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)aulson "raining )rograms )!O! Bo' 3** +hester +" ,*-(.

International /ales 0arry Mercugliano +ell )hone1 2*,-322-333* 4ome Office )hone1 2*,--(5--22, &mail1 0arrym6)aulson"raining!com www!paulsontraining!com

PRODUCT DETAILS CD PROGRAMS BASIC INJECTION MOLDING MACHINE OPERATIONS Basic Injection Molding Machine Operations is a two-lesson (3 hours of training) program designed for use by entry-level injection molding personnel new employees and for employment screening! "he emphasis is on safety efficiency and teamwor# Detailed Lesson Descriptions Lesson $ "his lesson starts with an overview of the injection molding process then covers basic material handling do%s and don%ts machine part identification and standard operator responsibilities during the molding cycle! &mphasis is given to operating safety protection of molds from damage and proper plastic part handling! Lesson ! " "his lesson e'plains molding machine operations! It also discusses regrinding trimming flash and degating plastic parts from runners! &mployees are taught to identify common part defects such as short shots flash warp surface defects and color changes!


Ne$ Trainin% Pro%ra& #or Entr' Le(el Personnel ) Goals o* t+is co,rse Orient new employees to the injection molding production floor and process "each the value of safety 7uality and teamwor# /how correct operating procedures &liminate careless and unsafe procedures 8uic#ly identify common part defects

Reco&&ended #or- &ntry 0evel )ersonnel 9ll )ersonnel In.ection Moldin% #,nda&entals is a new two lesson 3-- hour training program that teaches your personnel the most important and fundamental aspects of the injection molding production floor and molding process! :sing state-of-the-art 3; animations participants get a firm understanding of the inside the injection molding process! "he course also uses actual in-plant scenes so that employees and prospective employees gain an understanding of typical production floor operations! / " 0 Ho,rs o* Trainin% /afety around the injection molding production floor and machinery is emphasi<ed throughout these lessons! "he emphasis is on production efficiency safety and teamwor#! "he course also e'tensively covers the fast and accurate identification of part defects! =ive all your new employees a firm common foundation from which to build their injection molding #nowledge and give your current employees refresher training with Injection Molding >undamentals! "his course serves as e'cellent refresher training for veteran employees! Lessons Incl,ded Lesson - Parts o* t+e Moldin% Mac+ine and Operator Responsi1ilities "his lesson starts with an overview of the injection molding process machine part identification and standard operator responsibilities during the molding cycle modes of operation of the machine and the important aspects of material handling &mphasis is given to operating safety protection of molds from damage and proper plastic part handling! Lesson !- Identi*'in% Part De*ects and Sa*et' "his lesson presents visual and animated 3; e'amples of all of the most common injection molded part defects such as short shots flash warp surface defects and color changes! It also discusses secondary operations such as regrinding trimming flash and de-gating plastic parts from runners! &mployees are taught to identify common part defects such as short shots flash warp surface defects and color changes!

PRACTICAL INJECTION MOLDING )ractical Injection Molding is a comprehensive (5 +;-?OM program (over -, hours of training) focused on developing the s#ills and understanding your personnel need in your injection molding facility! In addition to (5 interactive lessons )ractical Injection Molding features /#illBuilder which is a revolutionary new training platform for injection molders! /#illBuilder is an injection molding machine simulator combined with interactive molding labs which allows your employees to gain real hands on molding e'perience before running the molding machines on your production floor! +ombined this comprehensive interactive training series and /#illBuilder pac#age is unmatched by any training program in the plastics industry! Molders from around the world see dramatic results in productivity and profitability from this program and rely on it as the foundation of their training and troubleshooting program! )ractical Injection Molding contains four core modules and is recommended for anyone involved in the injection molding process! PIM Mod,le 2 Basic In.ection Moldin%

"he Basic Injection Molding module contains five +;-?OM lessons (over ., hours of training)! "his hands-on interactive pac#age is recommended for machine operators material handlers set-up personnel and production supervisors! "he Basic module focuses on the fundamentals of injection molding technology including basic #nowledge that all personnel involved in the molding process must understand to ma#e informed decisions on the production floor! Note- )rice includes five +; lessons comprehensive leader%s guide and five study guides! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or Basic In.ection Moldin% Lesson $ Inside t+e Moldin% Mac+ine $ /hows and describes all major components of the injection molding machine! Lesson ! $ Inside t+e Mold $ +onstruction and operation of two-plate three-plate and runnerless molds! Lesson / $ T+e Nat,re o* Plastics $ +haracteristics types structure si<e and processing behavior! Lesson 0 $ Mac+ine Operatin% Controls $ )art ( - )urpose operation and effects of the pressure and fill rate controls! Lesson 3 " Mac+ine Operatin% Controls $ )art . $ )urpose operation and effects of machine and mold temperatures timers screw and clamp controls! S4illB,ilder #or PIM Basic " Mod,le /#illBuilder is the molding lab portion of our training! It integrates a fully functional injection molding machine simulator with fifteen structured lab lessons! "his closes the loop on employee training by allowing employees to immediately apply what they learn in the interactive lessons! Detailed La1 Lesson Descriptions *or S4illB,ilder La1 Lesson $ Understandin% t+e In.ection Moldin% Process $ 9 review of the se7uence of the standard injection molding cycle with emphasis on timer operation! La1 Lesson ! $ Settin% Mac+ine Controls $ 0earn how to operate the control panel of the molding simulator and how to interpret /#illBuilder outputs li#e fill time cycle time melt temperature part si<e and part weight! La1 Lesson / " Understandin% #ill Rate Controls $ "eaches the effects of setting /#illBuilder%s five steps fill rate profile on cavity fill time and part characteristics! La1 Lesson 0 $ T+e E**ects o* Bac4 Press,re $ &'amines how raising and lowering the bac# pressure setting affects the melt temperature and the ma'imum allowable bac# pressure setting and the effects of e'ceeding it! La1 Lesson 3 $ Settin% t+e In.ection Li&it Ti&er $ 0earn the proper setting for the injection limit timer which shuts off the injection pressure if the @)" set point is not reached!

