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IRA-GPE Class 2013 inal E!

aminati"n R#$"rt

Utami Sandyarani | 10/296738/SP/23872

%&# P"liti'al E'"l"(y ") *#)"r#stati"n in A'#&+s 2012-2033 S$atial Plannin(

On October 30th 2012, the governor of Aceh, Zaini Abdullah, proposed a spatial planning which included conversion from protected forest to logging concessions to the Ministry of orestry in !a"arta# $he government stated that the spatial planning will be mostly allocated for housing, transmigration, infrastructure, public and social facilities 1# $hough, compared to the industry scheme, the plan for settlement and housing is much more undersi%ed# $here are claims stating that this proposal is actually aimed to clear five bloc"s of forest covering a total area of 21,311 hectares for timber2# An additional three bloc"s of protected forest covering 33,2&2 hectares are proposed to be converted to production forest3# $his forest will then be opened for plantations, mining and other large scale e'tractive industries# A spo"e person of a large scale mining industry, (ast Asia Minerals, said that it was positive news to hear the spatial planning proposed because it would open more area to be e'plored)# $he industrial development program that has been planned is largely critici%ed by many environmentalists, not only in *ndonesia but across the globe, because it has not included community representatives at any stage of its development process# urthermore, the critics also believe that it is very threatening for many floras and faunas living in the edge of e'tinction in that forest# +art of the area which was planned to be turned into logging concessions also belongs to ,euser -ational +ar"# $he ,euser -ational +ar" covers an area of 2#. million hectares and is a crucially important area of forest, houses /) per cent of Asia0s fauna including tigers, orang1 utans, rhinos, elephants, and clouded leopard/# -ot only the spatial planning can destroy the

+resentation by $he 2overnor of Aceh for -orwegian Ambassador, May 22 2013 http344www#norway#or#id4+age iles4./51.)4+resentation620by620Aceh6202overnment6201620+roposed 620Aceh6207patial620+lan620201262016202032#pdf 2 ,ang, 8hris# 9*ndonesia3 2overnor of Aceh +uts orests :nder $hreat;# REDD-Monitor# ebruary 13 2013 http344www#redd1monitor#org420134024134indonesia1governor1of1aceh1puts1forests1under1threat4 3 *bid ) rance1+resse, Agence# 9*ndonesia Moves $owards Approving <eforestation +lan in Aceh;# Jakarta Globe# April 1=, 2013# http344www#the>a"artaglobe#com4news4indonesia1moves1towards1approving1deforestation1plan1in1aceh4 / *bid

wildlife? it can also be a human1disaster which leads to floods, droughts, and landslides because these forests are very functional to control the climate e@uilibrium .# (nvironmental -2O has been assessing this spatial plan ecologically and socially, and found that other than destroying the biodiversity and degrading the ecology, this plan is also very potential to inflict conflict# Many areas are found to be disputed by local people who have traditionally farmed the land5# Many environmental -2O have stated their disagreement on the formation of this spatial plan# -2Os such as Aalhi, 2reenpeace, riends of the (arth *ndonesia and many more have e'pressed their ob>ections to the government and put on campaign to stop the plan# After a long effort to push the government without achieving progress, these -2O then loo"ed into global community as a solution# An online petition in 8hange#org and Avaa%#com has been signed by more than 1,2/ millions people throughout the globe until now&# Begarding that foreign involvement might be needed as an e'ternal push for the government, the letters of concerns were also sent to the ambassadors of -orway, <enmar", 7weden, and inland# Cut only the ambassador of -orway came up to reply on -orwegian (mbassy for *ndonesiaDs website =# 7tig $raavi", the current ambassador of -orway for *ndonesia, has raised this issue with "ey decision ma"ers in *ndonesia, and has been actively involved to initiate a mediation and open discussion between the government of Aceh, the -2Os, and the media to clear the problems on the table# $he ambassador also went to Aceh in August 2013 to discuss further and give recommendation for the government and civil society concerning the spatial plan# Begarding the problems that have risen in Aceh concerning the proposed spatial plan, the writer would see" to answer some of the problems raised in this issue, regarding 1E Ahat are the main influences of the formation of the recent AcehDs spatial planF 2E Ahat is the impact of this spatial plan implementation towards local people of AcehF And last, 3E what are the forms of resistance that have been carried out by civil society in countering the spatial planF Cased on these three @uestions, the research would then be addressed best by putting

