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A key weared to open mor found on motorbike. The key have length
20 cm given force equal to 60 N which angular shape 45 0 to vertical
direction. Determining the magnitude of moment of force.


r=20 cm=0,2 m
F=60 N


= ?

Answer: =r. F sin

=0,2 . 60. Sin 450
= 12 . 2
= 6 2 mN
2.Bar of AB have a mass 2 Kg is turned around by A,in the
reality moment of inertia is 8 kg m2.If turned around by O
(AO=OB),the moment inertia be.....


m= 2 kg
IA = 8 kg m2


Io = ?

Answer: IO = 1/12 ML2 ; 1/ 3 ML2

So, IO/IA = 1/12 ML2/ 1/ 3 ML2 =
IO = IA = (8 kg m2 ) = 2 kg m2
3. A advertisement board have mass 20 under arrest singk by log
which is have mass 15.Determining string tension.


= 0 poros di tengah
-Wbt . L Wbn L + 2/3 L Ty = 0
-200 . L 150 L + 2/3 L 2 T = 0
-100 L 150 L + 2/3 L 2 T = 0

2/3 L 2 T= 250 L
2/3 LT = 250 L
2/3 T = 250
T = 250 . 3 / 2 from the floor,as
T = 375 2
4.A wheel with mass of 24 kg and radius 1 m on the floor and
leans on a stair that is 0,4 m in hight from the floor,as seen
in the figure.What is the magnitude of minimum horizontal
force F that is enought to lift the whell from top of floor?(g=10

0,4 m
W = m.g=24.10=240
BC =

= 0,8 m
B = 0
F(0,6)- w(0,8) = 0

0.6F 240 . 0,8 = 0

0,6F 192 =0
F=320 N
5. Determine density of oil....

Answer: ho = 22 cm
ha = 22cm 10 cm = 12 cm
P0 + a . g .ha = P0 + o . g . ho
a . h a = o . ho
o = a . h a / ho
= 1000 kg/m3 . 12 cm / 22cm
= 545,45 kg/m3
6. A hydraulic car jack,has two pistons with each section area
is A1 = 100 cm2 and A2 = 2000 cm2.What is the minimum

magnitude of force F1 that must be given on section A1 so

that the car weighing 15000 N can be lifted?
Answer: A1 = 100 cm2
A2 = 2000 cm2
W= F2= 15000 N
P1 = P2
F1 = A1/ A2 . F2
= 100 cm2/2000cm2 . 15000 N
= 750 N
7. Counted 40 oxygen L have temperature 200C pressure and
2 atm depressed till reach volume 36 L and at the same of
oxygen temperature boosted up till reach 500C. How much is
oxygen gas pressure now?

P1 = 2 atm
T1 = 20 +273 =293 K
T2 = 50 + 273 = 323 K
V1 = 40 L
V2 = 36 L


P2 = ?

Answer: P1 V1/ T1 = P2 V2/ T2

P2 = P1 V1 T2
V2 T1
= 2 atm. 40 L. 323K
= 25840
= 2,4 atm
8. A spherical air bubble originating from a scuba diver at a
depth of 18.0 m has a
diameter of 1.0 cm. Assuming constant temperature, what
will be the diameter of the bubble when it reaches the
Known: h = 18 m
d1 = 1cm
T1 = T2

d2 = ?

Situation 1 = d1= 1cm h = 18 m P1 = P0 + Ph;

Ph = 1800 cm water . 1 cm Hg/13,6 cm water =132,4

cm Hg
P1 = 207,4 cm Hg
Situation 2 =P2= P0 = 75 cm Hg
P1 . d13 = P2 . d23
d23 =P1 . d13
= 207,4 cm Hg/75 cm Hg . 1
= 2,8cm
d2 =
= 1,4 cm
9. An ideal gas, consisting of n moles, undergoes an
irreversible process in which the temperature
has the same value at the beginning and end. If the volume
changes from Vi to Vf , the change
in entropy of the gas is given by:
A. nR(Vf-Vi)
B. nR ln(Vf-Vi)
C. nR ln(Vi/Vf )
D. nR ln(Vf/Vi)
E. none of the above (entropy cant be calculated for an irreversible process)
Answer: D Cause S= Q/T
T=CONSTANT;and at cycle carnot U = 0
U = Q w ; Q=w ; =nRT In(Vf/Vi)
S= nRT In(Vf/Vi)/T
= nR ln(Vf/Vi)

10. One mole of an ideal gas expands reversibly and isothermally

at temperature T until its volume is doubled. The change of
entropy of this gas for this process is:
A. R ln 2
B. (ln 2)/T
C. 0
D. RT ln 2
E. 2R
Answer= A, Cause S= Q/T ; T=constant and at cycle carnot U =
U = Q w ; Q=w ; =nRT In(V2/V1)
S= nRT In(V2/V1)/T
S = 1.R. In(2V1/V1)
S= R In 2

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