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Abraham-Hicks Publications

Transcript Houston, TX 1/23/94 This is the Science of Deliberate Creation, and this Abraham-Hicks dialog was recorded in Houston, TX, on Sunday, the 23rd day of January of 1994. Recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks, and the unauthorized duplication of this cassette is strictly prohibited. Our primary intent with this work is to connect with those who are attracting this information, and your purchase of these materials fulfills that intention, plus, you also help us to afford the means to connect with other seekers, and Esther and I are most appreciative of your role in this joyous growth experience. For additional tapes, books, catalogs, or to reserve your space at an Abraham-Hicks Science of Deliberate Creation Workshop, please call 755-2299, area code 830, or write to Abraham-Hicks Publications at Post Office Box 690070, San Antonio, Texas, and the zip code is 78269. Also for an immediate overview of our works, visit our interactive website at Houston, TX Workshop Opening. A Good afternoon. We are extremely pleased that you are here. it is good to come together for the purpose of co-creating, do you agree? You are knowing what you are wanting? You are knowing what you are wanting? It does move about a bit, doesnt it? You are Creators, some of you are coming to understand that. Our work is about helping you understand how it is that you are Creator, and how you go about it deliberately. Because until you do it deliberately, you are not fulfilling your reason for being here. Everyone is creating, because everyone is thinking, therefore everyone is flowing Energy, therefore everyone is achieving vibrational harmony with objects of attention. You cant look at something and comment on it, or even think about it, without achieving vibrational harmony with it. and in the moment that you achieve vibrational harmony with something, you are partners. You are like Beings. And since Law of Attraction says, that which is like unto itself is drawn, then often you are achieving vibrational harmony with things that you would never ever choose deliberately, and yet by focusing upon them, by talking about them, by complaining about them, by feeling around them, you achieve the harmony and you get them anyway. And then you assume somethings wrong with the Universe. And we say, everything is right with the Universe. Its just sometimes youre doing
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things you dont mean to do because very few of you have been taught about flowing Energy. Oh, youre taught to watch your action, youre taught to watch your mouth, youre encouraged to guard your behavior and to push it and pull it in deliberate ways. But so often, what you are doing and what you are speaking is not in harmony with what youre flowing, and the Universe is responding to what youre flowing. So as we are here together today, it is our very powerful wanting to assist you in discovering, relative to any topic that is important to you, how youre vibrating. It is our work to help you understand what is your current vibrational mode of attraction. Where are you relative to the things that you want? And as we chew here together, it is our absolute expectation that you will come to a very clear understanding of this. We want you to relax and have fun with the molding of Energy. How are you going to know how to mold Energy if you dont practice a bit? If you were a sculptor molding clay, you would not take your big clump of clay and splat it down on the table the first time, and then complain, Oh, it did not turn out right. You would expect to mold it. You would expect to push it and pull it. And in time with enough willingness, enough practice, you could make that object that you are molding in your hands look just like the one you are holding in your mind. But it usually does not happen the first day. You are not molding clay here, you are molding Energy. Its not an action process like molding clay, its a thinking process. You mold Energy by flowing thought Energy. By giving thought to something. Every subject is two subjects, not one. There is wellness and lack of it. You call that illness. We wouldnt give it a word if we were you. Interesting as we watch you, you have a handful of words that describe Well-Being. Well-Being, wellness, health, healthy. You have hundreds of thousands of journals written to describe lack of it. As action oriented Beings, you have come to believe that you will get to where you want to be by pushing against what you dont want. Well, youre part way right. In other words, you have come forth into this physical experience because the contrast helps you, as a flow-er, more deliberately flow. Think about it. If you are a Creator, and we promise you, you are, and if what a Creator is, is one who flows Energy, then what could be better than an environment where it is very clear what is not wanted? Because when it is very clear what is not wanted, is it not equally clear what is wanted? Can you see how this physical Universe helps you in the differentiation of those objects to which you are deliberately wanting to flow Energy? Once you get the hang of this, once you start realizing that all really is well, once you are able to vibrationally connect with the core of your Being and step
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back from this physical arena, and be able to see it broad enough, you begin to recognize that there is much more evidence of Well-Being than lack of it. Just the fact that your sun comes up every morning just like it is supposed to is of immense value to you. In fact, only Well-Being is offered. This Energy that created your planet to begin with, this Energy that now sustains you, this Energy that keeps your Earth rotating in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets, this Energy that keeps the perfect water content and oxygen in your atmosphere, this Pure Positive Energy is that. It is Pure Positive Energy. It is Energy of Well-Being. And it floods forth, and all who are here upon this Earth have access to it. The rocks receive it fully. The plants receive it fully. The beasts receive it fully. Man can, and often does, but man has, because he has been taught to push against what he does not want, man often achieves vibrational harmony with what he doesnt want, and then what happens? What happens to you when you achieve vibrational harmony with the lack of what you want? What you want cant come to you. You are vibrationally different. So very often someone will be sick, or someone will get run over by a steam roller, or someone will do one of those things that you think is so awful, like die, which is really the ultimate wonderful thing because you instantly reemerge into Pure Positive Energy. But we understand the way you look at it when you are wanting to remain physical. And then the rest of you scamper around and assume that things are going wrong, when all that has happened is that that person, for whatever reason, has developed such a strong habit of vibrationally disallowing Well-Being in this physical arena, that he has reemerged into the pure pot of WellBeing. Were eager to talk with you about whatever it is you are wanting to chew on. You are ready for us? Good. Begin wherever you are wanting. Dont worry about us; we will wedge our message in the crack. A message for a newlywed couple. Q As were speaking, my sister is being married. And I was wondering if you would perhaps give a message for the newlywed couple. A It is wonderful to begin a new beginning together. Not really such a new beginning as it seems, because they have merged their vibrations long before this moment. Our strong encouragement to them is, every day make lists of positive aspects of the other, and you will live happily ever after. Q Thank you.

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Indeed. Well talk more about that later.