La1 Lesson 5 " T+e Ma6i&,& In.ection Press,re Settin%s $ ;iscusses how to set the ma'imum injection pressure setting so the fill rate control never lac#s the pressure it needs to fill the cavity according to the fill rate profile! La1 Lesson 7 $ Settin% t+e Holdin% Ti&er $ &'amines how the holding timer determines the length of time the holding (second stage) pressure stays on! 0esson 3 also e'amines the effects of the holding time on gate sealing and molded part weight and dimensions! La1 Lesson 8 $ Settin% t+e Holdin% Press,re $ >ocuses on how to set various holding pressures to determine the effect on the molded part weight and length! La1 Lesson 9 $ Mold Closed Ti&e and Mold Open Ti&e (s: Melt Te&perat,re $ 0earn the effects of mold closed and open time on the melt temperature! /et the mold-closed time to the minimum re7uired to ma#e a good part! La1 Lesson ; $ T+e E**ects o* Barrel <one Te&perat,res on t+e Melt Te&perat,re $ @ary the temperature setting of each barrel <one temperature one at a time to determine how each <one affects the melt temperature! 0earn how to match the actual melt temperature to the front <one barrel settingA a good molding practice! La1 Lesson $ So&e E**ects on Mold Te&perat,re $ /et different core and cavity mold temperatures to determine the effect on pea# cavity pressure and part dimensions! La1 Lesson ! $ T+e E**ects o* Scre$ RPM $ 0earn by setting various screw rpms the effects on the melt temperature and the plasticating time (the time re7uired to convey the ne't shot of plastic ahead of the screw!) La1 Lesson / $ T+e E**ect o* t+e Scre$ Bac4 Position $ &'amines the effects of the screw bac# setting on the cushion si<e and on the melt temperature! /tudents can change the screw bac# position to increase and decrease the cushion si<e! La1 Lesson 0 E**ects o* Cla&p #orce $ 0earn how the molding conditions affect the amount of clamp force re7uired and how to set the clamp force to the minimum re7uired to produce a good part! La1 Lesson 3 $ Ac+ie(in% and Controllin% t+e Melt Te&perat,re $ :se #nowledge gained in previous lessons to accurately achieve a desired melt temperature! 0earn the front <one barrel temperature and the melt temperature often don%t match and e'amine the various machine controls available to alter the melt temperature!

PIM Mod,le ! " E6pert Series Co,rse and Lesson Descriptions )ractical Injection Molding $ &'pert /eries is a 5-+; (appro'imately 5 hours of training) program that builds on the #nowledge gained from the )IM $ Basic module! &mphasis of this course is on building an in-depth understanding of the molding process for those wanting to be at the e'pert molding level! Lesson DescriptionsLesson - Inside t+e In.ection Molded Part "his lesson describes the structure of plastic molecules and the different internal structures than can develop in molded parts - crystalline amorphous and oriented! 9 partBs internal structure affects finished part properties! Lesson !- Plastic #lo$- Understandin% Ho$ #lo$ A**ects t+e Moldin% Process "his lesson e'plains how the various types of plastics flow orient and change their viscosity! Molecular orientation is discussed including its effects on part directional properties and frictional heat generation! Lesson /- T+e E**ects o* Te&perat,re= Press,re= #lo$ > Coolin% on t+e Molded Part "his lesson shows that although a typical molding machine has from (5 to 3, separate controls the plastic #nows only the four primary plastic processing conditions -- pressure temperature flow rate and cooling rate! Lesson 0- T+e Re?,ire&ents to Control Molded Part @,alit' "his lesson continues our discussion of the four primary plastic processing conditions! 4ere we e'amine the effects of cavity pressure on molded part properties! "he internal part stresses caused by pressure and cooling are e'plained! Lesson 3- T+e E6pert Use o* Moldin% Mac+ine Controls "his lesson teaches the practical application of the information presented in the previous lessons! "he effects of machine controls on plastic behavior is analy<ed to show how control changes affect finished part properties!

PIM Mod,le / " Opti&iAin% Mac+ine Control Settin%s Optimi<ing Machine +ontrol /ettings is a --lesson program (* hours of training) that is recommended for machine operators supervisors lead persons set-up personnel and foremen! "he course provides your injection molding production floor personnel with hands-on immediately useful training! Optimi<ing Machine +ontrol /ettings emphasi<es specific rules procedures and detailed e'planations for controlling the plastic during molding setting up the machine for optimum cycles and overall safe efficient machine operation!

Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or Opti&iAin% Mac+ine Control Settin%s Lesson $ Settin% Up *or an E**icient Moldin% R,n - "his lesson teaches methods to optimi<e your injection molding operations by e'amining efficient pre-start safety and machine control set-up procedures! Lesson ! $ Opti&iAin% Scre$ Control Settin%s - "his lesson details rules and procedures for optimi<ing the machine controls that affect the reciprocating screw! "hese controls include1 bac# pressure screw rpm and timers! /pecific procedures for optimi<ing these screw control settings are given! Lesson / $ Settin% t+e In.ection Controls *or Ma6i&,& Prod,cti(it' - "his lesson teaches the rules and procedures for setting and maintaining the injection control settings for ma'imum productivity! Ce discuss how changing processing conditions affects molded part properties! /ome of these processing conditions include1 fill rate profiles transfer set points pac#ing D holding controls and mold open D closed timers! Lesson 0 $ Maintainin% Pea4 E**icienc' > Sol(in% Process Pro1le&s - "his lesson discusses how to maintain pea#-molding efficiency by monitoring specified controls and operating parameters! "he lesson also describes how to correct the most common processing problems encountered during routine production! S4ill1,ilder *or PIM Opti&iAin% Mac+ine Control Settin%s "he 3 /#illBuilder lessons designed to accompany )aulson%s - +; Optimizing Molding Machine Controls Settings course are designed to simulate the molding floor environment! :sers operate a virtual molding machine control panel that allows them to ma#e machine adjustments and cycle the machine just li#e on the molding floor! "he combination Of /#illbuilder with )IM Optimi<ing provides appro'imately (- hours of training! "he 3 lessons in this course challenge users to solve difficult molding problems that would be costly time-consuming and difficult to replicate on the molding floor! 9fter all how many molders have a spare molding machine lying around and wor#ers with free time to run e'periments on itE :sing /#illBuilder valuable molding techni7ues are learned that translate to the production floor ma#ing your production personnel more #nowledgeable and more productive! &mployees learn how to mold without tying up valuable machine time or damaging e'pensive e7uipment and tools! Detailed S4illB,ilder la1 lesson descriptions Lesson - Opti&iAin% Melt Te&perat,re Moldin% an A&orp+o,s Material: Molding a cell phone cover in polystyrene an amorphous material the goal of this lesson is to create and maintain a melt temperature of -3,F>! "he available molding machine controls are the barrel heaters screw rpm and the bac#pressure! Lesson ! - Opti&iAin% Melt Te&perat,re Moldin% a Cr'stalline Material: Molding a cell phone cover in polypropylene a crystalline material the goal of this lesson is to create and maintain a melt temperature of -,,F>! "he available molding machine controls are the barrel heaters screw rpm and the bac#pressure! Lesson / - Opti&iAin% #ill Ti&e to ac+ie(e t+e #astest #ill Possi1le: "he goal in this lesson is to fill the mold as fast as possible while still molding a good part! In general good molding practice dictates

that the mold should be filled as fast as is practical! "he plastic type is 9B/ and the available machine controls are the clamp tonnage the fill rates and the holding pressure! Lesson 0 - Opti&iAin% Part Di&ensions Moldin% an A&orp+o,s Material: )art dimensions are often critical in injection molding! "his lesson teaches some techni7ues for tightly controlling part dimensions while molding an amorphous plastic li#e polycarbonate! 9vailable machine controls are the mold temperatureA fill rates and the holding pressure! Lesson 3 - Opti&iAin% Part Di&ensions Moldin% a Cr'stalline Material: +rystalline materials li#e polypropylene can be more difficult to #eep to tight dimensions! "his lesson teaches some techni7ues for tightly controlling part dimensions while molding a crystalline li#e polypropylene! 9vailable machine controls are the mold temperatureA fill rates and the holding pressure! Lesson 5 - Opti&iAin% Part Bei%+t to Ac+ie(e Mini&,& Plastic Usa%e: ?educing part weight to the minimum that ma#es a good part saves money by using less ma#e a good part! Molding a brac#et in polystyrene the student will have the holding material! In this lesson molding techni7ues are e'plored that reduce plastic usage but still pressure and the mold temperature as available machine controls! Lesson 7 - Opti&iAin% Mold and Melt Te&perat,re to ac+ie(e t+e &ost E**icient C'cle Ti&e ! 9chieving the lowest possible cycle time can often be the difference between ma#ing and losing money on a molding job! :nderstanding energy balance is important! "he less heat you put in the plastic the less you have to ta#e out! Molding a cover in polyethylene the student has the barrel heaters screw rpm bac#pressure mold temperature and cooling time controls available!

