By Abdulrahim Al Batashi (Student Id: 4440)

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By AbdulRahim Al Batashi (Student ID: 4440)

Task-1 Introduction- About the Company

Al-Maher Petroleum Products Marketing Company was pioneered by the long time vision of Mr. Herald Mc-Queen, the chaiman of the comapny in 1993. The company was in progress and has been recognized over many years to have its harvest of its activities as the largest companies prevalent in the homeland through its extended stations and multiple services such as shops and auto services, Al-Maher smart cards service and refuelling for aircraft. The Company has a significant concern on atmosphere, both in contributing support to the proficient authorities or in the endowment of products and services which a should not pollute the environment, taking its capital in the services of economic growth, community services and development. The amenities of the Company reached to the heart of the Omani desert, the high mountains and in places which are tough to access, thus becoming a strategic partner in the development and support of everything that would serve the nation and the citizens. The main business of Al-Maher petroleum is the sales fuel through filling stations. At present, it has 1290 employees work in 163 filling stations around Oman. Al Maher company wants to implement a HRMS system. HRMS System is about developing the Management System in Al-Maher Petroleum Filing Stations to manage the Human resources, which will solve many problems that existing in Manual system of attendance marking, Leave & Timesheet management etc., which is going to help the employees in head office HR department to keep track of the daily attendance of the employees which in turn can save lots working hours in filling station and money with a high quality for work and services. This project will contain different fields such as: New Employee registration, Time sheets, and leave Management. The system is developed by using Visual Basic 6 as front end tool and MS access database as Back end database which is easy for the user to deal with it. HRMS allows editing and storing employees information, recording employees attendance and overtime reports. Moreover, it will allow the company employees to record their sign in and sign out times, throughout the day. The system allow the HR administrator to enter his/her user name and password then will open another window where the administrator can add department, new employee, getting attendance report and payment report or pay slips. Also, he/she can create backup of database. In addition, this system allows

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HR Manager to enter his/her user name, password and secret word then will open another window where he can record the times which will be saved in the database.

Investigation of the purpose of the Implementation of HRMS The company is now facing many challenges as it uses a manual system for Employee registration, time sheet management and leave management. Manual system is producing in many problems. For example, when the new employee joined the work in filling station he must fill a registration forms which take long time to complete. Moreover, these forms are saved saved in file box which take a big space in filing room and will not be cleared day by day. Another problem is when the administrator wants to search about employee related information it will take a long time in searching the filling room from file to file. In addition, every month all filling stations send a salary statement with five pages for each station by fax to get approved from HR Manager which means the company receives more than 1000 pages which they need to resend it again to filling station after verification. The current situation in the Al Maher Petroleum Company is that, there is no computerized system that can record employee time in and time out and other log details. And this system was done manually. A huge man hour is wasted for keeping the employee records up to date.

Task - 3 Challenges & Issues

a) Employee Log in details are recorded on a Log in Card manually Every day when the employees come to the filling station they have to sign in on the paper and same thing in leaving time. So there is no security, the paper may lose easily. There is delay to get attendance report for each employee by human resource department. If someone showed up five minutes late, they would just write down the time they were supposed to arrive. So there is a possibility of malpractice in making time in and time out because its just signing on papers. b) In accuracy of the accounts department

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If there happens a manipulation/cheating in time in and time out, surely there can be in appropriate decision making in paying salaries, overtimes and holidays thus by losing the companys money.

The above said 2 main issues had to be taken care while implementing the HRMS as this plays a vital role in the Pay roll preparation of the employees. The challenges were fully taken care by a detailed system study using SDLC techniques. Proposed System This system is targeted for human resources departments. It will be used by two entities, Human resources managers (HRM) and the different company employees. For the HRM, it will allow editing and storing employees information, getting attendance report, working hours calculation and recording employees attendance (Time sheet). Moreover, it will allow the company employees to record their sign in and sign out times, throughout the day. So, in order to simplify this task the researcher thought of developing a new client server application system (computerized system) for my company to give stable solutions for all problems in manual system. It will be much easier and helpful for the user in the company to perform with high quality work and services. This system will use modern techniques such as the electronic punching of the employees using the advanced Punching machine for saving time and having more accurate results with no place for any human error/intervention or any data loss. The system will be more secure because no one can login except the authorized employee such as Station incharges, HR Managers protected with unique ID and password. Thus the information that the user need will be made available any time with the help of HRMS. Main challenge during development: To design and develop a software system for the Human resource management in the Al Maher Petroleum Products marketing company. HRMS aims to attain the following objectives through developing the new system Objectives to be achieved by implementing the HRMS system: a) The system should be able to maintain all employees information(Add, edit, delete, append) b) It should be able to provide the interface to record the time in and time out for each employee
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c) It should be able to generate report of employee attendance and worked man hours including Overtime and under time details. d) It should save time and huge Volume of papers and stationeries by exporting the reports in to various formats (.doc, .xls etc. ). e) Create a facility to search about any information about any employee in any time using advanced search techniques. f) To make all information in this company in secure by using this System using secured login sessions. g) The system will be able use modern techniques in his development step like electronic punching to take employees attendance. HRMS -System Scope: The system is a simple window based attendance system developed for office use. There are some of the modules included in the developed system that listed as below: a) Admin sign in and sign out b) Admin password change options c) HRMS setting up control panel d) View, Add, edit, delete, append employee records e) Registration form for new employees f) View employees working time, total of employees who works over time, g) Total of employees man-hours (Effective Working Hours) that are wasted, total of leaves that applied. h) HRMS will convert the daily available employee log details and the leave applications in to the computerized format. i) Timesheet will be maintained digitally and the Overtime and under time is calculated so that if any under time recorded for an employee, will be automatically adjusted with the Over Time and annual leave. j) List of leave applied by the employees and various reports generated. k) Print reports as reference l) Export the reports generated in different Document format that can be used by the accounts department. m) Employee Timesheet management n) Apply leave and check leave o) Employee change password
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Out-of-Scope Full Pay roll calculation is not in the scope of HRMS as it is not covering the duty of the accounts department. The biometric devices or other real time attendance devices will not be deployed in the HRMs as it requires a huge investment for the company.

