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Business Process Design Standards

Business Process Design Standards [using VISIO]

Brief Summary of Approach This summary outlines the activities that need to e managed et!een Business Systems and the Business in order to investigate and analyse usiness activities" #or$shops should e scheduled !ith $ey mem ers of the usiness in order to map out ho! the usiness operates in normal circumstances% in e&ceptional circumstances and to clearly map error conditions ho! these are managed" #or$shops should e set up for each of the $ey areas of the usiness !ithin the scope of the pro'ect" To do this Business Systems should define the core functions y usiness area in advance of scheduling any !or$shops% in order to uild a functional model" This functional model can then e cross( referenced !ith the organisation structures to identify the correct usiness representation re)uired to attend each of the !or$shops" Su se)uently% notification !ill e sent to each of the usiness users detailing the purpose% venue and schedule for the !or$shops" *esponsi ilities of the Business During #or$shops Business users !ill e re)uired to provide the follo!ing support+ ," Provide information from !hich the current !ays of !or$ing can e mapped into a suite of process models y providing $no!ledge and e&pertise of their !or$ing environments" The process models !ill need to map+ a" -ormal scenarios " .&ception scenarios c" .rror scenarios and management of $no!n error conditions /" Verify that the process models generated from the !or$shops accurately represent the current !ays of !or$ing" 0" Support the IT pro'ect team in the design of the proposed !ays of !or$ing" The proposed !ays of !or$ing !ill need to consider+ a" Improving e&isting !or$ing practices to increase efficiency and reduce operational costs " Introducing ne! disciplines or modifying e&isting disciplines to eliminate 1 reduce e&isting pro lems c" 2reating ne! !or$ing practices to support the any ne! initiatives in corporate or local usiness strategy d" Proposing ne! systems or e&isting systems modifications to support any ne! initiatives in corporate or local usiness strategy

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Business Process Design Standards

5" Be accounta le for resolving outstanding usiness decisions" During !or$shops it is anticipated that there !ill e unresolved )uestions and issues raised that cannot e resolved during the !or$shop and assumptions made that re)uire verification" These $no!ledge gaps or issues !ill have to e o!ned and managed to resolution" It is anticipated that the usiness users !ill e allocated actions from the !or$shops and so they must e made a!are of this so that time is allocated outside of the !or$shop sessions" An Actions 6og should e maintained !ith this information" 7" O tain agreement to the proposed !ays of !or$ing from usiness e&ecutives" The proposed !ays of !or$ing !ill need to e played ac$ to senior management and Board mem ers and then agreed" 8ormal signoff of the proposed !ays of !or$ing is necessary ecause they !ill form the asis of the design for the pro'ect" 9" Once this agreement has een reached% the IT team !ill then e in a position to perform a gap analysis to estimate the e&pected change et!een ho! the usiness currently !or$s and ho! it is intended to !or$" The areas of change !ill have to e documented in terms of+ a" Introduction of ne! processes " 2hanges to e&isting processes c" 2hanges to usiness infrastructure : organisation change proposal;s< d" *e)uirements for ne! systems functionality% systems modifications or hard!are e" *e)uirements for improved information : ne! or modified reporting f" *e)uirements for induction and refresher training programmes Once the areas of change have een identified then they can e assessed in terms of time and effort ta$en to introduce them" In addition the proposed !ays of !or$ing must e revie!ed !ith respect to ho! they support the usiness strategy" It is anticipated that not all of the proposed !ays of !or$ing !ill e conducive to the usiness strategy ut they may ma$e the usiness operationally more cost effective and 1 or improve efficiency and therefore such changes should e considered" It may e appropriate to improve !or$ing practice in some areas of the usiness prior to introducing ne! disciplines or aggressively introducing usiness gro!th so as to avoid e&acer ating inherent pro lems" Definition of 2urrent and Proposed #ays of #or$ing Business Systems !ill ta$e o!nership of compiling the !or$shop agendas% reference =2ontent of #or$shop Agenda> section for detail of content" A