Understanding the Nonphysical birth process. Q Abraham, I want to learn and have more knowledge about the birth process. Id like to understand how we take our Pure Positive Energy and connect it with the physical Energy at the time of birth. A What youre really talking about is the merging of perspectives more than anything. In other words, thought Energy is not a good word for Energy, thought. And is not a good word for thought perspective because if someone is thinking, someone is perceiving, someone is offering perception. So what the birth process is, is the literal merging of Pure Nonphysical Energy into a physical body, and therefore the donning of a new physical perspective. And from the moment of birth, the work of the physical Being is to reconnect in a conscious way with that Pure Energy that is its Source. Youre wanting something more specific? This is about a ten-day seminar, so whittle it down a bit here. Q Okay. On a connection... Now, we live in a positive and negative Universe. And pure thought Energy is not necessarily It is not of electrical Energy, its more of light Energy. Now, how does the light Energy stay connected to the positive and negative Energy of this Universe on the physical vehicle? A Let us give a little bit of clarification here. Throughout all of the Universe, whether it is a physical arena that you are focused upon or a Nonphysical arena, in every particle of the Universe there is that which is wanted and lack of it. But what the physical environment provides for you, you deliberate flow-er of Energy, is an arena of fine-tuning, an arena of where contrast is more greatly exaggerated. So as you are here focused in this physical arena, and as you are giving attention to whatever data is being viewed by you, or being offered to you by others, you have an immediate feeling response about it. Now, what the feeling response is, is your awareness of how this conscious perspective, or perception, is merging with the greater one. The way you feel is your barometer to let you know in every moment whether you are, in this moment, allowing yourself to be the true extension of Nonphysical Energy that you-reallyare, or whether you have lackfully joined the ranks of other physical Beings who are pushing against.

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The best way for you to hear this is... Let us sort of give you a description. Analogies are never perfect, but our greatest work is in finding pictures that help you understand a bit more what we are seeing from this perspective, so we will give it a shot here. First, see with us, stand back with us for just a little bit, and envision your Earth plane, spinning perfectly in its orbit. And you are, as is your Nonphysical Energy, aware of it from outside of its experience. And as you are observing this Earth plane from your Nonphysical awareness, you see it flooded in Pure Positive Energy. You see and know the Well-Being of this physical time and place and sphere. Youre also aware that there are some upon the planet that are not allowing themselves to receive the full benefit of it. The story of the Garden of Eden is another version of this. In other words, Well-Being exists. Allow it and live it, or disallow it and dont live it, but it exists. So, as you are with us Nonphysically viewing this physical experience, you see the Pure Positive Energy, or Life Force, streaming in. A good picture of it would be to see it like an umbilical cord. The cord of Well-Being flooding to this EarthLife Force, Well-Being. Now, as you emerge into this physical time and place, you are a literal extension of that Energy. Its as if it is a never-ending pipeline of Pure Positive Energy, and youre a short little pipe screwed onto the end of it. Youre an extension of that Pure Positive Energy. Now, as this pipe that is now perceiving, youre looking around. Youre collecting data. Youre observing. Youre interacting. Youre physically being. As you give attention to something... Lets say you are focused upon government cover-up or something that has come across your television. As you give attention to this object of attention that has come to you, you can tell by the way you feel whether you have chosen an object of attention that is in harmony with the Nonphysical Energy that flows through you, because if youve chosen something different from that Pure Positive Energy, the Pure Energy will not flow through you. And when the Pure Energy doesnt flow through you, how do you feel? Fearful, lonely, angry. Negative emotion is what it feels like to you when you are, for whatever reason, disallowing your natural Energy from flowing. How can you tell when you are connected? How can you tell when you are an extension of the Pure Energy? You feel great. Youre vital and alive, you feel invigorated, you feel appreciative, youre feeling love, youre feeling good. So you can tell by the way you feel whether you are allowing or disallowing this Energy from flowing. We understand your reason for wanting to talk about this birth process. But wed rather talk about this. What we would rather talk about is, how in any moment in time are you doing relative to allowing the Energy to flow? You see what were getting at?
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Are you letting the influence of others, who are feeling lackful, pull your attention to lackful things, which causes you to disallow the Energy from flowing through you? Or are you more interested in allowing the Energy to flow, so that youre more deliberately choosing things on the other side of the equation? When you realize Some would say, Abraham, do you think I should just put my head in the sand and ignore whats going on around me? And we say, not at all. We want you to look around and acknowledge what is not wanted, so that in the acknowledging of what is not wanted, you can identify what is wanted. And then wed like you to talk about that. Because in the moment that youre talking about what is wanted, the Energy flows back through you again. Is this the area that youre wanting to move? Q Its the partial area of what I was speaking of. Basically what Im understanding is that the physical body of what youre saying is mainly created through the lack of. And as we A Say again?

Q Its basically created from the lack of. And as we project our Pure Energy into the physical body, why then were taking our feelings and desires to bring the physical body from a lack of to Pure Positive Energy of. A The physical body, first of all, is not a lackful Being naturally. Its a Pure Positive Energy Being lackfully. And as you look around at the little ones, you see evidence of that. It takes a lot to make them flow negative Energy. But as you are technologically connected so that you have such instant access to problems... If you were just living your own experience, anyone of you, you would have much more positive to report than negative. But because you have televisions that go all around the world looking for negative things and bring them right to you, and since you are an action oriented people who mean very well in that you want to fix what is broken so that you can all live happily ever after, many of you are lackfully focused, which makes your statement accurate in the sense that there are a lot of physical Beings that are disallowing the Energy from flowing. And in every case, the only thing that is required to let it flow again is to find some object to focus upon and feel appreciation about it. And the Energy begins to flow instantly. In other words, this new beginning that we were talking about because of a wedding, or a new beginning that you are talking about because of a birth, you have in every moment of every day, because in every moment you have the option to choose a new object of attention. When we talk about molding Energy, what

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were really talking about is getting out there and thinking. Think and feel how that thought feels. Think. Use your Guidance System. Dont come to a seminar and try to get somebody to tell you what to do. Dont go to books, or dig up books that have been buried 2000 years ago, and try to figure out how to live your life. Get out there and live, and any moment that youre off the track, youll feel it. Every moment that you have stepped away from the Energy, youll feel it. So what you begin to notice is that there is a pattern. When you are appreciating, youre full of this Energy. When you are blaming, its not there. When you are applauding and finding value and seeing positive aspects, it is pouring through you. If youre finding lack and finding fault and seeing criticism, its not there. So as you begin to just think and feel, think and feel, you can teach yourself, in a matter of a few days, how to get back into connection with that Energy. Everybodys running around trying to find somebody to love them. When what all of you really want is an object of attention that pulls Pure Energy through you. Enough? Do we need to ask the higher power for forgiveness? Q Hello. On the matter of forgiveness of oneself, is it proper to ask the higher power for forgiveness of ones own stubbornness and willfulness? A Well, you can ask if you want to. You dont have to ask because the higher power never judged you to begin with. In other words, you dont have to forgive if youve never judged and blamed. And the higher power has never judged you and blamed you; it has just loved you all along. So you can step into that loving Energy any time you want. If it helps you to go through the ritual of asking for forgiveness, then do it. But you see, the Energy that is offered to you from this higher power adores you. And you can tell, because if youre blaming yourself or seeing yourself in a lackful way, you feel terrible. Well, what does that tell you? Any time youre feeling awful, remember the pipeline analogy. Any time you feel awful, what does that tell you? Youre vibrationally looking at something very askew from the way your Inner Being looks at it. So if youre condemning yourself and feeling that agony of guilt, what that means is, youre out of sync with your Inner Being. And the way you step back into sync with your Inner Being is by appreciating. And if you will appreciate the object of attention that you have just been judging and blaming, you will make some real headway.

