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Local Entrepreneur pulls off best CEO Another one bites the dust indeed for our fellow

Young Filipino Entrepreneur Carlo Sampan as he became the recipient of the Best CEO Award in the freshly concluded Ecopreneur International Business Competition held in laanbatar! "ongolia# $he %&day competition from 'une ()&** too+ place with the theme ,-lanet first. with the aim of promoting business ideas formulated by green entrepreneurs or simply those who are in/ol/ed in eco& friendly businesses to introduce /arious inno/ati/e thoughts internationally# $he pool of participants were aged between (0&%1 years old and had a total of 2* teams from *3 countries including 4ussia! -eoples5 4epublic of China! $aiwan! India! "alaysia! Argentina! "e6ico! 'apan! Singapore! "ongolia! $ur+ey! -hilippines and Costa 4ica# "oreo/er! inno/ation e6perts from nited States of America! 'apan! $aiwan! Spain! 7ew 8ealand! Israel! South 9orea! $ur+ey! :ambia! Indonesia and "alaysia ha/e come as ;udges and ad/isors of the competition# But among all inno/ati/e ideas! it was Sampan5s ,mean green campaign that pre/ailed and ga/e him the title Best CEO# $he said campaign consisting of clear and creati/e business model and framewor+ got him through the finals! and was commended for the response to the ;udges5 in<uiries# -ortion of the pri=e was to represent the country in the succeeding international competitions under the :lobal $IC organi=ation# >e was a product of the ni/ersity of the -hilippines and too+ up Bachelor of Science in Community ?e/elopment! and later ac<uired his "aster5s ?egree in "ar+eting Communications in ?e La Salle ni/ersity# $he concept of @Ecopreneur5 is deri/ed from @Entrepreneur5! meaning business cle/erness and s+ills# $hus! ecopreneur specifies entrepreneurs who run the eco& friendly business acti/ities! understanding the relations between en/ironment! society! and human beings# In order to bring the new concepts of ecopreneurs and to ma+e it fundamental point and philosophy for the "ongolian entrepreneurs! "ongolian 7ational Chamber of Commerce and Industry is promoting and collaborating the Ecopreneur program# Ecopreneurs use their business for the benefit of the en/ironment# $hey sell and create eco&friendly products and ser/ices# $heir main goal is to sa/e the planet from the total destruction# Some of their concerns areA re&greening of the Earth! restoration of degraded land! cleansing the air! minimi=ing the production of waste! reduction of ha=ardous chemical usage! pro/iding a safe home! promoting health! and preser/ing the ecological and cultural wonders of planet# >owe/er! ecopreneurs go beyond organic! beyond compliance to laws and regulations Bor redefine themC! beyond consumerism! beyond minimum wages and beyond the free mar+et economy to conduct business# Entrepreneurs become ecopreneurs when their spirit! boldness! courage and determination not only transform the landscape but

coalescence into a mo/ement to transform global problems into opportunities for restoration and healing# After tal+ing with thousands of ecopreneurs o/er the past decade! we5/e disco/ered <uite a few distinguishing characteristics reflected in the chart to the right# Additionally! ecopreneurs seem to be more focused on cooperation and collaboration than competition as the means to get ahead in the world# $hat5s why so many form inno/ati/e partnerships or creati/e interdependencies with fellow ecopreneurs D ;ust as in nature# nli+e the entrepreneurs! they /alue life more than moneyE their focus is on the benefit that the en/ironment will recei/e rather than their return of in/estment# In the end! ecopreneurs are all about ma+ing a difference for the planet! fellow citi=ens! and our community# Ecopreneurs generate re/enues to run their business based on their passion to ma+e the world a better place# 7ot! as the late "ilton Friedman e6poundedA to ma+e profits for a relati/ely few shareholders# $he competition was organi=ed under the :lobal $IC B$alentpreneur! Inno/ation and CollaborationC! which holds /arious business competitions in the nited States of America! Asia! and South America#

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