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Business Process Design Standards

mem er of the usiness systems team !ill ta$e responsi ility for the completion of the agenda material and facilitating the !or$shop session" Once the agenda material has een prepared% the attendee list should e generated and re)uests sent out to the usiness for attendance" It !ill e the responsi ility of Business Systems to ensure that all re)uired usiness representation is availa le for the !or$shop" .ach !or$shop !ill generate oth decisions and actions? decisions need to e documented appropriately and incorporated into the 8unctional *e)uirements Definition and actions !ill e logged in the Actions 6og to e managed to decision point" It !ill e the responsi ility of Business Systems to manage the actions and document !or$shops appropriately" Business Systems !ill set the standards for capturing information in the process models generated from the sessions" Standards need to e set for the process models that !ill e generated !ithin Visio and also for the narrative% supporting documentation" See Process @odel Standards 1 -otation Section elo!" Once the current and proposed !ays of !or$ing have een captured% revie!ed and signed off then a gap analysis may e performed to identify the changes that !ill need to ta$e place to change the usiness from the e&isting mode of operation to the ne! mode of operation" A Aap Analysis document should e produced as a reference of the degree of change that !ill need to e adopted as a result of the implementation" Business Strategy Business Systems must also e a!are of any corporate or local usiness strategy y holding intervie! sessions !ith Board mem ers and senior management" The primary purpose of these sessions !ill e to identify+ -e! usiness governance% such as ne! compliances -e! usiness drivers% such as BPIs Plans for usiness gro!th Such items !ill need to e considered during the development and design of the proposed !ays of !or$ing" Documents *eferenced The Actions 6og and 8unctional *e)uirements Definition can e vie!ed from the lin$s elo!+ Actions 6og 8unctional *e)uirements Definition Aap Analysis
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Business Process Design Standards

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Business Process Design Standards

2ontent of #or$shop Agenda A !or$shop agenda !ill consist of+ ," A presentation of functional model;s< y Business Systems /" *unning a =Bro!n Paper> e&ercise to identify !hat activities ta$e place !ithin each function so that the process models can e compiled" Approach+ #or$ through the logical se)uence of processes% [activities]% !ithin each function? for each process the follo!ing information needs to e captured in a structured !ay+ ," #hat event;s< initiate this functionC ,"," *eceipt of forms or notifications ,"/" Approvals 1 Authorisations ,"0" Systems prompt ,"5" 2ompleted systems processing /" #hat inputs are re)uired to perform this processC /"," 8orms 1 paper!or$ /"/" Approval 1 Authorisation 0" #hat outputs result from this processC 0"," 8orms 1 paper!or$ 0"/" *eports : operational 1 e&ception 0"0" Systems processing 5" #hat $ey information is managed 1 processed y this processC 5"," Descri e at logical level detail not file formats or data ase layouts" 8or e&ample+ Purchase Order information% Aoods *eceived information 7" #ho performs this processC 7"," -ame the role;s< performing process from !ithin the usiness 7"/" -ame the role;s< performing process e&ternal to the usiness? such as suppliers 1 carriers 1 agents 9" #here does this process ta$e placeC 9"," Identify the location internal or e&ternal to the usiness !here the process ta$es place for each afore mentioned role D" #hat application;s< are used to support this processC D"," 2entral application;s< D"/" Stand alone P2 ased system;s< D"0" #e ena led application;s<

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Business Process Design Standards

E" #hen does this process ta$e placeC E"," Does the process have specific scheduled timeslotsC E"/" Is the process regular in occurrenceC E"/"," FourlyC E"/"/" DailyC E"/"0" #ee$lyC E"0" Ad(hocC G" #hat processes are dependent upon output from this activityC G"," #ho receives output from this process !ithin the usinessC G"/" #ho receives output from this process e&ternal to the usinessC G"0" #hat systems receive output from this processC ,4" #hat e&ceptions are there to the normal stream of processesC ,4"," All of the a ove )uestions% , through to E% need to e revisited in light of e&ception scenarios Pro lems 1 Issues 1 2oncerns+ ," #hat are the main pro lems !ith this processC 2onsider in terms of+ ,"," Time ,"/" *esource ;shortage or s$ills< ,"0" @anagement ,"5" Inade)uate systems support ,"7" Inade)uate information ;*eports 1 2ommunication< ,"9" Inefficient operations

