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Vinan Gadodia -
DOB I lib March 1976 I
Personal Statement
I believe that my inherent personality traits like team spirit, love for challenges, hard working,
motivating and goal oriented approach coupled with my skills developed at IITD and IIMC will
aid me in leading my company on a road to success.

. CurrentlypursuingPGDMcourseat IIM- CalcuttaCGPA 6.5/9 after 3rdsemester. I am
specializing in Finance and Strategy with afocus on corporatefinance.
. Integrate M Tech (Biochemical engineering) from lIT - Delhi CGPA 8.7/10 Rank 2
Academic Achievements
. Scored 99 Percentile marks in GATE Examination (life sciences) securing 4th rank at
national level.
. Stood among top 1% students in IAPT (Class xnth National level Physics Exam) Exam.

Professional Experience

Organization: Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore (June '99 - June '00)

Designation: Software Engineer
Job Profile: Module leader. Requirement Analysis, Design, coding and development of
Software Programs, Documentation, Preparing test plans, Testing and Quality

Summer Internships
The View Group- it is a Boston based VC firm funding primarily internet related projects. (Apr-
June '01)
Project: My summer training constituted of three components
. Researching the area of Bioinformatics and identifying future investment opportunities in [

the area. j
. Working with a portfolio company towards engineering and perfecting the product I
package for the launch and drawing a tentative growth plan.
. Doing the deal evaluations for the new deals coming for funding. This involved going
through Business plan, doing background research on area, client meetings and finally

preparing summary report and doing follow-up with client if and when necessary.

Co-Curricular Activities
. Adjudged among the top entries in the IIM-B Business-plan contest. Process is underway.
. Selected amongst the top 6 entries across the country (and top entry from IIM Calcutta) for I~'
IIM-Indore Case contest. II!,
. Elected convener for the batch for all 5 years at IIT D to represent student community.
Extra Curricular Activities
Cultural and organizational
. Coordinator (Infrastructure) for final placements (2001) and summers placements (2002). I1


Chief Editor: Horizons (Departmental Newsletter) at IIT Delhi (1998-99). 11

Coordinator: Biohorizon '99 (First national level Student Symposium in Biotech). iI

Coordinator: Biohazard (The first official intradepartmental sports meet).

. Captain of institute Athletics team at lIMe. Won the XL meet Athletics long relay event. 11:
. Member of Institute Volleyball Team at lIMe.
. Member of table tennis team at IIT D and School level. Won silver medal in inter hostel ,I
and intradeparbnental meet at IIT D. 11


Vigyan Gadodia

Email: yigyan E-204,New Hostel, IIMC


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