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for Fr Joe; The reception of his body will be into the Church of St Martin de Porres, Luton at !""pm on #ednesday, $%th January! &ishop Peter will celebrate the Funeral Mass on Thursday, 16th Jan a!" in St Martin de Porres, Luton at $!'"pm followed by a burial! (f you would li)e to attend the funeral Mass and would li)e transport, please contact &ob &ryant on "$*+, %-'*%"! Please pray for the repose of Fr Joe.s soul, for his family and for his Parish! May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace! /men! PLEASE REMEMBER the sic) of our Parish0 Charles 1reenwood, Lynn /rnold, Jean #al)er, Luis 2ancini, 1raham Loudon, /nn Cronin, Mabel McCulloch, Pauline 3after, Phyllis #allban), Joanna 1lows)i, 3occo Seagro4e, 3osemary Conry, Marie Stephens, 5eacon 1eorge &roo)er, /nn and 5es 1urrie, Sheila 1anguli, 6athleen and Terence Jemmett, Mary Compton, Fr 5a4id, Jerry 7llis, Francis Cashell, Jim Scott, 6athleen 3ichardson, Craig #iley, 6e4in 89&rien, Michael :attrell! PARISH FINAN#ES -th;%th January0 Loose <*%=!-,! 7n4elopes <-%+!%"! Standing 8rders <--*! Total <$,%% !=,! Many than)s for your generosity! THAN$ YOU to the helpers who generously gi4e up their time to pro4ide tea>coffee at 8ur Lady of Peace after =!-%am Mass each Sunday, and to all who support them! Many than)s for the donation of <+%" to Church funds! #ON%RATULATIONS to 7d ?Ted@ Connolly who was $"" on $" th January! There will be a special Mass and celebration on Sunday, $= th January after =!-%am Mass in 8ur Lady of Peace! 7d was a 5eacon in our Parish for many years and is now in a Care :ome! #ON%RATULATIONS to Aiamh Florence Caswell;:arrison, Aatalia Lewandows)a, /ntonina 5ude), and Jamie 1regory 5aniel Lewis, who were &aptised on Saturday, - th January! Please pray for their parents and their godparents!


Sat !&a" %!$%pm;%!-%pm *!""pm S n&a" =!""am =!-%am $$!'"am *!""pm M'n&a" =!'"am !""pm T )*&a" =!'"am W)&n)*&a" =!'"am Th !*&a" =!'"am F!,&a" =!'"am Sat !&a" %!$%pm;%!-%pm *!""pm S n&a" =!""am =!-%am $$!'"am *!""pm 11th Jan a!" 8ur Lady of Peace 8ur Lady of Peace 12th Jan a!" St 1ilbert9s 8ur Lady of Peace St /ndrew9s 8ur Lady of Peace 1(th Jan a!" 8ur Lady of Peace 8ur Lady of Peace 14th Jan a!" 8ur Lady of Peace 1+th Jan a!" 8ur Lady of Peace 16th Jan a!" St /ndrew9s 1-th Jan a!" 8ur Lady of Peace Jan a!" 8ur Lady of Peace 8ur Lady of Peace 1/th Jan a!" St 1ilbert9s 8ur Lady of Peace St /ndrew9s 8ur Lady of Peace THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Confessions 3ay Shiels 3(P B Joanie Phelan (ntentions ?/nn, Leigh B Ste4e@ THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD /nne Sadler 3(P ?#al)er@ Mary Lawlor 3(P ?89Connor@ Margaret Maison 3(P ?Taylor@ People of the Parish 7d Connelly (ntentions ?7atwell@ 7Cposition of the &lessed Sacrament 6itty 5orling 3(P ?&owron@ Ser4ice of #ord and :oly Communion Francesca 3icci 3(P ?6ontrec@ 5erric) 7atwell 3(P ?Pearl@ Confessions Jac) B 5aphne La4ender 3(P B Clarry and #inifred Murphy 3(P ?PBC@ /nne Sadler 3(P ?895onnell@@ Maria B Melissa Aealon 3(P /ntonio 3icci 3(P ?6ontrec@ Martin 6ea4eney 3(P B Con 896eeffe 3(P ?89Shea@

M'!n,n0 P!a")! ,* 1!a")& 2)3'!) )4)!" 5))6&a" Ma** an& th) R'*a!" ,* 1!a")& a3t)! Ma**7 a88 a!) 5)89':) t' ;',n *<

