20131222-LWC-The Word Became Flesh

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The Word became flesh

Living Waters Church Talk
22nd December 2013

John K. Baw

22 December 2013

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Jn 1:1 ! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 e was in the beginning with God. 3 !"" things came into being thro#gh him, and witho#t him not one thing came into being. Wha" has come #n"o be#n$ $ #n h#m %as l#fe& and the "ife was the "ight of a"" %eo%"e. & 'he "ight shines in the dar(ness, and the dar(ness did not o)ercome it. D#ring this *hristmas season we ref"ect #%on the GI'T of Jes#s *hrist to the wor"d..... Rom (:)* +or the wages of sin is death, b#t the free gift of God is eterna" "ife in *hrist Jes#s o#r ,ord I "o)e to ref"ect on these )erses in the "ight of the -.od#s stor/ in the bib"e. 0oses was shown a b#rning b#sh in the midd"e of a desert. E+ *:,&- 'hen the ,ord said, 1I ha)e observed the miser/ of m/ %eo%"e who are in -g/%t2 I ha)e heard their cr/ on acco#nt of their tas(masters. Indeed, I know their s#fferings, 3 and I ha)e come down to de"i)er them from the -g/%tians, and to bring them #% o#t of that "and to a good and broad "and, a "and f"owing with mi"( and hone/ God has 4B5-67-D -!6D K84W8 4#r miser/, s#fferings, s"a)er/ 'hen God ta(es the initiati)e......... God has C./E 0.WN:

John K. Baw

22 December 2013

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!nd the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we ha)e seen his g"or/, the g"or/ as of a father9s on"/ son, f#"" of grace and tr#th.

*hristmas is a"" abo#t the W46D becoming f"esh and "i)ing :dwe""ing ; tabernac"ing ; Shekn< among #s= 0ost re"igions are abo#t a high and "oft/ >god? @ detached from this wor"d and its %rob"ems A on"/ see(ing to be obe/ed. We worshi% the 48- whoB 4B5-67-5 -!65 K84W5 4#r miser/, s#fferings, s"a)er/, addictions, sin....... and then *40-5 D4W8====== 1'he Word became f"esh and '!B-68!*,-D among #s9@ In -.od#s $0 we ha)e the stor/ of the 'ent of 0eeting :'abernac"e< E4 35:*3 *! 'he *"o#d co)ered the 'ent of 0eeting, and the G"or/ of God fi""ed 'he Dwe""ing. 0oses co#"dn9t enter the 'ent of 0eeting beca#se the *"o#d was #%on it, and the G"or/ of God fi""ed 'he Dwe""ing. G"or/ of God has been resting on the 0o#ntain G"or/ "ea)es mo#ntain and now '!B-68!*,-5 among Israe" A Goes with Israe" on her Co#rne/s. John 1$B 1D@13. 'he o"/ 5%irit now in the midst of the tem%"e :E5<.

John K. Baw

22 December 2013

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