The Underground - Not Your Average Christian Mag, Sep 2009, PT 2

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Pop Culture Moments by Mo: Obama shakes

off O’Reilly and Glen Beck

Originally here:

August 14, 2009 by Mo

President Obama has been under a lot of pressure

from vociferous right-wing pundits including Glen Beck and Bill O‘Reilly. Beck even lost
advertisers after calling Obama a racist.

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Tags: bill oreilly, glen beck, obama

IAAF responsible for prejudice athlete Caster
Semenya facing
Originally here:

August 25, 2009 by Tiffany

Filed under Commentary and News

When 18-year old Caster Semenya of South Africa obliterated her competition in the woman‘s
800 meters in Berlin Wednesday, most thought ―Wow, that‘s an extremely fast young lady,‖ and
thought nothing else of it.

Some people, however, listened to her deep voice and looked at her muscular, masculine-looking
frame and thought, ―This must be a man.‖

Gender controversy is nothing new to Semenya.

She accepts the taunts with grace and dignity, just like a
world class athlete.

Her coach, Michael Seme, said he was constantly asked

about Semenya‘s sex, since her voice and features are so

According to the Guardian, ―Semenya had been ‗crudely

humiliated‘ a few times and the closest Seme said he had seen her to anger was earlier this year
when some people wanted her barred from using a women‘s public toilet. Then Caster said, ‗Do
you want me to pull down my pants that you can see?‘ Those same people came to her later and
said they were extremely sorry.‖

Seeming to confirm the suspicions of the naysayers, the International Associate of Athletics
Federations, the body that oversees the Berlin World Championships, asked gold-medal recipient
Semenya to take a gender test.

I understand why most people are concerned about Semenya‘s gender: It goes against people‘s
sense of egalitarianism and general fairness if a man can compete as a woman.
Because of all the doping scandals that have taken place over the years, I also understand why
the IAAF is concerned.

What I don‘t understand, however, is why the IAAF confirmed that Semenya was undergoing
genetic testing.

According to its Policy on Gender Verification, matters such as this are supposed to be
No wonder Semenya‘s family and even the South African government is crying foul.

Jacob Semenya, Caster‘s father told a local South African newspaper, ―She is my little girl; I
raised her and I have never doubted her gender. She is a woman, and I can repeat that a million

―For the first time South Africans have someone to be proud of, and detractors are already
shouting wolf. It is unfair. I wish they would leave my daughter alone.‖

The African National Congress, South Africa‘s ruling party asked South Africans to support the
―Caster is not the only woman athlete with a masculine build and the International Association of
Athletics Federation should know better,‖ said a statement from South Africa‘s ruling party.

To further fan the flames of prejudice, someone also recently leaked that Semenya‘s testosterone
level is three-times that of a normal female.

What nobody is saying, however, is that there are any number of biological reasons why
Semenya‘s testosterone could be three-times higher than that of an average woman.

These include: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, androgen-producing tumors and anovulatory

androgen excess (polycystic ovary syndrome).

There is also the possibility of Semenya having an intersex disorder such as androgen

Androgen insensitive individuals can have the genitalia of one sex, but have the chromosomal
make up of the opposite sex.

Though some such as Steve McConkey of 4 WINDS, a Christian track and field ministry, think
that Semenya should be stripped of her medal if she is genetically male, Semenya will likely be
able to keep her medal if she is androgen insensitive, as the IAAF makes provisions for the

After reading the IAAF‘s Policy on Gender Verification, it seems as if the only reason it is
testing Semenya is to see if she had an unfair advantage, testosterone-wise, over the other
women she ran against.
I say this because the issue can‘t be about Semenya being genetically male or female, as the
IAAF, along with the International Olympic Committee, has allowed male-to-female and female-
to-male transsexuals to openly compete in athletic events since 2004.

But that‘s just my best guess. Unless the IAAF tells people why it decided to test Semenya, we
won‘t know.

One thing I do know though: By leaking confidential information to the press, the organization
has tarnished South Africa‘s ―golden girl.‖ And as far as I‘m concerned, the organization
deserves every accusation of racism, classism and sexism that Semenya‘s family and her
supporters hurl at it, as it bears most of the blame for the way Semenya has been treated.

