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Crystal Chua Hui Hui MUS-105069 Grace Ling

Appreciation of Non Western Music

Student ID : Lecturer Subject : :

Assignment : Comparing the 4 components of a music culture of 2 types of genre or music groups

Classical Music (The Orchestra) Music and the Belief System The Orchestra dates back to as long as 7th Century BC at Egypt whereby (technically speaking) a small group of musicians gathered and played music for: Festivals Holidays Funerals For the orchestra (music culture) , larger and higher social value plays a role. -

Modern Day Music (Rock - Heavy Metal) Heavy Metal rock dates back to the late 1960s and early 1970s, consisting of electric guitarist, bass guitar, drums, vocals and keyboards and played music for: Entertainment

For heavy metal, the culture and individuals supporting this genre of rock is of free choice, the culture of heavy metal is shaped up by many kinds of individuals who is inclined with heavy metal rock music.

Culture of Orchestral Music then - A group of musicians gather for simple daily social performances - Partial reasons the Orchestra developed is for the use of sacred and secular performances, also the written music for instrumental groups. - Used mainly for entertainment and accompaniment (dancing and the court) then for Opera. Culture of Orchestral Music now - Current orchestral music functions as the establishment of motion pictures as mass-market entertainment; as well as entertainment performances (still used in Opera performances)

Culture of Heavy Metal then - A group of musicians or a band, gather to play this genre of music - Played mainly for entertainment and uniting the community of rockloving individuals (teenagers)

Culture of Heavy Metal Now - Current heavy metal music functions the same as before - Also used as the establishment of motion pictures, and TV games with rough depiction to match the theme of music and art.

Aesthetics of Music

Over the centuries from different periods, namely Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th Century music until now, changes in music period and styles also affect orchestral playing and style. Orchestra music in most opinions, although is a backdrop of sounds and accompaniment, is whole, supportive, grand (big sounds), harmonizing and decorative

Over the decades, heavy metal developed in many aspects: technology of music instruments, genres and styles. Heavy metal music, is liked by only certain individuals (teenagers) that accept loud distorted guitar sounds, emphatic rhythms, dense bass and drums sound, and vigorous vocals. Heavy metal is dark, loud, rough and mostly negative in topics.

Classical Orchestral Then - The purpose of the symphony Orchestra is to reveal the literature composers have created for it. - Harmonised, arranged and instrumentation picked by composer to play their works. - In the setting of formality

Heavy Metal Then The purpose of Heavy metal bands is to reveal the literature, scene, story the composers or song writers have created - It is harmonized, arranged and instrumentation (depending on band/groups preference of music instruments and devices) picked to play. - In the setting of casual or metal fashion: Light colour ripped jeans, Black T-shirt, boots and leather/jean jackets. -

Classical Orchestra Now Majority of symphony orchestras still perform for and with the same purpose as before, but the symphony Orchestra has expanded worldwide. - Symphony orchestras now perform scenic pieces for motion pictures, or to say music with cinematic -

Heavy Metal Now Majority of Heavy metal bands still perform for and with the same purpose as before, and has expanded to different countries worldwide Heavy metal bands still perform the same music, but with new fusions and more flashy virtuosic

aesthetic. - setting of formality remains.

Contexts for Music

Orchestral music is performed at a scheduled time frame (concert), at a space enough for the fitting of a standard size orchestra Musicians of different skill ability of different instruments perform written compositions, mainly for audiences who seek this genre of music entertainment.

solos and creative harmony and rhythm to suit modern day tastebuds and also with additional new technologic effects in the instruments. Heavy metal fashion also changed, following different subgenres of Rock metal music: Skinny jeans (bellbottomed jeans before) and dark eyeliner. Certain fashion such as long hair, black shirts and leather/jean jacket remains. Heavy metal music is performed at a scheduled time frame (concert) or even casually (jamming sessions) at a space enough for the fitting of a standard rock band/group; also well equipped with electronics and sound systems. Musicians of different skill and ability of different instruments perform written parts, mainly for audience seeking this genre of music entertainment. (Mainly teenagers who consider themselves misunderstood and weird, and uses heavy metal to express pain and sorrow or adolescent problems.)

History of Music

- The modern orchestra has historical roots in Ancient Egypt, and it was not until the 11th century that families that instrument families with different tones and octaves appeared. True modern orchestras started in the late 16th century when composers wrote music for instrumental groups. With the emergence of theater and Opera in the 17th century, music written for group players increased. Wherever Opera bloomed, so did orchestral instrumental music. Soon it evolved to the Concerto Grosso. - In the 20th century, Symphony orchestras were bigger, better funded and well trained than before. Following in line with progress, composers also composed more large scale ambitious works, and the orchestra recordings was added to silent films and virtuoso orchestra became important.

Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, originally in the United Kingdom and later in the United States. Heavy metal lyrics and performances are mainly associated with masculinity, aggression and machismo During 1980s, glam metal became a commercial force and other types of heavy metal developed: thrash metal, death metal, black metal, power metal, doom and gothic metal and more subgenres up until today.

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