WE WEL#OME the children from Class %S/, 8ur Lady of Peace Junior School, to the =!'"am Mass on Tuesday! S#HOOL OF MARY teaching on DSpirituality and ScriptureD by Jean 6houry, &Sc! M/ starts at St /ndrew9s Shared Church, Cippenham on Monday, $' th January at !""pm! Cost <$" per person! /doration of the &lessed Sacrament at *!""pm! /ll welcome! Contact Millie on " =% %=-*-*! #HUR#H #LEANIN% will be on Saturday, $,th January at =!""am! Please try and spare an hour to help! DI=INE MER#Y RETREAT on Saturday $,th January at Polish Church of 5i4ine Mercy, -, Pitts 3oad, Slough, from $$am ; -0'"pm led by Marian Fathers ; Fr Jan Migac)! Tal)s, :oly Mass, Prayers for :ealing, and :our of Mercy and 2eneration of 3elics of St Faustina and &lessed Pope John Paul ((! Please bring a pac)ed lunch! /ll welcome! PARISH PASTORAL #OUN#IL meet on Monday, +"th January at !'"pm in the Presbytery! FIRST HOLY #OMMUNION #LASSES The neCt session is on Sat !&a"> 2+th Jan a!" 3!': /<(0a: ? 11<00a: at St An&!)5@* #h !9h> #,11)nha:! Please continue to pray for our children so that they will grow in their appreciation of the sacraments of Confession and :oly Communion! BAPTISM PREPARATION Fr /ndy will be holding a &aptism Preparation meeting on Saturday, +%th January at $"!""am in the Sacristy! This meeting is for parents who ha4e already had a child &aptised and ha4e attended a pre4ious &aptism Preparation Course, and wish to ha4e their child &aptised o4er the neCt few months! BURNHAM #HUR#HES TO%ETHER in4ite you all to a Ser4ice during Christian Enity #ee) at '!""pm on Saturday, +%th January at St Peter9s Church, &urnham0 Fthat they may be oneG ?John $ 0$$@! YOUN% ADULTS 74ery last Sunday of the month, Aorthampton Houth Ministry 8ffice ?AHM8@ will be running a group for young adults from the South of the 5iocese, who will meet together in The Presbytery at 8ur Lady of Peace in &urnham, from pm for an e4ening of /doration, food, input, discussion and prayer! The first of these meetings will be on the 26th Jan a!"! Please pass on this information to any young adults aged $,;'" who you thin) might be interested! BE STILL Time and space to eCplore the place of silence and stillness in our relationship with 1od in Slough! / 3eflecti4e tal), followed by time to be still in prayer, Monday, + th January at !'"pm in St Mary9s, Slough! Further details contact Fr /ndrew on "$ %' %+==,,! 7mail0 upton!c!chal4eyIgmail!com

#HARITY DINNER in aid of St /ndrews Church Shared Trust, on Saturday, $ st February at !'" pm at St /ndrew.s Shared Church! Come and ha4e a fun e4ening! Three course meal, raffles, bingo! PriJe for best 1atsby outfit! 1uest Spea)er Fr Mar) 8dion, SPM! Music by Phil Curran! Tic)ets <$+ per person DIO#ESAN MASS FOR MARRIED LIFE &ishop Peter warmly in4ites you to a Mass at St! Theresa9s Catholic Church, &eaconsfield, on Saturday, ,th February! :e encourages all married couples and any family members to attend, especially those who ha4e been widowed, di4orced or separated! 1ather from $$!'"am, Mass at $+ noon! &ishop Peter will gi4e his pastoral blessing to those celebrating significant milestones in their marriage! For those couples who are celebrating a significant anni4ersary would they please contact 7amonn and Paola McMorrow on mflInores!org or " -$+$%$%$ ! PIL%RIMA%E TO HOLY LAND Saturday, %th K Sunday, $'th /pril +"$-, organised by L/ 5ay with Mary9 a Catholic registered trust that organises Pilgrimages and days of prayer in Churches in 7ngland and abroad! For full details see poster in Church porches, or email dwmIadaywithmary!org, telephone "+", *-$ *-$,, or www!adaywithmary!org! ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SA#RAMENT Mondays 0""pm;,0""pm at 8ur Lady of Peace! Come and eCperience 1od.s :ealing 1race in Prayer, Praise and Silence ; all are welcome! ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SA#RAMENT with #orship, Scripture, Silence and 5i4ine Mercy Prayer at St /ndrew9s e4ery Thursday from ,!'"am K =!'"am! /ll welcome! READERS A EBTRAORDINARY EU#HARISTI# MINISTERS ROTA ? 1/th Jan a!" Saturday *!""pm ='8 nt))! 18)a*) and Mi)e Connolly! Sunday =!""am Marie! =!-%am 3eaders 0 6e4in Murray and 6aren 3a)ows)a! 7ucharist Ministers0 Lisa Mennone, Madeleine &owron, Pearl 7atwell, Melissa #hatley, /udrey Truman! $$!'"am 6ieran and /nita! Sunday *!""pm Jaga :eys and 5enise McClintoc)! 2+th ? 26th Jan a!" Saturday *!""pm H4onne Cafferty and Marie 8)e! Sunday =!""am 3ani! =!-%am 3eaders 0 7unice 7ssien;/idoo and #anda Murphy! 7ucharist Ministers 0 :adrian Lobo, Maureen #aters, 1eorgia Clar), &arbara &ryant, Peter 6oenig! $$!'"am Tia and 5ane! Sunday *!""pm /dam #iseman and Patricia 89Connor! The rotas are available on the Parish website #ATHOLI# DIARIES are a4ailable in the Church porches, a donation of <$ each is welcomed!

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