Dear Challenger, Dear Student!

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Dear Challenger, Dear Student!

The following challenges are created to test and evolve your raw mechanical skills in terms of lasthitting. It will also help you to see when you are able to leave the lane and when you should better stay and take another wave of minions. The goal of these challenges is to improve your lasthitting and decision making skills when it comes to when to leave the lane and HOW. While playing through these challenges take a look on yourself and try to figure out some general rules about the following questions: When will I leave the lane and when will I be forced to leave the lane? How do I leave the lane / in which state should I leave the lane? How am I able to effectively maximize my CS score? Why and when should I take wolves / wraiths / enemy wraiths?

Now lets start with the first challenge:

Challenge #1:
You are allowed to pick any champion you want (optional: one of your most played champions, a champion for your specific role). You are allowed to choose any combination of summoner spells in order to pass this challenge! This includes TP +Smite etc. Sure you will say you wont play this in a real game but its about passing this challenge and not about HOW you passed it. Thats something you wi ll have to work towards in upcoming challenges! You are allowed to do whatever you feel is necessary to pass this challenge (excludes: photoshopping the cs score images :P). Examples would be: TP to a sidelane or take the whole jungle if possible! The goal of your first challenge is to achieve 95-100 CS in 10minutes and 180 cs in 20 minutes. This is easily possible and no real challenge for experienced players. To start of you will go into a custom game without any opponent and just do this challenge on your own! Everything above 110 and 220 cs in 10 / 20 minutes is pretty good! Try to pass this challenge 4 out of 5 times at least. If you do: go on with the next challenge if not: play this challenge until you are able to pass it 4 out of 5 times!

Challenge #2:

You are allowed to pick one of your most played champions / champions you want to practice, that is playable in your chosen role ( no ranged ad carry olaf!). You are allowed to choose any combination of summoner spells in order to pass this challenge! This includes TP +Smite etc. You are allowed to do whatever you feel is necessary to pass this challenge Examples would be: TP to a sidelane or take the whole jungle if possible! The goal of this challenge is to achieve 95-100 CS in 10minutes and 180 cs in 20 minutes. This time you will go into a custom game against a bot (usually add 3 bots so you have one on every lane). Everything above 110 and 220 cs in 10 / 20 minutes is pretty good! Try to pass this challenge 4 out of 5 times at least. If you do: go on with the next challenge if not: play this challenge until you are able to pass it 4 out of 5 times!

Challenge #3:
You are allowed to pick one of your most played champions / champions you want to practice, that is playable in your chosen role ( no ranged ad carry olaf!). You are allowed to choose any combination of summoner spells in order to pass this challenge! This includes TP +Smite etc. You are allowed to do whatever you feel is necessary to pass this challenge Examples would be: TP to a sidelane or take the whole jungle if possible! The goal of this challenge is to achieve 95-100 CS in 10minutes and 180 cs in 20 minutes. This time you will play this challenge in a Co-op vs AI match. Everything above 110 and 220 cs in 10 / 20 minutes is pretty good! Try to pass this challenge 4 out of 5 times at least. If you do: go on with the next challenge if not: play this challenge until you are able to pass it 4 out of 5 times!

Challenge #4:
You are only allowed to pick one of your most played champions / a champion you want to practice and he/she must be playable in your chosen role (things like Sivir Mid, Urgot Top etc are allowed!). You are only allowed to choose normal summoner spells in order to pass this challenge! This includes TP for a laner but no smite / revive etc. You are not allowed to tp to sidelanes, take the whole jungle etc. However you are allowed to take wolves / wraiths and enemy wraiths (mid laner), wolves / golems (top / bot lane). The goal of this challenge is to achieve 95-100 CS in 10minutes and 180 cs in 20 minutes. This time you will play this challenge in a normal game. Everything above 110 and 220 cs in 10 / 20 minutes is pretty good! Try to pass this challenge 4 out of 5 times at least. If you do: go on with the next challenge if not: play this challenge until you are able to pass it 4 out of 5 times!

Challenge #5:
Congratulations youve passed the basic challenges and should feel comfortable to play these challenges in ranked games! Here are the rules for a ranked game: You are only allowed to pick one of your most played champions. You are only allowed to choose normal summoner spells. This excludes TP on champs where it doesnt make much sense (nida with tp is not viable!) You are not allowed to tp to sidelanes, take the whole jungle etc. (with the purpose of taking only cs, if you gank and tax a bit its k). However you are allowed to take wolves / wraiths and enemy wraiths (mid laner), wolves / golems (top / bot lane). The goal of this challenge is to achieve 95-100 CS in 10minutes and 180 cs in 20 minutes. This time you will play this challenge in a ranked game. Everything above 110 and 220 cs in 10 / 20 minutes is pretty good! Try to pass this challenge 4 out of 5 times at least. If you do: go on with the next challenge if not: play this challenge until you are able to pass it 4 out of 5 times! If you want to improve even further you will have to play with the rules of Challenge #5 BUT your goal is now to have at LEAST 105 cs in 10minutes and 240 in 20minutes! Everything above 120 and 300 is very good!

Additional difficulty:
GET FIT LEVEL If you want to not only improve your ingame skills but also improve your body (what is that?) you can do the following: For every CS that you werent able to take compared to your goal, you do one of the following: 1 push up or 1 sit-up or 3 squats. For every death you will do: 1 push up and 1 sit-up and 3 squats! For every turret you will do: 3 push-ups and 3 sit-ups and 10 squats! For a defeat you will do 4 Push-ups, 8 Sit-ups, 16 Squats For a victory you will do 3 Push-ups, 6 Sit-ups, 12 Squats For each dragon you do 3 Push-ups (regardless of you getting it or the enemy!) For each baron you do 5 Sit-ups (regardless of you getting it or the enemy!)

For the time you spent dead (aka just watching and obviously falling behind your goal!) you will have to do the following: 100 Seconds or Less: 2 Sit-ups 100 to 200 Seconds: 3 Sit-ups 200 to 300 Seconds: 4 Sit-ups 300+ Seconds: 5 Sit-ups

When you are unable to move after these challenges or hurt yourself it is not my fault! You and you alone are responsible for your health!

A tip for long-time players: When you are unable to fulfill the requirements that another game might have: dont play anymore and analyze your last games and recap on what you could have done better! Record your results in a spreadsheet. For example you can use googledocs for this. As soon as Im finished with my guide series I might upload a spreadsheet where you can enter your results.

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