+edsalab"aew, Buayrin# 9<estiny of AcehDs orests under Aea" *ndonesian orest ,aws;# Prachatai. October 1= 2013 http344prachatai#com4english4node4351. 5 *bid & Budi +utra, 9$he +lan to Gill Orangutans; HOnlineE, Avaaz, May & 2013, Ihttp344www#avaa%#org4en4theJplanJtoJ"illJorangutansJdm4K = 7tig $ravii", 9Ambassador Beplies to +etition for 7aving AcehDs orest;, (mbassy of -orway for *ndonesia, May 1) 2013http344www#norway#or#id4-orwayJinJ*ndonesia4(nvironment4Ambassador1replies1to1petition1for1saving1 Acehs1forest4L#:nvr=vl"M5"

environment on the conceptual framewor" of $"liti'al #'"l"(y in t&ird ,"rld# According to Baymond ,# Cryant and 7inMad Cailey on their boo" $hird Aorld +olitical (cology, there are three main assumptions which should be understood in the conte't of political ecology in third world which are3 1# 8osts and benefits associated with environmental change are distributed une@ually# 8hanges in the environment do not affect society in a homogenous way3 political, social, and economic differences account for uneven distribution of costs and benefits10# 2# 7econd, this une@ual distribution inevitably reinforces or reduces e'isting social and economic ine@ualities# *n this assumption, political ecology runs into inherent political economies as 9any change in environmental conditions must affect the political and economic status @uo#;11 3# $hird, the une@ual distribution of costs and benefits and the reinforcing or reducing of pre1e'isting ine@ualities holds political implications in terms of the altered power relationships that now result#12 Cryant and Cailey also pointed out three dimensions of politici%ed environment? everyday, episodic, and systemic13# $hese dimensions are classified based on the issueDs relation physical changes, the rate of impact, and the nature of the human impact, the political response and "ey concepts# $he Aceh 7patial +lan mainly covers the issue of deforestation? therefore it can be classified in the dimension of everyday# $he NeverydayD dimension involves physical changes that simultaneously derive from day1to1day human practices and une@ually affect those same practices on a daily basis#

%&# )"rmati"n ") A'#& 2012-2032 S$atial Plan - A'#& *#)"r#stati"n Plan $he recent Aceh spatial plan was first initiated in 2012 by $he 2overnor of Aceh Zaini
10 11

Baymond ,# Cryant and 7inead Cailey, Third World Political Ecology, Boutledge, ,ondon, 1==5, p# 25 Cryant and Cailey, op# cit#, p# 2512& 12 op# cit#, p# 2& 13 Op#cit#, p# 2&12=

Abdullah who proposed a plan to change land and forest use in many areas in Aceh# $he change of forest use mainly aims to change protected forest into production forest# $here are many versions of the width of the area which will be converted? at first there was a big protest claiming that the governor would wipe out 1, 2 million hectares of forest, but then it was straightened out by the governor in a meeting between AcehDs government officials, -2O, and Ambassador of -orway# $he governor said that the info was misleading since it was based on 2010 proposal which was not approved, and the real proposed number was not as big as many have claimed# $he authentic proposal revealed that there are three main plans which will be established soon1), if approved, which are3 1# $he conversion of 11=, 202 hectares of protected and production forest into Nother utili%ation areaD4non1forest area# 2# $he conversion of 15),0/. hectares of preserved forest, conservation forest, and protected forest, into production forest# 3# $he establishment of new forest area for around 31,000 hectares Also from the proposal, there are some critical points worthy of note in understanding the spatial plan of Aceh# irst, the proposal aimed to clear out 326 of the remaining reserved forest, from 11=,310 hectares into only &1,155 hectares# 7econd, the proposal aims to reduce the area of protected forest by )6, from 1,&)),000 hectares into 1,550,52= hectares# $hird, the proposal also stated to widen the area of limited production forest into more than twice as big as the current area of limited production forest, which is from 35,300 hectares into 5=,51& hectares# All these calculations are based on the provincial decree of 7G 1504Gpts1**42000# $he proposal clearly stated many plans to clear out either conservation, reserved, or protection forest into production forest# Moreover, there are also plans to change forest for flora and fauna conservation into forest tourism area open for public# Although the plan also stated they would establish new forest area, but compared to the forest clearance, the si%e is insignificant# $he plan to change the utili%ation of forest is ten times bigger than the plan to establish new forest area# E'"n"mi'al and P"liti'al Int#r#sts is * t&# "rmati"n ") t&# S$atial Plan

