NCC Institutional Training Syllabus

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Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Subject Pages To From 01 02 11 12 19 20 24 25 29 30 37 38 42 43 48 49 53 54 58 52 47 41 36 28 23 18 10

Block Syllabus: SD/SW Common Subjects Detailed Syllabus: SD/SW Common Subjects Block Syllabus: JD/JW Common Subjects Detailed Syllabus: JD/JW Common Subjects Block Syllabus: SD/SW Specialised Subjects Army Detailed Syllabus: SD/SW Specialised Subjects: Army Block Syllabus: JD/JW Specialised Subjects: Army Detailed Syllabus: JD/JW Detailed Subjects: Army Block Syllabus: SD/SW Specialised Subjects: Navy Detailed Syllabus: SD/SW Specialised Subjects: Navy Block Syllabus: JD/JW Specialised Subjects: Navy Detailed Syllabus: JD/JW Detailed Subjects: Navy Block Syllabus: SD/SW Specialised Subjects: Air Detailed Syllabus: SD/SW Specialised Subjects: Air Block Syllabus: JD/JW Specialised Subjects: Air Detailed Syllabus: JD/JW Detailed Subjects: Air Block Syllabus: JD/JW Specialised Subjects: RVC Detailed Syllabus: JD/JW Detailed Subjects: RVC



Institutional Training being conducted in the Colleges and Schools is the principal means of training in the NCC. The aim of the training is to nurture core values, enhance awareness and give exposure to basic military skills and knowledge. Emphasis will be on practical training. Case studies, wherever possible will be used to facilitate active participation and better assimilation. Examples from Indias freedom struggle and wars fought by India, post-independence, should supplement relevant subjects to generate secular and patriotic fervour. The instructors and the cadets must grasp the importance of this training and participate actively. 2. Principles of Training In keeping with the changing environment, the principles of NCC Training are:(a) Junior Division (JD)/ Junior Wing (JW) to be for two years while Senior Division (SD)/ Senior Wing (SW) will be for three years. (b) Separate syllabi for JD/JW and SD/SW.


(c) Modified syllabus for professional educational institutes of repute to encourage enrolment of cadets. (d) Revised curriculam for training in a military environment with greater emphasis on soft skill development, awareness of social responsibilities and adventure and sports. (e) Uniformity in syllabus for boys and girls.

(f) Common Syllabus for all three wings to be approximately 60 to 70% and Specialised Service Syllabus training will be 30 to 40%.



Emphasis on practical training.

(h) Conduct of periodic composite training ensuring continuity for better learning assimilation and its application. 3. Common subjects will comprise about 70% of the periods and Specialised Service Subjects will be 30%. The breakdown of periods are as under:No of Periods Subject First Year Second Year Third Year Total

Ser No

Senior Division/Wing (a) (b) Common Subjects Specialised Subjects TOTAL Junior Division/Wing (c) (d) Common Subjects Specialised Subject TOTAL 85 35 120 85 --NA-35 120 70 240 170 66 24 90 72 33 105 72 33 105 210 90 300

4. In addition to this syllabus, State Directorates will conduct Social Service Activities in the form of rallies of any nature to carry social messages in the form of posters, street plays, placards etc.

Legend Abbreviation L D Di P V Lecture Demonstration Discussion Practice Video Type



Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The NCC National Integration and Awareness Drill Weapon Training Personality Development & Leadership Disaster Management Social Awareness & Community Development Health & Hygiene Adventure Environment Awareness and Conservation Obstacle Training TOTAL Subject 1st Year 03 06 16 12 10 03 05 05 02 02 02 66 2nd Year 00 06 19 10 15 03 05 04 06 02 02 72 3rd Year 00 06 08 10 20 04 06 07 07 02 02 72 Total Periods 03 18 43 32 45 10 16 16 15 06 06 210



1. The NCC (N) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. To acquaint cadets with the aims and objectives of NCC. Introduction, aims, organisation and general information about NCC. 1st yr 1 1 1 3 2nd yr 3rd yr Total periods 1 1 1 3

Code N-1 N-2 N-3

Subject Aims and Objectives of NCC. Organisation &Training and NCC Song. Incentives Total

Type L L L



2. National Integration & Awareness(NI) Aim To inculcate sense of patriotism, secular values and motivate cadets to contribute towards nation building through national unity and social cohesion. The concepts of National Interests, Objectives and Integration, unity in diversity and cultural heritage of India. Code NI-1 Subject Religions, Culture, Traditions and Customs of India. National Integration: Importance and Necessity Freedom Struggle and Nationalist Movement in India. National Interests, Objectives, Threats and Opportunities. Problems / Challenges of National Integration. 1st yr 2 Type L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 2


Ser No 1.

2. 3.

NI-2 NI-3

2 2

L L/Di/ V 1 L/Di/ V L

2 3






(vi) 6. 7. 8. 9. NI-6 NI-7 NI-8 NI-9 Unity in Diversity. National Integration Council. Images/ Slogans for National Integration Contribution of Youth in Nation Building. Total 2 L/Di/ V 1 3 2 6 6 6 L Di/P L/Di/ V 2 1 3 2 18

Note:-Short video clips be used where applicable viz Freedom Struggle and Nationalist Movement. 3. Drill Aim To inculcate a sense of discipline, improve bearing, smartness, turnout and to develop the quality of immediate and implicit obedience of orders. All important basic aspects of drill including ceremonial drill, drill with arms and words of command.


Foot Drill (FD) Ser No 1. 2. Code FD-1 FD-2 Subject General and words of command Attention, stand at ease and stand easy, turning and inclining at the halt Sizing, forming up in three ranks and numbering, open and close order march and dressing Saluting at the halt, getting on parade, dismissing and falling out Marching, Length of pace and time of marching in quick time and halt, slow march and halt Side pace, pace forward and to the rear 1st yr 1 1 Type L/P L/P 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1













(vii) 7. 8. 9. FD-7 FD-8 FD-9 Turning on the march and wheeling Saluting on the march Marking time, forward march and halt in quick time. Changing step Formation of squad and squad drill Total 1 8 1 1 L/P L/P 1 1 1 L/P L/P L/P 2 2 1

10. 11.

