MS For Surveying Works 51 Rev (1) - 0

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Revisions Details: Rev. 0 Date of Issue 23.12.04 Prepared M. S oai! Reviewed Engineering QA/QC Manager Manager Dr. "a!il #. $o%a&en Approved Project Director 'ia( A))o*s Description 1st +ss*e


Date of issue: 23.12.2004 I)!nt * cat on

Contract No. Tower/ location

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Document No.: 000/1 e!.: 0 Date of Issue: December %&0 %00$ Page No.: No. % of 10

Sr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10. Subject +"#R,D-C#+," SC,PE ,. /,R0 RE.ERE"CES RESP,"S+1+2+#+ES +"S#R-ME"#S /,R0 ME#$,D A"D SEQ-E"CE Q-A2+#6 C,"#R,2 REC,RDS SA.E#6 A##AC$ME"#S Page No. 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 7 8 8


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/. INTROD CTION # e 9roce(*re o: ;or< ill*strate( in t e :ollo;ing Met o( State)ent is an a(vance( coor(inate s*rve& s&ste)= ; ic ;ill !e *se( (*e to t e e>isting 9ro9erties. As soon as ;e start t e constr*ction o: t e #o;ers= ;e ;ill :ollo; t e sa)e s*rve&ing Met o( State)ent as closel& as 9ossi!le t at as !een a99lie( on )an& o: t e 9rojects co)9lete( !& $EE. !. SCOPE # is Met o( State)ent covers t e :ollo;ing? 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.5 Esta!lis ing re:erence line. Esta!lis ing control coor(inate 9oints. Esta!lis ing 1.Ms (at*). Esta!lis ing ;or<ing 9oints on eac :loor. Ac ieve t e ori%ontal control on eac :loor. Ac ieve t e vertical control on eac :loor. +ns9ection o: s*rve& ;or<s.

". RE#ERENCES $ A%%RE&IATIONS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.5 E>isting 1*il(ing @ri(= 2ines an( 2evels. Contract Doc*)ents A S9eci:ications. Contract Dra;ings. ,verall Met o( State)ent. Project Q*alit& Plan. $EE +nternal Q*alit& Control Proce(*re Doc*)ents. 1M B 1enc Mar<.

'. RESPONSI%I(ITIES 4.1 C,"S#R-C#+," MA"A@ERS 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 #oget er ;it t e allocate( S*rve&ors ;ill ens*re t at t e gri(s A levels o: all sections CtieDinE. Ens*ring t at t e ;or<s are s*rve&e( accor(ing to t e a99rove( (ra;ings an( )et o( state)ents an( t at t e s*rve& tea) is :a)iliar ;it t e *tili%e( instr*)ents. Ens*ring t at t e instr*)ents are cali!rate( reg*larl& as reF*ire(. Ens*ring t at ins9ection o: ;or<s is carrie( o*t.


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PR,GEC#/S+#E E"@+"EERS 4.2.1 4.2.2 Ens*ring t at t e S*rve&ors an( .ore)en are in:or)e( ;it t e latest in:or)ation an( latest iss*e o: C.or Constr*ctionE (ra;ings. Ens*ring t at t e ;or<s are carrie( o*t accor(ing to t e levels an( la&o*t )a(e !& t e S*rve&or.


2A"D S-RHE6,RS # e S*rve&ors o: C03 ;ill !e res9onsi!le :or esta!lis ing t e Control 9oints= 1enc )ar<s an( c ec< t e) reg*larl&. Eac S*rve&or ;ill carr& o*t t e 9erio(ical c ec<s on is eF*i9)ent in accor(ance ;it o*r internal 9roce(*re Ire:er to PQPJ. +n(ivi(*al S*rve&ors o: t e #o;ers ;ill !e res9onsi!le :or esta!lis ing t eir o;n ;or<ing 9oints an( (at*)s to carr& o*t t e s*rve& in eac :loor. # e S*rve&ors ;ill iss*e a Deviation Re9ort in case o: (iscre9anc&= t e re9ort ;ill incl*(e 9ro9osals :or correction )eas*res.

4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4


.,REME" 4.4.1 Di::erent (isci9line .ore)en ;ill :ollo; t e esta!lis e( la&o*t alrea(& 9er:or)e( !& t e S*rve&or to carr& on t e constr*ction activities.


