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.Volleyball Game.

Volleyball game was created by William B Morgan in 1895 in Holyoke (eastern U.S ). William B Morgan is a supervisor of physical education at the Young Men Christain Association (MCA). Volleyball game in America 's rapid, so that in 1933 the YMCA held a championship volleyball game volleyball nsional.Kemudian is spread throughout the world. In 1974, volleyball was first played in Poland with enough participants. Then in 1984 founded International Volleyball Federation or Internationnal Volley Ball Federation ( IVBF ) which at that time consisted of 15 countries and is based in Paris . Volleyball game very fast development, among others due to :

1. Volleyball game does not require a large field . 2. Easy to play . 3. The tools used are very simple to play . 4. This game is very fun . 5. Possibility of accidents is very small . 6. Can be played in the wild or in a confined space . 7. Can play a lot of people Volleyball game entered Indonesia in the Dutch colonial period ( after 1928 ) . Development of the game of volleyball in Indodesia very quickly. This was evident at the National Sports Week (PON ) 2nd 1952 in jakarta. Until now the game of volleyball is one of the official sports contested. In 1955, exactly on January 22 established organizations Volleyball Indonesia (PBVSI ) , chaired by W. J. Latumenten. After the parent organization 's volleyball, then on 28 to 30 May 1955 held congress and the first national championship in Jakarta. By looking at volley ball game development is so rapid that it is right that the government chose the game of volleyball as a sport education in schools. Just in general play a little volleyball experience difficulties in introducing the proteges. The difficulty lies in the basic movements volleyball games.

A. Basic Techniques Volleyball Games.

1. understanding Techniques.

Engineering is a process of giving birth and proof of a physical activity with peraktek best to solve certain tasks in sports (especially volleyball games branch). Technique is said to be good if in terms of anatomical / physiological mechanical and mental requirements are met properly . When applied to achieving maximum performance techniques for analyzing movement, generally the teachers or coaches will be able to correct and improve.

2. Usability Engineering Branch In Sports. Efficient and Effective to achieve maximum performance. To prevent and reduce the occurrence of injury. To add to the variety of techniques exist athletes during the match. 3. Ball Control Techniques. To be able to control the ball perfectly to the fullest and at least one player must have abilities like being able to perform well and passing on the right of this basic technique is not negligible and should be trained with less well , one must understand and truly master the technique can control the ball with well and continuously. 4. passing Down. Passing under the normally used by the players when the ball came low, good for seregunya transferable to friends or to be returned to the opponent's field passes over the net or net. 5. passing On. Passing on or passing the hand over is a way of taking the ball or pass over the head with your fingers. The ball is coming from above was taken with the fingers above, slightly in front of the head. 6. service Down. service is a way of doing a blow below the surface of the plot service by hitting the ball with the hand of an effort to turn the ball down in the game. 7. service Above. Service above is the beginning of how to punch down service with hitting the ball from the top of the head in an attempt to turn the ball in the game. 8. service Side. Service side is doing punch beginning from the service with attitude standing sideways and weight is in the right foot (for right-handed), palms facing up. 9. Services Jump. Service is a way of making a stroke jump start on your service area by jumping after the ball bounced with one hand or two hands. 10. Smash ( Spike ). Smesh or spike is hitting the ball movement is done with the powerful and the way the ball hard and fast, sharp and hard to take a dip and if your opponent blows it done quickly and right.

11. stem. Stem ( Blocking ) is a form of movement of a person or a few people who were near the net player / forward .

Gambar Ukuran Lapangan Bola Voli

B. passing On
1 . On passing understanding. Passing the ball is an important control techniques to be learned . Passing the ball is to be interpreted presenting or pass the ball using your fingers to the opponent or the opponent directly to the field , in addition to passing on the good it will affect in the game but this is more prominent in higher level than in the lower match. Passing the time doing some things to consider , such as those developed by Engkos Kosasih as follows: Concentration to do the passing. Practice and adjust to the ball. Watch and learn where to put the ball right place. Know weak position opposing ( Engkos Kosasih, 1985 : 109). Area of attack is the area bounded by the center line of the field with a line of attack that the extent of 9 x 3 meters.

2. service area. Service area is 9 meter wide area behind each end line. This area is bounded by two short lines along the 15 cm were made 20 cm behind the end line, as an extension of the side lines. Both short lines are already included in the service area boundary, the extension service areas is rearward until the deadline for the free area.

3. Net ( Net ). Nets for volleyball games typically no more than 9.50 meters and width no more than 1.00 meters with patches or mesh size 10 x 10 cm , height of 2.43 meter net for men and 2.24 meters for women , top edge are 5 cm wide white ribbon. 4. Rod antennas. In the game of volleyball games that are nationally and internationally, in addition to net mounted above the rod or rod protruding upward as high as 80 cm from the edge of the net or net lips. The sticks are made of materials fibergelas with size 180 cm long with a given color contrast. 5. Ball.

The ball must be spherical made of supple leather or synthetic leather made from the inside of rubber or similar material. Ball color should be the color or combination of colors. Synthetic leather material and color combinations on the official game ball used on the international FIVB must comply with the standards. 6. player. Number of players in the field of play as much as 6 people per team and plus 5 people as a substitute and one libero player. A team consists of a maximum of 12 players, coaches cypress, a system coach, a trainer, and a medical doctor , except libero , one of the players is the team captain , he should be marked in the score sheet. Only registered players can enter the score sheet in the field and play the game. By the time coach and team captain signed scoresheet registered players can not be replaced . Volleyball.

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