FD10 FD11

1 1 6

L/P L/P 0

1 2 14

Drill with Arms (AD) Ser No 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Code AD-1 AD-2 AD-3 AD-4 AD-5 AD-6 AD-7 AD-8 AD-9 Subject Attention, stand at ease and stand easy Getting on parade with rifle and dressing at the order Dismissing and falling out Ground/take up arms Present from the order and vice-versa Gen Salute, Salami Shastra Squad Drill Short/long trail from the order and vice-versa Examine Arms Total 1st yr 2 1 1 1 1 2 Type L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P 1 1 L/P L/P 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 L/P L/P L/P 6 4 1 2 21

2 2 1 2 9


L/P 4

Ceremonial Drill (CD) Ser No 21. 22. 23. 24. Code CD-1 CD-2 CD-3 CD-4 Subject Guard Mounting Guard of Honour Platoon/Coy Drill Instructional Practice Total Grand Total Drill 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 2 1 4 19 Type L/P L/P 3rd yr 1 1 2 4 8 Type L/P L/P L/P Total periods 1 3 2 2 8 43

0 16

(viii) 4. Weapon Training (WT) Aim Scope Ser No 1. Code WT-1 To give elementary knowledge about Rifles. Basic knowledge about rifle and firing. Subject Characteristics of a rifle/rifle ammunition and its fire power Stripping, assembling, care and cleaning and sight setting of .22 rifle Stripping, assembling, care and cleaning of 7.62mm SLR Loading, cocking, and unloading The lying position, Holding & Aiming-I Trigger control and firing a shot Range procedure and safety precautions Theory of Group and Snap shooting Short range firing, Aiming II - Alteration of sight Total 1st yr 1 Type L/P 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1




3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

WT-3 WT-4 WT-5 WT-6 WT-7 WT-8 WT-9

1 1 1 1 1

L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P 1 1 1 1 6 10 P L/P L/P L/P 1 1 1 1 6 10 L/P L/P L/P L/P P

1 1 3 3 3 2 17 32

5 12

Note: WT-3 included to impart elementary handling of 7.62mm SLR as being used for Arms Drill.


5. Personality Development and Leadership (P) Aim To develop an all-round dynamic personality with adequate leadership traits to deal / contribute effectively in all walks of life. Basic subjects of Leadership with emphasis on self-awareness, life/ soft skills, time management and character building. Code P-1 P-2 Subject Introduction to Personality Development. Factors Influencing / shaping Personality: Physical, Social, Psychological and Philosophical. Self-Awareness - Know yourself/ Insight. Change your mind set. Interpersonal relationship and communication. Communication Skills: Group Discussions/ Lecturettes. Leadership Traits. Types of Leadership. Attitude - Assertiveness and Negotiation. Time Management. Effects of Leadership with historical examples. Stress Management Skills. Interview Skills. Conflict Motives Resolution. Importance of Group / Team Work. 1st yr 1 2 Type L L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 2


Ser No 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6

2 1




5 1 2

2 2 L/P 2

L/P P 2 P

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15

1 1

L L 2 1 1 L/P L 2 2 2 L/P L/P 2 L/P 2 L/P P 2 L/P L/P

1 1 2 3 1 2 4 2 2

(x) 16. 17. 18. 19. P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 Influencing Skills. Body Language. Sociability: Social Skills Values / Code of Ethics. Total 2 2 15 L L 2 2 2 20 L/P L/P L 2 2 4 2 45


6. Disaster Management (DM) Aim To train cadets to assist Civil Administration in performance of selective duties during disasters. Basic information about Civil Defence Organisation and its duties, maintenance of essential services and providing assistance to civil administration in various types of emergencies during National Disasters. Code Subject 1st yr 1 1 Type L L 1 L/P 1 L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1


Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.



DM-1 Civil Defence Organisation and its duties/NDMA DM-2 Types of emergencies / Natural Disasters DM-3 Fire Services & Fire fighting DM-4 Traffic control during Disaster under Police Supervision DM-5 Essential services and their maintenance DM-6 Assistance during Natural/Other Calamities : Flood/Cyclone/Earth Quake/Accident etc. DM-7 Setting up of relief camp during Disaster Management DM-8 Collection & Distribution of Aid material Total

1 1 L/D 2 L/D

1 3


1 3 3 4

1 10

Note:- Examples of assistance provided by NCC cadets in the past be used as case studies for ease of assimilation.


7. Social Awareness & Community Development (SA) Aim Scope To teach cadets the values and skills involved in providing voluntary Social Service. Understanding of social service and its needs, knowledge about the weaker sections of our society and their requirements, about NGOs and contribution of youth towards social welfare. Code SA-1 Subject Basics of Social Service, weaker sections of our society and their needs. Social / Rural Development Projects: MNREGA, SGSY, NSAP etc NGOs : Role & Contribution Contribution of youth towards social welfare Family Planning Drug Abuse & Trafficking Civic Responsibilities Causes & Prevention of HIV/ AIDS; Role of youth Counter Terrorism Corruption Social Evils viz Dowry/Female Foeticide/ Child abuse & trafficking etc RTI & RTE Traffic Control Org and Antidrunken driving Provisions of Protection of Children from Sexual Harassment Act 2012 Total 5 1st yr 1 Type L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1

Ser No 1.



3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

SA-3 SA-4 SA-5 SA-6 SA-7 SA-8 SA-9 SA10 SA11 SA12 SA13 SA14

1 1 L

1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

1 1 1 L L

2 1 1 L L

12. 13. 14.

1 1 L/P 1 1


1 2 1



Note: Separate time will be allocated for actual Social Awareness & Community Development activities. 8. Health & Hygiene (H) Aim Scope To instil respect and responsibility towards personal health and hygiene. Basic information of the human body, maintenance of health, hygiene, sanitation, diseases and an elementary knowledge of First-Aid and Nursing. Code H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 Subject Structure & functioning of the human body. Hygiene & Sanitation (Personal & Food hygiene). Physical & Mental Health Infectious & Contagious Diseases & its prevention. Basics of Home Nursing & First-Aid in common medical emergencies Wounds & Fractures. Introduction to Yoga & Exercises. Total 1st yr 1 2 Type L L 1 L 1 2 L 2 L/D/P 3 L/D/ P L/P L/D/ P L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 3 1 2 5

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

H6 H7


1 2

2 2 16

9. Adventure Trg(ADV) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. Code ADV1 ADV2 ADV3 To inculcate sense of adventure and develop confidence, courage and determination To expose cadets to various Adventure activities. Subject Para Sailing Slithering Rock Climbing 2 D/P 2 L/D/P 3 L/D/ P 1st yr Type 2nd yr 4 Type L/D/P 3rd yr Type Total periods 4 2 5

(xiii) 4. ADV 4 Cycling/ trekking Total 2 6 4 7 L/P 4 15

Note: Additional / Alternative adventure activities may be undertaken by Dtes/Gps/Units based on availability of resources. 10. Environment Awareness and Conservation (E) Aim Scope To sensitise cadets on natural resource conservation and protection of environment. Basic understanding of environment conservation in general and waste management, energy conservation, pollution control and wildlife conservation in particular. Code E-1 Subject Natural Resources Conservation & Management Water Conservation & Rainwater harvesting Waste Management. Pollution Control; Water, Air, Noise and Soil Energy Conservation Wildlife Conservation: Projects of India Total 1st yr 1 Type L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1

Ser No 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6

L 1 1 L L 1 1 L L

1 1 1 1 1 6

11. Obstacle Training (OT) Aim To make cadets capable of crossing a standard obstacle course so as to inculcate team spirit and self-confidence. Training on a standard obstacle course. Code OT-1 Subject Obstacle course Total 1st yr 2 2 Type L/D/ P 2nd yr 2 2 Type L/D/P 3rd yr 2 2 Type L/D/ P Total periods 6 6

