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Tai Po Government Secondary School Creative Learning Programme Poems and Songs Unit 4 Star Name: ______________________ Class:________

( Poem Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Learning Focus and Activities A. !" (" *" Twinkle, twinkle, little star To a##reciate the n$rsery rhyme T%in&le' t%in&le' little star" To learn the second' third and )o$rth verses o) the rhyme" Listening com#rehension + Listen to the song and )ill in the ,lan&s"

B. Vincent (Extended Activity !" To a##reciate the song and lyrics -incent ,y .on /cLean 0-incent van Gogh (!12*3!145 .$tch Painter6 is %ell3regarded as one o) the greatest and most )amo$s artists' ever" 7is li)e and %or& has ins#ired and in)l$enced m$ch o) art history since his tragic death in !145" (" To a##reciate the #aintings ,y -incent van Gogh (Po%erPoint Slides " !. Two more nice songs "or you #esterday once more

,it$out you

8 little 9$i: +

.o yo$ &no% Star ;$nior Troo# in o$r school< =hy is it named Star< =hat does star stand )or<


Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Written By: Jane Taylor Copyright Unknown

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T%in&le' t%in&le' little star' 7o% B %onder %hat yo$ are" U# a,ove the %orld so high' Li&e a diamond in the s&y" T%in&le' t%in&le' little star' 7o% B %onder %hat yo$ areC =hen the ,la:ing _______ is gone' =hen he nothing shines $#on' Then yo$ sho% yo$r little light' T%in&le' t%in&le' all the ___________" T%in&le' t%in&le' little star' 7o% B %onder %hat yo$ areC Then the traveler in the dar& Than&s yo$ )or yo$r ___________ ____________ D 7e co$ld not see %hich %ay to go' B) yo$ did not _______________ so" T%in&le' t%in&le' little star' 7o% B %onder %hat yo$ areC Bn the dar& ,l$e s&y yo$ &ee#' and Thro$gh my c$r_ _ _ _s o)ten #ee#' Eor yo$ never sh$t yo$r _______' Till the morning s$n does ______" T%in&le' t%in&le' little star' 7o% B %onder %hat yo$ areC B. Extended Activity

Vincent by Don Mclean

Source -

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

Van Gogh

"Starry ight" "Sun!lower"

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

Vincent by Don Mc"ean

# % ' * Starry$ starry night &aint your palette blue and gray "oo( out on a summer)s day +ith eyes that (now the dar(ness in my soul... , . 1 Shadows on the hills S(etch the trees and the da!!odils /atch the bree0e and the winter chills 2n colors on the snowy linen land. ow 2 understand +hat you tried to say$ to me 5nd how you su!!ered !or your sanity 5nd how you tried to set them !ree: 6hey would not listen7 they did not (now how -&erhaps they)ll listen now.

3 #4 ## #% #' #*

#, Starry$ starry night #- 8laming !lowers that brightly bla0e Swirling clouds in violet ha0e #. 9e!lect in :incent)s eyes o! china blue #1 /olors changing hue #3 Morning !ields o! amber grain %4 +eathered !aces lined in pain %# 5re soothed beneath the artist)s loving hand. %% %' %* %, %%. ow 2 understand +hat you tried to say$ to me 5nd how you su!!ered !or your sanity 5nd how you tried to set them !ree: 6hey would not listen7 they did not (now how-&erhaps they)ll listen now.

%1 8or they could not love you %3 ;ut still$ your love was true
lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star 4

'4 '# '% '' '* ', ''. '1 '3 *4 *# *% *' ** *, **. *1 *3

5nd when no hope was le!t inside <n that starry$ starry night =ou too( your li!e as lovers o!ten do-;ut 2 could)ve told you$ :incent: 6his world was never meant 8or one as beauti!ul as you. Starry$ Starry night &ortraits hung in empty halls 8rameless heads on nameless walls +ith eyes that watch the world and can)t !orget "i(e the strangers that you)ve met 6he ragged men in ragged clothes 6he silver thorn$ a bloody rose "ie crushed and bro(en on the virgin snow. ow 2 thin( 2 (now +hat you tried to say$ to me 5nd how you su!!ered !or your sanity 5nd how you tried to set them !ree: 6hey would not listen7 they)re not listening still-&erhaps they never will.

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

Don Mc"ean !"# $%&'()*+,-./0*1234567 89:;< =>?@A BCD&erhaps they never willEFGH 12IJ>> KLMNOPQMR3STU > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > VWKL@X ?YZ[-.\]^_ `

>> o=pq== > > > > > a&b%cLd 5efghJij%LdklmZn > rs

"'$* "oo( out on a summer)s day/ +ith eyes that (now the dar(ness in my soul... t5uLvwxyz{|}~{ OKwx yz{< ".$1 /atch the bree0e and the winter chills/ 2n colors on the snowy linen land. t5K

"## how you su!!ered !or your sanity -.I 9


"%4$%# +eathered !aces lined in pain/ 5re soothed beneath the artist)s loving hand.
D9--9 DJ2S9+K

"''-', ;ut 2 could)ve told you$ :incent: 6his world was never meant !or one as beauti!ul as you.
0*v4tv2t/tS meant !or ?K@

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

"'.-'3 &ortraits hung in empty halls/ 8rameless heads on nameless walls/ +ith eyes that watch the world and can)t !orget.
?mZ>> > > > > $v/C$T&{ m8:;|E}

"*%$*' 6he silver thorn$ a bloody rose/ "ie crushed and bro(en on the < > > > > virgin snow{ &ortraits$ heads m>>
>> )v/C > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> @A > > > > > > >> > > > 0 > > > >

< $LS < /+~2$ < "/c '(L ` )*+, 5merican &ie$ #3.#$ AM2 ?#331$ Mobile 8idelity@ -./ 01^_ :incent van Bogh 2n!ormation Ballery +orld o! :incent :an Bogh !"Zn#$%&

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

lc&>5?35@>NSS3CAP>Poems and Songs>U4 Star

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