ELECTRIC INJECTION MOLDING COURSE &lectric molding machines now account for over 5,G of new machine sales! "here are several reasons for their popularityA more precise control lower electricity consumption and potentially faster cycles are among the reasons! But along with these and other advantages are potential problems! "hese machines re7uire an understanding of this new technology by the operating personnel to gain the benefits and avoid very e'pensive mista#es! In short they re7uire more #nowledgeable personnel at all levels! How available )aulson offers a new three-lesson &lectric Injection Molding Machine course! "his new course integrates into the )aulson (5 lesson )ractical Injection Molding training course! Molders who already have the (5 lesson course and are interested in &lectric molding machines will want to integrate this new course into their training program! Others may just want to start out with just the 9ll-&lectric course! "he 9ll-&lectric Molding Machine +ourse 0esson ( 11 &lectric Machine ;esign +ycle D )arts

I "he parts of the &lectric molding machine I 4ow &lectric molding machines wor# I +omparing the operation of the &lectric and the 4ydraulic molding machine I Operation of the ball screw drive I "he molding cycle I Instruments and controls used on these machines I "ypical operating conditions 0esson . 11 "he &ffects of &ach +ontrol

I /afety around these machines I Machine modes of operation1 manual semi-automatic and automatic I &'planation and effects of the injection controls1 injection rates and pressures vpt settings bac# pressure shot si<e cushion control change ramps decompression and others! 0esson 3 11 Optimi<ing &lectric Machine /ettings

I +lamp settings1 control of clamp distance and speed clamp force safety concerns! I &jector control I Optimi<ing the machine control settings I )rocess recordings I )rocedures for utili<ing the advantages of the &lectric machine! 9s always every )aulson course includes student wor#boo#s so that the student has a permanent record of what has been learned and to add or ma#e notes as he or she is ta#ing the course!

Si&Tec+C In.ection Moldin% Mac+ine Si&,lator Bac4%ro,nd " "he )aulson Injection Molding /imulator the world%s first software program that simulates the complete injection molding process from hopper to finished part! Over 3,,, programming and research hours were spent on its development! "he result is a complete mathematical representation of the effect of each molding machine control the subse7uent effects on the plastic as it flows the shear heating the pac#ing process and the cooling of the part! /im"ech .,,3 is the forefront of applied molding process simulation! "he simulator can evaluate changes in the molding process that would ta#e hours or even days to do on an actual molding machine! Molders resin suppliers machine builders researchers can 7uic#ly evaluate ideas that will lead to improved personnel capability higher productivity and better mold and machine performance! Si&Tec+ !;;/ Calc,lates1 cavity pressures melt temperatures screw run time cavity fill time fill pressure loss pac#ing pressure loss cycle time percent full at @)" cushion si<e shot volume part weight part dimensions area under the cavity pressure curve average part temperature at ejection cavity discharge (if any) flash (if any) short shot (if any) T+e User can graph plastic pressures and temperatures inside the mold! change any mold machine plastic or control variable and re-run the cycle to compare results! run up to four cycles in a row to compare results B+o S+o,ld Use Si&Tec+ !;;/D Process En%ineers and Moldin% Tec+nicians $ Molders can simulate the molding of production parts to find optimum cycles and determine the effects of any control change! Part and Mold Desi%ners $ ;esigners can change any machine control part si<e part thic#ness gate si<e and number of cavities to 7uic#ly determine the effects of the change on molded parts or on the process! Plastic Tec+nical Ser(ice Personnel- "ech service personnel can learn the effects of any machine control or mold design change! "hey can simulate the molding of a customer%s part to trouble shoot correct problems or recommend plastic changes! Researc+ers $ 9nyone doing molding research can 7uic#ly determine the effects of any machine or mold design change resin change or process change on the plastic behavior in the mold! St,dents $ 9nyone learning the molding process should have practice running a molding machine! "he molding simulator allows the user the JpracticeK molding safely!

#eat,res and Bene*its o* Si&Tec+ #eat,res "he program has the capability to simulate all types of machines1 >ill rate controlled decoupled II molding and two-injection stage molding machines! (presently only fill rate controlled machines are used) "he program includes all the machine and mold operating controls found on both older and modern molding machines! :ser can mold the geometric representation of his part and change the runner gate and gate location! :ser can select the number of cavities! :ser can change machine barrel screw and clamp specifications or add a new molding machine :ser can change plastics or add a new plastic Outputs shows shot si<e part dimensions several li#ely part or molding problems fill time melt temperature cushion si<e part weight cycle time cavity pressure etc! Output includes graphs of plastic pressures in the runner gate and cavity Output includes melt temperature and plastic temperatures during cooling! :p to four cycles at a time can run and then shown and graphed! Bene*its /im"ech .,,3 Optimi<er operates just li#e an actual molding machine! 9ll the machine controls are active! )ersonnel can learn the effects of every machine control! "he program calculates the plastic behavior inside the cavities and shows cavity pressures temperatures and molded part dimensions! "he user can change any process mold machine or plastic variable and then compare the results! "he program graphically shows the pressure and temperatures in the cavities during the cycle! Applications Molding production improvement $ find the best machine settings for improved cycle times! Increase the number of molding e'perts through simulation training! Improve mold and part design personnel by giving them molding e'perience! +onduct resin evaluations under realistic molding simulation conditions! ?educe tech service time by improving the capabilities of employees and customers! #re?,entl' As4ed @,estions B+at siAe co&p,ter do I need to r,n t+is si&,lation pro%ra&D "he program si<e is just under . megabits! "he computer speed should be 5,, megsMsec or faster! Can an'one r,n t+is in.ection &oldin% si&,lation pro%ra&D Nes however /im"ech .,,3 is a fully operational molding machine simulator! "herefore the user must #now how a molding machine wor#s and understand at least the basic machine controls! Molding e'perience andMor the )aulson Basic and 9dvanced Injection Molding courses provide that #nowledge! Can t+e Si&Tec+ !;;/ de(elop e6pert &oldersD Oust as flight simulators are the most effective and least e'pensive way to train pilots molding simulators do the same for molders! /imulation is the fastest way to provide Jhands onK molding e'perience! :sers get actual molding practice that can then be directly applied on the production floor! Can Si&Tec+ si&,late &' &oldin% &ac+ines= &olds and plasticD Nes! /im"ech accepts any screw and barrel dimensions part and mold dimensions and plastic )@" and viscosity data! Ho$ can Si&Tec+ +elp de(elop &oldin% e6pertsD