Scope Ser No 1


Grand Total






Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The NCC National Integration and Awareness Drill Weapon Training Personality Development & Leadership Civil Affairs Social Awareness & Community Development Health & Hygiene Adventure Environment Awareness and Conservation Obstacle Training TOTAL Subject 1st Year 03 07 19 16 10 04 08 06 08 02 02 85 2nd Year 01 08 21 14 14 04 07 07 04 03 02 85 Total Periods 04 15 40 30 24 08 15 13 12 05 04 170



1. NCC (N) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. Code N-1 N-2 To acquaint cadets with the NCC. Introduction and General information about NCC. Subject Introduction to NCC, Aims, Organisation, Training & NCC Song Incentives Total 2. NATIONAL INTEGRATION & AWARENESS (NI) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Code NI-1 NI-2 NI-3 NI-4 NI-5 NI-6 NI-7 NI-8 To inculcate patriotism, secular values and motivate cadets to contribute towards nation building through national unity and social cohesion. The concepts of National Interests, Objectives and Integration, unity in diversity and cultural heritage of India. Total Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr Type periods Religions, Culture, Traditions and Customs of India. National Integration and its importance. Freedom Struggle & Nationalist Movement in India. Problems/ Challenges of National Integration. Unity in Diversity. Famous Leaders of India Images/ Slogans for National Integration Contribution of Youth in Nation Building. TOTAL 1 2 2 1 L L L/Di/V L 2 1 L 1 2 2 7 8 L/Di/ V L Di/P L/Di/ V 1 L/Di/ V 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 15 1st yr 2 1 3 Type L L 1 1 L 2nd yr Type Total periods 2 2 4


Note:- Short video clips be used where applicable viz Freedom Struggle and Nationalist Movement. 3. Drill (D) Aim To inculcate a sense of discipline, improved bearing, smartness, good turnout and to develop the quality of immediate and implicit obedience of orders. All important basic aspects of Drill including words of command. Code D-1 D-2 Subject General and words of command Attention, stand at ease and stand easy, turning and inclining at the halt Sizing, forming up in three ranks, numbering, open and close order march and dressing Saluting at the halt Getting on parade, dismissing and falling out Marching, length of pace and time of marching in quick time and halt, slow march and halt Turning on the march and wheeling Saluting at the march Individual word of command Total 1st yr 2 3 Type L/P L/P 2 L/P 2nd yr Type Total periods 2 5

Scope Ser No 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9

2 3 2 3 2 2 19


2 3 2 4 3 3 2 21


4 6 4 7 5 5 2 40

4. Weapon Training (WT) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. Code WT-1 WT-2 To give elementary knowledge about .22 Rifle. Basic knowledge about Rifle and firing. Subject Characteristics of a rifle/ rifle ammunition Stripping, assembling, care and cleaning and sight setting 1st yr 2 2 Type L L/P 2 2nd yr Type L L/P Total periods 2 4

(xvii) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. WT-3 WT-4 WT-5 WT-6 WT-7 WT-8 Loading, cocking and unloading The lying position and holding Aiming, range and figure target Trigger control and firing a shot Range procedure and safety precautions Short range firing Total 2 1 2 1 1 5 16 L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P 2 1 2 1 1 5 14 L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P L/P 4 2 4 2 2 10 30

5. Personality Development and Leadership. (P) Aim Scope To develop core values and a balanced personality. Factors shaping personality, self-awareness, life/ soft skills, and character building etc. Code P-1 P-2 Subject Definition and introduction to Personality Development. Factors Influencing/ shaping personality: Physical, Social, Psychological and Philosophical. Self-Awareness - Know Yourself. Critical and Creative Thinking. Communication Skills: Group Discussions/ Lecturettes. Self Confidence, Courage and SelfConviction. Effects of Leadership with historical examples. Problem Solving Skills Interview Skills Importance of Group /Team Work. Effective use of Time Coping with Stress / Emotions Character Building Sociability: Social Skills 1st yr 1 1 Type L L 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1

Ser No 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14

2 1 2 1 2

L/P L/P L/P L L/Di

1 2


3 1 4 1 2

1 1 2 1 2 1 2


1 1 2 1 2 1 2

(xviii) Characteristics of Healthy personalities-Ethics/Values Total 1 10 14 L 1 24



6. Civil Affairs (CA) Aim Scope To acquaint cadets with duties of civil administration during emergencies. Basic information about civil defence organisation and its duties, maintenance of essential services during various types of emergencies. Code CA-1 CA-2 CA-3 CA-4 CA-5 CA-6 Subject Civil Defence Organisation and its duties Types of Emergencies/Natural Hazards Role of NCC during Natural Hazards/Calamities Civil Administrative Setup at Distt/ Taluka/ Village Fire Services & Fire fighting Essential services and their maintenance Total 1st yr 1 2 1 Type L L L 1 2 1 4 4 L/P L/P L 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 2 1 1 2 1 8

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. Social Awareness and Community Devp (SA) Aim Scope To create social awareness amongst cadets in providing voluntary social service. Understanding of social service and its needs, knowledge about rural development programmes civic responsibilities and contribution of youth towards social development. Code SA-1 SA-2 SA-3 Subject Basics of social service and its need Rural development programmes Literacy enhancement and poverty alleviation 1st yr 1 1 1 Type L L L/D 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1

Ser No 1. 2. 3.

(xix) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. SA-4 SA-5 SA-6 SA-7 SA-8 SA-9 Contribution of youth towards social welfare Civic Responsibilities Drug abuse & trafficking HIV/ AIDS: Causes & Prevention Corruption Social Evils viz Dowry/Female Foeticide/ Child abuse & Trafficking etc Traffic Control Organisation & Anti-drunken driving Provisions of Protection of Children from Sexual Harassment Act 2012 Total 2 L/D 2 2 1 2 1 L L/D L/P L/P L 2 2 2 1 2 1

10. 11.

SA10 SA11

1 1


1 1


8. Health & Hygiene (H) Aim : Scope: To instil respect and responsibility towards personal health and hygiene. Basic information of the human body, maintenance of health, hygiene, sanitation, diseases and an elementary knowledge of first-aid and nursing. Subject Structure & functioning of the human body. Hygiene & Sanitation (Personal & Food hygiene). Physical & Mental Health Infectious & Contagious Diseases & its Prevention. Basics of First aid in common medical emergencies Wounds & Fractures. Introduction to Yoga & Exercises. Total 1st yr 2 2 1 Type L L L 2 2 1 6 L/D 1 2 7 L/D L/D L/D L/D 2nd yr Type Total periods 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 13

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Code H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7


9. Environment Awareness and Conservation (E) Aim : To sensitize cadets on natural resource conservation and protection of environment. Basic understanding of environment conservation in general and waste management, pollution control and wildlife conservation in particular. Subject Natural Resources Conservation & Management Water Conservation & Rainwater harvesting Waste Management. Pollution Control: Water, Air, Noise, Soil Wildlife Conservation: Projects of India Total 1st yr 1 1 Type L L 1 1 1 2 3 L/Di L/Di L/Di/ V 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1 1 5


Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Code E1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5

10. Obstacle Training (OT ) Aim To make cadets capable of crossing a standard obstacle course so as to inculcate team spirit and self-confidence. Training on a standard obstacle course. Code OT-1 Subject Obstacle Course Total 1st yr 2 2 Type L/D/P 2nd yr 2 2 Type L/D/P Total periods 4 4

Scope Ser No 1.