QC E"@+"EERS QC Engineers ;ill (oc*)ent all ins9ections= c ec<s as reF*ire( !& t e Project Q*alit& Plan an( t e a99rove( Met o( State)ent ;it relevant +ns9ection an( #est Plans.


). INSTR *ENTS # e :ollo;ing instr*)ents s all !e *se( :or t e s*rve&ing ;or<s? #otal Station A*to 2evel ,9tical Pl*)! Mat

All t e instr*)ents are s*!ject to cali!ration an( )aintenance !& t e agent o: t e instr*)ents 9rior to *se on site an( 9erio(ical c ec<s ;ill !e carrie( o*t !& S*rve&ors as 9er $EE +nternal Q*alit& Control Proce(*re Doc*)ent.


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+. ,OR- *ET.OD AND SE/ ENCE 4.1 AS 1-+2# S-RHE6 4.1.1 4.1.2 S*rve& o: e>isting 9iles :or all #o;ers an( Po(i*) to (eter)ine t e acc*rac& o: t e 9osition o: t e e>isting 9iles relate( to t e align)ent o: t e #o;ers an( Po(i*). S*rve& t e levels o: t e e>isting Control Coor(inate Points an( 1.Ms as (escri!e( !& Contract Doc*)ents. # e level o: t e 1.Ms ;ill !e relate( to DMD given in t e #en(er Dra;ings.


PR+MAR6 C,"#R,2 P,+"#S 4.2.1 4.2.2 .o*r Per)anent 1enc Mar<s o: Pri)ar& S*rve& Control Points GR03= GR04= GR03 A GR04 are given !& Project Managers IMACEJ to 9rocee( ;it t e S*rve&. # e 1.Ms are 9lotte( ro*g l& an( t eir coDor(inates an( levels s o;n in Dra;ing "o. 0144D#@1.D@" Isee attac e(J. # e 1enc Mar<s are steel !ars e)!e((e( in a soli( cast inD9lace concrete !loc<. S*rve& o: t e levels= incl*(e( angles an( (istances o: t e given 1enc Mar<s o: Pri)ar& S*rve& Control Points (one as (escri!e( in t e #rans)ittal "o. 00414 Isee attac e(J. # ir( Part& on !e al: o: Project Managers veri:ie( t e levels= incl*(e( angles an( (istances o: t e given 1enc Mar<s o: Pri)ar& S*rve& Control Points Ire:er to #rans)ittal "o. 00414J. ,verall Setting ,*t Plan IDra;ing "o. 4103/@E"/@"/A0021= Rev. #2J is in line ;it t e veri:ie( 1enc Mar<s o: Pri)ar& S*rve& Control Points an( is !ase( on t e sa)e Isee attac e(J. # e initial Site an( 1*il(ings 2a&o*t is (one as 9er t e ,verall Setting ,*t Plan= s i:ting an( )ar<ing )ore control 9oints as reF*ire( to co)9lete t e 2a&o*t. Piles 2a&o*t (one !& S#.A an( veri:ie( !& $EE as 9er t e ,verall Setting ,*t Plan. 1ase( on t e 1.Ms= t;o or )ore n*)!ers o: Control Points ;ill !e esta!lis e( :or eac #o;er !& t e res9ective S*rve&ors. All Control Points ;ill !e )ar<e( clearl& an( c ec<e( 9erio(icall& :or acc*rac&. # ese 9oints ;ill !e signi:ie( !& 30 > 30 c) ; ite 9ainte( sF*are an( re( circle o: 10 c) (ia)eter aro*n( t e ea( o: nail in t e roa( or ;al<;a&. # e 9aint ;ill !e )aintaine( to <ee9 t e location o: t e Control Points o!vio*s. # e letter t at i(enti:ies eac 9artic*lar 9oint ;ill !e 9rinte( in t e ; ite sF*are.




4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.7 4.2.8

4.2.10 2evel o: Ra:t ;ill !e (irectl& given !& 1ac< sig ting t e 1.Ms.


