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EAGLE Version 6 Update Information ================================== This file contains information for users of previous EAGLE versions.

Please read this file entirely if you are updatin from an EAGLE version prior to 6.!."# $A%&I&G' The data structure in this version is completely different from that in older versions# (nce you edit a file )ith version 6.* you )ill no lon er +e a+le to edit it )ith versions prior to 6."# PLEA,E -A.E /A0.UP 0(PIE, (1 2(U% 0U%%E&T /(A%345 ,06E-ATI04 A&3 LI/%A%241ILE, /E1(%E E3ITI&G T6E- $IT6 VE%,I(& 6."# $A%&I&G' A1TE% UP3ATI&G A&2 1ILE, PLEA,E %U& /(T6 A& ELE0T%I0AL %ULE 06E0. 7E%08 A&3 A 3E,IG& %ULE 06E0. 73%08# 2(U -A2 &EE3 T( A39U,T T6E 3E,IG& %ULE PA%A-ETE%, U&3E% :Edit;3esi n rules...: T( 2(U% ,PE0I1I0 &EE3,# ,EE AL,( T6E %E-A%., %EGA%3I&G %E,T%I&G, A&3 -I&I-U- 3I,TA&0E, /ET$EE& 0(PPE% A&3 3I-E&,I(&, U&3E% :3esi n %ules: /EL($# %elease notes for EAGLE 6.!." ============================= < 0onsistency 0hec=in ' 4 Added full consistency chec= of pac=a es to avoid misleadin informations used e. . for 3esi nLin=. 4 The ine>uality of part and element attri+utes or the a+sence of part attri+utes in the appropriate +oard element is no) treated as consistency error 7)as only an E%0 )arnin up to no)8. < 3esi n %ule 0hec=' 4 Increased ma*. thic=ness of the layer stac= cores to ?mm. < 3I-E&,I(& command' 4 &o) no snappin to o+@ects on definin if 0trl =ey pressed. < -EA&3E% command' 4 &o) smaller loops are possi+le if -EA&3E% is handlin < Installation' 4 $hen a ne) EAGLE version is installed5 no) a +ac=up file of the e*istin user settin s file is created 7.ea lerc.sav on Linu* and -A05 ea lerc.usr.sav on $indo)s8. 4 3efault assi nment of shortcuts moved from Aea le.scrA to e*tra script Adefault4assi n.scrA to avoid undesired over)ritin . The e*istin Aea leassi n.scrA5 )hich contains useful ULP shortcuts for li+rary editin 5 has +een renamed to Al+r4assi n.scrA. < -iscellaneous' 4 Added a ULP ea le4Bd.ulp from ,implified ,olutions Inc. for a connection to their a sin le si nal. the second 3I-E&,I(& point is done

online service of eneratin a B3 printin from an EAGLE +oard. 4 Added information a+out optional rid multiple in the coordinates display. 4 (nline help PA,TE from file' Added a section a+out +ehaviour of lo+al settin s li=e desi n rules etc. 4 %emoved suppression of dra)in previe) in control panel if the dra)in is already loaded in an editor. 4 0han ed the header section of GE%/E%C%,DEFG in the ea le.def fileH replaced the o+solete unit selection code :GE"<In: +y :JJ-(I&<JJIn: < /u fi*es' Avoid superfluous pinrefs of ULC&ET.pinrefs78. 1i*ed mirrorin of a poly on in si nal layers durin 0(P2. 1i*ed settin the radius of -ITE% in ea le.scr. Avoid ta+ characters in the dialo s of TEGT values 7they are not supported8. Increased the ed e appro*imation accuracy for emulatin circles 7e. . for distance calculations8. 4 1i*ed recalculatin the +oundin rectan le of a dra)in after rotatin a roup )ith a dimension o+@ect. 4 1i*ed movin the first )ire of a poly on to Kero len th. 4 ,=ippin poly on )ires )ith Kero len th )hile loadin dra)in s. 4 In the properties dialo of a part no) the ate name is displayed al)ays 7also if there is only one ate8. 4 1i*ed startin a ne) %(UTE )ith an auto4 enerated air)ire on a lon )ire. ,ometimes the dynamical air)ire led +y mista=e to the start se ment. 4 1i* for variant dialo in schematic' In case of parts of devices )ithout empty technolo y avoid )ron technolo y assi nment after chan e in variant dialo . 4 1i*ed updatin files from an older EAGLE version )ith special characters in a desi nrule name. 4 Avoid t)o +usses )ith identical name if renamed )ithin the properties dialo . 4 1i* for variant dialo in schematic' Proper support for settin the empty technolo y for a variant. 4 Update of attri+utes after 06A&GE PA0.AGE;TE06&(L(G2' If attri+ute values differ from old to ne) pac=a e;technolo y5 they are updated5 also if they have +een over)ritten in schematic and;or +oard. This fi*es an unintended +ehaviour that )as introduced in version 6.B. 4 Attri+ute dialo in +oard' Allo) deletion only for attri+utes defined only in +oard or if f;+ annotation is off 7ma=es +ehaviour identical to deletion +y command line8. 1i* for related pro+lem if there are lo+al attri+utes in schematic additionally. 4 Too= out (PTI-ILE entry from )ire conte*t menu for cases )here (PTI-ILE is currently not supported. 4 1i* for loss of stored approved 3%0 errors after savin the chan ed +oard )ithout ne) 3%0. 4 1i*ed dra)in of thin arcs )ith flat caps in Ger+er output. 4 1i* for inconsistency after %EPLA0E if a device )ith several ates at same position is involved. If previous and ne) ates donAt match +y ate names5 they are matched +y their sym+ol names. 4 1i* for insufficient accuracy of last rid settin s. 4 1i* for missin data reload after pac=a e update in li+rary editor. 4 1i*ed e*port of monochrome ima es for pads;vias. &o) the shape is considered dependin on layer visi+ility 7distinction inside;outside8. 4 1i* for crash durin conversion of a V! schematic that )or=ed in V! +ut contained some invalid data. 4 Installation on -A0 (,G M".?' 1i* for )ron file o)nership. 1iles no) have 4 4 4 4 4