+resentation by $he 2overnor of Aceh, loc# 8it#,

Martunis Muhammad, $he 8hair of CA++(<ADs inance and *nvestation <epartment stated that this proposed spatial plan is mostly aimed to accommodate the increasing area of housing and infrastructure, since population has grown pretty rapidly in Aceh, thus the current spatial plan needs to be improved to meet the needs of population growth and land use in Aceh 1/# 2overnor Zaini Abdullah also reminded that Aceh was very devastated by the 200) tsunami hit, and the spatial plan is for the sa"e of development in Aceh# 9$here arenDt any roads in central Aceh;, he said1.# Cut of course it would be careless to thin" that these changes are purely for the noble sa"e of society, for we cannot deny the fact that behind any natural resource rich region, there are always strong forces of economical interest lingering around it, and Aceh is no e'ception# Many green environmentalists argued that the bac"ground behind the formation of the spatial plan was not as delightful as it sounds, because there are >ust too many converts to production forest# $hey claimed that compared to the industrial scheme, the plan for settlement and housing is much more undersi%ed# $here are plan to clear five bloc"s of forest covering a total area of 21,311 hectares for timber15, and many other areas will then be opened for plantations, mining and other large scale e'tractive industries# Additionally, according to *ndonesiaDs Master +lan on $he ('pansion and Acceleration of (conomical <evelopment HM+3*E, Aceh is targeted as the potential area of palm oil plantation and mining e'ploration1&# A spo"e person of a large scale mining industry, (ast Asia Minerals, said that it was positive news to hear the spatial planning proposed because it would open more area to be e'plored1=# Moreover, it was positive that this corporation has hired an e'1*ndonesian high ran" official,

adel Muhammad, to help them to lobby the corporationDs interest into the

7ara 7condhart, 9*n *ndonesia, (nvironmentalists 7ee a <isaster in the Ma"ing; HOnlineE, The Ne !ork Ti"e#$ October 11 2013 Ihttp344www#nytimes#com420134104124world4asia4in1indonesia1environmentalists1see1a1disaster1in1 the1ma"ing#htmlFJrO1Pad'nnlO1PpagewantedO2Pad'nnl'O13&1&&.&=/1(55Ord<@f7Q=ng'+s5.=CgPK 1. -adya -atahadibrata, 9Aceh defends deforestation; HOnlineE, The Jakarta Po#t$ May 23 2013 I http344www#the>a"artapost#com4news4201340/4234aceh1defends1deforestation1plan#htmlK 15 8hris ,ang, 9*ndonesia3 2overnor of Aceh +uts orests :nder $hreat; HOnlineE, REDD-Monitor, ebruary 13 2013 http344www#redd1monitor#org420134024134indonesia1governor1of1aceh1puts1forests1under1threat4 1& Masterplan3 +ercepatan dan +erluasan +embangunan ("onomi *ndonesia 20111202/ HOnlineE, Ministry of (conomic 8oordination, 2011, I http344www#"emendag#go#id4files4pdf4201241240.4master1plan120111202/1id01 13/)531)=/#pdfK 1= rance1+resse, Agence# 9*ndonesia Moves $owards Approving <eforestation +lan in Aceh; HOnlineE# Jakarta Globe# April 1=, 2013# http344www#the>a"artaglobe#com4news4indonesia1moves1towards1approving1deforestation1 plan1in1aceh4