View the IAAF‘s Policy on Gender Verification here:

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Tags: athletics, caster semenya, gender, iaaf, intersex, transgender

Originally here:

Pop Culture Moments by Mo: I Can Do This

All Day
August 25, 2009 by Mo
Filed under Commentary and News

I can do this all day- An irate health care town hall attendee stares down President Obama and
his healthcare bill. This week, the president has taken a break from the debate, vacationing with
his family in Martha's Vineyard.

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Tags: bill, health care, obama, reform, town hall, United States
Originally here:

Let’s Talk About Change: Can a Person

Change Sexual Orientation?
August 27, 2009 by Josh Givens
Filed under Commentary and News

Regaining a Perspective on one of Christianity’s Most Debated Topics

These days the word ―change‖ has been thrown around a lot. If you spent any time listening to
our new President Barack Obama during his campaign speeches across the country, you likely
heard phrases such as these: ―change we can believe in‖ or ―change will not come if we wait…‖
But the issue of change is not just being hotly debated in political realms. In countless Christian
circles and church communities worldwide, the issues of homosexuality and change continue to
be controversial and often dividing. Is a person born gay? Can a person choose to change their
orientation and adopt a different sexual lifestyle? Can a person be a Christian and gay at the
same time?

Brian Peterson, 45, has been gay from the womb. Ask him and that‘s what he will tell you. ―Yes,
that‘s right. I believe I was born gay,‖ he says. ―And do I think my sexual orientation can
change? No, not really. And I may be wrong. But again, I don‘t think it‘s a critical issue except
for arguing with gay people and thus building barriers to the Gospel.‖

You see, Brian isn‘t your typical gay male, in that he does not fit the statistical stereotypes
placed on him by so many organizations. Although he officially declared his sexuality at the age
of 31, he is a born-again believer, the son of a longtime assistant church pastor, and was raised in
a strong, Christian household and spiritual community environment from day one. This is where
many popular theories surrounding the origins of homosexual tendencies fall short in Brian‘s
"It just seems we spend way too much time trying to figure out the gay issue and not enough
time loving the gay people."-Brian, 45

Countless researchers, both on the conservative Christian and secular sides alike, tend to
postulate a ―father-deficit theory‖, citing that the lack of involvement on the father‘s part may
increase the potential for these behavioral and lifestyle developments. During a speech at the
London-based Anglican Mainstream Conference, American psychologist Dr. Joseph Nicolosi
stated, ―…the fact remains that if you traumatize a child in a particular way, you will create a
homosexual condition. If you do not traumatize a child, he will be heterosexual. If you do not
traumatize a child in a particular way, he will be heterosexual. The nature of that trauma is an
early attachment break during the bonding phase with the father.‖

Brian disagrees wholeheartedly. ―I think there are a lot of people who are desperate to make
homosexuality a choice, so they grasp at anything they can find. I am very blessed to have two
wonderful, godly parents who were actively involved in my life…I never had a deficit in the
presence of my father.‖ He went on to note, ―I have many gay and straight friends who grew up
with both parents active in their lives…And I have many gay and straight friends from broken
homes. You know, I can get a psychologist to tell me anything I need him to tell me.‖

Try typing the phrase changing homosexuality into your favorite Internet search engine and see
how many interesting results you receive. You may be shocked at the number of ―professional‖
and even ―psychological‖ organizations in existence, each attempting to ―cure‖ homosexuality
through radical therapy methods. From to articles featured in Scientific
American magazine, it seems everyone is looking for that ―miracle cure.‖ And perhaps worse,
these curing strategies are typically promoted as scientifically sound and medically professional.

A British survey published in March 2009 discovered that one in 25 therapists would agree to
assist a homosexual person convert to heterosexuality. Although recent medical evidence
suggests that such ―curing treatments‖ have been proven harmful, unsuccessful, and even
potentially damaging to an individual‘s psyche, countless psychologists continue to promote and
employ them.