root as o)ner and )rite access to roup. Additionally a chec= is done to avoid installation on no lon er supported (,G versions 7N M".68. 4 Added handlin of +lan=s in prefi*5 instance5 part5 element5 pinref and contactref names if updatin files from older versions. As +lan=s are not supported in V65 they are converted to ACA. 4 Previe) in 0ontrol Panel for schematic;+oards' -a=e e*plicit refresh )or= 7tri ered +y menu selection or =ey 1!8. 4 -easurement of si nal len th in -EA&3E% )ith hi her precision and indication of overflo) 7values O ca. 6E"" mm8. 4 1i* for not searcha+le P31 files printed from -A0 version. 4 1i*ed handlin of cutout poly ons in the same si nal. The cut is done in %AT,&E,T re ardless )here the cutout poly on +elon s to. 4 1i*ed settin the current editor rid if chan in the dra)in type in the li+rary editor 7device5 pac=a e5 sym+ol8. 4 Autorouter improvement for a trac= )here only a )ire split is missin . 4 1i* for AE*pand allA function for control panel trees 7tri ered +y A<A8. 4 Avoidin un@ustified chan es of te*t ali nment on la+els in a roup. 4 0(P2 of net or +us )ires' 0reation of a ne) se ment for the )ire copy if itAs endpoints are apart from the source se ment. 4 Improved error messa e for the case of renamin a part;element to a name that already e*ists5 +ut only in the correspondin dra)in of the 7consistent8 pro@ect pair. 4 Ar+itrary pad shapes' 1i* for special case )here pad poly on )as not reco niKed. 4 1i*ed chan in technolo y or pac=a e variant of a part to AA via the command line. 4 User4Lan ua e' &o) the li+rary conte*t is used properly if accessin ULC,-3.roundness. 4 1i*ed dra)in placeholder te*ts for pac=a es and sym+ols5 that contain no other o+@ects. 4 1i*ed handlin of lar er poly ons of ar+itrary pad shapes in the 3%0. 4 Added a ne) E%0 )arnin :,UPPL2 pin .. )ithout net: instead of the misleadin :&o pins on net ..: 4 ,earch help in A33 dialo ' 3istin uishin +et)een schematic 7device search8 and +oard 7pac=a e search8. 4 1i*ed handlin multiple pads connected to the same pin if used in devices )ith several ates. %elease notes for EAGLE 6.F." ============================= < Platforms' 4 Added support for -A0 (,G M".?. < 0ontrol Panel' 4 Added a search +ar for searches )ithin the control panel tree. ,earches can +e started via the conte*t menu of a folder or the pulldo)n menu. 4 3isplay of attri+utes in the previe) for devicesets. < User Lan ua e' 4 &e) ULP constants EAGLECPAT65 EAGLEC3I%5 EAGLEC6(-E and (,C,IG&ATU%E. 4 Added the mem+ers al)aysvectorfont and verticalte*t to ULC/(A%3 and ULC,06E-ATI0.

4 Added the mem+er ULCTEGT.linedistance. 4 Added ne) mem+ers dtype5 e*tlen th5 e*toffset and e*t)idth for ULC3I-E&,I(& 7see 3I-E&,I(& section8. < A33 command' 4 The A33 dialo no) has a chec=+o* that allo)s to include;e*clude pac=a es )ith pads in the search. 4 The A33 dialo of the schematic editor no) additionally displays attri+utes. There is also a field for searches )ithin attri+utes. < 3I-E&,I(& command' 4 The eneral settin s for dimension o+@ects have +een replaced +y individual properties for each dimension. This includes te*t siKe5 ratio5 unit5 precision5 line )idth and e*tension line properties. The properties can +e chan ed +y 06A&GE 3U&IT and 06A&GE 3LI&E. ThatAs also availa+le in the 06A&GE menu. Te*t properties can +e ad@usted li=e for any other te*t. 1or simplification some parameters li=e arro) len th or te*t offset are no lon er offered and internal defaults used. < General GUI improvements' 4 Added and ad@usted )ordin 5 tool tips and status tips of pulldo)n menus and all tool+ars. 4 Ta=en out :Paste from...: from Edit menu in schematic and +oard editor. The identical functionality is availa+le under 1ile;Import. 4 &e) options :(pen ,ym+ol:5 :(pen Pac=a e: and :(pen 3evice: availa+le from conte*t menu for part instances and elements to open the related li+rary entities from schematic or +oard. 4 Provided a +i er set of default =ey assi nments for fre>uently used commands +y e*tendin ea le.scr. The set of internally hardcoded function =eys has +een reduced. < Import;E*port' 4 Inte ration of the e*port of schematic and;or +oard li+raries into EAGLE GUI. &o) availa+le in 1ile menu under E*port;Li+raries 7a ne) ULP e*p4l+rs.ulp is used )hich replaces the e*istin e*p4pro@ect4l+r.ulp8. 4 &e) import4accel.ulp for import of dra)in s in A00EL A,0II format. This format can +e e*ported from P40A35 Altium and Protel to import dra)in s into EAGLE. 4 Under 1ile;Import there are no) su+ entries for EAGLE dra)in 7the e*istin :Paste from file: functionality8 and the ne) A00EL A,0II import. 4 &o) dimension o+@ects are handled in the d*f.ulp. 4 A num+er of further entries have +een provided in A1ile;ImportA and A1ile;E*portA )hich are handled +y e*istin ULPs. E*amples' E*port of 3G1 7d*f.ulp85 /(7+om.ulp85 6yperlyn* 7hyperlyn*.ulp85 import of +itmaps 7import4+mp.ulp8. < LT,pice connection on $indo)s' 4 Import of LT,pice schematics into EAGLE and e*port to LT,pice. 4 LT,pice is a schematic simulation tool for free and availa+le on $indo)s. If installed5 a simulation for an e*istin EAGLE schematic )ith automatic conversion can +e started from EAGLE. 4 Possi+ility to create EAGLE devices from LT,pice li+rary data throu h import of accordin pac=a es in PA3, format5 LT,pice sym+ols and connect lists.

< -iscellaneous' 4 &o) the ori ins of elements are printed a ain if their layer is active. 4 If a +us name has a synonym prefi*5 only that one )ill +e displayed to avoid too lon la+els. 4 ,upport U&3(;%E3( for approval;disapproval of E%0 and 3%0 errors. 4 A num+er of entries have +een added to AToolsA menu in schematic and layout editor. These tools are handled +y e*istin ULPs. E*amples' -ill outlines 7mill4outlines.ulp85 drill le end 7drille end4 stac=.ulp85 statistics 7statistic4+rd.ulp5 statistic4sch.ulp8. < /u fi*es' &o) the te*t in the 06A&GE TEGT dialo is initially selected a ain. 1i*ed 3%0 clearance calculation for poly ons )ith same ran=. Avoidin loss of precision )hen savin very small rid values. 0orrected chec= for too small rid entries from user. 1i*ed handlin of multiline te*t o+@ects in poly on calculation. 1i* for erroneous E%0 )arnin s in relation to parts of devices )ith predefined value 7attri+ute AVALUEA8. 4 0orrection in online help' VALUE command only availa+le in default assem+ly variant. 4 06A&GE PA0.AGE;TE06&(L(G2' Ensure update of li+rary attri+utes if they are displayed +ut havenAt +een chan ed in schematic or +oard. 4 1i*ed a crash if a part is replaced +y a device )ithout pac=a e. 4 1i*ed handlin of ar+itrary pad shapes in the 3%0. 4 Avoided a crash if mi*in the selection )ithin near+y o+@ects and te*tual input. 4 1i*ed a crash )hen doin a GATE,$AP )ith an uninvo=ed ate. 4 1i*ed potential crash on -A0 related to s)itchin +et)een editor )indo)s5 te*t )indo) or 0A- processor )indo). 4 1i*ed raphic issues on -A0 7display of popup menus8. 4 1i*ed handlin of dimensions in G-L re ardin e*tlen th and e*toffset. 4 1i*ed a crash in P%I&T command on $indo)s if a previously used net)or= printer is uninstalled and EAGLE restarted. 4 1i*ed f;+ annotation of attri+utes )hen copyin parts in the schematic. 4 1i*ed displayin the pad names in the device previe) of the A33 dialo . %elease notes for EAGLE 6.B." ============================= < Platforms' 4 Linu*' li+pn and li+@pe directly lin=ed into the e*ecuta+le to dependency and availa+ility of accordin system li+s. < 0ontrol Panel ; Previe)' 4 Previe) e*tensions for +oard and schematic. ,heet descriptions and siKe information are also displayed. 4 /eside file path indication of date and siKe of the currently selected file the status +ar. 4 Previe) for pac=a es' 3isplay a ruler to indicate the siKe. < User Lan ua e' et rid of 4 4 4 4 4 4