)ersonnel can learn a7nd practice molding away from the production floor! "hey can ma#e any change to the machine mold or plastic and test the results! Molding problems can be shown and solved using /im"ech! "he results is to give molders the realistic e'perience they need to become e'perts! "he greatest difference between the top molding companies and all the rest is the capability and number of e'perts they have available! B+at are ot+er ,ses *or Si&Tec+ 1esides trainin%D /im"ech can simulate your molding jobs! It can be used to find setup conditions that are then transferred to the production machines! Molders can simulate molding conditions on production molds that reduce cycle times or solve molding problems! "he user can evaluate conditions that might be harmful of actual machines! Can I si&,late &,lti2ca(it' &olds on t+e si&,latorD Nes Can I c+an%e %ate locationsD Nes you can center gate or edge gate any mold you put in! Can I si&,late a +ot r,nner &old as $ell as a con(entional &oldD Nes IE& in Plastic Tec+nical Ser(ice= +o$ co,ld I ,se a si&,lation pro%ra&D Nou can simulate and troubleshoot a customer%s mold in your tech service office! "hen you can recommend molding conditions base on your results using the simulator! Can I %et printo,ts o* t+e res,lts o* &' &oldin% si&,lationD Nes a complete printout is available using the JprintK button! Can I r,n a se?,ence o* &oldin% c'cles to co&pare t+e e**ects o* c+an%es in control settin%s= ca(it' desi%n= or t+e plasticD Nes! :p to - cycles can be run consecutively! Can I load &' e6act part desi%n s,c+ as an STL *ile in t+is pro%ra&: Nes! "he part will be shown on the simulator screen! 4owever the program will run a geometric representation of the part to allow a fast calculation! Can I si&,late &,lti2ca(it' &oldsD Nes Are all t+e &oldin% &ac+ine control settin%s acti(e incl,din% *ill rates and *ill to press,re FGPTH trans*erD Nes! 9ll of them are included in the software! Can I ,se t+e si&,lator to do researc+ on t+e e**ects o* &ac+ine controls= ca(it' c+an%es= or plastic c+an%esD Nes the most important benefit of this software program in the ability to 7uic#ly change any variable to determine its effects without the problem of machine conditions changing between cycles or changing over time ! B+at i&pro(e&ents and ,pdates $ill 1e a(aila1le to ,sersD )aulson is establishing a user group in addition to its own internal development group! Hew features and improvements will be continuously added and released yearly to customers!

In.ection Molded Part Pro1le&s and Sol,tions Injection Molded )art )roblems and /olutions is an eleven program that discusses eleven common molding problems and solutions to solve those problems! "opics covered include @oids /in# Mar#s


/hort /hots >lash Celd lines /play Oetting Burn Mar#s Carp +rac#ing and ;imensional +ontrol! "his program is recommended for set-up personnel foremen process engineers production supervisors and molding managers! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or In.ection Molded Part Pro1le&s and Sol,tions Goids $ /mall holes in thic# sections caused by plastic shrin#age! Sin4 Mar4s $ /mall depressions in molded part surfaces opposite thic# sections caused by internal stresses as the plastic cools! S+ort S+ots $ :ndersi<ed molded parts due to incomplete cavity filling from too little plastic poor venting mold or melt temperature problems faulty part or mold design! #las+ $ "hin ribbon of e'cess plastic formed when plastic is forced between parting lines in the mold! 4armful to the mold and re7uires trimming operation for removal! Beld lines FInit LinesH $ 0ines where plastic streams meet during mold filling causing unsightly appearance and structural wea#ness! Spla' FSil(er Strea4sH $ /urface defect that occurs when gas bubbles are dragged along the plastic surface as it fills a cavity! Jettin% $ /urface defect caused when a jet of resin JshootsK through the gate and cools as a long string of plastic inside the cavity! B,rn Mar4s $ Burned plastic edge caused by plastic igniting in the cavity and the air in the cavity cannot escape and overheats! Barp $ Molded part distortions from uneven stresses in the part caused by faulty molding conditions inside the cavities! Crac4s and Part Brea4a%e - Cea# molded parts susceptible to crac#ing and brea#ing as a result of incorrect molding conditions that can cause five different types of crac#ing problems! Controllin% Molded Part Di&ensions $ Off-spec parts caused by dimensional changes throughout the part in specific areas or directionally! Speci*ic S4illB,ilder Lesson Descriptions #or In.ection Molded Part Pro1le&s and Sol,tions "he /#illBuilder lessons that accompany our PInjection Molding )roblems and /olutionsP +; training are designed to ta#e the student from the classroom to the production floor! :sing our state of the art molding machine simulation software employeeBs can actually run a molding machine to improve their problem solving s#ills! "he combination of IM))D/ with /#illbuilder machine simulation lessons provides appro'imately appro'imately(2 hours of training! "he )roblems and /olutions lessons teach the user the multiple causes and multiple solutions to si' common molding problems! :sers adjust machine controls and mold parts guided by feedbac# from the simulator to become e'pert molding problem solvers! /#illBuilder provides the student with an opportunity to practice molding in a realistic environment without creating machine downtime! Lesson 2 Sol(in% a B,rn &ar4 Pro1le&: Burn mar#s on a molded part are caused by trapped air in the cavity! If the air in the cavity isnBt ade7uately vented as the plastic fill the cavity it will be compressed heated and ignite charring the plastic! "his /#illBuilder lesson guides the participant through some of the available molding techni7ues that will help eliminate a burn mar# on a molded part! /#illBuilder allows e'perimentation with solving burn mar# problems that would be impossible or e'cessively e'pensive using your parts and your molding machines! Lesson ! 2 Moldin% to Precise Di&ensional Tolerances: +ontrolling part dimensions can be a complicated molding problems because so many molding variables affect dimensions! /ome of the primary influences affecting the final dimensions of the molded parts are the mold temperature holding pressure and fill rates! "his /#illBuilder lesson conducts e'periments using those machine controls which affect final part dimensions to lead the participant to a greater understanding of precisely controlling part dimensions! /#illBuilder allows e'perimentation that would be impossible or overly time consuming using an actual molding machine!