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Here is the key. Its all very simple. If your goal is to step back into the Energy, then what you want to do is just feel around until you find yourself in it. In other words, think some thoughts, and sooner or later youre going to hit on the thought that feels good. Am I really the wretched Being I think I am, you might say, which means youre focused upon lack, and the knot continues. Is there any way that I can make up for all of these transgressions? And the knot continues. I want to feel good. I want to know Gods love. I want to know that all is well. The knot softens. I want to feel my value. I want to know I am loved. I want to know my Well-Being. The knot gets lighter. You see, as you feel around in thought, or feel around in Energy, you find your place. A friend of Jerry and Esthers sent Esther a fax with a new awareness that she had just received. And Esther squealed with delight when she read it, because it was so on target. Esther and Jerrys friend said, I am beginning to understand what Abraham means about finding that feeling-place. She said, I have noticed that while I dont always find it instantly, that when I find it, I always know Ive found it. When I connect with the feeling that is going to later result in the manifestation, I know in the moment Ive connected with the feeling. And usually its not more than 30 days before the physical manifestation follows. She said, Its like feeling around in a box of feathers for a pearl. Its not hard to do, because the feathers are light. But when I find the pearl, theres no mistake. I know Ive found it. So as molders of Energy, what we want you to do is feel around in the box of feathers more. We want you to be bolder. So often when you start hearing about Deliberate Creation, or when youve been reared in a world of dos and donts, youre guarded and tentative. Youre afraid youre going to make a mistake. Youre afraid youre going to cross a line that you cant step back from. And we say, that cannot happen. Boldly flow! And you can tell by the way you feel whether youre flowing in harmony or not. And one wonderful thing that weve noticed as weve been observing you, is that you never know more clearly what you do want than when youre living some of what you dont want. So even in those negative times, even in those wretched times, even in those times of living exact opposite of what you want, clarity is the bonus that is erupting within the experience. So your work is to let the contrast of your physical time and place sometimes help you to identify clearly what is not wanted. And in the same moment, it helps you to identify clearly what is wanted. Then turn your full attention toward what is wanted, and talk about why you want it. As you talk about why you want it, your Nonphysical Energy always joins you. So as you say, I want to feel loved by this higher power, that was more or less your words, tell us why. Why do you want that? Just give us one answer at a time. Why do you want to know this love? Not knowing it is agony, isnt it?

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A And so, as youre feeling that agony, thats what youve achieved vibrational harmony with. In other words, you might be saying words, I want this love, but if youve got that agony happening inside of you, youre vibrationally disallowing the very thing youre asking for. So as you talk about why you want it, or you mentally go back to a time in your life before you were judging yourself so harshly and peruse that time, you will achieve vibrational harmony with that. And as soon as you find that place, the Energy flows to you and through you. You see, its easier if your object of attention is anything other than you. Most of you are much harder on self than you are anything else. Well then, since its easier, let others be your objects of attention to appreciate for a while. Appreciate the flower. Appreciate the sky. Appreciate the freeways. Appreciate the recording equipment. Appreciate friends. Appreciate the food that youre eating. Appreciate your clothing. Appreciate something that is outside of you, just til you get in the mode of appreciation. And then, every now and again, slip yourself in there as the object of appreciation, and let it flow. Appreciating is the thing. To be one who flows appreciation is really what youre after. To be one who gets appreciation is backwards. Because its almost always done from a lackful place. So, if its something about me, Im sort of tripped up to begin with, because what Im trying to flow my appreciation to is something that Im trying to get appreciation from, and thats what sort of messes it all up. So just get really good at appreciating. Get so good at appreciating, that you start to really notice, Hmm, Im connected. Hmm, Im connected. Hmm, the Energys flowing through me. Oh I really got buzzed over that one, Esther will say. Lightnings striking over this one. The other day, when Jerry and Esther got home, there was a bill from Visa in their mail box. And it was the second notice, reminding them that they had not paid the bill from last month. And as Esther looked through the file, she realized she had not received it. So she called to tell them that she was going to express mail the payment, and before she could tell them that, the woman on the other end of the telephone said, Mrs. Hicks, Im going to mark your account as current, and so just make that payment as soon as you can. But there will be no indicator that your payment has been delinquent. And goose bumps came all over Esther. In other words, the feeling of appreciation that she was feeling for this efficient worker, and this person who came to all of those conclusions on her own. Esther did not have to say a word. It was all there. That is the kind of thing were talking about that when Energy flows, you feel it. You feel it flood through you. So as you start looking for as many things that you can find, where you connect with that feeling, before long your conclusion
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is going to be, Im an open vessel through which Pure Positive Energy flows. And the question of worthiness is no longer an issue. You see what were getting at? All is well with you. Just relax and bask, and appreciate this physical arena that gives you an opportunity to identify what you are wanting. And understand that if you didnt see this as a perfect environment to come to those conclusions, you would not have come forth. And also understand that if there were not Pure Positive Energy supporting you every step of the way, you could not have come forth. It can only be in this arena of pure positive love that any of this could be surviving and existing in the way that it is. Trust that all is well, and watch for evidence of it. Good. What more? Live and love as consciously as possible. Q I have been setting forth my intention to live and love as fully and consciously as possible. And to be yes. And what Im receiving is that the biggest obstacle I have to doing that as fully consciously as I know is possible, are my own expectations. And where I would like some help from you is finding the balance, or feeling my way through the place where I come to know that what I think and feel and dream about is. That I am a powerful Creator. To find that place where my passion is high enough to be creative, and theres no expectation or lack or disappointment. Theres more pure allowing of what-is, and appreciating what-is, and finding the balance between the passion of the vision and the allowing what-is. And I was thinking like its a very small delicate place. And I think its probably an enormous place, with maybe a teeny weeny door. But I could use some help on that. A Truly, when you use the word passion, feel that feeling that comes forth with such a word. When you feel passion for something that makes you want to outwardly exude enthusiasm, in that moment of passion there is no doubt or negative expectation. So what youre dealing with is passion/doubt, passion/doubt, passion/doubt. In other words, no one person feels only one way about any subject. So what happens is, while you may bring yourself to some vibrational harmony with a picture that pleases you very well, you are also in your doubting, or in your lackful expectation, flowing Energy in the other direction some. So what youre wanting to do is just want more passion. That is what we would do. We would make statements, I want to feel more consistent connection with my objects of desire. We would define passion in that way. Consistent