4 Added ne) User Lan ua e o+@ect mem+ers ULC3EVI0E.activetechnolo y5 ULC3EVI0E,ET.activedevice and ULCI&,TA&0E.part. 4 E*tended the User Lan ua e data type Astrin A to support unicode characters. 4 -odified handlin of the default assem+ly variant in ULPs' the function variant78 returns :AA: for this and the function setvariant78 can +e called )ith :AA: or ::. 4 &o) the o+@ects of :Ar+itrary Pad ,hapes: are availa+le in ULPs throu h the loop mem+ers ULC0(&TA0T.poly ons78 and ULC0(&TA0T.)ires78. < 06A&GE command' 4 Added missin option 3T2PE for dimension types.

< 3I-E&,I(& command' 4 ,election of rectan les and ori ins of elements or parts. 4 ,nap to o+@ects on definin the second dimension point. < TEGT command' 4 &o) te*t o+@ects can contain more than one line. Line distance can +e set. &ote' (lder V6 versions can read these te*ts +ut not display them correctly. < -iscellaneous' 4 &o) the editor for descriptions can edit different lan ua es if e*istin . En lish and the current local lan ua e are al)ays availa+le. 4 &o) duplicate layer names are tolerated for compatili+ility reasons 7even thou h they should not +e used8. 4 3esi nLin=' ,earch te*t field no) )ith history5 filterin of results. 4 To avoid confusion5 editin the coordinates of rotated rectan les in the Properties dialo is no lon er allo)ed. 4 P0/ >uote service' 4 Puote parameters no) o to ElementMF5 )here re ional specific partners are offered. 4 Parameters for assem+ly service )ere added. 4 Added a )arnin if chan in the assem+ly variant in the 0A- Processor. 4 &o) +oards are stored )ith proper data of the current assem+ly variant. 4 %educed line )idth 7".Fmm8 if dra)in the mar=in AGA of not populated parts. 4 Add )idth and hei ht in the Properties dialo for rectan les. 4 Improved attri+ute dialo of devices to allo) addin ne) attri+utes )ith empty values via the command line. < /u fi*es' 4 1i*ed unnecessary )arnin s a+out coarse rid values if pastin directly into the +oard. 4 Avoid inconsistency in case ,ch.0md.Add.Al)aysUse3evice&ameAsValue set to M if the part value is cleared later. 4 1i*ed PI&,$AP' ensure proper relocation of already routed )ires on pads. 4 1i*ed an inconsistency' do not allo) PI&,$AP or GATE,$AP if an affected pin is connected to several pads. 4 1ormal correction of ea le.dtd 7comments not allo)ed inside AATTLI,TA8. 4 Attri+utes )ith reserved names 7li=e A&A-EA5 AVALUEA etc.8' 4 Prevention of creation of such attri+utes e*cept AVALUEA in li+rary editor. Parts;elements from devices )ith this attri+ute ta=e over the attri+ute value as part;element value. The attri+ute itself is no lon er accessi+le. 4 The VALUE attri+ute is also used in case of 06A&GE pac=a e;technolo y or %EPLA0E +y a device )ith such an attri+ute.

4 Prevention of chan in of smashed reserved placeholder te*ts +y ATT%I/UTE command' In this case the attri+ute list of the part or element is displayed instead. 4 Improved dra)in precision for arcs. 4 Prevention of creation of poly ons )ith only t)o points and overlappin )ires. 4 1i*ed connectivity of net;+us )ires or @unctions if added to a roup )ith ctrl4clic= and movin this roup. 4 1i*ed movin a roup containin a poly on from one schematic sheet to another. 4 Avoid inconsistency if copyin parts )ith assem+ly variants. 4 The ali nment point of a dimension o+@ect is no) automatically ad@usted after chan es +y the Properties dialo . 4 0orrection of online help 7function *mlelement788. 4 1i*ed unintentional chan es of mirrored state after placin a te*t on specific layers 7li=e &ets8. 4 Added U&3(;%E3( of P%E1IG chan es 7incl. mar=in file chan ed in li+rary editor8. 4 0reation;deletion of attri+utes' Ensure proper redisplay of elements and instances5 also after U&3(;%E3(. 4 &o) the name of the desi n rules is stored in the +oard file a ain. 4 1i*ed poly on representation in si nal layers after -ITE% or ,PLIT. 4 Prevention of movin a te*t of a smashed instance to another sheet )ithout the instance itself. 4 1i*ed chec= +o* Aover)rites device nameA in the Properties dialo of elements. 4 Added missin info for AInner;(uter Layer 3iam.A in the Properties dialo of vias. 4 &o) the poly on parameters Thermals and (rphans are only availa+le if applica+le 7in the +oard editor8. 4 1i* for hi hli htin pins;pads at )ron location in PI&,$AP command. 4 1i*ed dra)in artefacts )hen droppin a poly on durin construction. 4 1i*ed )ritin the G-L data file for air)ires in special case. 4 Added missin default assem+ly variant 7AA8 if loopin throu h ULC,06E-ATI0.variantdefs or ULC/(A%3.variantdefs. 4 Prevention of chan in the position or rotation in the Properties dialo of an element )ith the ALoc=edA fla chec=ed. 4 Avoid a possi+le inconsistency if a net is automatically enerated +y movin an instance so that pins contact each other. 4 &o) undefined characters of the vector font are displayed as AQA. 4 (mit printin of ori ins also for ates and elements 7li=e for instances etc.8. 4 Added an error messa e if a 06A&GE parameter is used in improper conte*t. 4 &o) the update report G-L file is opened in the e*ternal editor if necessary and one is defined +y the user. 4 &o) the update report )indo) is opened in readonly mode. 4 1i*ed (PTI-ILE;U&3( if durin optimiKation a )ire has +een converted to an air)ire. 4 1i*ed unintended connections if pastin a net and the correspondin +oard contains a si nal )ithout a net counterpart. 4 1i* for print pro+lem on $indo)s if called from command line editor 7landscape )as i nored8. 4 1i*ed dra)in the unpopulated cross of instances if modified throu h the command line 7VA%IA&T8. 4 1i* for P31 print pro+lem on -A0 to avoid lar e and not searcha+le files. 4 0han ed handlin of names in the VALUE command synta* to case insensitive. 4 1i* in the Autorouter;1ollo)4me router' the e*tension o+@ects of not conntected pads )ith ar+itrary pad shape )ere not ta=en into account.

