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MAY 31 06




MAY 2006 ISSUE #

Serving the Empire with heart...

Although members of the Mountain Garrison may appear to be on the Dark Side, we also raise a LOT of money and awareness for childrens charities worldwide...
Special Olympics, Make a Wish Foundation, Starlight/Starbright Foundation, Colorado Childrens Campaign, American Cancer Society, The Candlelighters, etc. are just a few. So next time you see a trooper, give em a hand for a job well done!

Jess Coffer was unopposed in the Dewback Ridge Squad so he continues as the Squad Leader down there. Congratulations Jess. Ken VanLyssel remains as Squad XO as well Lance won his position back as MHS squad Leader again, Congratulations Lance. Lance has chosen a new Squad XO and that is Erik Ross, congratulations Erik. Erik will help out quite a bit as the Squad XO.

Garrison has entered the parade as a marching entry. We just dont have time to create a oat before this event takes place. Speaking of oat, Cal has volunteered to let us use his atbed trailer as a platform for a oat. We just need to design and build a oat to put on it. Id like to propose a design contest for the oat. Winner will be chosen by the members of the garrison and then well start building the oat for future parades. We are working on a 501st/ MG manual for new recruits and potential recruits. This will be a detailed description of what we do, costuming standards and more information. This will also be used as a welcome package when we have new troopers join us. All in all the entire Garrison is doing very well, we would however like to get more troopers out to events and we have a few ideas to do just that. If you know some of the less active people please contact them and encourage them to at least come to an armor party or maybe an event. They just might get the bug back in their blood and get back to trooping on a regular basis. May the Dark Side of the Force be with you. John Orndorff - MG CO

Mountain Garrison Commanders Message

The 2006 elections are over and we had 50 people vote in the Garrison Commander poll. I would like to thank everyone that took the time to cast their vote. THANK YOU. The voter turnout was the best we have ever had for a garrison election. This just goes to show me that more people than originally thought care about the direction of the Garrison. The new Legion Commander is Mark Fordham of the Alpine Garrison. Congratulations on your victory. We had an unprecedented number of LCO nominees and Mark eventually won the election. There were several good people running for the LCO position and I had a hard time making up my mind, as did several of you by the LCO conversation we had in the forums.

Charles ran unopposed in the PPS so he will remain as the PPS Squad Leader. Congratulations Charles. Tony will remain as Squad XO as well. Wes stepped down as Squad Leader of the SRS and Cal was nominated and ran unopposed for Squad Leader of the SRS. Congratulations Cal. Cal has not yet chosen a squad XO. Wes stepped down to concentrate his time on Garrison business. There will be some changes in process in the Command functions for 2006. A committee will be chosen to select command team vacancies. The rst vacancy to be lled with this committee will be the Garrison Event Coordinator. This should be lled by the end of March. Other changes will take place as they are needed. The Saint Patricks Day Parade is coming up soon and the

proval will be based on the charter in a timely manner.... ADOPT A TROOPER PROGRAM It has been brought to the attention of the Command Group that there has been a report of a few troopers feeling left out and forgotten about. Resolution Per John and the rest of this Command body, NO trooper should ever be left out, or be made to feel that way. Issues need to be sought out, and resolved asap. WORKING BETTER WITH OTHER GROUPS It has been brought to the attention of the Command Group that we need to work better with other groups and that the world is changing and we need to evolve with it and accept other groups. Resolution-Legion Command and the Legion Council have agreed that we are required to play nice with other groups. This is the stance of our CO and supporting staff. However at not time should we in no way compromise our Charter or costuming standards to play nice. Playing nice does not mean letting someone comprimise our own rules and regulations. If indeed we make the decision that another group cannot participate due to a situation we nd reasonable, then we will set down that decision as ofcial for any given event. APPOINTMENTS TO LEADERSHIP

The issue of appointing leaders in the Mountain Garrison has been brought forward and that all positions should be open to nomination and voted upon by Garrison and Squad members. Resolution-The charter has already spelled this out for us... Quote: The Legion Commander, Garrison Commanders, and Squad Leaders must be voted into ofce. All other postions are appointed by their respective local Commander.