Lesson /: Controllin% #las+ on a Molded Part: Chen flash occurs it means that the plastic pressure in the cavity e'ceeded the clamp force forcing open the mold parting line enough to allow plastic to flow into the parting line! >lash can be eliminated by several different molding techni7ues! "his /#illBuilder lesson e'plores all the possible solutions for eliminating flash on a molded part including high or low melt and mold temperatures high pac#ing and holding pressures unbalanced pressure distribution in the mold parting line damage or too deep of a vent channel! Lesson 0 2 Sol(in% Sin4 &ar4s on a Molded Part: /in# mar#s in a molded product are caused by plastic shrin#age! "he pac#ing and holding phases of the molding cycle are designed to reduce and control the amount of shrin#age by putting more molecules in the cavity! In thic# sections li#e where walls and ribs and bosses meet the plastic shrin#s more! "his is where you often see sin# mar#s occur! "his /#illBuilder lesson challenges the student to solve this problem in a variety of different ways! Both mold temperature and injection pressures are e'perimented with to demonstrate to the user more than one possible solution to the problem! Lesson 3 2 Identi*'in% and Sol(in% Goids in Molded Parts: @oids in a molded product are caused by the plastic shrin#age! @oids and sin# mar#s are often interchangeable! In thic# sections if the wall of the part is fro<en very 7uic#ly and the plastic inside the part is still shrin#ing this shrin#ing material can sometimes pull itself apart and a vacuum void is created! @oids are easiest to spot on clear parts or if a colored part is cut open! @acuum voids often have little effect on the appearance and functionality of a part! "he solutions for voids and sin# mar#s are often a trade off of one defect for the other! "his /#illBuilder lesson allows the molder to adjust machine controls to create then solve each problem! In this way a deeper understanding of the problem is reali<ed! Lesson 5 2 Mini&iAin% Beld line #or&ation and Appearance: Celd lines are caused when two plastic flow fronts are split and then rejoin during cavity filling as when plastic flows around a boss for e'ample! "he strength of a weld line can be from -,G to about L5G the strength of the surrounding plastic depending on the type of plastic and the molding conditions li#e melt temperature mold temperature holding pressure and fill rates! "he purpose of this /#illBuilder lesson is to show molding techni7ues on how to reduce and even eliminate the visual appearance of weld lines on a molded product!

I&ple&entin% Deco,pled Moldin% Implementing ;ecoupled Molding is a new 3-lesson (5 hours of training) training program on interactive +;%s with full motion digital video and photo-realistic 3-; animation that details the molding process li#e you have never seen it before! "his training course perfectly combines the decoupled molding e'pertise of ?O= with the proven 7uality of )aulson! ;ecoupled molding is a system of molding techni7ues designed to achieve a high level of accuracy and repeatability in the molding process even as molding conditions li#e viscosity naturally vary! 0earn how to establish a methodology for setting up a decoupled molding process and the basics of pressure chart reading to identify problem areas! Detailed lesson descriptions Lesson 2 Introd,ction to Deco,pled Moldin%! &'plains the goals of the course and defines the necessary terminology! ;efines decoupled molding and decoupled molding techni7ues! ;iscusses the effect of normal viscosity variations on pea# cavity pressure types of transducers and their best applications! Lesson ! " Deco,pled Moldin% Tec+ni?,es! ;iscusses decoupled . and 3 in greater depth highlighting when to use each type the objective fill pac# and hold techni7ues! "eaches importance of plastic flow and viscosity variations to the molding process! &'plains difference between process monitoring and process control and the best techni7ues for each! Lesson / $ &stablishing a ;ecoupled Molding )rocess! ;iscusses processing strategies that utili<e consistent plastic properties to produce consistent part properties! :ses pressure chart analysis to understand what is happening during the molding cycle and to spot the problem areas! =ives a methodology for setting up a decoupled process from mold and machine considerations to setting proper filling pac#ing and holding parameters!


Hot R,nner Moldin% Sol,tions ;eveloped in conjunction with leading manufacturers of 4ot ?unner /ystems this fully interactive 5lesson course (*-2 hours of training) uses full motion digital video and detailed 3-; animation and graphics! "his technology ta#es the employee inside the hot runner system to e'amine the many hot runner components including the manifold no<<le and gate! Important start-up and steady-state operating techni7ues specifically for the hot runner system are demonstrated including ways to optimi<e the production run and how to wor# safely around a molding machine e7uipped with a hot runner system! Detailed lesson descriptions Lesson " Co&ponents and Operation o* a Hot R,nner Mani*old ! "his lesson introduces the hot runner system and its various components including1 the manifold melt channel considerations and various manifold heating methods! Lesson ! " NoAAle Tip and Gate Desi%n= Co&ponents and Operation: Introduces the various no<<le and gating styles available in hot runner systems today including the open or JthermalK gate hot tip gate and valve gate methods! 9lso e'amines proper no<<le positioning in the manifold as well as various no<<le heating methods! Lesson / " NoAAle and Mani*old Te&perat,re control > Co&&on Hot R,nner Applications : "his lesson discusses no<<le and manifold temperature control including those control methods used specifically in the no<<le tip and gate area! &'plores ways hot runner systems are used with stac# molds and multi-material injection molding processes! Lesson 0 2 Start2,p= Moldin% Opti&iAation= Color c+an%e and S+,tdo$n Proced,res: &'plains the typical set-up start-up molding optimi<ation and shutdown procedures for hot runner molding! It reviews important color and material change procedures as well as some safety tips for starting up and shutting down a hot runner system! /etting up and following the proper start-up and shut-down guidelines will allow molders to accurately and safely start operate and shutdown the hot runner injection molding machine! Lesson 3 " Tro,1les+ootin% Tec+ni?,es= Sol(in% Processin% Pro1le&s and Sa*et': "eaches how to troubleshoot the hot runner molding system and e'plore ways to identify and correct some of the more common processing problems that may arise in a hot runner injection molding process! It also discusses the recommended safety and maintenance procedures that should be followed when wor#ing with injection molding machines and hot runner molds! Statistical Process Control FSPCH /tatistical )rocess +ontrol is a three-lesson program (5-* hours of training) intended for set-up personnel foremen process engineers production supervisors molding managers and 7uality assurance personnel! "rain new and current production personnel in /tatistical )rocess +ontrol (/)+) procedures with a course specifically designed for plastics processing plants! "his program will train new personnel in /)+ re7uirements increase employee /)+ s#ills and assist in maintaining correct /)+ procedures! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or Statistical Process Control FSPCH Lesson 2 Meas,rin% and Plottin% Process Gariations $ "his session describes the application of /tatistical )rocess +ontrol methods to plastics processing! 0esson ( is designed for operating personnel who must understand how /)+ wor#s! )art measurements are used to develop distribution curves and control charts! &'planations are provided for /)+ terms including data collection distributions data plotting and setting control limits! Lesson ! - De(elopin% and Usin% Control C+arts $ "his session continues the application of /)+ by showing how Q-bar and ?-charts are developed from part measurements! "he techni7ue for calculating upper and lower control limits is illustrated step-by-step! +ontrol charts are analy<ed along with the rules for determining in-control and out-of-control situations! Ho advanced mathematical ability is re7uired! Lesson / - Process Monitorin% and Pro1le& Sol(in% $ "his session e'plains +p and +p# ratios which are valuable indicators of the capability of a process to conform to customer specifications! "he


pareto method of problem evaluation and the Ishi#owa method of problem analysis are described to aid in identifying the causes of problems! Plastic Dr'in% Tec+nolo%' FPDTH )lastic ;rying "echnology is a two-lesson program (3 hours of training) intended for material handlers set-up personnel foremen process engineers production supervisors molding managers and 7uality assurance personnel! "his is a comprehensive training program that teaches the important but often neglected topic of plastic drying! "hree common drying systems are taught1 hot air desiccant and refrigerant-dehumidifying systems! &ach are e'plained from their operational control and maintenance characteristics! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or Plastic Dr'in% Tec+nolo%' Lesson $ Principles o* Dr'in% $ "his lesson establishes the bac#ground and basics of drying from the effects of moisture on molded parts to the theories of dryer operation! ;efined terms include hygroscopic relative humidity dew point weight percent vapor pressure differential closed loop and open loop! Lesson ! " Dr'er Operation= Control and Maintenance $ "his lesson deals with the functional characteristics of three common drying approaches1 hot air desiccant and refrigerant dehumidifying systems! "he purpose of this instruction is to help personnel set up operate and maintain their drying e7uipment to avoid production problems caused by incomplete moisture removal!