4 1i* for dra)in artefacts after pastin a dimension o+@ect. 4 1i*ed )ritin the G-L data file for air)ires )ith an invalid e*tent. 4 1i*ed selectin assem+ly variants in the com+o +o* )ith sin le >uotes in their names. 4 Avoid unsuita+le entries in 0ontrol Panel trees 7e. . AUser Lan ua e Pro ramsA tree only for files endin )ith A.ulpA8. 4 1i*ed a crash if dra)in dimension o+@ects and the A3imension line )idthA is set to Kero. In that case arro)s are no lon er filled. 4 1i*ed a crash if startin the Autorouter;1ollo)4me router )ith an active5 +ut not availa+le layer. 4 1i*ed A33 throu h the command line )ith assi nment of an o+@ect name ' the currently handled o+@ect has +een dropped inadvertently. 4 1i*ed the attri+utes dialo of instances' a previous fi* in version 6.D.M has added +y mista=e the lo+al attri+utes here. 4 1i*ed a crash )hen s)itchin to a pro@ect usin a recently deleted li+rary. 4 1i*ed a possi+le loss of consistency after renamin a net )ith the &A-E command or +y placin a supply sym+ol if the tar et net e*ists already on a different sheet. 4 0ontrol Panel' -ade .ey 1D for renamin files )or= a ain. 4 %emoved useless Ali n com+o+o* from parameter tool+ar )hen runnin the LA/EL command. 4 Proper handlin for chan ed device attri+utes in schematic )hen reset to device value from li+rary. 4 1i* for findin sym+ols )ith umlauts )hen addin them in device editor. 4 1i* for possi+le crash )hen copyin parts )ith assem+ly variants from one schematic to other. 4 User defined conte*t menus' Avoid definition of multiple identical menu entries for one o+@ect type. 4 Avoid plain te*t descriptions in control panel turn into lin=s after previous clic= on a lin=. 4 &o) lo+al attri+utes are i nored as in version ! if attri+utes of parts are accessed +y ULPs. 4 1i* for visi+ility of clic= state of +uttons on -A0. 4 1i*ed mirrorin of te*ts of dimension o+@ects in mirrored layers li=e +3ocu. 4 1i*ed handlin of ARA characters in the ULP functions cf et78;cf set78H this character is valid e. . in =ey assi nments )ith modifiers. 4 1i*ed recalculation of the sym+ol +ounds )hen editin a device set. 4 1i* for disappeared previe) in print dialo after printin on -A0. 4 1i*ed for displayin the pointer rectan le in the ,6($ command in case itAs a net containin only pin references 7no )ires8. 4 1i* for ensurin correct printer selection on $indo)s. 4 1i*ed inadvertently resettin of parameters 7e. . )ire )idth8 to factory defaults if loadin another dra)in . 4 1i*ed usin the proper net class )hile su+tractin pads )ith :Ar+itrary Pad ,hapes: from poly ons 7e. . in %AT,&E,T8. 4 1i*ed a possi+le :A+ort' Un=no)n o+@ectType...: durin :Paste from file: if the pasted dra)in contains )ires of Kero len th. 4 1i*ed chan in a variant via the command line on parts )ith over)ritten values. 4 1i*ed chan in value or technolo y of parts or elements )ith variants not havin o)n value and technolo y 7the variants =ept the previous value and technolo y from default variant8. %elease notes for EAGLE 6.D." ============================= < -iscellaneous' 4 Added an icon for cutout poly ons to the parameter +ar of the P(L2G(&

command in +oard and pac=a e editor. If the layer is chan ed to a non si nal layer5 the pour style s)itches to the default :solid:. 4 ,upport for so4called :E*ternal 3evices:' 3evices )ithout pac=a e5 used to document e*ternal measurin or simulation confi urations. 4 &e) ULP teardrops.ulp for teardrop4shaped connections +et)een vias;pads and attached )ire se ments. 4 &e) ULP centroid4screamin circuits4smd.ulp for e*port of a netlist in 0entroid format. 4 (nline help' 4 Improved description of command line option A4UA. 4 Added chan e note from V! to V6 on o+@ect hierarchy for User Lan ua e. 4 -ore detailed description of ULP roup functions in roup785 set roup78 and clr roup78. < /u fi*es' 4 1i*ed a possi+le crash after removin a device in the li+rary editor. 4 1i*ed routin to off4 rid contacts5 in particular rotated ones. 4 1i*ed a crash if runnin the 0A- processor )ith a +oard containin an invalid poly on. 4 1i*ed a +u in the Autorouter;1ollo)4me router i norin holes in pac=a es. 4 Added handlin of +lan=s in device5 ate5 pac=a e and sym+ol names if updatin files from older versions +y su+stitution )ith ACA. 4 Enhanced resolution in dialo input fields accordin to the increased resolution of coordinates. 4 1i*ed copyin from the empty variant in the connect dialo 7li+rary editor8. 4 1i*ed handlin of ali nment ta of attri+utes if readin a V6 dra)in 4 1i*ed su+tractin mirrored te*ts from poly ons if placed in pac=a es. 4 1i* for crash in 0A- processor in case of poly ons )ith Apositive coordinatesA s)itched off. 4 1i*ed copyin instances if selected )ith an offset 7@ump effect of instances in 0(P28. 4 %esolve consistency pro+lem after 06A&GE PA0.AGE for pac=a es )ith pads names startin )ith ARA or A4A. 4 Ensure that the ne) poly on pour style :cutout: is only used if the poly on is in a si nal layer 7M4M68. 4 1i*ed deletin poly on ed es' 3rop the currently calculated poly on data for correct update after delete. 4 0opy4Paste' Adapt net class of pasted net if net )ith same name already e*ists. 4 ULP' 1i* synta* pro+lem for instances78 loop of ULC,6EET. 4 1i*ed renamin of si nal poly ons' The poly on sometimes vanishes if already calculated. 4 1i*ed U&3(;%E3( renamin of calculated si nal poly ons' 3rop the o+solete calculation. 4 1i*ed a crash if mirrorin instances durin -(VE command if a pin is directly connected to another. 4 1i*ed possi+le corruptness of sym+ol names after dra Sdrop of devices from control panel into the li+rary editor. 4 1i*ed the 3%0 calculation of A,top -as=A errors of lon ;offset pads. 4 1i*ed position of dimensions if eneratin a 0A- processor output )ith option Apositive coordinatesA on. 4 1i*ed a crash in li+rary editor if runnin a script )ith many chan es +et)een edit modes 7device5 pac=a e5 sym+ol8. 4 1i*ed autoroutin +oards )ith pac=a es containin poly ons as pad shapes. 4 %esolve consistency pro+lem after %EPLA0E in special cases.

