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Please note: All positions are up for a term reviews

EXECUTIVE executivev !tex"#"$#"%&'(

Executive Di'ect&' )2* o o o Oversee ABSAs Mentorship Program (Local, Virtual, pperclassmen! an" plan wor#shops for interaction $etween corporate professionals an" ABSA mem$ers %oor"inate social mi&ers (' per semester! outsi"e interactive wor#shops for the Mentorship Program throughout the (ear to strengthen communication $etween mentors an" mentees )an"le the logistics an" e&ecution of ABSAs %ase %ompetition (' per semester! $( contacting companies for sponsorship, securing a $u"get, an" sche"uling events

C&' &'"te S &+#&'#,i Di'ect&' )2* o o o o *evelop an" maintain active relationships with current sponsors primaril( $( phone an" e+mail Spearhea" communication with corporate professionals regar"ing ,&ecutive Branch events )an"le the logistics an" e&ecution of ABSAs %ase %ompetition (' per semester! $( contacting companies for sponsorship, securing a $u"get, an" sche"uling events Plan an" e&ecute ABSAs annual %orporate *inner

C&' &'"te Re-"ti&+# Di'ect&' )2* o o o o Maintain corporate sponsorship "ata$ase $( reviewing current contacts an" up"ating information p"ate ,&ecutive Branch on current %onsulting -eam pro.ects Plan an" e&ecute ABSAs annual %orporate *inner )an" the logistics an" e&ecution of ABSAs %ase %ompetition (' per semester! $( contacting companies for sponsorship, securing a $u"get, an" sche"uling events

C&+#u-ti+( Te". / 0u+i&' A##&ci"te )1* o o o o o Learn an" utili/e $usiness framewor#s an" concepts rapi"l( Practice ta#e+home tas#s such as case anal(ses, practice case interviews, etc0 1or# with Pro.ect Associates in 2n" semester for a %onsulting -eam pro.ect 3e4uirements: consulting e&perience in school or in"ustr( preferre", past lea"ership e&perience, strong interpersonal communication s#ills, a$ilit( to "e"icate '5+25 hours6wee# for $oth %+-eam events as well as ABSA social events 77Preferences for team mem$ership will $e given to active mem$ers of ABSA who have $een involve" for '8 (ears77

PROFESSIONAL '&2e##i&+"-v !tex"#"$#"%&'(

P'&2e##i&+"- Di'ect&' )2*

o o o o o

Assist Professional Vice Presi"ent in logistical preparations of 9eneral Meetings $(: %orrespon"ing with sche"ule" compan( recruiters %ontracting catering services for efficient "eliver( an" setup of foo" :acilitating meetings with PowerPoint announcements an" compan( han"outs Sche"ule prospective spea#ers for informational panels;<nternship, Stu"( A$roa", etc0 Sche"ule an" implement professional "evelopment wor#shops;compan( chat sessions, resume, etc0 <mplement all logistics of Moc#+<nterview Marathon;%ontacting interviewers, reserving rooms, setting up, sche"uling %o+lea"6plan a ma.or :all or Spring %:- an"6or volunteer in Scoring %areers A"vertise professional events through :ace$oo# an" 9eneral Meeting announcements

C"'ee'# Di'ect&' )3* o Plan an" coor"inate special networ#ing pro.ects an" non+general meeting events such as Scoring %areers career fair o Arrange one out+of+cit( compan( fiel" trip per semester $( contacting prospective companies, preparing itineraries, an" overseeing hotel an" travel accommo"ations o %oor"inate with corporate contacts to plan an" arrange local an" out+of+town compan( visits o A"vertise Professional events through :ace$oo# an" 9eneral Meeting announcements