However, it is not only scientific and psychological organizations that have missed the mark on
dissecting and addressing the homosexuality conundrum. What about the ministry efforts of the
church? It certainly doesn‘t take a rocket scientist to figure out that, globally, the church has not
had the best effects in terms of reaching the unsaved or un-churched gay demographic.

Brian doesn‘t believe the church is failing, however.

―I would say grossly ineffective is a better term to use,‖ he cautioned. ―The problem as I see it is
that the church has been more interested in having a gay ministry than reaching gay people. You
see, Jesus never intended for churches to have gay ministries or support organizations to reach
gay people. So they don‘t have to. Let‘s just call it what it is…The problem is: ―How did we get
to the point that we are so concerned about everything under the sun but the life changing power
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?‖ Without question, the church is more interested in dealing with
men having sex with men than men having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything I ever
saw and continue to see is a pre-occupation with the sin rather than the Gospel that sets us free
from sin.‖

For Christians ministering to homosexuals, grace is the kicker. The Gospel of grace sets us free
from sin. In Romans 6, Paul writes, ―What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that
grace may increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?…Therefore
do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the
members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as
those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin
shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.‖ (Romans 6:1-2, 12-14,
New American Standard-updated, emphases added).

Churches, Christian communities, leaders, pastors, and congregates desperately need to re-
embrace the grace found in the life-transforming power of the cross of Jesus Christ and His work
in people‘s lives. It is time to lay aside the hellfire and brimstone sermons and attitudes and
instead pick up the methodology of truth and love. Radical, undeniable lifestyle change is more
than possible for ―whoever will call on the name of the Lord‖ (Romans 10:13), and that includes
all of mankind, gays and straights alike.

And, as Brian expressed: ―It just seems we spend way too much time trying to figure out the gay
issue and not enough time loving the gay people.‖

Thanks for stopping by. If you find our content useful, leave a comment at The Underground.

Tags: changing sexual orientation, gay christians, gay marriage, gay rights, homosexuality
Originally here:

Arrested for praying in public: Guilty by

September 2, 2009 by Sheryl Young
Filed under Commentary and News

Santa Rosa County, Florida – Two school employees were arrested for saying a Christian prayer
in public at a luncheon – not in the school, not during school duty. They are now up on
criminal charges. How did this happen?

Last year, the ACLU brought a lawsuit against the Santa Rosa County School District, claiming
that some of the administrators and teachers were ―endorsing‖ religion. The ACLU submitted a
Consent Order to the School District. This Consent Order bans all school employees from
engaging in public prayer or other religious activities - even outside of school hours and off-
property…a completely illegal order according to the real First Amendment of the U.S.

But instead of engaging in battle with the ACLU, the School District chose to accept the
ACLU‘s Order. And without any legal argument, the Pensacola Federal District Court allowed
the Consent Order which unconstitutionally infringes on the rights of both school employees
and their students.

That wasn‘t enough for the ACLU. They began going against individual employees.

Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman prayed at a
luncheon which included former booster club members and others who had helped with a school
project. The ACLU complained that Lay and Freeman offered a prayer to bless the meal (served
to consenting adults at the appreciation luncheon). Based solely on the ACLU‘s allegations, U.S.
District Judge Casey Rodgers initiated criminal contempt proceedings against Lay and Freeman
to the United States Attorney‘s office for prosecution. Unbelievably, the U.S. Attorney accepted
the assignment and is proceeding with prosecution.

If convicted, Lay and Freeman are subject to fines and possible imprisonment. Attorneys from
Liberty Counsel are acting on behalf of Freeman and Lay. On the Liberty Counsel website,
Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law,
commented: ―It is a sad day in America when school officials are criminally prosecuted for a
prayer over a meal…‖ ―…It is outrageous and an offense to the First Amendment to punish a
school official for a simple prayer.‖

In a related Liberty Counsel case…

Michelle Winkler, a clerical assistant at the same School District, attended an off-campus event,
after school hours and sponsored by private funding, to honor non-teaching employees of the
schools. She asked her husband, not a school employee, to read a prayer she wrote for the
honorees. The ACLU brought a civil contempt case against Winkler (do they have spies
everywhere?). However, in this case Judge Rodgers ruled against the ACLU, concluding that for
Winkler‘s husband to pray at a voluntary gathering outside of school did not violate ACLU‘s
Consent Order.

