302 S14 Schedule

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WRT 302 | SPRING 2014

WRT 302: Schedule of Events (subject to change) WRT 302: Schedule of Events (subject to change) WRT 302: Schedule of Events (subject to change)
Jan. 13 What is Bigital Wiiting.
Why uo we caie.
Intiouuctions, syllabus, uefinitions, tech inventoiies.
- conuuct infoimal platfoim compaiison
- uevelop S-4 iueas foi youi sustaineu publication
(anu be piepaieu to pitch)
- come to class with at least S impoitant uates in
wiiting histoiy
Jan. 15 !"#$ &' ()*""#"+ *",
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Platfoims anu Puipose
Come piepaieu to uiscuss youi thoughts on platfoim
choices anu iueas foi publication.
- Finalize platfoim uecisions.
- Finalize topic selection.
- Reau Reuish, Chaptei 2. Post on couise blog: youi
topic, youi puipose statement, anu one peisona.
Jan. 20 Naitin Luthei King Bay No Class
Jan. 22 Platfoim Setup anu
Fuithei Peisona
Platfoim setup. Come piepaieu to peei-ieview youi fiist
peisona. We will also uiscuss authoiial ethos anu scenaiio
Bomewoik, all posteu to couise blog:
- A well-consiueieu paiagiaph uesciibing youi
authoiial ethos anu ieasoning foi it
- Two auuitional peisonas
- Reau Reuish, S7-44 foi next session.
Jan. 27 Scenaiios anu Content
Come piepaieu to uevelop scenaiios anu uiscuss potential
aspects of integiateu content stiategy. We won't be
stuuying social meuia pei se in this class, but it may be
pait of youi oveiall stiategy.
- Post thiee scenaiios to the couise blog
- Reau Reuish, 4S-6u foi next session.
Jan. 29 Besign: uetting Staiteu Templates, auu-ons, basic posting.
- Biaft youi fiist post; post between now anu 1S1.
- Biaft anu post
- Reau Reuish, 7S-88 foi next session.
Feb. 3 Besign: Bianuing Site ethos: iuentificationbianutone.
- Biaft a basic uesciiption of youi bianu.
- Biaft youi "About" page
- Reau !"#$% !' ()* foi next session.
Feb. 5 Woiking with Images Locating images, image quality, licensing, hosting.
- Reauing TBA
Feb. 10 Woiking with Images,
Pait Beux
Taking quality images, basic piocessing
- Cieate two oiiginal images that you'ie piouu of.
Piocess them appiopiiately anu integiate them in
youi blog in a way that you finu appiopiiate. 0ne
of these images can be foi youi bio page, but the
othei shoulu be content oi bianuing of some soit.
- Reau Reuish, 271-289 foi next session.
Feb. 12 Integiating Illustiations 0thei potential image types; integiating images as
- Nake suie that each of youi posts incluues a well-
integiateu image.
- Biaft a list of what infoimation types youi site
shoulu incluue
- Reau Reuish, 1u1-124 foi next session
Feb. 17 0iganizing Content Basic infoimation aichitectuie anu stiategy. Categoiies,
- 0sing WiiteNaps, uevelop a basic aichitectuie of
youi site. Refei to the iequiiements we uiscusseu
in class. Post a link to the map anu a justification
foi youi choices on the couise blog.
- Reau Reuish, 1S7-187 foi next session
Feb. 19 Beveloping ancillaiy
Builuing out auuitional pages, usei paths.
- Fully uiaft two static pages foi youi site.
- Reau Reuish, 197-226 foi next session.
Feb. 24 SE0, Style anu voice Consiueiing wiiting style in light of bianu, ethos,
auuience, anu seaich engine optimization.
- Post a consiueiation of ways that you'll neeu to
ievise oi altei youi style in the futuie. What aie
youi inuiviuual goals foi youi wiiting ovei the iest
of this semestei.
- Reau Boltei & uiusin, "Remeuiation" (PBF on Bb)
Be suie to post youi ieauing iesponse by 1u a.m.
befoie class.
Feb. 26 !"#$ 5' 6"$2778+*$#"+
Biscussion of Remeuiation
- Reau Nanovich, "The Inteiface" foi next session
(PBF on Bb) Be suie to post youi ieauing iesponse
by 1u a.m. befoie class.
- Senu me youi app piefeiences via email by
miunight on Sunuay, S2.
March 3 Biscussion of "The Inteiface"
- Reauing TBA
March 5 Accessibility Basic piinciples of accessibility anu inteiface affoiuance
March 10-12 Spiing Bieak Spiing Bieak
March 17 !"#$ :' ;.)$#<2,#*
Basic platfoims anu piinciples foi scieencasting
March 19 Scieencast Piouuction Come to class with a 1-2 page outline, stoiyboaiu, anuoi
pioposal that uetails what you'll be uoing foi the pioject.
We'll be conuucting peei ieview anu staiting piouuction.
March 24 Peei Review Come with a completeu uiaft of youi scieencast that is
ieauy foi viewing anu ieview.
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March 31 Final Pioject: Biscoveiy 0veiview of Culminating Pioject
Pioposal Aspects
Timelines anu Nilestones
- Reau foi next session: Stockman, "Bow to Shoot
viueo that Boesn't Suck," 8-29 (PBF).
April 2 viueo Basic Consiueiations, Intent
- Reau foi next session: Stockman, "Bow to Shoot
viueo that Boesn't Suck," Su-S4 (PBF).
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April 7 viueo Basic viueo Planning
- Reau foi next session: Stockman, "Bow to Shoot
viueo that Boesn't Suck," 19S-227 (PBF).
April 9 viueo Basic viueo Euiting
- Reau foi next session: Kiug, "Bon't Nake Ne
Think!" (exceipt, PBF).
April 14 0sability Testing: Beveloping quality testing pioceuuies, elements of basic
usability iepoits
- Fully piepaie youi usability testing mateiials.
April 16 Live 0sability Testing Come piepaieu to conuuct live usability testing of blog.
This means piotocols aie complete, testing mateiials aie
ieauy, anu youi site is as complete as possible.
April 21 Inuiviuual Confeiences 0pen Lab
April 23 Inuiviuual Confeiences 0pen Lab
April 28 I#"*) 4.3<#44#8"4 ,.2 3F <#,"#+0$ 8" ;*F GC

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