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FIK 3042: English for Communication II Details of the on-line forum discussion 5 marks will be awarded for each

discussion topic 5 marks X 8 topics = 40marks Students have to post their responses to each of the discussion topic. 1 mark will be awarded. Students have to also comment on 4 of their coursemates responses. 4 mark will be awarded. !ull marks will be awarded based on the "ualit# of the response and comments for each post i.e. the responses and comments must have content. $esponses and comments such as %&ell done'() %* a+ree with #ou( and %,ood -ob'( will not be awarded an# marks.

General Communication on schedules and other administrative matters Forum Title 1 1. Children nowadays are lack of physical activities due to electronic games and on-line games. Provide some suggestions on how to encourage children to be more physically active. Moderator : an !a"lini binti #thman

Forum Title $ $. Teachers should utili"e technology to develop children%s creativity in the lessons. &iscuss. Moderator : an !a"lini binti #thman

Forum Title ' '. !astering more than one language other than (nglish and )ahasa !alaysia among teachers should be encouraged. *ow can this benefit the teaching and learning in the classrooms+ Moderator : an !a"lini binti #thman

Forum Title , ,. -pending time with our children is more precious than spending money on them. &iscuss. Moderator : an !a"lini binti #thman

Forum Title . .. !oral values among students are declining nowadays. &o you agree+ Provide some

evidence to support your answer. Moderator : an !a"lini binti #thman

.ontoh /awapan forum

*ow to encourage children to be more physically active Posted By : /amri )in !ahyeddin 0&$111$1,12'34 Date posted : $3 !ar $11' 125$,5$6 P! 0. read7s4
When today's parents reflect on their childhood, many likely recall seemingly endless days spent playing outdoors. But when today's kids become tomorrow's parents, chances are their recollections won't recall nearly as much time spent idling the days away under the sun. The researchers surveyed school-aged children in Malaysian and found that obesity is independently associated with time spent playing electronic games and time spent watching television. learly, children will not get the e!ercise they need if they avoid the playground or ball field and spend all of their time watching television or playing electronic games. "o, how do we get parents and children to focus on physical fitness# We know it's not always easy to get kids to be more physically active but parents and caregivers can encourage children to be more physically active by limiting screen time, removing televisions from bedrooms, and encouraging their children to play outside after school. When doing so, parents and caregivers need to remind their kids of the many choices in physical activities. $emember that physical activity should be fun. %ot every child is the same in terms of athletic ability. While some kids are capable of more strenuous activities, others need to begin with more weight-apprppriate activities that are &ust fun and &ust as vigorous. 'hysical activities can easily be adapted to meet individual abilities and create a healthier lifestyle. "et a positive e!ample, kids, especially younger children, look up to their parents and often try to emulate what Mom and (ad are doing. 'arents can make the most of that adoration by setting a positive e!ample and being physically active themselves by leading an active lifestyle yourself, and make physical activity part of your family's daily routine such as designating time for family walks or playing active games together. )ach day, we can successfully confront the childhood obesity epidemic by getting children to leave the television or electronic game alone for awhile and getting parents and educators back to the basics of physical e!ercise.

Children nowadays are lack of physical activities due to electronic games and on-line games. Provide some suggestions on how to encourage children to be more physically active. Posted By : !oh 8ong Chung 0&$111$1,,9'94 Date posted : $, !ar $11' 135195,2 P! 01$ read7s4

:mong the measures that could be taken for a child fueled become more physically active is to reduce the use of ;CT at home. Parents have an important role to determine the best time for their children. The first step that parents need to do is to establish an appropriate schedule so that the children in the home are not spent

with activities that do not produce sweat. :part from that< parents also play a role encouraging their children to play at home. To reali"e this< parents need to sacrifice to provide the necessary infrastructure and e=uipment. )adminton e>ample< the home page can be used as a ring< buy rackets and shuttlecocks. Parents should ensure their children participate in activities that are physically active. :mong physically active activity is ?silat%< swimming< hiking< and games such as football games. ;n addition children can do activities that nourish the body< they are also able to mingle with other friends.

Forum Title 1 5 1. Children nowadays are lack of physical activities due to electronic games and on-line games. Provide some suggestions on how to encourage children to be more physically active. Posted By : @##A-:B;!:* );@T; C:-P:@; 0&$11$1121$1'4 Date posted : 16 !ar $11' 195'25$1 P! 01, read7s4 Children nowadays lack physical activities due to electronic game and online games.This is a worrying development we as a parents. the latest technological developments have caused many children are not physically active. instead they prefer to browse through the internet games. most of the children who took part in the tests prefer playing computer games or watching television than going out to play with their peers as well as factors of parents are too busy with homework to ignore the growing childDs play. Thus< the lifestyle can not continue in the table to bring up children because it is feared may affect the development of childrenDs holistic and weight problems and obesity among children is also rampant. The growing rate of childhood obesity across the country has called attention to many childrens lack of e>ercise< television< video games and other activities have replaced the running< bicycling <sport and other physical activity. Back of e>ercise poses serious health risks for children. -o a few steps should be taken by parents to encourage their children to be physically active.The parents also play a role encouraging their children to play at home. To reali"e this< parents need to sacrifice to provide the necessary infrastructure and e=uipment. For e>ample the bike rider< ball< shuttlecocks<rackets and other. Parents should ensure their children participate in activities that are physically active. :mong activity physically is mild e>ercise< dance< earobik< swimming< hiking and others.