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4.2.11 ,nce t e Col*)ns an( /alls are raise(= K1) a!ove ..2 o: P1 ;ill !e esta!lis e( an( )ar<e( on eac an( ever& vertical )e)!er incl*(ing t e 2i:t s a:ts. 4.2.12 # e a!ove sai( K1) Dat*) 2evel at an& one o: t e 2i:t s a:ts ;ill !e crossc ec<e( ;it t e 1.Ms= as it ;ill !e t e ;or<ing 1.M :or t e entire #o;er.


ES#A12+S$ME"# ,. /,R0+"@ P,+"#S 4.3.1 /it t e ai( o: t e (e:ine( coor(inates o: t e Control Points an( *sing t e #otal Station instr*)ent an( t e Pris)= ;e s all esta!lis ;or<ing 9oints at t e (esire( location as 9er t e :ollo;ing 9roce(*re? aJ # e total station ;ill !e set on 9oint A It e instr*)ent station 9ointJ an( !isecte( to 9oint 1 It e !isect 9ointJ. !J # e coor(inate val*es o: !ot 9oints ;ill !e :e( into t e instr*)ent. cJ # e instr*)ent t *s s o;s t e !earing o: t e line AD1 a*to)aticall&. (J # e tilting 9ris) ;ill !e :i>e( on t e (esire( 9oint location. eJ # e telesco9e o: t e total station ;ill t en !isect t e center o: 9ris). :J # e instr*)ent ;ill (is9la& t e coor(inate val*es o: t e ne; 9oint. gJ More ;or<ing 9oints can !e esta!lis e( in t e sa)e ;a& as (esire(. 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 /e s all create as )an& ;or<ing 9oints as ;e nee( I4 ;ill !e convenient :or eac :loorJ. # e ;or<ing 9oints ;ill !e *se( to co)9lete t e s*rve& an( (e)arcate t e reF*ire( gri(s. # e ;or<ing 9oints ;ill !e trans:erre( verticall& *9;ar(s :ro) lo;er :loors to t e *99er :loors *sing Meas*ring #a9e.


P,D+-M B HER#+CA2 A"D $,R+',"#A2 C,"#R,2 # e Dat*) :or Po(i*) ;ill !e esta!lis e( :ro) t e 1.Ms as (escri!e( !e:ore. .ro) t e esta!lis e( (at*)= vertical )eas*re)ent ;ill !e trans:erre( to t e ne>t :loor !& *sing a )eas*ring ta9e an( a*to level. # e ;or<ing 9oints ;ill !e esta!lis e( on P1 level an( s*!seF*entl& on t e ot er :loors. /it t e ai( o: t e ;or<ing 9oints an( !& *sing t e total station an( )eas*ring ta9e= ;e ;ill (e)arcate all t e reF*ire( gri(s :or t e col*)ns= li:t s a:ts= staircases= ;alls etc.

4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4


#,/ERS B HER#+CA2 A"D $,R+',"#A2 C,"#R,2


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4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.3 4.3.4

S*ita!le Dat*) ;ill !e esta!lis e( :or eac #o;er !ase( on 1.Ms as (escri!e( !e:ore. .ro) t e esta!lis e( (at*)= t e ;or<ing 9oints ;ill !e esta!lis e( on all ot er s*!seF*ent :loors as e>9laine( !e:ore in section 4.3. 1ase( on t e a!oveDesta!lis e( ;or<ing 9oints= t e location o: t e str*ct*ral ele)ents ;ill !e (e)arcate( an( levele( *sing total station an( )eas*ring ta9e. # e location an( s*rve& ins9ection o: t e concrete vertical ele)ents Ii.e. core ;alls an( staircasesJ ;ill !e carrie( o*t *sing t e ;or<ing 9oints. # e level ;ill !e trans:erre( :ro) t e (at*) o: 9revio*sl& constr*cte( sla!s *sing )eas*ring ta9e an( (*)9& level. / en t e !*il(ing reac es to t e eig t o: a99ro>. 20 :loors an( trans:er o: 9oints ;it total station is not 9ossi!le= an o9tical 9l*)! )at ;ill !e *se( to trans:er t e 9oints o: !ase line to t e *99er :loors. #o trans:er t e 9oints ;it o9tical 9l*)! )at= :o*r 9oints ;ill !e selecte( on t e !ase lines. # ese 9oints ;ill !e trans:erre( verticall& t ro*g 130)) (ia. sleeves 9rovi(e( on eac :loor. # e trans:erre( 9oints ;ill !e c ec<e( !ac< to 9ri)ar& 9oints in or(er to ens*re acc*rac&. # e trans:erre( 9oints ;ill !e connecte( toget er an( t e )e)!ers ;ill !e set o*t *sing a )eas*ring ta9e.