XOs Update - Wes Barry Hello Mountain Troopers. I have put together a general synopsis of what your local Command crew has been working on this last year, and which issues are still being worked out. This list does not include all names and all subjects as some are of personal nature to local troopers within the Garrison, however I can assure you that topics that effect the Garrison as a whole are being included. Thank you everyone for a wonderful last year! This next one is going to be just as progressive and even though a year like last one with CIII and ROTS is a hard one to top, we will do our best to make it even better! Here is the list, and good trooping to you all. MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL AND COSTUMING ISSUES A complaint has been made on the handeling of Costumes and membership issues. Resolution- We have recently added a new GML and he will be taking over full duties as he gathers the training he needs. Ap-

A decision on this does not need to be made, the LCO, GC, and SL are the positions up for election, everything else is up to be appointed by the Garrison Commander or the Squad Leader. THE NEW MEXICO SQUADRON There has been a complaint that the DRS has not participated enough during their probationary period and that there is talk of splitting. Resolution- This issue has been discussed, and the only REAL issue was communication. The DRS has been experiencing a massive amount of growth (God bless em) and with that the workload is being divied out as quickly as possible. The Squad Leader (Jess) knows that if he ever needs assistance that the Command Crew is at his disposal. The Command crew knows that communication with the DRS and their involvement is important

and necessary to the Garrison functions, as such the Command crew needs to engage the DRS troopers as Communication is a 2 way street. TO MANY EVENTS COORDINATED IMPROPERLY THROUGH THE GARRISON The issue that too many events not coordinated properly have limited attendance and the overall experience for troopers this last year has been brought to the Command group. ResolutionThe discussion came to many conclusions, the basis being that we saw upwards of 80% increase of troops as well as many high prole troops this last season and "burnout" was a denite factor in decrease of attendance. As long as an event has followed the correct process it is being coordinated properly. A personal grievance between two members and two Squad Level Ofcers has been brought to the attention of the Commander and Executive. Resolution Discussion has been had with all parties involved. The duty of the Squad Ofcer is to address the situation through discussion and a time line will be watched for progression of reconciliation. If there cannot be a reasonable and fair outcome the GCO, GXO, and command body will intervene. Possible outcomes could be a tribunal or committee hearing on

the issue at hand. A resolution of none will not be exceptable. A personal grievance between MG Troopers and troopers from one of the California Garrison's has been brought to the attention of the Garrison on the issue of an accused re-casting. Resolution Photo's were taken by local Command crew of said re-cast and original armor. A local decision was made and passed on to the Legion Council. Both the GCO and GXO represented the parties from the MG through many emails, phone discussions, and through 10+ pages of posts in the Legion Council Forums. The MG troopers were found innocent and the armor was found to NOT be a re-cast. The GCO has started to persue a nal stance from the Council on re-casting and the 501st Legion Council's view on re-casting. A grievance between two members relating to a past history has been brought to the Command crew. Resolution The issue is currently being reviewed and a fair and just solution is being worked on. Movements for progress in '06 1.A movement within the Command Crew to have a new members manual drawn up has been suggested and persued by Command Crew members. Erik Ross from the MHS is heading the project and giving design. 2.The Recruitment Fan Film has been posted and opened up to the general membership and a call for Area Leaders has been

put forth. We are currently waiting for these slots to be lled so we can move forward with the project. 3. Josh has added a few new mods to the forum. The Garrison will be briefed as soon as they take effect. 4. A suggestion to try the Droid Hunt this coming year at Star Fest has been put forward and we are excited to get this going. So far several hundred of the full color badges have been printed and are awaiting lamination. Pictures of the badges will be posted in the Mission section of the forums before Star Fest. Many other suggestions and improvements have been brought to and created by members of the Command staff this last year. So many in fact that they will not all t in the space of the Newsletter unless we dedicate the whole thing to it. This next year as things progress, we plan to keep the membership updated on all that is going on in the Command team and what changes that effect the Garrison will be voted on. Thank you again everyone for all of your time and effort! I hope to see each and everyone of you at as many events as possible this next year! Remember, '06 is about communication and it is our top goal to see each member treated well and readily welcomed into the Garrison. Please let us know if we can assist you with any issues or requests. I look forward to trooping beside you this coming year Troopers of the Mountain Garrison.

