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Date / Day Class Time Number of students Students age Subject Specific topic General objective

: 20th January 2009 / Tuesday : 4 AK : 40 minutes ( 10.20-11.00) : 17 students : 16 years old : Mathematics : Forming quadratic expressions : Specific objectives : At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Form quadratic expressions based on specific situations

Instructional tools

: Handout activity, white board marker , manila card, flash card, chalk, black board

Science process skill : 1) Communicating between students and teacher in answering the questions given. Scientific attitudes & noble values : 1) Students dare to answer the questions given by the teacher based on their prior knowledge. 2) Students show cooperation between group members by discussing to get the accurate answer. 3) Students show cooperation to the teacher by following all the orders given and paying attention to teachers explanation..

Prior knowledge

Students have learned about:1) Expansion of algebraic expressions.

2) Identifying quadratic expressions 3) Multiplying linear expressions Teachers references : Lim Swee Hock, Chong Geok Chuan, Koo Seng Her, Samadi Hashim (2005). Mathematics Form 4 text book,

Darul Fikir, Kuala Lumpur.

Phase/ Step/ Time Induction set ( 3 minutes )

Content - Introduce students to the topic

Teachers activities - Teacher tell students a problem that relate to the topic.

Students activity - Students pay attention

Remark Aim: 1) Gain attention from students 2) Introduce students to the topic that they will learn

Step 1 -Forming quadratic ( 20 minutes) expressions from the problem and situation

1)Teacher gives general and simple examples to introduce to the subtopic forming quadratic expressions. The first example is to find the area of a rectangle.

1) Students listen carefully to the teachers explanation

Aim: 1) To get active students participation

(x + 1)

(x + 2)

Area = (x + 1) x (x + 2) = x(x+2) + 1(x+2) = x + 2x +x +2 =x +3x +2 2) From the example, teacher asks students whether they understand about the concept. Then teacher gives another simple example: (x+3) (x+1) (3x-1) Teacher asks students the formulas area for trapezium. Then, teacher shows how to solve the question. 3)For the next example, teacher 3) Students listen 2) Students answer teachers questions

shows a cylinder object to students. Teacher asks students to remember the formulas area for cylinder which is + For students better understanding, teacher explains the steps to get the solution by using the object.

carefully to the teachers explanation

Step 2 Drill and practice for ( 15 minutes ) students understanding

1)Teacher asks students to look at the examples in the text book. Teacher choose several questions that maybe quite hard for them and solve it together 2)Teacher discusses some of the questions and guides them to solve the questions.

1) Students listen carefully to the teachers explanation.

Aim : 1) Deliver information to the students. 2) To get active students participation. - Text book(Skill practice 2.1c)

2) Students discuss together with teacher

Conclusions ( 2minutes)

- To summarize the lessons today

1) Teacher asks students to make conclusion about the topic learnt. 2) Teacher revises the concept of quadratic expressions that they have learnt today.

1) Students try to make the conclusions on todays lesson

Aim: 1) To evaluate acquisition of students understanding on todays topic. -Text book (skill practice 2.1c)

ASSESSMENT : - Teacher asks students to do the questions in the text book.

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