4 1i* for %EPLA0E of devices that donAt match in their ates positions or names 7)ron matchin leadin to li+rary update failure8. 4 1i* for missin devices in the A33 dialo if they are )ithout technolo ies. 4 1i*ed a performance issue if loadin a +oard comin from an older version )ith many rotated elements )ith contacts connected to lar e si nals. 4 1i*ed open file pro+lem due to erroneous handlin of UT1? characters. 4 Added handlin of +lan=s in pin5 pad and smd names if updatin files from older versions +y su+stitution )ith ACA. 4 Added handlin of empty ate names if loadin files from older versions +y su+stitution )ith AGTTMA 7e*otic to minimiKe am+i uities8. 4 ULP' ,et the proper sheet conte*t if loopin throu h pinrefs of a net. 4 ULP' 1i*ed loopin throu h variants of an element in a ULP. 4 ULP' Provide the proper device conte*t to access 4 Improved synta* of the VA%IA&T command to allo) variant names +e innin )ith ARA or A4A. 4 1i*ed displayin the li+rary description in the A33 dialo for li+raries )ith a sym+ol description. 4 1i*ed the 0(&&E0T command if ate names startin )ith A.A are used. 4 1i* handlin umlauts or AUA in li+rary names )hen loadin files from older versions. 4 1i*ed li+rary update pro+lem related to several parts usin same deviceset +ut different ate com+inations. 4 1i*ed clearin content of the parameter tool+ar )hile processin a command se>uence. 4 1i*ed handlin multiple pads connected to the same pin +y addin an additional attri+ute Arouteta A to the G-L data format. 4 1i*ed chan in the value of attri+utes of instances. 4 1i*ed updatin of dra)in s comin from older versions containin smashed Elements;Instances )ith multiple identical placeholder te*ts li=e &A-E or VALUE. 4 1i*ed chan in assem+ly variants' update the dra)in accordin ly. 4 1i*ed U&3(;%E3( of assem+ly variant chan es. 4 1i*ed layer visi+ility of not populated elements in current assem+ly variant. 4 1i*ed handlin assem+ly variants in ULPs' provide the cross dra)n over not populated parts in the schematic as )ires of the accordin instance sym+ols. ,=ip the o+@ects in layers li=e tPlace;+Place if loopin throu h the o+@ects of not populated elements in the +oard. 4 Proper support for case insensitive handlin of assem+ly variant names in the VA%IA&T dialo . 4 1i* for inconsistency pro+lem after PI&,$AP and U&3(. 4 1i*ed handlin assem+ly variants in the 0A- processor' 3ra) a cross over not populated parts in the schematic and do not dra) the o+@ects of not populated elements in layers li=e tPlace;+Place. 4 Enhanced the 0A- processor GUI to allo) selectin a specific assem+ly variant and to display the currently selected assem+ly variant in the status +ar. 4 1i*ed sortin Anumeric strin A arrays in the user lan ua e for strin s containin a numeric se>uence reater than DMFEF?B6FE. 4 1i*ed dra)in the cross of not populated and smashed parts in the schematic after movin one of its te*ts' the siKe of the cross does no lon er ta=e the te*ts of smashed parts into account. 4 1i*ed e*portin the pad names on pins if eneratin 0A- processor output. 4 Added missin ULP constants 7ALIG&C...8. 4 %estored the possi+ility to provo=e the connectivity of nets on pins +y pseudo movements of instances 7selectin and releasin at the same location8. 4 1i* for consistency pro+lem after li+rary update 7%EPLA0E or e*plicit

UP3ATE8 due to improper update of chan ed sym+ols. 4 1i*ed )ron orientation of te*ts after U&3( of a PA,TE command. 4 1i*ed ,-A,6 of instances;elements )ith placeholder te*ts )ith an ali n other than the default ali n +ottom4left. 4 1i*ed a net class inconsistency if a supply net )ith a net class other than " already e*ists and is continued on another sheet +y addin supply devices pin to pin. 4 ,et net class of ne)ly created supply nets +y placin supply devices pin to pin to the current net class. 4 1i*ed a crash )hen copyin special 7A ru++yA8 poly ons. 4 1i*ed the 0LA,, command to handle clearances to classes reater than V. 4 1i*ed dra)in of dimensions )hile modifyin them 7avoidin artefacts8. 4 Added a missin )indo) refresh after chan in of dimension settin s. 4 1i*ed renamin nets for the case Aevery ,e ment on this ,heetA. 4 ULP functions net et;netpost' $or=around for )ron ,,L error :6andsha=e failed: for ,,L connections due to erroneous (pen,,L li+ on $indo)s GP ,PB. If the error occurs the user can decide )hether to continue any)ay. This also fi*es connection pro+lems )ith 3esi nLin=. 4 1i* for proper roup selection +y ULP function set roup. 4 G%(UP selection )ith ctrl4clic=' 1i* for clic=s ettin lost5 fi* for handlin of poly ons. 4 1i*ed readin the description of the 3esi n %ules. 4 1i*ed automatic eneration of element names in pro@ect conte*t' The names of parts )ithout pac=a e 7e. . supply devices or frames8 )ere not ta=en into account. 4 1i* for possi+le loss of chan es in +oard editor after loadin another pro@ect pair from unchan ed schematic editor and vice versa. 4 1i* for :empty screen effect: due to de enerated arcs from older EAGLE versions. 4 E*tend too ti ht radius limitation for circles. 4 1i*ed crash in ,6($ after selection of one entity and deselection )ith 0trl4 clic=. 4 1i*ed dra)in of very lar e rectan les. 4 1i*ed a crash in ULP function set roup78 if e*ecuted from li+rary editor and nothin edited. %elease notes for EAGLE 6.M." ============================= < 3I-E&,I(& command' 4 Added a note a+out the settin s for dimension o+@ects to the online help of the 3I-E&,I(& command. < -iscellaneous' 4 The ne) option :Le acy mouse )heel mode: in :(ptions;User interface: can +e activated under -ac (, G to s)itch +ac= to the mouse )heel handlin as it )as in version !. 4 (nline help for ,0%IPT command' Add a section a+out script la+els. < /u fi*es' 4 1i*ed a missin screen update after updatin a sym+ol in a schematic dra)in 5 )here the ne) version of the sym+ol e*tends outside the surroundin rectan le of the entire dra)in .

4 1i* for t)ea=in off poly on orphans in 0A- processor output )ith positive coordinates. 4 0orrect support for ne) mem+ers :headline: and :description: of ULP types ULC/(A%35 ULC,06E-ATI0 and ULC,6EET. 4 1i*ed su+tractin te*ts )ith vector font from poly ons if placed in pac=a es. 4 1i*ed chan in the font of te*ts if the dra)in has set AAl)ays Vector 1ontA. 4 1i*ed handlin attri+utes )ith empty names in elements )hen updatin a +oard from +efore version 6." 7they )ill +e silently i nored8. 4 1i*ed su+tractin te*ts )ith vector font from poly ons in 0A- processor output. 4 1i*ed erroneously chec=in poly ons )ith ran= 6 and poly ons )ith a smaller ran= in the 3%0. 4 1i*ed @umpin initial air)ire position )hen routin in special cases. 4 1i*ed a crash in the %(UTE command )hen routin a trac= that provo=es an immediate optimiKe. 4 1i*ed a crash in the 0ontrol PanelAs tree vie) )hen renamin an item5 and the ne) name already e*ists. 4 A33 command' Ensure proper initialiKation of part values if the device has the attri+ute AVALUEA set or the ea lerc s)itch ,ch.0md.Add.Al)aysUse3evice&ameAsValue is set. 4 1i*ed a crash in the %IPUP command if used in a non4+oard dra)in . 4 1i*ed automatic eneration of part names in pro@ect conte*t' The names of elements )ithout a correspondin part )ere not ta=en into account. 4 Paste from file' If nets;si nals from paste +uffer are connected to an e*istin net;si nal5 update netclasses of paste +uffer nets;si nals accordin ly. $arn the user +efore in case of chan es. 4 1i*ed a crash if deletin a roup containin a net )ire and a @unction in special constellation. 4 ,mashed Elements;Instances' Ensure load of dra)in in case of multiple identical placeholder te*ts li=e &A-E or VALUE. 4 1i*ed dra)in of poly ons of mirrored elements )ith the 0A- Processor 7use mirrored layer if applica+le8. 4 1i*ed a possi+le crash if openin a li+rary panel tree containin a li+rary that )ould imply an update report. %elease notes for EAGLE 6."." ============================= < Platforms' 4 The -ac (, G version of EAGLE no) re>uires an Intel -ac. It no lon er runs on PP0 machines. 4 -ac (, G M".F5 -ac (, G M".! and $indo)s D""" are no lon er officially supported. 4 If you are runnin -ac (, G M".E :Lion: and are usin a trac= pad5 you can no) use the :t)o4fin er4pan: estures for pannin the content of the editor )indo). Loomin in and out is done )ith the :pinch: esture. 4 To avoid pro+lems )ith over)ritin an e*istin installation of EAGLE )ith a ne)er version on -ac (, G5 the default installation directory no) contains the current version num+er 7same as on $indo)s and Linu*8. 4 The -ac (, G installer no) allo)s revertin +ac= to older versions of EAGLE. < 1ile data format chan ed to G-L'