Desi%n o* E6peri&ents *or In.ection Molders FDOEH ;esign of &'periments for Injection Molders (;O&) is a three-lesson program (3 to - hours of training) which provides an overview of how to design and e'periment in an injection molding facility! "his program is recommended for 7uality assurance personnel supervisors lead persons and molding managers! "his comprehensive pac#age allows you to train your employees on the importance of ;O& practices and easy and efficiently data can be collected and used to troubleshoot an injection molding process! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or Desi%n o* E6peri&ents *or In.ection Moldin% Lesson " Learnin% t+e Basics: "his lesson introduces the basics of e'perimental design for the injection molding process! It also discusses ways to organi<e and analy<e data by using graphs such as the )areto chart main effects plot and contour plot which provide the basis for analysis of any e'periment! Lesson ! " #ractional #actorial Desi%ns: 0esson . continues to discuss various terms and concepts of the ;esign of &'periments methodology! /ome of the concepts are e'plored in more detail that includes the process diagram factors and responses the design matri' the )areto chart and the main effects plot! Lesson / " T+e Ta%,c+i Desi%n Met+od and Gario,s Modelin% Desi%ns ! "his lesson describes other e'perimental design types that should be considered when conducting design of e'periments for an injection molding process! "hese design types include1 "aguchi Bo' Behn#en +entral +omposite +ircumscribed +entral +omposite >aced and ;-Optimal designs!


In.ection Moldin% Mac+ine Maintenance F! LessonsH Co,rse S,&&ar'"his .-+; course is a hands-on instructional program demonstrating the proper machine maintenance procedures for all hydraulic injection molding machines! "his 3 to - hour interactive training course demonstrates and teaches the hands-on maintenance techni7ues that provide increased reliability and uptime for your molding machines! "he importance of establishing a regular maintenance schedule including tools and techni7ues is reinforced! 9ll machine systems hydraulic electrical and mechanical are covered in this course 9lso highlighted is the importance of safety in the wor#place and performing on-going safety system chec#s! Topics Co(ered/afety Injection :nit Maintenance /crew D Barrel Maintenance +lamping :nit Maintenance 4ydraulic /ystem Maintenance &lectrical /ystem Maintenance Lesson "his lesson describes the importance of safety when performing routine maintenance on your injection molding machine and includes demonstrations of safety practices such as loc#outMtagout procedures and wor#ing with various types of safety systems on an injection molding machine! "his lesson also e'amines the maintenance schedules and recommended procedures for the injection unit and screw D barrel as well as corrective maintenance procedures for the clamping unit! Lesson !"his lesson continues to e'plore the general maintenance re7uirements for injection molding machines! "he lesson also describes recommended maintenance procedures and schedules for the hydraulic and electrical systems of the injection molding machine! T+is co,rse is desi%ned *or- Machine Maintenance Machine Operator /hift >oreman Mold /etter and )rocess /et-up personnel! E**icient Mold Settin% FEMSH &fficient Mold /etting is a two-lesson program (3-- hours of training) recommended for setup mold maintenance and machine operating personnel! "his course is specifically designed to teach your employees valuable s#ills for the mold setting and removal stages of the injection molding process! &fficient Mold /etting is an e'cellent course for new employees as well as a great refresher course for veteran molders! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or E**icient Mold Settin% Lesson " Mold Installation and Set2Up Proced,res $ &'plains procedures for transporting installing and setting up injection molds! "his lesson also describes in detail the safety procedures involved when wor#ing with molds moving the mold from the storage area to the injection machine the installation of the mold between the platens and basic mold start-up and operating procedures! Lesson ! " Mold Tro,1les+ootin%= Re&o(al and Stora%e $ ;iscusses potential mold problems that may occur during operation as well as the procedures for machine shutdown mold removal and mold maintenance and proper storage! In.ection Moldin% Operatin% Met+ods and Econo&ics Injection Molding Operating Methods and &conomics is a ( +;-?OM program (( to . hours of training) that focuses on how to ma'imi<e production efficiency by focusing on solving common problems and production errors! In addition many tips and suggestions are offered to show injection molding facilities various ways to reduce costs and operate in a more profitable manner!


PLASTIC PART DESIGN #OR INJECTION MOLDING ;eveloped in conjunction with =lenn Beall the leading e'pert on plastic part design this interactive video training course ta#es the designer through a coordinated step-by-step procedure that reduces the comple' subject of plastic part design for injection molding to a simple easy to understand techni7ue! 8 Lessons- ;2 ! Ho,rs )lastic )art ;esign for Injection Molding1 ;emonstrates proven parts designing techni7ues )rovides industry accepted plastic part design rules and details! ;elivers important part design #nowledge to improve part 7uality eliminate mold revisions and reduce costs!

Many injection molded parts suffer throughout their e'istence due to minor design defects! "he use of this course and the guidelines e'plained will allow the designer to spot design defects in the drawing stage and save tens of thousands of dollars in molding problems and tooling revisions! "his course is recommended for1 )art ;esign )ersonnel )roduction /upervisors )rocess &ngineers 8uality +ontrol )ersonnel Molding Managers! Lessons Incl,dedPlastic Part Desi%n *or In.ection Moldin% Lessons 0esson ( $ ;esigning the Hominal Call 0esson . $ ;esigning "hree ;imensional /hapes 0esson 3 $ ;esigning )rojections off the Hominal Call 0esson - $ ;esigning ;epressions in the Hominal Call 0esson 5 $ ;esigning 4ollow Bosses 0esson * $ ;esigning Molded "hreads 0esson 3 $ ;esigning )arts with :ndercuts 0esson 2 $ /ummary

Understandin% Materials *or Pro*ita1le Moldin% :nderstanding Materials for )rofitable Molding is a series of individual lessons (each providing( to ((Mhours of training) which provide an overview of the properties and characteristics of an individual raw material type! &ach lesson describes the properties and molding characteristics that will improve the processing of that material! Our series of materials will include the most common commodity and engineering grade plastics! 9 thorough understanding of these principles means less material waste and a significant cost savings! Lessons Description *or Understandin% Materials *or Pro*ita1le Moldin%


;iscussed in these lessons are the chemical and physical properties of the specific material under discussion in each lesson the recommended processing windows startup and shutdown tips and how to solve typical molding problems on each of these materials! 9ll material training programs released follow the same format by discussing the chemical and physical properties the recommended processing windows start up and showdown topics and how to solve typical molding problems! Materials pro%ra&s a(aila1le )olycarbonate ()+) )olypropylene ())) )olyethylene ()& 0;)& 4;)& 00;)& :4MC)&) Hylon ()9) 9B/ )olystyrene ()/) 9crylic ()MM9) 9cetyl ()OM) )olyester ()B") "hermoplastic &lastomers (")&)