4.3.7 4.3.8


S2+P.,RM+"@ A 2+.# S$A.#S B HER#+CA2 A"D $,R+',"#A2 C,"#R,2 4.4.1 # e sli9:or) s&ste) *ses a ;ater level circ*it to )onitor t e levels o: t e 9lat:or)s an( t e jac<s are constantl& a(j*ste( as reF*ire( to )aintain t e reF*ire( level o: t e 9lat:or). Per)anent :i>e( 9l*)! !o! lines are installe( in t e li:t s a:ts an( stair areas a:ter t e :irst castings. # e Sli9:or) #ec nician ;ill rea( an( recor( t e rea(ings o: t ese 9l*)! !o!s at t e sli9:or) 9anel level an( at t e !otto) or starting level ; ere t e s&ste)s are installe(= i.e. to9 o: t e ra:t. As t e sli9 :or)s cli)!= t e 9l*)! !o!s are lo;ere( to t e !otto) an( rea(ings are ta<en !e:ore= (*ring an( :ollo;ing eac casting. # is= co)!ine( ;it t e ;ater levels= gives t e tec nician t e reF*ire( in:or)ation to a(j*st t e jac<s to 9osition t e s&ste) correctl& to )aintain t e vertical 9l*)! o: t e concrete ;alls. +t is a reF*ire)ent t at t e 9l*)! lines are <e9t :ree an( *nDo!str*cte( at all ti)es. +n a((ition to t e jac<ing )et o( to )aintain t e correct 9osition o: t e s&ste)= anti t;ist rollers can !e installe( ; ere reF*ire( to assist )aintaining t e verticalit& o: t e ;alls. # ese rollers ang (o;n a99ro>i)atel& t;o )eters !elo; t e sli9:or) 9anels an( ave an a(j*sta!le 9ro9Dli<e !race t at connects :ro) t e !otto) o: t e roller an( *9 at less t an 43 (egrees to t e 9anel ;alers. # ese rollers are a(j*ste( as reF*ire( an(



4.4.4 4.4.3


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9*s e( o:: t e ar( set concrete to t e :or);or< at t e ;et concrete level an( t e s&ste) can !e )ove( to an& 9osition reF*ire(. 0. 5.1 / A(IT1 CONTRO( +n general= o*r tea) o: S*rve&ors= Project/Site Engineers an( .ore)en toget er ;it QC Engineers ;ill ens*re t at t e a99rove( Met o( State)ent is !eing :ollo;e( an( +ns9ections are ta<ing 9lace. +n 9artic*lar= t e :ollo;ing s all !e ta<en care o:? 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 Cali!rate( s*rve& eF*i9)ent/instr*)ents are *se( at site. # e S*rve&ors carr& o*t 9erio(ical c ec<s to t e tolerances o: t e )an*:act*rer an( )aintain t e relevant recor(s. An& (e:ective or (a)age( s*rve&ing eF*i9)ent is 9ro9erl& i(enti:ie( an( i))e(iatel& re)ove( :ro) site. All Control Points are clearl& )ar<e( an( locate( on ele)ents ; ic are not li<el& to !e (ist*r!e( !& i)9act= vi!ration= settle)ent or eave an( are c ec<e( 9erio(icall& !& t e S*rve&or. Reg*lar c ec<ing is carrie( o*t an( its recor( )aintaine( t ro*g o*t t e constr*ction 9rogress in accor(ance ;it t e $EE +nternal Q*alit& Control Proce(*re.