Can Christians help in cases like this? Anyone concerned with the preservation of the First
Amendment can voice their opinion in this case, but especially calling all residents of Santa Rosa
County, FL., where the ACLU‘s Consent Order should never have been accepted in the first
place. Go to Liberty Counsel‘s Press Release and read toward the bottom to see how they are
asking for help.

Liberty Counsel Press Releases:

Principal and Athletic Director Face Criminal Charges for Prayer at Luncheon, 8/10/09,;
Michelle Winkler is Cleared of Civil Contempt Charge in Santa Rosa County Prayer Case,

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Tags: ACLU, christian, criminal, First Amendment, politics

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Are You an E-mail or Twitter Alarmist?

September 5, 2009 by Sheryl Young
Filed under Commentary and News, Culture

Are you an e-mail or Twitter alarmist? You know what I‘m talking about…you get an e-mail or
Tweet about all the questionable stuff going on in the government, or how crooks have found
some new way to steal identities. The subject line looks something like this…



So you frantically put all your friends‘ and co-workers‘ e-mail addresses (and anyone else you
can possibly think of) in the ―TO‖ Field and hit ―Send.‖ You put it on Facebook, Twitter,
MySpace and all your other avenues of connecting with people. Never mind that the e-mail‘s
been going around since the last President was in office or since e-mail was first invented.

Yes, it‘s true – some e-mail tales have circulated through the computer since the word ―apple‖
just meant a fruit. There‘s the one about giving a little boy money for a kidney, the hero gas
station attendant who sees a criminal hiding under a lady‘s car seat, and of course the ever-
popular Madelyn Murray O‘Hare is working from the grave to take ―Touched by an Angel‖ off
TV. And when you get them, it looks like they just happened yesterday.

Then you feel like an idiot when someone you don‘t know, whom your message got forwarded
to, writes you back: ―Hey buddy, this thing‘s ancient history.‖

To be sure, there is some pretty unsavory and confusing stuff making the rounds now, especially
about health care. And just the other day, there was one about all our cell phones being bugged
by criminals. But how can we discern whether it‘s anything to get upset about, or to scare others

Well, since there‘s no E-Mail Alarmists Anonymous, here are several suggestions.

-Don‘t circulate anything that doesn‘t come from a well-known, reliable organization or
-Don‘t circulate anything on which you can‘t find an original date, sender or source.

-Don‘t circulate anything that has hundreds of e-mail addresses or Twitter friends attached with
the original going back more than several weeks ago.

-Separate the Truth from Fiction. You‘d be surprised how fast the websites and get hold of stuff, and how far back their archives go. It‘s
worth taking a look to see if your questionable e-mail was originally dated 1990, or if the
President really said that the other day. Just put in a few key words from the subject line you
received. For a while, it was rumored that Snopes was taken over by one party in Congress, but
that also turned out false!

-If it‘s a government thing, wait a few days and see what else falls into place. Or do other
research. Go to at least two media websites that you trust. Don‘t base your evidence on
someone‘s private opinion blog. Everyone‘s a journalist today.

-If it turns out true and you can take any constructive action, like calling Congress people to
object to a bill, do so.

Keep these things in mind:

-There are people out there who start rumors on purpose to see if they can make ―the other side‖
look like Chicken Little saying the sky is falling. They want us to get upset and run around like
chickens without heads. They start rumors for the fun of it. The Christian community seems to
fall victim to consistently becoming alarmed and circulating misinformation too quickly.

-For Christians reading this, there is no cause for alarm. Cause for prayer, yes – always. But not
for alarm. And if you are not a Christian, you can still take comfort in the following verses when
you yield your life to God‘s amazing grace and Jesus as Lord:

Psalm 27:1: The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 41:10: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


For the last decade, we have seen a rising of Christian persecution in America, like the true case
of two teachers now going on trial for praying in public on their own time. Christians in other
countries have bravely dealt with this for years. We can remember this when standing for truth:
Mark 13:11 – But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or
premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not
you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.

Christians have nothing to fear but fear itself, as the old saying goes. Man can take our physical
body, but not our soul.

Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©
1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights

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Tags: christian, facebook, jesus, Madelyn Murray O'hare, Myspace, President, Twitter
Originally here:

25 Year Old NIV Translation will be New

September 7, 2009 by Josh Givens
Filed under Commentary and News

Revision Plans already Underway say Sources

The widely known and published New International Version of the Holy Bible will soon be
undergoing a scholarly revision process for the first time in over 25 years, according to NIV
copyright owner Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society). As one of the most popular
Bible translations of the 20th Century, the NIV has set the standard for countless subsequent
translations and Biblical commentaries and is even included in dozens of PC Study Bible
computer software programs. Its impact is one that exists on a global scale via print and digital

The popular NIV translation of the Bible is scheduled for a revision.

Evangelical book and Bible publishing giant Zondervan, along with the CBT (Committee on
Bible Translations) have additionally announced their plans to completely cut all sales of the
TNIV (Today‘s New International Version) translation—a translation which several conservative
Christians had qualms about during its debut nearly seven years ago. Apparently, controversy
surrounding the use of ―gender-neutral language‖ caused a stir among certain large sects of
conservative believers (Source: The Christian Post). According to Biblica‘s official website, the
goal of the TNIV was to offer ―clarity in contemporary English.‖ When referring to people, the
TNIV employs the use of gender-inclusive language, but does not refer to God with such

Although the original NIV was first published and marketed to the general populace in 1978, it
underwent a heavy revision process in 1984. Now again, in 2009, Biblical scholars and
Greek/Hebrew translators plan to revisit the ancient texts in an attempt to remain faithful to their
desire for contemporariness and cultural relevancy.

Members of the NIV revision team and the CBT have not yet released any official statements
revealing how they plan to handle the controversial gender language issues that will no doubt
arise over the coming months.

CBT Chairman Professor Douglas Moo told The Christian Post, ―The new 2011 NIV is all about
maintaining and enhancing the original values of the NIV for today‘s readers.‖

Together, the CBT and Biblica are certainly striving for one goal above all else: accuracy.
Remaining true and faithful to the words and intentions of the original authors should indeed be
the goal of any and every Bible translation. Biblica and Zondervan have officially announced
that the new and revised NIV translation will be published in 2011, a year that will also mark the
historic 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible.

You can read more about this new revision process of the NIV at Biblica‘s official website: You can learn more about the products offered by Zondervan Publishing at
their official website:

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Tags: Greek and Hebrew, King James Bible, New International Version revision, the bible,
Originally here:

Hubby Hubby: Why Ben & Jerry’s was

wrong to take a stand on gay marriage
September 9, 2009 by Tiffany
Filed under Commentary and News

Friday, as I was wrapping up my work week, I got an innocuous looking e-blast from Ben &

I love Ben & Jerry‘s ice cream, so I‘m on their opt-in mailing list, Chunkmail.

It was entitled simply, ―Introducing… Hubby Hubby.‖

For some reason, the title did not make me pause.

I guess I was too busy thinking of pints of Ben & Jerry‘s dancing in my head.

Intrigued, I scrolled down to read the message in the newsletter.

I read the brief paragraph that the message contained, and then I looked to my right.

I finally understood what ―Hubby Hubby‖ meant: An ice cream confection celebrating the
legalization of gay marriage in Vermont.

According to a press release, Ben & Jerry‘s is renaming its well-known ice cream flavor Chubby
Hubby to Hubby Hubby to raise awareness of the importance of marriage equality.

―Ben & Jerry‘s has a long history of commitment to social justice, including gay rights. Its
partnership with Freedom to Marry, a national leader in the movement for marriage equality,
aims to raise awareness of the importance of marriage equality and to encourage other states to
follow the blazing trails of Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, and Maine. Freedom to
Marry promotes the national conversation about why marriage equality matters and brings
together partner organizations into a larger whole – a shared civil rights campaign.‖

The company will also serve Hubby Hubby sundaes in its Vermont ice cream shops throughout

To be honest, I was taken aback by it all. I really couldn‘t believe that Ben & Jerry‘s decided to
take up the cause in this way.