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connection with Nonphysical Energy as I focus upon my objects of desire. Consistent is the key there. Not so much flip-flopping back and forth. Now, how does one muster passion? Is it a natural process of just looking at something? If Im connected, if I am an extension of Pure Positive Energy, so here I am that pipe stuck on that pipe, is passion natural? And we say, remember, its all contingent upon what that teeny weeny door on the end of the pipe is focused upon. In other words, the passion, the Source, is available to you in every moment. But youre right, the direction of your attention determines whether you allow it to flow or not. So on most subjects... You see, youve chosen an arena with a lot of diversity, because you wanted the feeling of being selective in your choices of objects of attention. So then what happens is, sometimes you say, Well, theres so much I dont want to choose from, that I dont get too much attention of what I do want. But you see that shifting, dont you? Dont you find yourself in these days much more likely to feel positive emotion than negative emotion? So now what youre saying is, I want to increase my level of passion. Which is another way of saying, I want to increase my consistency of making decisions of things that I do want, and allowing the Nonphysical Energy to flow. In simple terms, yes/no, yes/no, yes/no, holds you in a limp place. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, brings passion. How long can you say yes to same old? So, increase of passion almost always needs increase of data, increase of adventure. Which naturally brings greater possibility of riskmore unknown, less sense of stability. So whats happening is, we are always moving toward adventure, which brings risk. We pivot away the risk, and we feel the adventure, then we get bored. Because its same. Then we reach for something more, we feel a little risk because of the adventure, we pivot away the adventure, we achieve it, then we want something more. So, what youre describing here rather well, is the ongoing acknowledgment of eternal growth and expansiveness, and the little door youre talking about is that decision in every moment. So many people think that its some great big door thats going to have a sign on it thats going to say, The right choice. When in reality, its simple little decisions that you make in every moment by saying, How do I feel? What am I achieving vibrational harmony with? Am I allowing myself to be an extension of all of this power? Good, thats very good. Q I guess what Im wondering is, is there a point at which my knowing of my creative ability and my passion can disallow the process of allowing, that Im so clear about my desire and what I want, that I am no longer just being yes in the face of anything. Can you get too demanding with your passion?

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A Never, never. But you can get too involved in the details of a project, and not enough involved in the knowing of the Energy. In other words, when you get into a place like you have just described, what we would encourage you to do is go back to the whys again, because that will bring you back to your center. But you see, as we watch most physical Beings who are action-oriented, we see them apply some of this same action orientation, even to the process of learning how to flow Energy. So what often happens is, as you are thinking about what you want, youre weighing the pros and cons of what you are wanting, and working very hard in the differentiation process of what is wanted, while you forget the Laws of the Universe are always consistent. And you forget that when you feel good, only good things can come to you. And you forget that you live in a state of grace. And you forget that its just a matter of relaxing and things will come. What we would like to say to you thats going to compensate in large measure for what youre chewing on here, is that through all the days of your life you have been making conscious and unconscious differentiations about what you like and what you dont like. Hmm, I like that. Not this so much. I really like this. Hmm, not this so much. In other words, you have not been able to ever turn off that discernment. And in the moment that you come into vibrational harmony with who-you-really-are, so that you are vibrationally allowing, then what happens is, all of these things that you have, through all of this physical experience, discerned that are wanted, they begin to flood into your experience. Because as you are vibrationally in harmony with Well-Being, then anything that youve ever considered to be Well-Being, or that is now in harmony with your idea, your vibrational idea of Well-Being, you have access to. But then a Creator like you, who is consciously at this might say, Well, that sounds a little less hands-on than I really like. In other words, just get happy and live happily ever after? I was really hoping for something a little bit more that I could differentiate. And this is the age-old struggle that we hear physical Beings talking about when they say, Well, am I here to do Gods bidding, which just means do what God says, and all is well? Or am I here as a free Being to create my experience? What is the place of balance within all of this? We say, the place of balance is, get happy and then make as many decisions as you can about what you want from your happy place. And if in those decisions you lose your place of balance, then your next order of business is get happy again. And then once youve found your place of feeling good, then make as many decisions as you can from this place. Decisions are empowering. The more decisions you make, the more Energy flows through you. And the more Energy flows through you, the more vitality you have, the more fun you have, the more life you have. Energy flowing through you

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is Life Force. Youre more alive. The more resistant you are to it, the more what you would call dead you are. Is that helpful? Q Yeah, I guess I was almost thinking like maybe I was having too many expectations that I would receive what Ive been flowing Energy towards, in such a way that it would prevent me from receiving or allowing what-is. A We dont feel that about you at all. Because we know that you know about the Laws. We have felt you find vibrational harmony with your desires on countless occasions. And so, the only thing that it can be, is some underlying, maybe even subconscious, resistance about some of those things, which means break them down in smaller bites and see if you can feel where youre not allowing it to flow. Dont worry about it. Have you not noticed...? Weve watched many of you with physical projects, as well as with mental projects, that sometimes youll get on an idea, and the idea will somehow congeal with so many ideas that youve flowed before, that for a while things are just moving outrageously. Esther will say, Weve got a tiger by the tail here. Because it is as if this moment in time is accommodating so much Energy flowing, that its almost spiraling out of control. And for those of you who are used to maintaining everything with action, sometimes that feels a little too fast for you. Well, in the moment you start feeling that its a little too fast, you offer enough negative vibration that you slow it all right back down again. You see what were getting at? And so, that is part of it. Its the feeling of wanting to know that youve not only got your hands on the steering wheel, but your foot on the throttle. Youre wanting the creative control of this because thats your sense of having achieved. Thats your sense of accomplishment. Q Well, I was sensing that there was some learning for me in relinquishing that control. Just believing in my passion enough, that I can let go of the control part of it. A Well, we would agree with that. Because the control part is the doubtful, tentative, negative what-if part. While belief and trust in Well-Being You see, if you really knew your Well-Being, you would fear nothing. You would say, Anything that I decide to do, I can do, and you would trust that you would never be inspired to do something that didnt fit within your intention of wanting to continue to live too, in this physical body. Just play with it. Practice it. Flow the Energy. Do more of it. But most of all, here is the place of stability that you are looking for. Any time you are feeling that there are some loose ends to something, reaffirm to yourself what you do know. In
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other words, theres a lot of things you might not know about details, but just reaffirm to yourself what you do know. Well, I do know that life is good. I do know that Im an extension of Nonphysical Energy. I do know my Source is Pure Positive Energy. I do know that Im here as a Creator. I do know that when I choose an object of attention, Energy flows through me. I do know that all is well. And as you just sort of recount what you do know, youll come right back instantly to your place of stability, and it will add clarity, even upon this point that you are working upon. To retain positive autonomy in intimate relationships? Q Good. I have one more question that in conversation with five or six different people, people in the last week, the issue has come up of understanding that youve said this before, that if your Well-Being depends on any other than your own Inner Being, that youre in bondage. And the discussion has come up of how to find the balance between maintaining that kind of self-loving autonomy while being in an intimate relationship. A Let us re-state this question, this offering. We say it often. If your happiness depends on anybody elses behavior, then youre in deep trouble. Because you cant control what they do. Oh, you might be able to control them if youre big enough, or clever enough, but you cant control what they think, and you cant control what they vibrate, therefore you cannot control how they interface with you. When you discover that your joy is not dependent upon what somebody else does, not what they do to you, not what they think of you, not what they say to you, not what they think or flow to you, your Well-Being is dependent only upon what you are flowing out. When you discover that, then you have it made. Now, bring us to the point of clarity that youre reaching for here. Q The discussion Ive had with several friends is that when theyre alone, this is easily achieved. And that theyre finding difficulty achieving and maintaining that state, especially when it involves a partner or a mate. A Well, heres what we want you to hear.