5.1.3 5.2

All t e )eas*ring an( test eF*i9)ent ; et er o;ne( !& $EE= !& S*!contractor or on ire s all !e controlle(= cali!rate( an( )aintaine( at site. # e eF*i9)ent s all !e *se( in a )anner= ; ic ens*res t at eF*i9)ent *ncertaint& is <no;n an( is consistent ;it t e reF*ire( ca9a!ilit&. Site s*rve&ing an( relate( eF*i9)ent ;ill !e c ec<e( an( <e9t ;it in cali!ration to t e tolerances as reco))en(e( !& t e )an*:act*rer o: t e eF*i9)ent an( acce9te( Engineering/Constr*ction 9ractice. .reF*enc& o: c ec<ing t e S*rve&ing A SettingDo*t EF*i9)ent s all !e as :ollo;s? #otal Stations 2evels 2aser 2evels Steel ta9es A !an(s : : : : Ever& 3 )ont s /ee<l& Mont l& Ever& 4 )ont s an( ; en ne;.




ReDcali!ration an( c ec<ing )*st ta<e 9lace not onl& as sc e(*le( !*t also at an& ti)e ; en t ere is an& (o*!t a!o*t t e integrit& an( acc*rac& o: t e eF*i9)ent (*ring its *se on t e site. ,::Dsite reDcali!ration an( re9air o: )eas*ring an( test eF*i9)ent ;ill !e organi%e( !& t e Senior S*rve&or t ro*g t e $EE P*rc asing De9art)ent ; en a99ro9riate. As9ects o: c ec<ing= reDcali!ration an( re9air )*st !e recor(e(. / en an error in an instr*)ent is evi(ent= t e S*rve&or )a&: a. A(j*st t e instr*)ent on site in accor(ance ;it t e instr*ctions 9rovi(e( !& t e instr*)ent )an*:act*rer Ionl& i: t e S*rve&or/Engineer is co)9etent= aving a(eF*ate e>9erience to ta<e s*c actionJ or




Document No.: 000/1 e!.: 0 Date of Issue: December %&0 %00$ Page No.: No. 3 of 10

!. ReF*est t e Project Manager to sen( t e instr*)ent to t e local agent :or reD cali!ration. 5.7 5.8 A register o: instr*)ents= ta9es an( t eir c ec<s s all !e )aintaine( on site as 9er :or)at attac e( as A99en(i> 5/3/7/A. Perio(ic acc*rac& c ec<s s all !e (one !& t e S*rve&ors a:ter ever& 3 :loor levels a((ressing overall verticalit& o: t e li:t s a:ts= in 9artic*lar= an( t e recor( s all !e )aintaine( as 9er :or)at attac e( as A99en(i> 5/3/8/A.

2. RECORDS 7.1 # e :ollo;ing Recor(s s all !e )aintaine( :or t e )eas*ring an( test eF*i9)ent in accor(ance ;it t e $EE +nternal Q*alit& Control Proce(*res Ire:er to PQPJ? 3. SA#ET1 8.1 Sa:e )eans o: access ; en ;or<ing on eig ts ;ill !e 9rovi(e( an( )aintaine(. 8.2 Persons ;or<ing closel& to roo: e(ges or an& ot er ig 9lat:or) ; ere t e 9otential o: :alling e>ists ;ill *se :all 9rotection. 8.3 EF*i9)ent close to e(ges ;ill !e sec*re( so as to avoi( :alling or (ro99ing. 8.4 All ot er an( tools= eF*i9)ent or )aterial ;ill !e sec*re( at all ti)es. 45. ATTAC.*ENTS Dra;ing "o. 0144D#@1.D@"= Rev. 1 #rans)ittal "o. 00414 along ;it attac )ent ite) nos. 01 A 02 #rans)ittal "o. G1RD4303D03D004 along ;it Dra;ing "o. 4103/@E"/@"/A0021= Rev. #2 I,verall Setting ,*t PlanJ A99en(i> 5/3/7/A A99en(i> 5/3/8/A S*rve& +nstr*)ent Register Pri)ar& SettingDo*t C ec< S eet Cali!ration B Perio(ic Heri:ication Doc*)ents Perio(ic Acc*rac& C ec< Doc*)ents Maintenance an( Re9air 2og.

Reviewed b67 S*rve&or C ie: S*rve&or


Document No.: 000/1 e!.: 0 Date of Issue: December %&0 %00$ Page No.: No. 10 of 10

P. S*n(arajan

S. Pillai

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