INTERNAL MEMBERSHIP i+te'+"-v !tex"#"$#"%&'(

S&ci"- Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o o o o o o Plan an" e&ecute ABSA social events, #eeping in min" the $u"get Brainstorm an" coor"inate new social events for ABSA mem$ers throughout the (ear Arrive earl( to meetings an" greet mem$ers, sta(ing after to recruit mem$ers to events %onstantl( promote social events through wor"+of+mouth, emails, :ace$oo#, an" phone Be responsi$le for signing mem$ers up an" pu$lici/ing each event to mem$ers at ever( meeting Be proactive in connecting new mem$ers to ol" mem$ers Be outgoing an" frien"l(, ta#ing the initiative to meet new mem$ers %oor"inate ri"es to events =egotiate with outsi"e representatives for group rates, "iscounts, an" comparing prices Oversee the logistics an" "esigns of ABSAs ,n" of Semester $an4uets as part of ,OS committee

At,-etic# Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o o o 3egister for intramural sports an" sche"ule regular practices an" games Be responsi$le for sen"ing out wee#l( e+mails an" practice location up"ates to mem$ers Supervise team pla( an" provi"e coaching support "uring all practices an" matches Organi/e an" supervise a ma.or sports pro.ect for the (ear, such as an inter+ organi/ational flag foot$all tournament, tennis tournament, or Show"own Be authoritative $ut also a team+pla(er Must preserve the primar( goals of mem$er participation an" retention while promoting a winning spirit ,&pecte" to atten" practices an" games for <M foot$all, volle($all, $as#et$all, soccer, swimming, soft$all, etc0

F".i-3 Di'ect&' )2*

o o o o o o o o o o

%ontinue to "evelop ABSAs :amil( Program Maintain fre4uent contact with Big Si$s in or"er to ensure 4ualit( an" fulfillment of necessar( re4uirements %oor"inate famil( mi&ers an" new socials 3esponsi$le for e+mailing an" receiving fee"$ac# of Big Si$s an" little si$s once a month 3esponsi$le for #eeping trac# of famil( points earne" $( families throughout the (ear 3esponsi$le for lea"ing :amil( 9Ms Plan an" e&ecute tra"itional ABSA famil( competitions an" socials (<nclu"ing $ut not limite" to -han#sgiving Potluc#, ABSA <ron %hef, :amil( Ol(mpics, etc0! 3esponsi$le for mi"+semester evaluations with all $ig si$s 3esponsi$le for turning reim$ursement forms to financial "irectors Be outgoing an" maintain goo" relations with ol" mem$ers

S eci"- Eve+t# Di'ect&' )3* o o o o o o Promote goo"will, mem$er recognition, an" appreciation Organi/e awar"s, certificates, an" ,OS gifts Assist ever( aspect of internal $ranch > social, famil(, an" athletic Arrive earl( to greet mem$ers an" han" out name tags Plan an" e&ecute a fun"raising event %olla$orate with <nternal "irector in logistics an" "esigns of ABSA ,n"+of+Semester $an4uet as part of ,OS committee

EXTERNAL exte'+"-v !tex"#"$#"%&'(

Exte'+"- Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o o %oor"inate large+scale communit( service an" philanthropic events inclu"ing $ut not limite" to *o"ge for a %ause: %harit( *o"ge Ball -ournament, %harit( 9arage Sale, an" Pie+an+Officer *evelop themes an" activities for organi/ation fair $ooths Maintain facult( relations $( organi/ing events such as :acult( Appreciation 1ee# %olla$orate with Volunteering an" %ampus 3elations *irectors to manage relations with facult(, outsi"e contacts, an" affiliate" stu"ent organi/ations Atten" an" assist in all of e&ternal $ranchs activities, inclu"ing volunteering events Atten" at least ' n"ergra"uate Business %ouncil ( B%! meeting with ,&ternal VP

Pu$-ic Re-"ti&+# Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o o ,sta$lish an" "evelop relationships with peer organi/ations on campus $( coor"inating .oint mi&ers an" cooperative initiatives %reate ABSA promotional fl(er "esigns for ma.or ABSA events %olla$orate with other $ranches to "evelop promotional item "esigns for their ma.or events (:ee" ?our Min", Scoring %areers, %ase %ompetition, Launch %onference, etc0! Provi"e assistance to ABSA through in the form of creativit(, intricac(, an" precision to event specific goals Atten" an" assist in all of e&ternal $ranchs activities, inclu"ing volunteering events Atten" at least ' n"ergra"uate Business %ouncil ( B%! meeting with ,&ternal VP

