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Being True to your Baptism

Living Waters Church Talk
27th October 2013

John K. Baw

27 October 2013

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THE CHALLENGE OF BA TIS! Four Fishermen Called as Disciples: !at" #$%&'(( 18 And Jesus, wa !"ng b# the $ea of %a " ee, saw two brothers, $"&on ca ed Peter, and Andrew h"s brother, cast"ng a net "nto the sea' for the# were f"sher&en. 1( )hen *e sa"d to the&, +,o ow -e, and . w" &a!e #ou f"shers of &en./ 20 )he# "&&ed"ate # eft the"r nets and fo owed *"&. 21 %o"ng on fro& there, *e saw two other brothers, Ja&es the son of 0ebedee, and John h"s brother, "n the boat w"th 0ebedee the"r father, &end"ng the"r nets. *e ca ed the&, 22 and "&&ed"ate # the# eft the boat and the"r father, and fo owed *"&. Jesus Counsels the rich young ruler: !)" %*$%+'(( 17 1ow as *e was go"ng out on the road, one ca&e runn"ng, !ne t before *"&, and as!ed *"&, +%ood )eacher, what sha . do that . &a# "nher"t eterna "fe2/ 18 $o Jesus sa"d to h"&, +3h# do #ou ca -e good2 1o one "s good but One, that "s, %od. 1( 4ou !now the co&&and&ents5 67o not co&&"t adu ter#,8 67o not &urder,8 67o not stea ,8 67o not bear fa se w"tness,8 67o not defraud,8 6*onor #our father and #our &other.8/9c: 20 And he answered and sa"d to *"&, +)eacher, a these th"ngs . ha;e !e<t fro& &# #outh./ 21 )hen Jesus, oo!"ng at h"&, o;ed h"&, and sa"d to h"&, +One th"ng #ou ac!5 %o #our wa#, se whate;er #ou ha;e and g";e to the <oor, and #ou w" ha;e treasure "n hea;en' and co&e, ta!e u< the cross, and fo ow -e./

John K. Baw

27 October 2013

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22 But he was sad at th"s word, and went awa# sorrowfu , for he had great <ossess"ons.. )he rad"ca ca of Jesus= ,"sher&en cha enged to ea;e the"r bus"nesses, the"r ";e "hoods, the"r co&<an#, the"r co&fort >one .n order to answer a s"&< e but ;er# cha eng"ng "n;"tat"on +,O??O3 -@/ )he r"ch #oung ru er had &an# <ossess"ons )he rea "t# was that5 -an# <ossess"ons had a r"ch #oung ru er *e was not +,A@@/ 3a"t a &"nute= Bannot we be reasonab e about th"s2 BanCt we do f"sh"ng -onda# to $aturda#, and then weC do the %O7 th"ng on $unda# &orn"ngs2 .t sounds &ore +BA?A1B@7/

+Bhr"st"an"t# does not wor! as an accessor#/

ABB@$$OA45 a n"ce beaut"fu co&< e&ent to enhance what "s a read# there= 3hen #ou ta!e u<on #ourse f the s#&bo of Ba<t"s& DAnd the ?ordCs $u<<er tooE F #ou are essent"a # sa#"ng5 . a& <art of the <eo< e for who& Bhr"st "s K"ng. ,or the A<ost e Pau , Ba<t"s& re<resents a co&< ete change of "dent"t#5

John K. Baw

27 October 2013

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.n a countr# "!e Pa!"stan, when so&eone con;erts to Bhr"st"an"t# and gets Ba<t"sed, @G@A4O1@ !nows the s"gn"f"cance of that AB)5 )he# are ?@AG.1% one co&&un"t# and JO.1.1% another )he# are ea;"ng the structures, networ!s etc of one co&&un"t# and )*@4 AA@ BO-.1% A?.G@ to th"s other one. .n so&e of these countr"es, "f so&eone gets Ba<t"sed the# &a# not ";e for ;er# ong.