11. Adventure Activities (ADV) Aim To inculcate spirit of adventure and develop confidence, courage and determination. To enable cadets to overcome fear and develop self confidence. Code ADV1 ADV2 ADV3 Subject Trekking incl selection of route & adm plg Cycle expedition incl selection of route & adm plg Rock Climbing Total Grand Total 1st yr 4 4 Type L/P L/P 4 8 85 4 85 L/D/P 2nd yr Type Total periods 4 4 4 12 170

Scope Ser No 1 2 3



Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Armed Forces Map Reading Field Craft & Battle Craft Introduction to Infantry Weapons & Equipment Military History Communication TOTAL Subject 1st Year 04 07 05 02 03 03 24 2nd Year 04 08 07 04 05 05 33 3rd Year 02 09 09 05 05 03 33 Total Periods 10 24 21 11 13 11 90



1. Armed Forces (AF) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To acquaint cadets with the Armed Forces. Introductory and general information about the Armed Forces. 1st yr 1 2 1 2nd yr 3rd yr Total periods 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 10

Code AF-1 AF-2 AF-3 AF-4 AF-5 AF-6 AF-7 AF-8

Subject Basic organisation of Armed Forces Organisation of Army Badges and Ranks Task & Role of Fighting Arms Task & Role of Supporting Arms & Services Modes of Entry to Army Honours and Awards Concept of Integrated Defence Staff Total

Type L L L



L/V 1 L/V

1 1

L L 1 L

Note:- Video clips be used for AF- 4 & 5. 2. Map reading (MR) Aim Scope To teach cadets elementary Map Reading. Basic understanding of map sheets and map reading instruments and development of capability to use them to carry out simple Map Reading. Code MR-1 Subject Introduction to types of Maps, and Conventional Signs Scales & Grid System 1st yr 1 1 Type L L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1

Ser No 1.



(xxiv) 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MR-3 MR-4 MR-5 MR-6 MR-7 MR-8 MR-9 MR-10 Topographical forms and technical terms Relief, Contours and Gradients Cardinal points and Types of North Types of bearings and use of Service Protractor Prismatic compass and its use & GPS Setting a Map, finding North and own position Map to Ground, Ground to Map Point to Point March Total

1 1 1 1 1

L L L/P L/P L/P 2 3 L/P L 1 3 5 9 L/P L/P L/P 1 1 1 L L/P L/P

1 2 2 2 1 3 6 5 24

3. Field Craft and Battle Craft (FC & BC) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. Code FC & BC-1 FC & BC-2 FC & BC-3 FC & BC-4 FC & BC-5 FC & BC-6 FC & BC-7 To teach cadets elementary Field Craft and Battle Craft. Basic Field Craft and Battle Craft. Subject Introduction Judging Distance Description of ground Recognition, description and indication of landmarks & targets Observation, Camouflage and Concealment Field Signals Section Formations 1st yr 1 1 1 2 Type L L/P L/P L/P 1 L/P 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 2 1 2

5. 6. 7.

2 2

L L/P 2 L/P

2 2 2

(xxv) 8. 9. 10. 11. FC & BC-8 FC & BC-9 FC & BC-10 FC & BC-11 Fire Control Orders Fire and Movement Types of Knots and Lashings Section Battle Drill Total 5 7 2 L/P 4 9 L/P 2 1 L/P L/P 2 1 2 4 21

4. Introduction to Infantry Weapons and Equipment (INF) Aim Scope Ser No 1. Code INF-1 To introduce cadets to Infantry weapons. Introduction to characteristics and capabilities of Inf weapons. Subject Characteristics of 7.62 mm SLR rifle, ammunition, firepower, stripping, assembling & cleaning. Characteristics of 5.56 mm INSAS rifle, ammunition, firepower, stripping, assembling & cleaning. Organisation of Infantry Battalion. Characteristics of Infantry Company Support Weapons Characteristics of Infantry Battalion support weapons Total 1st yr 2 Type L/P 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 2




3. 4.


L 2 L/P

2 2



3 2 4 5


3 11

Note: Cadets will visit nearest Infantry unit where feasible.


5. Military History (MH) Aim Scope Ser No 1. Code MH-1 To provide knowledge of renowned Military Generals, PVCs & Indo-Pak battles. Biographies, famous Indian battles and war movies. Subject Biographies of renowned Generals (Carriapa/Sam Manekshaw) Indian Army War Heroes PVCs Study of Battles of Indo Pak war 1965,1971 & Kargil War Movies Total 1st yr 1 Type L 2nd yr 1 Type L 3rd yr Type Total periods 2

2. 3.

MH-2 MH-3


2 2

L/V L 2 L/Di

4 4


MH - 4

1 6

2 4

3 13

6. Communication (C ) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. Code C-1 C-2 To introduce cadets to latest trends in the field of communications. Types of communications, current and future trends. Subject Types of communications Characteristics of Wireless Technology(Mobile, Wi Fi etc) Characteristics of Walkie/Talkie Basic RT Procedure Latest trends and development(Multi Media, Video Conferencing, IT) Total Grand Total 1st yr 1 2 Type L L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 2

3. 4. 5.

C-3 C-4 C-5

2 2 1

L L/P L 2 2 L/P L

2 3 3

3 24

4 33

4 33

11 90



Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Armed Forces Map Reading Field Craft & Battle Craft Military History Communication TOTAL Subject 1st Year 04 13 09 06 03 35 2nd Year 05 11 11 05 03 35 Total Periods 09 24 20 11 06 70



1. Armed Forces (AF) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Code AF-1 AF-2 AF-3 AF-4 AF-5 AF-6 AF-7 To acquaint cadets with the Armed Forces. Introduction and general information about the Armed Forces. Subject Basic organisation of the Armed Forces Organisation of Army Badges of Rank Honours and Awards Modes of Entry to Army Fighting Arms Supporting Arms & Services Total 1st yr 1 2 1 Type L L L 1 1 2 1 4 5 L L L/V L/V 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 9

Note:- Video clips be used for AF 6 & 7. 2. Map Reading (MR) Aim Scope Ser No 1. To teach cadets elementary Map Reading. Basic understanding of map sheets and map reading instruments and development of capability to use them to carry out simple Map Reading. Code MR-1 Subject Introduction to types of Maps and Conventional Signs Scales and Grid systems 1st yr 2 Type L 2nd yr Type Total periods 2



(xxix) 3. 4. 5. 6. MR-3 MR-4 MR-5 MR-6 Topographical forms and technical terms Relief, Contours and Gradients Cardinal points and Types of North Types of bearings and use of Service Protractor Prismatic compass and its use & GPS Setting a Map, finding North and own position Total 2 2 1 2 L L/P L/P L/P 3 L/P 1 1 L L/P 3 3 1 5

7. 8.

