Connaught Frequently Asked Questions (Mar 2012)

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Graduate Awards Office

Connaught International Scholarship - FAQs
Q: A: Q: A:
What is the value of the Connaught International Scholarship? The effective value of this scholarship is $35,000.00 total (including academic and incidental fees). Will I still have to work while Im a Connaught Scholar? Your graduate unit will provide you with the cost of tuition at the domestic rate as well as a minimum-funding-package of $15,000.00 or higher, which may include a combination of Research and Training Assistantships and/or UofT Fellowships. For more information on your individual funding, please contact the Graduate Administrator in your unit. Will I still have to pay international-tuition-fees? The Connaught Program will take care of the difference between the international tuition rate and the domestic tuition rate. Is my UHIP-fee included in this scholarship? All international students are automatically enrolled under a mandatory University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) but the fee for this service is not considered part of the incidental fees coverage and will be the responsibility of the student. When do I have to let you know if I will accept this scholarship? You need to accept this offer in writing and communicate your decision to both the Graduate Awards Office as well as your graduate unit 2 weeks from the date of receipt of this offer. When do I need to register? Please contact the Graduate Administrator in your graduate unit for the deadline when you need to register for the fall-term. If you register after the deadline, you will have to pay a late-registration fee. If you register before the deadline: You will be able to register without paying the required minimum-amount by filling out a Request to Register without Payment form (found at this link under General Forms: students/inform/stuforms.htm). This means that interest will not be assessed on any outstanding fall-term fees until early-May.

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Graduate Awards Office

Connaught International Scholarship - FAQs
Q: A:
How will I receive my award payments? In order to receive award payments, you need to be registered and enter a variety of information onto UofTs Student Web Service. You will need to enter your Canadian mailing address, UofT email-address and you can also choose to enter your Canadian personal banking information if you would like to receive award payments by direct deposit.

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Will I get all of the funding in September? Your scholarship funding will come to you in a variety of ways. For the instalments you receive in September, the money will be sent directly to you. Instalments in other semesters (January and May) will first pay down any outstanding fees through the Student Web Service and will then send any remaining credit to you. What is the best way to receive award payments? If you enter your personal banking information onto the Student Web Service, September-instalments will be directly-deposited into your personal banking account. If you do not enter your personal banking information, September-instalments will be sent to your mailing address as a cheque in the mail. If I have questions about my funding-package, who should I contact? Please contact the Graduate Administrator in your unit. If I have questions about the Connaught International Scholarship for Doctoral Students, who should I contact? Please contact the Awards Officer, Internal, Ms. Tara Lock at 416-978-2386 or

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Other useful links:

UofTs Centre for International Experience: UofTs Student Housing Service: UofTs Student Life Programs & Services: about.htm

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