V&-u+tee'i+( Di'ect&' )2*

o o o o o

3esearch an" procure @+A "ifferent volunteering events each semester to service $oth the niversit( an" the Austin communit( %ontact compan( representatives an" organi/e volunteering events with our sponsors Maintain a sprea"sheet "etailing past, present, an" future volunteering activities an" participation hours Atten" all volunteering events an" assist in all e&ternal $ranch activities Atten" at least ' n"ergra"uate Business %ouncil ( B%! meeting with ,&ternal VP

ADMINISTRATIVE "4.i+i#t'"tivev !tex"#"$#"%&'(

A4.i+i#t'"tive Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o o o o o o Maintain the Merit Point S(stem with attention to "etail Organi/e Mem$ers of the 1ee# (MO-1! awar"s, *irectors of the Month (*O-M! awar"s, an" Merit Point winners awar"s Place wee#l( posters aroun" Mc%om$s a"vertising ABSA events Act as $ranch liaison $( communicating with an" assisting the rest of the A"ministrative $ranch Sign mem$ers in at ever( 9eneral Meeting -a#e minutes "uring "irector 9AM sessions Manage an" organi/e the ABSA mem$ership "ata$ase Organi/e a s(stem for ABSA $ranch event forms %oor"inate an" organi/e ABSABs Birth"a( Part( in March Atten" all A"ministrative Branch events an" assist, as necessar(

A-u.+i Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o o o o Ceep ABSA alumni up"ate" with events through e+mailing them occasionall( Assist the ,&ecutive VP with fin"ing alumni to $e part of the Mentorship Program *esign, compose, an" pu$lish a regular newsletter to $e sent to ABSA alumni at the en" of each semester 3evise an" maintain the alumni "ata$ase with fre4uent up"ates an" revisions Plan an" e&ecute Alumni 1ee#en" for $oth :all an" Spring Maintain alumni communication $etween alumni an" new6ol" mem$ers 3e4uirements: At least one (ear in ABSA strongl( recommen"e" in or"er to appl( for Alumni *irector Atten" all A"ministrative Branch events an" assist, as necessar(

Me4i" Di'ect&' )3* o o o o o o o *ocument organi/ational events an" activities with photographs an" vi"eos Pro"uce a scrap$oo#, a sli"eshow, an" a vi"eo montage to $e presente" at the ,n" of Semester $an4uets (*ecem$er an" Ma(! Pro"uce a senior recognition vi"eo to $e presente" at the ,n" of the Semester $an4uets Pro"uce senior *V* gifts to gra"uating seniors to $e given at the ,n" of the Semester $an4uets Provi"e me"ia assistance to ABSA in the form of wor#shops, photographs, an" vi"eo recor"s (%ase %omp, <M Sports, :amil( ,vents, etc0! At least one Me"ia *irector or <nformer ,"itor is e&pecte" at ever( event unless otherwise in"icate" Atten" all A"ministrative Branch events an" assist, as necessar(

Informer E4it&' )2*

o o o o o

Manage the pro"uction an" pu$lications of 2 e"itions of the Informer (ABSAs official newsletter! per semester %olla$orate with Me"ia *irectors to ensure a"e4uate visual representation of events in ever( issue %ollect an" arrange articles an" shout outs su$mitte" $( mem$ers for the Informer At least one Me"ia *irector or <nformer ,"itor is e&pecte" at ever( event unless otherwise in"icate" Atten" all A"ministrative Branch events an" assist, as necessar(

5e$."#te' )1* o o o o p"ate content on three ABSA+owne" we$sites on a regular $asis 3eview an" resolve issues with inefficient co"e or $ugs on all three ABSA "omains :acilitate an" manage creation of new content or wi"gets on the we$sites Atten" all A"ministrative Branch events an" assist, as necessar(