E6tr,der Operation and Control " Sin%le Scre$ &'truder Operation and +ontrol $ /ingle /crew is a nine-lesson program ((( hours of training) recommended for e'truder operators material handlers set-up personnel and production supervisors! "his program begins with the fundamentals of single screw technology and ta#es your employees through the entire single screw process! 9lso included in this program is in-depth troubleshooting information allowing your employees to become e'pert at troubleshooting your e'truders! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or E6tr,der Operation and Control " Sin%le Scre$ Lesson $ T+e Sin%le Scre$ E6tr,der- Parts and Operation - "eaches e'truder applications the raw material forms used in e'trusion how plastic travels through the e'truder the parts of the e'truder and how they operate! Lesson ! $ T+e Str,ct,re o* Plastic Ra$ Materials - &'plains how a plastic is made (polymeri<ation) the difference between thermoplastic and thermoset the effects of molecular weight and weight distribution the structure of polymers and the physical characteristics and processing re7uirements of amorphous and crystalline plastics! Lesson / $ T+e C+aracteristics o* Plastics *or E6tr,sion - &'plains copolymers and blendsMalloys the causes and effects of degradation and the effects of additives on the plastic in the e'trusion process: Lesson 0 " T+e E**ects o* Press,re= Te&perat,re and #lo$ - &'plains the characteristics and practical effects of plastic flow in e'trusion! "opics include how and why orientation occurs with plastic flow the interrelationship between flow and viscosity in a non-Hewtonian fluid (plastics are nonHewtonian) how viscosity is affected by temperature pressure and molecular length and how plastic flow behavior is measured: Lesson 3 " Opti&iAin% E6tr,der Controls " Part - ;escribes variables within the e'trusion process and discusses how these variables and control settings affect the process from the hopper through the feed <one of the e'truder! 4ow plastic melts and flows in the e'truder is also e'plained! Lesson 5 " Opti&iAin% E6tr,der Controls " Part ! - &'plains the effects of e'truder control settings on the plastic%s behavior as it travels through the compression and metering <ones of the e'truder! +ontrols for the adapter <one and gear pump are also discussed! Lesson 7 $ Sa*et'= Pre2Start and Start2Up Proced,res - "eaches safety procedures in the e'trusion plant and practical hands-on pre-start and start-up procedures! Lesson 8 $ Stead'2State Operations= S+,tdo$n and Maintenance Proced,res ;iscusses steadystate e'trusion operation and typical shut down procedures for leaving the e'truder full of plastic running the barrel dry and purging! &mergency shut down procedures are also e'plained! "his lesson describes routine post e'trusion operations such as maintenance screw removal and cleaning the barrel screw and die! Lesson 9 $ Tro,1les+ootin% *or E6tr,sion - "eaches the basic guidelines and fundamental steps to follow for successful troubleshooting of e'trusion processing problems! Many of the most common e'trusion processing problems are analy<ed and recommendations given!


Da(is Standard Plasticatin% Sin%le Scre$ E6tr,der F! lessonsH ;avis /tandard +ondensed @ersion1 In this . lesson (. hour) course we will discuss the individual components of the single screw e'truder what they loo# li#e and how they operate! Ce will also ta#e a loo# at how plastic travels through this type of single screw e'truder! In the second half of the course we will discuss the control of plastic melting flow and pressure in the e'truder! Ce will also e'amine the effects of temperature pressure and e7uipment design on the material and e'plore ways to optimi<e the e'truder control settings! /pecial effort is placed on learning the components of the ;avis /tandard &'truder!

Pa,lsonEs #,ll Gersion"o learn more about e'truder operation and optimi<ing control settings refer to the )aulson "raining )rograms course called P&'truder Operation and +ontrol-/ingle /crewP! "his L-lesson course discusses the basics of single screw e'trusion and e'plains how to optimi<e control settings to increase productivity!

"he program includes an overview of the structure of plastic raw materials how plastics flow and their behavior in the single screw e'truder! "he course also e'plores ways of optimi<ing single screw e'truder controls and troubleshooting techni7ues as well as safety start-up operation shutdown and maintenance procedures of a single screw e'truder!


Co&po,ndin% $it+ t+e T$in Scre$ E6tr,der +ompounding with the "win /crew &'truder is an eight-lesson training program ((, hours of training) intended for twin-screw e'truder operators material handlers set-up personnel and production supervisors! ;iscussed are the components and operation of the twin-screw e'truder used for compounding reactive e'trusion and devolatili<ation processes! "he course includes an overview of the structure of plastic raw materials how plastics flow and their behavior in the twin-screw e'truder! "he program also e'plores ways of optimi<ing twin-screw e'truder controls and troubleshooting techni7ues as well as safety start-up operation shutdown and maintenance procedures of a twin screw e'truder! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or Co&po,ndin% $it+ t+e T$in Scre$ E6tr,der Lesson - T+e T$in Scre$ E6tr,der- )arts D Operation - discusses the individual components of the compounding twin-screw e'truderA what they loo# li#e and how they operate! 0esson ( will also loo# briefly at how plastic travels through the three commercially available twin-screw e'truder designs! Lesson ! - T+e Str,ct,re > Properties o* Plastic Ra$ Materials - e'plores the structure and characteristics of plastics! Lesson / 2 T+e E**ects o* Press,re= Te&perat,re and #lo$ - ta#es a closer loo# at the characteristics of plastics and e'amines plastic flow behavior in detail! Lesson 0 - Plastic Be+a(ior In T+e T$in Scre$ E6tr,der - discusses screw design elements and the plastic behavior in the twin e'truder! 0esson - also loo#s at how plastic flows through the counterrotating and co-rotating twin screw e'truder and the counter-rotating tangential twin-screw e'truder! Lesson 3 - Opti&iAin% T$in Scre$ E6tr,der Controls - e'plores twin-screw e'trusion operating conditions and variations e'truder and die head controls and post-e'trusion conditions! 9lso e'amined in greater detail the impact screw speed has on temperature in the intermeshing and tangential (non-intermeshing) types of twin-screw e'truders! Lesson 5 - Sa*et'= Pre2Start > Start2,p Proced,res - discusses twin-screw e'truder safety pre-start and start-up procedures! Lesson 7 - Stead'2State Operation= S+,tdo$n > Maintenance Proced,res ! ;iscusses twin-screw e'truder steady-state operation shutdown and maintenance procedures! Lesson 8 - T$in Scre$ E6tr,der Tro,1les+ootin% ?eviews basic troubleshooting procedures for compounding twin-screw e'truders!


