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Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Arisan. A community custom to hold a meeting which aims to encourage acquaintance between one another. Activities include: sharing meals; collecting money for several purposes such as cleaning their environment, maintaining trees, planting new trees, replacing bulbs in the street/narrow walk-ways; announcing local government news that comes either from provincial or national government; collecting money for small industries loans. All activities are targeted for community benefits. AusAID Australian Agency for International Development. Baku Mutu. Stream quality standard. Bapedal (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan) [Environmental Impact Management Agency Indonesian EPA / Environmental Protection Agency]. The Agency at a regional level (several provinces) is called Bapedalwil and at a provincial level is called Bapedalda. Bapedalda Tk I (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Daerah Tk. I). [Environmental Impact Management Agency Indonesian EPA / Environmental Protection Agency at a provincial level]. Bapedalda Tk II (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Daerah Tk. II). [Environmental Impact Management Agency Indonesian EPA / Environmental Protection Agency at a local government or municipality level]. Bappeda (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah). Regional Development Planning Board. Bappeda Kodya Malang: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Kotamadya Malang. Regional Development Planning Board, Malang Municipality. Bappenas (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional): National Development Planning Board. B.Civil.Eng.: Bachelor of Civil Engineering. BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand, the amount of oxygen needed for aerobic microorganism to function in organic-rich water such as sewage. B.Sc.: Bachelor of Science. B.S.E.: Bachelor of Sanitary Engineering.

Camat. The head of Borough.

CEMT: Centre for Environmental Management and Technology. The centre has been established in July 1996 at Merdeka University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, as a fruit of the collaboration between Merdeka University and Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. CIPTA KARYA. One of the divisions in the Public Works Department which assists provincial and local government such as identifying needs for water and sanitation, and performing and monitoring projects. COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand, is another measure of dissolved organic compounds like BOD (see above) but includes non biologically-derived materials. CMPS&F Pty Ltd: Cook Mitchell Peacock Stewart & Furphy Pty Ltd. An Australian consulting company. CSS Joint Venture: A joint venture of CMPS&F Pty Ltd, Sinclair Knight Merz and SAGRIC, all Australian consultants. Cubluk: Family toilet, squat plate and gooseneck drain connected to a pit latrine or sometimes to an open drain. DEET-TIL. An Australian Government Department of Employment, Education and Training Targeted Institutional Link Programme. Dipl.H.E.: Diploma Hydraulic Engineering. Dipl.S.E.: Diploma Sanitary Engineering. DO: Dissolved Oxygen. Dr.: Dokter. Medical Doctor. Drg.: Dokter gigi. Dentist. Drs.: Doktorandus. Postgraduate degree of social sciences in Indonesian University that is equivalent to Master of Arts. EPA: Environmental Protection Agency.

GBHN (Garis Garis Besar Haluan Negara) [Broadline of State Policy]. It is used as a basis of the five year development plan, REPELITA (see below). Environmental protection has been included in GBHN and REPELITA since the second REPELITA (1973/74 - 1978/79). ICLEI: International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. Ir: Insinyur. Postgraduate degree in Faculty of Engineering - Indonesian University which is equivalent to Master of Engineering. It can be achieved after two years postgraduate programme after having an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Engineering, for four years degree programme) in the same discipline area before year 1984. After year 1984, a bachelor degree for engineers is called S.T (Sarjana Teknik ) and a masters degree Magister Sains. Kabupaten. The chief administrative sub-unit within a province in Indonesia. Kali. River. i.e. Kali Brantas: Brantas River. Kalpataru Award. A national award for citizens who have demonstrated extraordinary efforts to maintain and enhance the quality of the environment. Presented by the president in a national ceremony annually. Karang Taruna [Youth Organisation]. The youth organisation Karang Taruna is officially recognised at the Kelurahan or neighbourhood level. This organisation runs a variety of activities for youths, especially sports which are actively promoted. Karang Taruna is also expected to assist in the implementation of government programs. If members of PKK - Pendidikan Kesejahateraan Keluarga encounter technical difficulties in implementing government programmes, members of Karang Taruna are employed to assist. In some cases, Karang Taruna is also involved in security measures for the Kelurahans. Kecamatan. Borough or sub-district of a Kabupaten. Kelurahan: Precinct. kulo nuwun. Javanese language that means may I help you? LKMD (Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa). An organisation at the Kelurahan level responsible for implementing and coordinating government programmes. Its specific functions include: 1. Acting as a forum for social participation in planning and executing development projects.