Challenges during the Implementation Phase

Selecting right HRMS vendor: The assortment of software vendor is the most perilous of all the decisions. A fruitful ERP vendor is not always the best provider of an HR solution. A seller with experience of evolving most of the solutions related to human resource, whether in the personnel or aptitude organisation areas or other processes associated with HR, propositions a better choice. And if such a vendor has the strength of operating latest technology & a vision to observe the future needs of HR fraternity, he may rate the highest on the scale. Mere branding of the products does not really mean the excellence, though it does carry a sophisticated price tag. Furthermore, a retailer extending complex solutions, for which special skills may be needed for initial data entry, maintenance & conception of management reports, need not be valued in a great manner. The IT manager of Al-Maher Company spends some valuable time in investigating to select the right vendor for developing the HRMS software solution. Burden of responsibility There exists a fallacy that introduction of HRMS can release HR Manager of all responsibilities. To great extent, HRMS can free up HR Manager from transactional tasks. However, it also brings with it a new set of errands to ensure that the software is being used and applied correctly. The onus of co-operating with the software vendor and ensuring successful deployment lies with the customer HR manager. Over expectations Because of overstating on the outcomes of HRMS software, incompletely by the media and partially by the marketing departments of software vendors, organizations have developed larger-than-life prospects from the software solutions. When the solutions are unable to provide these over-expectations, the clients feel to lose credibility in the vendors. The only way out is either pre-sales discussions or a clear statement of user opportunities in the form of a Request for Proposal (RFP) document, to which the vendor replies as per the capacity of his solution, including the added effort required for customization, if the same is technically practicable.

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Resistance to change Staffs at the client location are attitudinally persuaded to use only the prevailing system. They enjoy the loopholes in the processes, more over the incapacity of a manual system to track progress. Therefore, they offer great resistance to change, particularly if the change calls for the acquisition of new skills by the employee. Their confrontation to change leads to lack of enthusiasm and co-operation in efficaciously executing software systems. The burden of responsibility for change management lies utterly with the client, but some traders do offer HR consultancy as a enhancement to their solutions. Few non-IT savvy employees resisted the quick change of the system since they were comfortable with the old system. Training Requirements HRMS software might have a entirely new interface, large number of roles and specially configured workflows. It may demand users to exhibit some level of expertise in understanding the technology solution. Once faced with the new software, user involvements anxiety and may display distress in using the system. Such anxiety can result in lingering ignorant of several features, thus denying to you the benefit of full usage of the software. A rigorous training is required by all the Non-IT savvy people to get an idea how the syem is to be effectively used. Configuration and Data transformation Organizing software to an organizations need and transporting data from existing database to new HRMS is another issue that needs to be handled carefully. The existing data may be whichever on paper or excel files or in some other form of database. Due to ignorance by employees at client location, the data may not enter the new system in the desired manner, thus obstructing the smooth and efficient operational of the system, also creating an account of bugs. Best solution to this malady is for the Retailer to acquire data from the client as per a standard template, authenticate it with a program and contemplate initial data entry as a service offered to the customer. Software Errors and Bugs Bugs, error and occasions for enhancement are essential part of software. Wanting HR Software to be picture-perfect and deprived of any errors/ lapses is unfair. These bugs need not scare people since these can be resolved through mutual cooperation between the dealer and client. After settled, they do not reappear. Though, if new bugs surface with higher levels of exploitation of the software, these should be taken as cheering signals both by the client and the vendor.