4 The EAGLE file format has +een chan ed from +inary to G-L. 4 The complete definition of the ne) EAGLE file format can +e found in the file :doc;ea le.dtd:. 4 E*istin files )ill +e automatically updated to the ne) format )hen they are saved )ith version 6. 4 The pin direction :I;(: has +een chan ed to :io: 7)ithout the slash8. $herever a pin direction is allo)ed in command line input5 the old value )ill still +e accepted for compati+ility )ith earlier versions5 +ut in the G-L files only :io: )ill +e used. < -ulitple pads connected to the same pin' 4 -ultiple pads can no) +e connected to the same pin. 4 If a pin is connected to multiple pads5 and the pad name is visi+le on the pin5 the smallest of all pad names connected to that pin is displayed5 follo)ed +y an asteris= 7A<A8 to indicate that there is more than one pad. After the asteris= the total num+er of pads connected to this pin is displayed. 4 The :,ame si nals: chec= +et)een ,-3s and pads;,-3s is no lon er applied )ithin the same pac=a e. < Ar+itrary pad shapes' 4 Any )ires and poly ons in si nal layers 7M4M68 dra)n in a pac=a e that are connected to a pad or smd are no) considered electrically connected to that pad;smd. This allo)s the definition of ar+itrary pad shapes. ,ee :6elp;Editor 0ommands;PA3W,-3;Ar+itrary Pad ,hapes:. 4 The Aran=A parameter is no) o+solete for poly ons in pac=a es. Pac=a e poly ons in si nal layers that are not connected to a pad;smd )ill +e handled as if they had a ran= of ". < 0utout poly ons' 4 The ne) poly on pour style :cutout: can +e used to define poly ons that et :su+tracted: from all other si nal poly ons )ithin the same layer. ,ee :6elp;Editor 0ommands;P(L2G(&;Poly on cutouts:. < 3imensions' 4 The ne) command 3I-E&,I(& can +e used to dra) dimensions. ,ee :6elp;Editor 0ommands;3I-E&,I(&:. < 3ifferential pair routin ' 4 The %(UTE command no) supports routin of :3ifferential Pair: si nals. 4 The %AT,&E,T command prefers open )ire ends )hen eneratin air)ires for 3ifferential Pair si nals. < Automatic meanders' 4 The ne) command -EA&3E% can +e used to +alance the len ths of differential pair si nals5 or to increase the len th of a si nal se ment to a iven tar et len th. < Assem+ly variants' 4 The ne) command VA%IA&T can +e used to define assem+ly variants. Assem+ly variants define )hether a iven part is actually populated on the +oard5 and )hat value and technolo y it has 7if different from the default8. 4 2ou can access assem+ly variants +y openin the dialo under

:Edit;Assem+ly variants...:. 4 If a dra)in contains assem+ly variants5 the action tool+ar sho)s a ne) com+o +o* that allo)s you to select one of these variants. 4 The VALUE command al)ays chan es the value of a part in the currently selected assem+ly variant. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e o+@ects ULCVA%IA&T3E1, and ULCVA%IA&T,5 as )ell as the ne) mem+ers ULC,06E-ATI0.variantdefs5 ULC/(A%3.variantdefs5 ULCPA%T.variants and ULCELE-E&T.variants can +e used to access assem+ly variants from a User Lan ua e Pro ram. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e functions setvariant78 and variant78 can +e used to set and >uery the current assem+ly variant. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e mem+ers ULCPA%T.populate and ULCELE-E&T.populate can +e used to determine )hether a part has to +e populated in the current assem+ly variant. 4 The ne) placeholder OA,,E-/L2CVA%IA&T can +e used to display the name of the current assem+ly variant. A,,E-/L2CVA%IA&T can therefore no lon er +e used as an attri+ute name. 4 The ne) command line option 4A can +e used to specify a particular assem+ly variant )hen runnin the 0A- Processor. 4 The commands A335 06A&GE PA0.AGE W TE06&(L(G25 %EPLA0E5 UP3ATE and VALUE can only +e used if no assem+ly variant is active. < Te*t ali nment' 4 Te*ts can no) have one of nine different ali nments5 consistin of com+inations of left5 ri ht5 center5 top and +ottom. 4 The readin direction of vertical te*ts can no) +e selected from :up: and :do)n: in :(ptions;User interface:. < Increased internal resolution' 4 The internal resolution of EAGLE has +een increased +y a factor of BD. It used to +e ".M micron and is no) ".""BMD! micron. This allo)s dra)in s in imperial units to use e*act values for multiples of M;F5 M;?5 M;M65 M;BD and M;6F mil. 4 The ma*imum dra)in area is no) F*F meters 7a+out M!"*M!" inch8. 4 If a User Lan ua e Pro ram directly handles coordinates or siKes in editor units and needs to =no) the actual value of one editor unit5 it needs to +e ad@usted to use the ne) value. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e functions inchDu785 micDu785 milDu78 and mmDu78 can +e used to convert the respective units to internal editor units. 4 3ue to the increased resolution of coordinates5 any approved E%0 or 3%0 errors from older versions can no lon er +e reco niKed as such. Therefore5 )hen you run the E%0;3%0 after updatin a file to version 65 these errors )ill sho) up a ain and you may have to approve them a ain 4 (nce you over)rite a pro@ect file 7ea le.epf8 from an older version )ith this ne) version of EAGLE5 the dimension values in it )ill +e stored in a different format. If you then load such a file )ith an old version of EAGLE5 all menu entries 7li=e )ire )idths or drill diameters8 )ill fall +ac= to their default values. < ,upply layers' 4 ,upply layers 7i.e. layers )ith names that start )ith a ATA8 are no lon er treated special. Layers for supply si nals no) need to +e realiKed usin si nal poly ons. 4 $hen a +oard dra)in from an older version of EAGLE is loaded5 any supply layers it contains )ill +e renamed +y movin the ATA to the end of the name. This ma=es sure automated scripts that treat a supply layer as :ne ative: donAt ma=e a mista=e5 )hile still indicatin that layer as havin +een a supply layer. The functionality of the supply layer is replaced +y a si nal poly on )ith the proper name5 usin the minimum )ire

