2 Green Infrastructure Game Instructions

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Create A Green Infrastructure Plan -- Simulation Game

Created by the Green Infrastructure Center Inc. June 2010 (revised)

Purpose The purpose of this exercise is to practice identifying green infrastructure features and then determining how to accommodate growth while conserving green infrastructure. Green infrastructure consists of Green infrastructure is made up of the interconnected network of waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats, and other natural areas; greenways, parks, and other conservation lands; working farms, ranches and forests; and wilderness and other open spaces that support native species, maintain natural ecological processes, sustain air and water resources and contribute to health and quality of life ( c!onald, "enedict, and #$%onner, &''(). Green infrastructure assets contribute to health and quality of life, such as forests that clean the air and filter and absorb stormwater. *ust as we plan for +grey infrastructure+ we also need to plan for and conserve our green infrastructure. Green infrastructure needs to be connected as much as possible to ensure that species (wildlife, plants, pollinators and people) can move across the landscape and to prevent extinction or loss of species over time. To learn more visit www.gicinc.org Overview %enter %ounty (pop. ,(,'''), a historically rural county, has experienced an increase in population growth in the past decade, and concerns are mounting about the need to accommodate pro-ected growth while preserving rural character and the county$s critical resources. .lanners have pro-ected that future population growth will bring /,''' new households to the county over the next ,' years. 0ou are the local 1irginia government and you are governed by the rules of the %ommonwealth. Designated Growth Areas: %enter %ounty has three established growth areas (towns) surrounded by low2density 3ural 4reas5 Centerburg pop! "#$###% is the %ounty 6eat and includes a diverse mix of uses including a commercial core, residential areas and a small industrial park. Based on current zoning, the e isting Centerburg City Gro!th "rea can acco##odate a$$ro i#ate%y &00 ne! househo%ds (20' of $ro(ected gro!th). &iverside 'illage pop! ($)##% is a predominantly residential settlement oriented around historic woolen milling operations. 7ormer manufacturing facilities on the banks of the 3aquette 3iver are now vacant. 4ll remaining land in the 3iverside 1illage Growth area is 8oned for residential uses and currently occupied. Based on current zoning, the e isting )iverside *i%%age Gro!th "rea can acco##odate 1+0 ne! househo%ds (+' of $ro(ected gro!th).

*arm 'illage pop! "$)##% has evolved as an agricultural settlement and serves as a processing center for farm and forest products. %urrent 8oning regulations permit a combination of residential, commercial and industrial land uses. Based on current zoning, the e isting ,ar# *i%%age Gro!th "rea can acco##odate -00 househo%ds (10' of $ro(ected gro!th).

&ural Areas pop! "$###% include all remaining land in the %ounty that is not part of a designated Growth 4rea. ost of the growth in the past decade has occurred in rural area subdivisions allowed through re8oning of rural lands. Based on current zoning, the e isting )ura% "reas can acco##odate a$$ro i#ate%y -,000 ne! househo%ds (100' of $ro(ected gro!th). Green Infrastructure Assets: *orestlands are scattered throughout the %ounty and becoming increasingly fragmented. There are several areas that have been identified as having highest value timber (see map). This does not mean that it is currently being harvested or actively managed, -ust that it is present. There may also be concerns with the area of wildland9urban interface where people move into forested areas (increased fire risk, introduction of invasive species, forest fragmentation). Several +igh-value ,cological Cores remain intact and provide critical habitat. 4 core is an area that contains at %east ,'' acres of intact, interior forest habitat. o The :orthwest ;ills <pland %ore includes forested uplands surrounding a drinking water reservoir. !evelopment is slowly encroaching along the eastern slope. o The 7loodplain 7orest %ores along the 3aquette 3iver on the eastern side of the county support wildlife, filter runoff, and stabili8e riparian soils. Surface -aterwa.s are at risk for impairment due to de2forestation, agricultural runoff and polluted runoff from urbani8ed areas. o :orth %reek = flows east from the :orthwest ;ills across the northern edge of %enterburg and on the 3aquette 3iver. o eadow %reek = flows through farmlands on the southeastern side of the county and into the 3aquette 3iver. o 3aquette 3iver = flows south along the county$s eastern border and is impaired south of 3iverside 1illage. /wo Count. Par0s provide recreational opportunities for county residents and visitors. o 3egional .ark = is located in the northeast corner of the county. o %ommunity .ark = is located on the southern edge of the %enterburg Growth 4rea.

-or0ing *armlands are an important component of the local economy and natural landscape. ;istorically, farms were established throughout the county on large tracts of land and held by a small number of landowners. >hile much of this land has been converted for other uses in the county, the southern part of the %ounty remains largely intact as a working landscape.

%enter %ounty$s &''? %omprehensive .lan outlines a set of planning goals to inform future growth5 @dentify the county$s green infrastructure assets. .rioriti8e high2value and threatened assets. @dentify opportunities to connect existing green infrastructure resources @dentify potential sites for a new park. 3estore and protect riparian corridors along impaired waterways. Astablish a working landscape overlay district to conserve land for traditional agricultural and forestry. Astablish a greenway trail. 4ccommodate pro-ected growth of /,''' new households. .lanning Tool "ox5 (these are options not requirements)5 .urchase or Transfer of !evelopment 3ights (remember that you can$t buy everythingB) Cand acquisition (ditto, you can$t afford to buy everythingB) 4pprove or deny pending subdivisions 3evise 9delineate growth area boundaries %onservation Aasements (held by county or third party) Astablish 4g97orestal !istricts %hange 8oning to limit or increase densities (down8one or up8one). Astablish riparian buffers 3estore an area or corridor (e.g. replant trees on a river buffer) %luster development (this is a site planning tool but you may suggest areas where clustering is useful) Instructions for the Game: .articipants will need to develop a realistic spatial green infrastructure plan that meets the %omprehensive .lan ob-ectives using tools provided in the .lanning Tool "ox. .articipants may also create other tools as long as they are allowed in 1irginia. To play the game, participants will first identify critical green infrastructure resources

and then indicate what tools can be applied where on the map. 3emember that you need to include a strategy to fit in new households. Aach team should be prepared to describe what was saved, why and how. >hat challenges are presented by the tools chosenD >hat else can be done to conserve %enter %ountyD @n summary the steps include5

1) Identify your i#$ortant green infrastructure assets based on co#$rehensive $%an goa%s and the #a$, 2) .ro$ose connections (corridors) to create a net!or/, and -) 0se your $%anning too%s to create a green infrastructure $%an !ithin the conte t of a deve%o$ing %andsca$e.

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