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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Mike Class: EP3 Lily Week: 11 Sem 2 Dates: 13/01/14-17/01/14

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week in circle time we are going to re iew the !oo" #yrami" !rom last week$ The class will %e aske" to name the "i!!erent !oo" gro&#s an" also gi e e'am#les o! each$ i$e$ ()ish is a #rotein$* +e will also re iew the e!!ects o! each !oo" gro&# i$e$ (,ar%ohy"rates gi e &s energy an" hel# &s to grow$* -n" i! a !oo" or !oo" gro&# sho&l" %e eaten .all o! the time/ or .sometimes$/ 0 am then going to intro"&ce .+estern !oo"/ oca%&lary with the !lash car"s 1%acon an" eggs2 steak2 #i33a2 cheese2 taco2 sala"2 san"wiches2 !ish2 hot"ogs2 so&#2 s#aghetti2 ham%&rgers2 )rench !ries2 !rie" chicken4an" we will #lay games s&ch as .s#lat2/ .m&sical chairs2/ an" .!lashcar" "raw/ to en!orce the st&"ents/ learning$

Western food
Activity Time

+e are going to #ractise the !oo" oca%&lary this week in terms o! &n"erstan"ing2 s#elling2 #ron&nciation$ +e will "o a series o! worksheets that in ol es matching the #ict&re o! +estern !oo" to its written wor" an" also in ol es s#elling the wor" %y !illing in missing letters an" another worksheet where they ha e to write o&t the wor" se eral times !or each !oo"$ This #ractices their han"writing skills an" also &n"erstan"ing o! the oca%$ 5nce they &n"erstan" the oca% 0 will intro"&ce the conce#ts o! taste i$e$ .salty2/ .sweet2/ .so&r2/ .s#icy2/ .hot2/ .col"2/ ."elicio&s/tastes goo"/ an" .not "elicio&s/tastes %a"/ +e will &se !lashcar"s to learn the meaning o! the i"eas an" then 0 will go ro&n" an" ask the st&"ent to "escri%e each !oo" !lashcar" in terms o! #re!erence an" taste2 &sing !&ll sentences o! co&rse$ (That is a #i33a$ 0 like to eat #i33a2 %&t it is &nhealthy$ 0t tastes salty an" "elicio&s$* 5n +e"nes"ay the st&"ents are going to "esign a mini men& where they will &se a tem#late to write a%o&t a san"wich2 a "esert an" a "rink$ They will "escri%e the !la o&r an" also "raw a #ict&re %esi"e it$ There is no school on Th&rs"ay so on )ri"ay the st&"ents will %ring into school their ingre"ients an" will act&ally make the san"wiches2 "eserts an" "rinks$ 5nce "one they will "escri%e it to the rest o! the class$ Each st&"ent will %e a%le to share some o! their s#ecial men& with the other st&"ents$

Preparing for Prathom

,lass6 EP3 Toa"stool
This week in English #re# we will re iew what we "i" last week in English 7rammar which was &sing .this/ an" .that/ to talk a%o&t ario&s o%8ects in relation to "istance$ ,orrections an" !ee"%ack will %e gi en !rom the work "one last week an" the st&"ents will %e teste" on their knowle"ge$ +e will go !&rther with the grammar %y learning a%o&t com%ining 2 wor"s to make one2 s&ch as .that is/ into .that/s/ an" .what is/ into .what/s$/ +e will &se these e'am#les as 0 go ro&n" the circle asking st&"ents (what/s that9* 1#oints to a chair across the room4 (that/s a chair$* They will each take t&rns to ask the :&estion to each other an" answer$ This is goo" to #ractice grammar an" also oca%&lary o! classroom items$

This week in Maths we will !oc&s on n&m%ers !rom 1-100 an" will #lay s#lat to test the knowle"ge$ +e will also re iew how to rea" an" #rono&nce %asic Maths sym%ols 1a""2 take away2 e:&als4$ +e will "o some more work in the work%ook &ntil the st&"ents ha e !inishe" a series o! s&ms where they also ha e to say the s&ms o&t alo&" in English i$e$ (5ne ele#hant #l&s three ele#hants e:&als !o&r ele#hants$* +e will then "o s&ms on the %oar" where the st&"ents ha e to rea" o&t the s&ms in English along with the sym%ols an" n&m%ers$

0n Science class this week we will %e looking at h&man %o"y #arts$ +e will re iew the oca%&lary 1hea"2 arm2 !ingers2 chest2 leg2 han"2 toes2 t&mmy2 !oot2 el%ow4 an" #lay .Simon says/ to test the st&"ents knowle"ge o! %o"y #arts$ +e will "o a Science e'#loration where st&"ents will r&% an" &nshar#ene" #encil on the !ront an" %ack o! their han"s an" also on the to# an" %ottom o! their !eet$ They will then recor" which si"e they co&l" !eel the #encil more$ +e will then go on to e'#lain a%o&t ner e sensiti ity$ The st&"ents will !inish with an e'ercise where they "raw a line to match %o"y #arts to the correct oca% wor"s$

Parent "ollow #p $ #seful Websites $ %omework:

Please encourage you children to speak English as often as possible using full sentences and ask them to tell you what they have learned. Thanks.

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