MR-7 MR-8


2 4


4 4 24



3. Field Craft and Battle Craft (FC & BC) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. To teach cadets elementary Field Craft and Battle Craft. Basic Field Craft and Battle Craft. Total periods 1 1 1 2 L/P L/P L/P 2 2 4

Code FC & BC-1 FC & BC-2 FC & BC-3 FC & BC-4 FC & BC-5 FC & BC-6 FC & BC-7 FC & BC-8

Subject Introduction Judging Distance Description of ground Recognition, description and indication of landmarks Observation, Camouflage and Concealment Field Signals Use of Ground and Movement Section Formations

1st yr 1 1 1 2

Type L L/P L/P L/P

2nd yr


5. 6. 7. 8.

1 1


1 1 2


2 2 2 2

(xxx) 9. FC & BC-9 Knots & Lashing Total 4. Military History (MH) Aim Scope Ser No 1. To provide knowledge of renowned Military Generals, PVCs & Indo-Pak battles. Biographies, famous Indian battles and War movies. Total periods 2 1 9 L 2 11 L/P 3 20

Code MH-1

Subject Biographies of renowned Generals (Carriapa/Sam Manekshaw) Indian Army War Heroes PVCs Study of Battles of Indo Pak Wars 1965,1971 & Kargil. War Movies Total

1st yr 1

Type L

2nd yr 1

Type L

2. 3.

MH-2 MH-3

2 1


1 1


3 2



2 6

2 5

4 11

5. Communications (C) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3. To introduce cadets to latest trends in the field of Communications. Importance of communication and means of Communication. Total periods 1 2 3 3 3 L 3 6

Code C-1 C-2 C-3

Subject Importance of communications Means of communication Modern Methods of Communication Total

1st yr 1 2

Type L L

2nd yr



Grand Total






Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subject Naval Orientation Naval Warfare and Its Components Naval Communication Navigation Seamanship (a) Anchor Work (b) Rigging (c) Boat Work 6. 7. 8. 9. Fire Fighting, Flooding and Damage Control Ship and Boat Modelling Search and Rescue Swimming 01 03 04 00 02 01 01 01 00 05 02 03 00 03 00 00 01 02 14 01 05 02 03 10 04 19 02 09 1st Year 08 00 03 00 2nd Year 06 04 04 06 3rd Year 03 03 01 03 Total Periods 17 07 08 09








1. Naval Orientation and Service Subjects (NO). Aim: Scope: To impart Basic Knowledge about Navy. Basic Knowledge, History, current Organisation and Role of different branches of Navy. Ist Year 2 Type L 2nd Year Type 3rd Year Type Total Periods 2

Ser Code Subject No. 1 NO1 NO2 NO3 NO4 NO5 NO6 NO7 NO8 NO9 NO10 NO11 History of the Indian Navy Pre and Post-independence, gallantry award winners Organisation of Navy - NHQ, Commands, Fleets, Ships and shore establishments Types of Warships and their Role Organisation of Ships Introduction on onboard organisation Organisation of Army & Air Force - Operational and Training Commands Naval Customs and Traditions Ranks of Officers and Sailors, Equivalent Ranks in the Three Services Mode of entry into IN Branches of the Navy and their Functions Role of IN in Indo Pak War 1971 & Kargil War Naval Campaign (Battle of Atlantic, Pearl Harbour, Falkland War/Fleet Review/PFR/IFR) TOTAL

3 4

2 -

L -

2 2

6 7

1 -

L -

1 1

8 9 10 11

1 1 1


2 1


1 1 2 2



2. Naval Warfare & Its Components (NW). Aim: Scope: To impart Basic Knowledge about Naval Warfare. Overview of Fleet Operations, to include Aviation, Submarines Ops, Gunnery & Missiles and ASW. Ist Year Type 2nd Year 2 Type L 3rd Year Type Total Periods 2

Ser Code Subject No. 1. NW4 NW1 NW2 NW3 Introduction to AntiSubmarine Warfare & Fleet Operation Role of Aviation - Naval Aircraft & Helicopters Types of Submarines and its role (a) ASW weapon and sensors Elementary knowledge of Gunnery & Missiles (a)Types of missiles (b) Types of Guns TOTAL

2. 3.

2 1


2 1


3. Naval Communication (NC). Aim: Scope: To impart basic knowledge about Naval Communication. To impart basic knowledge about Naval Communication Organization, semaphore and wearing of flags. Ist Year 2 Type L 2nd Year Type 3rd Year Type Total Periods 2

Ser Code Subject No. 1. NC-1 Introduction to Naval Modern Communication, Purpose & Principles (a) Introduction of Naval communication (b) Duties of various communication sub department NC-2 Semaphore


(xxxv) (a) Introduction of position of letters and prosigns (b) Reading of messages (c) Transmission of messages NC-3 Phonetic Alphabets NC-4 Radio Telephony Procedure NC-5 Wearing of National Flag, Ensign and Admirals Flag TOTAL 4. Navigation (N). Aim: Scope: To impart basic knowledge about Navigation. Basic Navigation Tactics and Methods, Equipment used for Navigation, Rules of Road, Chart Work etc. Ist Year Type 2nd Year 2 Type P 3rd Year Type Total Periods 2

3. 4. 5.

1 1 4

L L/P -

1 1

1 1 1 8

Ser Code Subject No. 1. N-1 Navigation of ship - basic requirements- (Charts and Compass), Map reading, Knot and nautical mile, Lat and long, types of maps & contours Types of Compass - Gyro and magnetic, True north and magnetic north Simple Chart Work - Plotting Ship Track, Types of charts and information on charts Use of Electronic Navigation Aids - GPS, RACON, Radar, Log and Eco sounder Brief characteristics of Tides and its effect on shipscauses of tides, tidal streams Clouds - Types, Formation of clouds and effects Introduction to Astronomy TOTAL









6. 7.

N-6 N-7

1 6

1 3

L -

1 1 9


5. Seamanship. Aim: Scope: To impart basic knowledge about Navigation. Basic Navigation Tactics and Methods, Equipment used for Navigation, Rules of Road, Chart Work etc.

