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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Lauren Prudenti Introduction Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12 Date(s): 09/18/2013 (W)

Unit Title: Teachers Instructional ata !ote"oo#

Corresponding Unit Task: Teachers $ill "e a"le to de%elo& an understandin' o( the &ro&osed intent o( the T)* instructional data note"oo#+

Essential Question(s): )o$ can ha%in' instructional data note"oo#s i,&ro%e our instruction What are so,e $a.s that instructional data note"oo#s can allo$ us to "e ,ore strate'ic and s&eci(ic in classroo, instruction and inter%ention Wh. $ill a data note"oo# "e a"le to hel& ,. (or,al o"ser%ationcti!ating "trateg#$ Lesson %ook: /0acilitator $ill lea%e instructional data note"oo#s out (or teachers to 'ra" on their $a. in to the sta(( ,eetin'+ /1nce read., (acilitator $ill as# the teachers, 2Please &ic# t$o se&arate $ords that descri"e the e,otional res&onse .ou (eel #no$in' .ou are 'oin' to "e as#ed to use instructional data note"oo#s+ I $ill 'i%e .ou 13 seconds o( &ersonal thin# ti,e+4 /!e5t, (acilitator $ill as# 'rou& to share at 'rou& usin' a rall. ro"in strate'.+ The &erson at the ta"le $ith the ,ost 6e$elr. $ill share one $ord and then the sharin' $ill 'o cloc#$ise around the ta"le+ 7ach &erson $ill share his or her t$o $ords aloud to the ta"le 'rou& in a circular (or,at+ /0acilitator $ill share her t$o $ords: e5cited, an5ious and as# (or else to share+ 2We can see a %ariet. o( e,otions 'oin' around the roo,8this is co,,on $hen there is so,ethin' ne$, so I as# that .ou #ee& an o&en ,ind as $e 6ourne. to'ether84 &aterials$'esources$Technolog# Conte(tual )oca*ular# +ith Instructional "trateg# Teacher: "tudent: Lesson &lan, &acin' 'uide, attendance data, Pre,ade Instructional ata !ote"oo# ,odi(ication lo', student data, &arent contact lo' instructional 90acilitator $ill dis&la. each un#no$n $ord on the data note"oo# to screen and act out each $ord+ The 'rou& o( teachers hand out to $ill $or# to'ether to create de(initions (or each o( the teachers un#no$n $ords+ includin' (our ta"s+ Learning E(perience(s)
,alanced Literac#
Components ddressed: :eadin' Writin' Word *tud. *&ea#in' ; Listenin'

Common Core$ Essential "tandards: *tandard 1+1: Teachers lead in their classrooms. Using a variety of data sources, they organize, plan, and set goals that meet the needs of the individual student and the class. Teachers use various types of assessment data during the school year to evaluate student progress and to make adjustments to the teaching and learning process. Standard 2.4 Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs. Teachers collaborate with the range of support specialists to help meet the special needs of all students. Through inclusion and other models of effective practice, teachers engage students to ensure that their needs are met. Standard 2.5 Teachers work collaboratively with the families and

Gradual 'elease o'esponsi*ilit#: <odeled ". Instructor

. &athematical Practices: (/ minimum) (check off) 1+ <a#e sense o( &ro"le,s and &erse%ere in sol%in' the,+ 2+ :eason a"stractl. and =uantitati%el.+ 3+ >onstruct %ia"le ar'u,ents and criti=ue the reasonin' o( others+

Adapted from WCS, NCDPI & Guilford County Schools une !"#!