I‘m not sure why ―Chubby Hubby‖ was chosen to be re-christened Hubby Hubby, but I‘ll never
be able to think of it in the same way.

Chubby Hubby contains fudge-covered, peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets in a sea of fudge and
peanut butter swirled vanilla ice cream.

For peanut butter and chocolate fans, this is a win-win flavor.

However, when paired with gay marriage, Chubby Hubby can seem unappetizing to some due to
the sexual imagery the contents of the pints can elicit.

One blogger at Friction and Harmony wrote, ―Silly activist advertising folks — you may as well
call it what it is. In this new context, even the flavor description elicits a visual that‘s so fittingly
disturbing I won‘t be able to pass the B&J section without throwing up a little…So I have to ask,
what about the lesbians? Don‘t they get a flavor too? Maybe call it something like ―Strawberry
Red Wings―?‖

I know Ben & Jerry‘s was just trying to be clever about things, but in all honesty, whether hetero
or homosexual, I don‘t think people necessarily want to think about sex when eating ice cream.

While I don‘t agree with the way the blogger at Friction and Harmony made his point, I do
understand what he‘s getting at.
If he is correct, then the imagery and description associated with the ice cream is actually
offensive to homosexuals–many of whom who are trying to move people away from the idea that
their sexuality is somehow aberrant.

Then there‘s the issue of actually commemorating a socially-charged cause like this.

How could a company even try to distill the struggle of a group of people into an ice cream
flavor? A potentially offensive one at that?

As an African –American, my first thought was, ―What‘s next? Chocolate ice cream with black
jelly beans to celebrate the Voting Rights Act of 1965 or to protest slavery in Darfur?‖

Furthermore, and I hate to say it but, this may go down in history as a blunder for Ben & Jerry‘s,
because the company really just told a large segment of its customers, that it doesn‘t share their

Through countless referendums and, more importantly, their votes, people from all walks of life
in the United States have shown that they are not for gay marriage. Some may be for civil
unions, but they aren‘t ready for a radical redefinition of marriage.

To many in the United States, marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. It‘s as
simple as that.

The problem with Ben & Jerry‘s supporting this issue on the grounds of social injustice is that
most people in the United States don‘t believe that homosexual marriage is an issue of social

While it seems as if homosexuals are being denied a fundamental right by not being allowed to
marry someone of the same sex, most people don‘t believe they are.

Depending on the side of the law that you are on, all laws are discriminatory in that they prevent
someone from doing something.

One commenter on Issue Clash, a PBS discussion on gay marriage raised an interesting point
with regards to this.

He said, ―Personally, I don‘t see how you can ―change‖ the definition of marriage for
homosexuals without changing it for any alternative group that wants to be married. In Islam, a
man can ―marry‖ four wives… and when three men want to ―marry‖ nine women, what grounds
will the state have to regulate them once the precedent has been set? Homosexuals call this a
civil rights issue because marriage laws are (in their view) discriminatory.‖

I understand companies having causes, but many people enjoy Ben & Jerry‘s ice cream.
This campaign is offensive to homosexuals and heterosexuals. By choosing this highly
controversial cause, stand by it Ben & Jerry‘s may, the company is alienating part of its customer
base to placate another segment. It‘s just not right… even if it is only for a month.

Thanks for stopping by. If you find our content useful, leave a comment at The Underground.

Tags: Ben & Jerry's, Chubby Hubby, debate, gay marriage, Hubby Hubby, ice cream
Originally here:

Pop Culture Moments by Mo: Obama’s

Indoctrination of America’s Youths
September 15, 2009 by Mo
Filed under Commentary and News

President Obama‘s speech to public school students on Sept. 8 caused an uproar among
conservative parents. Prior to the speech‘s delivery, many ―conservative‖ parents accused the
president of trying to indoctrinate their children with socialist ideas. Others said they were
concerned because the speech had not been screened for political content.

There was even a Student Walkout to Prayer (President Obama‘s Live Address To Students),
which more than 1,000 people attended, according to Facebook.
When Obama gave his speech Tuesday, he urged students to work hard and stay in school.

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Tags: Conservative Christians, education, indoctrination, obama, speech to students, United


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