Anchor Work (AW). Ser Code Subject No. 1. 2. AW1 AW2 Parts of Anchor and Cable, their identification Types of Anchor, purpose and holding ground TOTAL Ist Year 1 1 Type P 2nd Year 1 1 Type P 3rd Year Type Total Periods 1 1 2

Rigging (R) Ser Code Subject No. 1. R-1 Types of ropes and breaking strength- stowing, maintenance and securing of ropes Practical Bends & Hitches : Reef Knot, Half Hitch, Clove Hitch, Rolling Hitch, Timber Hitch, Bow line, Round Turn and Two Half Hitch and Bow Line on the Bight and its basic element and uses. Introduction to Shackles, Hooks, Blocks and Derricks, Coiling down and splicing of rope TOTAL Ist Year 1 Type L 2nd Year Type 3rd Year Type Total Periods 1






Boat Work (BW). Ser Code Subject No. 1. 2. 3. BW1 BW2 BW3 Parts of a Boat and parts of an Oar Instructions on Boat Pulling Pulling orders Steering of boats under oars, Practical Instructions on Boat Pulling, precautions while pulling Demonstrate Rigging a Whaler and Enterprise Boat Parts of sail and Sailing terms Instructions in Enterprise Class Boat including theory of sailing, Elementary Sailing rules Instructions in Sailing a Whaler - Types of sail Types of power boats used in the Navy and their uses, Knowledge of Anchoring, Securing and Towing a boat TOTAL Ist Year 1 1 2 Type P P P 2nd Year Type 3rd Year Type Total Periods 1 1 2





1-L 1-P

6. 7.


1 -

P -

1 1


6. Fire Fighting, Flooding And Damage Control (DC). Aim: Scope: Introduction to Fire Fighting , Flooding and Damage Control. Impart basic knowledge about Fire Fighting, Flooding & Damage Control of a ship. Ist Year Type 2nd Year Type 3rd Year 2 Type L Total Periods 2

Ser Code Subject No. 1. DC-1 Types of fire, types of extinguishers for fire fighting - Fire Fighting Triangle & methods of fire fighting. DC-2 Causes of damage, Flooding & damage Control TOTAL


2 2

2 4


7. Ship and Boat Modelling (SM) Aim: Scope: Knowledge about Ship Modelling to Cadets. To impart Basic knowledge about ship construction and construction of Static and Dynamic Ship Models. Ist Year 1 1 Type L L/P 2nd Year Type 3rd Year Type Total Periods 1 1

Ser Code Subject No. 1. 2. SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 Principles of Ship Modelling Maintenance and Care of Tools Cleaning & oiling of tools Types of Models Calculations of Sail area of a Model Correct reading of sail plan Introduction of Ship Model Competition Types of model prepare in NSC & RDC Care and Handling of Power Tools used Maintenance & purpose of tools Repairing of Ship Models Material used for repairing of models Handling and Operation of Remote Control Models Introduction of Transmitter, Receiver & Servers Practical Training Construction, chemical work, stability & operation of models TOTAL

3. 4.

1 -

L/P -

1 2
















8. Search & Rescue (SAR) Aim: Scope: To impart basic knowledge about Search & Rescue. To impart knowledge about SAR Organisation and role of ICG. Ist Year 1 1 Type L 2nd Year Type 3rd Year 1 1 Type L Total Periods 1 1 2

Ser Code Subject No. 1. 2. SAR1 SAR2 SAR Organization in the Indian Ocean Role of Indian coast Guard related to SAR TOTAL

9. Swimming (S) Aim: Scope: Each Cadet must be able to swim and float. To achieve proficiency in swimming to minimum standards. Ist Year Type 2nd Year Type 3rd Year 3 Type P Total Periods 3

Ser Code Subject No. 1. S-1 Floating and Breathing Techniques - Precautions while swimming Floating for three minutes and free style swimming for 50 meters TOTAL GRAND TOTAL



1 24

3 33

5 39

9 96



Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Subject Naval Orientation Seamanship Naval Communication Navigation Ship and Boat Modelling TOTAL 1st Year 17 12 04 00 02 35 2nd Year 07 12 04 06 06 35 Total Periods 24 24 08 06 08 70



1. Naval Orientation (NO) Aim: Scope: To impart training on Naval Organisation. History of Indian Navy, Naval Organisations, Rank structure, Indo Pak War - 1971 etc. Subject History of the Indian Navy (Gallantry Award Winners) Organisation of IN - NHQ, Commands & Ships Main Parts of a Ship Ist Year 2 3 4 4 Type L L 2-L 2-P L 2nd Year Type Total Periods 2 3 4 4

Ser No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Code NO-1 NO-2 NO-3 NO-4

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Types of Warships and Role - A/C Carriers, Submarines, Destroyers, & Frigates NO-5 Indo Pak War -1971 NO-6 Organisation on Board a Ship NO-7 Rank Structure & Badges - PBOR to MCPO & Equivalent NO-8 Rank Structure & Badges - Officers & Equivalent NO-9 Mode of entry into IN NO-10 Survival & Rescue - Life Safety Items on board Ship, Life Raft, Life Boats & Distress Signals TOTAL

2 2


2 2 2 1 -

L 1L 1-P 1L 1-P 1-L -

2 2 2 2 1 2




2. Seamanship (SS) Aim: Scope Ser No. 1. Code SS-1 To impart basic knowledge about Seamanship. Introduction to Rigging, Anchor work, Parts of boats & accessories etc. Subject Rigging (a) Cordage & Wire Ropes (b) Rope Work Terms (c) Preparation of Ropes for use 2. SS-2 Bends and Hitches: Reef Knot, Half Hitch, Clove Hitch, Rolling Hitch, Timber Hitch, Bow line, Round Turn and Two Half Hitch and Bow Line on the Bight and its basic element Fundamentals of Steering - Steering orders, reports and alteration of course Parts of a Sail- types of sails Parts of Whaler & Oar- Pulling orders Parts of a Cadet Class Dingy- sailing terms Anchor and Anchor Cable- Types of anchors and cable its use Throwing a Heaving Line- Use of Heaving line on board Use of Boatswain Call (Piping)- Parts of Pipe TOTAL 5 1- L 4-P 5 Ist Year 5 Type 1- L 4-P 2nd Year Type Total Periods 5



1- L 1-P P 3-P P 2-P P

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 SS-7 SS-8 SS-9

2 12

1- L 1-P -

1 3 2 2 2 12

1 3 2 2 2 2 24


3. Naval Communication (NC) Aim: Scope: Ser No. 1. 2. Code NC-1 NC-1 To impart basic knowledge to Naval Communication. Introduction to visual communication. Subject Introduction to Naval Communication Semaphore (a) Use of semaphore (b) Introduction of various letter position (c) Reading of semaphore message (d) Transmission of semaphore message Introduction to radio telephony procedure Phonetic Alphabets - Introduction and use TOTAL Ist Year 1 2 Type 1-L 1 - L/P 1-P 2nd Year 2 Type P Total Periods 1 4


NC-2 NC-3

1 4

2 4

2-P -

2 1 8

4. Navigation (N) Aim: Scope: Ser No. 1. Code N-1 To impart basic knowledge on Navigation. Introduction to navigating system and map reading. Subject Uses of Maps & Charts and its purpose Uses of Maps & Charts and its purpose (b)Instrument required for chart work Markings on Chart (a)Light houses (b)Navigational buoys Introduction to Map reading & Navigation Aids to include GPS TOTAL Ist Year Type 2nd Year 2 Type 1-L 1-P Total Periods 2