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Work Flow Changes Once you install HRMS software, you also install some groundbreaking worldwide accepted HR observes and workflows. If you have these habits for the first time, some of the members in your organization may not feel relaxed with the changes, specifically the change of work flow. Solution: The Al Maher Company has overcame this issues by providing a systematic training schedule by the IT department of the Company comprising of the IT manager and the support executives during the evening session for a period of one Week. Also, the existing data entry has been completed with the help of out sourced data entry operators on a contract basis.

Task -4 Importance and Benefits of the HRMS system

The rewards of having a sophisticated HRMS are many. An HRMS watched by qualified authorities who know technology and HR functional and tactical processes can manage acquiescence with federal and state laws, rationalize processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for internal and external use. Other compensations of an HRMS include the ease of use for qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of material and the ability to perform HR audits using any combination of constraints. The worker and manager self-service structures are outstanding ways to free up the time of your human resources staff members for project work and other duties. Workforces and managers can discover answers and information swiftly without the need to consult an HR characteristic every time.

Ease of Use - Some of the aids of using human resource information systems are palpable. By substituting the intricate, ancient methods of paper filing with an easy to steer computer system, you'll save countless hours of work. There's no more penetrating for a specific employee's payroll information from eight months ago-a simple search or a few clicks of your mouse and you'll have the information at your fingertips.

Automation - Most of the most communal purposes your HR department executes can take up more time than you comprehend. One of the main benefits of using human resource information systems is that you can mechanise many of these duties. Payroll, for example, can take hours to figure out, key in information, and print or deposit checks.

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An HRMS can do most of the work robotically at planned times, giving you or your HR people more time to focus on other substances.

Reports and Data - One of the important doles of using human resource information systems in your business is the absolute amount of data that can be catalogued, and the ability of the system to bring reports to you quickly and accurately. Your system will house virtually all data relating to your company. From hiring records, tax information, insurance benefits, employee attendance, and much more. You can view detailer reports on countless dissimilar areas of your business with a few mouse clicks. For example, if you have a new job opening you can hastily review the applications in file and find the applicant who fits the job the best. Or you can examine reports specifying attendance records for all of your employees, letting you see how inspired your workforces are.

Benefits Administration - A prodigious company offers their employees with benefits such as insurance or Medical reimbursement. Research proposes that most applicants select where to submit their resumes based on benefits, pay, and advancement opportunities. But handling those benefits can be time taking. Staffs will want to examine the position of their benefits or any changes in their policy. Rather than taking up their time and the time of your HR workers, they can log into a section of your HR system and check on their own benefits without uninteresting down efficiency.

These are a few of the benefits of using HRMS. Employing a system at your business may very well be one of the best things you can do. At the very tiniest it will rationalize your HR department, abridging many processes while giving you a wealth of data you can use to strategize with. In short, it will help you take your business into the future.

Task-5 Critical Analysis SWOT Analysis

In SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, the forecaster first observes into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses. The analyst does the appraisal of the environment in which the business unit operates and identifies opportunities presented by that environment and the intimidations posed by that environment. The subsequent lists show questions that an analyst would ask in conducting a SWOT analysis.
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The Company has got a strong IT Infrastructure set-up. The Company has got it strong market share in the Petroleum Sector. The senior management of the company has a clear vision and mission about the future market of the company.


The senior staffs are not Computer Savvy. The typographical mistakes need to be avoided in all the entries. Huge amount has spent on purchasing the Software and the IT Infrastructure development.


In 2014, the Oil and Gas market is expecting a growth of 30% New Oil fields have been explored by the GIS Scientists. The company is expected to have a dedicated Leased Line for the internet communication


The competitors like Oman Oil and Shell are also planning implement the HR System The Young employees are frequently quitting their Job for better opportunities in the similar Companies. 100% Job Omanization is expected to the company by 2016 where as its 30 % employees are well experienced expatriates.

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Conclusion The main aim of design this project is developed a computerized system that called Al-Maher Petroleum Filing Stations Management System to do all process in perfect ways. This aim is coming by following some steps which include data gathering; analyze data, system design, system development, testing and development, testing and evaluation, System Implementation, and Documentation. So this project will tend benefit for Al-Maher Petroleum Company by organizing all work.

Today, large organizations need computerized Time and Attendance systems to effectively manage their workforces. The challenges of budget constraints and constantly changing laws and regulatory requirements make a Time and Attendance system an absolute necessary. But organizations must be prepared for the complexity of the implementation and the financial and resource commitments that will be necessary.

After implementing the HRMS, the companys daily work flow has tremendously improved which in turn makes the pay roll preparation much faster and easier. ********************

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References Books: Strategic Information Management: Challenges and Strategies in Managing Information Systems [Paperback],Robert D. Galliers , Dorothy E. Leidner (2005) Projects in Computing and Information Systems: A Student's Guide(2006) - Christian W. Dawson A Practical Guide to Information Systems Strategic Planning, Second Edition, Anita Cassidy (2008) Websites:



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