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Ludlow Massacre

Adolfo Velazquez Kendall Reyes Martin Macias Jethro LaPea January/11/2 1! "12 #ords

As we jumped into our challenge of creating this website, we did so with the same determination and dedication such as that of the miners and their families when it came to them fighting for their well deserved rights. Just knowing the little we did about how the Country's own National uard opened fire on defenseless protesters enticed us as a group to find out more. !he first any of our group had ever heard of this protest and massacre came from our A" #.$. %istory teacher. As soon as she told us of the devastating event we all looked at each other with the same look. !he look of agreement that we would take on the challenge of creating the website to not only inform our fellow peers of the occurrence, but hopefully in the long run educate future N%& participance of this dreaded event. 'ur primary knowledge came from a brief description that our teacher gave us in class. !hat led to a search for what seemed to be a cave filled with gold. (very member of the group began to find information varying in all aspects of the protest and massacre. !his is when we decided to split up the information into seven tabs that consisted of thirteen smaller and more descriptive tabs. As in all major assignments, we ran into a few problems such as what did the aftermath of the actual massacre look like) As hard as we looked, we could not seem to find the precise answer. *e looked online to try to find any contacts of people who may have seen the aftermath or have pictures of the actual site, but we were unable to find anyone with that e+act information. *e finally got all of the information we were going to be able to get and put together the website, however we were missing an important piece. *e had no real or accurate primary or secondary sources due to the fact that the person in charge of that was in the "hilippines and had poor internet connection. *e finally decided we would do it ourselves, but our partner pulled through and managed to get us what we needed. *e felt that the website category would suit us best because it not only provides great visual aids for the viewers, but also combines the traits of a documentary with that of an essay and even allows us to e+press our creativity through technology. Another decision making aspect is that we would get to grasp the concept of a new method to use when attempting to inform and educate others of an event from our history. $ure, just about everyone can type a few well written words. %owever, we were given the opportunity to try new things and learn how to format material in a way that it would be compatible for the program we are using. A great e+ample is how we learned the correct way to convert a video found online into an ,"- file and transfer it to our website. !he .udlow ,assacre is a perfect topic for the /01- N%& theme Rights and Responsibilities for the mere fact that us as Americans had back then, and still do, the right to freedom of speech, assembly, and petition according to the first amendment. %owever, this event in history displays the e+act opposite of our so called 2rights2. As the innocent and defenseless miners protested and fought for their god given rights in a non violent way, groups such as the National uard who are supposed to protect our rights completely out ruled the amendment and caused many families devastation for years to come.

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