3 6

2-L 1-P

3 6


5. Ship and Boat Modelling (SM) Aim: Scope: Ser No. 1. 2. Code SM-1 SM-2 Imparting knowledge about Ship Modeling to Cadets. Basic knowledge about Reading of Diagrams and construction of Ship Models. Subject Principles of Ship Modelling Reading of a Ship Drawing of a Model (a)Views in blue print (b)Measurement of super structure and hull Practical Training on Static Models (a)Preparation of hull construction (b)Preparation of super structure (c)Chemical work and finishing of model (d)Stability & Operation of model TOTAL Ist Year 1 1 Type L L/P 2nd Year Type Total Periods 1 1





Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. Subject General Service Knowledge Air Campaigns Aircraft Recognition Modern Trends Principles of Flight Airmanship Navigation Meteorology Aero-Engines Airframes Instruments Aircraft Particulars Aeromodelling TOTAL 1st Year 02 00 00 00 03 06 00 00 01 02 02 02 06 24 2nd Year 02 02 04 00 04 02 03 01 04 02 03 00 06 33 3rd Year 02 04 00 02 03 02 02 04 01 02 02 00 09 33 Total Periods 06 06 04 02 10 10 05 05 06 06 07 02 21 90



1. General Service Knowledge (GSK). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Code GSK-1 GSK-2 GSK-3 GSK-4 GSK-5 GSK-6 To impart basic knowledge of IAF. History, organisation, branches of IAF and career in the IAF. Subject Development of Aviation History of IAF Organisation of Air Force Branches of the IAF Modes of entry in the IAF Career in the IAF as an Officer/Airman Total 1st yr 1 1 Type L,F L,F 1 1 L L 1 1 2 2 2 L L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

2. Air Campaigns(AC). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. Code AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 AC-4 To introduce Air Campaigns of the IAF. An overview of important air campaigns and screening of motivational movies. Subject Indo Pak War 1971 Op Safed Sagar Famous Air Heroes Motivational Movies Total 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 1 Type L,F L,F 2 2 4 L F 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 2 2 6

3. Aircraft Recognition (ACR) Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. Code ACR-1 Fighters To introduce various aircraft of the Air Force. Types, roles, variants of aircrafts of IAF and other Air Forces. Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 Type L,P 3rd yr Type Total periods 1

(xlvii) 2. 3. 4. ACR-2 Transports ACR-3 Helicopters ACR-4 Foreign Aircraft Total 1 1 1 4 L,P L,P L,P 0 1 1 1 4

4. Modern Trends (MT). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. Code MT-1 To introduce modern trends in aviation To impart basic knowledge of modern equipment used in aviation. Subject Modern Trends Total 1st yr 0 Type 2nd yr 0 Type 3rd yr 2 2 Type L Total periods 2 2

5. Principles of Flight (PF). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Code PF-1 PF-2 PF-3 PF-4 PF-5 PF-6 PF-7 PF-8 PF-9 PF-10 To introduce principles of flight. To impart knowledge about basic principles on which aviation is based. Subject Introduction Laws of Motion Glossary of Terms Bernoullis Theorem and Venturi Effect Aerofoil Forces on an Aircraft Lift & Drag Flaps and Slats Stalling Thrust Total 1st yr 1 1 1 Type L L L 1 1 1 1 L L L L 1 1 1 3 L L L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10


6. Airmanship (AR). Aim: Scope: To introduce the concept of airmanship. Airfield layout, Rules of the Air, ATC procedures, basics of aviation medicine and survival techniques. Code AR-1 AR-2 AR-3 AR-4 AR-5 AR-6 AR-7 Subject Introduction Airfield Layout Rules of the Air Circuit Procedure ATC/RT Procedures Aviation Medicine Survival Total 7. Navigation (NV). Aim: Scope: To give basic knowledge of Air Navigation. Use of maps, fundamentals of map reading from air and elementary knowledge of navigation. Code NV-1 NV-2 NV-3 NV-4 Subject Requirement of Navigation Glossary of Terms Maps Map Reading Total 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 2 Type L L 1 1 2 L L,P 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 2 1 1 5 6 2 1st yr 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type L L L L L L/P 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 10

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1 1

P L,F 2 2 L,F

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4.

8. Meteorology (MET). Aim: Scope: Ser No Code To emphasise the need for knowledge of meteorology in aviation. Importance, various phenomena of weather and its effect on aviation. Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods

(xlix) MET1 MET2 MET3 MET4 MET5 Importance of Met in Aviation Atmosphere Clouds and Precipitation Visibility Humidity and Condensation Total 9. Aero-engines (AE). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Code AE-1 AE-2 AE-3 AE-4 AE-5 AE-6 To impart basic knowledge of aero-engines. Types of aero-engines, differences in various types and applications. Subject Introduction to Aeroengines Types of Engines Piston Engines Jet Engines Turboprop Engines Consolidation Total 1st yr 1 Type L 1 1 1 1 L L,P L L 1 1 L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

L 1 1 1 1 4 L L L L

1 1 1 1 1 5


10. Airframes (AF). Aim: Scope: To introduce basic structure of an aircraft. Various aircraft controls, knowledge of various control surfaces, types of landing gear. Code AF-1 AF-2 AF-3 AF-4 AF-5 Subject Aircraft Controls Fuselage Main & Tail Plane Ailerons, Elevators & Rudder Landing Gear Total 11. Instruments (IN). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. Code IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 To provide knowledge of Aircraft Instruments. Teach basic instruments, introduce radar and introduction to INSB of PABT. Subject Basic Flight Instruments Introduction to Radar Instrument Battery Test (Intro to PABT) Total 1st yr 2 Type L 3 L 2 2 3 2 L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 2 3 2 7 1 2 L 2 2 1st yr 1 Type L,P 1 1 L L 2 L 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 2 1 6

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

12. Aircraft Particulars (AP). Aim: Scope: Aim: Scope: Ser No Code Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr Type 3rd yr Type Total periods To learn about Microlight of Sqn. Knowledge about the aircraft to be flown including checks and procedures.

(li) Aircraft Particulars (Type Specific) Total



2 2

L 0 0

2 2

13. Aero-modelling (AM). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. Code AM-1 AM-2 AM-3 AM-4 To impart knowledge about Aero modelling. History of aero modelling, materials used in different types of models and flying the constructed aero models. 1st 2nd 3rd Total Subject Type Type Type yr yr yr periods History of Aero modelling 1 L ----1 Materials used in Aero --1 1 L modelling Types of Aero models Flying/ Building of Aero models Total Grand Total 1 3 6 24 L D,P 6 6 33 -D,P 9 9 33 -D,P 1 18 21 90



Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Subject General Service Knowledge Air Campaigns Aircraft Recognition Principles of Flight Parts of an Aircraft Aircraft Particulars Airfield Layout Atmosphere Maps RT Procedure Aeromodelling TOTAL 1st Year 05 02 00 03 02 01 01 00 00 02 19 35 2nd Year 00 06 03 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 24 35 Total Periods 05 08 03 03 02 01 01 01 01 02 43 70



