Jan12.2014solons Seeks Creation of Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Enhancement Program

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12, 2014

NR # 3344

Solons seeks creation of Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Enhancement Program

House members are seeking the establishment of a Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Enhancement Program that would provide grants to local government units !"#s$ to assist their hazard mitigation strategies that save lives and improve the structural integrit% of propert% affected b% natural disasters& 'ep& (nthon% )ravo Part% !ist - *++P ,(-**+$. principal author of House )ill /012 or the proposed Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Enhancement Program (ct. said the measure would provide !"#s with funds for pro3ects that have direct. on-the-ground impact for residents of low to moderate income homes. and also the less addressed population of apartment residents and small business owners& -o 4ualif% for the grant. an eligible entit%. meaning an% of the !"#s. shall submit an application to the 5ecretar% of ,ational Defense in accordance to regulations issued b% the public official not later than si6 months after the effectivit% of the proposed (ct. according to )ravo& -he eligible entit% or !"# has a mitigation plan approved b% the D,D 5ecretar%. implements public awareness campaigns to encourage improvements in structures to mitigate hazards relating to natural disasters. and takes steps to encourage mitigation actions with respect to repetitive loss structures within the 3urisdiction of such entit%. said )ravo. a vice chairman of the House committee on reforestation& House )ill /012. co-authored b% 'ep& *resente Paez Part% !ist - *++P ,(-**+$. provides that an eligible entit% or !"# that receives a grant shall carr% out an% repair. construction. renovation or retrofit assisted b% such grant in accordance with the following7 applicable standards of safet% and sanitation8 applicable codes. specifications and standards of the ,ational )uilding *ode8 and safe land use and construction practice standards& -he bill further provides that of the amounts appropriated for making grants in a fiscal %ear. the D,D 5ecretar% shall re4uire eligible entities or !"#s to allocate7 29 percent of the grant amounts to programs that address mitigation needs of single famil% housing units8 :9 percent of the grant amounts to programs that address the mitigation needs of multi-famil% housing units and residential rental dwelling units8 /9 percent of the grant amounts to programs that address the mitigation needs of small business& -he bill now pending at the House committee on national defense and securit% chaired b% 'ep& 'odolfo )iazon !one District. Muntinlupa *it%$ provides that the funds needed for the initial implementation of the proposed (ct shall be charged against the D,D budget& (fter that. such amount shall be included in the annual "eneral (ppropriations (ct "(($ as a distinct and separate item& :9$ rbb

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