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sPl mUriq gu{ iqs kw }pu ]2] (1152-16, BYra, mhlw 5)

The Guru is the Image of Fulfillment, the Embodiment of the Lord. ||2||
jw kY AMqir bsY hir nwmu ] (1152-16, BYra, mhlw 5)
The Name of the Lord abides deep within him.
jo jo pyKY su bRhm igAwnu ] (1152-17, BYra, mhlw 5)
Wherever he looks, he sees the Wisdom of God.
bIs ibsuey jw kY min prgwsu ] (1152-17, BYra, mhlw 5)
His mind is totally enlightened and illuminated.
iqsu jn kY pwrbRhm kw invwsu ]3] (1152-17, BYra, mhlw 5)
Within that person, the Supreme Lord God abides. ||3||
iqsu gur ka sd krI nmskwr ] (1152-18, BYra, mhlw 5)
I humbly bow to that Guru forever.
iqsu gur ka sd jwa bilhwr ] (1152-18, BYra, mhlw 5)
I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru.
siqgur ky crn Doie Doie pIvw ] (1152-18, BYra, mhlw 5)
I wash the feet of the Guru, and drink in this water.
gur nwnk jip jip sd jIvw ]4]43]56] (1152-19, BYra, mhlw 5)
Chanting and meditating forever on Guru Nanak, I live. ||4||43||56||

pnw 1153
rwgu BYra mhlw 5 pVqwl G{ 3 (1153-1)

Raag Bhairao, Fifth Mehl, Partaal, Third House:

< siqgur pRswid ] (1153-1)
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
priqpwl pRB pwl kvn gun gnI ] (1153-2, BYra, mhlw 5)
God is the Compassionate Cherisher. Who can count His Glorious Virtues?
Aink rMg bhu qrMg srb ko DnI ]1] rhwa ] (1153-2, BYra, mhlw 5)
Countless colors, and countless waves of joy; He is the Master of all. ||1||
Aink igAwn Aink iDAwn Aink jwp jwp qwp ] (1153-3, BYra, mhlw 5)
Endless spiritual wisdom, endless meditations, endless chants, intense
meditations and
austere self-disciplines.
Aink guinq Duinq lilq Aink Dwr munI ]1] (1153-3, BYra, mhlw 5)
Countless virtues, musical notes and playful sports; countless silent sages
enshrine Him in
their hearts. ||1||

Aink nwd Aink bwj inmK inmK Aink swd Aink doK Aink rog imtih js
sunI ] (1153-4,
BYra, mhlw 5)
Countless melodies, countless instruments, countless tastes, each and every
Countless mistakes and countless diseases are removed by hearing His

nwnk syv Apwr dyv qth Kth brq pUjw gvn Bvn jw krn sgl Pl punI
]2]1]57]8]21]7]57]93] (1153-5, BYra, mhlw 5)
O Nanak, serving the Infinite, Divine Lord, one earns all the rewards and
merits of performing
the six rituals, fasts, worship services, pilgrimages to sacred rivers, and
journeys to sacred
shrines. ||2||1||57||8||21||7||57||93||
BYra AstpdIAw mhlw 1 G{ 2 (1153-7)
Bhairao, Ashtapadees, First Mehl, Second House:
< siqgur pRswid ] (1153-7)
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Awqm mih rwmu rwm mih Awqmu cInis gur bIcwrw ] (1153-8, BYra,
mhlw 1)
The Lord is in the soul, and the soul is in the Lord. This is realized through
the Guru's
AMm.q bwxI sbid pCwxI duK kwtY ha mwrw ]1] (1153-8, BYra, mhlw
The Ambrosial Word of the Guru's Bani is realized through the Word of the
Shabad. Sorrow is
dispelled, and egotism is eliminated. ||1||
nwnk hamY rog bury ] (1153-9, BYra, mhlw 1)
O Nanak, the disease of egotism is so very deadly.
jh dyKW qh eykw bydn Awpy bKsY sbid Dury ]1] rhwa ] (1153-9,
BYra, mhlw 1)
Wherever I look, I see the pain of the same disease. The Primal Lord Himself
bestows the
Shabad of His Word. ||1

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