2. Installing knowledge and consciousness about the spirit and practice of the national ideology Pancasila [the Five Principles of Government of Indonesia]. 3. Acting as a channel of communication between government and people and among citizens. 4. Increasing the knowledge and skills of the community. 5. Increasing the role of women in realising (the goal of) healthy families. Source: Collection of Regulations for the Guidance of LKMD, Directorate General of Village Development in Suryakusuma, 1991. LSM / NGO (Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat) / (Non-Government Organisation). Lurah. The head of Kelurahan [Precinct]. M.A.: Master of Arts. MCK Mandi-cuci-kakus Bathing, washing and toilet facility. This is a combined facility for bathing, washing clothes and toilet. MK -- Mandi-kakus Bathing and toilet facility. This is a combined facility for bathing and toilet. M. PH.: Master of Public Health. M.S.: Magister Sain. Postgraduate degree in Indonesian University that is equivalent to Master of Science. M.Sc: Master of Science. NGO: Non Government Organisation. NOPOLU. A software (model) for simulation of river water quality used for Brantas River. Pancasila [the Five Principles of Government of Indonesia]. (Panca: Five. Sila: Chapter). 1 st Chapter: Belief in the one and only God. 2nd Chapter: Just and Civilised Humanity. 3rd Chapter: The Unity of Indonesia. 4 th Chapter: Democracy guided by the Inner Wisdom of Deliberations of Representatives. 5th Chapter: Social Justice for all the Indonesian people. PCI: Pollution Control Implementation, an AusAID funded project in East Java.
PDAM: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum. Local Water Management Enterprise.

P.D. PAL JAYA: Perusahaan Daerah Pengolahan Air Limbah Jakarta Raya. The Jakarta Wastewater Management. PJT: Perum Jasa Tirta. Jasa Tirta Public Corporation. PKK: (Pendidikan Kesejahateraan Keluarga). Literally means: Family Welfare Education. PKK is a womens association. PROKASIH (Program Kali Bersih). The Clean River Programme. Puskesmas: Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat. Health Centre provided by the Government in each Borough throughout Indonesia Repelita (Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun) [Five Year Development Plan]. Indonesia has a long-term development plan for 25 years (1969 1993) divided into five year development plans called REPELITA (REPELITA I to V). The first covered the period 1969-1993. The overall economy grew at 6.8 per cent per annum during this period of development (Central Bureau of Statistics, 1995:2). Currently Indonesia has entered the second long-term development plan period (1993- 2018). Every longterm plan divides into five yearly development plans called PELITA, acronym of Pembangunan Lima Tahun , and the GBHN (see above) is used as a basis of five year development plans of each Pelita. Currently, Indonesia has been conducting its sixth PELITA (1994-1998). Environmental protection has been included in GBHN and Pelita since the second Pelita was commenced. REPELITA I (1969 1974): Repelita I (Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun I diantara tahun 1969 sampai dengan tahun 1974). Five-Year Development Plan I between year 1969 to 1974. RT and RW. Community organisations that are involved in activities related to social and administrative control of their citizen members, acting as voluntary agents to disseminate information from the government to the community. RT: Rukun Tetangga [harmonious neighbourhood] RW: Rukun Warga [harmonious community] SAGRIC. An Australian consulting company. Sinclair Knight Merz. An Australian consulting company. SPAL - Sarana Pengolah Air Limbah Wastewater treatment plant.

SRPCAPS: Surabaya River Pollution Control Action Plan Study. (NOPOLU database). Surat Keputusan Gubernur: Governors decree. TSS (Total Suspended Solid). A measure of non-soluble, discarded solid materials such as sewage sludge (see BOD and COD). UNEP (The United Nations Environmental Programme). UNEP was created in 1972 as a result of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, to coordinate United Nations activities in the field of the environment. WCED: World Commission on Environment and Development. It is an independent body which was set up in 1983 by the United Nations to examine the critical environment and development problems of the world and to formulate realistic proposals to solve them, and to ensure that human progress will be sustained through development that does not bankrupt the resources of future generations.
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