Linux Certification Practice Quiz 1-3

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Page 1 of 11 This practice test contains 10 questions and answer explanations, provided by, a provider of authorized Linux certification training.

Question 1:
How can you set the SGID on a file called PaulPaulitoTest?

A. Chmod g+s PaulPaulitoTest B. Chmod u+t PaulPaulitoTest C. Chmod u+s PaulPaulitoTest D. Chmod o+s PaulPaulitoTest

Question 2:
If youre configuring the GRUB boot loader, which of the following files would you edit in a boot loader? (Choose two)

A. /boot/grub/grub.lst B. /boot/grub.conf C. /boot/grub/menu.lst D. /etc/grub.conf

Question 3:
Select all the ways of saving and exiting a vi session. (Choose three.)

A. :exit B. Shift ZZ C. :ZZ D. :x E. :w F. :wq

Question 4:
Which of the following commands breaks out the second column from a comma delimited list named /etc/listme?

A. cut d, -f2 /etc/listme B. cut d: -f1 /etc/listme

C. cut d: -f0 /etc/listme D. cut d, -f1 /etc/listme

Question 5:
Which two programs will allow you to change the priority of a program already running? (Choose two.)

A. twice B. chnice C. top D. nice E. renice

Question 6:
Which of the following commands does not reboot the system?

A. shutdown r now B. init 6 C. reboot D. telinit 0

Question 7:
Enter the command that substitutes the word Linux for Paulito from a file named SedTest01. Focus on the output, and dont enter that output to the SedTest01 file. Also, dont use the full path to the command.

A. Sed 's/Linux/Paulito/g' SedTest01 B. Sed s/Linux/Paulito/g SedTest01 C. Sed 's/Linux/Paulito g' SedTest01 D. Sed 's/Paulito/Linux/g' SedTest01

Question 8:
What does the command In test paul typically do?

A. it will create a symbolic link from paul to test B. it will create a copy of the file test in paul C. it will create a hard link from paul to test D. it will create a symbolic link from test to paul

Question 9:
Your current unmask is set to 002. If you create a new file, what will the permission of the new file be?

A. ------wB. rwxrwx-wC. -rw-rw-r D. rwxrwxr-x

Question 10:
Which of the following actions can be run from the top command? (Choose two.)

A. New processes can be started B. Killing a process by its PID C. A process can be given a lower priority D. Reboot the system E. Measure the free space on the hard drive


This practice test contains 10 questions and answer explanations, provided by, a provider of authorized Linux certification training.

Question 1:
Your machine has two working NICs (network cards) with proper addresses. You want to split your network into two different subnets. What single command will accomplish this?

A. ifconfig B. default C. netstat D. route E. none of the choices

Question 2:
Which of the following are valid commands to affect your systems printing? (Choose three.)

A. lpstat B. lpr C. lpint

D. lprm E. lpq

Question 3:
Your /etc/passwd file appears to have approximately 50% shadow passwords and 50% standard UNIX encrypted passwords. What utility would you most likely run again to fix this?

A. pwconv B. passconvert C. useradd -conv D. passwd-fix E. pwhash

Question 4:
NTP is used to synchronize the system________with a central resource.

A. clock B. restoration C. backup D. command processor

Question 5:
What command will set a regular users password to force changing it every 90 days? Choose all that apply.

A. useradd e 90 userpaul B. chage M 90 userpaul C. passwd +x 90 userpaul D. usermod f 90 userpaul E. passwd x 90 userpaul

Question 6:
Your server has two fully functional NICs with connect IP configuration. The server is not forwarding traffic between the NICs. Which command string will set the cards to forward traffic properly?

A. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward B. setparm 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_autoconfig C. set $=1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route

D. vi +/1 /proc/sys/net/unix/max_dgram E. cat $1 >> /proc/sys/net/Ethernet

Question 7:
What command will verify the syntax of a hosts.allow and hosts.deny file combination?

A. tcpdchk B. verify tcp C. tcpdump D. tcpdmatch E. ipswitch

Question 8:
Which of these directory trees are you the least likely to backup or restore?

A. /var B. /home C. /tmp D. /proc E. /usr

Question 9:
On a default Linux system, what file system type does the dump command act upon?

A. XFS B. UFS C. ext2 D. ReiserFS E. JFS

Question 10:
Which of the following IP networks does RFC1918 reserve for use on private intranets? Please choose two.