stated they had been in contact with ole Uncle George to get approval on the script "Fanboys" and he advised them to contact the DRS. The DRS? George knows about Anyways, here we are in March now and we have been very involved with the production crew. We have provided them with props, creating props and participating in the lming of scenes as they are needed. The project is not done yet.lots more fun to experience. This is going to be an awesome year for the Mountain Garrison and we are proud to be part of it.!

Dewback Ridge Squad Update

Here we are in 2006 already! The Dewback Ridge Squad has had a very exciting year so far! At this point we are at 26 members with 6 new members pending. The growth rate has raised some eyebrows I am sure. The only thing I can blame it on is the Green Chile and having a lot of exposure to the public this past year. I have to be honest I am not sure how many trooping events we have participated in, but I am guessing it to being around 30 trooping events. We were involved in charity events for the Childrens Miracle Network, The

Red Cross and the Battered Womens Shelter. We also went trooping at UNM's Childrens hospital visiting the sick children. One of the Trooping highlights from last year was when the New Mexico Symphony approached us and asked if we could provide 4 Troopers for a concert at the Albuquerque Zoo. The concert was a compilation of the greatest theme music from motion picture history. Of course the music that they needed stormtroopers for was the main theme of Star Wars. That concert and the response from the public inspired the NM Symphony into presenting the Music Of Star Wars for their Fall concert. For this concert they needed everything we had as members went. We even had some Jedi Rebel Legion members present too. Now let's talk about this year! Holy Moly..who would have thought we would get a call from Hollywood? Ken VanLyssel (TK0166) was contacted by representatives of Trigger Street Productions which was started and is run by Kevin Spacey. They

Snowy Range Squad Update

With the trooping season coming upon us rapidly I am excited to be the new squad leader for the Snowy Range Squadron! I realize the bulk of the Star Wars saga as seen on the big screen is now complete and is behind us, which may seem to have been a large part of the motivation we've had for trooping the past few years but I believe the excitement and motivation for trooping will continue to be strong for some time. The Snowy Range Squadron may be lower in numbers but its members are very eager to remain active members of the

501st and participate in all events the Mountain Garrison has to offer. We are even attempting to organize new events for the squad as we speak. One of the goals of our squad is to search out excited individuals to join and increase our numbers and we're hoping some of these new events will help to do this. I believe this new year and trooping season will be just as busy and exciting as years past and the Snowy Range Squadron is anxious for it to get started!

ecutive Ofcer, formally held by Chad Bingham. !I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank Chad for his hard work and dedication to the MHS. !Chad, I know that you will continue to contribute the MHS as you have from the beginning. !Erik, allow me to reiterate to you, how much I look forward to working with you. !You have continually demonstrated an eagerness to contribute to the MHS and I know your ideas will help to make 2006 a great year. Erik and I have already met a couple of times over lunch to discuss ideas for the up-coming year. !Some of the ideas we have are new while others involve revisiting events we've trooped in the past. A few ideas we had were: - nding and approaching new charitable organizations to help support - continuing to support the Wings Over the Rockies Museum

!Know that I will do everything within my power to earn the trust you have placed in me. The St. Paddy's Parade, which has traditionally served as the starting point of each years trooping activities, is right around the corner and anticipation is high. !In talking talking about the 501st with people I've met over the last several months (usually after they ask about my MG jacket or the MG lapel pin I wear on each jacket I own), a few of them have asked if we're the same troopers in the St. Paddy's Parade. !When I tell them that's us, they respond very positively. With the closure of all Media Play, Sam Goody and Suncoast Motion Picture Company stores throughout Colorado, we will have to establish a relationship with another retail video store chain for the future release of STAR WARS DVDs and video games. !One possibility is the Virgin Mage Store in downtown Denver, although this location caters to a different clientele (mainly business professionals on their lunch breaks and tourists), also there is only one of these stores in Colorado thereby eliminating the possibility of our four squads building a wide reaching relationship with them. !Another option would be the Best Buy chain, seeing as how there are Best Buy stores in all four squad areas. I am very much looking forward to 2006. !There are a great group of people within the MHS who have the best interest of the 501st and our fans rst and foremost in their minds.