[Jerry: This is the end of side A of this recording. Please turn the cassette over and continue with the message.]

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A That statement is not true. They think it is, but let us tell you why it is not true. If somebody else is negatively affecting you, it is always because you achieved vibrational harmony with whatever it is theyre doing. Do you see what were getting at? Lets say when you are connected and thriving and feeling good, and somebody comes to you and says something that most anybody would say thats a rather rude thing for them to say, it bounces right off of you. You dont even hear it. You dont even feel it. Because your Energy is flowing so positively. But lets say youve got the flu, youre not feeling very good anyway, and youre sort of mad at yourself for not being in control of your life. And then somebody says to you something, the same rude offering, this time you feel it very strongly. Why? Because you have achieved vibrational harmony with it. But even more importantly, in your weakened, more vulnerable condition, perhaps you even evoked it from them. You see what we are getting at? So what we are really wanting you to hear from us is that to say, Well, I can be happy when Im by myself, but I cant be happy when Im with somebody else, what we would really like you to hear is, I can be happy anytime I decide to turn my attention toward that which connects me with my Source of joy. Whether Im by myself, or whether Im not. We have talked to countless people who have gone on and on about a negative situation, and we cant find the person anywhere, that is giving them the trouble, because theyre not in the room. But the vibration is there because they are focused upon it. You see what were getting at? Q Well, what Im sensing is that they were almost saying, How do I get to the point where I dont care? Or how do I? A Hopefully never. You will never find that place.

Q I think maybe the solution is finding the point where you care about your own joy more than anything else, and then from there, everything will fall into place. A Well, you see, in any situation Lets say that youve decided on many occasions, and youve reaffirmed it this morning, that nothing is more important to you than that you feel good. Which means nothing is more important to you than that you be the extension of Pure Energy that you were born to be. And lets say first thing in the morning you bump up against somebody you live with, or somebody you work with, that is very much out of that vibration. If they take you away, you werent very well there to begin with. In other words, you were teetering on the edge anyway. So what they have offered you is an opportunity to
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shore up a little bit. What theyve offered you is an awareness that there still is some vibrational harmony within you of lack. So you find yourself actually blessing them for shining a spotlight on something within you that is not in harmony with what you really want. An old habit, or an old pattern. And then appreciating them for what they have inspired you to see is the next step. And in the moment that you begin appreciating, then you have come back into your balance and all is very well. You did not say as you were perched on the cloudwere making fun about to emerge into this physical body, you did not say, I will go forth. Make sure everything is smoothed and ready for me. You did not say, Send me to an environment where there is no contrast, I just want to limply move along. You did not say, Send me to an environment where somebody else has worked all of the bugs out of it, and now I will just go reap the benefits of whatever it is they have achieved. You said, I am a Creator! I know the rules of the game. Let me go forth into this environment, I will become aware and accustomed to the data of this time and place, and once Ive had a little sampling of whats down there, enough that I can differentiate what I prefer and what I dont prefer, Ill connect with Nonphysical Energy and I will create within this arena that which is perfect for me. Oh, it even goes further than that. You said, Hey gang, what do you think about getting together in thought and creating a physical arena where we can go forth and fine-tune our ability to create? And others said, What would be the reason for that? And you said, Growth, more adventure, a sense of greater contrast would give us opportunity to fine-tune our thoughts even more. An arena where we could collectively assume some of the same things, and in that assumption we could interact together. In other words, what do you think about an arena where most everybody on this planet, or in this arena, comes to the same general assumptions, and then from that assumptive point, we take thought beyond that which it has ever been before? What about it? And the group of you said, Yes! And so, you began envisioning a place like this planet. You see? And now you are living that dream that you have imagined, in the same way that later in this lifetime you will experience the physical manifestation of thoughts that you project from this arena. If you can get into the feeling of creation, if you can start accepting, Im a Creator and thats what I do best. And when Im creating, thats when Im happiest, which means the more decisions I make in every day, the more joyful Being I am, then you dont worry about having logjams. You say, Oh good, something to think about. You dont worry about negative trauma. You say, Oh good, something to think about. Most of you think that what youre really waiting for is the icing on all the cakes. The perfect culmination of all the things that you have launched. The perfect
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wedding. The perfect relationship. The perfect ending. And we say, sure, those things are nice. But thats not what we are about. Its the process of creating. The negative experience is as important to the outcome as the positive outcome, because without some of those negative experiences, your clarification of what is wanted would not be sharp. So what you are saying to us here, weve heard it in many different ways, is that, I might be holding myself apart from anything negative for the sake of wanting to maintain my balance, but in the process, Im getting a little bit limp about some of the The passion isnt flowing. In other words, sometimes what we see with our physical Creators is that sometimes their desire for a perfect every moment is so strong, they dont allow enough clarity to have any real adventure. So as individuals, youre always in control. Sometimes Esther will say, Well, thats enough adventure for this week. And sometimes shell say, Lifes so perfect, its getting a little boring. You see what were getting at? Sometimes the things you think you dont want are not as far out of your arena of what you want as you think they are. Sometimes some of those negative rascals that you think you would not like to have in your experience because it would be easier to be happy, are very important catalysts to your understanding of what you want, which is essential to any happiness that you will ever have. Good. Were ranting and raving a bit. Did you write very good? Abraham defines "eternal beingness." Q The Nonphysical Energy which is Abraham, will it ever be in physical form again? Or will it stay on the level where you are now? A The Nonphysical Energy which is Abraham will always be Nonphysical, but it is projected currently, and has been always in one physical body or another, projected into the physical. In other words, remember its not either/or. The physical experience, the physical physicalness Q I understand that when youre physical, youre also Nonphysical Energywise. But you will not be back in a physical body? Or you are in a physical body somewhere? A Esther is a physical embodiment of our Energy. Jerry is a physical embodiment of our Energy. Many of you are physical embodiments of this Energy. You see, look at it this way. If Nonphysical Energy always exists, and sometimes it projects into a physical reality, if your question is, Will that
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Nonphysical Energy ever be only physical, we say, no, it will never be only physical. Q Thats a given, according to what youre saying all the way around, that youre always Nonphysical at the same time. A So restate your question.