The Great Commission: !at (& 18 And Jesus ca&e and s<o!e to the&, sa#"ng, +A author"t# has been g";en to -e "n hea;en and on earth. 1( %o therefore9c: and &a!e d"sc"< es of a the nat"ons, ba<t">"ng the& "n the na&e of the ,ather and of the $on and of the *o # $<"r"t, 20 teach"ng the& to obser;e a th"ngs that . ha;e co&&anded #ou' and o, . a& w"th #ou a wa#s, e;en to the end of the age./ A&en. -atthew 28 F Ba<t"s& as an ord"nance of Jesus Bhr"st F "t "s *"s BO--A17-@1). The meaning of Baptism: )he hu&an &"nd eH< a"n"ng Ba<t"s& "s "!e a har&on"ca "nter<ret"ng Beetho;en )he &us"c "s too &aIest"c for the "nstru&ent Berta"n act"ons con;e# &ean"ng better than words A hug J a !"ss $o&et"&es the &ost "&<ortant th"ngs "n "fe are too d"ff"cu t to <ut "nto words Ba<t"s& "s an AB) that s<ea!s be#ond words .t "s a oneKt"&e dec arat"on of a "fet"&e de;ot"on to %od
John K. Baw 27 October 2013 Page L of 6


Ba<t"s& "s ;er# &uch "!e a 3edd"ng Bere&on# D2E .n the sense that F "t "s a oneKt"&e AB) that conf"r&s, estab "shes and ce ebrates5 A ?OG@ A 7@GO).O1 A A@?A).O1$*.P $P@AK$ .1)O A ,M)MA@ Ba<t"s& "s a PMB?.B Act of fa"thJde;ot"on. BanCt &# fa"th be !e<t a secret J <r";ate th"ng between &e and %od2 3ou d #ou fee co&fortab e &arr#"ng so&eone who wanted to !ee< the re at"onsh"< a secret2

Apostle Paul's Theology of Baptism: )he Ba<t"s& act "s not on # "n!ed to JesusC own Ba<t"s& and to the @Hodus stor# Bhr"st"an Ba<t"s& "s a so "n!ed to JesusC own death, bur"a and resurrect"on. Ao& 653KN Or don8t #ou !now that a of us who were ba<t"sed "nto Bhr"st Jesus were ba<t"sed "nto h"s death2 L 3e were therefore bur"ed w"th h"& through ba<t"s& "nto death "n order that, Iust as Bhr"st was ra"sed fro& the dead through the g or# of the ,ather, we too &a# ";e a new "fe. N ,or "f we ha;e been un"ted w"th h"& "n a death "!e h"s, we w" certa"n # a so be un"ted w"th h"& "n a resurrect"on "!e h"s.

Pau "s essent"a # sa#"ng5 4ou d"ed w"th Bhr"st "n Ba<t"s&, and #ou were ra"sed w"th *"& through the waters "nto the 1ew ?"fe be ong"ng to Jesus.

John K. Baw

27 October 2013

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WHAT FUTURE -OES BA TIS! S EA. INTO/ -at 3511 6. ba<t"se #ou w"th water for re<entance, but one who "s &ore <owerfu than . "s co&"ng after &e' . a& not worth# to carr# h"s sanda s. *e w" ba<t"se #ou w"th the *o # $<"r"t and f"re.

WHAT ARE THE BA TISERS TAL.ING ABOUT WITH THE ASTOR/ 1. 7o #ou be "e;e that Jesus Bhr"st "s the $on of %od2 2. 7o #ou be "e;e that #our s"n has se<arated #ou fro& %od2 3. *a;e #ou re<ented of #our s"n2 L. 7o #ou be "e;e that Jesus d"ed and rose, conOuer"ng satan, s"n and death2 )hen fo ow"ng #our <rofess"on of fa"th before these w"tnesses . ba<t"se #ou "n the na&e of the ,ather, and the $on, and the *o # $<"r"t PQ7M1KQR S.and . ra"se #ou u< "n 1@31@$$ O, ?.,@=

John K. Baw

27 October 2013

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