Mile High Squad Update

Greetings from the Mile High Squad. With the new year just under way there is not much to report . . . yet. !However, aspirations are high that 2006 will be a great year for the Mountain Garrison as a whole and the Mile High Squad specically. With the 2006 Mountain Garrison elections having concluded, I have retained my position as Squad Leader, while Erik Ross has assumed the position of Ex-

- continuing to support Denver Children's Hospital - establishing relationships between STAR WARS actors and the Mountain Garrison - *attending the Parker Country Festival (last attended in '04) - *attending the Aurora KidSpree (last attended in '04) * these last two events were not attended in '05 as they occurred the same weekend as other Garrison wide troops. I also want to thank the MHS members for casting your votes. !It is only through active participation that we are able to make this squad the best it can be.

About the Mountain (Top) Cal & Cathy Pierce as Zam Wessel and Boba Fett at the Wings Over the Rockies (Bottom) Stacy Ayer poses alongside his Darth Vader costume on display at the Aurora History Museum Garrison
As a Garrison, we have four subgroups known as Squads. They are the Pikes Peak Squad (PPS), the Mile High Squad (MHS), the Snowy Range Squad (SRS) and the Dewback Ridge Squad (DRS). Each squad has their own respective Squad Leader who is in charge of each squad. PPS Squad Leader - Charles Orndorff MHS Squad Leader - Lance Frank SRS Squad Leader - Wes Barry DRS Squad Leader - Jess Coffer The events that we attend fall under three categories: Legion, Garrison, or Squad events. We also support several childrens charities such as the Candlelighters of Southern Colorado, Dreamweavers, Starlight Starbright Foundation, Toys for Tots, and Christmas Unlimited, among many others. Some events are just for fun, others are for community service, but many are charity related. To participate in the Legion elections and some OFFICIAL events, the Legion requires you to be an Active member. What this means is that you must attend at least one event (of your choosing) a year. Commonly, ofcial events are special requests from LucasFilm to help them promote the Star Wars franchise. Please visit our web site at so you can communicate with the other garrison members, view and discuss upcoming events, ask Star Wars related questions, buy or sell Star Wars or costume-related items, and chat with the general public.

Memories of CIII


The Sansweet 501st Interview

Director of Content Management & head of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm Ltd.
Unforgettable. That's what most Star Wars fans think of Steve Sansweet when they meet him for the rst time. If you want the low-down on anything Lucaslm, Steve's often the one to know it! Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Steve attended Temple University where he graduated with honors, then worked as a prize-winning journalist for several prominent U.S. newspapers (including the Wall Street Journal) before landing a job with Lucaslm back in 1996. His previous boss, WSJ's Paul Steiger was asked if Steve's job move bothered him and he said "Yeah, it did"... But only because Steve got to act on his dreams! And Steve's never looked back!

