 4ou 6%nte, 54 lo:e to #o5fort 4our sorro6--6hen /'5 so 2rou, / #oul, gi:e it( (2le%,ingl4) / ho2e,8 for 4our s%'e8 4ou 6oul,n't re5e5ber8 but no6 4ou ,o8 / 6%nt 4ou to re5e5ber 54 lo:e for 4ou g%:e 4ou 2e%#e for % 6hile( T;=ONE--(st%res %t her8 fighting 6ith hi5self( >e st%55ers ,efensi:el4) / ,on't 'no6 6h%t 4ou're t%l'ing %bout( / ,on't

re5e5ber-3O0/E--(s%,l4) $o, bless 4ou( house() All right8 3i5( Neither ,o / then( $oo,-b4e8 %n, (0he turns %s if to go u2 the ste2s into the

T;=ONE--(st%55ers) 9%it8 3osieE (#o5ing to her) /'5 % li%rE /'5 % louseE Aorgi:e 5e8 3osie( / ,o re5e5berE /'5 gl%, / re5e5berE /'ll ne:er forget 4our lo:eE (>e 'isses her on the li2s() Ne:erE ('issing her %g%in) Ne:er8 ,o 4ou he%rE /'ll %l6%4s lo:e 4ou8 3osie( (>e 'isses her %g%in() $oo,-b4e--%n, $o, bless 4ouE (>e turns %6%4 %n, 6%l's ?ui#'l4 ,o6n the ro%, off left 6ithout loo'ing b%#'( 0he st%n,s8 6%t#hing hi5 go8 for % 5o5ent8 then she 2uts her h%n,s o:er her f%#e8 her he%, bent8 %n, sobs( >og%n #o5es out of her roo5 %n, st%n,s on to2 of the ste2s( >e loo's %fter T4rone %n, his f%#e is h%r, 6ith bitter %nger() 3O0/E--(sensing his 2resen#e8 sto2s #r4ing %n, lifts her he%,-,ull4) /'ll get 4our bre%'f%st in % 5inute8 A%ther( >O$AN--To hell 6ith 54 bre%'f%stE /'5 not % 2ig th%t h%s no other thought but e%tingE (then 2le%,ingl4) -isten8 ,%rlin'( All 4ou s%i, %bout 54 l4ing %n, s#he5ing8 %n, 6h%t / ho2e, 6oul, h%22en8 is true( &ut it 6%sn't his 5one48 3osie( / ,i, see it 6%s the l%st #h%n#e--the onl4 one left to bring the t6o of 4ou to sto2 4our ,%5ne, 2reten,ing8 %n, f%#e the truth th%t 4ou lo:e, e%#h other( / 6%nte, 4ou to fin, h%22iness--b4 hoo' or #roo'8 one 6%4 or %nother8 6h%t ,i, / #%re ho6D / 6%nte, to s%:e hi58 %n, / ho2e, he', see th%t onl4 4our lo:e #oul,--/t 6%s his t%l' of the be%ut4 he s%6 in 4ou th%t 5%,e 5e ho2e--An, / 'ne6 he', ne:er go to be, 6ith 4ou e:en if 4ou', let hi5 unless he 5%rrie, 4ou( An, if / g%:e % thought to his 5one4 %t %ll8 th%t 6%s the le%st of it8 %n, 6h4 shoul,n't / 6%nt to h%:e 4ou li:e in e%se %n, #o5fort for % #h%nge8 li'e 4ou ,eser:e8 inste%, of in this sh%nt4 on % lous4 f%r58 sl%:ing for 5eD (>e 2%uses--5iser%bl4) .%n't 4ou belie:e th%t's the truth8 3osie8 %n, not feel so bitter %g%inst 5eD 3O0/E--(her e4es still follo6ing T4rone--gentl4) / 'no6 it's the truth8 A%ther( /'5 not bitter no6( 1on't be %fr%i, /'5 going to le%:e 4ou( / onl4 s%i, it to 2unish 4ou for % 6hile( >O$AN--(6ith hu5ble gr%titu,e) Th%n' $o, for th%t8 ,%rlin'( A

