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Vitamin D: From Sunlight to Supplementation

The Importance of Vitamin D:

Most Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, yet more and more studies are revealing its vital importance. This amazing vitamin helps prevent osteoporosis, depression, cancer, diabetes, obesity and more! Here is hat several doctors have to say about this crucial vitamin! Because vitamin D is so cheap and so clearly reduces all-cause mortality, I can say this with great certainty: Vitamin D represents the single most cost-effective medical intervention in the United States. " Dr. #reg $lotni%off, Medical Director, $enny #eorge &nstitute for Health and Healing, Abbott 'orth estern Hospital in Minneapolis. I elieve !vitamin D" is the num er one pu lic health advance in medicine in the last twenty years. " Dr. (ohn )hitcomb, Aurora *inai Medical +enter. I would challenge anyone to find an area or nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-cancer enefits as vitamin D. #he data are really $uite remar%a le. "Dr. ,d ard #iovannucci, Vitamin D e-pert. In all my many years of practice of medicine, I&ve never seen one vitamin, even vitamin ', have such profound effects on human health. " *oram .halsa MD.

What Can You Do?

)hile e-perts agree that Vitamin D is crucial, there is some controversy about the best ay to get it / some say e-posure to the sun is enough, hile others encourage supplementation. Here are several resources here you can find current information from different points of vie choice to ma%e for you and your family! Dr. Andre )eil http!00 .dr eil.com0dr 0u0A1T234530vitamin"d Vitamin D +ouncil http!00 .vitamindcouncil.org0 Dr. Mar% Hyman http!00 .ultra ellness.com0blog0not"getting"enough"vitamin"d"old The )eston A. $rice 6oundation! http!00 . estonaprice.org0basicnutrition0vitamindmiracle.html ,uropean *tudy on the Amount of *un ,-posure 'eeded for Healthy Vitamin D 7evels http!00 .nilu.no0data0inc0leverfil.cfm8id932:;<=type9: Dr. Mercola http!00 .mercola.com0article0vitamin"d"resources.htm >The Healing $o er of *unlight and Vitamin D! An ,-clusive &ntervie ith Dr. Michael Holic%,? by Mi%e Adams http!00 .naturalne s.com0rr"sunlight.html @an e-cerpt from this 322; intervie can be found on the follo ing pageA B &ntegrative 'utrition and decide hat

5; 6acts Cou $robably 'ever .ne About Vitamin D and *unlight ,-posure
Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer and breast cancer, and even effects diabetes and obesity. Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the orld of nutrition. ThatDs probably because itDs freeE your body ma%es it hen sunlight touches your s%in. Truth is, most people donDt %no the real story on vitamin D and health. 5. Vitamin D is produced by your s%in in response to e-posure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight. 3. The healing rays of natural sunlight that generate vitamin D in your s%in cannot penetrate glass. *o you donDt generate vitamin D hen sitting in your car or home. 3. &t is nearly impossible to get adeFuate amounts of vitamin D from your diet. *unlight e-posure is the only reliable ay to generate vitamin D in your o n body. Gur bodies can produce vitamin D on their o n hen e-posed to sunlight but the s%in must be free of sunscreen, sun bloc%s and clothing, hich all interfere ith the process.

H. A person ould have to drin% 52 tall glasses of vitamin D fortified mil% each day Iust to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet. ;. The farther you live from the eFuator, the longer the e-posure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D. +anada, the J. and most J* states are far from the eFuator. :. $eople ith dar% s%in pigmentation may need 32 to K2 times as much e-posure to sunlight as fair" s%inned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D. This is hy prostate cancer is epidemic among blac% menLit is a simple but idespread sunlight deficiency. M. *ufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in your intestines. )ithout sufficient vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium, rendering calcium supplements useless. 4. +hronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnightE it ta%es months of vitamin D supplementation and sunlight e-posure to rebuild the bodyDs bones and nervous system. <. ,ven ea% sunscreens @*$6 4A bloc% your bodyDs ability to generate vitamin D by <;N. *unscreen products can actually cause disease by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body. 52. &t is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight e-posure! your body ill self" regulate and only generate hat it needs. 55. &f it hurts to press firmly on your sternum, you may be suffering from chronic vitamin D deficiency right no . 53. Vitamin D is activated in your body by your %idneys and liver before it can be used. 5K. Having %idney disease or liver damage can greatly impair your bodyDs ability to activate circulating vitamin D. 5H. ,ven though vitamin D is one of the most po erful healing chemicals in your body, your body ma%es it absolutely free. 'o prescription reFuired. Adapted from >The Healing $o er of *unlight and Vitamin D! An ,-clusive &ntervie Mi%e Adams ith Dr. Michael Holic%,? by

B &ntegrative 'utrition

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