Q Well, let me put it this way. From your point of view now, is there anything other than this? Any other level that Energy such as yourself would go to, higher or somewhere else, or is it always coming back to the physical? Is there some other realm? A The Nonphysical projects its Energy dramatically, flamboyantly, in what you would call millions upon millions of dimensional directions. In other words, you cannot begin to, from your physical perspective, fathom the immensity of the Nonphysical Energy that is flowed. We are in no way limited to this physical environment. But at the same time, do not let that serve to diminish your feeling of value within the scheme of things. It comes back to what we were talking about earlier, doesnt it? Without an object of attention, through which the Energy flows, there can be no value. Now, were really getting onto something here. You began it, so lets chew through this just for a moment. Physical experience provides an object of attention through which Nonphysical Energy can flow. Then the physical Being is the object of attention. As the physical Being vibrationally comes into harmony with the Nonphysical Energy, then, by Law of Attraction, he summons the Nonphysical Energy unto him. As the physical Being summons the Nonphysical Energy unto him and through him, and focuses it to a point of attraction, then the physical Being becomes an extension of that Nonphysical Energy. So that the Creator becomes the creation, becomes the Creator, becomes the creation. In other words, it is what you might call perpetual motion, or perpetual beingness. It is what we call eternalness. Did you write very good? Good. What more? Being allowing within a structured teaching environment. Q Ive been chewing for several years on purpose and living it most of the time. And what I do is, Im a teacher and I teach teenagers. And my curriculum is so varied that I pretty much teach what I want. Its a lot of human relations communications like that. But I also work with adults and help them find their
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career. And one of my I have to say not one of, but my purpose with both of them is to assist them in finding that path, or that excitement of finding how they want to live their lives, and what they want to do, and what they want to create. And in this process, sometimes I get really stuck on, first of all, I have to, when Im in education, I have to do it in certain parameters. Its very frustrating cause I cant always say exactly what I want to say, or do it exactly the way I want to do it, although I do quite a bit. And its the same as Im working with adults, Im working through a corporation, and I have to follow certain guidelines. And another one of my frustrations is, what I want to know from you is, how I can incorporate or how I can allow, be more allowing of people, being where they are when Im teaching them? And they get so stuck. A Youve offered a number of questions here, and so let us go through them a bit systematically. First of all, and most importantly, were wanting you to hear this. When you talk about a system that is prohibitive, actions that you cannot take or words that you cannot offer, even though you would like to... What we would like you to focus upon for just a moment, is that so far, nobody has established any laws or rules about flowing Energy. And since the only thing that affects your experience is how you are flowing Energy, then as you start imaging and creating mental scenarios, and painting pictures that thrill you, as you start realizing that your dominant work is not in the arena of moving things around or convincing people, your dominant work is in you mentally acknowledging a person, holding them as your object of attention, and then seeing them in the light that makes you feel good. Today as Jerry and Esther were driving, Jerry made a statement based upon something that hed seen on television where he was talking about legally you are not allowed freedom. That in this country, that even though they talk a lot about freedom, that there are a lot of freedoms that have been legislated as illegal. And then they both concluded while it is the freedom is not legal, the freedom certainly is the reality. So what it involves is stepping away from the physical arena that feels a little binding, and spending more time flowing the Energy, until you feel the freedom of flowing Energy. And then the physical manifestation will always follow. We promise you that if you can paint a mental picture and get your juices flowing about it, that the Universe will deliver it to you. And the world that does not understand Energy flow, will call it miraculous. And the people that dont understand Energy flow will say, She beat the system. When all you are really doing is finding vibrational harmony with your object of attention. Most of you, as we watch you, even though we know how much you want to be Deliberate Creators, we dont yet see much willingness on the part of very many of you to use your workshop. We see you much more eager about jumping into
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action, and much more eager to talk about what has happened, than we see you willing to identify a scenario and breathe life into it with your thoughts. And we can only conclude that you havent got the picture of Energy flowing yet. You havent felt around in enough boxes of feathers and found enough pearls to understand that once you find the feeling-place, the physical manifestation always will follow. Now, as youre interacting with people, part of the overwhelment that you are feeling is that youre in the job of assisting people in finding their place. And obviously if they had their place, they wouldnt come to you. So 100% of the people that youre dealing with are not where they want to be in the beginning of interacting with you. When you are interacting with other physical Beings, unless you are well connected to your Source of clarity, you can be of no value to them whatsoever. As you were describing to us what your current profession is, we were feeling so wonderful at hearing your offering, because what you were describing, through physical human terms, is exactly that which you had intended as you came forth into this physical experience. In our terminology, we would say to you, you are a teacher who has come forth into this physical time and place to assist others in reconnecting with their feeling of Well-Being. So as you are wanting to assist others in finding their niche, arent we talking about the same thing? Now, the reason that sometimes you dont feel very allowing about them is because you have this passion to help them find WellBeing, and some of them are so resistant to it. Some of them dont listen to what you say, some of them do exactly the opposite thing. In other words, theyre not taking guidance very well; theyre following in their old habits. What youre experiencing is a very strong case of being focused so much on reality of what-is, that you cant get to where you want to be. Have you ever had a situation where somebody was so stuck that you couldnt even imagine them not being stuck? Whether its a husband or a child, they have offered such a clear image of who they are, that you cant see anything else except who they are. Well, whose failing is that? Wed say, theyve just done a good job of projecting whatever theyre projecting. And so, what you may be saying to us in that situation is, I cant see other than what-is. And we say, well then youre pretty much stuck right here forever, arent you? If you cant see other than what-is, if the only thing you can achieve vibrational harmony with is what-is, then you can never move from this spot. But what we keep seeing happening, because the Laws of the Universe are consistent, and because Well-Being abounds, is that even though youre looking at what-is and it doesnt please you, the contrast of the Universe is paying off in a big way because youre living what-is, and you dont like it. What is happening is,