Lesson Plan Template

*hared (Teacher/ *tudent) 0acilitated Learnin' (?uided Practice) Inde&endent Wor#

Learning and Inno!ation "kills: >reati%it. ; Inno%ation >reati%it. Thin#in' ; Pro"le, *ol%in' >o,,unicatio n; >olla"oration

significant adults in the lives of their students. Teachers recognize that educating children is a shared responsibility involving the school, parents or guardians, and the community. Teachers improve communication and collaboration between the school and the home and community in order to promote trust and understanding and build partnerships with all segments of the school community. Teachers seek solutions to overcome cultural and economic obstacles that may stand in the way of effective family and community involvement in the education of their students. Standard 3.1: Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Teachers investigate the content standards developed by professional organizations in their specialty area. Standard 4.1: Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students. Teachers understand the influences that affect individual student learning (development, culture, language proficiency, etc.) and differentiate their instruction accordingly. They adapt resources to address the strengths and weaknesses of their students. Standard 4.2 Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students. Teachers collaborate with their colleagues and use a variety of data sources for short and long range planning based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They understand that instructional plans must be constantly monitored and modified to enhance learning. Teachers make the curriculum responsive to cultural diversity and to individual learning needs. Standard 4.3 Teachers use a variety of instructional methods. Teachers choose the methods and techniques that are most effective in meeting the needs of their students as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps. Teachers employ a wide range of techniques including information and communication technology, learning styles, and differentiated instruction. Standard 4.8 Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned. Teachers use multiple indicators, including formative and summative assessments, to evaluate student progress and growth as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps. Standard 5.1 Teachers analyze student learning. Teachers think systematically and critically about student learning in their classrooms and schools: why learning happens and what can be done to improve achievement. Teachers collect and analyze student performance data to improve school and classroom effectiveness. They adapt their practice based on research and data to best meet the needs of students.

@+ <odel $ith ,athe,atics+ 3+ Ase a&&ro&riate tools strate'icall.+ B+ Cttend to &recision+ D+ Loo# (or and ,a#e use o( structure+ 8+ Loo# (or and e5&ress re'ularit. in re&eated reasonin'+

Adapted from WCS, NCDPI & Guilford County Schools une !"#!

Lesson Plan Template

Standard 5.3 Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. Understanding that change is constant, teachers actively investigate and consider new ideas that improve teaching and learning. They adapt their practice based on research and data to best meet the needs of their students. Interdisciplinar# 0pportunities: Theatre and anceE Teachers can &er(or, an inter&reti%e dance o( their 6o.s o( the instructional data note"oo# (o&tional)+ I Can "tatement(s): I can articulate $here I $ill store hard co&ies o( ,. lesson &lans+ I can understand the i,&ortance o( "ein' a"le to trac# student data at a 'lance+ I can easil. access &arent contact in(or,ation ". usin' ta" @+ I can deter,ine ho$ the instructional data note"oo# can "e used as an arti(act (or teacher e%aluatin' standards+ Instructional Plan: AtiliFe codes (or :GT Inte'ration and Learnin' *t.les
:GT1+ :e,e,"er :GT@+ Cnal.Fe L*1: Hisual :GT2+ Anderstand :GT3+ 7%aluate L*2: Cuditor. :GT3+ C&&l. :GTB+ >reate L*3: Iinesthetic

1+ *ho$ =uote: 2Its not so ,uch that $ere a(raid o( chan'e or so in lo%e $ith the old $a.s, "ut its that &lace in/"et$een $e (ear8its li#e "ein' "et$een tra&eFes+ Its Linus $hen his "lan#et is in the Theres nothin' to hold on to+4 J<aril.n 0er'uson, C,erican 0uturist+ 2+ Present all standards that the instructional note"oo# $ill act as an arti(act (or (or,al o"ser%ation+ 3+ iscuss I >an state,ents+ The 0our Ps @+ Pur&ose: The data note"oo# $ill allo$ (or accounta"ilit. o( lesson &lans and &acin' 'uides $ithout the need to e,ail lesson &lans in on a re'ular "asis+ This $ill ensure that the ad,inistrati%e tea, is a"le to *77 .our lesson &lans instead o( si,&l. 2recei%in' the,4 %ia e,ail and &uttin' the, to the $a. side+ Cs a school, $e $ill ,o%e to$ards usin' data to i,&ro%e instruction+ G. e5&ectin' all teachers to collect data, $e can PL> as a school to share "est &ractices o( ho$ to use data+ G. creatin' an area (or ,odi(ication lo's to "e #e&t readil. a%aila"le, T)* $ill not ha%e to stress o%er $hich teachers $ill "e audited+ >ontactin' &arents $ill assist in disci&linar. actions, "uildin'
Adapted from WCS, NCDPI & Guilford County Schools une !"#! Lesson Plan Template