The traditional games that are becoming e>tinct also be populari"ed again as top . For e>ample kite games< ketengteng< polis santri and other. !any campaigns have been launched to encourage children to play and take full advantage of their e>pansion age game activities which may cause them to sweat because sweating important in a childDs development in a holistic manner. body fit will produce a healthy brain. (ncourage children to be more physically active Posted By : /aini ) /ulkifli 0&$111$1,$3$'4 Date posted : 13 !ar $11' 115..51' P! 01' read7s4 ;Dm agree that children nowadays have a lot of time infront of electronic games and on- line games.:s a result< there a lot of case that children are overweight. #verweight puts children to a medical problem including asthma< diabetes< high blood pressure and heart disease.:s a teacher and a father ini the same time< i should give a suggestions to encourage children to be more physically active. Children like toys. This toys include balls< bicycle< Eumps ropes and etc. Chidren who embrance this activities at this young age are more likely to continue doing so into adolescense and adulthood.;n the same time< reduce spent time infront of television. e should limit our children timeDs infront of television to one or two hours perday. :s a result have a lot of time to do physically activity. Physically activity should be fun. -o< to make sure the activity is fun< this might be nontraditional kids sports like cycling< Eogging or activities like dancing< hiking or even bird watching. :ttachment 5 @o File :ttach... F Aeply to This !essage F Print !essage F

Re : Encourage children to be more physically active Posted By : NOORSA !MA" B!N#! $ASPAN!

16 !ar $11' 195.6519 P! 13 !ar $11' 115..51' P!

Reply %aini B %ul&i'li #o : Attachment : No (ile Attach ; agree with the views of teachers say that children now have less physical activity because they are playing games over the internet. ith that can cause weight gain and eventually cause a variety of diseases. ;t is true< we should adopt a healthy

lifestyle in life the day.The spend some time in a day to do healthy activities with the family will maintain health as well as to strengthen the relationship in family. The free time playing with the kids like playing badminton< cycling< Eogging and other. To play games over the internet< our health may be affected. Aapt audience the computer screen can cause nerve eye damage. This is dangerous. From the physical activity that you must do to maintain our health.

Posted By : /GBF:&/B; );@ :)&GB A:*!:@ 0&$111$1.21.24 Date posted : 11 !ar $11' 115'$5.1 P! 0'3 read7s4 Current technology developments have resulted in many children spend time playing electronic games and online games.This becomes the child%s physical inactivity.This scenario is worrying many.Therefore<measures to overcome this problem felt was necessary.:mong the measures that could be taken for a child fuelled become more physically active is to reduce the use of ;CT at home.Parents have aan important role to determine the best time for their children. The first step that parents need to do is to establish an appropriate schedule so that the children in the home are not spent with activities that do not produce sweat. Provide opportunities for children to be active by playing with them. Give them active toys and e=uipment< and take them to places where they can be active. !ake physical activity fun. Find a physical activity that child finds fun and encourage his or her participation. This might be nontraditional kidsD sports like cycling or Eogging or activities like dancing< hiking or even bird watching. #nce a child e>hibits a healthy interest in a physical activity that you have deemed safe< encourage it. Fun activities can be anything the child enEoys< either structured or non-structured. They may range from team sports< individual sports< or recreational activities such as walking< running< skating< bicycling< swimming< playground activities< and free-time play. #ffer positive reinforcement for the physical activities in which articipates and encourage them as they e>press interest in new activities. -et a positive e>ample by leading an active lifestyle< and make physical activity part of family%s daily routine such as designating time for family walks or playing active games together. Find a convenient place to be active regularly. Cids< especially younger children< look up to their parents and often try to emulate what !om and &ad are doing. Parents can make the most of that adoration by setting a positive e>ample and being physically active themselves. Go for a nightly bike ride or a walk around the neighborhood with youngsters in tow. #r put that elliptical machine in the basement to good use. hatever physical activity you choose< u can bet children will e>press an interest in it as well< and thatDs a great way to make them more enthusiastic about having a healthy and active lifestyle. Bimit the time children watch television or play video games to no more than two hours per day. Aeduce time spent in front of the television. Parents who can effectively minimi"e the amount of time their child spends in front of the television< whether

reducing their time spent watching television or playing video games< will likely be more successful at instilling a love of physical activity as well. ;nstead< encourage children to find fun activities to do with family members or on their own that simply involve more activity walking< playing chase< dancing. (nsure that the activity is age appropriate and< to ensure safety< provide protective e=uipment such as helmets< wrist pads< and knee pads. ;t is recommended that children and adolescents participate in at least 21 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week< preferably daily. :ttachment 5 @o File :ttach... F Aeply to This !essage F Print !essage F

