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Improving Student Programs

Work on student programs in 2007/2008 focused on Career and Technology Studies, ne arts, mathematics, science and social studies and included infusing Aboriginal perspectives. Innovative work is underway to take advantage of new technologies by: enabling students to learn to use new technologies in school using new technologies to increase the exibility of the education system to support teaching and learning independent of time and place (distributed learning).

Investing in K 12 Education
(in billions) 6.00 $5.48 27.1% 4.00 72.9% 2.00 73.0% $5.75 27.0% Total education system spending rose to $5.75 billion in 2007/2008, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year.

Highlights 2007/2008

Annual Report

The success of every student is our highest priority. Alberta Education provides leadership in the creation of a learning environment in keeping with the needs of the 21st century learner. It supports student achievement and the maintenance of a world-class education system by: meeting the diverse learning needs of students enabling students to engage their passions and interests promoting continuous improvement in learning through outcomes-based accountability and reporting determining the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for Alberta students.


Reducing Class Sizes

Class sizes have declined at all grade levels and met the guidelines at all grade levels except K 3. About 2,700 teachers have been hired since the initiative was introduced in 2004/2005. $194 million was provided to reduce class sizes in 2007/2008.

2006/07 2007/08 General Revenue Fund (%)

Education Property Tax (%)

Government spending on education in 2007/2008 provided programs for about 585,000 K 12 students in Alberta schools. The vast majority of education spending (nearly $4.2 billion) was provided in operating support to school boards. This support includes base instruction funding and funding for such programs as severe special needs, English as a second language, First Nations, Mtis and Inuit education and transportation. The education property tax contributes about 27% to education system spending and includes the property tax support for opted-out separate school boards ($172 million in 2006/2007 and $176 million in 2007/2008).

The Department ensures the effective delivery of education by: developing and supporting the implementation of policies, programs and standards providing equitable funding to school authorities monitoring the nancial management of school jurisdictions providing education sector workforce planning, teacher development and certication.

Provincial Average Class Sizes

Grade Levels 2004/ 2005 2005/ 2006 2006/ 2007 2007/ Average Class 2008 Size Guidelines

K3 46 79 10 12

19.7 22.3 22.7 23.0

19.4 22.0 22.7 23.0

18.6 21.4 22.6 23.1

18.4 21.3 22.5 22.7

17 23 25 27

Addressing the Ministers Mandates in 2007/2008

Early Learning Alberta Education worked with other ministries and local agencies to identify and provide services to young children with disabilities and to provide language programs for pre-school children whose rst language is neither English or French. High School Completion Alberta Education developed a toolkit to help communities enable more students to complete high school, hosted a conference to enhance high school completion of Aboriginal students and established technology projects in 24 school jurisdictions to improve student engagement and high school completion. High school completion rates increased to 79.5%. Teachers Unfunded Pension Liability Government and stakeholders worked together to resolve this long-standing issue and ushered in ve years of labour peace in the education sector.

Improving School Facilities

Nearly $617 million was provided to school boards in 2007/2008 for new schools and for upgrading and modernizing existing schools. School facilities spending increased 8.4% over the previous year. Government announced 32 new schools for Edmonton and Calgary using a public-private partnership approach, 47 modernization projects and 45 modular classrooms.

Contact Us
Alberta Education Commerce Place, 7th Floor 10155 - 102 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 4L5 Tel: (780) 422-4495 Toll-free in Alberta by calling 310-0000 E-mail: Alberta Educations Annual Report for 2007/2008 is available on the Internet at report/

Performance Highlights
Alberta Education identifies performance measures and targets for key indicators of success of the K 12 education system, reflecting our commitment to continuous improvement. Results over time and targets for 2007/2008 are provided below. Rather than relating solely to 2007/2008 spending, these results reflect the cumulative impact of investment of resources and effort over time on the part of government, school boards, parents, teachers and students. Targets are considered met if the result is within five per cent (5%) of the target value.

Goal 1: High quality learning opportunities for all

Outcomes Performance Measures
(in percentages)

Results Over Time Baseline Current

Targets 2007/08

Overall satisfaction with the quality of K 12 education Overall satisfaction that students receive solid grounding in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies Overall satisfaction with students opportunity to receive a broad program of studies Employer satisfaction with the skills and quality of work of recent Alberta high school graduates

83 83 80 77 91

Needs of all K 12 students, society and the economy are met

84 ~ 82 ~ 79 ~ 67 91 ~ 5.5 75.2 5.0 79.5

85 84 79 n/a 92 4.9 78

Schools provide a safe and caring environment Needs of children at risk are addressed Students complete programs

Overall agreement that students are safe at school, learn the importance of caring for others, learn respect for others and are treated fairly at school Annual dropout rate of students aged 14-18 High school completion rate of students within five years of entering Grade 10

Goal 2: Excellence in student learning outcomes

Outcomes Performance Measures
(in percentages)

Results Over Time Baseline Current

Targets 2007/08

Students demonstrate high standards

Overall results on Grades 3, 6 and 9 Provincial Achievement Tests Overall results on diploma examinations Diploma examination participation rate (four or more exams within three years of entering Grade 10)

acceptable excellence acceptable excellence

76.4 18.7 85.8 22.2 51.4

Rutherford Scholarship eligibility rate of Grade 12 students

75.2 18.9 ~ 85.0 22.3 ~ 53.6 32.5 38.2

78.4 20.5 n/a n/a 54 36 +

Students are well prepared for lifelong learning

Participation in Early Childhood Services (ECS) Post-secondary transition rate of students within six years of entering Grade 10
Students are well prepared for employment Students model the characteristics of active citizenship

95.5 51.5
Overall satisfaction that students are taught attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful at work Overall agreement that students model the characteristics of active citizenship

97.6 60.3 69 82 65 ~ 85 ~

95+ 58 70 83

Goal 3: Highly responsive and responsible education system

Outcomes Performance Measures
(in percentages)

Results Over Time Baseline Current

Targets 2007/08

Effective working relationships Leadership and continuous improvement

Overall satisfaction that stakeholder and public input is considered, respected and valued by the school, jurisdiction and province Overall satisfaction that leadership at all levels supports and facilitates teaching and learning Overall perception that Albertas K 12 system has improved or stayed the same in the last three years Percentages of school jurisdictions with an overall evaluation of Good or Excellent on accountability measures

58 69 66

58 ~ 69 ~ 71
Percentages of jurisdictions increased on 8 of 15 measures maintained on 1 measure declined on 6 measures Results over time: Improved performance ~ No signicant change in performance Performance decline Targets: Target Met + Target Exceeded Target not met n/a No target set for 2007/08 (insufcient data or new measure for 2007-2010)

61 73 72 n/a

Base year is ve years ago or earliest subsequent year results are available. The condence interval is considered in assessing change over time on survey measures.

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