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Business Process Design Standards

Documentation Documentation collated from the !or$shop may consist of+ ," Process flo!% ;currently mapped using @icrosoft Visio flo!chart soft!are<% to illustrate+ ,"," -ormal scenarios [that is+ logical routes of activity] ,"/" .&ception scenarios ,"0" .rror conditions /" Business governance 1 drivers governing the process /"," Business rules : corporate 1 local strategy and governance /"/" Policies : governance for specific procedures /"0" Procedures+ step y step guide to operations ;performing processes< 0" Information inputs and outputs 0"," Inputs 0","," 8orms 0","/" Approvals 1 Authorisations 0","0" *eceipt of information y usiness or third party 0","5" System interfaces 0"/" Outputs 0"/"," 8orms 0"/"/" Approvals 1 Authorisations 0"/"0" Information : transformation H output 0"/"5" System interfaces 1 system processing 0"/"7" Actions y the usiness 1 third parties 0"/"9" *eports : operational 1 e&ception 1 analytics 0"/"D" Alerts : managing !or$flo! 5" Assumptions 5"," 2onfirmed assumptions to e verified y usiness 5"/" Open assumptions to e agreed y usiness 7" Issues 7"," 2losed issues to e verified y the usiness 7"/" Open issues to e resolved y the usiness 9" Bey Decisions 9"," Agreed $ey usiness decisions captured during !or$shops 9"/" Outstanding $ey decisions to e resolved y the usiness D" Business enefits% for each of the enefits identified for the proposed !ays of !or$ing document D"," Benefit description+ this should e&plain the anticipated hard% ie+ measura le% enefits or soft% ie+ non measura le% enefits D"/" #ho !ill enefitC #hen and !hyC

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Business Process Design Standards

Process @odel -otation 1 Standards Process @odel documentation 1 standards considerations+ ," -otate event;s< /" @ap different scenario types as different threads et!een functions+ /"," -ormal /"/" .&ception /"0" .rror conditions [$no!n] 0" Ise Visio standard notation for charting process models? a sym ol should e allocated for each of the follo!ing+ 0"," Activity 0"/" Decision 0"0" .vent% ;trigger for scenario< 0"5" Application 0"7" Input 1 Output 0"9" Information% ;$ey information only< 0"D" .rror 1 Pro lem% ;associated !ith the process< 0"E" 8unction end 0"G" On page reference+ reference to activity on same page 0",4" Off page reference+ reference to other model 5" .sta lish notation for mar$ing $ey narrative information% notate information o&es to hold information such as+ 5"," Business governance 5"/" Assumptions 7" .sta lish standards for lin$ing process models in order to logically connect 7"," @ultiple models for each usiness area% see off page reference 7"/" Departmental interdependency !ill e denoted y horiJontal =s!im( lanes> on the process model 9" .sta lish change control standards so that changes to models and revision history can e methodically catalogued" 9"," .ach model !ill e named according to the follo!ing format 9","," P@(Business area(8unction name(Version num er? 8or e&ample+ FM-B&M-Planning-001 9","/" Version num ers !ill e incremented y one for each revision of the model% for e&ample 44, (K !ill e incremented to 44/? note+ the aseline version of the process model !ill have a version num er of 44,

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Business Process Design Standards

Activity *ef" LLLLLLLLLLLLL Activitiy Description LLLLLLLLLLLLL *ole


.rror 1 Pro lem

Input 1 Output


Decision Bo&

On Page *eference


8unction .nd

Off Page *eference Information

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