governmentDs spatial plan20# adel Muhammad was the former Minister of Marine and isheries of *ndonesia# (dward Bochette, 8(O of (ast Asia Minerals stated that adel was hired to provide a very valuable help in order to ease their pro>ects in *ndonesia, so that those pro>ects can run according to the arranged strategies and schedule21# $his shows that the formulation of the spatial plan is not very healthy, in which )"r#i(n '"r$"rati"ns ar# int#r.#nin( and l"'al $"li'y/ *t also seems that the r#(i"nal a0t"n"my, which was given to Aceh in 200/, may also be the factor in driving deforestation in Aceh# Qaving the autonomy, mayors or governors are given the space to manage their own internal affairs give forest concessions to corporations, to issue permits related to economic activity which of course can ease out forest management in both positive and negative way, according to their control# Cut a recent study by 2reenomics determined that nationally unauthori%ed permits meaning that these permits were issued by local officials without approval at the national level for mining and palm oil plantations have affected more than /20,000 hectares or 306 of protected forest in Aceh22# $here are also rumors spreading that the recent spatial plan proposal was a )"rm ") 1( )"r t&# in.#st"rs ,&" &a.# &#l$#d )inan'# t&# #l#'ti"n 'am$ai(n of 2overnor Zaini Abdulah in 2012# Qe was supported by Aceh +arty H+artai AcehE which ac@uired financial support from +rabowo 7ubianto# +rabowo himself owns a logging company in Aceh named +$# $usam Qutan ,estari, and either by coincidence or not, the Aceh government is about to give bac" their forest concession permission which was previously suspended by the former governor *rwan Rusuf23# rom this e'ample it can be seen that there is a possibility where the spatial plan of Aceh, which aim to convert many areas of protected forest into production forest, is a form of political gesture acted by the governor as gratification towards the investors who have helped finance his campaign# 2"r# 3at0ral and 40man-2ad# *isast#rs5 Cr"$s

ail0r#5 40man-Animal C"n)li'ts ar#

A>i Aihardandi, 9(ast Asia Minerals 7ewa Mantan +e>abat B* :ntu" Mengubah Bencana $ata Buang +emerintah Aceh; HOnlineE, Mongabay *ndonesia, April 1= 2013, Ihttp344www#mongabay#co#id4201340)41=4east1asia1minerals1 sewa1mantan1pe>abat1ri1untu"1mengubah1rencana1tata1ruang1pemerintah1aceh4K 21 *bid 22 7condhart, loc# cit#, 23 <ian Bahmat 7yahputra, %&tan Aceh 'orban 'e#e(akatan Politik, !uly 2& 2013 Ihttp344waspada#co4hutan1aceh1 "orban1"esepa"atan1politi"4K

"r#s##n as %&# Im$li'ati"ns ") %&# S$atial Plan AcehDs 7patial +lan is very potential to trigger man1made disaster because these forests are very functional to control the climate e@uilibrium2)# ,euser -ational +ar", a part included in the spatial plan, acts as a life support for appro'imately four million people living around it by providing a steady supply of water, soil fertility, flood control, climate regulation and pest mitigation# Cut under the changing of climate and the ongoing deforestation, the reduction of forest area will be more li"ely to trigger floods, droughts, and landslides# Ahen this happens, human lives, especially people living in those areas are at sta"es# $hose "ind of disasters have been hitting Aceh in the last five years? in ebruary 2013 Aceh was struc" by a massive flood in +idie, -orthern Aceh, which has been a recurrent flood happening almost every year 2/# lood, not only dangerous for lives and properties, is also dangerous for crops# Many flood cases in Aceh have lead into crop failures because the flood has swamped all around the paddy field 2. and caused scarcity of food# Aside than disasters, environmentalists are also afraid that the newly formulated spatial plan will be a big threat for many floras and faunas living in the edge of e'tinction in that forest# $he ,euser -ational +ar" covers an area of 2#. million hectares and is a crucially important area of forest, houses /) per cent of Asia0s fauna including tigers, orang1utans, rhinos, elephants, and clouded leopard25# $his spatial plan can lead to habitat loss and fragmentation? decreasing the livelihood of these endangered animals# *n 200& there were cases of tigers "illing calves in (astern Aceh 2&, in 2011 there were cases of elephants trampling palm oil plantations in 7outhern Aceh 2=, in August 2013 there was a