)idth from the net class of that si nal. The poly on is dra)n into the former supply layer as a rectan ular shape5 coverin the area defined +y any )ires in the 3imension layer5 +y pads or +y vias. The Autorouter setup is modified in such a )ay that the layer containin the enerated poly on is activated 7)ith preferred direction A<A85 and the costs for that layer set to VV in all passes. VE%2 I-P(%TA&T' After updatin a +oard )ith supply layers from an older version5 ma=e sure you run the %AT,&E,T command to verify )hether all pads are still connected to the respective si nal. < /GA escape routin ' 4 %oute all si nals are out of a /GA follo)in desi n rules and availa+le layers. ULP solution. ,tart )ith Arun route4+ a elementA. < Userdefined conte*t menus' of 4 $ith the ,ET command userdefined entries can +e made into the conte*t menus selecta+le Ea le o+@ect types. They are stored in the ea lerc file. < User Lan ua e' 4 The User Lan ua e constants PA3C,6APECA&&ULU,5 PA3C,6APECT6E%-AL5 VIAC,6APECA&&ULU, and VIAC,6APECT6E%-AL are no) o+solete. They are still tolerated for compati+ility )ith old ULPs5 +ut no pad or via )ill ever have such a shape. 4 The User Lan ua e mem+er function ULC, is deprecated and should no lon er +e used. Use the ne) function ULC,6EET.instances instead. The old function is still availa+le for compati+ility )ith ULPs )ritten for older versions. 4 The User Lan ua e o+@ects ULC/(A%35 ULC,06E-ATI05 ULC,6EET and ULC,2-/(L ne) have the ne) data mem+ers AdescriptionA and AheadlineA. 4 The User Lan ua e data mem+er ULCPI&.contact is deprecated5 +ecause a pin can no) +e connected to multiple pads. It )ill )or= for +ac=)ards compati+ility and as lon as only one pad has +een connected to the pin5 +ut )ill cause a runtime error )hen used )ith a pin that is connected to more than one pad. Use the ne) loop mem+er ULCPI&.contacts78 instead. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e data mem+ers ULCPI&.route and ULC0(&TA0T%E1.route tell )hether all or any of the respective contacts need to +e routed. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e o+@ect ULC3I-E&,I(& can +e used to access dimension o+@ects. 4 The ne) User Lan ua e functions inchDu785 micDu785 milDu78 and mmDu78 can +e used to convert the respective units to internal editor units. 4 The User Lan ua e o+@ect ULCTEGT no) has the ne) data mem+er Aali nA. 4 The netpost78 function has a ne) optional parameter to set the content type of the posted data. 4 P0/ service 7menu +utton and pc+4service.ulp8' E*tension to Euro0ircuits for European5 Pentalo i* for American customers5 dependin on country settin s. < 0A- Processor' 4 The command line options A4aA and A4tA are no lon er supported5 +ecause the 0A- Processor doesnAt use Annulus or Thermal sym+ols any more. 1or compati+ility )ith e*istin scripts5 these options are still tolerated5 +ut they have no effect. 4 The aperture shapes :annulus: and :thermal: are no lon er used +y the

0A- Processor. 4 Any parameters referrin to :Annulus: or :Thermal: have +een removed from the ea le.def file. They are still tolerated )hen usin such a file from an older version of EAGLE5 +ut they have no effect. < 3esi n %ules' 4 -ost of the parameters related to Thermal and Annulus have +een removed from the :,upply: ta+ of the 3esi n %ules dialo . 4 0han es to the 3esi n %ules are no) fully handled +y U&3(;%E3(. < AUT( command' 4 The AUT( command no lon er clears the U&3( +uffer 7unless an e*istin is continued;finished8. < /(A%3 command' 4 The /(A%3 command no lon er clears the U&3( +uffer of the schematic if a +oard is ne)ly enerated. < 06A&GE command' 4 The 06A&GE command no) chec=s )hether the selected o+@ect already has the re>uested property value5 and chan es it only if not. This may result in an actual 06A&GE command not eneratin an U&3( step5 +ecause nothin has chan ed at all. 4 The ne) option 06A&GE 3T2PE can +e used to chan e the type of dimension o+@ects. 4 The ne) option 06A&GE ALIG& can +e used to chan e the ali nment of te*t o+@ects. < 0LA,, command' 4 The ma*imum num+er of net classes has +een increased to M6. 4 Any chan es made to the net classes )ith the 0LA,, command are no) fully handled +y U&3(;%E3(. 4 The 0LA,, command no) accepts class names that start )ith di its5 as lon as they are not a plain inte er num+er. < 0(&&E0T command' 4 The 0(&&E0T command can no) handle several pad names at once5 to create a connection of several pads to one pin. 4 The ne) =ey)ords ALL and A&2 in the 0(&&E0T command control )hether all or any of the pads in a multiple pad connection need to +e routed in the +oard. 4 Added a note to the online help of the 0(&&E0T command5 sayin that this command )or=s a lot faster if all connections of one device are iven in one sin le call. < 0(P2 command' 4 In older versions of EAGLE the 0(P2 command )as used solely to copy o+@ects )ithin a dra)in 5 as opposed to the $indo)s +ehavior5 )here 0(P2 places a copy of the selected o+@ects 7i.e. the G%(UP8 into the systemAs clip+oard. As of version 65 EAGLEAs 0(P2 command primarily +ehaves the same )ay as in other $indo)s applications5 +y puttin a copy of the current roup into the clip+oard. The ori inal functionality of copyin selected o+@ects5 or copyin li+rary o+@ects +et)een li+raries5 is still fully availa+le5 )hich is especially important to =eep e*istin scripts and ULPs )or=in . $hat has also often irritated $indo)s users is that in EAGLE the 0UT @o+

command has only copied the current roup to the clip+oard5 +ut did not actually delete the roup from the dra)in . ,ince a 0UT command that deletes the roup )ould not +e of much use in a +oard;schematic pair that is connected via for)ard4S+ac=annotation5 the 0UT command has +een removed from the main pulldo)n menu and the command +utton tool+ar. It is still fully availa+le from the command line or )ithin scripts. The command ,ET 0md.0opy.0lassicEa le-ode M restores the old +ehavior of +oth the 0(P2 and the 0UT command. &ote that this settin only ta=es effect the ne*t time you open an editor )indo). 4 Added a note to the online help of 0(P2 a+out ho) to copy o+@ects from one schematic sheet to an other. < 3E,0%IPTI(& command' 4 The 3E,0%IPTI(& command no) also )or=s in schematics5 sheets5 +oards and sym+ols. 4 If the first parameter to the 3E,0%IPTI(& command is an asteris= 7A<A85 the description of the li+rary or schematic )ill +e modified5 as opposed to an individual device set5 pac=a e5 sym+ol or sheet. < 3I,PLA2 command' 4 The 3I,PLA2 command can no) also delete internal layers5 as lon are empty. < 3%0 command' 4 If the 3%0 command is iven an asteris= character 7A<A8 as the first parameter5 the 3esi n %ules dialo )ill +e opened and allo) editin the 3esi n %ules5 )ithout tri erin an actual chec= )hen the dialo is confirmed. 4 The :,ame si nals: chec= +et)een ,-3s and pads;,-3s is no lon er applied )ithin the same pac=a e. < E3IT command' 4 0reatin or reorderin schematic sheets no lon er clears the U&3( +uffer. as they