The Sansweet 501st Interview I

f you haven't seen him during one of his many personal appearances at conventions, chances are you've seen him on QVC as co-host of the Star Wars Collections. Or perhaps read one of his many articles for the Star Wars Insider. Either way, once you've met him, you're hooked. Steve Sansweet is the Director of Content Management & head of Fan Relations for Lucaslm Ltd. His home in Sonoma County, California, otherwise known as Rancho Obi-Wan, houses the largest privatelyowned Star Wars memorabilia collections in the world. You can check out his full biography on esansweet.html Is there an interesting story about how you got started working for LFL? I had written several books on Star Wars through Lucaslm since the early 90s. One day in 1995 I got a call from Lynne Hale, director of communications, to ask if I might recommend someone for a one-year job to go around the country and tells fans what was up with the Star Wars Special Editions. To make a long story short, I was at a place in my career at the Wall Street Journaleven though I loved my jobwhere it was time to do something different. I took a gamble that a low-paying one-year job at Lucaslm might turn into a fulltime second career in Marketing. And to my delightit has! You've written or co-written eleven Star Wars books so far. Are there any more books in the works? On my to-do list are ve more books over the next four years not that they all will necessarily nd an interested publisher. But I can tell you now that a contract has been signed for a new Star Wars Encyclopedia to come out in a few years, and Ill be working on a second book at the same timejust as I worked on the new Star Wars Poster Book and Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels together. More details to come later. Hmm. It just occurred to me that the 501st will be mentioned in the new Encyclopedia! What future LFL project are you most looking forward to? Theres a lot on our plate. Besides the animated and live-action Star Wars series later this decade, we hope to have word about one more lm in a different trilogy before too long. Theres a good possibility of a Celebration IV, maybe some additional video releasesand a ton of other cool stuff thats too early to talk about. Lucaslm recently moved their headquarters off the Ranch. How are the new digs at the Presidio? The ofces are great! And its truly a magnicent setting, a sort of park inside the National Park thats open to the public. Amazing views too! The 501st Legion has always had a great working relationship with both LFL and children's charities. What impact do you feel the 501st has made and how can we improve that relationship? The 501st started up just around the time I was joining Lucaslm, so I feel a special kinship with the Legion. Ive worked for many years with members of the 501st all over the world to make sure there was a good level of understanding on both sides of what works and what doesnt, where the stress points are, etc. I think the impact was clear last year in how much we turned to the 501st garrisons worldwide to help us and our partners in launching Episode III, and in the Legions name being adopted as part of the Star Wars mythos. For the future, one thing that comes to mind is the need to make sure theres a good level of communications so that nobody is surprised, and there are very few unexpected occurrences. You do a lot of Con appearances... So we have to ask... What's your favorite yearly Con and why? Besides Celebration (which isnt yearly) it has to be San Diego Comic-Con International. Thats a convention Ive been going to on my own for more than 20 years and theres nothing else like it for sheer size and activity. You never know what youre going to come across in the massive dealers room. And it took on a whole other dimension when I started going there in my Lucaslm capacity. My second favorite is Dragon*Con. Those who have been there know that its just one big party!

Damien Metz (the 501st member who creates our Honorary Membership plaques) tells me that you have a 'green' version of George Lucas's plaque with your name on it... Why green? After I saw a photo of the beautiful plaque that Damien made, and which was presented to George Lucas when he became an honorary member of the 501st, I told Damien how much I admired it. Being something of a wiseguy (as well as an all-around nice guy), Damien twisted that into my alleged jealousy of Georges plaque. So he found some neon-green acrylic and made a Green with Envy version of the original! Rancho Obi-Wan is home to the most impressive privately-owned Star Wars collection in the world. What got you started collecting? Ive been a collector all my lifebottle caps, matchbook covers, baseball cards, space-related plastic model kits. The year before Star Wars opened I started to collect space toys, and then was so blown away by my trip to a faraway galaxy, that I started buying every single Star Wars item I could

nd. Next thing I knew I had to add a oor onto my house in L.A. Then another oor. Then a storage locker. Then four more. It just sort of happened!

Of all the Star Wars lms, which is your all-time favorite and why? I guess The Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite because of its dark tone and unresolved questions. But I was truly blown away by the original Star Wars and Revenge of the Sith was amazing. Its pretty close among those three. Do you have a favorite character in the lms? Yes, although is has changed over the years. At rst it was Luke, because I was also going on a journey of discovery about the time the movie came out. But as time has passed, I relate more to ObiWan, especially in his role as mentor. Thats a role that Ive personally enjoyed in my career and in my

And who gets the collection in your will? Hadnt you heard the newsgroup rumor from years back? When I die my body is going to be laid out in the middle of the museumwhich will then be imploded around me

life in general. And nally, anything you'd like to say in closing to the 501st Legion? Only that the best is yet to come! And I mean that both for Star Wars and the 501st. Wait until I tell you about our plan to. Oops! Cant go there yet. Better stay tuned!