+edsalab"aew, Buayrin# 9<estiny of AcehDs orests under Aea" *ndonesian orest ,aws; HOnlineE# Prachatai. October 1= 2013 http344prachatai#com4english4node4351. 2/ Qotli 7umand>uta", 9<eforestation NMain 8auseD of Becurring loods in Aceh; HOnlineE, The Jakarta Po#t, <ecember / 200&, Ihttp344www#the>a"artapost#com4news4200&41240/4deforestation103=main1cause03=1recurring1 floods1aceh#htmlK 2. Asnawi Ghaddaf HedE, 9Can>ir di Aceh 7elatan Busa" )10 Qa $anaman +ertanian; HOnlineE, MetroT) Ne #, May 1. 2013 I http344www#metrotvnews#com4metronews4read4201340/41.4.41/)2304Can>ir1Aceh17elatan1Busa"1)101 Qa1$anaman1+ertanianK 25 ibid 2& Banto +eureula", 9Qarimau dan 2a>ah Mengamu" di Aceh; HOnlineE, Wa#(ada *nline, ebruary . 200&, Ihttp344www#waspada#co#id4inde'#phpFoptionOcomJcontentPviewOarticlePidO1122/3harimau1dan1ga>ah1 mengamu"1di1acehPcatidO13P*temidO2.K 2= Rudie $hir%ano HedE, 92a>ah Mengamu" di Aceh $iga Qa Gebun 7awit <irusa"; HOnlineE, Trib&nNe #, August 1) 200&, Ihttp344www#tribunnews#com4regional4201140&41)4ga>ah1mengamu"1di1aceh1tiga1he"tar1"ebun1sawit1 dirusa"K

case of elephants trampling villagers in +idie, and in some cases the victims could not be saved# As what *an Gosasih, AA Ds forest program director, said, +,n (lace# like Aceh$ con-lict bet een h&"an# and ele(hant# and h&"an# and tiger# i# increa#ing. Altho&gh there are no #olid -ig&re# on ho "any con-lict# are ha((ening thro&gho&t ,ndone#ia. ,n #o"e area# yo& can.t #ay it.# increa#ing b&t it.# #till there. ,." #&re it.# not getting better any here./01 <eforestation is mainly the cause of animalsD habitat loss, when more people move into previously virgin forests, whether for settling or e'tracting resources, large animals such as elephants, tigers and orangutans are being deprived of their habitats# $hese animals naturally feel the need to sustain their populations, with lac" of living space these animals sometimes move in to newly settled areas at the outer layer of the forest, trampling and eating crops and sometimes terrori%ing villagers with deadly results# R#sistan'# )r"m Grass-r""t 6r(ani7ati"n and Int#rnati"nal Ad."'a'y 6r(ani7ati"n Qaving e'plained the bac"ground, motives, and implications of the spatial plan, it is reasonable to state that this policy may be an advantage to development, but on the other side there are sub>ects who are going to be marginali%ed by the development# Moreover, it may also be disadvantageous in the long term, to the development itself, to the nature, and to the people in Aceh# $his notion then has awa"ened many environmental -2Os to ta"e action to re>ect and prevent this spatial plan# $he -2Os who are wor"ing to prevent the implementation of AcehDs spatial planning is see"ing political influence through publici%ed campaigns, mostly through media, to raise public and international awareness on this issue# $hese -2Os can be divided into two, grassroots organi%ation H2OE and international advocacy organi%ation HAOE, according to Cryan and CaileyDs classification of environmental -2O31# $he grass1root organi%ation, such as !aringan Gomunitas Masyara"at Adat, *GA+A,A Aceh, 7*, A Aceh, and many others who are almost directly threatened by the implementations of this spatial planning, have organi%ed themselves

redOrbit, De-ore#tation 2ring# %&"an# and Wild Ani"al# Together HOnlineE, !anuary 200= Ihttp344www#redorbit#com4news4science41.311)=4deforestationJbringsJhumansJandJwildJanimalsJtogether4K 31 Cryant and Cailey, op# cit#, p# 130

into a coalition called Goalisi +eduli Qutan Aceh HG+QAE# G+QA has constantly advocate themselves by going on stri"e to the Begional Qouse of Bepresentatives# $hrough their stri"es they brought up the issues such as flood which is becoming more common in Aceh due to widespread deforestation# Meanwhile, the AOs who are involved in Ahat to doF 1# !elasin siapa a>a yang terlibat dalam penola"an spatial planningF 2# Cagaimana strategi masing2 a"tor dalam menola" spatial planning iniF 3# 7impul"an apa yang sudah dila"u"an dan apa yang belom dila"u"an

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