< E%0 command' 4 If the E%0 esta+lishes consistency +et)een a +oard and a schematic5 it no) stores this fact in the U&3( +uffer. $hen oin +ac= in the U&3( history to a point +efore consistency )as esta+lished5 the for)ard4;+ac=annotation )ill +e disa+led a ain. &ote that doin %E3( )ill not automatically re4esta+lish consistency# ,torin the fact that consistency has +een esta+lished also truncates the U&3( +uffer at that point. < E%%(%, command' 4 The E%%(%, dialo can no) approve;disapprove all errors;)arnin s at once. 2ou need to select and e*pand the desired section and press the :Approve all: or :3isapprove all: +utton5 respectively. A confirmation dialo )ill ma=e sure you donAt do this inadvertently. < GATE,$AP command' 4 The GATE,$AP command no) leaves the AsmashedA property of instances in place.

< LA2E% command' 4 The LA2E% command can no) also delete internal layers5 as lon are empty. < PA,TE command' 4 &ets no) only =eep their name in the PA,TE command if they have a la+el or are connected to a supply pin5 and that la+el or pin is actually in the roup. In V! this decision )as made independent of )hether such a la+el or pin )as actually in the roup. 4 Pastin is no) done via the systemAs clip+oard. This allo)s roups to +e copied from one instance of EAGLE into an other. 4 The PA,TE command can no) paste a complete consistent +oard;schematic pair into the currently edited pro@ect. ,ee :6elp;Editor 0ommands;PA,TE;Pastin from a file:. < %E-(VE command' 4 %emovin a schematic sheet no lon er clears the U&3( +uffer. as they

< %U& command' 4 ,tarted from a conte*t menu the accordin in roup78. < ,ET command' 4 ,ET U&3(CL(G (&W(11 is no lon er a lo+al settin 5 +ut acts only upon the editor )indo) )ithin )hich it is e*ecuted 7in case of a consistent +oard;schematic pair it )or=s on the other )indo) as )ell8. < U&3( command' 4 The U&3( command 7as )ell as the %E3( command8 no) displays in the status +ar )hat =ind of command )as undone 7or redone8 and ho) lon a o that command has +een e*ecuted. If the command )as ori inally e*ecuted in the +oard5 and U&3( )as done in the schematic5 it )ill also indicate that 7and vice versa8. 4 The ne) option LI,T in the U&3( command opens a dialo that contains the entire contents of the undo +uffer. 2ou can navi ate throu h the list of undo;redo steps +y clic=Sdra in the list delimiter5 or +y directly clic=in on any iven step you )ish to o +ac= or for)ard to. If there are several steps +et)een the current delimiter position and the clic=ed list item5 all steps in +et)een )ill +e e*ecuted in the proper se>uence. Goin up)ard in the list means doin U&3(5 oin do)n)ard results in %E3(. 0AUTI(&' this is a very po)erful tool# /y oin all the )ay +ac= in the U&3( list 7)hich can +e done )ith a sin le mouse clic=8 and e*ecutin any ne) command5 the undo +uffer )ill +e truncated at that point5 and there is no )ay +ac=# ,o use this )ith care# < -iscellaneous' 4 3ialo 06A&GE pac=a e;technolo y' ,upport of e*ternal lin=s and representation of ima es. 4 ULP function dl Te*tVie)' Proper support for lin=s to local files 7open application8. 4 The num+er of technolo ies per device is no lon er limited to D!F. 4 The num+er of pac=a e variants per device set is no lon er limited to D!F. 4 The valid ran e of values for pin and ate s)ap levels is no lon er limited to D!!. o+@ect can +e identified )ith

4 The status +ar of the editor )indo) no) contains indicators that sho) )hether the dra)in has +een modified5 and )hether for)ardS+ac=annotation is active. 4 The sheet thum+nails in the schematic editor no) display the headline of the sheetsA descriptions as their caption. 4 The sheet com+o +o* in the schematic editor no) displays the headline of the sheetsA descriptions. 4 The conte*t menu of the sheet thum+nails in the schematic editor has the ne) option :3escription: )hich can +e used to edit the description of a sheet. 4 If one editor )indo) of a consistent +oard;schematic pair is closed5 the remainin )indo) no) displays a )arnin that f;+ annotation has +een severed. 2ou can clic= into that )arnin to hide it. 4 ,ho) default command te*t +uttons for 3esi nLin= and P0/ ,ervice only in suita+le editor )indo)s 7P0/ ,ervice only in +oard editor etc.8. 4 If a limited edition of EAGLE canAt perform a particular action5 it no) informs the user a+out the reason. 4 Added a note to the online help of the (PTI-ILE command5 sayin that this command is only applica+le in a +oard5 and that only si nal )ires can +e selected. 4 P0/ service ULP' 3isplay >uote parameters in dialo . -a=e country chan ea+le 7,ervice oes to Pentalo i* or Eurocircuits dependin on country8. < /u fi*es' 4 Group selection +y poly on' Avoid selectin too much in special case. 4 P%I&T command' Transfer options to print dialo if not ended )ith AHA. 4 0A- processor dialo ' Avoid settin s ettin overridden from previously opened 0A- fileH Avoid crash after save and openin recent file. 4 ULP functions set roup;in roup' /u fi* if called for other editor )indo) and no roup defined yet. 4 ULP function dl ListVie)' &o sortin for parameter sort=". 4 ULP function dl 0om+o/o*' Avoid @umpin com+o+o* siKe in special case 7dl %edisplay called8. 4 1i* for )ron %EPLA0E )ith pac=a e and technolo y in special constellations. 4 Info dialo for arcs;)ires' 0orrect handlin of cap style )hile chan in curve to ";from ". 4 1i*ed updatin sheet num+ers in the E%%(%, dialo )hen reorderin 5 insertin or deletin sheets. 4 The frame o+@ect is no) properly handled )hen rotated )ith the -(VE command. &ote5 thou h5 that the orientation of letters and di its in the frame +orders doesnAt chan e )hen a frame is rotated. 4 1i*ed handlin :In: in the ea lerc file. 4 1i*ed handlin A'A in file names under Linu* and -ac (, G. 4 1i* )ron )idth calculation of Gref la+els. 4 1i*ed the online help for ULCA%EA to correctly indicate that the area of a ULCPA0.AGE or ULC,2-/(L in a ULCELE-E&T or ULCI&,TA&0E conte*t includes the offset of the element;instance. 4 1i* )ron +ehaviour of tool+ar e*tensions5 in particular for te*t menus. 4 1i* for ULP function net et78;netpost78 in case of ,tatus B"M 7:moved permanently:8' %edirection if possi+le. 4 1i*ed truncation of te*t descenders in command te*t +uttons.

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