M"'6eti+( Te". )7* o *etail mar#eting plans for $usinesses an" organi/ations that conve( professionalism, trust, confi"ence an" 4ualit( of service6pro"uct o Leverage to"a(s form of mar#eting in or"er to provi"e $usinesses with ma&imum outreach to target au"ience in or"er to increase $usiness efficienc( o Assist in provi"ing mar#eting assistance for all ma.or ABSA events (:ee" ?our Min", Scoring %areers, Launch %onference, etc0! o 3e4uirements: At least one (ear in ABSA, past lea"ership e&perience, strong communication s#ills, a$ilit( to "e"icate A+'5 hours6wee#

ACADEMIC "c"4e.icv !tex"#"$#"%&'(

5&'6#,& Di'ect&' )1* o o o Organi/e wor#shops an" events over a wi"e range of aca"emic topics %ontact facult( mem$ers an" e&ternal persons to serve as guest spea#ers %oor"inate logistics an" e&ecution of events

P'&8ect M"+"(e' )3* o Oversee special events, inclu"ing: :ee" ?our Min" (a philanthropic foo" giveawa( event at the en" of each semester! > ' "irector LA =%) Lea"ership %onference > 2 "irectors Perform various tas#s: )an"le relationships with sponsors Maintain large $u"gets %oor"inate logistics an" guest spea#ers Lea" committee meetings Ceep "etaile" "ocumentation

Ac"4e.ic Di'ect&' )1* o o Organi/e wor#shops an" panel "iscussions with mem$ers %oor"inate informal events with facult( mem$ers

,nsure opportunities meet the aca"emic nee"s of mem$ers $( Surve(ing an" communicating with mem$er "emographic Personali/ing opportunities for mem$ers $( (ear an" ma.or %olla$orate with other stu"ent organi/ations, facult(, an" aca"emic programs

FINANCIAL 2i+"+ci"-v !tex"#"$#"%&'(

Fi+"+ci"- Di'ect&' )2* o o o o o Assist :inancial VP in ensuring the $u"get is financiall( soun" Act as oversight on other $ranches to ensure $u"gets are followe" sensi$l( ,sta$lish various fun"raising opportunities Serve as a liaison to appropriation committees such as PO, %o+Op, Senate, Stu"ent 9overnment, etc0 )elp manage an" recor" the ABSA accounts

Fi+"+ce Te". )+& t& +u.$e' &2 +e9 .e.$e'#* o o o o =ew mem$ers enter with the title of Anal(st -rain an" hone s#ills in investment research, financial mo"eling, macroeconomic anal(sis, corporate accounting, portfolio allocation, financial instruments, "eveloping investment theses, an" various investing philosophies6metho"ologies Appl( learne" concepts $( participating in mar#et up"ate "iscussions, receiving lectures, an" helping run the fun" $( .oining su$+teams to pitch stoc#s to the whole group 3eceive career a"vice to prepare for .o$s in financial services or other in"ustries past mem$ers have gone on to .oin prestigious firms in investment $an#ing, asset management, accounting, an" private e4uit( others have wor#e" in consulting or gone corporate 9ive $ac# to the ABSA communit( through wor#shops

A-- 4i'ect&'# "'e ex ecte4 t&: Atten" the MA=*A-O3? *irector 3etreat on Sept0 2D, 25'E Atten" all $i+wee#l( 9eneral Assem$l( Meetings on Sun"a( nights (' e&cuse" a$sence allowe" per semester! Atten" ever( 9M (E e&cuse" a$sences allowe" per semester! Sign up for at least ' slot for ushering Sign up for at least 2 slots to fl(er6ta$le for ma.or ABSA events (interest meeting, Scoring %areers, Launch, etc0! or fun"raising events (,OS Ba#e Sale! 3epresent ABSA in a professional manner at all times

Applications are "ue Se t% 1;t, $3 11:7;PM Please email the application(s! to (our respective officer(s!

?ou ma( appl( for up to two positions (INCLUDIN< :inance -eam, Mar#eting -eam, an" %onsulting -eam! %amping is MA=*A-O3? for all applicants > please contact presi"entFte&asa$sa0org if (ou have conflicts an" we will review on a case+$(+case $asis Please remem$er to contact the respective officer for #u -e.e+t"- " -ic"ti&+ ."te'i"-#

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