1. General Service Knowledge (GSK). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Code GSK-1 GSK-2 GSK-3 GSK-4 GSK-5 To impart basic knowledge of IAF. History, organisation, branches of IAF and career in the IAF. Subject Development of Aviation History of IAF Organisation of Air Force Branches of the IAF Career in the IAF as an Officer/Airman Total 2. Air Campaigns (AC). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. 2. 3. Code AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 To introduce Air Campaigns of IAF. An introduction to air campaign and screening of motivational movies. Subject Indo Pak War 1971 Op Safed Sagar Motivational Movies Total 2 1st yr 2 Type L,F 2 4 6 L,F F 2nd yr Type Total periods 2 2 4 8 1st yr 1 1 1 1 1 5 Type L,F L,F L L L 0 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 1 1 5


3. Aircraft Recognition (ACR). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1 2 3 Code ACR1 ACR2 ACR3 Helicopters Transports Fighters Total 4. Principles of Flight (PF). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1 2 3 Code PF-1 PF-2 PF-3 Introduction Glossary of Terms Forces on an Aircraft Total 5. Parts of an Aircraft (PA). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1 Code PA-1 To introduce about parts of an aircraft. Fuselage, wings, cockpit and different parts of aircraft. Subject Parts of an Aircraft Total 1st yr 2 2 Type L,P 0 2nd yr Type Total periods 2 2 To introduce Principles of Flight. To impart knowledge about basic principles on which an aircraft flies. Subject 1st yr 1 1 1 3 Type L L L 0 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1 3 0 To introduce various aircraft of IAF. Types, roles and recognition of IAF aircraft. Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 1 1 3 Type L,P L,P L,P Total periods 1 1 1 3


6. Aircraft Particulars (AP). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. Code AP-1 To learn about micro light. Knowledge about the micro light of sqn. Subject Aircraft Particulars (Type Specific) Total 7. Airfield Layout (AL). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. Code AL-1 Airfield Layout Total 8. Atmosphere (MET). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. Code METAtmosphere 1 Total 0 To introduce about atmosphere. Knowledge of atmosphere and its application in aviation. Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 1 Type L Total periods 1 1 To introduce layout of a standard airfield. Runway, threshold, ATC, Aprons, Blast Pen etc. Subject 1st yr 1 1 Type L 0 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1 1st yr 1 1 Type L,P 0 2nd yr Type Total periods 1 1


9. Maps (MP). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. Code MP-1 Maps Total 10. RT Procedure (RT). Aim: Scope: Ser No 1. To introduce concept of RT in aviation. Call signs, standard calls, ATC, pronunciation of terms. 1st yr 2 Total 2 2nd yr Total periods 2 0 2 0 To impart knowledge about maps. Symbols used, types of maps, orientation of maps. Subject 1st yr Type 2nd yr 1 1 Type L Total periods 1 1

Code RT-1 RT Procedure


Type L,P


11. Aeromodelling (AM). Aim: Scope: To impart knowledge about aero modelling. History of aero modelling. Materials used in different types of models and constructing aero models. 1st yr 1 1 1 16 19 35 2nd yr Total periods 1 1 1 24 24 35 D,P 40 43 70

Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4.

Code AM-1 AM-2 AM-3 AM-4

Subject History of Aeromodelling Materials used in Aeromodelling Types of Aeromodels Flying/ Building of Aeromodels Total Grand Total

Type L L L D,P





Ser No 1. 2. 3. 4. Subject Organisation and Functioning of RVC Animal Management and Equitation Shoeing Saddle Fitting TOTAL 1st Year 01 15 05 03 24 2nd Year 01 14 09 09 33 3rd Year 00 17 08 08 33 Total Periods 02 46 22 20 90



1. Organisation and Functioning of RVC (O) Aim Scope Ser No 1. 2. Code O-1 O-2 To acquaint cadets with the RVC Org and its functioning. RVC Organisation and its function. Subject Organisation of RVC Functioning of RVC Units Total 1 Ist 2nd 3rd Total Type Type Type yr Yr Yr Periods 1 L 1 1 L 0 1 1 2

2. Animal Management & Equitation (AM & EQTN) Aim Scope Ser No 1. To acquaint cadets with Animal Management and Equitation. Horse Management and Equitation. 2nd 3rd Total Ist Type Type Type Yr Yr Periods yr 1 L 1

Code AM - 1

Subject Aim and Definition of Equitation and Acquaintance with horse Different paces of horse Breeds and colours of horses Transportation of animal Stable vices

2. 3. 4. 5.

AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5

1 1

L/P L 1 L L 1 LD/P

1 1 2 2

(lx) 6. AM - 6 Horse Management (a) Watering (b) Feeding (c ) Grooming 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. AM 7 AM 8 Eqtn-1 Eqtn-2 Eqtn-3 Eqtn-4 Eqtn-5 Eqtn-6 Clipping Minor Ailments and treatment Rules and Regulations of Equestrian sports Leading/Handling of dismounted horse Mounted and dismounted drill Basic seat and posture of rider Walk - (Introduction to walk and its aids) Trot - (Aids, synchronising of rising movement and trotting with/without rising) Basic school movements (Circles, fig of eight, serpentines, change of directions, halts and rein back) Canter - (Aids & synchronising with horse) Schooling and introduction to basic dressage (Repetition of above, bending lessons, turn on haunches & transition of paces) 1 1 2 2 2 LD/P LD/P LD/P L/P LD/P 1 D/P 2 L 2 LD/P 2 LD/P 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 LD/P 3



13. 14.

Eqtn-8 Eqtn-9

2 2


3 4


5 6

(lxi) 15. Eqtn-10 Introduction to Show Jumps Total 15 14 4 17 P 4 46

3. Shoeing (S) Aim To acquaint cadets with shoeing of horses, various methods of shoeing and shoeing faults. Requirement of shoeing, their types and faults in shoeing. 2nd 3rd Total Ist Type Type Type Yr Yr Periods yr 1 1 1 L L L/D 1 L/D 1 1 2

Scope Ser No 1. 2. 3.

Code S-1 S-2 S-3

Subject Objective of Shoeing Farrier tools and their uses Preparation of foot & faults in preparation Shoes and types of shoes Fitting of shoes Injuries due to faulty shoeing Diseases of the foot Surgical Shoeing Total

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8

L/P 2 LD L/P L


2 2 3

2 4

5 2


9 2 22

4. Saddle Fitting (SF) Aim To acquaint cadets with various types of saddles, their maintenance, fitting and faults in fitting. Types of saddles, their maintenance, fitting and faults in fitting



Ser No 1.

Code SF-1

Subject Types of saddle and its parts. (a) Pack saddle (b) Draught Saddle (c ) Riding Saddle Fitting of Saddles Fitting of additional accessories of the saddle. Modifications in fitting of saddle. Defects and diseases due to ill-fitting saddles and methods to overcome them. Care, maintenance and preservation of saddler and harness Total

Ist 2nd 3rd Total Type Type Type yr Yr Yr Periods 2 L/D 2 P 4

2. 3.

SF-2 SF-3


2 1

L/D LD 1 L/D

3 2

4. 5.

SF-4 SF-5

1 1 L/D 3


1 4




Grand Total





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