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there is an eruption of what is wanted coming forth within you. So you cant help but every now and again catch a glimpse of what youd rather have. Well, thats when they come to you. Theyre in that crack. They know what they dont want, and they know what they do want, something different than what theyve got, but they dont know how to go about it. So they come to you to help them facilitate it, but theres too many missing pieces. And let us tell you why. If they knew what to do, theyd be doing it. If they knew where to find it, theyd have found it. So when they are hitting themselves, or you, with these kinds of questions, it is only aggravating their awareness that theyre not where they want to be. So what you are wanting to help evoke from within them is they know a lot more than they think they know. They know a lot more about what they want than they think they do. So as you get them to start talking about, Well, I want more money, and I want whatever I do to be financially productive, and I want to work with people that are happy, and I want to feel good about going to work. I want to wake up eager to go, and when I come home I want to feel like well, that was really good. You see what were getting at? As you get them to start talking generally about what they do want, instead of specifically about what they dont want, theyre going to come into vibrational connection with their Inner Being, and ideas are going to start coming to them. And their passion is going to return almost immediately. Your work is not to help them find the physical trail. Your work is to help them reconnect with the Energy. Your work is to help them connect with the Source of clarity that will guide them to the physical trail. So as youre trying to help them find the physical trail, but theyre not connected to their Source, its an endless process. Youre going around in circles. You have very low success rate, and thats why you feel uncomfortable, because youre not fulfilling the very purpose that you came here to live. Is this all coming together for you? Q Yes.

A Get them to talk about what they want and why they want it. Say things to them such as, You know a lot more than you know you know. What I want to hear from you is, what things do you do that you most enjoy doing? And why? And guide them through this conversation until you feel them connect with that Energy. And once theyre connected with the Energy, say to them, Something will come up soon. How much time do you spend with these individuals?

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Q The adults, I dont spend that much time with. Sometimes a three-day workshop, and sometimes its only two hours. A Q Well, in two hours, your goal is to reconnect them with passion. My goal is to get them excited about what they want. And thats what I do.

A And if thats the only thing you ever did, youve served them well. We would say that is truly the function of your work. It is the function of our work. But we cant, nor can you, offer words that will cause anybody to get connected. The only thing that will cause them to get connected is to want to be. And its quite nice to notice that when theyre not connected, thats when they want to be connected most. So everything theyre living is leading them toward that which is the fulfillment of our work. They all want it. There isnt one of them that doesnt want it. If they tell you they want a new house, the reason they want it is because they will feel more secure. If they tell you they want more money, the reason they want it is because they will feel more secure. If they tell you they want a lover, the reason they want it is because they want to feel love. In other words, everything that every person wants of a physical, tangible nature, the reason behind it, the reason they want it, is because it causes them to vibrationally harmonize with that Energy. It is the state of Well-Being that they want. And so, what you are about, and what we are about, is teaching processes that cause them to connect with that Well-Being. In reality, physical Earth is a great big workshop a lot longer than two hours or three days. Its a workshop through which people can define their desires, sometimes by living lack of it, but in every case the workshop is a success. And so, as you begin to acknowledge that, then you find yourself not feeling tension if you should peep in on somebodys workshop when theyre having a down dayor a down month, or a down year, or a down decade. Acknowledge that theyre doing the best that they know how to do, and as you give them the benefit of the doubt, your connection will return. When you are in the state of appreciating them no matter what, you connect. If youre blaming them or finding lack in them, you will disconnect. Q Its not that as much as it is sometimes feeling frustrated that I havent achieved what Ive gone after. A Well, in that case youre looking at the lack of your own success. Whether your lack is focused at them or at you, its still lack and your Inner Being doesnt agree with it.
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Q I demand 100% from myself, which its like Part of what I do, too, is plant seeds. A Well, theres an intention within that demanding 100% that is counterproductive. Because in that demanding 100%, what you are vibrationally saying is, This isnt easy. Success isnt natural. Weve got to struggle and strive. Ive got to demand it. And we say, that is counter to saying, All is well, Energy flows, I will step into the Stream. Q A Q Its a matter of time, and theyll all get it. Good, very good. I flow in and out of that.