S+eet E6tr,sion Tec+nolo%' /heet &'trusion "echnology is a seven-lesson training program (L-(( hours of training) designed specifically for the training needs of the sheet e'trusion plant! Intended for set-up personnel machine operators production supervisors process engineers and e'trusion technicians this program is designed to be used in conjunction with our nine-lesson single screw e'trusion program! )ersonnel from e'truder operators through process engineers will find valuable information to help ma#e their wor# and the sheet e'trusion process more efficient! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or S+eet E6tr,sion Tec+nolo%' Lesson - Parts and Operation o* t+e S+eet E6tr,sion Line - 9n overview of the machinery that ma#es up the sheet line and how it operates! ;iscussion includes roll stand designs and operation design and operation of the chill rolls types of gauging systems static discharge systems design and operation of trimmers pull rolls winders and cutters! Lesson ! - Parts o* t+e S+eet Die - "he first part of this lesson discusses sheet die construction and the parts of the sheet die including the manifold heaters restrictor bar dec#le bars and types of die lips including fi'ed lip adjustable lip and fle'ible lip! "he second part of the lesson discusses plastic flow behavior through the sheet die! Lesson / 2 Controllin% Plastic #lo$ in t+e Die - "his lesson discusses the design and operation of the "-type the +oat hanger and the +urved Manifold sheet die designs as well as how the restrictor bar and the die gap adjustment are used to control plastic flow through the sheet die! >eed bloc# and co-e'trusion dies are also discussed! Lesson 0 2 Plastic #lo$ Be+a(ior in t+e S+eet E6tr,sion Line and Process Control - ;iscusses what happens to the plastic once it leaves the sheet die and travels through the downstream sheet line! Orientation die swell the effects of roll speed and roll cooling how cooling affects semi-crystalline plastics unia'ial and bia'ial orientation and annealing are all discussed! "he lesson also discusses the fundamentals of process control of the sheet line! Lesson 3 2 Prestart= Start,p and Operation o* t+e S+eet Line - "his lesson discusses how to plan and startup the sheet e'trusion line safely and efficiently! )roper steady state operations such as monitoring the e7uipment and sheet product are also discussed! Lesson 5 - S+,tdo$n o* t+e S+eet Line - "his lesson discusses how to safely shut down the sheet line! &mergency shutdown procedures are also discussed! "he lesson finishes with a discussion on safety in the sheet e'trusion plant! Lesson 7 2 Tro,1les+ootin% *or t+e S+eet E6tr,der! "his lesson discusses common sheet defects such as surface lines and warp and their possible causes and solutions!


E6tr,sion Blo$ Moldin% )aulson%s &'trusion Blow Molding "echnology program is a seven-lesson program (L-(( hours of training) that teaches your personnel to understand the basics of blow molding technology plastic behavior and resolve common problem situations! &'trusion Blow Molding is intended for machine operators material handlers set-up personnel and production supervisors! "his seven lesson program will also help your personnel recogni<e processing conditions that affect 7uality and evaluate and improve operating procedures! Detailed Lesson Descriptions *or E6tr,sion Blo$ Moldin% Lesson - T+e Process and t+e E?,ip&ent - ;escribes the e'trusion blow molding process the major components and the operation of e'trusion blow molding machines (reciprocating screw accumulator and continuous machine types)! 9lso discussed are the general characteristics of die heads1 a'ial and radial die heads as well as machine specifications! Lesson ! - Plastic Be+a(ior in t+e Blo$ Moldin% Process - "eaches the blow molding process from the plastics point of viewA how the plastic molecules are affected by pressure temperature flow and cooling! ;iscussed are the uni7ue characteristics of plastics the finished part properties the influence of die head design on plastic parison formation! 9n analysis of pressure and temperature changes within the die head during flow is included as is how mold cooling affects blown part characteristics! Lesson / - Mac+ine Operatin% Controls - +ontains an e'planation of the process inputs that affect the plastic behavior and finished part properties including machine controls and outside influences! 9t each step the applicable machine controls are e'plained showing how each one affects the blow molding machine operation and the plastic behavior! Lesson 0 - Start2Up= Operation= and S+,tdo$n Proced,res - ;escribed are typical start-up operation and shutdown procedures1 setting machine controls the basis for determining optimum control settings operation safely efficient start-up and shutdown! Information is included that provides a basis for managers supervisors and operating personnel to evaluate and improve operating procedures! Lesson 3 - Processin% Conditions t+at A**ect @,alit' and Prod,cti(it' - &'plains blow molding process variations and their effects on finished part propertiesA a step-by-step procedure to locate analy<e and correct processing problemsA and the most common causes of process variations! "he control adjustments that affect parison formation are discussed as are flow laws that describe plastics behavior in the die head and plastic behavior analysis leading to problem solving!


Lesson 5 - Pro1le&s and Sol,tions - Part - In this session the problem solving analysis methods shown in session 5 are used to analy<e and solve practical processing problems! )roblem e'amples include1 parison swell variationsA weld lines doughnut formation parison curl and curtaining! Lesson 7 - Pro1le&s and Sol,tions 2 Part ! - "his session continues the analysis of blow molding problems! )roblems discussed include melt fracture rings in the parison sag holes pinch-off problems thic#ness variations parting line defects venting problems discoloration strea#s and others!

IT<= General H'dra,lics= Pne,&atics= Electric and Mec+anical Trainin% "his series provides trainees a wor#ing understanding of electric hydraulic mechanical and pneumatic systems! &ach of the four programs has provisions for on line testing trac#ing and certification! Nou learn by seeing then actually doing! "rainees create hydraulic electric etc! circuits and then test their performance in a simulated run mode! "he insertion of these interactive real world e'periences #eep the trainee interested in the learning process! In this way the student builds e'perience in creating circuits and mechanical designs chec#ing them understanding applications and trouble shooting problems! ?ealistic 3; graphics ma#e hard to understand materials easy to comprehend! "he series provides both maintenance and production the information needed to #eep machines running productivity and efficiency levels up maintenance costs down and downtime at a minimum! A11re(iated content description 9ll programs address reading schematics and mechanical drawings including a basic understanding of symbols and their meanings! 9ll programs address building basic circuits or mechanical devices then running and trouble shooting them! "he electric program addresses basic physics how to wor# with varying types of power both two and three phase as well as some low voltage circuits! /ome of the topics covered include understanding energy conversions and re7uirements polarity grounding power connections solenoids designing power circuits brea#ers fuses switches etc! "his program provides a basis for creating designing and maintaining electric systems! Mechanical training includes an understanding of basic physics linear actuators clutches bra#es clutch-bra#e combinations bearings drives and couplings! "his program provides a basis for creating designing and maintaining mechanical devices! 4ydraulics training covers fluid power physics pumps actuators pressure control valves directional control valves flow controls fluid conditioning chec# valves accessory components fluid conductors understanding schematic and basic system design! "his program provides a basis for creating designing and maintaining hydraulic systems!


3M)neumatics addresses an understanding of basic physics compressors operations and types air dryers air preparation air distribution direct control valves actuators miscellaneous valves accessories air line conductors vacuum and a understanding of schematics! "his program provides a basis for creating designing and maintaining pneumatic systems .

>or assistance call or email1 0arry Mercugliano )aulson "raining )rograms International /ales &mail1 0arrym6)aulson"raining!com 4ome Office )hone1 2*,-322-333* Last Update 9-12-07


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