10 Questions with TK-409

Interview by Kevin Christley Pictures by Chris Bartlett

10 Questions with TK-409

C3PO Builders Association which aims to become the R2 Builders Group for Protocol Droids. Married and a father of three great children (and his rst boy was just born), one has to wonder when he ever nds the time? Well, enough of the intro - lets get on with the 10 Questions for TK-409! Chris, you must get this all the time, but what's the signicance of your ID TK-409 (if any)? TK409. Cleansing the galaxy of Rebel scum on contact. It's memorable, and it gets the job done. about 50 photos. I had several people and organizers come up to me and say our visit "just made the whole show." I didn't expect such a positive response. I started asking on forums if there was anyone else in my area who had a trooper outt. I thought maybe if I found someone, it would be fun to get together for stuff like this. I was in Sacramento, CA and the nearest person was in the 501st, but about an hour away. We got together and they suggested I help start the Sacramento Squad. So now it's the Central California garrison. Again, I really just wanted to get together and have fun making surprise trooper appearances, but once I learned we could actually do some good things in the community, it made me want to do it even more. What does your family think of your hobby? They think it's cool when they go to an event and see the smiles on the faces of both kids and adults. My girls always want a photo with daddy at events when I'm suited up as Boba Fett or the trooper. But when it's just us at home, they think it's a little over the top. I don't even have one of those "Star Wars" rooms like other guys have! I think I'm pretty safe in saying that's never going to happen. What sparked the web site and the fantastic tutorials?

Trooper Chris
Bartlett (TK409) has been active in the 501st since 2001 and has helped innumerable Troopers & Fetts within the Legion with his comprehensive tutorials regularly updated on his slick website, His site was one of the rst that I found when I wanted to become a trooper, so I guess hes to blame for my Imperial Obsession! Chris is a current member of the 501st, RPF, The Dented Helmet, and recently started the k409_cleanser.jpg How'd you rst discover the 501st and what made you decide to become a member? I acquired an Armor FX kit in July 2001 and I started to look for local events that might be complimented by a Stormtrooper showing up unannounced. My very rst appearance was at a local Space and Astronomy kids fair. Really, I was just looking for an excuse to wear it in public. I went with my daughter as Princess Leia and my wife took photos and people loved it. And we posed for

I don't know honestly. It began as one webpage, a kind of staging area where I was showing photos to family members of my outt. Here's the other thing. There was just no way I could convince my lovely wife that spending $200 on a bunch of vacuformed plastic boxes called a "Sandtrooper backpack" was a reasonable way to use money. (Hey, she's the practical one!)

photo reference, asked questions, then collected it on my page so I wouldn't forget the links.

why I'm doing it! It seems that the projects get more and more challenging so they're more and more satisfying. Care to share what you're currently working on now? The wearable Threepio is my current project.

As people asked more questions, I'd just add the answers to my page and it sort of snowballed from there. How did you get involved with the C3PO Builders? After seeing Hyperdyne's (the Mountain Garrisons Jim Shima) beautiful droid in person at C3 and being oored by the photos of Akira's wearable AOTC costume from Japan, I wanted to see if it was possible. It began as research, but the old 3po builders Yahoo forum had become unuseably riddled with spam. I was thinking, "I wish there was a decent forum for 3po makers" and *poof* someone else was coincidentally thinking the same thing! I was going through the DVDs picking out screencaps of every shot of Threepio. I began sharing my ndings on the forum whose url was longer than pi. I donated the url: and since I'm a graphic designer, offered to design the forum's identity. Between all of your projects, what's your favorite and why? My favorite is always the one I'm currently doing. I guess that's

Everyone has a favorite prop. What's yours and why? A favorite that I own? Geez, that's like trying to choose which of my kids I like best. That's a tough one. If I could choose from all the Star Wars props used in the lms, Lukes landspeeder has always and will always be my favorite.

