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Ali Baba and Forty Thieves Once upon a time, there is a man whose name is Ali Baba.

He lives in a small town with his wife, his son and his sons wife together. He makes his living by cutting wood. He is so poor but his brother- Kasm is too rich. One day, while he is cutting woods he sees a troapof horsemen. He is afraid of so he hides behind a tree and watches them. There are forty horsemen. They are robbers. They stop in front of a big rock. One of them says Open sesame open! and the rock opens slowly. They all go into the cave. Then the door close after them. After a short time the door opens and the horseman says Close sesame close! The door closes and they all ride away. After they go away, Ali Baba comes down. He says the magic words and goes into the cave. He cant believe his eyes. The cave is full of all kinds of treasure. He loads his three asses with them. He goes out and says Close sesame close! He gets home. He tells everything to his family.They want to count the gold. But it will take too long time so they decide to measure them with a bucket. They havent got a bucket so his wife runs to Kasms house to borrow one. Kasms wife is very inquisitive and she wants to learn what they will measure. She covers the bottom of the buclet with honey. When the bucket is brought, they see a piece of gold is stuck to the honey. They are surprised and immediately Kazm goes his brothers house to learn everything. Ali Baba tells him his secret. Then Kazm wants to get the treasure too. He goes and gets some treasure. After he fills up bags of gold, he wants to go out from the cave but he forgets the magic words. He cant go out and the horsemen return. They cut his body into four parts and kills him. Kasm doesnt return so his wife is very curious about him. He goes to Ali Baba to find him. Ali Baba goes to the cave and find him dead. He brings his dead body and want to show his death normal. So they find an old cobbler to get his body stitch. They close the cobblers eyes not to learn their house. But he counts his steps to find their house again. When forty horsemen return, they cant find Kazms dead body. So they decide to go to town to find the person who learns their secret. They hear Kazms death, then find an old cobbler. They give him a lot of money to bring them to Ali Babas house. They find his house and make a cross sign on its door to find it again easily. When Ali Babas sons wife- Morghiana returns home, she notices it and makes the same sign on every doors. Forty men come but they cant find. Later they manage to find his house again. This time they come their house as a merchant to sell an oil. They bring a lot of large earthenware pots in which men are hidden. They plan to kill them at night. Morghiana notices them. She boils a lot of oil and pour oil into these pots. She kills these men. By this way, they get rid of these robbers and pass a very happy and wealthy life together. Questions: 1. What is the relationship between the two main characters introduced at the beginning of the story in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves? 2. What is Ali Baba doing when he comes across the forty thieves? 3. What do the thieves say to open the door of the cave in Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves? 4. How many donkeys does Kasim take to the cave's door in Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves? 5. What does Kasim's wife ask Ali Baba to do after Kasim has been gone so long in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves? 6. Who is Baba Mustafa in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves? What is the setting of the story? Who are the main characters? What is the theme of the story? What is the moral of the story and how do you relate the story to your life?

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