3O0/E--(for#es % te%sing s5ile %n, % little of her ol, 5%nner) ginger-h%ire,8 #roo'e, ol, go%t li'e 4ou to be 2l%4ing .u2i,E

>O$AN--(>is f%#e lights u2 "o4full4( >e is %l5ost hi5self %g%in-ruefull4) ;ou h%, 5e 2unishe,8 th%t's sure( / 6%s thin'ing %fter 4ou', gone /', ,ro6n 54self in >%r,er's i#e 2on,( There 6%s this #onsol%tion in it8 / 'ne6 th%t the b%st%r, 6oul, ne:er loo' %t % 2ie#e of i#e %g%in 6ithout re5e5bering 5e( (0he ,oesn't he%r this( >er thoughts %re on the re#e,ing figure of T4rone %g%in( >og%n loo's %t her s%, f%#e 6orrie,l4--gentl4) 1on't8 ,%rlin'( 1on't be hurting 4ourself( (Then %s she still ,oesn't he%r8 he 2uts on his ol,8 fu5ing ir%s#ible tone() Are 4ou going to 5oon %t the sunrise fore:er8 %n, 5e 6ith the si,es of 54 sto5%#h 'no#'ing togetherD 3O0/E--(gentl4) 1on't 6orr4 %bout 5e8 A%ther( /t's o:er no6( /'5

not hurt(

/'5 onl4 s%, for hi5( M%4

>O$AN--Aor hi5D (>e bursts out in % fit of s5ol,ering r%ge() the bl%#'est #urse fro5 the 2it of hell-3O0/E--(6ith %n %nguishe, #r4) 1on't8 A%therE / lo:e hi5E

>O$AN--(subsi,es8 but his f%#e loo's sorro6ful %n, ol,--,ull4) / ,i,n't 5e%n it( / 'no6 6h%te:er h%22ene, he 5e%nt no h%r5 to 4ou( /t 6%s life / 6%s #ursing--(6ith % tr%#e of his n%tur%l 5%nner) An,8 be $o,8 th%t's % 6%ste of bre%th8 if it ,oes ,eser:e it( (then %s she re5%ins silent--5iser%bl4) Or 5%4be / 6%s #ursing 54self for % ,%5ne, ol, s#he5ing fool8 li'e / ought to( 3O0/E--(turns to hi58 for#ing % te%sing s5ile) -oo' out( / 5ight s%4 A5en to th%t( (gentl4) 1on't be s%,8 A%ther( /'5 %ll right-%n, /'5 6ell #ontent here 6ith 4ou( (for#ing her te%sing 5%nner %g%in) 0ure8 li:ing 6ith 4ou h%s s2oilt 5e for %n4 other 5%n8 %n46%4( There', ne:er be the s%5e fun or e+#ite5ent( >O$AN--(2l%4s u2 to this--in his fu5ing 5%nner) There'll be e+#ite5ent if / ,on't get 54 bre%'f%st soon8 but it 6on't be fun8 /'5 6%rning 4ouE 3O0/E--(for#ing her usu%l re%#tion to his thre%ts) O#h8 ,on't be thre%tening 5e8 4ou b%,-te52ere, ol, ti#'( -et's go in the house %n, /'ll get 4our ,%5ne, bre%'f%st( >O$AN--No6 4ou're t%l'ing( (>e goes in the house through her roo5( 0he follo6s hi5 %s f%r %s the ,oor--then turns for % l%st loo' ,o6n the ro%,() 3O0/E--(her f%#e s%,8 ten,er %n, 2it4ing--gentl4) M%4 4ou h%:e 4our 6ish %n, ,ie in 4our slee2 soon8 3i58 ,%rling( M%4 4ou rest fore:er in forgi:eness %n, 2e%#e( (0he turns slo6l4 %n, goes into the house() (.urt%in)


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