co,,unit., and satis(.in' our district initiati%e+ It is ,. assu,&tion that this $ill also "e i,"edded $ithin our school i,&ro%e,ent &lan+ Parent contact lo's can "e used as our arti(acts+ 3+ Picture: I see a school, ,an. sta(( ,eetin's (ro, no$, $here teachers ha&&il. carr. their instructional data note"oo#s to discuss data &oints and "est &ractices+ B+ Plan: This is not a 2chan'e,4 "ut rather a transition+ Kou ha%e all alread. "een satis(.in' these e5&ectationsE no$, .ou are "ein' as#ed to &ut the, in the sa,e location+ D+ Part: Lets tr. it to'etherE i( does their &art to tr. this note"oo#, in 'ood (aith, then $e $ill "e a"le to see $hat &arts o( the note"oo# $or# $ell (or our school+ Look through YOUR instructional data notebook; turn to your shoulder partner and share with them some immediate resources you will be adding to your notebook. ny !uestions" >reate a users 'uide to the Instructional ata !ote"oo# to "e shared $ith a ne$ sta(( ,e,"er+ Ase in(or,ation (ro, toda.s discussion+ Di--erentiation "trategies Intentional 'e!ised ,looms Questioning
:GT1+ :e,e,"er :GT2+ Anderstand :GT3+ C&&l. :GT@+ Cnal.Fe :GT3+ 7%aluate :GTB+ >reate

Closing$"ummari1 ing "trateg#

Teachers not a"le to see the screen $ill recei%e !otes slides o( Po$erPoint+ Teachers can $rite ho$ the. (elt at a &re%ious ti,e in their li(e $hen a ne$ chan'e occurred+ !on %er"al teachers can dra$ a &icture o( ho$ the. (eel $hen the. see the ne$ note"oo#s+ E(tension$Enrichment Teachers can create $a.s to trac# their student data to add to their note"oo#s+ Inter!ention Teachers can "e sho$n a case stud. (or the, to e5a,ine the di((erence "et$een a teacher that #ee&s an instructional data note"oo# and a teacher that does not to e%aluate $hich teacher Teachers can $rite letters to their $ill ,a#e the ,ost &ro'ress $ith their students+ collea'ues to stress the Teachers should co,e to disco%er that an i,&ortance o( #ee&in' an instructional data note"oo# $ill assist in instructional data note"oo#+ accounta"ilit., or'aniFation, and resultsL Teachers can 'o online to research the acade,ic i,&ro%e,ents "ein' ,ade around the countr. caused ". data note"oo#s+ ssessment(s) 2 'e-lection Pre3 ssessment(s): IWL on data note"oo# 4ormati!e ssessment(s): *tand u&, )and u&, Pair u& to $or# $ith &artner to 'enerate a list o( &ositi%e e((ects o( a data note"oo#+ Muestion and ans$er ". (acilitator+ Hoca" =uiF+
Adapted from WCS, NCDPI & Guilford County Schools une !"#! Lesson Plan Template

Language De!elopment Teachers ,a. use Teacher 7%aluation :u"ric and dictionar. to de(ine an. un#no$n $ords+ 0acilitator can create $ord $all $ith the na,es o( each ta"+

Post3 ssessment(s): >reate a users 'uide to the Instructional ata !ote"oo# to "e shared $ith a ne$ sta(( ,e,"er+ Ase in(or,ation (ro, toda.s discussion+ Teacher 'e-lection: (!e5t ste&s-)

Adapted from WCS, NCDPI & Guilford County Schools une !"#!

Lesson Plan Template

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