Re : )hildren no*adays are lac& o' physical activities due to 1, !ar $11' electronic games and on+line games "o* to encourage 1$5$65.3 P! children to be more physically active 11 !ar $11' Posted By : ,an Ma-lini binti Othman 115'$5.1 P! Reply %. (AD% ! B!N ABD. RA"MAN #o : Attachment : No (ile Attach Good suggestions and ; believe parents play a maEor role to avoid children from being addicted to on-line and video games. F Aeply to This !essage F Print !essage F

Re : )hildren no*adays are lac& o' physical activities due to 13 !ar $11' electronic games and on+line games "o* to encourage 1151'5$' :! children to be more physically active 11 !ar $11' Posted By : Muhammad /amil Bin 0usu' 115'$5.1 P! Reply %. (AD% ! B!N ABD. RA"MAN #o : Attachment : No (ile Attach :ssalamualaikum< and salam 1 malaysia< first of all< im agreed with your opinion about children nowadays are lack with outdoor activities. but here i would like to share my point of view how to make sure that our children can have an activities without force them to try a new activities that

they dont like it. here some suggestion< there is a few activities that parent and their children can do every weekend or once in 2 month< parent can bring their children to try fishing together or Eungle tracking. sometimes this activities can bring children interest in outdoor activities. it also give some rela>ing or relief to their mind. it also give them some adventuring activities. There also have some video games that include an outdoor e>perience to share with family members. it more like a virtual realities games. all this game are include in a console games for e>ample Play -tation ' 0P-'4. i think that we can try it sometimes. That only my opinion.

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Re : )hildren no*adays are lac& o' physical activities due to 13 !ar $11' electronic games and on+line games "o* to encourage 115135,1 P! children to be more physically active 11 !ar $11' Posted By : %aini B %ul&i'li 115'$5.1 P! Reply %. (AD% ! B!N ABD. RA"MAN #o : Attachment : No (ile Attach ;Dm agree with you that current technology developments have resulted in many children spend time playing electronis games and online games.This is not a good for their health. *ere are my opinions to make children love to do physical activiteis. (ncourage regular outdoor activities for children. Children naturally move more when they are outside. e should limit videoo game< televisions time < computers time not more than 1 or $ hours dailly. e can also provide outlets for activities. a swing set is good investments as a footbals< cycling <badmintin set <hulla-hop and Eump ropes. Children should be involved in school or comunity activites.

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Re : )hildren no*adays are lac& o' physical activities due to 16 !ar $11' electronic games and on+line games "o* to encourage 115$'51. P! children to be more physically active 11 !ar $11' Posted By : NOORSA !MA" B!N#! $ASPAN! 115'$5.1 P! Reply %. (AD% ! B!N ABD. RA"MAN #o : Attachment : No (ile Attach ; also agree with the teacher< we as parents must take appropriate measures so that our children are not e>cessive in the use of modern technology e=uipment to play games. &isadvantages play games over the ;nternet that we commonly hear and we know can distract. hen ;Dve got rid of the default can be more important time. ill be neglected. such as prayer< homework and studying will be neglected. )esides that can damage the eye. ;t is certainly not about games laptop< computer or television will damage your eyes if over .The life is slipshod. Certainly if youDre careless< slipshod life and messy. !any more< but for me it was from myself. ;f no self-discipline< good everything will be bad. Therefore< we must balance the life by doing physical activities so that our body will be healthy and able to carry out daily tasks with perfect. Please do activities that can produce sweat like running< playing chase will do. To be sure it is fun. ;f done with the family< certainly better and will strengthen the family.

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Re : Re : )hildren no*adays are lac& o' physical activities $9 !ar $11' due to electronic games and on+line games "o* to encourage 1151151. :! children to be more physically active 16 !ar $11' Posted By : M."AMAD R!D%.AN B!N "/1 !SMA! 115$'51. P! Reply NOORSA !MA" B!N#! $ASPAN! #o : Attachment : No (ile Attach ;Dm very agree with all the disadvantages listed. ;Dm Eust to add on the point. #ne of the key disadvantages that online gaming has is its inherent lack of physical personto-person contact. !any people find the online gaming world e>tremely addictive and can neglect personal relationships and family life in favor of playing online. *owever< many would argue that online gaming is a form of social contact in itself

where otherwise isolated people can connect with people all over the world and play< talk and form relationships they otherwise never would have had.

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