A. B. C.

D. E.


This free practice test contains 14 questions and answer explanations covering the file ownership and permissions objectives of the LPI Linux Essentials. These practice questions are excerpted from the LPI Linux Certification All-in-One Exam Guide by Robb H. Tracy (McGraw-Hill, 2013) with permission from McGraw-Hill.

Question 1:
You need to change the owner of a file named /var/opt/runme from mireland, who is a member of the users group, to dnelson, who is a member of the editors group. Assuming you want to change both user and group owners, which command will do this?

A. chown mireland dnelson /var/opt/runme B. chown -u "dnelson" -g "editors" /var/opt/runme C. chown dnelson /var/opt/runme D. chown dnelson.editors /var/opt/runme

Question 2:
Which permission, when applied to a directory in the file system, will allow a user to enter the directory?

A. Read B. Write C. Execute D. Access Control

Question 3:
A user needs to open a file, edit it, and then save the changes. What permissions does he need to do this? (Choose two.)

A. Read B. Write C. Execute D. Modify

Question 4:
A file named employees.odt has a mode of rw-r- -r- -. If rtracy is the file's owner, what can he do with it?

A. He can open the file and view its contents, but he can't save any changes. B. He can open the file, make changes, and save the file. C. He can change ownership of the file. D. He can run the file if it's an executable.

Question 5:
A file named employees.odt has a mode of rw-r- -r- -. If mhuffman is not the file's owner but is a member of the group that owns this file, what can he do with it?

A. He can open the file and view its contents, but he can't save any changes. B. He can open the file, make changes, and save the file. C. He can change ownership of the file. D. He can run the file if it's an executable.

Question 6:
A file named employees.odt has a mode of rw-r- -r- -. If mireland is not the file's owner and is not a member of the group that owns this file, what can she do with it?

A. She can open the file and view its contents, but she can't save any changes. B. She can open the file, make changes, and save the file. C. She can change ownership of the file. D. She can run the file if it's an executable.

Question 7:
A file named myapp has a mode of 755. If dnelson doesn't own this file and isn't a member of the group that owns the file, what can she do with it?

A. She can change the group that owns the file. B. She can open the file, make changes, and save the file. C. She can change ownership of the file. D. She can run the file.

Question 8:
You need to change the permissions of a file named schedule.odt such that the file owner can edit the file, users who are members of the group that owns the file can edit it, and users who are not owners and don't belong to the owning group can view it but not modify it. Which command will do this?

A. chmod 664 schedule.odt B. chmod 555 schedule.odt C. chmod 777 schedule.odt D. chmod 644 schedule.odt

Question 9:
You just created a new script file named However, when you try to run it from the command prompt, the bash shell generates an error that says -bash: ./ Permission denied. Which command will fix this problem?

A. chmod u+r B. chmod u+x C. chmod u+w D. chmod u+T

Question 10:
Your Linux system's umask variable is currently set to a value of 077. A user named jcarr (who is a member of the users group) creates a file named mythoughts.odt. What can users who are members of the users group do with this file?

A. They can view the file, but they can't modify or save it. B. They can open, modify, and save the file. C. They can open, modify, and save the file. They can also execute the file if it is an executable. D. They have no access to the file at all.

Question 11:
An executable file has the SUID permission set. If this file is run on the system, who owns the file?

A. The user who created the file remains the owner. B. The user who ran the file becomes the file's permanent owner. C. The user who ran the file becomes the file's temporary owner. D. The root user becomes the file's owner.

Question 12:
The /Projects directory has the SGID special permission set. What effect does this have when a user tries to create a file in this directory? (Choose two.)

A. The file's owner is set to the user who created the file. B. The file's owner is set to the user who owns the directory.

C. The owning group of the file is set to the owning group of the directory. D. The owning group of the file is set to the primary group of the user who created the file. E. The file's owner is set to root. F. The owning group of the new file is set to the root group.

Question 13:
Which special permission can't be assigned to a file?

A. SUID B. SGID C. sticky bit D. None of the above. All special permissions can be assigned to a file.

Question 14:
A directory is owned by the users group and has a mode of rwxrwxr- - permissions assigned to that group. It also has the Sticky Bit permission set. What effect does this have on files within the directory?

A. Users who are members of the users group can only delete files within the directory for which they are the owner. B. No user is allowed to delete files in this directory. C. Users who are members of the users group can delete any file within the directory. D. Others can enter the directory and delete files within the directory for which they are the owner.

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