A Most do, and that is part of the process. When youre out of it, thats when you most acknowledge how much more power there is in it. To not "backslide" from your Well-Being. Q Its kind of interesting, I had a lot of thoughts before I came here today, and a lot of them have been answered. But the thing that I get very frustrated with, is that I know it works. Ive tried it, Ive seen it happen, but its like all of a sudden Ill go to sleep and wake up the next morning, and a cloud takes over. And Im sort of backsliding; Im right back where I started from. Without even realizing it, Im going down the road, and Im feeling more and more miserable. And then all of a sudden Ill say, Well, what am I doing? When things were really good How can you ever get to a point when things are really good and things are really going well, that theyll stay that way? Its like I want them to stay that way, but for some reason, I go to sleep and its like the bitey-,booger steps in and boy oh boy, Im off into another tangent. A The nice thing about what youve just acknowledged is that... Lets say that you have intended a perfect life and are living it for a while. And then you have a little bit of that what you are calling backsliding. And it happened first with attention to lack, but you didnt notice that. And so, because you didnt notice it, you kept doing it, and you didnt notice that either. And so, pretty soon youre talking to others about it, but youre not really noticing that either. And then you have a physical manifestation that gets your attention. And then you notice it.
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And we say, it really does not matter at what point you notice what you dont want. In the moment that youre aware that youre getting something you dont want, just start talking more about what you do want. And why you want it. You can turn it around at any point. The answer to your question is, and your question is, Will I ever get to the point that I dont have any negative? We would say, no, not as long as youre here in this physical environment because the negative is contrast, and contrast is part of the clarity that you are wanting from this environment. Will I ever get to the place where Im dominantly joyful? Yes. Will I ever get to the point where I will be so sensitive to negative emotion, that I will notice it in the early subtle stages, so that I can turn it around in Energy? Yes. Will I ever get to the point where I never have to live out another negative physical manifestation? Yes. In other words, when you reach the place that you are so much wanting to feel good, that you are sensitive to all Energy that you are flowing, and in the moment that you have a thought that is negative, and therefore disallows the connection with who-you-are, you feel it and say, Oh, enough of that. What I want is this. Then what you will live is a life of only positive manifestation, and only occasional negative emotion. When you get so good at feeling negative emotion that you head it off before it gets bigger and causes negative manifestation, then you are living the life that youve intended in this physical body. Weve watched many of you who, by identifying how much you want this connection to Nonphysical Energy, now youre hypersensitive when youre not. In other words, sometimes we see Esther. When she is hearing somebody, or hearing of somebody, saying something hurtful to another person, Esther feels as much pain as if that other person had taken a gun and shot the person dead. In other words, you get more sensitive to thought and Energy than you ever have been before. But the big bonus to that is, the more sensitive you are to thought and Energy, the more you can mold and control the thought and Energy before there is a physical manifestation. Does this make sense to you? Have fun with all of this. Youre doing extremely well. We would like to leave you with some very wise words: Lighten up. Laugh more, play more, look for the fun more, appreciate more, bask more. Most of you are so bogged down in the action oriented details of your physical experience, that you are smothering yourself with overwhelment. If you could realize that nothing that youre doing matters much at all, and in the midst of doing In other words, theres a lot of things that you do, that while youre doing them, you could be flowing a lot of positive Energy. As Esther and Jerry were driving over here today, Esther flooded so much Energy, she used it as a very comprehensive workshop. It was many hours of not a lot of things to do. The telephone wasnt ringing, the television wasnt calling her
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attention, some conversation with her mate, but not much in the span of hours. It was a tremendous opportunity to pick little subjects and ponder them positively. Think and feel, think and feel, think and feel, think and feel, think and feel. Sometimes the thoughts are not self-generated. Sometimes somebody else projects them into your experience. So receive the thought and feel it. Hmm, that one didnt feel very good, you say. Well, I know what I dont want. What would I prefer about this? Now, youve got something to chew on. Envision around it. We ask sometimes, what do you want, and you give us a few simple statements. I want this, this, this, this. We ask you what you dont want, you could write books about it. Youre very articulate at describing what is not wanted. What were wanting you to do is get more articulate about what you do want, and why you want it. Bring yourself to the place that any time anybody asks you what do you want, that you could go on for twenty minutes without stopping. Set a goal to be so clear, and have so much on the tip of your tongue, on the tip of your mind what you want and why you want it, that you could stop for twenty minutes without even taking a breath. That the thoughts would flow so easily. Break your desires down into four parts: my body, my work, my home, my relationships. And start practicing. What do I want relative to my body? I want to feel good. I want to feel vital and alive. I want to feel good in my body. I want it to be flexible. I want to move about easily. I want to feel good in this physical time and space in this body. What do I want relative to my work? I want to be productive. I want my work to be lucrative. I want to feel good about what I do. I want to be of value to others. I want others to feel the value of themselves as a result of interacting with me. Relative to my home, what do I want? I want a comfortable nest. I want to feel good in it. I want it to be beautiful. I am wanting to feel comfortable and Im wanting others to feel comfortable when they are in my nest. I want it to be efficient and organized. What am I wanting relative to my relationships? I am wanting relationships that make my heart sing. I am wanting people around me that laugh. Im wanting people to laugh when they are with me, and Im wanting to laugh when Im with them. Im wanting us when we get together, to put our thoughts together and go beyond that which we have thought before. I want us to have so much fun when were together, that being together is something that we think about all of the time. You see what were getting at? There is so much more that you already know that you want, but you dont spend much time reflecting on it because you are so busymost of you, not you but most physical Beings, most Mass Consciousness has been trained to push so hard against what you dont want, that youre almost forgetting altogether about what you do want.
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So heres all this Nonphysical Energy, Well-Being. This is not piddley stuff. This Well-Being keeps your planet in orbit. This Well-Being keeps your blood pumping, even when you are fast asleep. This Well-Being keeps the Life Force in the seed, so that one tomato can continue to regenerate eternally. Can you feel the power of the Well-Being that we are talking about? Do you realize what you have access to? And do you know that the only thing that holds you apart from this Energy, is that you complain about this, and you worry about that, and you dont like that, and you blame that. You vibrationally hold yourself apart from the Life Force that is evidenced everywhere around you. So what we are encouraging you to do is practice getting in the flow. Appreciate. Bask. Applaud. Acknowledge Well-Being, and you will receive it back a thousand-fold in every day that you offer it. Every day. We are ranting and raving a bit. Oh it is exhilarating to be able to come face to face with physical Beings, who are here to live the manifested purpose of our Nonphysical Beingness. In other words, to see you here right where you wanted to be, exactly where we all perceived it to be, and to see you not allowing the Well-Being to flow in the way you all meant to do, it makes us want to do something to help you move over the edge of understanding. Good. What is left undone? Why does appreciating others feel like a gift? Q I was noticing yesterday that when I appreciate other people, it feels like a gift. I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about how were related to one another. A Well, in the sense that Nonphysical Energy flows forth to all of you, and you are all part of that Source of Nonphysical Energy that is flowing. And in the sense that as you are here as physical catalysts to inspire one another to appreciate which connects you with that same Energy of which you all are, you are all related in the sense that you are all one. Different perspectives and projections of one. Something else you are getting at here? Q No, thats exactly what I was asking.

A We like very much your observation that when you are appreciating another, it feels like you have received a gift. Thats part of the reason that sometimes you feel a little bit of difficulty in allowing other people to be the rascals that they are.
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Because if someone is appreciatable, and you are therefor appreciating them, in your appreciating of them, Pure Energy flows through you, and what a bonus that is to you. In other words, they are your reason temporarily for your connection to Nonphysical Energy. But conversely, that makes you say, It is wonderful that youve evoked this Pure Energy through me. But if somebodys behaving in a way that doesnt evoke it, then you sometimes want to blame them for not giving you the gift, or not allowing you the gift. Q I was thinking that it feels like youre giving a gift. And so, if were all giving each other these gifts, thats what prompted the question. A Well, that is actually an absolutely perfect statement. Because that is literally what you have come here to do. To serve as a catalyst to assist others in reconnecting with that Energy. And any time you hold them as your positive object of attention, thats exactly what happens. Good, very good. How can I help my children to feel good? Q I just wanted to ask whats the best way for me to help my children open to flowing Energy towards feeling good? A By appreciating them. By looking for every opportunity to appreciate them. By lying in your bed at night before you go to sleep making lists of the wonderful things that they are. If they didnt do anything today to appreciate, reach back to a place in your memory where you were appreciating them. Its not a matter of flowing it to them in words, as much as it is feeling it in your heart. Treat your children in the way their Inner Being does in this way. When they are basking, when they are appreciating, when they are in that mode of connection, be as present as you can. When they are disconnected and angry and cranky or disappointed about something, do not flow your attention to them. So that you give them a tangible example of how the Nonphysical Energy works. Houston, TX Workshop Closing. We have enjoyed very much this interaction. It is exhilarating to come together with those like you who are upon the path of Deliberate Creating. Have fun with all of this. All is extremely well with you. And as you know that, as you

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continue to step into that Energy of Well-Being, the evidence will knock your socks off. There is great love here for you. We are complete.

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