The only choices out there for props were very expensive ones! So I gured if I wanted something, I'd have to make it myself, and it would probably have to be out of scratch. I made a shoulder pauldron for about $15, then a backpack for under $20, and I posted photos of those on a prop forum. Then I started getting emails from people about how I made them. So to avoid answering the same email over and over, I just posted the information on the page. Then I began taking photos while I made stuff. I found various prop forums and everytime I began a new project, I gathered

What can we look forward to from you in the future? I'm currently building pages for Tuskens, Jawas, and Droids to go with Fett and the Trooper pages. Regarding props, two other projects besides the Golden One are currently being developed: A certain diminuitive green guy and the Eyeball droid from the front gate at Jabba's palace. After that Threepio needs a 3-legged companion... Your favorite: OT or Prequels and why?

The original lms are still my favorite because of the use of real environments vs. CGI scenes. I loved seeing the lifesized Millennium Falcon sitting in the Mos Eisley space port. Even so, I found the prequels entertaining and still like watching them just as much, because they told the Star Wars story - a story I grew up loving. I know I said 10 questions, but I just have to ask... There's an interesting story oating around about how you got your latest job... I have a bad feeling about this... html Thanks to Chris for agreeing to be interviewed and may you enjoy continued success in all your endeavors!

truly that you would do anything for it what it means to be a fan. This is a lm for the fans, made by the fans. We were at Celebration in the rain. We waited in line for days for all of the special editions and prequels. And, making this movie is the most important thing in the world to us. That being said, we need your help Fanboys and Fangirls! While distribution for the lm is in place, this is an independent lm and we are working on an independent budget. If there was ever a time to put your greatest geek skill to use, it is now. Do you have a knack for sculpting custom

enough people to ll a theater for a movie scene, and also to have a line of people snaking around the side of the theater. They could have anyone as extras, but they were kind enough to contact us, because they wanted to have actual fans in the movie. We are already working with the producers and director to help supply any people, props and costumes that they need, so if you want to help, email me ( or Jess (! This way they have one point of contact, and are not ooded with email! Veronica Mars' Kristen Bell, Jay Baruchel, Chris Marquette and Sam Huntington are in nal negotiations to play Star Wars geeks in Fanboys, a comedic drama that Kevin Spacey's Trigger Street is producing for the Weinstein Co., according to The Hollywood Reporter. Kyle Newman is making his directorial debut on the feature. The movie, written by Adam F. Goldberg and Ernest Cline, follows four Star Wars fanboys from the Midwest who drive across the country to honor the wish of their dying friend: to see the yet-unreleased Star Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace in its most optimal setting, George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch. Dan Fogler already has been cast as one of the geeks, a hotheaded pizza boy. Shooting is scheduled to begin Feb. 22 in New Mexico. It should be a great time and thanks to Jess and Ken for heading this up for the fans!

DRS plays host to Fanboys

Have you heard of "Fanboys" yet? You soon will! Fanboys takes place in the fall of 1998, a time when everything was pure and Star Wars ruled the world once again. We follow four life-long best friends who travel cross-country in an attempt to break into George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch. Their mission is to see Star Wars Episode I early when they discover one of the young men in their group is diagnosed with terminal cancer and will not live long enough to see the lm in theaters the following May. This lm expresses what it means to care about something so

action gures? Or a special talent for making Astro-Mech Droids? Maybe you've always wanted to aunt your Stormtrooper armor on screen? Whatever your Star Wars talent may be, we look to you, the fans, now to help us on this quest. Mos Alba and the DRS were contacted by the director and producers of this movie (made by fans, about fans, for the fans!) asking for, among other things,

Flight to Indy: $980 Crating and shipping R2-D2: $750

Being inducted by the 501st Mountain Garrison... PRICELESS!

LFLs Chief Droid Wrangler Don Bies inducted into the Legion by the Mountain Garrison at C3!

4182 Sandberg Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80911 Phone 719.201-5911

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