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The Real Woman Question

Give us more freedom, give us our own rights, and treat us as e ual are !ust some of the wishes women had in "i#torian era, and wishes the$ have even toda$% In #ontem&orar$ literature, that's (nown as the woman uestion% It would seem, #onsidering how mu#h energ$ the$ &ut into a#hieving this, that all their life &roblems would be gone on#e the$ a#hieve that so desired status of e ualit$ and the$ would live an id$lli# life% )ut, from m$ &ers&e#tive, the real woman uestion is are these eman#i&ated women e*&loited b$ men or not+ ,an$ women li(e to #onsider themselves to be inde&endent of men% The$ laud their freedom, inde&enden#e, e ualit$, in some #ases even su&rema#$, a#hievements and so on% -or them, being able to wor( in a fa#tor$ or in some #or&oration is the &inna#le of their whole histor$% )ut, is that so+ .on't the$ ever thin( that the$ are !ust fooled to thin( so+ When was a woman more e*&loited b$ man, subtl$ for#ed to do what the$ want and to fulfill their desires if not toda$+ The$ should stand for a minute, get out of their wonderland, whi#h the$ #reated in their minds, and loo( around themselves% The$ should dig dee& into this &roblem, in order to see the underl$ing &roblems, to realize their real status% /nd that is the e*&loitation of women% The$ are na0ve if the$ thin( that if some of them are 123s or ministers or whatever else, that the$ have a#hieved e ualit$% -or women in /meri#a, e ualit$ is still an illusion is one of the headlines in The Washington 4ost% In that arti#le, 5essi#a "alenti sa$s6 We have no &roblem #ondemning atro#ities done to women abroad, $et too man$ of us in the 7nited 8tates ignore the o&&ression on our doorste&% We're suffering under the mass delusion that women in /meri#a have a#hieved e ualit$% /nd wh$ not 99 it's a feel9good illusion% We #r$ with 3&rah and laugh with Tina -e$: we wor( and ta(e #are of our #hildren: we wat#h 8e#retar$ of 8tate ;illar$ Rodham 1linton and 7%<% /mbassador 8usan Ri#e &roudl$ and sigh with relief, believing we've #ome so far% )ut we're bas(ing in a =girl &ower= moment that doesn't e*ist 99 it's a mirage of e ualit$ that we've been du&ed into believing is the real thing%> /nd this is one of the ma!or &roblems women fa#e toda$% The$ are served with some e*am&les in the mass media, whi#h the$ &raise and some even rise to the status of deit$, while the truth remains that most of them are not even #lose to e ualit$, even in the so #alled demo#rati# and advan#ed #ountries li(e 78/ and German$% The$ should !ust ta(e a loo( at wages that women re#eive and wages that men re#eive, for the same !obs, and it would all be #lear% It ta(es great #ourage to be honest and a##e&t the truth, and that's what women la#( toda$% Well, now some of them #ould argue that, even though that there is e ualit$ still &resent, that the$ have more rights and more o&&ortunities% /nd indeed, the$ do have more o&&ortunities, but
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o&&ortunities to do what+ In m$ o&inion, the$ are given more o&&ortunities to &lease men and our desires% The$ #an a&&ear half9na(ed in almost ever$ #ommer#ial, on ever$ fla$er and banner, the$ #an be our se#retaries, the$ #an do hard labor in fa#tories, and the$ #an still #an that an a##olade% 8u#h is the nature of these troubled women% )ut who #ould blame them% Western so#iet$ has been o&&ressing them for so mu#h, even not allowing them to en!o$ in se*ual inter#ourse, that the$ even &er#eive su#h things as being a se*ual i#on as freedom% We are all humans, we li(e to fool ourselves, it is mu#h easier to live that wa$, in an imaginar$ world, full of imaginar$ rights and e ualities and su&rema#$, rather that fa#e the bitter truth and deal with it% It is obvious that women don't have the ne#essar$ #ourage to deal with their &roblems in a serious manner, instead the$ o&t to fool themselves with these laughable ideas of e ualit$ and women rights% The #old truth is that the$ are still o&&ressed and e*&loited, even if the$ refuse to believe it% Women, sto& behaving li(e a #hild whi#h, on#e $ou tell him that 8anta is not real, still e*&e#ts him to bring &resents ever$ $ear and !um& into his house through #himenea%

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